Africa: Sub-SaharanJust my opinion....
So you all have arranged marriages?? Dont tell me met online after all that jazz!!

Excellant on target point Knariyinia
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-06-21 01:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMorbid question
He absolutely said he does not want to be buried in goris world. he also does not believe in embalment. im trying to explain this concept to him etc
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-07-03 19:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow do you Pronounce your name?
Phat Maw Shaw

fatima shah

but hey you goris can call cindi :blush:
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-07-14 23:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
HI and Salamm to the converts and good ladies. I was looking for the referred thread oabout doing cyber spying on so in order to prevent wasted yrs and money it seems, on someone wh is using you for citizenship. etc.. was seeing how that was working for the MENAs?? the spying and lack of trust issue, that a killer in any marriage esp ones where man is suppose to be head of household.. where is this discussion???

If you happen to catch him talking and trying to be cute like a kid in candy store in this new america. smack him over the head with quran and tell him to behave like a grown ### muslim husband one you be proud to show around in public. Not a little ##### chaser and sucker

If he talking to wife in kids in old country that you didnt know about. say" fine im second wife and you didnt have to tell me." but im upset about withholding vital information from me that affectsfamily stablity.. Invite the sister into your home.

If you think you have to spy on him, then you never really felt close to him in first place. Ie treating him like a nice and show you love instead of suspicion.

Its a submissive culture and religion Islam means submission to Allah. YOu can yell scream pout cry all you want. your duty is to him and he will listen mainly to word ALLAH. Also cooking naitve food helps. try reg prayer. and dont be too hard if they are not gerring things right , its prob not meant to hurt you,if they are of good heart and man are they will learn how to do things the right way and not become an enemy. The best judge of character is how they act treat and do @ home, are they selfish and v modrn thinking, well then maybe they are looking for the gold palace in america, which is basically fictional ideation. and your the vessel for this to happen. If they are looking for help thier family, and looking to ALLAH then chances are they are going to be great companions, husbands and providers. If you find they have wife , belive me she will more than likely not stir you up. These men are taught to take care and love more than one woman, starting with Momma first..

SO need to understand and appreciate these things. Ive seen alot of muslim males who are not perfect and do fall from thier duties, but when it comes down to it they always go back to thier upbringing. and in the end,they value most the thingsand peoples which is near to said upbringing.

So Imo the the SPying and the Crying and the Paranoia is hurting you more thant the said "perp" no matter if its one month or 5 yrs said to be "lost" if you do or dont...If you say to a friend or a SO i trust in Allah that he and you will be there for me. then chances are they will not forget you. You spy on them you lose this trust all the way around....
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-04-13 18:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
well if you lived near me you would know my degree is not fictitious, bu then again something else you do not know, maybe whine about later.. back all to your fantasy life carry on .. i have work to do..take care . hope the advice helped!!..Schizophrenia is usually hallucinatory and paranoid in nature..I would call this more the bi polar grooup myself....
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-30 13:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
actually not quite so illeterate ladies instead of waiting for prince charming to take me away I di actually manage a masters degree working on doctorate!!!!

note to self, check educational status of those i hook up with.....
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-29 21:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Which would be complaining about cultural differences, etc extra women and money more needed. 6mos to 2 years after marriage.....get rid of affadavit and getting marriage annulled..where is the love i ask!!!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-29 19:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
its an open talk cyber cafe , so i dont have to get out of anywhere HONEY, its america not africa remember that freedom of speech baby..remeber dat holmes
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-29 16:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
off course it is but korea is not, and old man here been out there in the world to know its not all disney land outside of primary country of origin.. get off your cloud and live in reality would help you all mena whiners in the lon run...thank me later no prob
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-29 16:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Ohh honey let me be the first to say........digging for gold in third world country NOT A GOOD IDEA..better chances of finding WMDS diamonds and OIl thats another idea

Post your timeline and ill tell you who and when
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-28 23:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
well instead of wah wah about turn the tables...and see if he is real or you have to cater to be loved and respected...that way did not seem to work or many!!!! doubters and playa haters
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-28 23:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
How to deal with MENA stereotype and cultural. men etc....Be the one who needs care of , dont be his mommy, be the little devil ..he has to be wondering and guessing about. make him be the grown up.. :devil: chat with other men online, tell him ohh i thought it was cool you doing it.. ohyah... I dont know about islam sorry you have to show me and prctice it in order for me to learn...quit catering and letting them inturn walk on ya and take for there you go IMO..Its thier job to keep wives on thier toes inso se wont have anything real to complain about like him going up the career ladder, buying house mortgage and etc...normal husband wife stuff.. After all you are not the one who has to worry about loosing greencard stgatus and etc....let the boys sweat and earn some of it!!!!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-01-28 19:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanA year apart
dont worry he will be in your house in no time being a demanding, annoying, aloof, cyber predating on your computer, ungrateful disrespecting stranger in your home in no time!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-10-17 15:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGOT K3 AN HOUR AGO!!!!!!!!!!
:dance: congrats
bhajishahFemalePakistan2006-02-23 09:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWHERE TO MARRY, U.S. OR CANADA?
meet at Niagra falls , have one/ each side :thumbs:
bhajishahFemalePakistan2006-09-05 18:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI got a letter today =0(
Hang tough girl
it prob will happen again after interview, and maybe stateside as well
God willing it wont be too long
bhajishahFemalePakistan2006-11-01 19:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA DENIED! PLZ HELP!!!
Have them appeal it, have senator send a letter, there is alot of cousins married and livign in USA, Britain and the like. They could even appeal based on the 15% its not 80% and also the fact if embasy was doing thier job with the background checks they would know exactly who is who. Every now and then esp with this embassy they like to throw alot of road blocks up so as to have people give up.. Keep up the fight
good luck
bhajishahFemalePakistan2007-02-07 13:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgot my visa!!!!! whooohoooh!!!!
congras, like your whooooohahhohha .
got your visa, and you get to be with hubby soon. good news!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-04-13 19:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice: Relocating to the US
Dont do it unless you have to. Instead stay in Japan make more money, sell Mary Kay cosmetics, become a millionare in Yen
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-07-09 21:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife get frustrated from waiting and want to divorce
ARABA get an annullment and set this child loose. find a grown azz muslim man. go towards Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, and maybe even egypt. stay away all points south....players mind and body
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-07-15 00:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife get frustrated from waiting and want to divorce
Mornmph same as with women in your country. Brother and yes Salams. Gas azz grass NOBODY rides for free. what are you a man ####### help your wife out. quit whining because you not gettting paid for what you need. be grown up azzz mulim man. and dont talk about your wife dpn meds and etc mental. does that make you feel better to put her down publically. Where is your heart with your wife and ALLAH??????
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-07-15 00:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
Uhhmm Pakistan has a very struggling economy. the bills are almost the same as ours but the pay. hahahahah unreal.. so its a leap of faith. Most of the gori pk marriages i have seen arevery good and the man gives all the money for the family here as well as help out the family back home. You are married so why question it???? Thats what im wondering......You are going to create more problems for yourself with these types of questioning of relationship.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-10-03 15:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRead to throw in the towel?
OH it wont be long til he holding on to your skirt and following you around like a 4 year old.
hang in there.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-08-19 17:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know which way to turn?
Travel to his culture is a good idea!! Just expect a few questions upon return ..Im sure Iranian consulate will grant a visa for marriage intentions.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-10-19 12:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to cancel an application you filed with VSC?
Go online and put "busy" by your name. Dont answer him for awhile if he says salaam or hi. Pakistani men seem to like to keep thier wives on thier toes. I just go on with my business if something arises. Then when his silent treatment doesnt work and he steps up to grab you or say hi etc.. Say " I love you soo much " however"we need to talk long and hard about this thing between us.. cultural or whatever." "and dont you ever say this to me again understand. You wanna talk about racism, loook how much i get because dont really belong to either world now do I" "walk in my shoes""!.Set the ground rules and what will happen if he violates them agian..Then make up and grow closer in your unique and special union. Salaams cindi
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-12-05 19:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIslamabad Embassy requirements for packet 3 or 3.5 after the NOA2 is approved
Omar check on Embassy thread (calling all going through Islamabad) there is alot of up to date useful info. its been 3 yrs since we have gone through this and things changed a little. Salaams .
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-12-19 17:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Weekend Pity Party
Ahhh for petes sake whiners, go out get an ale, the ol ball and chain will be here b4 you know it, and your young life as you know it will be over!!! let the beer and laughs flow whilst it can. ( dont be a hussie kissing on the bartender for petes sake)
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-11 01:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI just Called the wife
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone loves a softy. cool
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-20 21:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Age Difference really matter?
Nope as long as you pay taxes and have money to support, you can do about anything want. esp as man.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-24 14:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarrige needs
Check the laws on website
when we went to thialand i found out
that its illegal to go outside without wearing any underwear (police might stop and check) even though tourism for prositution is the number one industry.
its a $600 dollar fine for throwing chewing gum on the street (even though there is trash everywhere)
its illegal to step on the nations currency (accidental or not)
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-26 12:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPakistan Country Specific K3 vs K1
It all takes time through Pakistan, it really doesnt matter
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-10-19 11:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSpousal visa....Islamabad HELP
SALAAM and welcome to the pakistani gori wives club!!!

It will take a few more months to get interview, then another few or so months for background checks. expect another six months its typical for us and them. hang tough, inshallah you will be able to start your life again soon.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2007-10-31 10:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionISL Embassy Delay of Fiance Visa
THe Male cases held up: try everything you can calling (american call embassy in Islamabad, email them, get senator to write as many inquiries as possible), after 18 months file and foia paper. (freedom of information act)
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-06-26 18:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionISL Embassy Delay of Fiance Visa
Sorry, bhai for your news. has nothing to do with proof of relationship. Most of us have arranged marriages and not much proof needed in this area etc foras many people have enough of this. 2 yrs ago they were sending wife visas in a few days.(approval @ embassy) Now a days they are sending wife cases to washington for security cabe. Will prob only take a few weeks or as they say check back 6 weeks if nothing is heard. Not much to do but sit and wait. clean out closets, get rid of girlie magazines and etc. if you been drinking beer now is time get rid of bottle caps and all. We were going to go Pakistan for a month, with all the ####### that is coming down the mountains. ie Al queda , taliban and etc even into Islamabad bombings and assasinations. we not even going to chance traveling there with a Pakistani passport and gori wife. Salaams and duas. bhabishah
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-06-26 18:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam and self harm
I think its common practise with British teens
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-10-03 17:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
wohoo congrats laney. First item of business, see AMI ,Manzar going back march 8th im heading out later the
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-27 22:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Well its getting darn close Kris. Fingers cross. give it another month. and check to see where the embassy is at ask them if they about ready for final processing since its been a month since they verified wedding witnesses. Qudah Hafiz!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-15 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-01-06 23:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Surely Bhabi Laney Denver would have notified for an appointment time. I keep fingers and prayer for you. I remeber they took the same flight out of Islammabad to London almost 3 yrs ago ,small world.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-12-23 22:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Fatimah Maryium, the green card came 3 days after card production notice online!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2008-12-20 21:18:00