K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally married lol
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Hello all!!!!!!!! Yes we are finally married lol. Thank God for that. Now we will be starting the K-3 process. I am so looking forward to that and have been for a while. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the wait but then again, who is right?? I just want to thank all of you that have been helpful in this process so far and for getting us in the right direction. Now the real fun begins eh? I am sure that I will be asking loads more questions soon.

Thanks again...

Mr and Mrs Mitchell....god it feels good to say that now...Ian and Laura xxx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-01 02:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen to send out the I-129 once the I-130 is sent
yeah i know sorry lol...imagine me being in the air force at one would think that i would know better than to not say the correct name. i know it is the I-129F. Thanks for that lol.
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-03 11:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen to send out the I-129 once the I-130 is sent
Great thank you guys!!! I think that this will please the new hubby..hehe I am so happy and giddy to be saying HUBBY lol...
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-03 10:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen to send out the I-129 once the I-130 is sent
Hiya..Can someone please tell me what is the usual time wait before you send out the I-129 once you have sent the I-130? We want to make sure that we have the funds already converted into American money. In other words, the hubby is very nervous and wants to get the checks available now so when it is time to mail it off, I can just reach into the cupboard and there is this wondeful check/or money order waiting there for me to send off lol. Bless him really. So just to settle his nerves a bit, can someone please help me?? I have looked at the time lines but dont really see what the time frame is.

Thank you very much for appeasing to my wonderful hubby lol.

Ian and Laura
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-03 09:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresphoto copy or original
I had no idea that I would have this many questions once I started this process lol sorry guys. Right, we need to send in copies of our marriage certificate, do they need to be certified copies, originals, or will a photo copy do? Now, if I am correct in my thinking, a photo copy would not do at all seeing as to how it is the government we are dealing with here. lol. That is all we need to get sorted then we can ship off our first package in the next few days. Thank you again.

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-03 11:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A bio info
On the bio information form you have to do a set of 4 for the USC and a set of 4 for the intended immigrant/spouse.

Q. I need to know if my spouse has to sign or is it asking for my signiture?

Thankyou in advance for your help.

Regards Ian & Laura Mitchell :thumbs:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-03 15:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130

You are gonna do great have a pretty good handle on all this and you cross your t's and dot your i's. Here's hoping you have a clear run through with no RFE's.

Yeah it is exciting aye. I went through a lull there in the middle a bit with the waiting but now Im on the home stretch with an interview date the 5 June. Now Im thinking.......damm I need more time hahahahaha I dont even know where to start packing....Ive been just looking at it for a week

AWWW BLESS!! Good luck with that hun. Ian and I will be thinking you on the day. Let us know what happens.

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-04 10:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130

You are great hun!! I knew it would be you to be the first to That is all I needed to know..for this application at least. I have a scanner so I can make all my copies here...and now all I need to sort out is the payment, which he will be going to he bank today to get converted. Then it will get mailed...YIPPEEEEEE WE ARE ON OUR WAY......hehe...never thought I would be so excited over anything pmsl...


Laura and Ian xxx :thumbs:

Hi Laura

You put his present job in the UK

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-04 09:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130
ON the I-130, question 15 in regards to the spouse, it asks for his employer, now i am interpreting that two ways...could someone please help me out. It is right under asking if your spouse is in the US or not, so you can see how it can be taken as if he were in the US. He does have a job, but in the UK. So what do i put??

Thank you...

Laura and Ian Mitchell :dance:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-04 09:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswho to make payment to??
Yes I am sorry, it is for the I-130. Does that make a difference as to who you have said to make it out to???

Thanks again...

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-07 08:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswho to make payment to??
:whistle: Hiya! We are about to send our first package out but need to know who to make out the check too. COuld someone please help me asap? I have looked and looked and cannot find the answer, and knowing my luck it is probably right under my nose lol. Thank you in advance...

Laura and Ian Mitchell xx :devil: :innocent:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-07 07:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat to write on bank drawn check
Hiya! Ok my husband got the check for 190$ dollars US, but we need to know what do we put on the chack besides who it should be made out to? I thought that I read somewhere that you put your name on it somewhere??? It is a bank drawn check from his bank over here in the UK so his name is nowhere on it. Please help asap as this is the last bit of info then I can send off our first package!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..;

Thanks in advance

Laura and Ian Mitchell :lol:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-10 03:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThank You Everyone
:dance: Ian and I would just like to say thank you to everyone for all of your help/adivce in the past, present, and the future. It has been a rollercoaster just getting started, but hopefully things will start to ease up a bit. To be honest, even getting a RFE won't seem as bad as what it has been just getting to the starting of this whole process. Being told in the beginning that we were able to be married in the UK, then being told nope..ya gotta go back to US first...grrrr talk about frustration. The positive side of that was that I got to see my children and that was a wonderful visit at that. Anyway, now we can let out a sigh of relief now that we have the first part in the post. I know it is frustrating for all of you that have already been apart from your significant others, and I know that my day will come where I will have to board that plane and be apart from my new husband. I will remember all of you and know that hey..they got thru it can we. At the end of the day, it will all be worth it I know. Thanks again everyone and God bless!!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-10 06:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG one more question lol

When we were ready to mail our I-129f off I had asked the Post Office about delivery confirmation. They had told me that once the packet left the UK & was in the hands of the US postal service that they could not track it and could not guarantee any delivery confirmation.
Very frustrating! :(

We ended up sending our petition via UPS for that very reason - we wanted to be sure it was received!! ;)

As per our experience with our 1st I-130 petition being sent via snail mail & us not being able to track it (and having no reference number to give the USCIS Customer Service line) we knew how we did not want to go through that helplessness again.

Thank you Rebster. I appreciate your help instead of getting responses like the previous one. I can understand that some questions may seem stupid to some, but honestly, if we knew the answer would we be asking??? I am not that ignorant where I wouldnt ask about delivery confirmation or tracking. The post man never told me what you just did. Hence the reason why my husband told me that I was given a run around. It is frustrating when you are in another country and you don't know the procedures and even the slightest word said incorrectly can go misinterprated. I have run into that quite frequently here. They may use the same words but they could have the totally different meaning.

Thanks again!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-12 12:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG one more question lol

If I understand you correctly, you are in the UK with your husband at the moment and you posted something to the USA. Now you want to know if you can track the package on-line.

Didn't you ask this at the Post Office where you mailed the package?

What happens if the UK postal service has a problem with your package before it leaves the UK? Do you expect them to send it to the US return address that you used? I doubt that they'll do this. Hopefully there won't be any problems.

Best of luck,


Hiya..Of course I asked them at the post office. I asked them for delivery confirmation. Now I have posted things in the US the same way but have always gotten a reciept showing that it had been delivered and signed for. When my husband got home from work, I told him that the post man said that they send something, and my husband then told me that I have been given a run around because over here they don't get anything back. That was why I was asking if I can track it online..but perhaps I was misunderstood by my first post, what I wanted to know was if there was a way I can find out if my package was recieved in Vermont. But hey, thanks for the vote of condifidence there anyway..
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-12 10:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG one more question lol
Ok I sent it by deliver confirmation with my addy as the is in the US. Now, will I be able to look online to see if they recieved it without waiting to look at the tracking or no??

Thanks again...
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-10 06:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG one more question lol
Ok OK OK so I know that I probably look like a chicken with its head cut off, but the hubby has just posed one more question...then I promise I will be quiet for a bit anyway lol. On the return address on the envelope, should I have it state my residence in NY or should I put my hubby's home here in the UK. I am starting the application while I am here, but I need to know if I will get the reciept of the package when I send it registered mail?! I hope someone can understand what I am trying to say. lol. So here? Or there?

Thanks again...

Laura and Ian Mitchell :blink: :innocent:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-10 04:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFee for G-325A forms???
hiya..there is no fee for the G-325A form. I don't know who you spoke with but that is not correct.

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-11 01:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!
Congratulations!!! All the best for you both....

Laura and Ian Mitchell xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-15 05:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2 questions
Thank you so much to the both of you for those responses...I appreciate it!!! (so does Ian lol. I am sure he will be happy to know that he wont have to have jabs again..I have seen him get a shot before..IT AINT PRETTY lol)

What about the information needed for his son? He will be 16 when he comes over if that is what he decides.

THanks again...

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 07:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2 questions
How would Ian go about getting this done and will that be ok to have in regards to proof of vaccinations??

Thank you guys...I appreciate the responses and the help.

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 06:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2 questions
In regards to the doctor, no that isn't the only doctor that he had. The problem is the records follow him from doctor to doctor. The past doctors don't hold onto those records. As far as the latter question. We are going for the K-3.

Thank you for your help.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 05:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2 questions
:help: Ok, so I am trying to make sure that I have all of Ian's information gathered in time. His vaccination record. I have called his doctor who looked into getting a copy. We have run into a snag here because when his doctor looked for them, all he has on record is a tetnus shot back in 1975, and a flu jab back in 1988. I don't know what to do at this point. If we can't get a hold of his vaccination records, what happens then? Will he have to get them all over again?

For the second question, his son is talking about coming over when he is done with school which will be next May. What will we need document wise to start his immigration process?

Ian and I both appreciate any and all help thank you.

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 03:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

My service center is Nebraska, but we got our NOA-1 just 14 days after we sent in the I-130. They send that out to you right away, and then your application goes in the queue for processing.

Good luck!

Ok, so the date on the timeline then, that is the date that you got your NOA1 ? And if so, then that would be the guideline for the processing timeline? THat makes more sense now if that is correct. THank you so much. It can all be so confusing..

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-12 14:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
Ok, can someone please tell me approximately how long once you submit your I-130 (going to Vermont), do you typically get your NOA1? I am a bit confused on this because I thought that the processing guideline stated that they arent starting on applications before a certain date? Can someone please cearify this for me? I am sorry for sounding so daft but I honestly am getting confused on this. Its hard when you hear one thing then another..THank you again..

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-12 13:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOk need help again..
Thanks for all that guys! I knew I could count on you. I have just copied and pasted everyones comments to her on yahoo so I do believe she will have a fair amount of reading to do when she wakes up in New York lol. As soon as I turned my yahoo on this morning she had im'ed me when I was offline saying now that she has a friend who is going through the same thing and they were the ones who told her that her fiance can stay on a 6 month visa while he waits out the k1. I have responded by not only pasting the comments from all of you, but have also added the fact that it is impossible as her fiance will have to have an interview which has to take place in his own country. Then and only then, when he is approved he will have to show his visa at customs to get it stamped and correct me if i am wrong here but doesnt something get placed in his visa when he goes through customs other than the date stamp??? Thank you so much for the help guys. Perhaps she will allow me to give someone her addy so maybe if she doesnt believe me, one of you can try and pound it into her brain, but how can i say this...with more...hmmmmmmm subtly?? In other words I think I am to nice and some of you ...welllllll with good intentions might i add...can really tell it how it is lol.

Ok with that I am off running before I get anything thrown at me...

Laura Mitchell xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-19 01:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOk need help again..
Thanks for that last comment. I do know what the process is as I too am going through it. My friend is thinking that she can apply for the K1 to get married in america with her fiance, then apply for this so called waiver that will allow him to come to america and wait out the process. I have explained to her over and over that there is no other way and that we all have to wait, even ppl who are getting theirs expidited. She just doesnt get it. I can understand reading that one line which i quoted in my last post about, that she could easily misinterpret that. But it is clear that it is for the K3 and that is what the form is explaining..the whole k3 process. I am baffled as to how she can not see the answers. I have directed her to this site over and over and I honestly dont think she has even bothered to come on here. I am worried.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 10:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOk need help again..
She claimed to have gotten it off of the Government web site when filling something out. As to how old it is, I have no clue. But from reading it, I am taking it is from when the K-3 was first introduced. I get that impression from the way it talks about implementing a new K visa program. Any advice on what to say to her on this matter? No matter what I say, I can almost guarantee that she will get defensive about it.

Thanks again..

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 09:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOk need help again..
Thank you for that. That is what I was thinking but she gets so defensive when I try to explain things to her. I think the line in there that she is confusing is this...."This will allow them to enter the United States as nonimmigrants, re-unite with their family here, and then apply for immigrant status while in the country." But she is trying apply for the K1 for which she hasnt even done yet. SHe is living in this fantasy world and I am really concerned for her. Hopefully she will pay attention to what I said.

Come to think of wouldnt make sense if there was such a thing for the k1 because what if the k1 wasnt approved but yet they marry anyway while him being in the country on this so called waiver that she is dreaming of????Surely that would cause more problems in the long run?!

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 08:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOk need help again..
Ok my friend has just emailed me this.

INS Implements the “K” Nonimmigrant Visa Provision of the LIFE Act
WASHINGTON –– To reduce the separations immediate family members of U.S. citizens may experience while waiting abroad for an immigrant visa, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is implementing a new K nonimmigrant visa provision, which was published as an interim rule in today’s Federal Register.
The rule expands the K visa status, currently available to fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens, to include the spouse of a U.S. citizen, who is waiting abroad for an immigrant visa, and the spouse’s children. This will allow them to enter the United States as nonimmigrants, re-unite with their family here, and then apply for immigrant status while in the country. It is one of several immigration benefit provisions created by the Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE Act) enacted last December.
Under this new nonimmigrant visa classification, spouses of U.S. citizens may be granted K-3 nonimmigrant status, and the spouse’s unmarried children (under 21 years of age) may be granted K-4 nonimmigrant status. Obtaining a K-3/4 visa is not required, however. Spouses of U.S. citizens and their children may skip applying for a K visa and directly obtain their immigrant visa abroad from the Department of State.
For those who wish to take advantage of this new provision, to be eligible for a K-3 nonimmigrant visa, an applicant MUST:
Be the spouse of a U.S. citizen;
Have a Form I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative) filed on his/her behalf by his/her U.S. citizen spouse, that is pending;
Have a Form I-129F (Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)) completed and submitted on his/her behalf by his/her U.S. citizen spouse to:

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
P.O. Box 7218
Chicago, IL 60680-7218
(Note: The INS must approve the Form I-129F before the beneficiary becomes eligible to apply for the K Visa from the U.S. consulate abroad.); and
Submit a completed Form I-693 (Medical Examination) when he/she appears at the consulate to apply for the K-3 visa from the Department of State.
To be eligible for a K-4 nonimmigrant visa, an applicant does not need a separate Form I-130 or a Form I-129F filed on his/her behalf. The K-4 applicant MUST:
Be an unmarried child (under 21 years of age) of a K-3 visa applicant or holder;
Submit a completed Form I-693 (Medical Examination) when he/she appears at the consulate to apply for the K-4 visa.
Applying for Immigrant Status
The K-3/4 nonimmigrant classification does not provide immigrant status. To obtain immigrant status --once in the United States -- a K-3 nonimmigrant must file a Form I-485 (Application for Adjustment to Permanent Residence). A K-4 nonimmigrant must have a Form I-130 filed on his/her behalf by his/her U.S. citizen parent/stepparent and must file a Form I-485. K-3/4 nonimmigrants will become lawful permanent residents and receive their Green Card when both the Form I-130 petition and their Form I-485 application have been approved.
K-3/4 non-immigrants may elect to apply for an immigrant visa instead of adjustment of status and may wait in the United States until they must appear at the consulate for their visa interview.
Employment Authorization
K-3/4 nonimmigrants may also apply for authorization to work in the United States while they wait for their immigrant status. To do so, they must submit a completed Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) along with the $100 application fee to the INS post office box (P.O. Box) address specified above for filing the Form I-129F.
Additional information and application forms regarding the K visa and other LIFE Act benefits are available on the INS Web site (forms can be downloaded from the site), or by calling the INS toll-free customer telephone service: 1-800-375-5283

She is believing that this is a waiver to get your spouse or fiance to be able to wait in America while the application is being processed. I have tried to explain to her that there is no such thing. Am I right in thinking this??? Can anyone help me with this? I truly believe that she is so caught up in her emotions that she isn't thinking straight. They havent even filed for a k-1 yet so the reality of them getting married on JULY 4th of this year is def out of the question right??

Thank you for your help in advance.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 08:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBringing step son over afterwards
I posted before what information would be needed to petition for my step son to come over. I have read the link that someone gave me (aussiewench), but I am confused on something (as usual lol). My step son won't be coming over right away as he still needs to finish school which won't be until next may. By that time my husband will already be over there on his K-3, so does this mean we will have to reapply for his son? Or will it the application that I use for my husband still be valid depending on when it gets approved? From my understanding, say my husbands K-3 goes through in September/October, from that date that it is approved, does the visa holder have 6 months to use it then it is considered invalid??? If that is the case then, if my husbands does go through in Sept/Oct., then that definately will become invalid by the time my step son is able to come over. Any suggestions/thoughts/ideas???

Thanks everyone in advance!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell :thumbs:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-20 08:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried in the US on a visitors visa
I believe it has to do with the type of visa/passport that her country gives. If she has to apply for a visa to even go to America to visit then she won't be able to come into America once her application for immigration has been started. I have seen this topic posted before and I am sure one of the more veteran VJers will be able to answer more clearly on that. I believe it has to do with intent and the fact that she will already have a possible k3/cr1 visa already pending. It would be in the governments eyes to easy for her to come into the country and stay illegally if you will.

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-22 04:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried in the US on a visitors visa

I do believe she is able to do AOS and thus remain in the states if immigration was not the intent prior to arrival.

Does she have any ties to her country?

This is not sage advice Chocolaterie. It is said that if you do this, it will be much harder as you will have to prove that you didn't have intent. It is best that she goes back to her own country during the process. There is someone from this site that gave me some really good advice on this and when I remember who the hell it was I will post that persons name lol. grrrrrrrrr...memory is

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-22 02:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried in the US on a visitors visa

Hello! I have a friend that I work with that just married his fiance here in the US. She was on a visitors visa. He didn't know that there are a lot of hoops to jump through and now he is in a real bind.
They have known each other for 4 years, he lived with her (Brazil) for a year or two and he got her a visitors visa. They married last week and now he finds out it was the wrong way to go about things. I told him that I would ask here what the best way to do things is.
The first thing I told him was to get a lawyer!
So his questions are:
What is the best visa to try for. K3 or CR-1
Do they have DCF in Brazil?
How long does the process take?

I told him that his wife would probably need to go back home while all this is going on. She has a 6 month visa. Can she stay for the rest of the visa's duration?
Thank you for your input.

Hiya! Please don't take my word for gold, I am sure someone with more experience or knowledge on this will reply soon, but it is my belief that his wife may be able to stay for the duration of her 6 month visa whilst her husband starts her immigration process. The only thing is, when she leaves America, she will not be able to come back into the country until her visa has been approved. As a whole, the k3 is suppose to be quicker but the CR1 is the whole kit and kaboodle. Also, tell him to note that if she stays with him for the whole 6 months, and he starts her immigration process whilst she is there, she will have to have someone keep in touch with her from her home to let her know if she gets anything in the post in regards to when her immigration interview would be etc. She has to have her interview at the American embassy in her home country.

I hope this helps somewhat. Goodluck!

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-22 02:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjust an update
You know...I can always count on you lol. What a good wench you are :D :whistle: ...Thanks for that. Do you know what he meant by not posted yet? Does that mean that they haven't recieved it or that it hasn't been put into the computer? I thought of asking him myself, but unfortunately, it was AFTER I hung the phone up and the thought of waiting another 20 minutes on hold didn't appeal to me. Perhaps I will tomorrow if I get bored enough lol. GOD IT SO SUCKS NOT BEING ABLE TO WORK WHILST BEING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY!! Perhaps this is an off topic thread starter??hmmmmm gonna go have a looksie now haha

Thanks again..

Laura Mitchell :luv:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-23 09:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjust an update
Right, because me being me and not looking into the proper way of sending things in the post and making sure we are able to track online where things are...I called the USCIS 1800 # to see if they got our first petition. Now I know it has only been 3 weeks but I got so nervous on account of sending money(yes it was a check but still lol). THe guy I spoke to...officer Danato was really nice and helpful. He looked to see if the said petition was recieved and he said that it hadn't been posted yet. So I don't know if that means that they got it or what. He did tell me that although it typically takes upto 4 weeks from them getting the petition to sending out receipt notices, he said that due to mechanical problems within the computer systems, that there is a delay of approximately 4-6 weeks longer. Which of course takes it upto 6-10 weeks for a possible receipt notice. He did say also that this may clear up, but to still give that bit of extra time. I asked if it was more or less due to IMBRA and he said not at all. Don't know how true that is, but I imagine they would be honest about it?? Or am I only fooling myself here??? lol.

Hope this gives a bit of answers

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-23 08:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresforgot to add this to my last question..sorry guys..
Ian and I are planning a day trip to London with his parents soon. I got to thinking and was wondering, would it be possible for Ian to have his medical while we are there even though we aren't to that stage of the process? I thought it would save some time and money on petrol seeing as to how it is a hike getting there from here. Thanks guys!!!

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-30 07:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI got my NOA1 for the I-130
Thank you!! This site has been wonderful and if it weren't for VJ literally, than I would still be stuck at square one!!

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-03 08:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI got my NOA1 for the I-130
I will be happy to announce that I got my NOA1 from the I-130 petition!!!OMG I AM SO GODAMNED EXCITED!!! lol. As soon as I read some of the threads this morning and read that ppl were starting to get theirs, I had to wait kin 3 hours to call my friend back in NY to see if ours had arrived yet. Needless to say, she wasn't to pleased that she was woken up 8 am on a Saturday morning lol!!! Now, my only question at this time would be friend opened the letter for me to make sure it wasn't and RFE. She gave me the reciept number and I have written that down. In order to send the I-129f out, do I need the actual reciept to send with it? Or will the number be suffice? Please let me know asap as I intend on mailing that out today if possible.

Thanks in advance...

Laura and Ian Mitchell

Oh that I have the reciept number...does this mean that I may now track our petition online???

omg so excited...sooooooooooooo excited...
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-03 07:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to track the I-129f petition for spouse (K-3)
Ok, now this may seem like a daft question and I am probably going to be kicking myself when I find the answer, but I need to ask. Looking at the address where to send the I-129f petition, I have noticed it gets sent to a PO BOX, how the hell do we track that and make sure it gets signed for if it is a po box???

Sorry lol I know it is a dumb question and probably one that has been asked before, but I need some reassurance here lol.


Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-06-03 12:13:00