K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I can tell!but did your case get to NVC already?You're just waiting for your case # and for it to be delivered to the U.S embasy In DR. Right??

Im waiting for nvc to scan my file into the system. Its still showing not received as of yesterday morning. They told me to wait another 3 weeks! Yea right I may call again tonight and then every couple days.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-27 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

That's nice! I filed on the 19th and received NOA1 ..the same day as you did...the 31st :D

Can you update your timelien so it will reflect on IGOR'S LIST! 


Hang in there!!!! Things aren't moving lightning fast at nvc right now anyway, I still dont have a case number.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-26 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Thanks everybody. Where do I copy the ticker factory Url on my profile?


my profile>edit my profile>signature

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-21 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Lol not blaming you at all lol..instead because of you i get a Straight forward response from them.....i was getting soo happy about the senators response last week but i wanted something that actually comes from USCIS itself sent to me or my fiance. Thanks alot for your tip. it helped me a lot! 90 DAYS (3 months)'s A LOT to handleee! I'm going to seriously stop using VISAJOURNEY and checking USCIS because it's not healthy at all.. Maybe the reason is..they're checking more about me since i was raised in the U.S since i was a little girl....i lived in USA for 15 years (of course i was underage).... this sucks!!!I wish you guys the best but i can't handle seeing approvals while i'm still under review.

I hear you I know how it is and I understand your guys' frustration!

I feel bad to be approved weeks before people like Jon York and others but at the same time quite relieved and happy to be through the noa2 stage. If I were you I would keep bugging them daily. There's no way it will hurt your approval to be persistent IMO. And like everyone else says, cliché but true, your time will come soon and you'll be looking at the december filers forum through a different lense.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-20 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

So i did as i was told by DRbound lol..i did the online E-REQUEST on the USCIS Website  on June 18th (2 Days ago)

and just today they replied :

this is what it says:

The status of this service request is:

We have received your service request and researched the status of your case. We had to perform an additional review and this has caused a delay in processing time. Your case is currently under review. You should receive a decision or notice of further action within 90 days.

WOW 2 more months! Yuppieee for us ! :(  :ranting:




Hey no blaming me! If it works you can blame me, not if it extends your wait! lol


But seriously, it stinks that that was your message from the SR, I didn't get my SR response until after my NOA2! Here is what mine said: 


The status of this service request is:

"On 05/30/2014, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I129F to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

On 06/10/2014, after you inquired about your I129F, your case was approved. We sent your Approval notice to you using the most recent address we have on file. The original notice should arrive within 30 days.

Please be aware the "A-number change" update that you inquired about is due to the beneficiary being assigned an A-number as part of our process.

We hope this information is helpful to you."


I hope you get your approval soon... 90 days?! Although possible i would not expect it to take that long. They are looking at your case now so i bet the NOA2 will come quick,

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-20 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Hey Guys- a bit confused- mine also went straight to post decision activity? Does that mean it's already sent to NVC? Do I have to wait the full two weeks before calling NVC? And whenI do call them - I'm just checking to see if they received it and get a file number? Anything else I need to get on that phone call generally?

You got it, I had the same thing happen June 10. They have sent the case to the nvc already. You will get a paper copy of the noa2 soon if you haven't already. Also, they are telling me there is a 25 business day wait from noa2 to them receiving and assigning case numbers. Its been 10 days for me and I've already called a few times. Each time they were sure to tell me I need to hold my horses, 4-5 weeks is now the norm... thats what they said anyway!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-20 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

We had an e-mail last night that our file has now been forwarded to NVC, so that's exactly a week after our NOA2 :)


thats interesting... My approval went directly to post decision activity and the description said that my petition had been sent off already. I hope its not actually still sitting at uscis!

Thanks for the replies u guyss! And sorryyy to hear that MB1... Seriously it suckssss not getting approvedd but happy some dec. Filers gotten approved so far! When did u file?


Mine came around 8:30PM EST. text and email.


Seems like they are all over the place!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-20 05:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Thanks for reporting to us what he said on your phone call!  Why don't they just take a stack of applications from the officers who have a huge workload and distribute them to the ones who don't!?  Unbelievable. 
I mean some officers obviously aren't backed up at all!  I saw a girl today in another thread who got her NOA2 after just 15 DAYS!!

If I had to guess, and I dont have to but will... they dont redistribute the load because they get points for each app they submit and in their end of year reviews they get somewhere between a 0 and 3% raise for being good workers!

If person A takes on more cases, especially cases like ours that are already late, metrics don't look so good!

And yes it is ridiculous.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-17 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Yes sent death certificate, an his was passed before he ask me to marry him.


You need proof of having been together face to face. To me it is clear that that is why they want additional evidence. 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-14 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I did not go to India he was here in the US we stayed at my house. Not sure why no pictures just never took any. He's been coming to the states for 10 years had a wife back home. We had love affair for 2 years. He went home in November 2013 because he wife got sick an passed away in December 2013. An he ask me to marry him in January 2014. An I said yes, we love each other very much.


Hmm. maybe a picture of his passport stamps into and out of the US? his plane ticket receipts... Those would also help. At least that proves he was there... Did you guys do anything together while he was here that you could get a receipt for? I didn't mean to insinuate that your case was fraudulent by the way. Your case is definitely unique though in my opinion!


Without pictures it will be hard, now i understand why you got an RFE. You need something to prove that you both were in the same place at the same time. Do you have anything like that???

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-14 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

where did you stay? Hotel receipts? Rental car receipts? Restaurants in India? Why don't you have any pictures??? 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-14 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Well USCIS, make me look like an idiot why doncha - we're only flippin' well APPROVED!!!!!!!!!
5 months, 4 weeks exactly, woohoo!!!!!!!


Edited by DRbound, 12 June 2014 - 09:51 PM.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-12 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I asked my fiance and no he didn't. This sucks!!!
By the way... Last 2 approvals are September and an October filer. 8-9 they waited!!!ughh


You can go right now and put one in online. Put in a phony date for when you filed. That's what i did... It should allow you to do it that way if u dont already have a SR

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-12 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I just talked to USCIS this morning.  They received my petition on December 16th.  The woman was so nice I finally thought I was going to get somewhere!


She said, "Hmm... the stated processing time is 5 months and that would have been May, so yes, it looks like you're over the limit.  Let me open a service request for you."


I thought WOW!  No more stupidity!  BUT... then it came.  As she entered the info into the computer - it rejected it saying that I was not yet over the processing time!  She said they were giving themselves until June 26th to complete petitions filed on December 16th.  Which comes to 6 months 20 days.  Which is really a lot closer to 7 months than 5 months, when you think about it. 


I really don't understand why their website keeps falsely advertising that they're processing these in 5 months, when they're not even trying to and seemingly don't even have any intention of doing. 


For what its worth, ill tell you what i did. I called them almost every day for the last 4 days or so before i got my NOA2. I knew exactly what they were going to tell me, and i made them go through the motions anyway... If that isn't what helped my case along, maybe it was the online service request i put in. The service request was put in on the 30th of May. It also could have been my congressman's inquiry although i know a lot of you have done that as well. I will say that one time i demanded a tier 2 officer, even though i knew they werent going to open a service request, i wanted to talk to  one anyway. Maybe i just got lucky but that's what i did. I just bugged them and bugged them... They want to make us wait this long they are lucky i didn't call 3x a day! take that! 


If you tell a tier one person that you want to talk to a tier two and you are assertive but respectful about it, they will transfer you - that is my experience anyway. They also have a new system now where they will call you back automatically so you dont have to wait on hold for an hour.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-12 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

OMG Really...? We called in like 2-3 days ago...and this guy answered the phone..he was so nice aswell and he said he put up a service reuqest for us...(We filed on Dec. 19th and they received it on the 27th!! Sooo i'm scared that he may of have lied to us about it... :(


Did he give you a receipt number? He should have.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-12 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Hey, no fair, we're before you! Seriously, congrats - really hope the rest of the process flies by after such a long wait :)


Thank you. I know, none of our waits have been fair... and your right i am more toward the end of Dec and if the order received thing were true there are a bunch on here who would have had the noa2 before me. Maybe its because i called them everyday almost to bug them after my 5 months were up and they were sick of hearing from me! Hahaha - that would be logical though and i don't think we can apply logic to the order that people get approved. Even when they tell you December 3rd its a lie, and then someone from MARCH gets approved yesterday at TSC! 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-11 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Awesome Congrats!!! I hope I hear from them by next week.  my date is 12/30/2013. So happy for you!!


thank you!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-10 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

CONGRATS! Drbound!! How did u get ur noa2V through email/text message,or checking uscis website status?


Thank You!! received a text it just about took my breath away. The text told me my case has been updated. I went to the site to see what the update was and sure enough the very last bubble was filled in with this message:


On June 10, 2014, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-10 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers


DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-10 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I don't know if India is a high fraud country. However, just called USCIS again today, about 1/2 hour ago to find out if they have moved forward from december 3rd apps. Nope, still December 3rd!I think they should send out a tweet for every time an adjudicator approves a petition - make this a little more transparent. I am imagining 2 guys sitting there with boxes and boxes of our files just piling up.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-10 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I will....I gotta correct myself...the TIER 2 OFFICER needed the date they received our package for her to be able to fiance didn't know that and he didn't provide that..She said that when he finds out the exact date to giveit to her on Monday. :( Now we have to wait  ... :clock:  untill Monday!! : ( 

The same thing happened to me both times I tried to do a service request. They can see it right in front of them if they are a tier 2 anyway... regardless, your man could have given them an estimated date... I said the 10th one time and then the 20th the next time. Both resulted in them telling me that they are working on Dec 3rd and to give it another couple of weeks! Nothing lost though because even if they would have allowed him to file a service request I dont think its going to do anything anyway!

If you really want to open a service request you can do it online like I did... dont have to wait for monday for that but I dont know if it is as effective.

Edited by DRbound, 06 June 2014 - 06:16 PM.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-06 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers
Just called again today to uscis and demanded a tier 2 officer. Not sure why... thinking maybe they could tell me more about my case. everyone so far I've talked to was polite but this chic didnt seem like she likes her job very much. She told me the same thing I was told yesterday from a tier 1... and that they have 14-30 days to respond to my service request I put in online on the 30th. Heard the same storytoo that they are working on December 3rd apps now. Getting impatient!!!
DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-05 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

This means absolutely nothing.  Even before your congressman called, your case was in the queue to be assigned to an officer and a decision would be made once the officer reviews the case!
So essentially what they're saying to the congressman's office is, 'your case is and will be exactly where it was before, in line with everybody else.' 

I am looking forward to look back on this ridiculous wait and laugh.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-04 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

c'mon lets see some approvals!!!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-04 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

I am hoping going on 6 months now.


I got a similar response from my congressman's office last week. It sounds great but i'm not sure if it actually means anything unfortunately... Still no changes. 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-06-03 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Ok did it says my petition is still in normal pressing times


For everyone that has been trying to file an online service request: I also just filed one, and like tanak45 here I would have been denied it had i not put in a phony date for my filing time. oops, off by a number on the year... but someones gonna see my case! Maybe?


by the way no luck on the whole "we moved your case to the adjudication area" thing, still no changes in my case.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-30 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Good to hear that ! Is this "move" because of the congressman's office asked TSC to or is it just an update of the status of your case ?

I believe it is directly related to the call from the congressman's office. It is odd tho that others seem to be being told the same thing through the congress office that they had heard by calling TSC themselves.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-28 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Well guys just received a glimmer of hope today from my congressman's office. TSC got back to her and told her that they have now moved my case to the "adjucation section" for "final processing/decision"! I hope this means an NOA2 soon! 


She also said that if in 30 days i dont hear anything from them that i could call her back to follow up with TSC.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-28 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Hello everyone,
We hit the 5 month mark on the 24th. I called USCIS today and asked to speak to a tier 2 rep. of course I was told that TSC is behind and that the 5 months is just the normal time given but it could take longer. The rep. stated it could take 6 months or in some cases 8 or 9 months. She told me to call back in 38 days if I haven't heard anything by then. She also said that TSC is working on cases from 11/16/13. I asked her why is it that others are getting their applications approved before the December filers (which is very unfair) and she told me every case is different depending on the background checks, the country filling from, blah, blah, blah. I did ask the rep. if I contacted my congressman would it help the process and the rep. stated no. She said once we contact the congressman office we would not be able to call the USCIS office for status, updates, etc. (don't really believe that). My heart is so heavy right now cause we have waited the 5 months and still being told to wait even more time. When will this all end????

8 or 9 months in some cases? Very funny.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-27 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

congressman's office? what is that bro?.can u give me the number plz?


Depends on where you live. Who is your congressman? Search on Google to find out who it is and i'm sure they have a website with contact info. Yours will not be the same as mine!

Edited by DRbound, 20 May 2014 - 01:54 PM.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-20 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers
I spoke with the woman at the congressman's office and she said the inquiry was sent. I may hear back by thursday before the holiday but if not will hear back early next week most likely.
DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-20 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Let us know what happens DRBound.


So, I called this morning and talked only to a tier 1 rep like you did. Told me i need to wait another 3 weeks. For that reason, same as you, i was unable to put in a service request. Not sure what this 5 month thing really means - seems arbitrary. He said "5 months is their "goal", not necessarily the maximum processing time".


I went ahead and called my congressman's office and left a voicemail for the lady in charge of the immigration stuff (I already faxed my release form last week). If she doesn't get back to me i will call her back again around lunch. I could just wait it out another 3 weeks but i really think 5 months is more than enough to wait for my petition and i am going to do what i can to rock the boat!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-20 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers


No, you heard wrong.  People don't read carefully and they start spreading rumors!  Here's what it says on the USCIS website - and please note what I have highlighted in red:


Do you have a case pending with USCIS that is outside the normal processing time? USCIS usually processes cases in the order we receive them. You can get an idea of how long it will take to process your case from the processing time table available on our website. For most applications, you can send us an inquiry if your case has been pending longer than the processing time posted on our website.


If your application type is not listed in the processing time table on our website, our goal is to make a decision on your application within 6 months of filing. Please wait six months before submitting an inquiry.


So, can anybody read and understand complex material such as this!?  Material where all the information you need to know is not contained in a single sentence!?  It says to wait six months IF your application type isn't listend in the processing time table.  But fiance visas are listed in the time table.  And right now it says the expected time is 5 months.  Which means, you can contact them after 5 months.  You don't have to wait 6 months!


That's what their site says.  Of course if you do contact them after 5 months they'll tell you to go take a hike anyway.  But you are allowed after 5 months to contact them. 


Although it won't do anything, I am going to be another squeaky wheel tomorrow and call up to put in a service request. I already sent the release form to my congressman but haven't heard anything from his office yet. I will call them tomorrow as well to see where they are at with my request to them. They actually had an online form that i printed out which acted both as the release form and as the request to ruffle some feathers at USCIS! 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-19 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

how do i request for >>>service request ? plz tell me some one. its been already 5month 10 days

It was my understanding that I need to call them and get to a tier 2 rep to do the service request. I dont trust that online stuff. There are people who have recieved rfe's without knowing until it hit their mailbox. I wouldn't doubt that it also thinks none of our petitions are beyond the standard waiting period!

Maybe its 5 months of workdays??? Lol

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-05-19 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Got RFE in the mail today.

It is dated with April 21. Which date should I put in my timeline?


Seems like they have lost the whole package?! We need to provide passport photos (both), both G-325A, proof of intent to marry, proof of having met in the past 2 years (unfortunately we don't have many since he does not like to take pictures).


How does that sound to you guys?

An attorney has checked it before the whole packed was sent. A lot of work ahead of us ...     :clock:     :angry:     :wacko:


congrats on the RFE... thats actually a good sign and as soon as you get it back to them its likely that they will have it done within a couple of weeks. You should put the date that it says on your RFE form, April 21st, on your timeline.


Good luck and the ball is in your court now until you send what they are asking for. 

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-04-28 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

TSC seems to be processing about (4) non-expedited K-1s of VJ filers a week lately.  If you consider that prior adjudicators claim that each file takes about 15 mins that means they spend about an hour a week on non-expedited VJ filers.  At DEC 19th, and roughly 40 non-expedited filers in front of us, I figure we have another 2.5 months to wait.


CSC took the influx of expedited filers from the Philippines without a hiccup.  TSC got thrown off by more than 4 months!   :(


I think its probably time to start talking to my Congressman before they push the "5 month" thing out to 7 or 8 months.


This kills me.  If we had filed at the begging of OCT we almost certainly would have gotten the NOA2 in DEC and she could have been here in FEB or MAR.   Now she probably won't be here until NOV at this rate.  So much for a JUN wedding.


I have a very similar NOA1 date... that would really bite if it took another 2.5 months so i hope you are wrong! But yes it seems like for us december filers they are moving at a trickle and need to open up the faucet already. 


I too am thinking about contacting my congressman but i feel like it would be impatient at this point. But i would take a November arrival... no problem... I think i will be lucky to get that with as slow as things are moving in the DR.

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-04-28 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Please fill out your timeline!

and congratulations!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-04-22 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

just checked mine no dice yet but i think it will be soon!

DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-04-07 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers
Congrats tiff&babs! Gives me hope!
DRboundMaleDominican Republic2014-04-01 21:36:00
Middle East and North Africa2nd interview in Abu Dhabi

what was the question he answered wrong?


She asked him why didn't I see him in 2011 when I came to visit since we started talking in dec. 2010.  The correct answered would of been: (he does not remember how he answered it all I know is that he was upset how he answered it, meaning the question caught him off guard.) I understand why she asked him the question as I've been going to UAE since 2005 and use to live there also. Staying there with my ex made things very difficult due to our son, So I didn't do any dating(UAE) till my dad came there and I could get away from the flat. My ex is remarried but very controlling, as he has my son too.

I first started to talk to Rebecca  in the end of 2010, however we didn?t become serious till our first meeting, (Aug 2nd 2012) after meeting our parents.  Rebecca (my fiancé) did visit to United Arab Emirates in 2011 to see her son, but was not serious with me. Rebecca was still dating in America.  At this time Rebecca is only talking to Afzal in a romantic way and considers him as her fiancé, other half.  We made a commitment to each other in Aug of 2012.  (Meaning I would only see him and he would only see me as we were planning for marriage).


The embassy now has made two phone calls so far, one to his big brother and other to his dad and the call interviews went will and they confirmed our relationship and gave there approval to us getting married.

AfzalandBeccaFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2014-06-14 09:54:00