Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Filers Timeline
Hi Everyone.

I just got email and text saying "We ordered production of your new card"
I assume this means it's approved? Right?

CHANCE2BHAPPYNot TellingSouth Korea2010-11-24 15:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Filers Timeline
Aloha All,

I went to interview yesterday and I don't feel good.
I have waited with my lawyer about 10mins to be called in, and interviewer was Mid-age gentleman.
We went over Statement that my lawyer sent with petition which has my signature on it. He was just making sure about timeline of what has happened to me and my ex-husband. I got emotional and cried once because it still hurts remembering what I have been thru, but seems like interviewer didn't care. He asked me "Do you have a boyfriend now?" and I said "Yes". He asked "What is his name?" Since I can not lie, I told him my boyfriend's name. He asked "How long are you dating?" I said "1 month now". He said "Is that the first boyfriend since you got divorced?" I said "Yes". I was feeing weird but since I did oath and can't lie, I told him the truth. AND, the last question made me so sure that it's taking long time to get greencard. He asked me "Do you know XXXX?(My friend's name)" I said "Yes" He asked "What's your relationship with him?" I said "Friends. We used to work together in the same office and he is like my brother. We verbaly flirt but nothing physical. We talk about each other's love life and if we have problem with each other's bf/gf we ask for opinion for what to do. I know my ex-husband was always jealous of him and kept asking about him but we are just friends" He said "OK". The reason why interviewer asked me this question about me and him is, my ex-husband thinks that I cheated on him with him. From this question, I got sure that my ex-husband is contacting immigration office.

He didn't tell me if I got approved or not. He told me to wait. My lawyer said I should get approved so don't worry. But I am sooooo worried since my ex-husband is trying to disturb. I don't know what to do now. I am so worried. I did nothing wrong, my ex-husband cheated on me, not only once, and he is trying to give me a hard time. I really really hope it gets approved.

Please pray for me.
CHANCE2BHAPPYNot TellingSouth Korea2010-11-17 00:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Filers Timeline
Hi everyone.
My lawyer emailed me and she said I have interview on 11/15/10 at 8:15am.
Hope it goes well.
Please pray for me!
CHANCE2BHAPPYNot TellingSouth Korea2010-11-04 06:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Filers Timeline
Hi Everyone!

Please add me!

October 2005 Started to date
October 2007 Got Married
February 2008 CR-1 Visa Approved
March 2008 Conditional Greencard Received

29 March 2010 Gor Divorced

23Mar2010 Filed Waiver to California.
(Never received NOA stating my greencard is extended 1 year - I think My Ex took it since we were still living in the same house)
30Apr2010 Biometrics
10Aug2010 InfoPass Appointment - Got I-551 on passport

-Went oversea for 1 week-
01Sep2010 Immigration Officer stopped me at the airport for 3 hours. IO asked me about bunch of questions about why I am not married anymore. I told him I got divorced and sent all the evidence to USCIS thru my lawyer. I got emotional and cried because it was hard for me to remember and tell story to someone because I loved him and he treated me bad. IO let me go after long conversation.

-Went oversea for 2 weeks-
19Oct2010 Immigration Officer stopped me at airport again for an hour. They did not ask any questions and let me go. They said my status is still pending so we'll see...

Seems like my ex told something bad about me to immigration, but I have evidence to proof our marriage was not fake. I did nothing wrong but he did, but since he has so much pride, he talked to immigration? I don't know. At least, I did nothing wrong!!!

I sent...
-2 Affadavid from my friends
-Joint tax return proof
-Military Housing Lease Agreement (Both of our names on it)
-Copy of TRO
-Pictures of our wedding etc...
-Pictures of out trip to his hometown
-Pictures of his girlfriend (He was cheating/engaged to that girl!!!)
-Copy of emails that he was sending to his girlfriendS!!
-Joint bank account statement

It's been over 6months and I am so worried.
My status on USCIS website is still Initial Review.
What should I do now?
CHANCE2BHAPPYNot TellingSouth Korea2010-10-30 06:03:00