Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)

Gary, as an after thought will her passport be valid for her interview in Poland? She will need a Schengen Visa to enter Poland. Let me know how it works out. Ron

Ron, her passport will be good to use for the Schengen visa until July of next year so yes, the interview will not be a problem. She should be in the states by then but our concern is if we decide to travel to Europe before she is a US citizen, she will not be able to use the passport she has now. Renewing it is easy enough but we are unsure if doing it in the middle of this process would cause a problem with USCIS,NVS or the embassy in Warsaw seeing that she already has the old passport number on file with my petition.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-20 11:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)
I think I found the answer.

Q: What are the criteria for the travel document (passport) submitted for a Schengen visa?

A: It shall satisfy the following criteria:

(a) its validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States or, in the case of several visits, after the last intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States. However, in a justified case of emergency, this obligation may be waived;

(b) it shall contain at least two blank pages;

© it shall have been issued within the previous 10 years.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-19 19:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)

It could be that the existing passport is not machine readable or up to the new standards of the US and Europe. This was the case with my wife's passport from Kazakhstan. It was still valid for 6 years but she went ahead and got a new one. The passport may be valid for another 10 years, but it may not be acceptable for travel to the US and Europe. This was a new thing for FUS states back in 2010 or at least that is when Kazahstan was issuing new passports. I would recommend checking on this and maybe going ahead and getting a new passport now rather then waiting and findout she needs a new passoprt for the US Embassy to issue the visa. Maybe someone with an old passport from Belarus can comment whether travel to the US is possible.

Good luck,


Thanks a lot. That may explain things some. Her passport was issued in 2003 and she just got a schengen visa with it this past month but I am not sure it will be good in the future. Hopefully someone has the answer.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-19 19:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)

1. Apostille not needed
2. She needs a valid passport to present at the consulate to obtain the visa...seems like she has one. The other question is not an immigration issue and something she needs to decide for herself based on her need for European travel. She will be a US citizen by 2016 if she doesn't "do a runner" on you. Could be a moot point.

Thanks for the info. I am not really sure where she is getting the info about needing a new passport.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-19 17:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)

Hey Southerman, hope you enjoyed your vacation. I called the State Department and an Apostile is not needed on any of our paper work. A certified translation is needed Tanya also had all her translated paper work Notarized just in case. I know a lot of the RUB people think an Apostile is needed and is needed in other countries but not the USA. I am not sure about the passport, why would she not be able to use it in Europe if it is still good for 10 more years?
Good luck, Ron

Ron, Thanks for the info about the BC. About her passport, she says that she would be unable to get a new schengen visa without renewing her passport and we are not sure that's a good idea during this process but honestly I have no idea and decided to ask here. We ended up going to Crete for 2 weeks and it was great. I hope VSC picks up the pace so you hear something soon ....Gary
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-19 16:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some info for my fiance (Belarus)
Question 1....Does my fiance need to get her birth certificate aposttilized or will a simple translation work?
Question 2....Her passport expires in 2022 but it will be 10 years old next year in July. She has told me at that time she won't be able to use it for European travel anymore and is wondering if she should renew it now or wait until after she gets her visa or no need to renew at all?
Thanks in advance.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-08-19 16:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThoughts about this

Most of them I believe - haven't been to one for a while, but most of them should have the postal bank counters in them - can be checked on line here - no english though but I can help if you name the city she will cross the border at...

Unsure at this time but would probably be near Brest. Thanks again.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-09-26 15:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThoughts about this

You don't have to way all the way down to Warsaw to pay - there is plenty of cities with banks on the way between border and Warsaw and you can actually pay it in the post office (since it is a so called "Postal Bank" that polish postal service opened that USEM wants the fee paid at.

Thanks. So basically any post office in Poland would work?
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-09-26 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThoughts about this
As some of you know Belarus citizens have to go to Warsaw Poland for a k-1 visa interview. That in itself is a hassle that most couples don't have to deal with. Schengen visa, travel expenses and generally an additional headache. Now according to this http://poland.usemba...ing_fiance.html there are new changes with the American Embassy in Poland that require the interview date to be prepaid at a bank in Poland prior to scheduling the interview. This means that my fiancee or I will have to travel to Warsaw just to pay for the scheduling of the interview. According to the site there is no way around this. You can't pay online and as an American citizen I can't pay some bank here in the states. Unless I am reading this wrong, it's a really messed up situation and I would like to hear some thoughts or suggestions. I am still a few months from getting my approval and have plenty of time to figure out the best course but any help would be great.....Gary

Edited by southernman, 26 September 2012 - 08:44 AM.

southernmanMaleBelarus2012-09-26 08:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother question

Could you please post the link


You or your wife can call the TNT office and ask them exactly what ID she can use.

Edited by southernman, 14 October 2012 - 04:35 PM.

southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-14 16:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging last names

My wife went make her new passport last week in Belarus. All she did was add my last name. In Belarus, they don't have middle names like we do in the states (from what she told me), so, we put her last name as her middle name and her last name as mines (sure name I guess you can say). I sure hope by doing this early that it won't hurt us with the other stuff later. Now I'm wondering about her new flat she has that if she was in the states later on,, will she loose it? Y'all brought out an interesting issue we might not know about.

Capt: chad

From what my fiancee told me, the apartment has to have the exact same name as the passport or there is a danger of losing it in the future. She says its simple enough to change the name of property papers but it takes a few weeks and of course this would have to be done after she changes her passport. I don't really know the answer either yet but you may want to look into it before it's too late.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 20:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging last names
Thanks for the responses. I think I understand a little more now but should probably stick with one headache at a time. :rofl: Sometimes this whole journey seems so complicated but I know it's worth it and really appreciate all the help here.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 14:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging last names

There are some pros and cons and different schools of thought. Just let me say my wife and stepdaughter are also Belrusian citizens.

My first thought was to get everything I could, state I.D. and SSN, prior to marriage for AOS. Well we also decided that she would use my last name.

First trip to Social Security got her card two weeks later. Next trip to change the name, next trip with EAD, but they did not remove the conditions so the last trip with her green card we got it all right. Same went with sate I.D. for the most part, first expired when the I-94 did, second visit name change and the 3rd trip with her green card.

So it is going to be up to you of how many trips to the offices you want to make. Knowing what I know now, I would wait until EAD is issued before going to social security, she cannot work with out the EAD so the SSN is not a lot of good. If you decide to get it sooner, make sure to do it at least 2 weeks prior to the I-93 expiring. Check with DMV on the I.D.

Now your passport situation. Just for the USA we changed her name to mine on EVERYTHING, most was done through AOS. Now we have looked into it a bit, she can have her passport changed at the Belarus embassy in Washington, but also we were told that she would lose her "registration" to father's apartment if she did this, thus losing any claim to it if her father died, so check if she has anything like this before you decide to change it. We, for now are just going to leave the passport alone, she will travel with her green card and a certified copy of our marriage certificate.

I hope I helped, if I can answer more, let me know :thumbs:

The bold is an issue so not changing her passport name is probably the best choice. If she does legally change her name here and gets a state DL and AP prior to GC will she still be able to travel with her Belarus passport as long as she has a copy of the marriage cert?
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 12:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging last names
My fiancee wants to take my last name at some point in the future but obviously we know the hassles regarding her Belarus passport and having a different US id. We want to get married within the first few weeks of her arrival but unsure when the best time to make this change would be. Prior to SSN or would things be easier down the road?

I have read some of the previous threads regarding this topic but still a little confused about when the best time to make the change would be in reference to the least amount of headaches. Can she completely change her Belarus passport name from within the states?
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDUMB QUESTIons

Is it hard to get a Polish Visa for a my wife to go to the interview

She will need to get a Schengen visa. I believe she will have to go to the embassy in Minsk to apply for it. Has she ever had one before? If so, I believe that will help her or you can google to find out more about them. She will also use her invitation from the USEM in Poland to show her reason why she needs the Schengen. I have heard it may take a few weeks but nothing too difficult.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 15:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEver thought of moving to her country?

Luenig's. French Bistro at College and Church Street in Burlington. Not only excellent food and service but open later than most so we go there after dancing many times on Saturday night. One of the few restaraunts in Burlington that is really good and open late. Google it. Alla had Ceasar Salad with blackened salmon. I had a grilled chicken/pasta/veggis dish which is excellent. Great French Onion Soup. We took my car, the 2009 Dodge Caravan.

Thanks for following us in the RUB forum. Hope you haven't missed the new photos at my profile. One is another ad she did for the Canadians. More to come.

Where does your husband like to take you for dinner after dancing? What do the Maitre'Ds say about you at that place?

The non-American is a 53 year old RUB widow who has had 3 kids. She is the Bahbushka of 6.

The other looks like she needs a cocktail :D
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-17 18:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGift Ideas (For family)
Ice trays. They seem to be in short supply in that part of the world :rofl: They are right about maple syrup though. I am going to Belarus is a couple weeks and already had that request. Also parmesan cheese in a favorite.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-10-22 08:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusinterview for Belarus citizen in Warsaw
Ron, congrats and thanks for the review.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-11-20 05:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBelarus Visa

on line 30 it ask for an itinerary, my wifes interview is still 2 weeks away, but we know we want to fly KMS, should I just give them the tickets we think we will buy
i want to file my visa now, so as soon as we get the good word I can buy tickets

Not real sure what your question is but if you are asking about a visa for you to visit Belarus. All you have to answer for question 30 is when you will be arriving and visiting a friend "wife" and when you are leaving. Your visa can be for up to 30 days. That doesn't mean you have to stay 30 days. Send for it now because it takes about 7-10 business days to process unless you pay double for express.

Edited by southernman, 06 December 2012 - 09:12 PM.

southernmanMaleBelarus2012-12-06 21:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy does it has to be so difficult??

Hey Ron,

We're about to go through the nightmare you just finished. If you have the exact address of the bank I need to pay at, it would be amazing, thanks! Oh, and probably a stupid question, but this bank allowed you to pay for your fiancee's interview. Did they also allow you to pay for her visa there, or did you need to do that at a different bank? Thanks for any advice!


Not Ron but I talk to him frequently. I am planning on having a Feb. interview and going thru the same process. I don't know the exact address of the bank right now but I know he had to go to the main Post office in Warsaw to pay. The interview payment is the visa payment so you will not have to go to another bank. You make the payment one day and get a reciept. You schedule the interview the second day. The third day you have the interview and the following day you can pick up the visa, if everything goes well. You could also have someone in Warsaw pay the interview for you prior and save a couple days in Poland if you trust them. Hope this helps.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-12-12 08:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting the future MIL to the states
Thanks all. I think I will email the US Embassy in Minsk and see if they respond with any suggestions. I will probably just get a computer generated response about immigration and visas but who knows.
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-12-27 12:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting the future MIL to the states
My fiancee is a little concerned about her mother not being able to get a tourist visa to the US in the future. My fiancee has no other family members except her mom who is in her 70's. She is retired and does own her apartment but really has no other assests to prove she would return from a tourist visit in the future. She has stated she has no desires to immigrate to the US because of her age but would like to visit once my fiancee is here and settled some. She does have a lot of European travel history in her passport and never overstayed any other visas. Question..what are the odds she would be allowed a tourist visa to the US prior to her daughters US citizenship? Thanks in advance....Gary
southernmanMaleBelarus2012-12-26 19:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOrthodox Christmas
Just a reminder that tomorrow Jan. 7th is the Orthodox Christmas day for MOST RUB families.
southernmanMaleBelarus2013-01-06 11:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129 Approved - Still waiting!!!

Just so you know, that thread is 3 years old and many things have changed and change often. It appears that the NVC is really backed up with petitions and what took only a couple days is now taking weeks for the petition to be forwarded to the correct embassy. One more thing, I realize it was just an example but every embassy has different procedures. Ask the guys and gals here in the RUB section about specific details with Russia. You will get better answers here than anywhere else.

southernmanMaleBelarus2013-08-13 13:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion about Russian Passport

Not sure but I think the consulate in New York will issue her a temp passport document with an expiration date via mail but of course she will need to wait thru the process of getting a new passport while in Russia before she can leave.  Have her call them http://www.ruscon.or..._info__ENG.html

southernmanMaleBelarus2013-08-13 19:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGreen card name and passport name don't match; how to travel

Take a copy of your marriage certificate with the name change and you shouldn't have a problem leaving the US. Who knows what will happen in Russia but others can give better advice.

southernmanMaleBelarus2013-08-14 09:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156 help for Ukraine

If he has a interal passport use that number if he doesn't then put N/A

southernmanMaleBelarus2013-08-16 18:18:00