IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Add me in...can't figure why I was watching the February filers :unsure:

Lol, we have our own thread now. My packet is in Chicago also. Hope for a speady processing.
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-04-22 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
I mailed our I130 march 27 and delivered march 29. I have a NOA1 dated April 1. I am USC living in USA and my wife is from Philippines. I have read of 45 day waits from NOA1 to NOA2 from those married to Filipinos. Hoping I recieve the NOA2 around May 15.
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-04-19 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 mail out today

got it :) thanks!

Youre welcome. I tried to link the thread here but I cant. I dont have enough posts as a member
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-04-20 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 mail out today

thank you! how do i find the forum?

Its on the cr1 progress report subforum. Under april 2013 filers.
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-04-20 20:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 mail out today
Congrats. Post on the april noa filers. Keep us all in the loop
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-04-20 07:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCancel my petition?
I have read that you just leave it alone. Uscis will cancel it on their own since you have an approved i130. Congrats
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-07 21:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpousal Visa Journey began in January
I just learned something new here. My case number starts with MSC as well so Im at the NBC stage. I sent my I130 to Chicago lockbox and Iive in MD. Where is my local office then? USCIS doesnt say alot other than initial review.
kidneoflipNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-06 12:29:00
PhilippinesAmerican TV
There's also the Filipino Channel...they have it from xfinity in my area and I'm sure other areas has it...

Netfilx rules!!!!! I love netflix....We watched our first movie together (her in Saudi Arabia and me in USA) over Skype!!!!I use a flat screen tv for a computer monitor so it is the perfect size to fit in the window. First movie we watched...Coming to America...Eddie Murphy...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 22:17:00
PhilippinesMarriage in Phils
Just when i thought I was finished worrying with this.... seemed safest that my fiance and I marry in Phils simply because we need a co-sponsor to be 100% safe...but...I am divorced in the United States...does this mean that the Fils government will not allow me to marry since Phils does not recognize divorce??? Grrrrr....this is so frustrating all the issues...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-14 11:58:00
PhilippinesList of US Banks affiliated to the Philippines
Charles Schwab has a checking account that you can use their ATM anywhere in the world and they reimburse your fees. There is no fee or minimum to open an account. Though I did have to mail in my information to get an account. I haven't use this yet, so I don't know if there are fees associated with exchanging money at the bank level in phils. I'm still investigating things.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-27 09:35:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Worst case scenario is they deny your application after years and years of waiting and you end up living in the philippines.

=) Just like me

I gotta here this story. Why were you denied, what's the details. My personal email is
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-28 00:18:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Don't forget about buying cows to roast, too :P

Artificial contraception was a hot topic for almost a decade and have only recently been nationally passed into law. Divorce in the Philippines... I will be shocked if it will happen before I have grandkids. Tsk tsk

I was surprised at the cost of a pig...almost $400 for a large one....

Artificial contraception...hmmmm...that is saying something though because that is really anti-catholic....really, anti-christian...i have a born again christian cousin who is preacher who would never allow this if he were the law...there is a saying in US that you never discuss politics and religion in a bar because it always leads to a fight....I can only imagine what it must be like in phils government dealing with these issues...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-16 12:01:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
Murdering your husband...I ya ya....I think that wins for worse case scenario!!!! Look up Lorena Bobitt...Her husband cheated on her and she cut off his....ah...well, follow the link and you'll see...

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-16 11:48:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
Ivy...yea, the I-864 is something that a good lawyer could probably tear through, but precedents have been set, so unless you have a shark lawyer who knows the judge really well, it could be a nightmare and it definitely could be appealed up to the Supreme Court even. Having weighed everything, I am not worried about it anymore and plan to marry in the Phils. We're making our pig plans many pigs to buy? It's good to be worrying about these types of things instead of the shackles of laws. Thanks for your input...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 22:10:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Chance Favors The Prepared Mind.

Common sense tells ya that getting a divorce in the United States is fairly simple, and it doesn't matter what country you were married in.

If one plans their marriage by preparing for a divorce... isn't the course already set? (ya I know lawyers and greed)

Common sense and the law are not one and the same
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 13:09:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

^^^ I believe this is a rare occurrence.!OpenDocument&Highlight=0,*
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 13:04:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
Yea, that is one thing I value regarding Enlightenment thinking and that is separation of church and state. I respect others religious opinions to the point where it impacts me personally. I feared it would directly impact me and that was the cause for concern.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 13:00:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
OK Hank...I'm just following what your caption says...'Chance favors the prepared man.' If you read what Grant PD wrote, it would be wise for all persons seeking to marry to understand the realities of the negative 'what ifs' Even though it seems I can get a divorce once in the states, the reality is that all of this is based on state law in the United States. By far, it is not cut and dry. I think the most important piece of information that came from this post revolved around the I-864 and the significant financial responsibility of any person signing this document. Further research on my behalf has shown that US courts are holding the I-864 as valid under contract law and are holding signers of this document liable in situations where it is valid to enforce. It is viewed as a prenuptial agreement. Personally, I'm not worried about this because my fiancee has a college degree and I can tell she is not using me as a means to an end of being a citizen or finding someone to take care of her. Hell, once she gets her certification in the US, she'll be able to make more than me. I just wanted to understand my ability to divorce if I married in a country that did not allow a divorce. But, for others jumping into things, they really need to assess the integrity of the person they are engaged to because there are very severe consequences if they are being taken advantage.

Finally, I know I was caught up in the emotions of trying to understand the myriad of what ifs. I'm sure there will be another time when I do this on this forum. I just want to say thanks a bunch to all that are giving the facts of what they know...really, that is what I am after and should be the primary posts of people on this site to questions that are seeking facts. I especially want to thank penguin because she has given me great facts on a variety of questions in other posts.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 12:19:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
Thanks Grant,....You nailed it....
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 03:07:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
You're adding interesting things...I don't doubt my fiancee's intention. She has a degree as a medical technologists and has worked her adult life. Currently, we communicate at her place of employment which is a hostel owned by the Saudi hospital. I can see I need to speak to a lawyer about this however.

The CR route would be taken because Manila will allow a co-sponsor with this route and will not allow it with a K-1. The safest path for us is having this option since new teachers jobs are not safe since tenure is not acquired till after some time. My fear is wating 8 months for her interview and then I am laid off at the end of a school year. Though I will no doubt find another job since special education is a high needs area, if the timing is off, then we are an entire year behind since we have to start from square one.

And, as a stance to the guys (referencing the bastards comment), my fiancee has a brother whose wife went to Russia to work..she is never coming back to him. She wants to annul things. In the US, she would file for divorce and in my state, it would be 2 years at most if the husband never replied for it to be granted. My ex-wife and I had to wait 1 year even with mutual consent. The US is put down for easy divorce, but look at the situation of my fiancee's brother in Phils. This guy needs closure on things to move on and begin his life. Instead he wallows in his depression, has started drinking more and quite frankly, the laws are perpetuating this.

It is not the financial aspects that I was worried about (though these posts have me thinking), rather, the freedom of being able to leave something that turns bad. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a person to walk away from things when times are tough. My former marriage turned to hell and we tried for 2 years to work it out. It was one of the hardest things in the world to do. I'm just trying to understand the 'ifs' in this. And, there are a lot more 'ifs' if I marry in the Phils.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 02:31:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Your question(s) is vague, at best. One thing I can tell you attacking members is against TOS

you attacked allow me to suggest (as you did) instead of pining opinions to questions you don't understand and being judgmental... you seek clarity so as not to offend through ignorance...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 00:06:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
I'm scared that if things don't work out between us, that having been married in Phils, I would never be able to get a divorce in the states or it would take 10 years or something absurd. I know most people are caught up in the romantic aspect of this process, but the unfortunate reality is that being 1000's of miles away hinders the ability to know a person 100%. You really never get to know someone until you actually live with them and time changes people. These are just facts. I knew from day one when I began this quest, that I was going to have to take a risk and marry without knowing the person 100%. I've gotten to know my fiancee very well through our daily communication and I see her as a very good person, a person who will make a good mother, etc. etc. If I were to put odds on our relationship working out, I would give it better than 80%. I would never entertain going to the phils and marrying if I did not have this conviction. But, pull the cloud of emotion from the picture, and you have this very relevant question as to what happens in a worse case scenario. What would happen? Sorry sir, but we (phils gov't) don't allow divorces so you're stuck buddy...Perhaps this isn't the place to ask this question. Perhaps I should inquire in legal forums or speak to an attorney because this question is probably not asked by many for a variety of reasons.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-15 00:02:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
I know this sounds bad, but though I am a romantic at heart, I am a realist above and beyond romantic. I honestly love my fiancee from the Phils. We have spoke every day for at least an hour, sometimes for many hours from August up to the current date. I am a person that goes on instincts and my instincts tell me she is genuine to the core. Unfortunately, I am recent grad school grad going into the teaching field. Long story here, but suffice it to say that it scares me to no end not having a job at the time of the Visa interview. With state budgets the way they currently are, it is very possible I could have a job for one school term only to be laid off at the end of the term. Sure, it's not too hard to find another job, but WHAT IF I don't have it when I need it during the interview? When we are talking blocks of a year to process these applications with hundreds of dollars in fees each time, I don't feel secure doing the K-1 since I can't use a co-sponsor. So, our safest route is marrying in the Phils and going this way....

Which is where I am scared to no end....I know I often hear foreigners mock the divorce rate in the US, and yes, I do find it alarming we have such a high rate. BUT, having been in a toxic marriage, I shudder at the thought of being locked into my former marriage because the government said I could not divorce. So after defending my it is....

What is the reality of a worse case scenario..we are married in phils, living in USA, she becomes a citizen....10 years down the road, we can't stand each other...we want to divorce???

Thanks in advance...Dave
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-14 22:30:00
PhilippinesCheapest flights to Manila
In my experience, I have always found buying direct from the airline to be cheaper by a few dollars. What I do is go to a service that compares different rates and find the airline that is offering the cheapest flight and then go to that airlines site. I've never found a cheaper price from a place that was not directly from the airline (though I'm not saying you can't find one). Since I live in the DC area, there are 3 main airports close to each other and if you are in the same situation, be sure to use a company that will compare different airports. It can be a big difference sometimes since one airline may not use one airport for certain flights. Also, make sure you check baggage fees and service fees which will often not show until the very last page where you enter your credit card info....
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-16 12:15:00
PhilippinesTragic Story

This is incredibly frustrating indeed.

How is your fiancee? Is she finally able to fly to the Philippines?

My fiancee had 8000 SR not counting this months work. So, the lab manager loaned her 2000 which she will pay back when she gets her final months pay. She thought she could pay using the money they owe her for this month considering they have to settle up with her before she leaves, but they did not allow this to happen.

So, tomorrow, she is going to pay her 10,000 fine and hope the clearance process begins.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-28 09:54:00
PhilippinesTragic Story

Since the owner paid for her visa, airfare etc they will ask you to pay them.

I read the contract and there was nothing stating about a fine though every hospital she has worked for has had such a fine. Here is the reality. The cost for the Visa is 2000SR. At most, the cost for a 1 way ticket is 2000SR at this time of year. Further, the owner of the hospital also owns the airline, so the real cost for them is much lower. My fiancee knows people in the administration, she works with a woman whose husband works there, and she also is close w/ her Saudi colleagues who were shocked to find out what happened to her and these people have inquired to try to understand what is happening.

The absolute most it cost the owner is 6000SR, let's say 7000SR for the sake of argument. Real cost is much lower since he owns the airlines. So, approximately $750 dollars is what he makes off of her (more in reality). The owner had also stated that she was not to be paid her final month salary which the HR manager (cousin of owner, called owner for my fiancee and was able to convince him to give this to her). Initially, the owner had said 10,000 SR and forfeit of this months salary.

The word that came out is that they put this high amount of fine on her thinking that she would not be able to pay and since her permit expires in April and it takes 3 months to process, they figured they would be able to extend her even longer.

This is nothing but pure thuggery.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-28 09:41:00
PhilippinesTragic Story
in regards to the contract, yea, her contract stated that if she leaves in 3 months, then she is liable for her plane ticket. That is what her contract says. This is the ONLY stipulation in the contract regarding fines. Not too long ago, a Muslim woman from another country left after only being there for a much shorter time than 1 year and her fine was 1/2 this amount. Even non-Muslims have not had fines like this one. This issue goes beyond people wanting to leave early. There are numerous cases of people having completed their contract, yet are still prolonged for as long as 6 months at a time before they are finally released. My fiancee said that other places she has worked never had so many problems as this hospital. This is reason I feel it is important to try to warn people.

Personally, I don't care about the money. I keep telling her that she can make 8x her fine simply working at McDonald's in the US for a short period of time. So, to me, it is laughable that these people think they can dictate her life for a few thousand dollars. That is their rationale, they think they impose such a heavy fine, then people will be forced to stay. This reminds me of the American mafia and 'offers you can't refuse.'

The only reason I wrote what I wrote is to warn people who may not have the fortune of being able to go to a place like the States. My fiancee is fortunate, many others are not. Since other places my fiancee has worked did not do such things, I find it important that this hospital should be known by any fils person wanting to work in Arabia.

I do want to state that I am not prejudice against Arab people and I respect Islam. In fact, I find Muslims to be one of the most devout persons in the world and am still impressed with taking time out 5x a day to pray to God. To me, this issue is not about religion, it is a very very secular issue. Greed.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-27 12:48:00
PhilippinesTragic Story
I just want to share this story so that anyone who may also be impacted by the scenario can be wiser. It relates to my fiancee who is currently working at Abha Private Hospital in Abha Saudi Arabia. I know a lot of fils work in Saudi Arabia, so this is why I share on this forum.

My fiancee has worked in two hospitals in Arabia, one in UAE and another in some other place in Saudi. In February of 2012, she began working a 2-year contract at Abha Private Hospital. We met online through not too long after she began working there. We communicate through Skype everyday for at least an hour.

My fiancee and I fit perfectly in regards to our goals in life. Our primary goal is to have children. I am 41 and she is 35 and neither of us have had children. I was in a bad marriage with a woman that didn't want kids and now that I am looking again that was a main goal to look for in a next wife. She is also very nice and just a good person. So, I proposed to her.

From the beginning of her working at Abha, things with the management were obviously different than any other hospital she had worked. The management there were always holding people past their contract. Extension after extension, excuse after man missed his wedding day in phils, another missed a funeral...the list is long and sad...on top of this, they assessed fines on those wishing to leave early. Things were so bad and there were so many complaints, that the hiring agency was suppossedly banned in the Phils to hire anyone for this hospital. This could be not true, but the fact is that many, many people were made to suffer.

Enter our situation....She decided to wait until Feb. of this month to leave. 3 months ago, she put in paperwork to be released this February. She got a lawyer friend of her draw up some paper work saying that she was needed in the phils to attend to an estate issue. She wanted a legit reason to apply for a leave and she didn't want to say she was engaged to an American because she feared the consequences. So, she puts in this paperwork and every 2 weeks she followed with a letter attesting to her situation.

So, a few weeks ago, she is putting pressure on them to leave and suppossedly the paperwork was cleared. She got a confirmation number for a plane ticket. Then, not long after receiving this confirmation, like the next day, she got a text message saying the plane ticket was canceled. So, she goes to department after department to figure out what is wrong. She finally talked to the director of HR there and he finally signed her release. This put it into motion. Numerous people have to sign the release in order for her to get her passport and have the ability to leave the country. Time goes by, and still no finalization of her paperwork. Finally, yesterday, she is told by someone that she needs to wait for her replacement which is a common thing they do to people to hold them. Considering she has trained another to do her job and there is more than enough staff in her department, she knew this was bs.
So, finally, today, she goes to the owner of the hospital with her department manager. Sheikh Abdulla Al Thumairi is the owner. The owner said that she has to pay 10,000 SR or $2500 USD which is more than 1/4 of her salary there after taxes. Considering this man is the law in this region, there is nothing she can do but to pay this amount. She has the money to pay it, but she was hoping to save it for a review to pass her medical exams for the US.
The Sheik is a very wealthy man. He has businesses all over the world. He has like 4 wives living in different mansions. Typical Arab rich man. But, he stuck my fiancee for this huge amount of money.
This is common, fining to leave early, but her colleagues said that they have never seen a fine so large, even with people that are leaving earlier in their contract than my fiancee.

My fiancee has a contract and no where in her contract does it say anything about a fine if you leave unless you leave in the 1st 3 months. But, considering this is not a country of fair laws, there is nothing that stops them from abusing people.

So, my point of writing this is to warn anyone with family members in the Phils...DO NOT ACCEPT work at Abha Private Hospital in Saudi Arabia. The owner is the one who fined my fiancee which means all the other persons horror stories are a result of this man's policy. In other words, if a company hiring for this hospital states that previous complaints were a result of bad management that was are better now...that will be a bunch of tae since it is the owner himself who is setting this policy. If I can save 1 person from making a decision not to go to this place, then I will feel glad.
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-27 10:30:00
PhilippinesAdministrative Processing

Sorry to hear about what happened but im pretty sure once you provided them with your requirements your wife will have her visa. I read on what you wrote some applicants have there passport returned? What does that mean? Is that denied? Is there a chance for spousal visa to be denied at embassy?


Yea, since my wife was there for about 9 hours waiting for their answer, she was able to watch a lot of people going through the process.  She said a large majority of people were told they didn't have the proper paperwork or incomplete paperwork and these people were given back their passport.  I guess since we had everything else they had asked for and that we had done an NBI with her maiden name and married name (just not that typo name) that they felt confident enough to go ahead and have her leave her passport and provide them with mailing address and phone number for when they issue her visa.  I would assume that the other people will need to go back to Manila personally with the papers and that is why they returned their passports.  


As far as a spousal visa being denied, from what we know, it is very rare for a spousal visa to be denied, but like anything, there is always a chance they deny.  

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-24 10:30:00
PhilippinesAdministrative Processing

I think the biggest thing that I am hoping to share is if your birth certificate was ever corrected which is the case of my wife's.  There was a typo on her birth certificate that has her middle name as Motis instead of Motes.  My wife, over 10 years ago, went and had her certificate corrected, which instead of issuing a new certificate with the corrected name, there is a caption at the top of the certificate that states her real name.  


So, her birth certificate still has that typo with a typed explanation of the correction.  


Now, my wife, who has never used the name Motis in her life for anything, technically, was also known as Motis in the eyes of the NBI clearance.  So, what my wife should have done was have an NBI clearance with her correct maiden name, her married name and that incorrect spelled maiden name.  That is what has held us up.  



YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-24 10:21:00
PhilippinesAdministrative Processing

yea, Saudi was not asked for as it is stated by NVC the process to get that. If you are not in the country, then you can not get it.  Plain and simple.  We did send a letter explaining why we didn't have one and specifically quoted the NVC site.  As far our case with the AKA, we did have an AKA with her maiden name, but what we didn't get was ALSO an AKA with the mispelled name.  That was what they wanted as well.  

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-23 22:42:00
PhilippinesAdministrative Processing

I just wanted to share this experience to possibly better guide future couples and also to get some feedback from people.


First, my wife and I married in Phils and that is the method Visa we are applying for.  She had her interview on May 8.  After the interview, she was forced to wait about 9 hours before they would give her a decision.  She sat there and watched as people after people went through their process.  


Finally, they come to my wife and they tell her that because her birth certificate had once been changed (they had mis-spelled her father's name), that her NBI clearance needed to state that mispelled name as an AKA....(Also Known As.)  Also, for some reason, they also asked her to provide a new Cenomar that was updated to show that indeed we are married.  


I feel like an idiot that we overlooked the AKA part of the form.  I can agree with their decision that we should have had that NBI done that way.  But, why make her wait 9 hours to do this?  


What appears to be a good thing, is that they did take her passport and asked for her mailing and phone number.  Many people she saw that day were turned down and given their passports back. 


So, that is the sharing part of this story.  If you have a birth certificate that was changed, then technically, you were also known as that other name that was wrong.   Also, if you want above and beyond for them, show an updated Cenmar.


Now, here is where I am curious.  My wife spent many years working in both UAE and KSA.  According to NVC, they do not require a police clearance and this was never mentioned in the interview or with 221g which only stated the NBI (not the Cenomar).  Could it be that my wife is being held longer to check into her work overseas?  Are anyone else you know who worked in a middle eastern country also having a hard time?   I'm just curious as to what may be going on behind the scenes that they can't tell. 


My wife is so depressed it is not funny.  I hope they will get this processed for us sooner, rather than later. But, it seems AP is hit or miss with time.


That's all...thanks....

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-23 22:16:00
PhilippinesGetting on the Plane

My wife just got her spouse visa from 2Go. I am just wondering if will need anything else in order to get on a flight.  I just want to make sure before I get the ticket.  She's going to get her stamp now. 


Thanks in advance

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-25 22:05:00
PhilippinesBuying Airline Ticket for Spouse through Delta Airlines

Delta covers this quite concisely:


I've never had a problem simply emailing the itinerary/confirmation number and having the passenger check-in/board for departure.


Good luck.



I have called and spoken to 3 different people at Delta.  All 3 people say the same thing. You must go to the airport  in the US  and show the credit card w/ an ID in order for them to release the ticket at MNL. 


Expedia had a $30 cheaper price on an airline ticket, but when I called their customer service, they were not at all reassuring of what happens in a situation where the ticket is bought in the US for a person in Phils.  In fact, the woman said that it was not possible, yet I think there was a communication breakdown because of limited English on the reps. part.  Logic would say that they are just a broker, and no matter who issued the ticket, it is going to end up in delta's system.  But, for $30, I would rather not have to worry with 2 companies (Expedia and Delta) if something does go wrong. 

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-27 11:17:00
PhilippinesBuying Airline Ticket for Spouse through Delta Airlines

If anyone uses Delta Airlines and probably other carriers, if you purchase the ticket in the US and use your credit card, then you must go and confirm the purchase at a Delta terminal customer service location before the person can pick up the ticket in Phils.

Right now, the price is around $1050 for a 1-way ticket from MNL to Washington DC area.


Any insights, thoughts about better travel arrangements is appreciated. 



YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864A
Hello folks...

Currently, I have graduated from graduate school with a degree in special education. I am engaged to be married to a woman in Phils. My problem is that I have not earned enough money while in grad school and obtaining a degree is only 1 part of being certified to teach. I have tests I have to take and each state has different requirements for teachers which creates a nightmare of scenarios. I live close to 4 different states.

My fear is applying for K-1 visa, then not having a job at the time of the interview or the embassy feeling that my job is not secure since often you can get a job teaching on contract with the stipulation that you complete all applicable steps for certification within a certain time frame. Usually this is a 3 year contract to fulfill requirements.

The sad part is that I live with my grandfather who would easily sign for me as a co-sponsor. He brings in 7x the requirement (125% over poverty for the K1). I've read enough to know that in Manila, going the K-1 route with a co-sponsor is probably not going to work.

So, the other route would be to marry in the Phils and then apply this way. I have two questions regarding this....

1- how long does this process usually take from the time a application is submitted (she has no children, so it would just be her)..
2- does the Manila embassy allow co-sponsors when going this route?

Thanks in Advance
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-14 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864A
Here is the situation,

I've been in graduate school the past 2 years and 2 years before this, I closed my business down. I am a recent graduate and will find a job for sure since my degree is in special education. My fiancee, from the Phils, has a degree and many years experience as a medical technologists.

I currently live with my grandfather who earns way more than the federal requirements, but he is 82 years old. My parents both have good income, but we won't live with them. I know I am going to have to put down as a sponsor one of these people. I prefer my grandfather, but his age scares me.

Advice on this is 1 part. The other part is what are people's experiences using sponsorship from a relative? Have they declined people even though someone co-sponsored them?

Thanks in advance...
YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-13 00:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and G325a Q's

My wife partially filled out a G-325a when i was in the Philippines. She signed and dated it.  However, when I went to complete the form, there is no way that I am going to be able to fit her employment history on the lines provided.  I have created a document that clearly spells out her work history, yet she is not here to sign this document.  I am planning on sending the barely legible G-325 w/ her signature and then a copy of her work history attached.  Is this going to be a problem? 



Also, I am wondering if it is wise to send more information than what is asked of me.  I have copies of certificates from when my wife worked in Saudi Arabia in their hospitals as well as hospitals in the phils.  I am planning on sending them.  


Also, since I have minimal proof of us having a bona-fide relationship, I had my father sign a document before a notary  testifying to my union w/ my wife. The best form of proof I have is the communication via Skype. If they were simply to look at our history, it would clearly show that we are indeed in a bonafide marriage.  I plan on doing two things w/ this. The first is simply giving them my Username and PW to Skype.  The other is I created a video that films me logging in and showing the history of our communication. My question is am i making it harder on them to process the file (w/ the video)? And, will they use my username and password because if they will, then I can also give them my wife's facebook which has many pictures on it. I intend on signing a document giving them permission to view these things. 


Also,  I am planning on including a background sheet on both of us that explains deeper our identities in regards to being able to verify that we are indeed who we say we are. I'm not writing a major history, it is simply in list form.  Again though, am I giving too much info? and, since my wife did not sign these extra sheets, does it make invalid?


Last, I was planning on sending a media disc that has various pictures (not the passport photos), the video and all other documents that I am sending. Is this a waste of time? 


thanks in advance...

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2013-08-08 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-261

What is the purpose of the ds-261?  I am sponsoring my wife who lives in the philippines. I live in the US. We don't have a lawyer.  Should I put myself down as the principle contact person?  Also, does that mean that I will have to mail any letters I get from them to my wife in the phils? Confused and need guidance...Thanks...

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-03 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsor

My mother is the sponsor for our petition since I have been in school for the past 3 years. My father and mother file jointly with their tax returns. My problem is that on the I-864, it is telling to list the adjusted gross income as found on their 1044....however, this amount reflects dad's income as well.  On mom's w2- she made about $56,000 before taxes.  This amount was added to dad's to arrive at the adjusted gross income for the two.  What should I do? Should I put dad down as an I-864A person or should I just put mom's income before taxes on the line for the adjusted gross income?  Also, will Immigration people correct any mistakes we make? or will they make us do it over?


Thanks in advance....

YayaYiyiNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-24 11:32:00