IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Hi everyone, 


Just to let you know my docs were shipped to London today (confirmed by the awesome Agent Gus).  Got the tracking info.  My CEAC hasn't changed yet though, and I received my interview email/letter on Monday 8th, and my interview was actually scheduled on September 2nd, so it seems there is a week or so delay between scheduling and sending!? 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-09-10 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews


When your Visa Status changes to 'Ready', that's when you can request a re-schedule. Have you completed your medical, yet? That can help, too :-)


Is that using the "check visa application status" option on CEAC?  So it changes from "at NVC" to "Ready" when the embassy receive the file? 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-09-04 03:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Agent Tessa just informed me that my interview is scheduled for October 31st.  This date is really not what I wanted to hear.  When we started this process, as we had married just the two of us, without a ceremony and reception, we had planned to have the ceremony and reception once I was in America.  We decided to plan the "wedding" for 18 months after we filed our application.  The ceremony is on Nov 7th, so an Oct 31st interview date means I will likely miss the wedding, or best case scenario arrive a couple of days before.  


I really hope the packet arrives with the embassy soon so I can get an earlier interview.  I'd even take 1 week earlier if it means I can get at least a week in the states before the ceremony.  Very bittersweet news  :cry:

ColGilMaleScotland2014-09-02 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

its Tues, 7.30am at NVC, Finally opened. Anyone plans to call or already called if their interview has been scheduled? Keep us posted! :) Good luck everyone. Hope this is a great week for everyone waiting for CC and waiting for the interview to be scheduled :)


I spoke to someone at 5pm (NVC's time) on Friday and had no interview scheduled yet.  As much as I want to call right now, I will wait until later today.  Can't wait to see more good news.  


Congrats to the Visa Interview Approvals and good luck to those with interviews this week 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-09-02 06:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Hi everyone, congrats to all those who were scheduled last week and good luck to all of us still waiting.  Here's hoping they have a busy Tuesday in the NVC (although they seem to sleep the first day back after a long weekend)

ColGilMaleScotland2014-09-01 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Quick note for BritishInfusion - sorry it took me so long, just catching up on forums today.  Regarding the DS-260, I did mean the CONFIRMATION page.  They did check the paper copy outside the embassy where the were no access to computers.  I did take the full version along with me, but I had spare copies of EVERYTHING we submitted regardless of electronic submission or manual.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-10-02 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I am in the same boat as you.  Yesterday, after I found out about the mistake of the paralegal I went to bed and couldn't sleep, turned to the left then to the right.  I could not even count sheep, so decided to read a boring book. Refreshed VJ every 5 minutes and I saw you posting all night...I was thinking "thanks to Soleanta I have something to read in here"  :rofl: .  I think I should go to bed.....before I eat everything in the fridge!   :P


Haha, I was the same last time, I was told our files were under review (which I didn't believe), told my husband who believed it, called back because I couldn't sleep, told they weren't being reviewed then sat on here until 6am UK time.  Called husband and didn't want him to worry that I was obsessing over this process so told him I hadn't had a great sleep but didn't mention the forums.  Slept for about 2 hours. It's now 3.30am UK time and I fear I'm about to do the same again.  Must sleep.  smiley-sleep018.gif


Just for the record, potato chips at 3.30am went down a treat lol funny-creature-chewing-smiley-emoticon.g

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I'm a bit worried about a getting a checklist on current income.

In short, I'm self employed AND claim foreign earned income exclusion. But! My income is us-sourced and will continue after I move back (I am the petitioner).

I plan to use 2013's income total from taxes for my current income. It is high enough because I was in the US for a quarter of 2013. I also plan to include a note that explains all this, including a letter from accountant that attests to my work can be done anywhere in the world.

My bank accounts show an income (deposits) higher than what I'll put for current income, but I'm trying to hedge against tax owing, etc.

Do you guys think as long as my bank account deposits clearly show a pattern of consistent, adequate income, the exact amount in current income matters? I so do want to avoid a checklist (like all of us!) :)


Our situation was more simple... spouse earns more than 125% poverty threshold so we filed the EZ form. From reading other people's experience though I'd say 100% a cover letter.  The worst it will do is delay a few hours while they read it.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


   Awwww thank your so sweet, but it's how I feel.  I messed up the AOS so badly that without help I would have been here for years. 


   Yes, sad to say I used to sleep like a baby and now I'm lucky to get two, three hours a night.  My eyes are closing I go to bed and stare at the ceiling. :(   Thank you again for your kind words. :)  (F)  (L)  (F)


I think a few of us are feeling the same.  I tell my husband that I go to sleep dreaming of the time we will be together when in fact I stay awake stressing of the moments we are apart. It was nice seeing Chenoi's posts and photo's reminding us why we are putting ourselves through this.  There will come a time when we look back and say "remember all those sleepless nights, I'm so glad they are over now" smiley-sleep024.gif



I sent it June 9. I'll hang in there for a couple more weeks. Thanks!


Hopefully in little over a week then.  Fingers crossed! fingers-crossed-smiley-emoticon.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Hey there! Has anyone gotten an email answered from the NVC Inquiry email account lately?


I was just wondering how long responses are taking these days, and I didn't find any recent threads on this.




Hi Rubix, I was 3 weeks exactly for my response.  When did you send the email? 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 21:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

:ot:  Sorry for the Sound of Music reference, but saw this and thought of the NVC!



Edited by ColGil, 19 June 2014 - 09:06 PM.

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I have to post her answer to her mistake....hold on   :clock:

Marcela it seems you already took care of the issue of the marriage certificate. It is very possible that when we scanned the documents it skipped precisely that page. It has happened before with our scanner which is not an excuse but it is the reality, and unfortunately it was that page (by the way was 3 pages).  I take the blame for this since I should have checked that all was there. The rest of the  check list is generic they send it to everyone so at this point I would not do anything. I have not been able to talk to you because since the Attorneys are gone I have had to sit with clients and as a matter of fact I was with one when you called.


Sorry it has caused you some stress and I truly apologize for it. My copy has the certificate. You got the scanned version.  Because of her my case will be delayed a month!


Really?  That's the best they can come up with? So sorry to hear that.  It just goes to show how little attention they pay to what they send.  "It has happened before with our scanner"  Well either get a new scanner or check what the end result is before you hit send!!!??  Is that really too much to ask????

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Ohhh, there's even an R2-D2 one! :D


And hehe, that Yoda one is so cute!


How about you only answer questions from now on, if followed by R2-D2? smiley-sw003.gif



ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 20:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


It's a woman.  It's the same voice that answers your initial call (before you press your language don't even listen to her anymore, do you?  You just press "1" or "2" as soon as she answers the phone!!!!)....


Sukie in Oz


No, the thought never even crossed my mind, I assumed it was a man smiley-shocked016.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


:o I love that Star Wars one!!!


There are loads of them: http://www.freesmile...s-star-wars.php


But I do prefer the doctor who ones, #HugeFan: WeepingAngela.gif


But since you were referred to as Yoda the other day, this one is just for you... smiley-sw025.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 20:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I see the use of non-VJ emoticons has significantly gone up today :P  :lol:


I was just thinking that.  You'd never see me using non-VJ emoticons smiley-sw018.gif (before yesterday ROFL)

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 17:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I just want to hear those words... "Case Complete" today... Would be nice.. I could then get excited about things without feeling depressed :).


Your AOS checklist is getting removed right?  In that case, you are going by May 20th scan date.  Singer was told earlier that they are working on 20th today!!!!    FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU!  Keep refreshing CEAC for N/A if you can't get to a phone right now smiley-computer003.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 13:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

:wow:   This thread is dead! dead-thread-smiley.gif


In other news, called NVC to ask for clarification on what they meant by all my documents are being reviewed.  After another very confusing conversation the agent finally explained that shortly after they are "received" they go into a status of "review" but it can take (you guessed it) 30 business days for someone to physically review the file.  He said I would 100% get a checklist for the AOS if it was sent separate to the Civil Docs, and if it just asked for Civil Docs or DS-260 to ignore it, but to read it carefully incase they do need something specific.  Of course, this wasn't news to me, but his point was "no checklist = no review"  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Rock bottom. I called and spoke to Arthur (who is a JERK by the way) who said we had received a checklist for our AOS package. He kept telling me that my sponsor hadn't included his 2013 income. I agreed that he hadn't, but that was because he had an extension approved on is filing and that the letter from the IRS confirming approval of his extension had been included. All information provided was for 2012. Long story short, I eventually spoke to supervisor Kylie who confirmed that a formal review would be done and to call back tomorrow. I asked whether my package could be reviewed without the need for a joint sponsor given I had satisfied the assets requirement, but she said that I would have to submit a withdrawal of sponsor request to do that.
So I think I'm stuck either way - submit another copy of the IRS letter or submit a withdrawal of sponsor letter. Either way it will add another 30 days. I just don't know whether I should get my aunt in the US to post one of these things today so it's there tomorrow, or if I should wait and speak to the supervisor tomorrow knowing that that will out another weekend between us and a case complete (in addition to the extra 30 days).
Any advice? I genuinely don't know whether the letter from the IRS was included - I sent all information to my aunt and uncle and asked them to add theirs to the package before sending it to NVC.

Separately - got the full Arthur experience when he started the conversation by tearing me to shreds for using Skype and my voice not being loud enough. He must be deaf because no other agent has had any trouble hearing me before. It went downhill from there...




I'm so sorry you had to deal with Arthur. He does that to everyone. My poor wife got him twice. Once he hung up on her, and the second time he did the same fiasco. "If your'e on skype..!" I remember her getting very strict tone and said "I'm NOT using skype!". He must be deaf..!



Oh I'm so sorry about your checklist issues AND Arthur! I got the Skype lecture from him, too.


I hope things improve for you soon!


At the 3 posts above..... :wow:   

In the 21st Century we no longer use carrier pigeon or smoke signals to communicate.  Very few people I know use their home/landline phones.  When I call my husband the connection is always so much stronger through skype.  VOIP is a valid form of technology, particularly useful for Global communications.  How else are beneficiaries across the world supposed to call the NVC.  Arthur is so rude. 



ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Many more interview and POE details and photos to follow in the coming days.
Roughing it in LA for a few days.




And thankyou for sharing.  This has helped switch the light at the end of the tunnel back on, seeing and reading the end goal (and reminding myself there is a reason we put ourselves through this) 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 00:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Do you recommend then that I NOT email them the information until I call them to supply them with the beneficiary's email address? They only collected mine, and no phone number :/


It took them 3 weeks to respond to the email, so I sent the email, then called them, then completed the DS-261 online.  I accidentally resubmitted my DS-261 and they were showing received date as May 22nd, however they replied directly to the email and the following day invoiced my IV fee.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 00:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I appreciate anyone answering this--I've plowed through the thread and did a search but didn't find anything related. My question is below in bold.


Our Case # was assigned June 10. No DS-261 available yet in the online portal as of June 19. And no email at all from NVC yet, either. I do understand it seems like their timing is slowing down :( Finally, on the phone, they only asked me for MY email address, not for beneficiary's


would it be beneficial or advised in any way for me to EMAIL them the information for DS-261 (choice of agent) versus waiting for the portal to open up? or, do you think that would cause more problems?


Thank you!


I emailed them all the information in the DS-261 the day I received my case #.  My DS-261 was available a few days later.  They replied to the email last week and the following day the IV fee was available.  It certainly didn't hurt or hinder mine, and might even have shaved a few days off the process for me. 


When you next call them, make sure they have both your email addresses and petitioners correct phone numbers. It will take them some time to respond to the email and you don't want to miss the AOS invoice in the meantime.  

Edited by ColGil, 19 June 2014 - 12:10 AM.

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-19 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Zip Code is a US postal code.  ONLY use the Zip Code field if you are using a US address.  Use the postal code field for any other country.


ZIP is an acronym for "Zone Improvement Plan" - a plan to move mail faster....


Susan in Oz


Well, I always wondered why they called it a zip code.  I've said it today already, but I'll say it again.  Every day is a school day! 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


On the I-864, in the spaces for information about the sponsor and beneficiary, there is a space to put a zip code and there is also a space for a postal code. What would be the difference?


So there is.  We started to complete the I-184 and switched to the I-184EZ which is slightly different so I hadn't picked up on that.  I just figured that in the UK we call them post codes so only used that one for my address, and put N/A in the State and Zip Code fields.  For US address we did State and Zip code, then N/A in the postal code field

Edited by ColGil, 18 June 2014 - 11:30 PM.

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014




If you're talking about the DS-260 form and the Permanent Address there, then it should be a US address as that's where the GC will be sent. That's the only place where the form insists upon a US address. You could put in a friend/relative address for now, and change it at interview, at POE or after POE with USCIS change of address procedure.


Ah yes, sorry I think I was confused and though it was a question about the AOS.  


Yes, you would want the mailing address which the GC would be sent to for now.  What MoBar65 said smiley-signs009.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Hi called last night the representative that i talked to told me that our papers are not yet reviewed at that moment but will be in a couple of days, they scanned our aos may 13th then today my husband got an email from NVC and he said he doesnt know what that email means so im guessing its a false checklist heres the screenshot pls let me know if its really a false or real checklist



Looks like a false one! smiley-happy119.gif

This maybe be a dumb question too but are we supposed to use zip code or postal code? (why does this seem so difficult? haha)


I don't understand the question, in what context are you referring to? 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

in the immigrant address they have a dropbox for state. but my state isnt mentioned there they are just giving america's states so i m cobfused. husband is arguing that my mailing address should be america's one not pakistan. which one should it be?


On my AOS (I'm the beneficiary) my spouse wrote my mailing address here in the UK, but was able to put N/A for the state.  



I am wondering the same thing! I am wondering this for my address and my spouse's address because we both live together in Mexico.


I would imagine it would be the same advice as above as on both beneficiary and sponsor information there is a "country" option, implying it doesn't need to be an address in the USA. 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


     I don't want to offend anyone because there are a few people who answer questions that have been asked before with kindness and compassion and your one of them.  I just wanted to acknowledge that and thank you for being such a kind person. (F) (L) (F)


     I am always concerned and wonder about those that only answer some people when congratulated etc, seems very clickish, makes me feel I'm back in elementary school.   :mellow:


Thank you Soloenta for your kind words. 


I must admit, I do skirt over the questions I don't know the answers to, but I remember what I was like at the start of this process and many of those who were at the stage we are at now were answering my questions but have now moved into the interview forums.  This forum has hit a quiet patch and would hate for someone to be stuck, delayed or checklisted.  We are all in this together!  smiley-happy110.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Thank you!!! 

wavesmile.gif I googled the emoticons and on the post options I click on "Image" and paste the emoticon's url :P thumbs_up_by_weapons_expert_cool-d6sx4o7



Ooh these are fun.  Maybe we can use them to whip the NVC into shape... whip.gif


Sorry you have me addicted now...  

Waiting on Case complete: nomail.gif smiley-chores015.gif

Getting Case complete mail-happy-smiley.gif  smiley-dance003.gif

Getting a checklist: smiley-scared002.gif smileyvault-mailboxfull.gif

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Ok after 50 looonnng minutes of being on hold Agent Tessa informed me that we have a CASE COMPLETE as of today..Our documents were scanned on May 20th. She has no idea if they are still scheduling for July interview. I feel relieved ????







I NEVER knew you could do that  :wow: That would have been good to know sooo many times  :bonk:


Me either!  Every day is a school day! 

and do we put N/A in all question leaving blank? like family member 1 2 3?


Best not to leave any fields blank.  N/A all the way.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 22:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

AOS fee changed to N/A..omg I'm nervous..should we call?


CALL CALL CALL!!!!  Let us know what happens.  Fingers crossed for those two magic words!! 


well I received a checklist for my AOS packet saying to complete the DS 261 which I did on May 9 then again on 28 May....why can't they see that in the system and not send a checklist stating to complete it?????


I don't think I need to do anything except wait...right???? Still can't pay IV invoice but sent IV packet and they received 9 June.... :(



Sounds like the May 28 DS-261 has overridden the May 9 one.  Maybe worth calling to check on that.  



i got checklist email today 18th june, 2014 saying :


______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________
The National Visa Center received your DS-260 form. We are waiting for the traveling applicant?s
supporting civil documents to be submitted to the NVC. Your online Immigrant Visa Application will be
reviewed upon receipt of your supporting documentation.
But i have sent the supporting civil documents and was told they are scanned in system on 17th June, 2014.
Just want to confirm, this is false checklist right?



If you sent them already then yes, this is a false checklist 


I got the NOA2 e-mail June 10. I expect to be here this month and next just waiting for numbers. I never expected to be this far along by now so I will just wait and prepare my documents


Wow!!!  I'm very jealous of your I-130/USCIS timeline.  Welcome to the NVC.  Be sure to ready Saylin's wiki (first post in this thread) a couple of times to familiarize yourself with the process.  


salamu alaykum/hello,


what is needed doc/paperwork wise to be sent with my ds 260 ?


If you already sent in the civil docs then you don't need to send anything else in for the DS-260 (but do print the confirmation to take to the interview).  If you haven't sent your civil docs then check Saylin's wiki for details on what to send.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 21:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

How do i get to the last page of this thread?


At the top and bottom of the page you should see:


<< prev 5, 6, 7, 8, next >>


<< will take you to the first page

prev will take you back one page

the numbers will take you directly to that page

next will take you to the next page

>> will take you to the last page.  


You should also see on the top (right hand side) an option to go the "first unread post".  This makes it easier to pick up from where you left off if you like to read through all the posts.  


If you don't see << or >> then it means you are on the first or last page respectively.  

Edited by ColGil, 18 June 2014 - 03:15 PM.

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


I think they've changed their language. I was told twice on Friday that my documents were "under review". After I pressed the night Agent about what that means, he begrudgingly stated 'I should say is waiting for review'.




Hmmm, I think I'll call tonight and pressure a friendly agent to explaining exactly what Fiona meant then.  I'm a bag of nerves now, unsure if I'm getting reviewed super fast or if, as you say, no one has been allocated my case yet.  Ugh this process drives me INSANE! 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Okay paid aos fee on Monday.  today it states paid.  Also filled out DS 261 and that states completed.  Yesterday I sent aos package and it should be there today at 3.  I checked this morning and IV bill states pay now when I click on it I cant get the option to select to pay that.  How long before the IV bill will allow me to pay?

Thanks in advance


Can take about 3-4 weeks at the moment.  You should get an email invoice, but worth checking the site incase the payment goes on before the invoice is sent.  


yay.gif yay.gif CASE COMPLETE as of June 18th!!!  :joy:  :jest:  :dance: 



So happy right now!!! Didn't catch the name of the operator, she told me that my case was going to be sent to the embassy shortly, because of my expedited interview request. 


Thank you everybody for the support and advice and special thanks to Saylin!!!! smileys-thanks-771216.gifThis would have been impossible without you  :luv: 


Good luck to all of you who are still waiting!!!! I'll stay here to support you! emoticon-cheerleader.gif






ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 12:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Called NVC, spoke to agent Fiona.  I didn't have a note of her on my list so perhaps she is new?  (someone posted a list of agents, shifts and attitudes.  I turned this into a spreadsheet so when I call I type in their name and see what the expected attitude will be lol).  Perhaps Fiona is really Joy and she's changed her name because she was GRUMPY!!  


So I asked if there were any updates since finding out my AOS docs were being reviewed.  She said she had no updates, the docs from May 27th (AOS) and from June 17th (IV) are currently being reviewed.  I was taken aback as didn't expect my civil docs to be reviewed so soon, so I asked if by reviewed she meant someone was actually looking and reviewing the docs or if that just means they are waiting to be allocated to someone.  She, feeling the need to give me an English lesson, said "of course that means someone is looking at and reviewing the docs, that's what review means!" but then said the review can take up to 30 days so I have no idea if my docs are being reviewed or not!  Guess I just need to keep calling every day until I'm told one, all or none of my docs have actually been reviewed yet!   :clock:  :rolleyes:

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 12:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I hope to get case complete by the end of the week or the beginning of next week.. I want an August interview.. PLUS I need a Disney fix! 


Me too!  Got an annual pass for Disneyland resort and haven't been able to use it for 6 months.  I'll be making up for it big time when I get back since it's only a 20 minute drive from the house.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Question to anyone that got this message when trying to log in. I got the case number and Invoice# last Thursday June 12th.


How long does it take in order to pay the IV fees? or at least to be able to log in and see the names.


"""""Please be advised that the case that you have attempted to access is not eligible for further processing by the National Visa Center at this time. Please contact the National Visa Center if you believe that you have received this message in error"""


If you have a lawyer then it sounds like the AOS and IV will be invoiced very soon.  Keep trying to log in.  


If you don't have a lawyer then your DS-261 and AOS invoice should be available soon.  The IV will be invoiced about 4 weeks after you submit the DS-261 (based on current timelines) 

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 10:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Question on terminology:

My civil docs were delivered on June 10th. I just called NVC and the rep told me "your civil documents were matched to your case on the 13th and it takes 30 days bla bla bla."

Does that mean I have a "scan" date on June 13th?


That's correct, for my records I keep note of date sent, date delivered (by Fedex/USPS etc) then the date they receive/match/scan it is when the 30 days start.  It's approx 1 week between delivery and "scan" for each of my docs.  Seems to be about 3-4 weeks for review.  

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-18 06:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Hey I noticed that you re-submitted your ds-261 and was recieved by nvc in May 22 and that's exactly the date that mine was recieved and I still don't have my iv invoiced. Did you do anything different?


Well I sent Choice of Agent email to them on May 16th and they replied to that email the day before the IV was invoiced.  I think this is what triggered my payment rather than the version of the DS-261 through the portal.  Salylin, have you heard of anyone else having their IV payment triggered by an email rather than the DS-261 completion date?


Here's what they responded with, and it was a direct reply to my email:


Dear Sir/Madam:


The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: LND2014XXXXXX filed by [petitioner name] on behalf of [beneficiary name].


We received [beneficiary's] Choice of Address and Agent form. The next step is to pay the immigrant visa application fee. We will send an invoice to the designated agent.


To learn more about the immigrant visa application fee, you can visit the website below.




We received documentation for your case. Please allow 30 business days for us to review your documents.

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-17 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

For AOS paying fee my wife doesn't have checks to pay
Does she can pay using her father checks ??!
Or whatt ???


Does she have a routing and account number for a US bank account? if so, she'd be quicker doing the electronic transfer?

ColGilMaleScotland2014-06-17 12:24:00