K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to track the I-129f petition for spouse (K-3)
Ok, now this may seem like a daft question and I am probably going to be kicking myself when I find the answer, but I need to ask. Looking at the address where to send the I-129f petition, I have noticed it gets sent to a PO BOX, how the hell do we track that and make sure it gets signed for if it is a po box???

Sorry lol I know it is a dumb question and probably one that has been asked before, but I need some reassurance here lol.


Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-03 12:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVermont NOA1
Hiya! We mailed our petition (from the UK as I am still with my husband) on the 10th of May. My girlfriend with whom we will be staying with when we go back to the states, said that she got the NOA1 on the 2nd of June. She said the receipt notice was for the 24th of May. Hope this helps! Keep the faith hun...we are all waiting, but the good thing about this forum is that there are a lot of ppl that have been through the waiting process or are way ahead of us that are always helpful and are for the most part always there to lend and ear or in this case and eye, and support us and or offer advice.

Good luck with your journey!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-05 01:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of I-130
Thank you for the help guys! As is much appreciated. Does this mean I may now breathe??? lol

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 08:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of I-130
I could make a new one but I would have to sign and date it I would imagine...and I don't remember the date that I signed it. Or do you think they won't be bothered with that?! I just can't believe that I did something that is so unorganized...I am an organizing freak if you will lol.

Laura Mitchell

Attached Files

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 01:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of I-130
I think I may have a big problem here guys so I need all the best advice/input. Before I sent in the I-130, I had to do it over twice because on the first one I put my old married name. So I did it the second time with my new married name and sent that one in. Ian asked me the other day where I put the copy of it so he knows where I am keeping everything for when my time comes to leave. When I looked at the copy, I noticed that it was a copy of the first one I printed off with my old married name on it. I have searched the computer files to see if I have it saved and unfortunately I don't. How is this going to affect Ian when he goes for his interview and the copy of the I-130 isn't the same as what was sent in (it is the same, just different last name for me)? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated on this one...I think I am on the third or fourth panic attack now...grrrrrrrrrr

Thanks in advance

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 00:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdoes it matter how you marry?

of course, i would not do it if it was to risk anything at a later date. but having been assured its legal and accepted and the US embassy in london told me you needed a valid marriage certificate, we dont really want to change our plans unless we know for sure it would really be an issue

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 12:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdoes it matter how you marry?

what are the requirements then? i just thought it was a valid marriage certificate?

the clerk of the court in boulder assured me its legal and accepted in the US.

TBH, I think it all lies with whoever looks at the copies of your marriage certificate during each step, and then again at the interview. I don't have a definite answer for that one. I know I wouldn't want to take the chance and have to start all over again. Why not just have an official perform the ceromony? WHy take such a risk? I know for me personally, this is a big huge step and I wouln't want to make it all the way to the finish line only to be told at the interview that they can't give my husband a visa because they don't believe the type of ceremony we had was valid. This is only my personal opinion. You do what you feel is best for you and your fiance.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 10:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdoes it matter how you marry?

I would not be playing with the laws like that. I would be getting some officent to perform it
I would not want it biting you in the azz later. the USICS is so up everyone behind these days
why take the risk - geez. you can have an officent come there to the mountains.

I would have to agree with shonjaved on this one. It may be legal in Colarodo, but it may not sit right with the government for which you are asking them to allow your foreign spouse to come to the states and live. Why take the chance? Also, look at it this way, there are divorces in Nevada that are considered to be legal there, but I know of a few instances where people have gone to get married only for the government to turn around and say hey...your marriage is not valid because neither was your divorce. Don't take the risk m8! This is your future wife...take an official upto the mountains with you...It will still be very romantic..

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-06 05:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSaying Hello....we have now begun the K3 process!
Best of Luck!!! My first bit of education from being in the military when I was in, was the first thing to learn about the US government is you are waiting to wait. HOW TRUE TO FORM IS THAT ??!?!?! lol. My husband and I have just started ours as well although we have already received our first NOA1 (only just) so we can kind of keep notes together and help one another out if you like!

Keep the faith!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-05 01:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopies
OK...thank god I haven't hit the red delete button then!! lol. COMPULSIVE COMPULSIVE COMPULSIVE...that should be my new name now...JUST KIDDING !!!

Laura MItchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-07 11:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopies

Hiya guys. When you get your NOA1 for any petition, whether it be the I-130 or I-129f, is it safe to throw out the copies or is there a chance of getting an RFE still? I am just curious because I had stated before that I didn't make copies of the second set of my I-130 that I mailed in and only kept the first set for which I messed up on. It is still in the computer and I was wondering if it was safe to delete it seeing as to how my name is different, but then I thought of well what if there is still a chance of an RFE?!

I so hope I didn't lose anyone here lol.

Thanks guys...


I didnt keep copies of ANYTHING, i flew by the seat of my pants :P
there is always a chance of a RFE!!.............but normaly "Important" documents :thumbs:

LOL...I like your style EURO!!! My hubby told me that I was compulsive last night pmsl. I always need to know where everything is at all times and what is going on exactly. If I miss a beat then I miss the whole damn plot!!! Thanks for that. I think I shall just go with the flow and press the delete button :whistle: ..God I hope I don't regret this.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-07 10:30:00