K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
woo! touch september 14!! biggrin.gif
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-09-16 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
is anybody having problems with their timeline? mine looks fine when i view it, but when i see it in detailed form in a search it has I-130 dates in it. i only filed an i-129. everytime i go to edit timeline, it doesn't show the i-130 dates and i can't change them. i noticed a few other people in the searches that look like they had the same problem. i hope i can get it fixed so it doesn't screw up anyone else's projections. wacko.gif
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-08-30 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer is jerking me around, i think

My first lawyer (the idiot) filed and yet I received the NOA1 in the mail because he did not put his name in the correct place that he was representing us. (He did everything else wrong, why not that too). Once we had to refile and had a different lawyer, she did things much differently and correct. The NOA1 was sent to her and as soon as she received it, she emailed me a copy.

You should have a right to everything that they have on file for you. I would stop emailing and try the phone calls...demand that you speak to someone that knows about your file.

This is a US attorney and are they near you? Can you show up in their office in person?
I hate to say it but I do think there are more than we think out there just trying to make a buck and doesn't care if they do you justice or not. In my case, I don't think he was trying to be malicious or rip us off...he was just plain stupid...full stop!

Have you checked with the state bar to see if this attorney is in good standing? If they keep screwing you around, file a complaint as well with the state.

I know too well about having a incompetent lawyer. Another thing you may want to try is getting in contact with whomever is in charge of that lawfirm (if it is someone other than the one representing you).

Good certainly have my sympathy.

thanks, kym. i think it might be a good idea for me to call him. you mentioned that you once had to refile... is this because the lawyer did not fill out the right spot for his representation? eeek, i hope i don't have to pay again--he charged me $2500 and i got a quote from another lawyer for $3500 so either way, i am screwed if i have to file again. also, when he messed up your papers, did he get a copy of the NOA, or only you did? i'm just hoping that we don't have to refile if he submits his correct papers. :-(
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-07-09 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer is jerking me around, i think

Is this a US attorney?

Ask the attorney, in writing, for an accounting of your case so far: dates action was taken, total charges, etc. Say you are considering terminating representation and need to know exactly what documents he has in his possession.

Give him a deadline, say, 10 business days, or you will contact the State Bar and report him for potentially withholding client material.

In the meantime, find out of that NOA1 is, in fact, with your Mom. She can read the "WAC" number to you - that's your USCIS case number. You can use that to make an online portfolio at to track your progress. Sometimes NOA1s do take a while to mail out. Moreso lately.

he is based in ontario, but he is also licensed to practice in new york state and goes there occasionally for business. i've hired him here, so i don't think i can go to the state bar, but i may be able to do something here, i don't know. i've called my mom and she never received the notice. he said that he had received one, but now i'm not so sure since USCIS doesn't even list him as my representative. he did not give me any details on the receipt he claims to have received.
thanks for your help :-)
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-07-09 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer is jerking me around, i think

Did you pay with check? You can get the case # off the cancelled check from your bank and enter it online to check your status.

no, unfortunately, i had to pay with an international money order from canada. it's drawn on the deutsch bank in the states, but i couldn't find any way to track it.
thanks for the suggestion!
p.s. what part of ohio are you from?
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-07-09 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer is jerking me around, i think
hi everyone, i'm new here. my name is heather and i am a u.s. citizen living in canada, who is petitioning for my canadian fiancé. we hired an immigration lawyer, unfortunately, and i'm not getting much information from him. i am currently trying to line up a job back in indiana and i am just waiting for an approval notice, NOA2, before i go. i'm not sure exactly when to expect this notice, as i see some people are getting it within 2 months, and some people within 4. i emailed my lawyer's assistant on May 28 to see if she had gotten NOA1 yet (I-129f was sent May3), but she said no.
i am waiting for some kinda case number so i can guage when i will get NOA2. i emailed my lawyer's assistant again on June 11 telling her that i would like the priority date from the first NOA, since i had read that the case number is not assigned till the second NOA. i waited 3 days and did not receive a reply. on the 3rd day, i sent another email asking her to charge my next payment to my credit card. i received a reply immediately, but no mention about the email i had sent 3 days ago. so i waited 4 more days and after no reply, i sent an email directly to my lawyer and mentioned that i was nervous about the case and that i needed some kind of update and that i was not sure if NOA1 had come in yet. then i threw in some things about my next payment, just to make sure i would get a reply. he sent me back a short mail saying that i still owed some disbursements and courier fees, but didn't specify or give me a total. then he mentioned that they had received NOA1 and his assistant had emailed me awhile back, yet the only email i had gotten from her mentioning any NOA was the first one that said they hadn't received anything yet. but, i was polite and apologized to the lawyer and said that maybe i had mistaken what she had said, then i asked for a total of everything i owed, but only when he got time. that was also on the 18th, i haven't received anything back yet. today, i received a call from a prospective employer and i have no idea what to tell them because i don't want to start before the case receives approval. so i called USCIS' hotline and they told me that my case has no lawyer or representative on file, but they had sent my first NOA to my mom's house in indiana on May29th, and that i should get in contact with her to get my receipt number. i gave her a call, and she never received it, though, her mail sometimes gets delivered to the lower apartment. also, i'm wondering if he would've even gotten my first NOA if he's not listed as representing me. is he pulling my leg?
thanks for any help
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-07-09 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS I-129f update!
hey, it could be worse. i'm a permanent resident in canada and to file as a spouse, it costs $575. then, at the interview $975 is due.... not including the almost $200 the medical costs. they only give you about a month's notice for your interview, so if you don't have the money by your interview date, you run the risk of being denied. then you have to refile, and the process takes about a year or more.
h_bombFemaleCanada2007-07-28 00:23:00