Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
Its true, because we hardly ever get to hear the other side of the story. .........only anger blame and teh scapdegoat he wanted a free ride to america. how free is it if there is 5 yrs of crying and blaming???sounds like torture prison
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
5yrs?? and its all scam hmmm..drama
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 21:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaDINNER IN MENA LAND
Been pk visiting for awhile, and let me tell you!!! lol..princesses princesses and princesses. if it too hard to handle being house wife get a maid. yeah . homemade bread well that is just around the corner at the market. lol have hubby pick that up on the way home (and late after working and traveling towork and prayer at the mosque stop visit with friends) these boys have got you BUFFALOED BIG TIME!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-03-07 20:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the stupidest thing you have heard because your with a MENA SO ?
When my hubby first came to states my administrator said "well if the place blows up I'll know who did it" I was dumbfounded and replied. "They send me the retarded terrorist that has the lif goal of blowing up a ####### hole?" "i was jipped".
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-12-23 22:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
That is the beauty of it all, , Im not so far off the cultural mark on this. depends on how much of a martyr your life you wanna be depends on how much you will tolerate.(or be brain washed to do) . SAD , somewhere down the line, the Greates religion has been twisted by men. ...real life khadija here. ILl tell him off if I have 2 if the demands roll in and im overwhelmed, and 2 bad 4 us its that or divorce. Marriage isnt suppose to bring more stress.. and it wont. thats all i know. This works for me, and things going well for most part with pakistani guy here. Of course wow thier women esp ones here got it made!! soap operas, gossip time, lol ####### gossiping Islam way NO way.!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 16:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
YOU Mena Ladies miss me, yah ive been overseas in pakiland. HEy yah its joke , but if you let htme have thier total way (any moan american or foreign). WATCH out.!! espcially as they get older and tigther with family. Different cultures clash, and mesh, its a struggle for sure huh, b ut exciting and fun @ most times aas well. AT least we have home turf advantage here!! wink wink. Wa sallaams
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 14:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
and then consider the real answers, which will be directed toward the "islam-arab way"

A. wives- as many as I want and afford up to 4

A. as you are working and obviously not taking care of house and me appropiately (not knowing your number one woman job), my min wage will all be going overseas

A.your ways? no its my ways you gave up old family(ways) and married into mine.

A. fat is attractive for a wife, you not a belly dancer, that what belly dancers are 4 to look at, you is to give the kids.

A. Im looking for brothers (fellowship) everyday, you need to have tea and food service up running whenever anyone pops in.

A. I provide share with what GOD gives me for my family. you will too, all things are a gift, even if we have to split it all 9 ways, learn to live humble share what you got.

A. sure you can work late hours, someone wife need to be here when im home to recieve me and my friends after work, tea, food service Im not coming home to an empty house after working and providing for it all day. We too get married for a reason.

A. housekeeper sure, she better be young , foreign,single and nice to me. Do thorough job to my liking. Maybe we can convert her and she can be my housewife

A.I would like to bring at least one wive around travel with me, someone has to get the food and fluff my pillow etc, if im @ my family house , i willl leave you at home with the women and go do my business with the guys.

A.I will bring as many as my family sponsorship will afford, your income is listed as our family, so you need to keep this $ number up , bcoz i (we)
have 5 brothers and sisters with families, not to mention mom.

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 13:33:00
Middle East and North Africaneed advice
"say ok" and call Taxi to airport. put his things on the curb. Doood dont know CARAAZY until he has run across me!! so tell him back off the threats unless he means them!! Wot a big baby puzz girlie boy you have
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 18:57:00
Middle East and North Africawho knows the facts on this matter........
Reality orientation doesnt work, just go to thier happy place. Psych 101
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 18:54:00
Middle East and North Africawho knows the facts on this matter........
Our Islamic marriage was in Korea yrs ago 2002, was confused on this 2, had to file for fiancee visa as Korea is not a muslim country . 2009 when i showed pk consulate here to get my visa for there , they wanted to see either this Nikkah and or marriage cert which was @ the court house here. very confusing subject. goes both ways eh, Must boil down to where marriage occured and if it was registered official marriage with local govt. (for immigration purposes)

USCIS just wants the money, proof that its not fraud to get here for devious purposes (actual legit relationship). Just provide what the list says for the visa you apply for.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-10 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need hel pleasee
applyin his home country. MAdrid Spain?? well that just says it ALL right there now dont it!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-21 13:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaCollege for my husband
Dang DMacc didnt want anything. Just told the guy he was a math major. took the entrance test. He arrive in March and I had hime out of the house and in college by MAY
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-21 13:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those of you who stayed with your SO for an extended amount of time overseas...
paid the dr cash
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-21 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA women question for you.
Use that plant waterer pitcher thingy instead of having him install something that will make a big water shower mess on the floor. Our floors dont have tile and drain works like over there..

Wa Salaams and welcome to a gr8 married life
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-27 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did your MENA SO propose marriage?
proposed it to his family, and then they proposed it to me
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-11 20:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and Public Displays of Affection
overseas its hard to tell who is wives and who is daughters all women walking behind.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-12 19:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam and Chicken Marsala
wow alot of young Morrocons are modern and drink, well kudos to him. the fiancee
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-20 21:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst Jobs in the US for MENA SOs
Kewl is your tat shop in Chicago, page me if it is, becasue i have a whole flock of friends who would love Mideast designs!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-12 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have MENA spouses already in the USA.
my husband is now a fat old happy babji
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-04 19:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaSay it aint so!
prob soo, youd be surprised the things people try to hide in a restricted society,
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-04 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes anyone else feel this way?
OP if that picture is of you on Avatar, I might add that you are a very beautiful woman. !!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-18 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes anyone else feel this way?
Its a fun challenge, frustrating at times, most of all beautiful. Dont take the adjustment period personally or as red flag. Patience and support him as much you can. Dont baby him though, they will feed right in to that. set some ground rules for acceptable practice and behavior. Coz hey they dont know, they are new to marriage and america..
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-18 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy is saying goodbye so hard?
On the trip home, start making plans for how to prepare home for new husband, and what it is you need to accompish before he arrives in the states!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-25 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaFree at last!
and another one gone another one gone
another one BItes the Dust!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-24 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday, Sandrila
have fun and its also Firday.!!
Hope Godzilla can make it another 50 yrs!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-24 11:21:00
Middle East and North Africaadvice and help
I come in here on occasion , and its the same wretched story(ies) with no resolve.Dont see many the wives disrespecting the husband family or crying thier personals over in the desi threads. So i head back there. But hey thanks for trying to live in my head and deciphering what it is Im doing. i see the fingers of run the mouth are all pointing back to you Nag the Shah.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-27 18:38:00
Middle East and North Africaadvice and help
Eyes open, be careful, look what happened to me. Leading many other wives to doubt thier foreign husband. Trust gone ,no marriage even to begin with. Soon They are all putting walls of doubt up against thier mena husbands/ there is plenty other forums then Mena to vent situations like this IMO. like the divorce forum or even somewhere else out there in WORLD WIDE WEB. yeah some joke around and tease a litttle. cough huh. but this lady is really really obviously being vindictive.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-27 17:52:00
Middle East and North Africaadvice and help
place to vent, ok well then dont deny me my freedom of speech godzilla.

you are enabling her wityh your there theres, she cont to play victim and poor why me.

Most of us over age thirty have had MAJOR losses in our life. If not, then what a shallow life. Because how then do we rise above it, learn and grow.

Sink or swim.

She is downing a basically happy usually jovial.MARRIAGE based forum board with her major situational depression. She Put this guy on the pedastal like GOd and we all know there is only GOd. Husband should be a compliment and companion to life. Or no go. sooner or latere we die and leave each other. As do the kids who grow up and apart from us move on with thier own.

She is covertly bashing and letting people like shooter basically discriminate against your type of men. I see you are not getting it.

she need to take her horse and pony show down the road, but hey cant really tell her to Shut up, FIrst amendment and all. bleh

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-27 17:30:00
Middle East and North Africaadvice and help
WOW This drama been going on and on for how long now?? Write a book purge and move on!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-26 21:37:00
Middle East and North Africaadvice and help
Let him have half the assets, get the hell out, run away and start over. Faith and whole life is in ALLAH not in peoples, esp evil ones!! Save yourself @ all costs!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-25 13:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarie_Yahya
does anyone know yahya almalik??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-30 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrance to ban Burqas/Niqab in Public?
The women here i know who cover completely up . have a few screws loose, anti social, and end up divorcing the husband because he not Islamic enough. One lady got pregnant by another man whom she converted to islam. said it waws GOds will a miracle. divorced her other muslim husband.Look at that nut case thought she could go interview the Taliban. wow they captured her.

Religion comforts and fulfills -balances life. Not make it all stress full and crazy
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-23 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrance to ban Burqas/Niqab in Public?
sometimes shooter is right on target. However i think frances intention is not to liberate woman who covers thier face. Its a clear nonacceptance of muslim religion. typical french politics attitutude toward others.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-06-23 21:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaGetting out of a bad relationship
Only Allah can change this young azzhole into a gentle brother. He obviously has no respect for women , ALLAH , Islam . Has no morality. He is just going to grow up to be a lonely mean old azzhole!! We are suppose to keep ourselves and children away from evil people like this. Shame on him and his family!!!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-31 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is so painful
duas for you and your family reunion

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-07 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG!! We are out of AP and getting his Visa.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-31 18:00:00
Middle East and North Africathis is the end...
A Beautiful story!! thank you
Alhamdullilah, Allahu Akbhar!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-07 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone get their Visa from Cairo yet?
Good luck miss Betsy and hubby!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-07 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy MENA Friends..
Sorry for your loss , I know you two have been working toward this goal heart and soul for quite some time.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-11 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy 1 year anniversary is today!!! :)
Congrats on your marriage and continued happiness, you two look like a very cute and well matched couple!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-11 20:00:00