United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I'm so ashamed...I'm listening to Mungo Jerry and enjoying it. I've been in England for too long.

Showing your age HA - have a drink have a drive - go out and see what you can find...

those were the days before PC- 8 pints and drive home steady

only Heather Mccartney can drive while she's legless now...

omG I actually lold at that

it's so bad :blush:

Omg, so did I. and that IS awful!!!!! :blush: :unsure:
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-24 00:05:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
Alan, I've only gotten to page 4 so far, but I just had to stop and are SUCH an absolute git! but you are totally cracking me up!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks... and nah...we're not ALL like that in WI... ;) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-24 00:02:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Hi, ML! I'll get back to you soon on your PM (longer one)...craig saw the list and liked *everything* I think hehehe...but he mostly just wants the Ambrosia rice puddings so far, so I'll let you know on them soon... *thanks* so much for doing that!!!!

Anyway, yes I did do the drippings in the bottom of the muffin pan thing...was yummy!!! And (as I already mentioned, I guess! :P ) I did use muffin pans....Craig said they tasted right/good (and we liked them as well!) but they were too heavy in the middle yet. Another recipe I saw said the batter had to be cold, so I had putit in the fridge..and also that the tin/drippings should be really hot,so heated that in the oven first. My batter *was* a bit too thick though I think, so will try thinner next time and let you know...go on, try it....they're not very 3/4 ingredients!? I was surprised at that!

ajames...heheheeh thanks! I was proud of my kind-of-English roast dinner too. When Craig's friend Lee spent the week with us summer of 05 I found out he told Craig I make awesome roast dinners. :blush: made me proud too..and Craig's always raving to his mum about them, so must be doing something! right..hehe. (ok, before I break my arm patting myself on the back, I'm done now...) :lol:

Good luck with yours, Mary lou!!! (F) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-09 00:23:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I made a roast dinner last night with beef roast, roasted potatoes, brussels, and the mandatory bisto gravy...and I tried Yorkshire pudds finally! We all really enjoyed them, but they weren't as hollow in the middle as they should have been..other than that, good! What should I do...thinner batter maybe?? :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-08 21:20:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Thanks! I'll try it out next time we have roast dinner and letcha know! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-03 14:11:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I haven't, but I'll be interested to read what others post on that, ajames!

I did get a recipe from a friend for really easy sausage rolls though! Basically you just get some puff pastry, roll it out, put jimmy deans sage-flavored sausage in there, salt and pepper it, and then dab with milk where you can still see just pastry, and over the whole thing after you fold it up (I do them just like folding a burrito) and then bake at 375 until done..usually 30/35 min. or so. Craig loves them hot or cold (and we like em too!) :) M.

ETA: it would be great to know how you do the Yorkshire pudds if you don't mind posting it! Would have said, PM me, but someone else might be glad to know if they don't already as well... :) M.

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 03 January 2007 - 03:05 AM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-03 03:03:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Thanks! You're the besttttttt! :thumbs: :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-02 00:44:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I've seen that episode a couple of times as well..pretty funny.

Just spoke to Craig's mum on the phone today, and she remembered me mentioning it last time we spoke, so she went out and got us some! :thumbs: will be sending it over with the next package, which is fine...can try to make it anytime really. She is also going to get us one of those trifle kits so we can try that...had never heard of it, but did see them online when I was looking. (other than this thread) Anyway,thanks everyone! Will be taking you up on the offer of Ambrosia pudding soon, Mary lou! :) M.

PS..not sure on that DM, if I will try it, (but thanks because I still may later...)but dr lha I will def. be trying out that custard recipe..doesn't look that difficult with your translations! :lol: Thanks!

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 01 January 2007 - 08:20 PM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-01-01 20:18:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
That would be really *great* Marylou!!! When things settle down here in the next few days I'll send you a PM and we can sort out how much it costs in the store, approx. shipping,etc and 'get er done'! Will be a great little surprise treat for Craig!! :) :) :) Hope you had wonderful holiday too..we had a really nice one here! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-12-26 02:42:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

Merry Christmas everyone! It's officially the day..better get back in the kitchen and do a few more things before bed! ;) :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-12-25 01:27:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?


Have you tried Cub Foods ?

I got Ambrosia Creamed Rice/Sticky toffee pudding and quite a few other things from their international section down here in Green Bay.

Thanks DM, I may try that! Not sure what to do yet.. :) :)

Badger...been a while, how have YOU been?? :) Unfortunately,just like Woodmans...we had a Cub foods in Beloit, but none up here...I bet Green Bay is as far up as they does give me hope though, that just with a trip down to Green Bay I could find some things that Craig is used to....thanks a lot and have a GREAT Christmas/holiday! :) :) :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-12-24 15:15:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Thanks for all the replies everyone! I went holiday shopping two nights ago, and couldn't find anything anywhereeeeeeee :( Like you say, Cheeky, I've seen a lot of recipes that call for vanilla pudding instead. E, happy holidays to you too!!! :) (well, to everyone else too! :P ) Cerise, I wish I had some of that!! :lol: Hard to find *anything* up north isles like foods, etc. :( Oh, Marylou...WOODMANSSSSSSSSSSSS. :( For the longest time after I moved here about 11 years ago, I called our local supermarket (Econo Foods and Super One) Woodmans! Just couldn't get used to it..if they have Ambrosia there, I *so* wish I still had one near me...Craig lovessssssssssssssssssss Ambrosia rice pudding in particular, but no can do around here! Looks like I will have to order online, and probably not for New Year's now, but he will like it anytime I do it, I know. Oh yeah..and Cerise...going to make some mini sausage rolls for our get together, probably tomorrow night. :) So glad I got the recipe from you that time!!! :thumbs: Anneelizabeth, great to see you's been awhile!!! For everyone else, thanks a lot for the links and replies (Cherry, dr lha, Janice, Kezz, ajames...) Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas and even better New Year!! :thumbs: :) :) :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-12-24 03:51:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Hi everyone...

Thought I would like to try to surprise Craig for New Year's and make a trifle..he likes them, and I've never made one...has anyone found Bird's custard in the US other than ordering it online?? I can do that as a last resort, and I'll probably have to since we live in the boonies, but just thought I would ask. I'm totally kicking myself because his mum/dad just sent us a package a week or so ago...should be coming anytime..and I know his mum would have put some in there if I would have asked..hadn't thought of it then though!!! :( At least his dad is sending over all sorts of curry powders and pastes for him!! Thanks in advance...M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-12-22 01:37:00
United KingdomAnyone with Paypal living in the UK that would be willing
The good friend formerly known as Welshcookie ;) has kindly offered to do so...and her hubby has an APO so she pays same shipping as if it were within the US....while she sweetly, kindly said she would gladly do it for free, she even made a Paypal account, so we can do it that way. Met some great people on this site I tell ya...and you know who you are!!!! (Well, a LOT of you are great, but I'm talking about the ones I know know what I meannnnnnnnn!) ;) Will be nice to be able to surprise Craig without having to have my fave Mum in law run around and do anything more right now..she's mad busy. :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-30 00:41:00
United KingdomAnyone with Paypal living in the UK that would be willing
I just thought I'd like to get him just a few things from home...don't have a lot of extra cash right now, but a few things shouldn't cost a LOT...even at double the price ;) and with shipping...crisps are light! :lol:

Seriously though...was hoping someone with Paypal wouldn't mind...will just send you some money through that, and someone who has the time obviously....if you can do it, I will make up a list and PM you I think he would want. Things like cheese/onion, prawn cocktail crisps, hula hoops, midget gems, etc.

His mum/dad send us stuff from time to time, and if I asked they would do it in a heartbeat...but they are SO busy and aren't always able to get to it right away. If it was something we really needed, they would do it asap, but I fear something like this might take a little longer with their busy schedules. Any takers?? You would have my undying gratitude, or something along those lines... :P M.

Oh, #######! That's uncool...I have three threads here!! :lol: My computer was screwing up...I will PM Cap and see if he will remove 2...sorry all! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-24 01:50:00
United KingdomHome Sick so glad to read you're feeling a bit better. :) Anyone will have bouts with it on everyone else has said, perfectly normal. Still, it really is great that you got a little taste of home and came back so "chipper" nice to see it! Craig is soooooooo much took him longer than most, but so what?? Important thing is, he got there! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-07 02:29:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I forgot about scrummy! I love that word! :)M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-03-22 00:55:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
oooooooooooooo, I LOVEEEEEEEE so many of these!! (I mean, lurveeeeeee, sorry) ;)

First of all tho...Big Bro Michelle????? WTH?? :huh:

When I was in England, Craig's Dad taught me "Bob's yer Uncle..." love that one!
I say done and dusted all the time now too, without thinking,and also everything has become the "proper" this or that without me even thinking about it. I never used to say either of those.

Swings and roundabouts is another one I like....oh and I dunno..bunch more but can't think just now..too early!!! M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-03-13 05:35:00
United KingdomGood Luck TracyTN!
I wanna be a stalker like Bethanie too. :P :dance: :dance: :dance:

@ajames....Oh...I wonder whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Amandaaaa????? :P :lol: M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-09 00:48:00
United KingdomGood Luck TracyTN!
Can't wait to hear....8:30 London time... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-08 02:25:00
United KingdomOur new addition
Oh how cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :P Wish we weren't all allergic to kitties... :( M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-11 00:05:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
I agree.....I bet it's more about the moving than you. You were strong enough to do it, but he sounds like a *real* mama's boy...not that that's a bad thing in SOME situations, but he goes way overboard is what it sounds like. He, aside from being a coward, apparently can't hack it. Good riddance.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-21 09:04:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
I know I already commented, but it makes me ill that you were having such a difficult time there and you stayed for HIM and now this. That part just blows me away. :( (F)
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-21 08:48:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
We haven't agreed about other things, but that doesn't matter now. NO ONE deserves this and especially not someone who has sacrificed like you have. I love England (but I know it's another whole thing to live abroad...whichever way you're going!) but I know you've had a really rough time there...but you stuck it out for HIM. This is AWFUL what he's doing to you, and chopf*** and coward don't even begin to touch it. I'm so truly sorry for what you're going through. M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-21 06:15:00
United KingdomOur journey is over, so this is goodbye
I have no idea if it was or wasn't, but I would surely hope not. Someone in the position HA is right now really wouldn't need to be picked at! Hopefully it was just one of those *similar* threads that came up at the bottom of the screen or something, because it would be pretty nasty for someon to have gone digging for it...most of the people on this site really are fantastic, but, unfortunately, I can think of a select few who would do it! :wacko: M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-22 06:26:00
United KingdomGoodbye
HA, This is nothing to do with England (I always feel I must say that as a buffer, becasue I mean no disrespect to the country...I love it!) but more to do with how you have been feeling while there...

Just wanted to say I am SO glad that if this had to happen, it at least happened at a time you were heading back to a place you feel comfortable and to people who do love you, unconditionally. I guess I'm assuming that last bit, but most of us have at least a few people like that in our lives...generally family and a few close friends. I remain so sorry for what you are going through right now, and after my petty bickering with you the other day, it just reminds me again how silly that sort of thing is...I'm not saying it won't ever happen again...human nature rears its ugly head sometimes!...but there are a lot of things to be more concerned about than he said/she said on a message board.

I wish you all the best and hope you can get past this and on with your life with someone who deserves you and will build a genuine life with you. Take care of yourself. (F) M.

PS ...I'm tired and didn't proofread, so hope the rambles make sense! (F)
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-22 06:23:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
I agree, Platy. Not picking at you at all here, Matt :) but it really just boils down to you see it one way and I see it another. I don't think they are *afraid* to announce when they do something, but why should they have to is all? Because you (or anyone else) wants it done? No.....ya know? M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-25 02:32:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
They shouldn't be afraid to per say...and I do get what you're saying...if you did it, there's a reason, so say so...etc. ...and there's every possibility they wouldn't mind saying what they are doing, why, and by posting it would automatically show *who* they are....and that's fine too, of course..if they want to. It's only my opinion, after all, that they shouldn't have to...Ewok made them mods for their general likeability, fairness and how they acted on the boards before becoming mods...if he trust them, why shouldn't we? I just don't think they should have to justify their every move to anyone/everyone..if they did, that would open everything they did up for questioning and/or "well you did this for such and so, why did you do THIS to me..." you know? We can agree to disagree at any rate... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-24 02:34:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
Just as I stated with the organizers a while back, I don't think the mods should *have to* acknowledge which one of them did what to anyone. It only opens them up even further for backlash..that will happen occasionally anyway since there are only 3 of them, but why make it even worse for them? It's only MY opinion, of course, and I'm more than happy to go with the flow whatever happens. Lisa and I have been known to disagree on the odd occasion ;) but I agreed with her last post on this particular part of things wholeheartedly....we hope for certain things to happen/not to happen, but in the end, this is Captain Ewok's site, and he will do as he sees fit with it. I haven't liked certain things that have happened here recently, others didn't care at all about it, but in the end you just deal and get over it or don't come here...yanno? As to the FBI thing, yeah...I think that is what started a lot of it...and I *love* that site and think Wenchie did/does a fantastic job with it...but I also love VJ and will to continue to come here. In order to do so, I'll do what Cap. says....mods, IMO, with the limited time we've had to "judge" you, I think you're doing a great job. Keep it up! :thumbs: M.

...and no, that's not sucking up...because I rarely do anything that would get me even close to banned....and if I'm ever *that* angry, then I won't be giving a rat's hiney about being banned from a stinkin' message board!!!! :lol: :P
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-23 23:39:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
My comments even tho' no one really cares: :P

I think the mods are doing a great job. It's a thin line to walk sometimes.

I totally agree with the post RJ made earlier in the thread....

Swirls, you always crack me up. :P

and, most importantly, Laura I love your personal title...."ain't no bugs on me" I loveeeeeeeee that commercial..that puppy is SO cute!!! :lol:

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-23 00:11:00
United KingdomOne for the road.......
Oh Bethanie.....I wish you wouldn't do that. :( You will/must do as you wish, but I for one am gonna miss you. Maybe you'll change your mind later.... hope so! Feel free to use my email to contact me if you Take care! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-27 03:10:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
Great to I said before, just good to know she's on solid ground again with the phobia of flying she has. :thumbs: Welcome HOME! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-24 20:57:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
Should be all the way home now, I would think...maybe not, but hope so...thinking of her as I know how terrified she is of flying and hope that bit is over for her. At least now she will be in a place she likes/loves with people who love her around. Wish you all the best, HA....M. (F)
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-24 15:31:00
United KingdomBritain's Got Talent.. wow
Cool to know already....Craig has been downloading them for us, so I've only watched the first 3 audition to watch tho! I admit I was kind of pulling for Conny, but I lovedddd Paul too, so good for HIM! :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-18 05:46:00
United KingdomBritain's Got Talent.. wow
Same show...have a listen to this. Six years old...*amazing* M.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-06-15 01:37:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
I'm a bit digusted with British Delights. I ordered a bunch! of stuff for Craig from them about the 23rd of January I guess and they still haven't even sent it yet. Really really annoying considering how much it costs and I doubt I'll use them again...anyone else have probs with them?
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2006-02-20 02:13:00
United KingdomCheap Airline Tickets Heathrow to JFK in Late June

I've had friends do Air India-JFK & let me say CATTLE CALL. Hundreds & hundeds of (not pretty smelling) people. saying. It was most definitely an issue. They will never do that airline again.

Took the words right outta my mouth. (ETA, well not *quite*...just that they're ####### in general, IMO.) Craig used them for a one-way back home here one time and o.m.g. never again...he thought they were total #######, and he's not that fussy about it all! (kind of like me...just wants to get to/from in one piece!lol. ;) ) Anyway, don't take them if there are any comparable options. If there aren't any comparable options, that's probably the reason! I had to call their customer service a couple of times for that particular flight too, and they were NOT in the least helpful....seems there is no such thing (in any respect) for that particular airline. I hope others have had better experiences with them, but we would *never* recommend them. M.

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 23 May 2007 - 10:49 PM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-23 22:49:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?
We have salad creme in the cupboard because Craig likes it and his mum occasionally sends things over....that said, he rarely uses it anymore as he's found he almost prefers Ranch dressing on salads and sandwiches... :)M.

He doesn't miss having to constantly pull over to let traffic past or the big crowds when shopping....

Edited by MichelleandCraig, 08 April 2007 - 11:51 PM.

MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-08 23:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi!
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-05-24 03:22:00
Asia: East and Pacificbudget for manila
I'm afraid you're going to have to be much more specific and then maybe we can help you. Will 700.00 be enough of a budget for WHAT, exactly?

Also, budgets are very subjective....what you may consider enough, I may not and vice versa, etc. What exactly are you trying to determine, is the main thing.... :) M.
MichelleandCraigFemaleEngland2007-04-04 05:56:00