Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day (Wednesday)!!!

Well actually we wont be having to makeup any days. We have 13 days built into our schedule for snow days. So far this year we have only used 8 so unless we have more than 5 of the snow days remaining we wont have to make anything up. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Whats going on with ur case these days? Have you gotten the NOA2 yet?

no we havent got noa2 yet but we got a touch which makes me feel at least the petition isnt lost in some dark room in a corner eheh
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-02-10 23:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day (Wednesday)!!!

:dance: That's exciting Aisha. It's getting closer. Take lots of pics/videos!! :dance:

we have so many pics its unreal, hehe and we will take more when i travel back to egypt inshallah, im just happy that finally i see our case getting some kind of attention hehehe
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-02-10 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day (Wednesday)!!!
happy hump day alll!!!!!!! well i got a touch today yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! so im paceing and waiting hehehe, hope all goes well and as soon as they make interview date for hubby im flying to egypt inshallah, i was going to go this week but we chnged our minds long ago, decided we would face interview together,and im plannin onstaying in egypt till they give him his visa inshallah,, just nervous and paceing,, have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-02-10 12:27:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about the affidavit of support
thank u so so so much guys for allur replies to me, weve got the sponsors tax transcripts and w2's and they show him making income over the poverty line :thumbs: just wwas worried about that letter of employemt cause the $ ammount would be lower cause they put how many hours rate of pay and income annually and that if he only worked 40 hours, heheh he hasnt had 40 hour week in years heh that ould be avacation for him :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thanks everyone!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-03-26 18:57:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about the affidavit of support
salam walikom everyone :) :)
i have some questions and ill try not to make them complicated,we have a co sponsor for the affidavit of support and his income was over what is needed because he always works overtime, however,when he was hired years ago he was put on a normal 40 hour a week job and its never been 40 hours ,, always much overtime, so when his boss makes the letter of employment will he put down what his annual income is a year based on him being hired 40 hours a week or will he put his annual income as it shows on his w2's?also our sponsor has much property so how do we go about showing property value? hes got the deeds to his property and theres no mortgages so how do we do all that? im so so confused here. :help: :help: :help: :help: take care all and i wish u the best on your journey
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-03-26 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday We Are Husband and Wife!
congratsssssssssssssssssssssssssss aya and john and may allah bless you bot5h for eternity!!!!! aishah and hossam :dance:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-05-04 01:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
hey and good morning everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wanted to say hi to all of u and wanted to say i been with my husband in cairo since may 12th wooot wooot!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: on my way to sharm today,, never been there in my life,, we will visit there for 2 weeks inshallah then off to moses mountain inshallah,, so nervoussssssss for the interview but inshallah i got all proof of our relationship starting with year 2007 till now, goood luck to alll!!!!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 00:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
:dance: :dance: :dance: happy anniversaryyy!!!!!!!!!!!! hope u have many many moreeeeeeeeeee!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-07 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice Certificate Expiration
:blink: :blink: ok gave me a heart attack hehe i was gonna wake my husband and make him go get another medicalexam hehehe but i believe the tb test is good for only 3 or 6 months not sure which tho :blink:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 04:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice Certificate Expiration
ok good u gave me a heart attack hehe i was about ready to wake my husband and make him go do another one heehbut the tb test expires in 3 months i believe or it could be 6 months ill have to check
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 04:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice Certificate Expiration
as dfor themedical exam it says on the site embassy site its good for a year ,,, did i miss something??
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 04:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice Certificate Expiration

Hey All! Happy Wednesday!

I'm a K1 beneficiary from Egypt.
Today I went to get my police certificate, they told me I'll get the instant one (you get it after 3-4 days) and it costs more.

Anyway, the certificate said in English and in Arabic, "Expires in 3 months"

I heard they are usually good for one year, right? So Am I going to be in trouble if it expires before I travel to the US?

Thanks a bunch!

thats a new one on me, ive always been told they are good for 1 year,, hmm must researcchy that one, my husband made a new one a month ago and our interview is in 2 weeks so thats something i also must research, let me know if u find out anything!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 04:06:00
Middle East and North Africastress stress and more stress!
yes i hear you both and im nopt thinking im home free if i was i wouldnt be stressing,ap can happen to anyone and this i know, im just saying i beeen studyhing the embassy from vj site and from im help and other places and looks like theyve gotten easier to handle considering how they were a yaear a go 2 years ago or even 6 months ago an ywayt good luck to all!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-10 15:24:00
Middle East and North Africastress stress and more stress!

Aisha, if I was you, I would approach it differently - expect the worst, pray for the best. Have all your ducks in a row, all your evidence in order, and make sure that any glaring red flags - your age difference, your kids by previous marriage, etc, etc are all explained by him in a manner that he is assuredly convincing. The COs know these things aren't cultural norms so they will pounce on him. cairo i

Furthermore, I would just anticipate AP and maybe even AR right now. They are pretty much a given and not receiving them is quite rare for Cairo.

Best of luck!

than k u for your advice but i must say this without trying to sound callus but, the part not gettting ap in caIRO Is rare?,,, well theres beeen quite a few lately whom been getting thier visas in 10 days or less, second the age difference, ours isnt alot snd we been together almost 4 years and ive been to egypt 4 times now and lived here also for awhile witheep him with zillions of pics of me and his family so i think that one is pretty much squashed, the thing with me having kids from a prior marriage ,, welll we have proof that hossam is actively involved with the kids school . teachers , counselor and principle,, so i think thats a plus alos, plus letters from my drs and friends and family of me and hossams love and his family and friends also,,, 4 yrs to b e with someone plus the fact that were just now going in front of the embassy is a good thing i believe, anyways thanks to all for your advice ill keep u all posted :thumbs: :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-10 11:13:00
Middle East and North Africastress stress and more stress!

You know this is the only site I can go and really understand what Im feeling. Tamer and I have been together for 4 years and through ups and downs in both our lives. I am so thankful for this site and knowing I am not alone on this journey, you must know we are all behind you and believe this process for you is soon over. We are all thinking of you and praying for you. You are strong (we all have the break-downs) I had to laugh when you talked about the 4 July. I look to my right all the time and wonder what it will be like to have him besid me always. The goodbyes do get harder each time. I hope soon you wont have to say those anymore (only when you are both headed to work). Try to enjoy your time there with him and not obsess over the interview, try to remain calm (I know its easier said than done). You are both confident in your love and that is what matters. You have a man to your side now who supports you and is also your strength. Go out and take a break from the papers and enjoy an evening out walking and talking of your future plans and just enjoy the day. Best wishes dear. Enshallah it will be good news for the both of you. Have a wonderful time with your husband. Where are you now in Egypt?

hey nthanks everyonane for your replys and im doing my best to think positive,,, im now in tor sina , spent 2 weeks with hubby on red sea and moses mountain and tomorrow :bonk:inshallah will travel back to cairo, im sorry again for the venting just stressing and such :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 09:07:00
Middle East and North Africastress stress and more stress!
i guess im just needing to vent,, im under so much stress this afternoon, i been with my husband since 2007 and finally alhamdillah in 2 weeks we have our interview inshallah, but i think to myself ,, my god the life is so short and how can strangers decide if my husband and i and the kids can be together in usa, ugh, i know i sound like im whineing or something but someone that we dont even know is gonna decide in 15 mins if we are a real couple or not? i just want this to end, i just want us to get approved get the visa and go home! im missing the kids so so muchhhhh :crying: :crying: :crying: i want a simple liffe, im tired of this journey, i just want to focus on whos gonna take the trash outside or worry in should i cook chicken or roast for supper?are we going to take the kids to the movies friday or saturday night? just normal things in life!!!every year i keep comming back to egypt to be with hossam and everytime i leave him here it gets harder and harder :crying: im sorry for this breakdown its just stressing, do they even realize how stressing this is for all of us? like when i was in hospital doing my surgerys and chemo for my cancer ,, i wanted my husband with me and when i woke i had my kids opening the laptop so we could open cam s and me and my husband talking through mic, him asking are u ok baby? wish i was there with you and so on :crying: to sit and watch the fireworks on the 4th of july and look to the right, pretending its hossam sitting there and saying happy 4th baby :crying: so many events i cant even count that we missed in our lifes,
i unders stand that usa has a job to protect its citizes from fraudulant marriages i get it, but damm this hurts :crying:
usa is nothing but immigrants,,, were allllllll immigrants!!!! the only true americans is the native americans!my familys roots goes back to ireland and germany,, as most of americans roots goes to a country outside usa,weve been together going on 4 years now, hes passed all criminal test, all medical all everything my god what they want now!

i apologize for my ranting i just needed to get this off my chest befor i exploded, good luck to all on this journey and may allah be with you always
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 04:21:00
Middle East and North Africaanxiously waiting to hear from sandra and ahmed.. anyone else?

Hopefully they are out celebrating! We will pray for good news soon!

god willing they are,, been waiting all day to hear from them, lets pray and hope for the best :thumbs: :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 16:38:00
Middle East and North Africaanxiously waiting to hear from sandra and ahmed.. anyone else?
ok today is the big day for them and i talked to several ppl who is trying to find out how thier interview did today,,, so ,,,, inshallah all went well, i wish them the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sandra and ahmed where are youuuuuuuuu! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-09 15:57:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about marriage certificate
got question hossam made new police certificate, got translation, he had extra military paper so hes gonna do translation on it tomorrow inshallah,, we have originall marriage license with us but no stamps or translation with it, even tho i sent it to nvc do u think we should go ahead and get it translated and stamped also
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-11 15:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt and Magicjacks
:thumbs: i always sent packages by fedex and never had nothing stolen,, got to egypt in 5 days or lesss.

I sent cookies and m&m's and a few other small things...3 months later I got it back (the same address I have sent to for years) attempted not known..heck for all that trouble I wish someone would have stolen it. Other than that I have never had anything missing but he always has to pay. Shipping from there to here is a nightmare...the stole the necklace he sent me. Always take your chances when sending things to another country and also receiving. Good luck.

aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-07 17:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt and Magicjacks
i dont know,,, maybe it depends on area, cause ive sent gifts to my hubby on eid and birthday and custums didnt charge him to much for them,, not sure on this one but i knew the magic jack couldnt be send, didnt know why till now, thanks for the information :thumbs: :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-03 00:29:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about military paper in cairo
:thumbs: :thumbs: hey everyone and here is my question, we sent our original papers to nvc,, marriage and such,, and now what weve done is got a new police certificate with translation, marriage certificate, with translation, birth certif aicate with translation also,, now we have copies of the arabic military paper and copies of the translation of it also, now what we want to know is it nessasary to go ahead and get another military paper with english translation?? we have to travel for this one and its time consumeing ,, i dont know how to find out if consulate has our papers or not and this is why were making a big fuss about papers, if anyone knows this answer please tell us, if anyone knows how to find out if cairo embassy has recieved out papers from nvc please let us know, thanks again guys! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-13 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Experience in Egypt(Denied)

Drop the "we're gonna sue the living hell out of them" act -- it's only going to frustrate you and not get you anywhere.

Focus on the response.

yes ur right sister :thumbs: now is the time to focus on whats the next step and thats exactly what needs to be done here :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-11 19:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Experience in Egypt(Denied)

i was sure from this before the interview but u not gona belive it until u see whats going on iam not the only one its like 4 case this week and the problem is the age diffrence and they ask like they Irony i belive its just the age diffrence all the interview was about it i dont have any other red flags

listen the age adifference could in facgt play a difference but u applied for a visa previous to this one also, and yes ppl have had visa denied befor and yes there was an age difference but normally its age difference plus something else, i do know ppl with hugeeeeeeeee age differences that got the visa and why?? because they made multiple trips to egypt, been together for years, lived in egypt ,, had lots of evidence,, plus many facgtors,,, so the key is if theres anyyyyyyyy red flags u must totaally prepare for them and show alll you have that u are a bonifide marriage, it can be a combination of thinhgs, lets say big age difference plus 1 trip to egypt, knew each other 1 month th iten asked to marry then came there to marry and stayed 1 week only,,, then a mlonth later applied for visa,,it can also be big age difference,, flew to egypt 3 times, been together 2 years but,, family dont approve and the english not good,,its a look at the big whole situation, i know cairo embassy is tough my brother and i feel for you and i still say get a lawyer and fight for your right to be with ur wife :thumbs: but do keep in mind, cairo does in fact like many embassys sees thier citizens getting used for the visa and are doing thier best to cut down on these crimes, i know they can be tough and arrangant and i rant about them also, but the bottom line is this,, you love her and she loves you so get a lawyer and go back in with both fist swinging hehe just figure of speech :blush: :whistle:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-11 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Experience in Egypt(Denied)

Hello Eguypt Lover,

Sorry to hear about your bad expereience during the consular interview :crying: . Let me say this from experience and from people that I know closely; the AGE Difference is not that much of a Red Flag that many people have to worry about. I know someone very close to me and with almost 30 years age difference between him and his wife that got approved (wife 30 years yonger), but they truly had a genuine love and a bonafide relationship with lots and lots of evidence to prove it. Yes, age gap may open-up for a little more scrutiny by the CO but it will NEVER be a ground for visa rejection. So Egypt lover, if you have a gnuine love for your wife and a bonafide relationship with her, all you have to do is prove it! Present evidences and they will have no reason to deny you a re-union with your loved one. Tust me on this one!!! :thumbs:

Good luck,

yes i totally agree with that one, i have alsoa friend of mine whos hubby from egypt and they have a big age diffferent ,,,, and not onlhy were they approved buyt visa recieved in a weeek, but always be positive and find out egy lover exactlyyyy what thier grounds for denial was, age difference is not a technal word for denial,, so find out what it is and u may also check into a lawyer good luck!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-11 11:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Experience in Egypt(Denied)
hey brother im so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrry thnis happen to u yesturday, m,e and hossam are thinking in u and will be praying foryou,, i must add tho it is very oddd and very unusual they call u into the embassy for an interview and your case wasnt completed at nvc,,, but at any rate never give up!! :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-11 07:51:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
thank uuuuuuuuuuuu alllll so so much!!!!! im excited but scared,,, :unsure: if they say no im gonna bust into some mega tears here,,, if they say approived im gonna bust in mega tears also hehehe pray pray for us
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-21 12:16:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
heyyyyyyyyyyy everyone!! we are doing our best to keep calm, hossam just went to nasr city to get his haircut and im going throughn my clothes to see which is better heheheh, we know so much about each other, obviously heheh, but still getting him out of the habit of saying 11th of august instread of august 11th heheh,, anyways i will definatelyu nlet all know, if for some reason we dont take laptop ill call sarah,,aka s and d thats here on vj and let her post for me , she made it today here in cairo and is with her hubby now!!!! woo whooooooooooo!!! :dance: we live just one state away from each other but never met in real so were gonna go out for lunch tom orrow and meet each other heheh isnt that crazy???? :wacko: cant meet in usa but we meet in cairo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: anyways best of luck to all and waiting all ppls advice thanks!!! i just pray he gets the v isa so we can go home to kids,,, its going on 2 m onths now and im away from my drs so this worrying me but i got some meds here to help me some, just need to be with drs u know,, take care all and allah bless u all!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-21 09:31:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
thank u everyone for your best wishes i just thought i could leave it with our other stuffat the front ,, guess not, juust wanted to get it posted on vj asap,,, so that way no ones in suspense,, anyways thanks guys for the wishes! :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-20 19:22:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
thank u so much and i hope all goes well!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-20 18:26:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
:innocent: :innocent: were on serious countdown to our interview! nervoous, feel like im gonna throw up but stayihng positive :thumbs: i want to thank everyone who helped me get this far and and we want to wish everyone a good journey and let u all know the MOMENT we get our interview results we will post it, were taking our laptop with wireless net to interview just to do this heheheh anyway much hugs to all and thanks again and pray for us!
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-20 18:04:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to bed in hour, our interviews in the morning in cairo!!!
hey everyojne!!!! our interview is in the morning at 9 am but were gonna be there at 645am heheeh to get in early,, im going to bed in a hour, just wanted to say thanks to alll whos supported us in all this and as soon as werrrre done with our interview ill get to a pc and let ya know,, pray pray for us,,,
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-22 12:06:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about bank statement ,, have interview wednesday help!
thank u everyone for your reply :thumbs: i got ahold of our sponsor and he emailed us the last 6 months bank statements and inshallah we will print them out to take to interview wednesday,,, do u think this will work?
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-21 21:31:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about bank statement ,, have interview wednesday help!
ok hjere it goessssssss,,, we have a co sponsor who meets the 125% over poverty line ,, hes over by 6k and the forms said if the sponsor meets this requirement on income alone then no bank statement needed ,, however i seen many ppl still get them anyway :bonk: so in a last minute panic i called our sponsor had him scan and send a bank statement to our email,. but all it has is, his average balance, his final balance, and a couple other things, cant remember cause im not stareing at it now :unsure: :unsure: an yways,, is this really nessasary to have or what, interview in 2 days if anyone knows anything let me kmnow thanks, :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-21 15:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT

Congrats to you both! Did they keep his passport?

yes and she said nooooooooo ap but damm they talked to bothhhhhhh of us seperately for a hour or so
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-24 05:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT
ok i understand and if it comes in 10 days yayyyyyyyyyy ive seen 6 ive seen `14 ,, the point is he was approved which means we can finally relax for awhile!!!!!!!! ive been streessoing so much with this hehehe and now im smiling cause i know my baby comming home, and im staying in cairo till they let him go, the consulate asked me when i was leaving i waslike 2 weeks hehhe which no im not leaving withooout him and she said dont worry he will fly with u ,, at any rate im just glad this part is over

even if it took months im here and not leaving till he comes home, hehehehe :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 13:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT

Congratulations on your approval!!

Please bear in mind that just because the embassy is done, when your case is referred back to the DOS/DHS you might still be put in AP...I sincerely hope that is not the case but please don't book flights back to the US UNTIL you have that visa in hand. I speak from bitter experience! I'm a Brit applying from London: I was told I'd get my visa back in two or three days and four months later I'm still waiting, and one rather expensive ticket became even more so...

Congratulations again, I hope to hear that you got that visa very soon :yes:

thank u for ur reply but i been studying my portal for some times like 2 years now..... and every embassy is different and trust me cairo has not a problem telling someone thier gonna go in ap,, im staying positive and im smaqrt enough not to book a flight till i get visa in hand, im here celebrateing with my family and friends and now i got a thorn in my side from this comment, i know u didnt mean to do this but when u see someone happy,, dont throw a monkey wrench in on the day of thier happiness ,k if u are gonna do it at least be kind enough infuture to do it the nexxt day,,and not the day of, finally my first day of no stress nand now u got my mind busy on that one, gee thanks.,, remember this is always a time and place for everything and tact is nice also...........
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 12:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT

That's right!! We do!!!! I am so excited for you!!!:thumbs:u know im still crying sis, its like im ihn shock or something!

aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 07:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT
:thumbs: yesasssssssssssss we do and also we got wendy and tamer also,, they are so nervous and worrried also
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 07:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT
omgggggggggg i cant believe we did it!!!!!!!!!!! like i was saying shes tough but kind,and you just have to be honest an d straight forward,, she pressed on my age,, and pressed on hossam wanting kids in future, and she just told her i have 3 kids,, aishahs kids,,, why wouldi want more?>?? he stood his ground and we had so much evidence and we were totally organized, and we been through so much together and she saw that,,, he was with me through chemo, surgerys, moms death, kids sick,, allllllll things ,,, and this itself showed her were both strong,,, and willing to be there for each other no matter whattttt.. later i will give full review, but thanks for your congrats!@ :thumbs:
aishahossamFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 07:21:00