USCIS Service CentersGetting NOA2 in 2 weeks! (K1 TSC filer)

Going pass 6 months... called today and was inform to keep checking online updates. They have been giving me time frames each time expect this last time.

Their time frame...
Two weeks I should get an update plus ten days to mail, so if I haven't heard anything after 3 weeks please call back. 
So I am still having trouble getting pass stage 1.
Hopefully in your case, it's good news. Good

Aw. 2 weeks could mean nothing and more weeks to wait. Sigh!

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-29 23:02:00
USCIS Service CentersGetting NOA2 in 2 weeks! (K1 TSC filer)
Whoever here has any idea about this please do share your insights. Thank you.

We are hitting 8 months in 5 days. It's been quite a long wail already and we asked the senator to get involved. We did the service request also. Last June 18 our case is pending adjudication. And today my fiance called the USCIS and was told we will be expecting an approval within 2weeks.

Is that possible?I meant, when they gave timeframe like that, does it really happen? or another short of giving another false hope?

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-29 21:14:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

I am actually a member of those 2 FB pages, but I rarely respond there (Kasi ang gulo-gulo nila. :D). Anyway, don't feel threatened. Just do what you
need to do. Report to SLEC and wait for a
response. Don't make any initiative in contacting
her again. If that girl still threatens you or make new contact, tell her you have already reported her and just wish her luck. I am 99% sure she is just bluffing you, and if another co-admin said she really has SLEC contacts, that must be
another bluff. Just think about it, SLEC is strictly
controlled by USEM. One measly error by an
employee can damage SLEC's integrity, which I highly doubt they will allow.
The other 1%, well, only if she's into witchcraft. Hahaha. Just making you smile! Don't worry too
much about empty threats. Stay positive and keep
doing what is right. All the best! :)

LoL! :D
Modern witchcraft.
Thank you. We will take further steps once my fiance is here. Calling the SLEC is the best thing to do.

I was a member of "k1 visa journey" I left already since, magulo na nga talaga.

I'm only counting on this site. :)


:D :D :D

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-10 19:35:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

She doesn't work at SLEC... she is just a chimney ... ya know... blows smoke.   She can do nothing at SLEC relax.

I really hope she can't, but won't tolerate the threat especially knowing that she is bragging that she has a connection at SLEC. She is one of the admins of the largest pinay visa group on

One of her co admin verified that she really has a connection at SLEC, I wouldn't mind if I'm done with visa already, but she knows I'm still waiting for NOA2. And sooner or later I'll take medical. It won't put me to ease.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 22:25:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)
[quote name="KrishMT" post="7063089" timestamp="1402278866"]

That is totally creepy. May I know who that person is? So I can leave thatt group as well?[/quote

I'm guessing you're a pinay and you knew the groups that I've mentioned above that she is one of the admins.

"k1 visa journey" Facebook page is very popular!
Majority of the members are Pinay.And she is one of the admins there.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 22:17:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

Your story is running all over the place.  FIrst she works at SLEC and then she is in the United States and then back to SLEC/  And she was a moterator at FB and now an admin here.

This kind of makes it hard to decide who to report her to.

I guess I made you confused about the "visa journey"

There are two "visa journey"
one, is visa journey Website. which is this one.
other one, is visa journey Facebook.

I am both a member of visa journey on website and on Facebook.

Since she is now a member of visa journey Facebook. I'm guessing she is also a member of visa journey website.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 22:06:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

Your story is running all over the place.  FIrst she works at SLEC and then she is in the United States and then back to SLEC/  And she was a moterator at FB and now an admin here.
This kind of makes it hard to decide who to report her to.

After reading your reply, I read my post twice and even multiple times. I didn't mentioned she work at SLEC on my post or any replies I made. what I said is "she has a connection at SLEC and I'm guessing she knows someone that works there."

Second, I didn't said she is a fb moderator but " admin of various visa journey groups on fb"

Third, she is now a member of "visa journey group on Facebook" So, it might be that she is a member of visa journey website too.

Somebody commented if she is a k1 filer? and i said she is february filer but done with k1, and she is now in the USA.

I hope I made things clearer.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 21:58:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

I lean towards contacting SLEC also, if the person actually works there the complaint to them with copies of her threats will be the end of her career.

Thank you. All I know she is a call center agent here in the PHilippines, I am guessing that she has a direct contact with someone working in SLEC.
That might be the reason why she got the guts to threat me and used SLEC, because she really have a contact inside.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 19:46:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

I am very curious as to how somebody can have a direct contact and control over a very strictly-regulated series of medical tests such as SLEC's. I
would focus more on contacting SLEC and getting
a response from them asap. FB admins or actual
FB reports would not have be too effect or help at
this point. It is very important that SLEC get the
fact that somebody is trying to misrepresent them
and telling applicants of her relation with them. If
she's a nurse (or any type of employee) of SLEC, it
will be the end of her career in Phils or
Would you know if she's a current K1er?

Thank you so much. At first, I really don't believe it. Since I really thought SLEC is strict in terms of medical and such. But when one co admin verified it. That is the time I was alarmed!

She is done with k1. She arrived in the USA last month. She is a February filer and she might be one of the members here.

She is one of the admins of
"K1 visa journey"
"K1 and Cr1 aim high pinay"
"k1/k2 visa journey"

and she is now a member of
"visa journey"

All mentioned above are Facebook pages.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 19:38:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

I am very curious as to how somebody can have a direct contact and control over a very strictly-regulated series of medical tests such as SLEC's. I
would focus more on contacting SLEC and getting
a response from them asap. FB admins or actual
FB reports would not have be too effect or help at
this point. It is very important that SLEC get the
fact that somebody is trying to misrepresent them
and telling applicants of her relation with them. If
she's a nurse (or any type of employee) of SLEC, it
will be the end of her career in Phils or
Would you know if she's a current K1er?

Thank you so much. At first, I really don't believe it. Since I really thought SLEC is strict in terms of medical and such. But when one co admin verified it. That is the time I was alarmed!

She is done with k1. She arrived in the USA last month. She is a February filer and she might be one of the members here.

She is one of the admins of
"K1 visa journey"
"K1 and Cr1 aim high pinay"

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 19:34:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

Not to mention a serious violation of the criminal law.  If you have her full name, report her to the police.

Thank you. I am considering of doing that too. I am now waiting for my fiance to fly here in the Philippines. He wanted his full support over this matter.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 19:27:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

Stay strong and committed. This is a very stressful time to begin with for you and you don't need
this added stress. You have to stand up and
protect yourself and others she maybe "picking
I wish you all the best.

Thank You so much. Yes, I've been very stressed already. Its been more than 6 months and we're still waiting for our NOA2.

That is why I want to pursue the complain, because I don't want her to threat anybody in the future. I heard a lot of complains about this woman but no one stood up to fight what is the right thing to do, they were scared since this woman is using SLEC as her alas to anybody.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 19:23:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

You mentioned Facebook.  What exactly does this person have connections to and where?  If you were threatened in Facebook, looks to me like this person violated the Facebook terms of service (TOS) and needs to be ocmplained about there.
Does she have any acutal power to carry out her threats?  Maybe not.
But start with the FB moderators and take it from there.
If she actually does work at SLEC, she violated the criminal llaw in Manila and should also be reported to the Metro Manila Police.

Thank you so much. I'll do 3 things, Fb moderator, call the SLEC and go to Manila police.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 02:52:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

The main St.Luke's website has a "contact" link to send them an email. I used it about 2 years ago to inquire about someone on a dating site who
was representing themselves as a doctor working
there. Took about 2-3 days to get a reply that this person was not employed by them. Maybe this would be something you could try, if you have a name.

Yes, I have her complete name. I have the chatlogs of the threat and chatlogs of the admin who verified it. I really won't feel threatened if its just her who said it, but even the co admin said she really can make anyone undergo sputum. That's how powerful she think she is. Threatening
someone is never a good thing.

Thank you.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 02:48:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)

Consider leaving that Visa Facebook group and joining another. There are a few to choose from.

The SLEC doctors do their best to detect and treat TB. If they order sputum then you do sputum.

I did left the group where she is one of the admins and joined another one, but unfortunately she is there too!

I found my self leaving visa journey groups just to ignore her but she is now adding my friends and would say stuff about me.

I wouldn't mind undergoing sputum if I really have to, but knowing that this woman can easily make me undergo sputum isn't acceptable.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 02:42:00
PhilippinesSLEC (Saint Luke's Extension Clinic)
I wish to file a complain from this particular person who is an admin of various visa journey on Facebook. She is threatening me that she has a connection at SLEC and will automatically put me to undergo sputum. Her co admin also verified that she really has a connection there. I'm guessing that it might be someone who works there related to her.

I been looking at the SLEC Website but can't find the exact place to complain. I am still waiting for my NOA2.

thank you in advance.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-07 22:26:00
PhilippinesSputum Test in St. lukes Walkthrough
Hello, I know it is kinda late to post here.
I just wanted to share my medical nightmare.

I did my smear collection last Oct1, 2, and 3.
Tomorrow is my pulmonary evaluation.
Getting anxious of what they are going to tell me.
Praying and hoping it turn out NEGATIVE.

I read a lot of posts here that gave me so much strength and hope.

I will update what will be my pulmonary evaluation result.

God bless us all. :)

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-07 01:38:00
PhilippinesSPUTUM (OCTOBER 2014)
I'm under sputum and my 3 days smear collection was October 1, 2, 3.
October 8 was my pulmonary evaluation and the result is NEGATIVE. THANK GOD!!!

I am now waiting for my CULTURE RESULT this coming December.

My only concern, as soon as they found out you're POSITIVE. They will call you right away. Do they call even on weekends? or its just MONDAY to FRIDAY call from them?

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-13 09:03:00
Philippinesrescheduling of interview after sputum test
Hello I'm under sputum also. And is now waiting for my CULTURE test this coming December 3.

SLEC said that they're gonna call us as soon as the result is positive.
will they call even on weekends? or during weekdays?

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-13 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers waiting for NOA2
Its been upsetting lately, I used to smile while checking our case status, now still no update. :(
chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-25 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers waiting for NOA2
It is really frustrating and stressing me out. It seems November filers were slow. I read a lot of December filers who got approved already.
The 5months time frame is making me sad.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-23 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers waiting for NOA2
Good day!
who among here is November 2013 filer and still waiting for NOA2?
Its been 2months since we filed and no news about approval.
Please enlighten me. Thank you.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-23 01:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

If it's been that long you can put in a service request since it's past the "normal processing time"

Thank you. We did weeks ago but heard nothing than "pending security check".

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-11 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?
Exactly 6months and 1week of NOA2 waiting...
Still initial review...

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-11 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

Your wait is not extraordinary, if you do a search here -- you'll find I-129F petitioners/beneficiaries that waited 8 or 9 months for an NOA2.
Remain patient, you'll get that notice.

I know and I read a lot on different sites that others waited longer and took a year. However, I haven't find anybody got denied after 5 months of waiting on those sites. That is why I posted

Thank you. :)

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

Mine took over 7 mths, for approval last year.
And 11 mths, from sending in the petition, to receiving the visa in-hand

All the waiting is forgotten once you're here. GL

Now that's an inspiring story! :)
thank you.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

If you are already passed the average estimate waiting time of the USCIS, I suggested you've started contacting them and inquire your case. You can also involved your congressmen
regarding your petition. That would give you a peace of mind.

Thank you.
I forgot to include on my post that we've done contacting the senator, congressman. next will be the governor.
we've done expedite request - rejected by uscis
we've done service request - on going.

piece of mind is hard this time.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

Why do you think you might get denied? Are there any reasons for your thinking? Probably not... so relax! My NOA2 took 6 months, and many people waited even longer than that last
year. You'll be fine.

You got my point. I'm pointing out if anybody got denied after 5 months waiting. I have read of course that a lot waited longer even up to a year for NOA2.
Since nobody said that they experience or heard that somebody got denied after 5 months of waiting, I guess I'm safe for denial.
No matter how short or long the wait is, still its frustrating. The advantage of others was, they passed the stressful waiting already and got their NOA2 while others are still in the wait until now.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

Hey do not even think about takes so long to get approval now...
we were in Texas Service Center as well ... and finally got approved one week ago,
if you want to know we were waiting almost 7 months for looks like they are really busy there...
so just think that anyway the biggest waiting is in past, if you are waiting about 6 months now so be sure your approval will come veryyyy sooon :))))))))

Thank you for lifting my spirit!
just can't help but think about what could be the problem.
congratulations on your NOA2.
it's really hard to get one now.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

They won't deny you right away. You will probably get RFE first if your file is not complete. TSC is really slow! I remember seeing the same month filer as me and only got approved at TSC after my
interview date..

I heard tsc is having massive backlog.
I'm constantly worried. Hope there's nothing wrong with our petition.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?

Trust me I know how you feel. I filed on April 15th of this year and I am stillll waiting on NOA2! I cannot wait and I am very excited!

I kinda like that positive attitude. :)
best of luck to you!

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdenied k1 petition after 5months of waiting?
does anybody here experienced that? been paranoid already and frustrated. I know a lot waited longer but got approved. Just wondering if it really happened.

we're heading to 6 months waiting for NOA2. Under TSC and it will be sooo frustrating to get denied after the long wait.

Any insights?

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny Dec/2013 (or earlier) filers without NOA2?
Exactly 6months and 1week of waiting for NOA2...
chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-11 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny Dec/2013 (or earlier) filers without NOA2?
We passed 6 months and still waiting for NOA2.
k1 under TSC.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny Dec/2013 (or earlier) filers without NOA2?
Hitting 6months in 3days. Under TSC.

We've done lot of steps from frequent calls to tier2, asking help from senator, expedite request, service request. STILL NOTHING.

Last shot will be sending an email to the USCIS director.

November26 filer.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-23 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember filer 2013, still waiting.
November filer here.
We filed late November and still wondering when will be our NOA2.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-27 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter 7 Longs Months: NOA2 Thanks God!
We're hitting 7months in a week.
Hoping we have the same fate.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-27 03:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsbackground and security check (noa2 waiting)
We received a letter today from USCIS that our case is pending adjudication.

Unfortunately a lot said, it means nothing :(

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-01 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsbackground and security check (noa2 waiting)

I got the similar response pending noa2 because of security clearance, there is no particular reason why we get this. But I seen on visa journey people who get this has to wait months

Aw. More months of waiting!
This is sad. :(

don't worry! We got same message in the middle of April,
and we got NOA2 last week!
I think It's just taking longer for some reasons like having common name or something.

That simply means, 2 more months for us to wait. Maybe around 9months, NOA2 will arrive.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-27 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsbackground and security check (noa2 waiting)

You should not be worried then. I am hope your I-129F will get approved soon. Good luck!

Thank you so much for answering all my questions.
I will try not to worry.
Hoping the same thing too.

chaeradariaNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-25 22:13:00