K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

yes im not going for the VWP we're trying to meet at this point and don't know enough about the process because we dont know where to look or who to talk to, we have been considering to consult an immigration layer of some kind, Mainly because we're worried about the American citizen coming to the uk and being dined so we're both just trying to cover our bases.   

Edited by Serenity1, 02 June 2013 - 06:47 PM.

Serenity1Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

oh... I didnt think i was eligible for the VWP because i have a caution and have been technically arrested aswell so i didnt think i could get it. so i went for the b2 instead.   

Serenity1Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

thank you for your replies so far the us citizen HAS a passport and we do not know what the VWP is 

Serenity1Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

Hi everyone reading, My partner and I have been dating online for a year and a half now, we quickly decided we were right for each other and shortly into our relationship we decided to go though and learn about the process of getting married, I the female live in England, I am a British citizen trying to marry as US citizen (male) We have not met in person yet because i was denied the B2 visa  to visit the US because of lack of ties to my country they did not allow me to visit so now he is trying to visit me from the US.

Unfortunately he has a minor criminal record to he was convicted of domestic violence (unfairly so, not against a partner) and of possession of drug-paraphernalia last year, spent a month and a half in jail for said charge. The case is closed and resolved but he has plans to come over here to visit me to satisfy the requirement to meet in person but i have several questions about our situation.


1 -  Is he eligible to successfully receive a visa  if ALL convictions are considered 'Spent' 


2 -  If he is unable to come here and I there... Are we eligible for a hardship waiver? 


3 -  Last but not least ANY information about getting the hardship waiver and what effects it has on the visa application its self and any extra steps we must take/hoops to jump though, costs ect... ANYTHING at all will be most welcome, thank you.. 



Any additional advice or information is greatly appreciated


Thank you for your time. 

Edited by Serenity1, 02 June 2013 - 06:23 PM.

Serenity1Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 18:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting?
Hi, my wife and I got married last year 11.11.2011 and sent the 1-130 package at the end of Jan. We have had the NOA1 soon after. As it's nearly been (a long, long) 4 months, another response should be due very soon I guess ? I have received my Police records and she is gathering tax returns so we're getting on top of that. Is it just waiting for them to mail now? Anything else we can be doing?

Bit of a background, Im a British citizen, she is a US citizen.

Thanks. Great forum!
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 with police caution

Yes they will need more advice to that. Just imagine a person who is not familar with the terms used in that country reading your application. It may result in a RFE. Please type on a seperate sheet of paper giving details to the violation. If you can explain it properly and in detail you will not have a problem. Be sure to properly label that extra sheet with the number of the question and your case number on the top right hand side of the page.

Thanks for your replies!

So basically, my police cert says "threatening abusive behaviour" towards somebody. I was (badly) advised not to comment on the incident during the police interview and was never able to back myself up. This was to protect my job at the time, my manager had been accused of braking somebodies jaw during the incident on a night out. They called me in because I was familiar with some of the men and they obviously wanted his name and hear my side of the story.

Should I be honest and explain all this on the separate sheet, or would it be better getting a detailed report from the police? Of course, i'm not going to deny what I am accused of but it would help explain the situation. The case didn't go to court so there will be no court records anyway? I also hear its not a "crime of moral turpitude" so i'm not sure they wouldn't be too interested in looking into detail.
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-09 08:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 with police caution
Hi, we've just had our NOA2 so now looking at the DS-230 form. I have a police caution on my certificate (section 4 public order). I'm told this shouldn't affect our plans.

Question 41. asks Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any offense or crime?

Am I correct to say " caution for Section 4 public order offence" and send my police certificate to explain? Do they need more details than that?

Thanks y'all
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-07 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmunizations for medical
Hi mate, thanks for your reply. Rang them up and they said I could still do the medical without vaccinations, then i'd get them done at my local GP after the medical. That's fine, saves me paying a bomb for them to be done in london.

On USA medical questionnaire it asked if "you've ever been hospitalized (including psychiatric admission)" . Well, not sure what this means, I have been in hospital once before with some form of tonsillitis? Do I need to state this? Do I also need to show them records of this?

Thanks again
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-16 06:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmunizations for medical
Hi! Hope i'm posting this in the right forum.

I wasn't able to get an appointment in time at my local GP for the vaccinations needed! Can I just get these done in London next week? Also, doctors seem to have lost my record so I have no evidence and i'm not sure about previous vaccinations iv have had, will they be okay with this? Might try and call a few other local GPs though so has anyone got a list of the vaccinations i'll need?

Thanks in advance
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-15 05:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfusing checklist??
Thanks guys, I did this right away. Fingers crossed.

What happens next? Is the next correspondence an interview date? Any idea when I can hope to hear back with this?

Thanks again.
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 11:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfusing checklist??

So, about 2 weeks ago I sent off my DS-230 PART 1. Iv'e had my medical in London about a month ago and all went well, I have also paid up on the fees.

Today I received an email which reads:

"We have reviewed the documents which you submitted in support of an application for an immigrant
visa. Please review the information listed under each applicant's name and provide any documents
which are indicated as missing or need additional information. You must submit the required
information. Failure to provide the requested information will delay your immigrant visa interview..... :"Please submit a completed copy of the form DS-230 Part II,"

I was under the impression I had to send just Part 1 alone and bring Part ll to the interview? Im also wondering if this is some sort of automatic email from NVC, maybe they havent processed my DS230 Part 1 yet?

If any one can shed any light on this id be very grateful.

manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-17 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE help
Hi everyone, just had yet another RFE just now after submitting the DS-230. Gutted!

______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________
The NVC has received the requested Immigrant Visa Application (DS-230). However, we are still waiting for the response to the checklist letter for the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864). Please return the requested information so that we may complete the processing of your case.

______7 - COURT RECORDS:___________________________________________
Please submit court or prison records indicating the nature of this person's conviction and sentence. These records should bear the official seal of the issuing authority.

Okay so, my wife sent the financial records a while ago so im not sure why they're asking for them again?

Court records. I received a police caution a couple of years ago over an argument in a bar. I sent the ACPO certificate but now they're asking for more. This case didnt go to court so im not sure what they want here? Thought they'd just quiz me about this at the interview!

Well, I was hoping to get there before Christmas but that doesnt look like its going to happen now! Pretty disappointed to say the least!
manni83MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-01 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice check and other questions

Thank you very much, everyone. It makes sense to me that the Embassy website would be the one to follow. Also I think my head is clearer about the medical.


Thanks Nich-Nick for the links, and I'll nosy the UK forum for further information.

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-30 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice check and other questions

Hi all, I have a couple of questions, and I would be very grateful of any insight or past experiences. First up is a quick overview:

I am British, engaged to an US citizen (USAF). We filed our I-129F in November and according to the Senator's office (who has been checking up for us)it's getting close to being processed so now I am trying to get organized to reduce waiting time.


My first question is regarding police background checks. I already obtained one for the UK, but I am getting conflicting information about whether I need one for Germany, where I resided for 9 months. Here is what is stated on the site, linked to from the USCIS webpage, under Required Documentation:

Police certificates from your present country of residence and all countries where you have lived for 6 months or more since age 16


And here is what is stated on the London Embassy website, where I will be attending my interview (if the I-129F is approved):

Police certificates are required for all countries you have lived in for more than 12 months over the age of 16 years.


Does anybody know which advice I should follow? I'd rather avoid the large hassle of taking a trip to the German Consulate to obtain the certificate if I have to, though of course I'll do what is necessary to prevent any issues with the Visa application.



My second question is: Is anybody able to explain the medical interview timing clearly to me? I am aware it needs to be undertaken before the Embassy Interview, but how far in advance, and do I need to wait for a 'summons' in order to make the appointment? This is the information from the London Embassy website again:

When and Where

The medical examination is performed by an Embassy approved physician at one of two medical centers in London. The medical examination cannot be performed by the applicant's own physician.  The medical results are couriered to the Embassy within 5 workdays of the examination. 

The medical examination must take place before the visa interview. The Embassy will not schedule the interview until they have received the results of the medical examination.  


I'm guessing that I should make the appointment for the medical once the NVC has forwarded the pack to me, but I'm not certain. Or perhaps the pack will have this information enclosed. Does anybody know?



Thank you for reading this wall of text, any responses will be greatly appreciated!

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-30 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious refusal of entry, current K1 app

Ok, thank you very much for your time. :-) I'll ask to get it moved.

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious refusal of entry, current K1 app

No, we never filed anything and we split up shortly after.

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious refusal of entry, current K1 app

We met all the requirements. The RFE requested simple evidence such as dates on the backs of photographs, and a full copy of my fiancé's passport (he had initially only sent a few pages). They acknowledged receipt of this on June 17th.


Nich-Nick, based on your edit, is that going to affect our K-1 process?


The IO when I was refused entry did say that it shouldn't affect a spousal visa process, just that I would never be able to use the VWP again. Of course this is a different relationship.

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious refusal of entry, current K1 app

I initially told the IO I wasn't intending to stay, but on the sworn statement I said I was intending to stay. So they have on record that I did not initially tell the truth. I signed some paperwork, I can't remember right now what the form was, I'll have to look when I'm back home in a few days. But there was nothing put in my actual passport.


This does lead to another question though. I know that for my next lot of forms (if/when I get them) I will need to admit to being refused entry, do I need to say I misrepresented myself too?

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious refusal of entry, current K1 app

After 6 weeks of waiting for a response to our RFE at VSC I'm starting to get very stressed, especially as I am seeing other people have been getting a response within 10 days. The reason I am so stressed is I have a complicated background.


I was refused entry into the US 3 years ago. I was then married to a USC who had moved back home from the UK, and basically I attempted to enter the US on the VWP, when it was a spousal visa I needed. I panicked when I was questioned, and initially I said I wasn't intending to stay, which was suggested by a lawyer who clearly gave some bad advice. This was of course very stupid and not like me at all (I'm a rubbish liar), I've been beating myself up about this for 3 years so no comments needed on that point.
Fast forward 3 years, my divorce from the previous marriage is final and my current Fiancé (USAF, we met in Germany) put in our petition in October last year. We have been apart for two years which as many of you will know is very difficult (he was then stationed to the US), he has visited me a few times but I have been unable to visit him. With his job he cannot move here, so the only way to be together is for me to move to the US.


I am posting for a few reasons.


1. We are following every requirement needed for this visa application, we are legitimate and although we don't have much evidence in the form of shared bank statements or accommodation etc, we have tonnes of evidence in the form of emails and Skype conversations (yes I know London isn't really interested in this stuff). Is it possible our visa application will be denied based solely on my previous refusal at port of entry? And how likely is this to happen?


2. Will my past be affecting our petition application at the VSC? Or could it be something else that is making the wait so long? (They do say we will get a response to the RFE within 60 days, which we are still within).


3. If we are denied for whatever reason, does anybody know of other options we may have, bearing in mind he can't move here while he stays in the AF? I did read somewhere that getting married elsewhere and applying for a spousal visa might be a bad idea (I forget where and why).



These questions are probably just silly ones, but I'm going out of my mind with worry and stress and any insights would be greatly appreciated.

geepyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 NOA1 Question.


I think you are talking about NOA-2 (I-797). Embassy will extend the petition automatically by showing them that you're pursuing your K-1 visa. How to show your intend? fill out some forms like DS-160, schedule your interview date, medical, and etc. Can you do all these things in US? 


Sorry, yes, he's only sent me a small photo so far to show me that we got it and to show me the validity dates. I'll need to look up the DS-160 form, I've not seen that one yet. I can try and schedule the interview and medical date providing they give me more than the 5 days (as I'll land back in Australia around the 22nd due to timezone differences). I may be able to do these things in the U.S. I don't leave for another two weeks...


Thankyou for your help, I'm very new to all of this and we're pretty stressed out about it right now.

EmmajMaleAustralia2013-11-07 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 NOA1 Question.
My fiancé and I just received our NOA1 and it says the validity dates on it. Ours expires on Feb 28 2014. The problem is I'm leaving to spend three months in the US and won't be home until the 20th. Can we extend this validity?
EmmajMaleAustralia2013-11-07 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2/Interview Scheduling Question (Australian beneficiary).

Personally, I would cut the trip short. Otherwise you're probably going to need to call/email/write to the consulate in Sydney and request an extension.. I'm not too sure how that would look, but I do know they give them out under reasonable circumstances (for example, my interview was Sept 24th, and my petition was set to expire 6 days later on Sept 30th - they said I'd be fine but in the end they had to extend it by 2 days). Remember when you send pkt 3 you are signing off that you are ready to be interviewed. Don't send it all through if you're still in the states and thus can't attend. It just wastes theirs and your time.


Well, in addition, I'm currently unsure as to what information I need to gather prior to my interview. I am aware that I need a medical check beforehand, but how much needs to be done beforehand? Would it be reasonable to try schedule my interview for late Feb (even if I don't come home early)?

EmmajMaleAustralia2013-11-07 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2/Interview Scheduling Question (Australian beneficiary).

My fiance received our NOA2 in the mail yesterday, with validity dates from Oct 2013 - February 28th 2014. The problem for us is that I'm leaving to go over to the U.S. with him for three months (November 22 2013 - February 20 2014) and I'm not sure I will be home to receive my interview instructions/what else I need to do. Does anyone know of a way I can handle these things from over in the States, ready for when I come back to Australia?


Thank-you, I find all this a little confusing.

EmmajMaleAustralia2013-11-07 16:39:00
PhilippinesAny Filipinos here in New Hampshire?

Hello everyone!


I am in manchester area.. 

Me-Myself-and-INot TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 23:37:00
CaribbeanDS-156 vs. DS-160
I also thought it was just the one electronic form now?


mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-01-14 20:39:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

I thought it was rough living in Canada and missing stuff from Scotland, but at least in the US I won't be always looking for it...good curry, coffee that comes in a press, awesome marmalade, Baxters beetroot and redcurrant jelly, having all the shops you could possibly need in walking distance of each other, trains....Hubby to be asked me "what's curry?"

mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-02-11 22:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa app do you need prev marriage certificate?

Thanks guys, one less thing to worry about!

mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-02-01 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa app do you need prev marriage certificate?
I know this is a thread from last year but...looking through lists of things it does look like they want your previous marriage certificate. Has anyone had to provide that? I had so much trouble getting my divorce certificate- from the provincial archives no less- it won't be something that will happen quickly. I did use my married name briefly 30 years ago. Sometimes when I read the instructions for this stuff I feel so absolutely dense! I did read through a bunch of old threads about it and it appears to be ongoing confusion...
mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-02-01 02:03:00
CanadaFinding info about former spouses

I hope no government employee gives you the information protected by the privacy act... that is something I really enjoyed in Canada yes.gif  
If you do not find the information, you can add a note on a sheet attached to the form smile.png  I had to do that for other information and there is a point when, if you can't find it, you can't find it

Thanks, I was hoping that might be an option. I've never felt so helpless and frustrated in my life. I have a feeling that's something I'm going to have to get used to.

mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-01-08 21:16:00
CanadaFinding info about former spouses
Thanks for all suggestions. Was only with husband #1 for one year and it ended with me in hospital weighing 83 pounds, no wonder I don't remember the idiots birthdate! Extensive internet searching shows nothing. Will be going to camp out at vital stats tomorrow. The girl on the phone has said that they can see this stuff, but they can't give it to me!! Same with the divorce lady in Ottawa.
The amount of info I was able to get about my American fiancé before I even met him is absolutely staggering.

mitchanmeFemaleCanada2014-01-08 20:22:00
United KingdomCountersignature for Criminal Check

Yeah the Manchester Police form has to have a countersignature for some reason. My form says 'Data Protection Act 1988 Application for info held about you by GMP. The police man I spoke to said lots of people come in for it for visas.

I thought the criminal check was gonna be straight forward but obviously not.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-03-17 12:16:00
United KingdomCountersignature for Criminal Check
I've just picked up a criminal disclosure form from my local police station in Manchester but I don't know who I can get to countersign it. It has to be a 'person of standing' that has known me for at least a year, a doctor, solicitor etc. I can only think of my doctor who doesn't really know me cos I've not been for years.
Also, does anyone know if doctors generally charge for this service and if so how much?

Thanks, I just wanna get it sent off as soon as possible
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-03-17 11:17:00
United KingdomCriminal checks
For my K1 Visa I need to send a criminal check from any country I have lived in for 12 months or over. I lived in USA for 12 months as an Au Pair with a J1 visa in 1996 - 1997. Does anyone know if I need to get a police check from NY state as well as my UK check?
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-03-24 08:50:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination
Hi, I have been to get my vaccination history from my doctors for my fiancee visa today and I had my tetanus while I was there. The nurse told me that I will probably need the MMR as I only had rubella and measles when I was younger and not mumps but that I had to wait a month for the first jab and then had to wait a further 3 months for the second one. I can't wait that long - it's been long enough!!
Does anyone know if this is true as I have read different things on this forum?
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-04-24 14:34:00
United KingdomMedical done
My wedding date is September 15th so I'm just being over-cautious but I think I put the wrong date on my timeline for sending P3, I sent it a week earlier on 14/05/07. I've not booked a flight or anything it's just that things need organising and this damn interview date is driving me crazy.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-06-11 11:24:00
United KingdomMedical done
I've been waiting almost 4 weeks for packet 4 and had my medical on 4th June. My wedding date is gonna come and go if they don't hurry up.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-06-09 08:45:00
United KingdomSome rather late good lucks to cindi, justbee&robbie and ValWesUKUS!
Hi, thanks for asking. We were approved!! :D
I was so nervous I felt sick and I thought at one point I'd messed up the interview as I got all my words wrong.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-07-11 13:51:00
United KingdomInsurance
Hi everyone, now I have my K1 I need to start getting things sorted. I am planning on getting immigrant health insurance before I leave which will cover me until we get married but what about my baggage insurance? Is baggage insurance necessary or a waste of money? I'll be carrying my wedding dress over as well.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-07-18 15:56:00
United KingdomTaking wedding dress over

I have mine too and am planning on taking it over with me. I didn't actually buy it from a wedding shop though! I got it off of eBay!!!

I was hoping to take it as hand luggage :unsure: I think I will have to buy a bag to put it in though.. If I took it to a wedding shop do you think they would pack it for me?

I would have thought so. They may charge a small fee as you didn't buy it at their shop but it'll probably be worth it.
linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-07-27 12:17:00
United KingdomTaking wedding dress over
Hi, Is anyone else planning on taking their wedding dress to the US or buying it there?

I already have mine (well almost - final fitting in a couple of weeks) I am flying with Delta and have contacted them and they said if there is space in their coat cupboard they can put it in there but if not it can be checked. The bridal shop are going to pack it into a box for me and have said that I will be amazed about how small they can pack it. I would really like to have it as hand luggage but I'm gonna have to wait and see how small the box is and if it will fit in a small suitcase with wheels that I can carry on.

Has anyone have any experience of this or know anyone else who has married abroad?

linzzeeFemaleEngland2007-07-27 11:49:00