K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exams for K-1 Visa/ Timeline

First and foremost, Despite the fact that my process from NOA 1 to packet 3 has been quick and i still find myself jealous of those who got it done in half the time somehow lol.


Now my question is, we are about to send our packet 3 in, which should be followed by packet 4 (interview date). She has set up an appointment to go see her personal doctor about any remaining shots she may need before her Medical Exam in Frankfurt prior to the interview. We are completely confused by the shot list and I was hoping someone could shed some light on what shots she actually has to get. I have provided the list shown on the embassy website in the link below. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you  and happy New Year!!!!




Chris and EvaMaleGermany2013-12-30 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Scans for initial petition packet.

Like most of the others said, there is no harm in sending all scanned copies. Better safe than sorry I always say! :)

Chris and EvaMaleGermany2014-01-26 14:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProxy marriage - but I go to Mexico daily
Hi again, probably nobody's been watching this thread but just incase anyone else on the border has the same situation, I've gotten it cleared up and just wanted to share this info since I couldn't find it anywhere else. It's NOT a proxy marriage, it's a bonafide 100% authentic in-person wedding recognized by the State of Texas and the US Government. I don't know if other border cities have a similar process, but in El Paso County, it's quite commonplace for couples planning on immigration, and according to lawyers I've asked and anecdotal evidence, this United States marriage is a bit BETTER for immigration proceedings than a Mexican marriage. No need to translate or notarize or apostille any marriage documents, no medical exams, no prenuptual family talks, no special government permission.

First, a marriage license in Texas is $72. To file for it, if the MX citizen can't cross, they fill out an Affidavit of Absent Applicant for Marriage License. This is NOT the same as proxy marriage! Absent for the marriage license application, NOT absent for the marriage. In the space for the reason for absence, the county clerk instructed me to write "No visa to cross to United States." (anything feasible is valid: hospital stay, army deployment, unexpected out of town trip right before a planned wedding, it's not scrutinized much) Any mobile notary can walk to the center of an international bridge to notarize it with the MX citizen's signature. There are tons of notaries public in El Paso who do this. (it must be a United States notary. I'm shopping around for prices, first notary I asked charges $125, second charges $75.. waiting on more answers, but notaries are pretty much free to charge whatever they want, so I could find a cheaper one). The US Citizen brings the notarized affidavit, original birth certificates, original divorce papers, and original IDs to the county clerk and files for the marriage license (must be an original ID even for the absent person - but a passport is valid, I specifically asked since I don't want to take my fiance's ID card with me to El Paso for a day. I do still need to ask if his birth certificate and divorce papers need to be translated to English).
Texas has a 3 day waiting period before the license is issued, then the wedding must be performed within 30 days. Unlike Mexico, it doesn't matter one bit if one person isn't American. No special permission is needed, no nada. Texas doesn't care. I assume the US Citizen has to be a Texas resident, but I didn't ask about that since I hold TX residency.

Once you have the marriage license, one El Paso County judge, Judge Guadalupe Aponte, performs marriages on the Cordova International Bridge (the free bridge, the only one without a toll, at the end of US highway 54). The ceremony costs $155. Just like the notary, she walks halfway across the bridge to the international line, and performs the marriage ceremony exactly the same she would in a Texas courtroom, church, or backyard.

And there you have it. How to have a bonafide United States wedding without technically being on United States soil, with no proxy business. This happens ALL the time in El Paso, and the vast majority of the couples I know personally who have gone the marriage route for immigration have done it this way, including multiple members of my fiance's family.

I hope this can help someone!
emmafaceFemaleMexico2012-05-24 17:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProxy marriage - but I go to Mexico daily
Good points all, thank you! :D

iwaiting: We aren't intending for the proxy or any marriage to be our "wedding" - we want to plan a real wedding ceremony in the States sometime within a year of his entry. We don't want a traditional ceremony in Mexico, because my family and much of his would not be able to attend. (most of his family is in the US already, and nobody wants to go to Juarez). So in any case, however we get legally married, our wedding will be later, after we have ample time to plan and prepare. We both consider "marriage" and "wedding" to be very different things. Marriage is the legal document. The wedding is the celebration for our families to share with us. I've seen it mentioned here that a religious ceremony in Mexico has no legal value, which is true, it's not a new concept to be married separately from the wedding, it's commonplace.

Also I didn't mention - we're both divorced, and our previous marriages weren't ideal nor traditional. We absolutely want to have the "real feel" marriage, it's very important to both of us to share that tradition with our families and friends. But the wedding will be separate from the marriage - and we're ok with that.

I did look over this page: http://www.visajourn...content/compare

And it's just steered us away from the K1 more. The only con for the IR1/CR1 is the applicant can't enter the US while it's being processed - but he can't enter anyway so it's a moot point. And this is the most important plus:
"IR1/CR1 Visas often do not take much longer than the K-3 Visa option. The benefit of entering the US and immediately becoming a US Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder) to many people is worth the additional small wait in time."
That is absolutely worth the additional small wait in time for us, an added bonus is the significantly lower price. And it won't hurt to go ask at the consulate about DCF - yes it's "typically" only for USCs who legally reside in the other country, but it can't hurt to tell them our situation and see what they say. I drive by the consulate all the time, it'd be nice if I could just give them my documents in person instead of mailing them away, only to be sent there later. Save on postage ;) haha!

I think I'll just do more research on getting married in Mexico. Math Man, I didn't realize it was only a month, I was under the impression that it was much more complicated! We already have our original birth certificates and divorce decrees - mine translated into Spanish with apostilles - so hopefully we don't need much else.

Thanks again for the advice, everyone! :)
emmafaceFemaleMexico2012-02-10 11:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProxy marriage - but I go to Mexico daily
Before I get into my marriage question, let me give you a little backstory:

I'm a USC, born in Vermont, and living in El Paso, Texas. Axel (my fiance who lives in Juarez) and I met on Myspace through mutual friends in August 2010. We hit it off right away and I got my passport card to go visit him a few weeks later. I started crossing more and more often until in January 2011, I got a SENTRI Card (commuter express lane pass) because I spend every night in Juarez and cross back to El Paso in the morning to go to work. Legally my address is in El Paso though, I get mail and have bank accounts and credit cards with my American address. Now we're ready to get married and start the immigration process. We have all our other documents prepared for the i-130 ....we just have to get married first. Here's the options we have, please advise me if I've made any mistakes in any of my assumptions:

1. Marry in U.S. - Axel doesn't have a tourist visa to come to America at all. He did as a teenager, over 10 years ago. He didn't get deported or overstay, he just stopped visiting and let it expire. This option is out.

2. Marry in Mexico - The actual wedding is cheap, but the permiso from the Mexican government is pricey and takes time.

3. Marry on an international bridge - I hear people talk about this all the time, but I can't find any concrete evidence on it. Not only does it supposedly cost upwards of $200, but I cant figure out the legality of it. Is it a US wedding? Is it a Mexican wedding? Does the Mexican need a tourist visa? In any case, it's costly.

4. Proxy marriage in Texas - Only $70, no waiting. I know people have had issues with proxy marriages but wait, hear me out: It seems to me, the big issue with proxy marriage is proving it's been consummated, which ends up difficult for couples who don't get to see each other often. But I go to Mexico literally every day. I can't remember the last time I spent the night away from my fiance. My SENTRI card and express lane stickers on my car directly attest to the fact that I'm American and visit Mexico daily. Geez, I could probably get an affidavit from a CBP agent, they see me every morning and they all know who I am! Clearly, there's no issue proving our marriage would be real and consummated, and we can come up with all types of indisputable proof to show it.

So in our case, would a proxy marriage be a good option? Or is there something more to it that I'm not aware of?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :D

Thank you!
emmafaceFemaleMexico2012-02-10 00:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to drop second last name?

Immigrant visa will be issued according to how it's written in his passport. Then the GC will come according to that.


What he needs to do is either have it changed prior to the interview with Mexican authorities and bring proof of that and the new passport with the new last name, or make the change come naturalization time.


He would rather not change his name in Mexico, to avoid any future problems he might have with his pension.

In theory the visa and GC should match the passport, but then there are people who say the GC came with just the one name, like someone posted in this thread:




Posted 24 June 2010 - 02:09 PM

I would follow what is on your GC. My husband's birth certificate and passport (from his home country) have both of his last names. His GC came with only his father's last name. He is now using only his father's last name for documents such as ssc, driver's license, univeristy, etc. When we fly he uses both last names.

We made an infopass appointment which confirmed that his full name (both father and mother's last names) was registered as an "Alternative Alias" and therefore he should have no problem using it while traveling with his GC and passport.


That's our ideal situation, now the question is how to make it happen that way, or if it's just by chance. I tried sending that person a message to see how they filled out their forms from the beginning, but they haven't been on the site in a while so I don't know if they'll reply.

emmafaceFemaleMexico2014-02-18 12:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to drop second last name?

I've done some searching and I've found a few threads that touch on this topic, but nothing that really specifically answers my question about my husband's last names. Most of the double last name threads I've seen are more about internationally traveling with documents that have a name missing, or how to drop the second last name when adjusting status.


My husband coming from Mexico wants to drop his maternal last name completely when he comes to the US. His birth certificate, Mexican passport, Mexican ID card, and our marriage certificate/license have both his last names, but he wants his green card, SSN card, and everything else in America to be with his first last name only. His complete (example fake name) is Juan Carlos Ramirez Perez de Fernandez. He wants to completely drop the Perez de Fernandez, he never uses it or refers to himself with that name, and because it's so long he's afraid USCIS will shorten it by taking out the wrong names and leave him with Juan Carlos Fernandez. He REALLY doesn't want a mistake like that to happen, and his name is so long we think something will get cut out somewhere - he just wants to make sure they cut out the part he actually wants to lose!


So my main question: Should we complete the I-130 with only Juan Carlos Ramirez, and put the Perez de Fernandez in the "Other Names Used" box? If we complete the I-130 that way, will his green card and SSN card have only the one last name? Should we explain in the cover letter that he wants to use only the one last name for all USA legal purposes? I've seen all different name mixups and changes, and I'm really wondering if there's any rhyme or reason to it, or if it's just a crapshoot and you never know what they decide your name will be laughing.gif


And a followup question: If anyone has been through this in Texas specifically, when he applies for a Texas ID, if his green card and SSN card have one last name, will they issue the ID with the one name on his green card and SSN, or two names from his passport? From what I've read, this can vary state to state and I'd love to hear from someone who has been through this in TX.



Thank you!

emmafaceFemaleMexico2014-02-17 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong address on I-129F form



Do you think I will actually ever receive a hard copy of the NOA1? I remember reading somewhere that they sometimes don't get it to you even though their records will show that it did. It isn't that important, just wondering.


Thank you so much for responding though. It's definitely a weight off my chest. Now for the waiting game!

BadiddlyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong address on I-129F form

I posted a few weeks ago about how it had been over a month since I sent my I129F packet and received no word from USCIS or anything. After I posted I assumed like everyone else that the Dallas lockbox was just taking forever, but a week later impatience got the best of me and I called them. 


I found out through speaking to a human (it was surprisingly easier to get a hold of one than I was expecting) that I had messed up the dates on the actual I129F form. I accidentally transposed two numbers in my address; I had put 6136 instead of 6316. I was absolutely raging with myself because I had quadruple checked it as well as passed it around for others to check, double check, and even quadruple check it yet it was still missed (Something about the first number and last number being correct so you assume it's correct maybe?).


I told the USCIS person my correct address and they said that they would pass it along and it would be updated. The person then told me that all was well and gave me my case number and I have checked online since then where I am listed as in INITIAL REVIEW (of course there is a notification from Jan. 6 about my stuff being listed as undeliverable).


So knowing this I have two questions:


Is there anything more I am supposed to send to USCIS to rectify my mistake?


If not, it has been over a week since I spoke with them so when should I expect to see an update on my case status, if at all?


Any help would be greatly appreciated and I apologize if this is kind of confusing.

BadiddlyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 13:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan anyone be a co-sponsor?
My I-130 form has been approved and now was sent out the NVC and they sent me the following steps to start the process. I just lost my job and receiving unemployment. I know I will need a co-sponsor. My question is: Can a friend be a co-sponsor?

Thank you
nena2013Not TellingMexico2013-01-22 01:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan anyone be a co-sponsor?
My I-130 form has been approved and now was sent out the NVC and they sent me the following steps to start the process. I just lost my job and receiving unemployment. I know I will need a co-sponsor. My question is: Can a friend be a co-sponsor?

Thank you
nena2013Not TellingMexico2013-01-22 01:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancee/Wife overstayed & Pregnant. What do i do?

what age did she return to Mexico ? (Her age, not yours)

When she was 22. She's 25 now.
D'BoNot TellingMexico2013-01-16 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancee/Wife overstayed & Pregnant. What do i do?
So I met my beautiful girlfriend in elementary school here in the United States. When we were in middle school, we started dating and since then, we've established a very stable relationship. During high school, we found out that she doesn't have social security and that she was born in Mexico but was crossed over to the US legally with a passport that expired in 1992. She overstayed and finished high school, graduated high school, and she even attended a university in Texas. After a year of college, she had to go back to Mexico because of some family issues with her mother and because of that, she's now unable to come back through customs. I visit her 4-5 times a week by crossing the border and visiting her every chance I get but I want my child to be born here in the US. I make a good amount of money and I can support her so I know she won't be a burden on the economy because she'll be my responsibility. She's now 6 weeks pregnant and I asked her to marry me last month. I want to get her in the States as soon as possible but and I want to file for an I-129F to get her in here until we get married later this month but I fear that she will be denied her I-129F because of her overstay in the US. I'm just posting this to get some comfort but I need to know, by someone with experience, is there even a possibility that I could get her I-129 approved and then adjust the status after marriage without any hassles based on that background?
D'BoNot TellingMexico2013-01-16 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

lets all pray harder!!
so the rest of us get our NOA2'S!!

I'm doing that right now...we all need to do a meeting at the flag type thing, except at CSC's front door... :unsure: :wacko: :unsure:

Well hey, heres an idea. We can devote a day of fasting and praying for those of us who are interested in it.

I'll fast for a week if they approve me are you doing? Hanging in there?

UGH! IM so disgusted, thanks for asking. I can only do the sun up to sun down fast because of my blood sugar. A fast does not mean give up food, per say. You can give up other things like TV, or music, whatever. How much are you willing to give up to get what you want ?

Well...right about now, I wuld give one of my kidneys...donate bone marrow...I amjust ready for her to be here.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-09 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

lets all pray harder!!
so the rest of us get our NOA2'S!!

I'm doing that right now...we all need to do a meeting at the flag type thing, except at CSC's front door... :unsure: :wacko: :unsure:

Well hey, heres an idea. We can devote a day of fasting and praying for those of us who are interested in it.

I'll fast for a week if they approve me are you doing? Hanging in there?
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-09 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

lets all pray harder!!
so the rest of us get our NOA2'S!!

I'm doing that right now...we all need to do a meeting at the flag type thing, except at CSC's front door... :unsure: :wacko: :unsure:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-09 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Finally, at least we know something is happening, we got touched today (5/8).

Nice, good luck with it...atleast we have a strong support group here... :wacko: :help: :wacko:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-09 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Where is my NOA2??? 2 touches last week and NOTHING! :( But yay for everyone that got touches this week, just dont get approved before me hehe!!!

I still pray for all of us...we need some luck and hopefully not much more patience for this part of the process.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-08 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Thank you all for your replies, so he did come, and I did have the heart to say "no, there's nothing new on the uscis's site" until we got home and said I had a surprise for him :whistle: He thought I would show him a picture or something...
So here we are now, celebrating and living each second and thanking God for His miracles. I hope you all get your answers real soon, my prayers will always be for those who are going through this process, as I found out we all need so much support and faith to be able to last...
BTW... we did not have any touch until the NOA2.

So do we have any real action out of CSC today? I hope and pray that they keep up the action of last week.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-07 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Hi Everybody! Im still with my girl in Costa Rica, but tomorrow is Monday and I return home. I do not have the tools to update my page from here, but we have made some serious progress for January and February CSC filers.

At this point we have 75 NOA2s for January out of 104 applications for 72%, and February has 20 NOA2s out of 103 applications for 19.4%

Looks like the majority of us will be done with this phase in the next few weeks! Hopefully, we wont have too many RFEs and the like. It is great to see things moving along. My birthday is in early June and the NOA2 would be a real nice present, but I would certainly take that NOA2 like tomorrow. ;)

Have a good time and safe trip home...the NOA2 like tomorrow, yeah I would too...20 percent is much further than I would have imagined two weeks ago.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

whats Quervos? is that a Korean version of chocolate?

Oh no, it's Tequila and I am joking, I have been killing my self with college work...
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

well i had a good cry last night... i miss my honey... and i hate waiting.....
logging into USCIS - on the 21st feb we recieved.... touched on the 23rd feb and until now - NUTTING!!..... *sniff*....
does anyone have any chocolate? (not a emotional eater but i need a sugar hit lol)

Chocolate...I don't do chocolate, but Quervo works nice... :unsure: :blink: :devil:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Tell me about it...I am praying for it to be done with them soon...and then just move to the we all are...
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Say What????????
I don't have faith in them whatsoever.

Sorry, I guess sarcasm is not meant to be spread over the,I hope and pray, but don't expect miracles... :help: :wacko: :help:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I have had to replace the mouse and mic as it got thrown around and abused when seeing the same old tired " On February 26th we received..."

Hopefully next week, they will get going again, just as they did last week, I have faith in them.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I bang my fists on the table. Poor table. :(

Without a cushion underneath? Poor hand, I should say! ;)

Well, maybe I should try that...I just hate the wait.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Gah... where's the bloody NOA2. The closer it gets the longer waiting it feels

I feel like the energizer bunny in reverse....(at least thats the direction of my estimated adjudication date...)
Instead of going, going, going....
It's waiting, waiting, waiting... :whistle:

I feel the same way, I try to keep my patience but everyday adds more and more stress...god I need a hobby...
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

As usual, I'm trying not to obsess, :blush: so did some checking on the 'numbers'. Here they are, for those interested.

January Filers:
Total Petitions ----101
Number w/ NOA2----72
Avg days NOA1 - NOA2----88.875

February Filers:

Total Petitions----103
# with NOA2----19
Avg days NOA1-NOA2----76.11

The average days between NOA-NOA2 is less for February, so as long as they keep the approvals coming, we're in good shape. :)

Hey, that is some good work...hopefully we get out NOA2's soon, seeing as we both have the same NOA1 date.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-06 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Nope, I hate weekends right now... No approvals! haha!!! BUT, I did get a hall for the wedding (they'll let me move the date if need be). So I guess that's exciting

Hey, atleast you had something cool to I typed many pages on schizophrenia...and yes, it sucks as bad as it sounds. :wacko: :blink: :wacko:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-05 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Thanks hmm1 !!! Well, who said life and the government is fair? And yes, I do get discouraged, but then I have to remind myself I have to fight and fight and never give up. This unseen enemy is strong, but I have a big God beside me, behind me, and on both sides of me. He does not have amnesia and neither are His arms too short. What He started , He will finish.

So we have nothing new today?
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-05 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Call me Sister! ( ok, Im not a guy ) I cannot say one gets used to it, but what can we do? I pray a lot, and thanks to all those who pray in agreement with me. I do the same for foe and friend alike here. I do not see how anyone can manage this process without it.

Sorry for the gender are always in my prayers...I hope the process goes is just the waiting that sucks...
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-05 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Yes, for the same beneficiary. So technically, we have waited over a year for a NOA-2.

I don't even want to think about having to do this must be on your last nerve brother...I know I would be...

It's unbelivable... How could we ever thank God for this...?
We've got our approval, saw it today on uscis's site... thought I should give it a try since my fiance is in the plane coming here :) And there it was:

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On May 4, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

Logged out several times to be sure I am not dreaming... I'm laughing and crying in the same time...
What better news to welcome my love on the airpport then this?! What better present for his birthday coming on May 10th?!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Never cease praying God... there's NOTHING that He cannot do, if this is what is meant for you. And it does help taking a break from uscis site as much as possible, until time is close. I have been checking it only once in a while... :)

And btw, the approval came one day earlier than my first projected date (May 5th). Lately it was showing May 29th...

I will be keeping you all who are going through this process in my prayers... it's the hardest thing we've done so far, so I know what we are all going through.

Congrats to you Sapphire and your So...good luck with the rest of your journey... :dance: :thumbs: :dance:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-05 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

It was mailed on the 20th, a Tuesday, at around 2:30 pm.

I mailed mine off on a Friday, the 16th, 4:45pm. (Left work early w/out anyone seeing me to make it to the post office before they closed.) :secret:

Same thing seems that I am usually at work until the early morning hours...
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Oh heck no! I think they got my petition up in the 5th floor men's room in a corner next to a box of toilet paper and cleaning supplies . petition is either there with yours or it has been moved to accomidate the 6th floor restroom...I guess they make good bathrooom reading material...this reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George tried to return a book that had been in the bathroom :unsure: :blink: :crying:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

That's right, we do ! Have you gotten a touchin' yet, hmm1 ?

Not recently, have you? I really hope that we are in a box coming up real soon... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I did a quick check....I saw two more NOA2's dated today, for February filers. We're at 16% (99 total entries and 16 NOA2) Let's keep 'em coming CSC!


Oh yeah...that would be nice, maybe they are just waiting for the FBI name checks to return...I don't know, but I was astonished to see what happened yesterday, if they did that every other day then the back log would be cleared in no time.

Maybe they had a site visit from some government official, or congressman or something....and they had to look busy. ;)

But I'm not complaining....the last NOA1 date approved was 2/16. Our NOA1 is dated 2/ it gives me hope, that maybe in two weeks we'll get a NOA2 approval e-mail. *fingers n toes crossed* :)


I am pulling for you too...we have the same NOA1, you and Kengumbo...
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I did a quick check....I saw two more NOA2's dated today, for February filers. We're at 16% (99 total entries and 16 NOA2) Let's keep 'em coming CSC!


Oh yeah...that would be nice, maybe they are just waiting for the FBI name checks to return...I don't know, but I was astonished to see what happened yesterday, if they did that every other day then the back log would be cleared in no time.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Received NOA2 notification by email. Here is the timeline.

SVC -- Texas Service Center
NOA1 -- 02/20/2007
NOA2 -- 05/04/2007 (By email)

Thanks for all the info. This site has been extreamely helpful in keeoing my spirits up.


Congratulations on your approval....that's great!


Congrats and good luck to you and your SO Pumungra... :dance: :thumbs: :dance:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

At last, we've got the NOA2 today.. :dance: :dance: :dance: Thank God!!. Thanks to all of you VJ'ers..This site is a big help really...To all those who are still waiting, just keep on praying, your time will come soon!!!

congrats to jeneth/2_hearts_1_beat! :dance: and that adds one to our list, here it goes:
1. rebex05-------------------2/23-------- 2/28
2. michelle2605-------------2/12---------4/4
3. rea ------------------------2/1----------5/1
4. keisha---------------------2/5----------5/1
5. uzume---------------------2/5----------5/1
6. mm06---------------------2/8----------5/1
7. 2_hearts_1_beat---------2/5----------5/3

Huh ? I just posted not too long ago and now it's ;
Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated as early as June 3, 2007
LOL. Damn.

June 11th now...
backwards then forwards.... backwards... feels like i'm getting sea sick!! all this tooing and froing lol...

Mine moved up 4 days from June 6th to the 10th. Good Lord !

and don't take seriously the estimated time of adjudication too much, because mine was supposedly may 18 and we got our noa2 in may1 :dance: :dance: so smile :D sharyna, Dan + Gemvita, hmm1 and nagishkaw.. you will be getting it soon!! we're all here praying for you :innocent:

I FINALLY got a touch!!!!! No more being jealous of people who filed 2 weeks after me :)

congrats to your touch, hoping it will turn out to be a noa2 :thumbs:

add pudum and ken for noa2, right...

Yes...record week for my viewing...I have never saw so many NOA2's come out in a week... :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

June 11th now...
backwards then forwards.... backwards... feels like i'm getting sea sick!! all this tooing and froing lol...

Just take some dramamine and lots of vodka, we'll make it through this one way or another!!!! :innocent:

Yeah, my estimated adjucation moved backwards as well...I don't understand it, so I try not to look at it.
hmm1MaleSouth Korea2007-05-04 09:50:00