K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReligious wedding first?
As Ari said, you would HAVE TO BE SURE that the religious ceremony did not in any way constitute a legal marriage. Also as he said, it is possible that these ceremonies sometimes do get misinterpreted by the CO's and it delays things...and sometimes people do things this way, and it doesn't delay anything. I think you will get more replies, but in the end you will have to consider things for yourself. What I, personally, would do if I wanted to do this, was not even mention the religious ceremony. I do not in ANY way condone lying to a CO(or anyone) but you wouldn't be lying..all they want to know is if you are legally married or not..if you know for an absolute fact that you wouldn't be..there's no why even bring it up and have the possibility of problems from them? JMO. Good luck! M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-04-17 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBefore Posting, Please Take Note of The K-1 Sub-Topic
and, of course, (I know you meant this too, William...just adding to your post) if it applies to the continuing process AND has reached another stage (NVC, AOS, etc.) please post to THAT appropriate forum.

The subforum is for a lot of things, but mainly approvals, NOA2 notices and celebrations, "touch" celebrations, and questions/concerns/comments about how long it's taking to get your approval/NOA2....among other things.

There is a topic concerning this listed under Site Discussion...basically there is a need to contain some of the celebrations (but of course you should still have them!!!) :) to another area, so *questions* can be more easily noticed and answered here in the K1 forum.

William, Cap did post an announcement about this up above, but it doesn't hurt to bring it to everyone's attention in this thread either.... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-03-29 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa expiration date
I have nothing new to add...the above posters are correct. Six months to enter, 90 days to marry. I guess I just thought hearing it 3 times in a row might be concrete enough for you...hehehehe. :P M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-04 04:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresat lost with k2, help!!
I don't know too much about it since I didn't do it, but I can tell you this:

Yes, you WILL have to adjust the status of any child that comes with you, just as you will your own and

the whole adoption process has nothing to do with USCIS. That is something you will deal with through the court system where you will live once you arrive here and you are married. (Well, you wouldn't *have* to wait to be married, but I'm assuming you would.)

Good luck! M.

By the may want to have a look through the guides and FAQ at the top of the page if you haven't already..there is information about K2s there as well as ont the USCIS homepage. :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-05 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbetween NOA1 and NOA2 - what to do
You have been waiting a very, very short time. Relax and try not to worry...I know it's difficult...but if you wait, it will come.... ;) In a nutshell...even for Vermont, way to early to worry yet. Good luck with your journey! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-08 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpiration of security clearance
Perhaps each country is different. Don't hold me to this, but if I recall correctly, the UK one is good for a year. I'm fairly certain of that. As I say though, perhaps that varies country to country. M.

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 10 April 2007 - 04:26 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 04:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Hmmm..what do you mean by that? You can't type 11/98 (or whatever it is?) If not, as I said, I would just go with the Nov. 98 (or whatever year) and not stress too much about it. (Again, I do understand the stressing though!)

..and you're quite welcome. :) M.

edited to add: the other option since you said you've got "monster writing" is to just.......force yourself to write small! ;) M.

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 10 April 2007 - 04:12 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 04:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
It's been a long time sinc eI filled it in...can you use numbers? If you can just type 11/00/07 or whatever..that should work. Otherwise, just go with Nov....the forms need to be *complete* that is FOR SURE...but I don't think they're half as fussy about things like punctuation, the type of fasteners used in the packet, etc etc as so many people think! That said, I worried about the same sort of things when I filed mine, so I'm def. not looking down on you for it! Good luck for a speedy visa journey... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 04:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A HELP
The point made by the poster above is very important...even if you get each page filled in by the computer etc...don't forget to sign and date *each*of the four pages for each of you, so eight in total ...not just one per packet. :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-08 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a need 4 pages of the G-325a for each of you. You can have the computer auto-fill each page, or you can fill it out by hand (what I did when I filed, but using the computer would seem much easier!) ,but as the above poster said, make SURE you sign and date EACH page whichever way you do it. You cannot sign just the top form for each of you.

Good luck with your visa journey! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I know I got touched?
You can create an account on the USCIS site. When the date changes there, that's when people post that they've been 'touched." For instance, if you logged in April 6, 7,8, etc. and you saw March 6th every day you logged in as the last date on there, nothing would have been happening (OR they just didn't update it...which happens a lot, I would think) Then if you logged in April 9 and it said April know you've been "touched."

Some people think it means a pending approval...and sometimes it does...but just a word of warning..sometimes it means very little as well. Someone could have glanced at your file for something and created a 'touch'...don't read too much into them.

Good luck with your journey! :) M.

Edited to add: upon rereading, I see you *did* create an just watch the dates there then. :thumbs:

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 15 April 2007 - 04:53 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-15 04:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a reminder about where to post
Thanks CB...and that's a good question you had, but you would have to ask Ewok on that... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-16 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a reminder about where to post

:) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-15 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a reminder about where to post is kind of confusing I agree....maybe go to the site discussion forum and in one of the related threads make some suggestions?

That's the very reason I made this thread...I think a lot of the reason many threads still have to be moved is because people don't know where to post what. I tried to list a few specific ones, but basically if in only takes a moment...go to that subforum for a couple of minutes and see what type of posts are there. I think if most people did that they would catch on quickly could also look at the links still left in this forum to give you an idea. (I mean "you" in general of course!)

If everyone would do that, it would cut down on the clutter in this forum from threads being moved, bigtime. :) I'm going to try to keep this thread near the top for a couple of days..hopefully many will see it. :) M.

eta: to me, visa case filing is pretty ambiguous as well. Also, many would be quick to add that you are *technically* filing a petition (I129F), not filing for the visa at this point...but I know what you meant ;)

Basically, the subforum should be used for any and all K1-related "celebration" threads and case progress....such as NOA1, NOA2, touches, RFE, etc...anything that's not a question to be even more basic! :)

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 15 April 2007 - 05:06 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-15 05:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a reminder about where to post
Hi everyone! I want to say first that I am "nobody" as far as taking it upon myself to post this...I just move threads (like *many* others), but I just thought I would start this thread as a reminder...maybe if it could get bumped up for a day or two, more people would be aware.... :thumbs:

As you've probably noticed, there have been a *huge* amount of moved threads lately--primarily in this forum. That's because (just a recap for those who don't know) a number of people (myself included) had a discussion in the site discussion forum and reached a decision (ultimately the Cap. Ewoks decision, obviously) to create a subforum to this one for all the congratulations posts...or...I received my NOA1 or NOA2 posts...or March filers, April filers...etc etc etc. We figured if we could keep ALL POSTS EXCEPT K1 QUESTIONS in another forum, it would be much easier for those who *do* have questions to get them answered.

Often there are so many celebrations going on (and YAY for that, right??!!! When we were doing our K1 petition I *always* posted my celebrations too!) :) that people's questions get bumped off of the page rather quickly and so they never get an answer, or not as many answers as they otherwise could have.

If you have a thread moved from this forum, it is most usually (but not *always*)moved to the subforum directly below this one. There is, at least as of now, a link left to the moved thread anyway, so if you simply click on it, it will bring you back to that thread.

Just thought I would try to further explain the WHY of all of the threads being moved once again, as there have been a great deal questioning it lately. Bottom line is just trying to ensure that those who have questions don't get lost in the shuffle.

One major point that has to be made is that it is NOT to discourage *in any way* the celebrations....we've all been through this process, or are in it we all KNOW how big it is to get those NOAs, touches, approvals, etc...and how good it is to commiserate with people who filed about the same time as you. Just please put those threads in the subforum below....then they can still be there but won't need to be moved, and this forum will remain clutter free and open for questions! Everyone happy... :)

This was just a lil' reminder and mainly also posted for those who may not pay attention to the site discussion forum and not realize what's been going on with all of the threads moving...I certainly hope no one has been offended by it...celebrate away! Just please post it in the proper place and that will reduce the clutter of "this thread has been moved to..." here in this forum.

Good luck to all on your journeys!! :) M.

Edited to add: and yes, I definitely see the irony of posting this in this it's not a K1 question...but I'm certainly sure you can see why I *did* post this here! hehehe :P

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 15 April 2007 - 04:34 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-15 04:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre we too poor to be in love?
Forgive me if this sounds harsh, because I certainly don't intend it to....but just a couple of things. (Also forgive me if it's been mentioned as I didn't read the thread in it's entirety.)

If you get a joint sponsor and so forth...and can get this visa, do you hope to live after that in the conditions you described? (Neither of you with any money to speak of, etc.) You may have addressed this later, so I guess I should really have read the whole thread, but I only read your first post and a few respnses after. I don't wish to be too discouraging because I know how it feels to be in love....any obstacles can be overcome, etc.etc...I GET how you're feeling ...but what about the practicalities too?

If, as you said in your first post, six to nine months of being apart could be a death sentence for your relationship...were you really meant to be together? Look at all the people that are forced to be aaprt for that long due to military commitments and the like? Also, people on this very site who have a glitch or just go thru consulates that take much longer than others...they hate being apart, but they come through it just fine.

Again, not trying to discourage you, but wondering about some of the practicalities....?

In retrospect, this MUST have been addressed by some already...I would think so. I do realize it's none of my business as well... ;) but how do you plan to live if this all goes to plan and she gets here in several months. It may seem as though being together is just the be all end all right now...but what then? Ya know?

All that said, I wish you the best for your future.....good luck. :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 05:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo notice sent yet for my 2-15-07 I-129F
Just to address the last part of your question...if, for some reason, you find that they have entered your address wrong(do you mean on the website?) yes, you should *definitely* call and let them know. This is unlikely, but then again, mistakes happen all the time. They must have your correct address, and even though you entered it on your own petition properly, if they have it wrong, let them know. Good luck with your case... M. :)
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-21 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInput on I-129f Coverletter Appreciated
I would also shorten up the name after To: IMO, just pick one. It will look better, and, after all, it's just a cover letter not where you're sending it, ya know? :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-21 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat would happen...
Hmmmmmmm. I can't offer you any assistance either (truly sorry..would help if I could) but just one question...the way these fishing co. work out on the ocean etc....and I see you're in WI like me and not Alaska or are often gone weeks at a time,etc.....would you really see each other much more than you would if he remained in his country? Just asking, not criticising.... good luck with your journey whatever you decide to do... M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-10 04:21:00
PhilippinesChild of K-1 Fiance Visa

What documents will a 3 yr old child need to depart from Phil and enter USA assuming the visas for mother and child are approved?

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-10-31 05:31:00
PhilippinesRecieved notice Petition Approved

Is it to late to register now so that I get that email?  If to late, how will I know when they send it?

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-25 08:14:00
PhilippinesRecieved notice Petition Approved

Thank you Greenbaum! I replied to you earlier on my Iphone while at work but I don't see it on here so I will repeat that.  Fiance lives in small city with only one branch of BPI (Pagadian City). She will ask them tomorrrow if they accept the payments.  


So after I pay for the visas and have case number I schedule medical?



philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-25 07:06:00
PhilippinesRecieved notice Petition Approved

Oh the Visa fee do I pay that for K1& K 2  visa?

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 09:53:00
PhilippinesRecieved notice Petition Approved

wow thanks so much for your help.  Yes, I've read alot of Hank's postings. Excellent work!!!!

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 07:58:00
PhilippinesRecieved notice Petition Approved

Fiance and I so excited. Recieved notification that Petition has been approved and it says wait for instructions coming in mail with hard copy of NOA2. Could someone tell us what those instructions may be and what is next step?


philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 06:53:00
PhilippinesAny Filipino's living in Alabama

Hello, Just curious if any Filipino's living near Florence/Huntsville, Alabama?  Also, due to being located in the extreme northwest corner of the state only minutes from Tennessee and Mississippi there may be someone just across state lines?



philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-11-01 14:44:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

Thanks again Hank!

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-22 10:25:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

Yes, thanks for  the info. I'm sure they will be happy to give me a company letter. I won't have many pay stubs by then but I'll give what I have. I also have the last 3 years of IRS transcripts of my tax returns. 

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-20 14:57:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

We only need to follow up on a couple of things we plan to do after Christmas.  As far as support documents I was trying to hold off until after New Year due to starting new job making substantially more than where I am now. Both jobs are well within the requirements but I dont want to prepare them with present employer because I will not be there when she goes to interview...Speaking of all that, do you think changing jobs will be an issue?

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-20 00:53:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

Still waiting, we call every day!  We know our case shipped to NVC  on 12/13. It's been 4 weeks now. I hope not  another 4! When I call everytime they say allow up to 8 weeks.

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-19 10:40:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

My notice date they alway ask  for is Nov. 19

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-17 11:20:00
PhilippinesHow long to get MCN

Wow, finally today when I call USCIS the message says our case was shipped to NVC on Dec.13th.  About how long it take from that point to actually get the MCN #?  We call every day so at least it was good to hear some movement forward on our status.  Like so  many we are very concerned about the time  it's taking to get an interview so wanting



philippinesusaMalePhilippines2013-12-17 10:36:00
PhilippinesMedical and Interview Appt.

My fiance lives far from  Manila so we need to book airline flight for medical and interview.  We plan to do the medical 2 wk prior to the interview. Also this will be a K1/K2 . The interview is same time for both. I heard someone medical takes longer with K2. So my question is how many days should we allow for each of these?  Because airline will be non refundable.  Thanks!

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-01-09 08:29:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview

Very appreciative of all who took the time out of their busy schedule to help us.  Some very informative replies.  I feel better now! :-)  Thanks again!!!

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 10:51:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview

We do have a receipt for a ring but we did not pay much for that ring. She didn't want to wait for my arrival to excited to wear the ring so I let her by it a few months in advance. Also, we did include from each of us in our petition a signed "Intent to Marry" statement. And we planned to update that along with chat logs, phone bill....


Just for the record, we met online 8/15/2012 our personal meeting was 3/2013.

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 19:56:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview



My fiance has her K1/k2 visa interview March 11th. I hear so many other couples say as examples of proof that they do intend to marry once the fiance is in the petitioners country they provide a reciept of a planned reception, church wedding, guest invitation list..... Due to my being married a few times in the past we plan to be married at the local courthouse by the probate judge. So my question to those on this forum is do you have any ideas on what she could say or present  at the interview to support the fact that we do intend to marry?


Thanks in advance!


philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 18:51:00
PhilippinesSt Luke Medical

Can anyone tell me if SLMEC is open for testing Mon thru Friday?  Or, do they do results only on Thur/Fri?  My fiance is scheduled to arrive in Manila on Monday Feb 24. She is pre-registered k1/k2 and would go to the center at 1pm to get things started and then back early next morning and so on. But if either of the above is true then maybe due to K2 we need to reschedule her flight from Mindinao to arrive on Sunday evening if it is still possible.  Hope we can leave it as is I wait your replies. Thanks in advance!

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-02-03 06:05:00
PhilippinesPre-Testing for upcoming medical

I had slight pneumonia back in 2009 and was prescribed to take antibiotics.  I was subjected to xray and the doctor saw little "dots" on my right lung.


That's the reason I did advance medical at SLEC because I was afraid something might show up on my chest xray.  Thank God everything went fine.  I didn't bother having a prior xray from another hospital/clinic because it's the xray that SLEC conducts that matter. 


Anyway, 3rd party xrays are often times disregarded by SLEC.  


I know someone who had an xray from a lab prior to the medical and results were "clear" but when he went to SLEC his xray was "suspicious" so he was subjected to do sputum.  He never had any medical history or any issue concerning his lungs.  He doesn't smoke too.


It's a 50-50 chance basically.

 Well, she has a statement of diangnosis mild basil pneumonia and a copy of the xray from the doctor and he says she will be fine at the review. So I dont know its worth a try.

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 06:50:00
PhilippinesPre-Testing for upcoming medical


The thing with SLEC X-ray equipment is that it has a very high resolution since it is at par with US CDC standards, as compared to old X-ray machines in other hospitals in Philippines. Meaning there's a higher probability of lung spot/s to be visible, that would otherwise appear invisible in other X-ray tests. IMO, it might be a good idea to have the medical sooner than later. I also had my medical one month before my interview, and this is also actually quite common for visa applicants with respiratory concerns. Good luck! smile.png

Well she is sharing the hotel room with another pinay who is also doing k1/k2.  Also, airlines are already paid for.

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 06:21:00
PhilippinesPre-Testing for upcoming medical

So if they do the sputum what will that consist of and how long if any are we delayed?

philippinesusaMalePhilippines2014-02-05 12:54:00