Middle East and North AfricaGot Orfy? Urfy? Orfi? Urfi?
I was watching on the history channel last week , they were doing specials on the seven deadly sins. Pride was the worst, it mad Shaytan fall and all other sins can fall under pride (I can do anyting coz im important) they even showed the Amish on how they do away with things and belongings that make them more boastful and prideful, however they easily fall into competing on who is the most humblest, thereofore making them guilty of the sin of pride. (ie God loves me more because my buggy is more primitive than your buggy)...
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-11 04:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's hurting and now he hurt me.
He need to be the man a tell you everything gonna be allright, quit his sissy lala. no one in control of that gaza situation. lie goes on and allwe can do is pray for peoples right now. All that stuff not your problem, your prob being wie and keeping peace and harmony in house. what matter with him. talk to his brother straiten him out.!! His proirities out of wack right now, he come around.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-16 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's hurting and now he hurt me.
Yell on him, tell him your muslim not israeli and to knock off his sissy lala attitude. Coz ####### going to go down as ALLAh wills.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-15 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies guess what thread
Sorry you been around here forever, thought maybe it third one..Best wishes for second time and you got that practice one of your youth out of way and heading down new better path. ALLAH bless the broken road that led you to Your husband!! (country song mixed with Islam)
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-16 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies guess what thread
Alhamduliilah 3rd time a charm!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-15 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaCertificate of Celebacy
I beg to differ, revirginaize can be accomplished ask some of these 35 plus some ladies who have been without a few yrs waiting for hot hubby .

tampons or anything other than husbands ####### is harm in Islam. where is the shariah junkies in here for specific quotes??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-20 22:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCertificate of Celebacy
Yah but the surgery might be a little extra special touch for them ..Eh??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-19 18:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCertificate of Celebacy
Surgery to revirginize her common procedure in sudia arabia
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-18 17:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
Oh yah Iranian boyz, bunch of sissy la la pouty pizzy momma boys. girly boys, send them all back to ami!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-26 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
It takes time for real love to grow strong, love does not fade is all Im saying. You really dont know someone truely unless you live with them a few yrs, married/. thats just everyday common grown up sense
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-25 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
crying whining, running to others and not being honest of feelings with husband now that is Haram and not healthy in any husband wife relations. Some time honesty may hurt , but it solve probelm eiather way soon be done and over.. nothing Haram about that. Cheating husband out of real wife now that not good at all
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 13:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
Not bad words or things like that I would point out how it was Haram his actions and how it hurts his family. SO back off the assumptions there rightio

thread not about me so dont attack me personal eh. ntorious big
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 13:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
well then why keep beating a dead horse, they dont understand each other, then just leave and eventually find a more compatable mate, I dont know all circumstances. true. but on et on and et on every month the same thing .she trying to make im magically love him when the discord and nagging on both ends not matching. talk it out ha I would yell and throw the words on him for not giving me health needs . it Haram very much but to cry myself whine no, it him hard with words and maybe he think you not some step stone even if it get better or hhe go away you have some self respect.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 12:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
his family of origin doesnt really strait him up. They give advice , ie" be think and nice she different and thinks things backwards" Telling him to be nice is not solving the problem or respecting why she upset. telling her there there and all be allright usually doesnt fly with most american women. they want anwers. Also in alot of Asian societies its respect based, they will go tell off on a son who potentially shame them .and take other persons side in consideration. b4 his. here we assume other person is against our family member and Not my son attitude.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
ie arranged marriage and marriage in muslim world (thinking towards) esp for men is not marriage for love, its marriage for need and survival. societal as well as personal. Love in a marriage develops through time when the adjustment is done and repsect is achieved mutually and ya both grow up and stat serving and doing for each other instead of thinking of self and being hurt and Yada. To him the golden time is to come if youare the right person. keep nagging on him and he will have serious doubts. Go away together and enjoy tiem together to pamper and coddle each other sxytime. quit thinking soo much and putting hollywood ideals on romance and love. muslin marriage (or any other God based marriage) love grows, in western marriage it seems love is at the beginning and then fades. count yourself lucky instead of crying for what you though was then. Go to husband say sorry for your side of misunderstanding and how can you help him adjust and that he is doing a fine job with work and all so far. build him up instead of tearing him down Jeesh Qudah Hafiz
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 12:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
When you dont know each other than how can it be love, these things take and grow with time and mutual respect..alot of is a cultural outmatch and talk.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 11:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
Id be worried about the hidden clove and peppercorn leaves in the byriani, for taste only dont eat the seed whooo hot and bitter.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily is telling hubby to shave
Nah he does nt seem to have thqt big taliban beard and it hides that kirk douglas butt on his chin.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 21:51:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Sorry sister, when he is here come over for grill lamb and tea.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 19:48:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
oh wot do ya know bout it. For having legalized hasshish brownies @ cafes ive never seen a bigger group of uptight pompus racist jerks in my life than in Amsterdams
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 17:34:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Whoa now how can i be bashing something Im a part of am one with as wife . that just a smart azz statement.and i grew up shooting guns and hunting and have many brothers so Im tomboy and not a man girl. i cant go to prayer today female reasons . and lets see husband @ wrk then mosque and doesnt like visa journey so much becasue too many people asking questions about relationship when to him it should be a given no questions to others.. SO he never does visit here. He lets me be myself to a limit, when ami around we both are on alert and respectful of her culture . . We rarely argue if we do then we come together @ later time because him being polite with a little wild pushtoo side and me being irish american WOW the queen size bed get flipped over and it not good thing on both our parts. As for green card marriages , know whats real and keep it real dont walk on egg shells let them know who you are where your from and what you believe in and dont. If he truely a bad man and use you know you did right thing and let ALLAH deal out his penalty which will be double and just !!! peace
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 15:21:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
thank yo ubrother charles, Im leaving with my dignity and my mmultiple personalities, going to find husband food b4 he comes home . Qudah Hafiz
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-28 23:00:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Ur right no man hating Hos and ####### fests going on in mass orgy over there on the Desi thread. what a shame. someone hand me a tissue please
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-28 22:30:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Clarissa explains it all!! Bullseye Howd ya know. you must be my neighbor the one who never comes out the house and is peering behind curtain all day. WOW
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-28 22:21:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
I need to call her anyone know where to find her??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 21:48:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Maybe she ate him, like faat ####### tried to do on Austin powers movie.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-25 14:56:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
In any religion where ADAM came first and yada. The men are in charge of household , community and when married have final say in all matters. EVen with Muhammed swt. to deny this is to be deluded take a realistic approach. not saying good not saying bad, its just the way it is. If you develop and society where woman takes over headship completely look what happens, first off the husband gets more and more dishearted and feeling inadequate (sound familiar) he might start picking figths petty to gain some control and manhood or he may seek outside of relationship or look for homegirl to meet his needs for validationl. The wife who takes chargeoften feels alone isolated and not being coddled ie emotional needs not being met. they turn cold and bitter. the sons have identity crisis and turn gay. and daughters turn into big mouth annoying demanding hos and bull dykes. So be in charge and treat your man like the underling little boy . And think next time y ou think its fraud or he being cold or a fraud. The whole set up marriage could be a fraud of universal nature and balance.. Islam is submissin to ALLAH and service to him and others. Many DO not know thier place because Pride gets in thier way.!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 12:01:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Ahh Islam ideal if they all could be like Rasool Allah. however in the modern technological age very uncommon. Using examples such as Khadija and etc..very common for poor street wise boys to reel in the motherly foreign types..I wish they would all be sincere, often a new convert woman v devout will fall for this. Wrong as it is. Its common in all cultures religions for young men to sew some wild oats. If they were so devout and religious in such a young age they would help thier community and marry a widow and have some orphans within thier own peoples. Too bad UScis does not allow time to se ehow he acts and reacts to US living before marriage. Im sure its a real gamble with having a husband so young esp in this modern world. Plus is he helping you out by marrying him or do you have to shoulder the support the strenght and patience.Even Khadija was his servant, it was thier culture and same background so he was the chief of the house. Here whoever have the big job ande money seem to be in charge and knowledgable about life. Our prophet SWT had great knowledge above his age and guided Khadija and her children. If he is straight and happy and does by his older foreign wife on her home turf.well then ALLAH bless him greatly in the hereafter.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-20 22:51:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Depression (wife), crying and whining runs most of these guys off..thats what most say ne way
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-18 17:48:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
Men can be selfish azzholes no matte where they come from, not tking care of kids and wife, its part of the signs of the times. Id trust a muslim man above many other peoples of world who worship lean towards worshipping materialism. he come her for survival and a fmily life, then here it is. if he come here to be paly boy then fine let ALLAH be his judge along with rest of the low rents type men of this earth who cannot take care and love of the womens.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-05 21:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo no no no!!! He's being stationed in Gaza!!!
Good need someone to step up and help brothers and sisters out finally.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-15 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the Members

and when you "act immature "what do they expect, what does young man know about love, real love.Its so easy to blame the green card and not look at life and nature realistically. No arguments here. Over there thay would throw you back with your young wife and say grow up be a man and deal with it. Now you find yourself soo far away from parents and home, everyone confused.Older Usa ladies should know better on leading uninformed foreign guys on romantic love foreign young guy. yada blah, and expect them to be the man. esp under age of 30. WOW. when all said and done its still gonna be all your fault. Hang tough and grow ALLAH HAFIZ
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-28 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust got fired from job!
Good news, you can work on your marriage and reza farshid can step up to the plate and take care of his wife 4 awhile. Take time find place you like, or chnge career all together . you actually lucky.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
Do you eve rget to talk to him heart to heat during cuddle wubby time?? If not Id be showing him what the rolling pin is really for!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-02-02 10:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
Me too , I only cook what the man brings home. make a list and go shopping together he buys. there you go. hope husband training goes well. at least will shed a few extra pounds eh
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 16:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaOk, Honestly, What did my family do wrong?
its a simple fix with a chest tube wt heck is thier problem
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-02-21 00:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
You are forgiven for attacking me, im not down, i just brush off as well politely put inexperience and unrealistic expectations.. Just people need to wake up and brush self off and look at big picture, and change themselves. or they going to keep on repeating the same scenario over and over. no matte who they are with hm.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-30 14:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
Ok up the prozac k, hard to play green card fraud victim when you are married and living with the man for 5 yrs!!!!! the truth in broken relationship is usually in the middle and both are to blame.K!!! soo back off the barbie smacks!!

timeline added
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-28 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
What up with all these anger chicks crapping on ur little mena parade.??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
Its true, because we hardly ever get to hear the other side of the story. .........only anger blame and teh scapdegoat he wanted a free ride to america. how free is it if there is 5 yrs of crying and blaming???sounds like torture prison
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 22:17:00