Middle East and North AfricaMy 1 year anniversary is today!!! :)
Congrats on your marriage and continued happiness, you two look like a very cute and well matched couple!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-11 20:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaYEA!! He's here and how his trip went.
Ahh just in time for Ramadan. dont get grouchy over fasting. remeber its on and party time @ sundown!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-22 17:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaOk Nosey MENA Sisters and Charles
Have a blessed and enlightning RAMADAN.
May you all be reunited with your loved ones, soon Inshallah
Qudah Hafiz
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-22 19:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaOk Nosey MENA Sisters and Charles
In the overseas gallery
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-22 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaWent home for visit...and
PS, now when he happens to be overseas, he does call more than he did when we were engaged. Its ALL VERy sweet!! Hope everyones relations grow stringer with time!! because where most of us start with, it only can get better.

as opposed to here wehre it starts hi then gets on the downward spiral!!

something to look forward to and ponder
Qudah Hafiz
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-26 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWent home for visit...and
Hey now, if we werent socially different (and maybe psychologically as well) we wouldnt be here now would we.

But you know what, I wouldnt trade it for a million dollars, at work i hear of stories about men being selfish drunk lazy and complacent and unattentive hiding things and not praying, expecting woman to pay for half and then some . This would be our american culture. divorce happens at a high rate here. and maybe thats agood thing seeing all the roles women have to keep.

Religion is one thing, Culture is a whole different issue. I am same religion as my husband as well. From a whole different culture, Im glad he spent some time away from his homeland and is older. However you cannot take the country out of the boy. If you have not had any culture clases then one , you are selling your identity out ,or two it will all explode in your face someday.!!!

Adjustment period role defining and etc.. is not only reality it is a must in order for two people to bring thier part of the whole.

Humor helps things a little easier.

I have thrown the pan of food off the deck because it wasnt good enough (it ony took once)
I have made the tea cup too hot to handle bcoz tea itself wasnt hot enough to drink
I have let the dishes pile up bcoz i pull 4 days on call
I dont make homemade flat bread, because i pay half of bills and half into our future plans
I let the grass grow above ankle high and let the city fine him 100 dollars
I did the whistle snap clap to him to get his attention in public, and called him here fido to let him feel how derogatory it is in our culture
once a week he gets LJS fish and chips, becoz i put in my 50 plus hrs waiting on others at work

Even the SHeik (national reknown) agrees and laughs at my antics, "what you do this week", "what you do to upset her this week."
the brothers listening in and agreeing, "no no no , you have american wife." 'surprise you still got your Azz intact. wow"!! Quran says to help her out, not be a burden..LOL

Im proud to be gori muslim wife
unique persons in ourselves!!

would i quit my job and all, never(unless health of family needs)

We pray together, laugh and love together
through trials and differences we gain understanding of each other

In his country I hang out with men in family and give them advice, and its respected
I want to tell the women there to do all the things Ive done in america, but wont because i respect them and thier culture

everyone need to lighten up
sister AMAL is great, she need to do stand up!!!

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-26 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust wanted to say Hi and Introduce myself
9months in Italy together. how Kewl!! best luck, sounds like you are off to gr8 start!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-23 13:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrash in Morocco
yeah there is some issues going on there. Get rid of issues and open the heart, Its Ramadan!!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-25 18:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrash in Morocco
nahh someone from argentina was up in here in the MEna area, talking about morroco as fraud country and you should have known yada yada yawn . when fraud and fraudster is vague words and not of a particularly exsclusive of one country. got to be smarter than the words there friend
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-22 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrash in Morocco
azzholes are azzholes even to thier country of origin wife all countries even ours. Check see how thye treat mom, sisters. see how dad treats mom etc. his family the men are nice the women sit around and gossip talk about how hard they got it drinking tea and not working in home as hard as the men are out side)
get to work and smile bcoz idle minds devils playground!!

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-22 15:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrash in Morocco
Musli Dr very professional. Argentina Dr chasing nurses down the hallways looking for secret dates.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-21 18:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrash in Morocco
If you want to know if he loves you soo its in his kiss. yes thats where it is!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-21 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaLast Day
Etihad stars flying out of Chicago, many non stops (NO MORE LONDON transfers!!)

today is last day to register for free tickets
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-30 16:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaUSCIS at my door 6 am today
Uh at six am i doubt they be knocking on the door. dont usually demand info unless they have a warrant and due cause. intrusion of privacy and constitutional rights. did you get thier badge numbers? ur luck it could be posers out to hurt you for some reason and not FBI etc at all. bcoz they act professional in public, not like raging idiots!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-30 05:41:00
By the multiple post of bad realtions it seems like they are not recognized even by muslim husband and wife

Marital Rights Under Nikah

2421 *For a woman with whom permanent marriage is contracted, it is haraam to go out of the house without the permission of her husband, though her leaving may not violate the rights of the husband. Also, she should submit herself to his sexual desires, and should not prevent him from having sexual intercourse with her, without justifiable excuse. And as long as she does not fail in her duties, it is obligatory on the husband to provide for her food, clothes and housing. And if he does not provide the same regardless of whether he is able to provide them or not, he remains indebted to the wife.

2422 *If the wife does not fulfil her matrimonial duties towards her husband, she will not be entitled for the food, clothes or housing, even if she continues to live with him. But if she refuses to obey occasionally, the common verdict is that even then she cannot claim any entitlement from her husband. But this verdict is a matter of Ishkal. In any case, there is no doubt that she does not forfeit her Mahr [dowry].

2423 *Man has no right to compel his wife to render household services.

2424 *The traveling expenses incurred by the wife must be borne by the husband, if they exceed her expenses at home, and if she had traveled with the husband's permission. But the fares for travel be car or by air etc. and other expenses, which are necessary for a journey, will be borne by the wife except when the husband is himself inclined to take her along with him on a journey, in which case he will bear her expenses also.

2425 *If the husband who is responsible for the wife's maintenance, does not provide her the same, she can draw her expenses from his property without his permission. and if this is not possible, and she is obliged to earn her livelihood, and she cannot take her case to the Mujtahid, who would compel him (even by threatening him with imprisonment) to pay the maintenance, it will not be obligatory upon her to obey her husband while she is engaged in earning her livelihood.

2426 *If a man, for example, has two wives and spends one night with one of them, it is obligatory on him to spend anyone of four nights with the other as well; in situation other than this, it is not obligatory on a man to stay with his wife. Of course, it is necessary that he should not totally forsake living with the wife. And as a precaution, a man should spend one night out of every four with his permanent wife. Of course, it is necessary that he should not totally forsake living with the wife. And as a precaution, a man should spend one night out of every four with his permanent wife.

2427 *It is not permissible for the husband to abandon sexual intercourse with his youthful, permanent wife for more than 4 months, except when sexual intercourse is harmful to him, or involves unusually more effort, or when the wife herself agrees to avoid it, or if a prior stipulation to that effect was made at the time of Nikah by the husband. And in this rule, there is no difference between the situations when the husband is present, or on a journey, or whether she is a wife by permanent or temporary marriage.

The above was excerpted from "Islamic Laws," English Version of Taudhihul Masae'l,
According to the Fatawa of Ayatullah al Usama Syed Ali al-Husaini Seestani.

Loving a Muslim Home Page Table of Contents

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-31 18:03:00
Middle East and North Africayour thoughts about this?
Read Reza Aslans book "NO God but GOD" , killing non believers as a must is not in the Quran, and like the Roman catholics and etc who changed the Holy bible to meet the need of thier times, the Shariah and laws were passedcreated by men and leaders of thier time over the centuries. ALot of these edicts are invalid and many negate the democratic spirit of th Quran in which the prophet (pbuh) and Allah had intended.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 20:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts here!
Congrats 6 days WOW. I got mine yesterday
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-02 17:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
Im telling you, IMO and travels etc. take it leave it or shun it I DONT CARE. Howeever ther is no such thing as "mixed religions" to an immigrant coming from a religious based country. Its a way of life, its thier culture. They may act the oh it ok part and so on, but the boys will always turn back to home for soalce, and if your not fitting this need, then bad is you. in his eyes. And that sad day of realization will happen for both of you. Now case in point, you need to convert to his way to have that peaceful life. On the other hand , do not hand over feet to meet him and baby him, because these mommas boys will take full advantage. Now if it was say second or third generation, then no problem.!! westernized and more understanding. Here you are dealing with A Immigrants, B Male immigrants, and C male immigrants from a religion based society. "mixed religion" what is this??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
If the muslim husband doesnt really care (as man and head of the houshold) then basically face it he doesnt realllly care. comprehende

men dont really hit the peak of maturity physically, financially and in true regards for others. Islam has enough bad stigma in usa. Dont need these lying loser brothers dirty up the name of the religion. Dman them@@ they should be ashamed by using good and sincere women in this manner , a boat out of there!!

QUOTE (bhajishah @ Aug 30 2009, 05:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the muslim husband doesnt really care (as man and head of the houshold) then basically face it he doesnt realllly care. comprehende

men dont really hit the peak of maturity physically, financially and in true regards for others until age of 40 0r so. Islam has enough bad stigma in usa. Dont need these lying loser brothers dirty up the name of the religion. Dman them@@ they should be ashamed by using good and sincere women in this manner , a boat out of there!!

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-30 05:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaSalam!!! It's Rajaa
Ramadan Mubarek
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-17 18:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the record
Y you care what Prozacar thinks??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-04 17:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaOVERWHELMED
Appeal then refile, or have senator go after on a FOIA. EVeRY one deserves thier day and to be heard, what a bunch of commies over there wow!! and this folks is the US embassy.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-04 17:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaI HAVE TO SHARE MY GOOD NEWS
congrats and best wishes on happy future!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-04 17:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy visajourney
Congrats!! how was the test?? let us know
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 20:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo the Research... and whatever else!
eh yah its a real love fest around here these days!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-08 18:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo the Research... and whatever else!
UR the only nice one around here OP. there its said. ok

Reality sometimes bites, and if you dont have open eyes, it often bites hard and in the butt.. thats why
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-04 17:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
It beats having Siphilla or Malaria in that case!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-10 17:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
Ur shared advice, input has been helpful.

anything else taboo going on?
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-04 17:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
Still waiting for the lick tho, how long per poll does this take in MENA land?? Pakis land, no comment , unless they from Lahore, then some comment.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-02 17:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
Im sure ill be reminded within 24 hrs Oye
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 21:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
well old skool, not youngin lik yorns. did not get education off the computer

thank you, i know weare thrilled!!
any news on your side??
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 21:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
I finally got it rubbed!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-01 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaU2 in Fes, Morocco
I hear Morrocco is becoming a hip happening country.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-14 17:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting your s/o through the big change...
Dont worry, he will be eligleble for assistant mgr of Mc Donalds in no time. ( and it pays better than engineering in EgypT)
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-07-24 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
I was his english Tutor in Korea, he was my cutest student
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-09-08 18:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
Visit, Travel always yes.. Follow your heart yes!!! Get married first trip over there NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially if you get the drama speech I give everything up tp be with you and the children!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-08-17 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan members, how many visits to SO??
doesnt seem to matter.. smooth french talking princes fast turn into frogs......afteer marriage and arrival to usa.!!
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-10-03 01:15:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
Islam hate me uh yah..thats it.

there is two sides to a story...and three sides to a penny. Love struck blind all sides from sight

simply put, as said b4. in america etc.. religion is a belief.. many other places it is A WAY OF LIFE..

If your man is saying no problem to who you are and what you believe....then he is bsing you, if he is from a strong family culture and says its ok your 45 yo and im 25 look at Khadija.. blah blah.. no need for children.. ill love adopt accept yours and your exes.. HA wow yah really believing this...Hello fergie spell it out D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L

I can marry christian. no problem..bcoz face it he knows once your wife you have littlee choice.(again not a bcoz all cultures have jackasses, its that all cultures have DIFFERING social standards and Practices ie norms)

MY WISH is that woman was of Islamic of mind b4 getting tangled in marriage , ISLAM means submission. bcoz in the end,, you know your submission and faith lies in GOD ALLAH.

Im Muslim b4 marriage.. and even i know that there is much truth to this article....Islamic culture is what it is, marriage is Islam. think it good think it bad. who cares

Main thing is it right for you..............???

bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-10-03 17:54:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not

yh good luck on saying no.


yh good luck on saying no.
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-10-02 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaGod be with Us
hope it holds true for internet stalkers as well. Wow
bhajishahFemalePakistan2009-05-30 15:34:00