Middle East and North AfricaHow are you all preparing for Ramadan?
The husband isn't really in to traditions. However, we talked about how important they are to me, so he's agreed to create some for our own little family :thumbs:

Thus far, our traditions consist soley of green "holiday" lights strung around our apartment and going to the masjid on the weekends for iftar and prayers.

However, some ideas I'm thinking about trying this year:

*Getting a fanoos to stick on our coffee table for decoration. Funny story actually, the husband came a few days before Ramadan 2 years ago and I asked him to bring a fanoos with him. He bought me one - a key chain :lol:
*Making a special "ramadan dessert" - some kind of cheesecake, me thinks. If I make 2 or 3 before Ramadan starts, I can cut them up into small pieces, freeze them, and then take out only a few so we don't stuff ourselves on it each day.
*Invite friends over once a week for iftar
*Doing more community service each week, esp. something with feeding the poor.
*Spending time together each day to read Qur'an
*Going to the MOA amusement park for eid
*Going to the masjid for fajr on eid, then going to the gas station to get cheap cappucino - we did this last year, and it was suprisingly fun, so inshaAllah going to try to make this a tradition. Yes, we're boring people :lol:

Edited by rahma, 07 August 2007 - 02:36 PM.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-07 14:35:00
Middle East and North Africaegypt pictures and videos
Could you have emailed someone from your work email address?

Ugh, stalkers are creepy. Hope they go away soon (F)
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-07 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaYAY TUESDAY!!!!
I forgot my wallet at home :crying: Why isn't it Friday yet? :crying: :crying:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-07 09:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCongratulations Henia!!!
I'm expecting to see pictures in 9-ish months' time!

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-08 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaProof of Education

Before your sweetie comes to the states have him go to where he went to college and request ALL is transcripts. It usually takes a couple weeks for them to be transcribed, but, it will alleviate him having to send for them.
The university will have the transcripts in english so won't be a problem. Also a suggestion for you....once he is here go with him to your university (4 yr) or Community college, see a counselor, and they will know what courses are compatible with the American system and what courses he will have to re-take or just refresher course. Good luck!!! :star:

Transcripts and syllabi if possible. Also, at least for those coming from Egypt, make sure the transcripts have all the official stamps. My husband just had a plain transcript. Luckily, he went to get it checked out and found he needed lots of (expensive) stamps put on it to make it official.

Of course, not that any of this matters. My husband's accounting degree (english language section, all classes taught in english, all american books, many american professors) was evaluated to be the equivilent of an american accounting degree, but it hasn't done jack squat in helping him get a job.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
This just in...

Posted Image caffeine high is officially gone
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
Guess I should be happy that I've never gone into VJ chat :unsure:

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 14:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
I hereby hijack this thread in the name of lolzcats everywhere

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....

I guess the only safe posts to comment on anymore are the "It's Thursday!" threads. :angry:

nope...the real trick is to accept the absurdity and have fun with it. You can always change the subject....

For example:

Everything I learned about Morocco and MENA came from Secret Agent Squirrel and his sidekick Morocco Mole
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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 10:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
For all the italian americans out there, I present the best of both worlds - a chocolate chip cannoli

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *runs through thread on caffeine high*

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
Nope, never got the evil eye or any stares, but most people didn't know I was american until I opened my mouth.

My brother on the other hand, hooo boy. He was 16 when my family went to egypt, tall, gauky, gangly, and very very blond. He attracted a gaggle of giggling school girls in my husband's home town that followed him for ages.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-06 10:12:00
Middle East and North Africathe wait is hell
Am I the only one who went long periods of time without seeing my SO and didn't really suffer much? Our longest period apart was a year and a half - after that we decided it would probably be a good idea to get together again to see if we still liked each other before he came over.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
The husband and I promised each other 80 years together (at which time he'll be 104 and I'll be 100 inshaAllah, who knows how we came to that number ha), so when we were waiting, we looked at it in terms of the big picture - what's 3 or 4 years now when we have another 76 or 77 yeras to spend together inshaAllah? inshaAllah you'll have a lot of anniversaries together (F)

In other news, I'm hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyped up on caffine, practically bouncing out of my office chair. I need to go for a 5 mile run or something to get all the energy out.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 08:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaith, privacy and other OT discussions
The husband should not have used your name, and for that, I apologize. I don't believe it was said in any willful breach of confidentiality, asside from the fact that I refer to my online friends by their names, so that he probably thought that your name was also out here as well. Mods, could you please remove peezy's name from that post?

In any case, I'll make one final post on vj and then be done with it. There is a lot of drama on this board, and my husband has been exposed to my getting involved in this drama for years. Heck, the popcorn/soda smilie is probably one of the most popular smilies in this subforum (asside from the happy dance guy :dance: ). In any case, I've been sucked up in this drama for too long, and it's now time to disentangle. Best wishes to those still going through the process. Hope things go smoothly for ya'll.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-13 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaith, privacy and other OT discussions
Ah, although my husband wanted to be anonymous, that doesn't quite work when I accidentally posted as him awhile back. Sorry honey :whistle:

And since he's my husband, I'd like to simply clarify that he in no way condones abuse, but was simply seeking to provide guidance on the quranic method of handling marital issues, be it reconciliation or divorce.

As for the rest of his posting, he's a big boy and can respond if he'd like. Just wanted to make it clear that he does not condone abuse.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-13 08:09:00
Middle East and North Africareligion questions
If there's one thing JWs are good at, it's prosyletizing in lots of language. Give him their arabic website -

My husband has now scared away the JWs in addition to the mormons. Now he has no one left to argue about the bible with.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-03 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaI gotta say Thanks to you all
Still rootin for you Dee. My husband is very concerned about your husband's behavior, and his offer to chat with him still stands, if he's so inclined.

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-09 08:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaI gotta say Thanks to you all
Alhamdulilah, I'm glad the imam was helpful for you all and that he laid it out for your husband that he needs to improve. You're very lucky to find someone like that. inshaAllah your husband will benefit greatly from the meetings and improve, or else you know that you've done everything you can and should have no regrets about shipping him off :whistle:

Maybe bring the book with you to your next counseling session and see if the imam is familiar with it. There are several chapters that would provide an excellent basis for a counseling session - discussing what is written and seeing how each partner understands and wants to impliment the advice.

You're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things improve for you and your kiddos. Would it be possible for them to stay with your mom for awhile?
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-08 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaI gotta say Thanks to you all
Much love to you and your kids

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-08-07 09:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Yusuf Islam's new compliation CD, Footsteps into light

Listen to clips and see full length videos of some of the songs. Peace train gets to me each time *shivers*
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-24 10:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?

With an American birthplace, Ron Smith is not subjected to the same worries of Muslim immigrants in this anxious age after 9-11. "If they deport me, they'll have to send me back to New Jersey," joked Smith about his home state.

I often use a dirivative of this joke when people tell me to go home. "Naaa, I'd rather not. Central Wisconsin doesn't have enough middle eastern restaurants for me." Or "Why, I just drove home to ____ Wisconsin, this weekend to visit my folks. It sure was nice, but I think I'll stay in Minnesota for now, thanks."

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My husband hasn't encountered that phrasology yet, but I hope that when he does, he can proudly tell them that he IS home.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-19 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Zaytuna Videocast #1

A short videocast by one of my favorite scholars, sheikh Hamza Yusuf. He talks about ethics in the muslim community, the ethics of the Prophet (saws) and the importance of making sure we as a community actually follow the example of the Prophet (saws).

Which reminds me - I know I use saws without even thinking, but how many people actually know what I'm writing? Sorry :blush:

When I was new to the muslim lingo, I found these two glossaries helpful:

On the Tip of the Muslim Tongue

Glossary of Islamic terms and concepts

S.A.A.S. / S.A.W.S.


These letters are abbreviations for the words "Salla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam", which means : may the blessing and the peace of Allah be upon him.

When the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned, a Muslim is to respect him and invoke this statement of peace upon him.



These letters are abbreviations for the words of "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala". When the name of Almighty Allah is pronounced, a Muslim is to show his respect to Him. The meaning of this statement is that Allah is purified of having partners or a son.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-19 15:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
I'm on a quran kick today:

Female quran recitations here and here

little girl recites quran

little boy recites quran - tajweed is the proper recitation of the quran, speed, pitch, etc.

blind man recites surah ar Rahman

Also, I went on a printing spree a few months back and created a notebook that my husband and I are reading through. The current piece we're reading is about God and Love. It's simply beautiful.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-19 11:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
I definately am in need of some calming influences today.

SubhanAllah, this girl is amazing. The audience recites Qur'an to her and she can tell them exactly where it's from, or they say a verse, and she'll recite it (F) Ya Allah, I hope that my kids will show such dedication. Oh heck, I wish I could do that.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-06 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Random bit on some western muslim culture...

Although there are conflicting opinions on the permisability of music and the use of musical instruments, some muslims are gaining prominance on the international music scene (don't want a debate on the issue here though :star: ) My faaaaaaaaaavorite group is Outlandish, a group of 2 muslims and one catholic from Denmark. Blending their varied religious and cultural backgrounds (latin beats and arabic rifts permiate the english hip hop lyrics sprinkled with urdu, spanish, arabic and danish). The title of their latest album, Closer than Veins is a reference to surah 50, ayah 16, which says, "And certainly We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his life-vein." True to the title, the album is chocked full of songs reflecting on living life as a muslim (nay any religious person) in this society today.

You can listen to this latest album and their past ones on their website under discography. Also check out their tribute to the sisters, and especially for W_o_M, Look into my Eyes, for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-04 19:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
If there's one thing I've learned since converting, it's that it's best to find the middle path.

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) once said " The religion is easy and whosoever will deal with religion harshly, it will defeat him. So be straight, follow the middle course, give good news and seek help by moving in the morning or the evening or part of the night .” (Bukhari)

There are reasons that some say life insurance is forbidden. There are also reasons some say that it is permissable. When first studying Islam, we often get bogged down in the minute details of fiqh (jurisprudence). That's often what is emphasized. But, at least from my experiences, I didn't worry about the details until I had grasped the basics. Feel free to explore opinions on various topics, but until there's a firm grounding in the basics of belief, all the other stuff is fluff.

The very best summation of what the basics are can be found in the follow hadith, called the hadith Gabriel


On the authority of ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him), who said: Once while we were sitting in the company of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) there came upon us a man with snow-white attire and his hair was jet black. There were no signs of travelling upon him; and none of us recognized him.

He sat along with the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and knelt before the Prophet’s knees and placed his palms on the Prophet’s thighs and said: ‘O Muhammad! Inform me about al-ISLAM’. The Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “al-ISLAM is to testify that La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasullullah (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), to establish the Salah (the five daily prayers), to pay the Zakah (obligatory charity), to observe the fast of Ramadan, and to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) to the House (the Holy Mosque n Makka) if you can afford it”. The man said: ‘You have told the truth’. ‘Umar said: ‘It amazed us that he would ask the question and he then would verify the truth himself’.

The man said: ‘Tell me about al-IMAN (faith)’. The Prophet replied: “It is to affirm your faith in Allah, His angels, His Books His Messengers and the Last Day, and to believe in the Divine Destiny whether it be good or bad”. The man said: ‘You have told the truth’.

He again said: ‘Tell me about al-IHSAN’ (i.e. the performance of some action in a goodly manner, goodness)’. The prophet said: “It is to worship Allah as though you see Him, and know that He sees you, even if you do not see Him”. The man said: ‘Tell me about the Hour (Doomsday)’. The Prophet said: “I – the one questioned – do not know about it more than you – the questioner”. The man said: ‘Tell me about its signs’. The Prophet said: “It is when a slave gives birth to her own mistress (or master), and when you see the barefooted and tattered needy shepherds vying with one another in erecting high buildings”. The man then departed and ‘Umar stayed with the Prophet for a while. The Prophet said: “O ‘Umar! Have you recognized the Questioner?” ‘Umar said: ‘Allah and His Messenger know best’. The Prophet said: “It is Gibreel (Angel Gabriel), who has come to teach you your religion”

So, first, deal with Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Then with that foundation, it will be much much simpler to approach other issues. I constantly remind myself that Allah (swt) in all His infinate wisdom did not throw the Qur'an down from heaven and say read it, tomorrow there will be a quiz on everything and I expect you all to get 100%. No, Allah (swt) sent down the book over a 23 year period and gave us the great mercy that is the Prophet (saws) to help us understand and guide us in the best practice. The best muslims were the Prophet (saws), his wives (ra) and his companions (ra). But, they didn't become perfect muslims overnight. God gave them 23 years to perfect their deen. That isn't to say that it will take all of us 23 years, but we shouldn't feel burdened when we learn our faith.


Something posters here might be interested in is this upcoming live session with Imam Suhaib Webb this Saturday. I know the muslim posters here will inshaAllah benefit from it, and those interested in Islam may want to tune in. I'm not sure how in depth it will be, but Imam Suhaib is a fantastic speaker mashaAllah. I'm definately looking forward to it!
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-04 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Talk by Yusuf Islam fka Cat Stevens on Welcome to the Qur'an; Gateway of Faith.

Also on the same webpage -

Islam themed flash presentations
Large number of Qur'an recitations
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-07-01 18:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?

ironically, as soon as i posted this, i got an email confirming the webbook cd that i ordered yesterday - it has been sent out and i should recieve it in 3-5 days!!! hope it comes b4 i leave for ny!

Let us know how the CD is!

Earlier, I posted a link to a flash presentation of Surah Maryam

Now, the same person has made one for Surah Qaf. I (L) this recitor and translator. I definately need to pick up a copy of this quran.

Thank you all for the wonderful replies. The outpouring of support is truly appreciated (by both myself and my fiancee).

I am certainly going to take some time to look through all these wonderful links.

Thank you,

You're very welcome. Don't hestitate to post any questions here (F)
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-30 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Further pretty pictures

Muslim Cultures blog, which picks a few of the best photos out of the Muslim Cultures flickr group.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-27 14:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?

Where do you find these things rahma??? You're always posting great stuff! :D

A lot of time online randomly surfing when I should be doing other things :whistle:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-27 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Posted Image

"is love" banners are quite popular in livejournals. I wanted to post this banner in my signature here, but I thought it might draw unwanted commentary from some people. So, I'll post it here, cause it's pretty (F)

pretty pretty pictures *sigh*
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-27 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
I've just come across this free cd offer for non muslims. I'm not sure about the content of the lectures, but hey, it's free :thumbs:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-26 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Oh, just to add for all my muslimah ukhtis (aka sisters) out there, keep checking for cheap copies since the CAIR offer is technically only for non muslims.

Or, heck, if you're not a muslim and you want a copy ASAP, this quran is well worth the $20 investment. I'm betting that the price will go down as CAIR sends out more and people decide that they don't want to keep it. Their loss can be your gain :star:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-23 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Posted Image

For all the non muslims out there who would like a copy of the Qur'an, CAIR is sending out BEAUTIFUL copies of the Muhammad Asad translation of the meaning of the Qur'an. From what I hear, it can take several months to receive, but hey, it's free. Click here! I bought a copy someone was selling on and I got it today. I nearly fainted when I saw it. Now, I have somewhat of a english quran collection. Like, the entire top shelf of my bookshelf is stuffed full of em. But this one is the best I've ever laid my hands on. It has beautiful printing, an english translation, the original arabic, and then the arabic written out in roman letters so it's easier for us to read and pronounce. It also has fantastic footnotes, the best I've read in a long time. It's also massively huge. I thought I could take it to work with me, but it's way to heavy to lug around. Seriously, it's worth the wait! This qur'an sells for $40 retail!

Muhammad Asad's story is also very interesting. His book "The Road to Mecca," is a classic. I first read about him in 2002 in Saudi Aramco, which btw is a fantastic free magazine that explores arab and muslim culture. Get it if you aren't getting it already.

CAIR is also sponsoring a project to educate americans about the Prophet Muhammad (saws). You can get a book or a dvd. I posted a link to the contents of the dvd earlier in the thread, but it looks much better on a tv screen. I also own this book. It's not the best biography I've read of the Prophet (saws), but it certainly is very reasonable. It also takes a few months to receive this as well, but hey, it's free :)
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-23 20:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Found another interesting video

National Geographic's Inside Mecca - Hajj, or the pilgramige to Mecca is a religious obligation for all who can afford it. This documentary offers an insight into the hajj that is rarely seen by those who have not gone.

Here is website that has a large collection of material

We're gettin all the perspectives here :) shia, traditional sunni, salafi. I like to read the variety :star:

Edited by rahma, 22 June 2006 - 09:26 AM.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-22 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
Ok, here are rahma's links o plenty for those interested in Islam

iprofess by blogger extrodinare Umm Zaid. This should be the first stop for any basic information from a general point of view. She collects articles from all over the web, as well as writes her own material. Two big :thumbs: :thumbs:

About the Prophet Muhammad (saws) - read about the life of this man. His life is the example all believers strive to follow.

Surah Maryam - an excellent flash presentation with a magnificent recitation of Surah Maryam paired with an excellent translation of the meaning in English (did I mention it was excellent *grin*) Asside from studying books and articles, the most important thing a seeker can do is listen to the Qur'an. It's God speaking to you. Listening to it softened the hardest of hearts of the enemies of the Prophet (saws) and brought those who hated him the most to embrace islam.

Zaytuna Institute - Institute in California founded by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, perhaps the most popular muslim scholar and convert in America. Excellent articles and audios. If I could afford it, I would move out to California in an instant and sit at the feet of the great scholars he has collected there.

Path to Peace - An interesting website I happened upon a few months ago.

Videos to watch

Turning Muslim in Texas - an obscure british documentary that has exploded on the internet in recent months. It interviews several texas converts to Islam

Islam: Empire of Faith I - First part of a great PBS documentary

Islam: Empire of Faith II

Islam: Empire of Faith III

Muhammad: Legacy of the Prophet - excellent PBS documentary on the Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Cat Stevens behind the music - VH1 special that chronicles the life of Yusuf Islam, nka Cat Stevens.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-21 15:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoverts?
I'm also one of the resident muslim converts *waves* If anyone wants to chat, email me and we can pick a time for some msn or yahoo chats.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-06-21 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
In addition to quashing husbands' wild dreams, my husband is also available to chat regarding the importance of ESL classes, volunteering and taking the bus. PM me if anyone is interested. The only caviat is that what he says is confidential. He's a private person, and doesn't want his business all over VJ.

In other news, make sure your DH actually knows how to read a map. While it may be second nature to us in the US, you'd be suprised how many people don't know how to interpret them.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 14:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
If anyone wants their SO's dreams crushed, they are more than welcome to talk with my husband. It has been a long, hard road for him.

Things are looking up for us now, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah inshaAllah, nearly 2 years after he got here.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 08:26:00