K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAbsolutely amazing...NOA2!!!
CONGRATS TRACY!!!!! It is a wonderful feeling isn't it??? I have said this before and I will say it again...Ian and I both can't stop smiling. It won't be long now. GOODLUCK HUN ON THE REST OF YOUR VISAJOURNEY!!!

LJ (L) :D
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-18 01:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Approved!

Had a look at our case online yesterday and it said our K3 is approved and they sent the notice 13th September! :joy: So I guess K3s don't go through IMBRA RFEs after all. (I got conflicting opinions on this).

Our K3 has taken MUCH longer to approve than our 1-130! Or so it seems, anyway.

So now the question is, which will go faster from here. We really want the green card of course, so I can work and meet people etc. when I get there and escape AOS.

Green card is at the IV bill stage...K3 is at the being-sent-to-NVC stage. They're neck and neck, folks! :star:

I dont know how you figure that K-3s dont go thru IMBRA RFE's....there have been quite a few on here that are going for K-3 and had RFE's due to IMBRA...My hubby and I are one of them. And in fact...several of us if not most, got not only one RFE but we got a duplicate as well..

Anyhow...CONGRATS on your on the rest of ur journey

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-19 04:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorcing to apply for K-1 instead

Hi everyone: just have a question im trying to help someone and they asked me they are married newly weds and they feel that the K-3 process is taking so long and they were told if they get divorced the can reapply for the K-1 which they were told is much faster im not sure what to say to them any feedback that could help me explain more to them would be appreciated they are now waiting for the NOA 2 for the I-130 which i believe will come soon I'm at a loss of what to say to them

I am sure you are just kidding. It would make an interesting interview although.

LMFAO...yeah to say the least hehe
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-19 11:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorcing to apply for K-1 instead

Amen to that Marilyn. I was told that we absolutely positively needed an immigration lawyer, and was referred to one. They wanted to charge us 5,000 and at first said that that is all it would cost. They insisted that the paperwork alone would cost more than that if we did it on our own and that they would get our case approved quicker. What a load of BOLLOX!!! When I called the lawyer again, I spoke to someone else and they told me that no it wouldn't cost us 5,000 dollars but rather 10,000 dollars!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET JESUS!!! One bit of sage advice someone from here once told me.....RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH...don't listen to just one person, but read the immigration standards and what have you. I don't think that the USCIS would ever recommend someone to get a divorce then start all over again going for the K-1. Not only are you wasting your own time....the USCIS time, but you are also wasting OUR TIME...and others that are waiting in line to be approved and what have you............BTW...where is the OP now????

LJ :whistle:

5000 then 10,000, sometimes the bad lawyers are worse than used car salesmen. That kind of robbery is what gives the lawyers such a bad reputation, along with the TV ads that they do, chasing ambulances. :diablo:

LOL YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!! kin lawyers...thieving bastards i tell ya.... :lol: Like I said, you really have to research...even if your case does need a need to thoroughly research your lawyer prior to hiring him...doesn't make it easy eh???
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-19 07:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE for K3
You know, I have to laugh at this thread because I never thought so many people would be ever so happy to recieve a RFE!!! lol . I can't wait to get mine. I may be grasping at straws here when I say this, but if we are getting RFE's surely it must mean that they are moving along now?!...ANYONE??? :whistle:

Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-07-02 06:27:00
USCIS Service CentersI130- Insufficiwnt funds
hiya...right sorry to hear about your circumstances. hopefully this may help and i dont think anyone has thought of this, but in my past experiences with banks, if a check has been denied once for insufficient funds, the bank typically runs it through again. Checks when denied the first time are run through again. Because the account has been frozen, it will be upto you to call the bank and speak to them about what happens when accounts are frozen. I would think that because it wasnt a matter of insufficient funds, it would be cleared up without any penalties. Just call the bank asap and find out.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-24 02:26:00
USCIS Service CentersThe official CSC "touchline"
:innocent: LIKE A VIRRRRRRRRRRRRERRRRRGIN>.......TOUCHED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!!!! I sent my I-130 into Vermont back in May. THe first touch I got officially since being told that they received my petition, was July 18th saying that my case was then forwarded to CALI...then..was touched on the 19th, 20th, and 21st. Didn't know that they were open on Saturday, but seeing as to how my I-129f was touched on a Saturday, I don't question anything anymore lol...OOOOOOOOO LIKE A VIRGIN....oooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhh ooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-07-24 10:38:00
United KingdomBRITS IN THE USA
DONT FORGET US GUYS WEEEEEEEEP!!!! Ian (Leicester,UK) and Laura (Lockport, New York)

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-22 11:09:00
United Kingdomanyone buy immigrant health insurance before they went to US?
Hiya...I was told by several insurance companies, that Ian would have to be in the country for 30 days then after that, he would be able to get health insurance. I don't know if this helps but I hope it does lol.

Good luck

laura mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-25 04:36:00
United KingdomIan's Mecical exam
My baby took the National Express bus into London yesterday. He showed up 45 minutes early. The form that everyone gets sent in packet 3....that is a waste of time filling it out because you get the same form to complete but more specific in the questions...He ended up getting the MMR jab because although he found his imminuzation record (how lucky was that!!! LOL), the MMR wasn't on there. THat cost him 35 £ which he is still grumbling about. He had two chest xrays...all of which they saw some trapped air in his stomach which lucky me got to hear (and smell) when he finally relieved it later that night. THe whole exam took 10 minutes. He said they do the medicals every ten minutes and is like a cattle prod but other than that, everyone is really friendly. He did go to the Embassy to see if he could drop off the checklist and the other forms...but was turned away at the gate. He said that the US Embassy is like a bloody fortress and wants me to warn all of you that if anyone tries to climb over the gate or prepared to got shot in the ### by one of the many armed security guards. He then went off to Harrods which I have never even been or seen and was not so lucky to get anything from his little jaunt. The romance is officially dead now that we are married lmfao....bless him. He is whinging that his feet hurt and his arms hurt from the blood they drew and the jab...HAHA..i told him to suck it up its for a good cause....;)~

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-15 04:59:00
United Kingdompackage3, medical exam and photos

thanks for the reply.

one more question, for the photos, 2 photos to be mailed back with the package 3, 1 to be taken to the medical, is this right? or 2 photos to be taken to the interview, not with package 3 and 1 to be taken to the medical?



The only thing you mail back from the packet 3 is the checklist and the forms that they want you to fill out. NOTHING else. If you read it carefully, it even states that you don't send any documents or photos back...those are to be taken with you to the interview. One photo is for the medical.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-16 15:50:00
United KingdomFinding out status of case
We sent back packet 3 last week, but unfortunately when we put in the reference number online, it won't come up with anything. It was sent next day delivery to be recieved no later than 1 pm in the afternoon. How do I find out if the Embassy has recieved it or not??? Thanks in advance..

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-19 02:28:00
United KingdomHow long between sending your pkt 3 back and interview?

Laura I think your right, I think our interviews will more than likely be the same day :yes:
I just wish they would hurry up and let us know cuz Chris needs to book the week off and Virgin and British Airways have KILLER deals on right now, ending Friday!
I will DEFINATLY be in touch as soon as I have it, Im in the process of canceling my cell phone but i will get in touch with you some how and i have your number.
Yeah i too was all about patience is a virtue nonsense......untill i was applying for a visa!!!!!!

You know what I just noticed Gem, you became a member two days after neat is that because our timelines are about the same as well...that MUST BE A GOOD SIGN!!!

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-26 07:38:00
United KingdomHow long between sending your pkt 3 back and interview?
GEMMA GEMMA GEMMA!!!! LOL...Let me know AS SOON as you get something or hear back as to when your interview date it. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE...I will let you know as well on our end. I think we will have our interviews close together if not the same day. PM and give me your number and I will ring you if you like. I am getting soooooooooooooooo excited about this. We are out of the house this week and moving in with Ian's dad until he gets his approval so hope all goes well for us and for you. PAITENCE IS A VIRTUE...NOT!!!

LJ :lol:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-26 05:48:00
United KingdomInterview on the 30th

Hiya everyone! Ian and I are getting all the paperwork together for his interview on Monday. I am a bit confused about how to use Ian's assets for the affadavit of support. Also, because I haven't been working for the past two years apart from the job I have had since being here in the UK, would I be able to use that still as income, or should I even bother with it at all since Ian's assets amount to at least triple the amount required for all three years?? Also, since he has not transfered the funds yet into US dollars, but has already opened a bank account over in Buffalo NY so he can transfer the money fro,m his account over here to there, what should he have to prove this? Will a statement from the bank be enough?

Sorry for so many questions, but really want to know the best way around this. Thanks in advance.

LJ and Ian

I don't understand--what's the question?

Your UK job doesn't 'count' on the I-864, but it counts in your totality of circumstances. Attach a letter explaining what you've been doing and what you plan on doing once in the US.

We lobbed a bunch of the UKC's assets on the I-864; the assets were kept in the UK.

I used photocopies of investment statements & copies of bank passbooks for the UK accounts. I used a print out from to make the pounds to dollar conversion.

You will need a letter explaining where your last 2 years' returns are.

Hiya Meauxna...we dont fill out the I-864. We fill out the I-134. Will that make a difference?
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-26 01:59:00
United KingdomInterview on the 30th

I must have had a typo brain block with 10x, I meant 5x.

As they are his I assume 5x would be the case but it does not matter as either way you are over.

What about your tax return for last year?

LOL jeesh boiler trying to give me a heart attack?? pmsl. Also, they have changed it from 5x to 3x. It was in our packet 3. I haven't worked since 2004 so no taxes for last year. I am jsut gonna pray like I have never prayed before lol. TO THE VISA GODS!!!

Thanks ;)~

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-25 14:34:00
United KingdomInterview on the 30th

Have you filed your US taxes?

Capital has to be 10x the Income equivalent, not sure whether your numbers add up.

I have my tax transcripts for 2001-2004, but they were from when I was still married to my ex husband. As far as the 10x the Income equivalent, where do you see this at? If you read the affidavit of support, it says you have to show assets 3 times the amount. Which is equivalent to 3 years years. Our poverty guideline is for a family of 2 which is 16,500 a year. Ian's assets total to a little over $200,000 dollars. Surely that is enough? Plus he has annuities that will reach their maturity within 2 years that are an additional $45,000 dollars.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-25 13:55:00
United KingdomInterview on the 30th
Hiya everyone! Ian and I are getting all the paperwork together for his interview on Monday. I am a bit confused about how to use Ian's assets for the affadavit of support. Also, because I haven't been working for the past two years apart from the job I have had since being here in the UK, would I be able to use that still as income, or should I even bother with it at all since Ian's assets amount to at least triple the amount required for all three years?? Also, since he has not transfered the funds yet into US dollars, but has already opened a bank account over in Buffalo NY so he can transfer the money fro,m his account over here to there, what should he have to prove this? Will a statement from the bank be enough?

Sorry for so many questions, but really want to know the best way around this. Thanks in advance.

LJ and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-25 13:24:00
United KingdomPOE

Bit rude there.

I've travelled many times to Canada & I didn't know that.

It's not wrong to assume you are not ENTERING the IS another country after all.

And, in fact, US and Canada are not transit-friendly (even though JFK and Logan have been used often for transit to Canada and correspondingly Pearson and Dorval are used for transit to US). Either way, you have to clear customs and immigration of the country which you ARE NOT staying in--which can be a serious migraine--which was why I stated earlier that it would probably not be a good idea.

First of all...lets get one thing straight. I am not a moron. In fact, I use to live in Canada most summers all through out my YES I HAVE travelled through Canada and YES I have travelled from Pearsons airport and have had NO problems what so ever. If you read my question again, you will see how I have put that Toronto is an hour and a half drive from where I live which is Lockport NY which is like 20 minutes from Niagara Falls. I was asking if that was an acceptable means of entering.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-27 16:25:00
United KingdomPOE
What about flying in at Toronto??? Would that be suffice???The toronto airport is only an hour and half from where I live and it is the cheapest way for us to fly.
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-27 09:19:00
United KingdomBeen doing alot of thinking.....

I would give birth in the UK, so I am only taking one USC to the UK and not 2, but time restraints really arent gonig to make such a quick move possible. We have our 3 fur babies to consider, and I know the process of getting them to the UK very well, and that will take at least 7-8 months to be able to do without them having to go into quarantine over there- which I really dont want! looks as though the baby will be born a USC, but is it gonig to cause many more problems trying to get the both over?

I have also been reading that the USC's lose their US citizenship in moving out of the states- is that really true???


No matter where the sprog is when she arrives, she will be both a USC and a UKC through her parents. Register the birth with whichever country she is not in at the moment she is born via the Embassy.

If she is born in the US, she can go to the UK as a UK citizen; you don't immigrate her.

USCs do NOT lose their citizenship by moving out of the US; there are USCs who have never lived in the US but still have a US passport.

This is an important read for anyone considering dual citizenship or a blended family:
Dual Citizenship FAQ
Dual Nationality and
United States Law

by Rich Wales

Please also see the links, particularly about kids, in this thread: http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=311

Annie did some looking into this for us and she found out the the Child can be a duel citizen until they are 18. not really sure what happens at 18, but that is what she said.

While the 'until 18 rule' does apply to some countries, I don't think that US/UK are in that club. There are many, many dual US/UK citizens. A lot of them were born that way.

THis is what I had to do. In order to stay here in the UK with Ian as his wife, once we were married in the UK, I then applied at the consulate for limited leave to remain...that was 500 quid just to apply.

By way of FYI, spouses of UKCs must apply from outside the UK to settle there, now.

They only have to apply from outside of the UK if they aren't already married. THat is what I have just gone through. I Had to fly back to NYC in March to get my visa for marriage. We weren't intending on me staying past the 6 months, otherwise we could have done it all in one go and I would have been able to work as soon as we got married. YOU DO NOT have to go outside of the UK to change status. That is what I did. My husband only just went to Birmingham and changed my visa to limited leave to remain. I know about the new laws that your refering to.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-27 01:45:00
United KingdomBeen doing alot of thinking.....
THis is what I had to do. In order to stay here in the UK with Ian as his wife, once we were married in the UK, I then applied at the consulate for limited leave to remain...that was 500 quid just to apply. They stamped my visa that day and I am able to work and get health care if needed. I still am not able to have recourse to public funds but that is ok...after 2 years, i can then become a permanant resident and go for citizenship i believe. An American citizen does not lose their citizenship unless it is taken from them. It is much easier for your hubby to live in the UK than it is for someone to go live in the US.

GOod luck with whatever you choose to do.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-26 04:09:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
When I went to NYC in March from the UK to get my marriage visa for over here, I got a round trip ticket through expedia for £226.00. Not bad I would say. Especially for the time of year. Anywhere else I looked, the ticket prices ranged from £400-£1,000 roundtrip. Goodluck with your search!!!

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-07 12:31:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
We have our interview date....October 30th at 1030 am. I tried putting it on my signature that we recieved packet 4 and the date, but it wouldnt allow me...says signature is too long....gotta fix it...SORRY!!!

LJ and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-26 02:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Left NVC for Taipei Yesterday

I finally got through to NVC at 7:30 this morning and a nice young lady said our K-3 case file had gone out yesterday DHL to Taipei!!!! Woooo Hoooo. I am one day behind Shannon!!!!!

CONGRATS!!!! Hopefully we will hear something on ours soon as well. Goodluck on the rest of your VisaJourney...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-08-02 07:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Waiting is no fun

I get the feeling this isn't the first time this question has been asked, so my apologies for that! Feel free to direct me to another thread.

We got a letter from NVC stating that our petition was forwarded to the embassy on "the week of the 18th August". I called the embassy again today (29th) and they still don't have it. Surely it doesn't take this long to arrive?

I have called the NVC and they have assured me that the letter is correct. My time is running out now as I revieved packet 3 back in April, but my petition was sent back to the US for the IMBRA RFE.

I'm just trying to find out if anyone else has experienced a 11+ day wait between the day the petetiton is sent, and the day it arrives at the embassy? If not, is there anyone else I can call to find out if it has actually been mailed, instead of designated to be mailed? NVC aren't able to tell me this it seems.



It probably hasen't been entered into the computer yet. I believe that you have to give them so many days from the receipt of it to actually have it show up in the computer. I know how you feel as I rang the USCIS up on the 24th of August to find out if there was any information that they could give me on our case, and I was told that there was nothing new other than the fact that they received our retruned RFE. Then on the 26th I checked the online status for any touches and found out that we had been approved and that the NOA2 was mailed out to us on the 24th...the same day I rang them!!! We got our NOA2 in the mail on the 28th over in the US side. Just relax and give it a few more days. I am sure that you will hear something soon.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-08-29 06:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInyerview in london next week
lol..i think you have enough there to prove your relationship...dont forget your marriage certificate..relax..I have spoken to a few friends and my cousin who have all married someone from the UK and they have said that the interview wasnt half as bad as you expect it to be. no worries. gl xx laura
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-01-31 10:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely worried about visiting USA
Hiya...I think you need to relax. I am an american citizen and I can remember last January 2005 after visiting my fiance in England for the first time, when I went back I was really upset. I mean really, I had to leave the love of my life. When I got to customs even I was given a hard time which I couldnt understand. I AM AMERICAN LOL!!! The same goes for when I came here to the UK. The first time I went through Gatwick and I was given such a hard time. I was nervous and they could see that. They even asked me what kind of relationship I had and was it a sexual one?!!! Then when I came back in May of 2005, I went through Manchester (which isnt as big as Gatwick and Heathrow) and I had no problems what so ever. And this time I had more to worry about because I was staying longer this time. But I was just honest with them and said that I was here visitin my fiance and was staying for 3 months. She told me have a good time and that was it. In my opinion, I do think that it does depend on the airport that you go through and again, how your demeanor is. Just try and stay relaxed...I know it is easier said than done, but when you get through, hopefully you will be able to say that it wasnt as bad as you thought. Btw..if you have a visitor visa, I have been told that you cant be denied entry, but they can still grill you.

Hope this helps...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-06 03:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial News
Hello all! Just an update here on my end. First just want to say sorry that I haven't been around as of late. As life happens, it seems as though we just get busier and busier. Right, now the topic title is Official News. Some of you may recall that when I first started asking questions, I had stated that I hadn't even gotten a proper proposal, yet my bf and I were still going ahead as if there had been. Well, as of Valentine's Day, IT IS OFFICIAL!!! We are now properly engaged and I have to be honest here, I can't get the permasmile off of my face. On March 6th, I will be flying back to NYC to get a marriage visa. Whilst I am there, I will be stopping in for a week to see my beautiful children, then on Match 15th I will be flying back to England into my wonderful FIANCE'S arms (OMG I CAN FINALLY SAY FIANCE WOOHOO!!!). We will then go down to the registars office and make our announcement. ONce married, we have opted to do the I-130 versus the K-3. I can actually leave the country again on my marriage visa and will be able to come back with no questions asked and stay with my new husband for as long as I possibly can. We do realise that eventually we will be apart and that is no problem with either one of us. It will give him the time he needs to wrap things up over here in the UK, and it will give me time to find an apartment until he arrives and get settled in at a new job. I am quite sure that we will be having questions once we start the immigration process so please be forewarned lol. Once I go back to the States, I will be without a computer for a while so he will have to keep you updated. His name is Ian, and is a fabulously wonderful man. I will try to get him to make some time and set up his own account on here so y'all can get aquainted with him. I just want to say thank you to all of you that have been a big help to us thus far. And to that one special man that was so kind to pm me and tell me that we were not allowed to just get married over here anymore really did save us what could have been a ton of grief, and what potentially could have been a lot of money. We were going to originally wait until right before I had to leave the country which was going to be May to get married. If we had gone to the registars office then and made our announcement only to find out we couldnt...omg. THe airfare alone at that time of year for me to go back to NYC to get my visa would have been close to 1000 GPS. Which in American dollars for those of you who dont know is nearly 2 GRAND!!! Not to mention the hassle of cutting it close and a possibility of me not being able to get the visa. So, to you sir, a big special thank you from Ian and I both. Although Ian is behind the scenes, he really has been thankful that I found this site. Thanks again to all of you and looking forward to posting when we are getting married. TATA FOR NOW!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-15 02:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMY FIRST POST/THE JOURNEY BEGINS~2/7/06
Welcome to VJ! I haven't started the process yet, but have gotten plenty of good advice from here. If it weren't for the lovely people that have made me feel welcome on here, I would still be wondering how do I get my soon to be husband to America?? lol. Yes some time frames are longer, some shorter. Don't be discouraged by that though. I know it is easier said than done, but remember, good things really do come to those who wait. You will find a lot of support on this site. Good luck with your personal journey and god speed.

Laura xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-18 09:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAND IT'S I-130 TO THE FINISH LINE
Congratulations!!! Not long now and we can start our process. Seems like it is taking ages just to reach that point lol!! Glad to see all of the positive results on here lately...Here is to a happy life for you both...

Laura and Ian xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-09 09:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstarting immigration for spouse while still in his country.
thank you for that...i wasn't trying to be mean or anything, i just think that by throwing out DCF can be very misleading. I applied for the wrong visa type the first time as well and it kept me from being able to work while i am over here. i know that ppl have good intentions, but sometimes we can something without thinking and it can really do more harm than good. If it weren't for my soon to be husband getting a settlement from a bike accident, financially we would be really strapped right now. Anyhow, thanks for that advice..its much appreciated.

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-24 07:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstarting immigration for spouse while still in his country.
Thanks for that! I am currently on my visitor for marriage visa which allows me multiple entry in the UK. I was advised that if I wanted to stay longer, it would be no problem seeing as to how we will be able to prove that my soon to be husband and I are intending on moving to the States..I just have to go to the Embassy in London to file some kind of form.

Also, for those of you whom seem to advise DCF, although I appreciate the advice, but may I just ask that you please please make sure that that is a possible option before you give that kind of advice out? People seem to be so loose in giving that option out when in fact, it isn't so ealily attainable. You have to have some kind of residency / or the USC has to be in the military and stationed over in the UK to be able to file that way. I am not trying to knock anyone down or make it seem like there is any ill will, but if you tell the wrong ppl that, it can really waste a lot of time and only make an already frustrating process even more frustrating. I have a 25£ phone bill from calling the embassy only to find out that no you can't just file for DCF. Please, no offense to anyone, I do appreciate all input. Just trying to save frustration for the next couple that is given that advice.

Thanks again everyone

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-24 01:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstarting immigration for spouse while still in his country.
Hiya...Ok so the 29th of April is our big day to be married!! WOOHOOOOO...We are going to start the K-3 while I am still in the UK..(I being the USC). We know that we can start the process while I am still in the UK, but my future husband and I were wondering if it is possible if I stay here during the whole process. My visa certainly gives me the time to do it, but not sure how it will work in regards to getting NOA1 and NOA2 along with anything else that may be sent to us. I realise that we have to show that I have residence in America which I do have. Just need to know how it would work if I continue to stay here during the K-3 process. Also, I have read that you have to pay for the application in US currency. Does anyone know how or where we can go to get that from over here? I know that it can be done. Thank you for the help. I know that I have more questions, just can't think of them all right

Kindest Regards,

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-23 13:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Ok..still not clear on what Jame's shortcuts are. Sorry. I have so much going on lately it seems as though it is taking me a bit longer to grasp things mentally lol. ONLY 4 MORE DAY UNTIL THE BIG WEDDING DAY!!! Then immigration time woooooohooooooooooo...

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-25 02:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
oooo thank you for that Euro...we were going to go for the CR-1, but have changed our minds after seeing that the processing times are still stuck on Dec.6th. If it didn't take so long just to have them start the process then it wouldnt be so bad eh? It really gets me down sometimes when I read how long couples have been a part. I feel so bad for everyone. Darn that US GOVERNMENT lol..
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-24 01:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
I knew there was something else...The NOA2, is that what is needed for my future husband to be able to come over to the US? And how long after it is given will he be able to come over if that is the case? he is in the middle of the sale of his house here in the UK when it goes through, how long after it has gone through does he have to go over to the US? there a time frame from which the NOA2 is given and he is told that he can go that it expires?? Thanks again..

Laura and Ian

PS...I have tried to upload a pic of my wonderful soon to be hubby and I but I seem to have some problems. Can anyone help me on this please?? TA!!
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-23 13:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILING THE K-3





Edited by ljwinquist, 01 May 2006 - 11:17 AM.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-01 11:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUgh, I feel sick now
Hiya! I am really sorry to hear about your situation, I can't pathom how tough that must be. The only thing that I can tell you is that by your husband working in the US illegally, it DOES NOT get him banned from the States permanantly. Yes he will have to leave if that is the punishment that may be given to him, but it is for 5 years. The same thing happened to my husband's uncle. He went over to the US and worked there illegally and he now cannot entert he country for 5 years. I know that it is somewhere on one of the links what the punishment is, but I do know for a fact that it is 5 years unless they have changed it recently. Please keep your chin up and don't give up. THe only reason why my husbands uncle didn't hire a lawyer was because he had no intention of living in the US permanantly, just wanted to earn some money while out there on a 3 month holiday. If he had gotten a lawyer, it could have been dropped with a fine attached or not give so many years to stay out of the country. I know it is easier said than done, but remember that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Kindest Regards,

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-01 08:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally married lol
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Hello all!!!!!!!! Yes we are finally married lol. Thank God for that. Now we will be starting the K-3 process. I am so looking forward to that and have been for a while. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the wait but then again, who is right?? I just want to thank all of you that have been helpful in this process so far and for getting us in the right direction. Now the real fun begins eh? I am sure that I will be asking loads more questions soon.

Thanks again...

Mr and Mrs Mitchell....god it feels good to say that now...Ian and Laura xxx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-01 02:35:00