K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

we got our NOA1 on Oct 26th and still haven't heard anything either ... we are still patiently waiting lol

...and you have a child, and that makes your wait more stressful! but according to what we've read here, that "complicates" things and therefore the young and "unbaggaged" (i.e. no kids) can get whizzed through cos they have no such complications. For the sake of the wellbeing of children, separated from a parent, you would think it would be the other way around. I guess that's too logical and compassionate!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-28 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

2 more approvals right around your date doghandler! Give it to the end of the week, then release the hounds.

ha ha ha! they are already straining at the leash and foaming at the mouth (and that's including Mr Doghandler!)
Did you all know that all the UK people who had their interviews scheduled for yesterday at the London Embassy had their interviews cancelled (and rescheduled for February), with less than a week's notice, because Hillary Clinton was in town? I wonder if the DOS will be compensating them for their non-refundable flight/train tickets/hotel reservations. I am feeling their pain.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-28 05:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Well, I don't know if this will ease or further trouble your minds, but I'll spill it anyway and hope for the former:
I should be the case study for the situation you described, Laura J., that makes someone whiz through processing. I'm in my mid-twenties, and this is my first marriage. I have a very unusual (and yet, hard to misspell) last name. I've never met someone who I wasn't related to with the same one (and [here's me dating myself] there's no one else on the facebook with the same name). I've never been been convicted of a crime (except one speeding ticket when I was 16). I don't have any kids. My fiance is the same age as I am, he's never been married, doesn't have any kids and comes from a low-fraud country. And I'm still here, even with all these "advantages," waiting in line with everyone else. I certainly didn't get my NOA2 in 37 days (but happy days for those that did!)...
I'm still thinking the problem lies in the "box" system. Or maybe it's not even a procedural problem on their end. Maybe some lackey just got a couple of boxes mixed up in the storeroom, and no one checked the mistake. One thing I'm sure of is that people working on paperwork in Vermont probably don't stop too often to think about the fact that seeing December approvals when we're all waiting is like them stabbing their sharpened pencil into the heart. Heck, if they don't know about VJ, they probably don't even think we know about the December approvals... Still, this screwy process demands some investigation and transparency.
But power on! Let's finish up October by the end of the week and start plowing through the November files with the new month!

Megger, I think you are spot on. I am convinced our box system theory is a fact. I've seen people on here who are well passed their 20's with more than one divorce and even K1 application on their bedpost, and with kids, getting quick approvals.
How funny, after a few of us called the other day, they are suddenly right back to the exact point in October where they left off....before they started on the Decembers. Whatever the reason, at least for VJ people, they are back in the right box. Don't mess with our box, or I'll let the dogs out again x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Now that I think about it I think that my timeline said that I'd get it sometime between the 4th and the 24th and I got it the 22nd.

What does everyone elses say?

mine says between 12th and 28th, which is tomorrow, but I would not put any money on it coming tomorrow.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 06:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

We're up by Feb 2, but that keeps changing based on the feedback and timeline updates of others. Back in December it said I could expect an answer by December 30th.

I had a 40 minute conversation with someone in power my Congressman's Office today, which left me feeling even more discouraged than before.
Did he offer to help me? No.
Did he give me any insight as to why some cases are pushed ahead of others? Yes.
Apparently if you are young with no history and no baggage such as previous marriages and no one else in the world has a name similar to's possible for your file to whoosh through the system of "checks" and then be put into a "milk crate" of case files going to an adjudicator.
Alternately, if you are like us, midlife with previous marriages, children, and other such baggage, with an oh-so-common name, your history maybe checked by one or more of the agencies contracted to investigate such matters. So your file sits in queue until all of the agencies have submitted their reports. Ah, that sounds like months of waiting.

Then...the milk crate (one or more; I'm unclear as to how many they take at once) is signed out by an adjudicator.
If you are lucky enough to get an adjudicator who works a lot of hours and processes quickly, you end up going ahead.
If you get an adjudicator who only works 2 days a week, your case is going to stay in their crate until he or she gets to you.

There are just too many variables that skew any hope of an orderly process that makes sense or seems fair to those of us whose lives are put on hold, who cannot spend the waiting time with the person for whom we are waiting.

Bottom line from my elected official's office: Call me back if you haven't heard anything in 4 or 5 weeks.
Oh I know, he's only doing his job, trying to justify the system, probably fielding hundreds of phone calls.
But I also think that as a taxpayer and voter in his district, part of his job is to make me feel that he is fighting for my rights, listening and responding accordingly. Definitely did not "feel the love" from this man.

I would love to post some sarcastic remarks here but I'm not sure they would further the cause of this forum.
However, I will be exercising my right to vote for or against this particular Congressman in the next election.

Glad you are all here to share.


That information is absolutely priceless for the insight it gives to the previous mysterious process. It will help so many people at least understand how it works at least. We now all know a bit more. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it (and it's given Mr Doghandler more fuel for the wider issues he wants to raise with his Congressman).
I am right there with you, Laura, in our positions of midlife wisdom.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 06:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

keep faith something is happening, just recieved NOA2 approval by email. Now the journey really begins wooo hoooo

for the rest of you keep the faith VSC has been picking it up the last two weeks ABOUT TIME

Delighted for you keydymenro! Coming home to your approval has kept my blood pressure stable as they are in the RIGHT box today!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Well, future Mr. & Mrs. Doghandler, let me pat you on the back, shake your hands and hug you too! I'd like to send you a carton of doggie treats!

I truly hope that with enough pressure, this "box" policy at USCIS will be reconstructed to a fairer system for all. My future spouse has dreamed his whole life of living in these fine United States. Now he shakes his head and asks "is this how your whole government works?".

I will also divulge that last week I hand delivered a letter to my Congressman about this very subject. I cited the examples of later filers being processed before earlier filers, and asked that the system of process be questioned. You are right, Ms. D, none of us wants to move ahead...we only want a just process.

And RESPECT and hugs to you Ms LJ, another fine upstanding USC! The campaign has begun. It's working title is clearly "Box Policy" and the strapline on the poster which should go up in the VSC staff room should read "if you're thinking outside the box - don't - it may be unfair". Laughing at my own jokes! I have to....I might be the test case on this site for what happens to people who complain cos they sure ave hgot my number now!
Off to work now. Have a good day comrades, am touched by your lovely online presence x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I felt that way too. It's why I didn't even want to call them at first because I was worried I'd give them my case number and it would just make the adjudicators mad. It's not like you're waiting in line at the bank or grocery store where if you get kicked to the back of the line you're out another hour of your time. Here you might not get to see your partner for months, if at all.

I totally understand your fears on this point. If they want to do that to me cos they can, then they will. They're probably fishing my file out right now to throw it in the shredder! That would be well interesting! Keep checking Igor's list - if I'm the only 1 left on the October list in 6 months time, our suspicions will have been confirmed. It's OK, I can handle it!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Bravo doghandler! you have earned everyone's respect and applause.
I hope this drills some sense into their thick heads.And they see us as people waiting in line patiently,and not just as random file numbers!!

thanks again ,on behalf of everyone

Ah, thank you. It's Mr Doghandler who is gonna take this on. He would never take advantage of what he does for a job, but his professional position in his community does give him a credible voice with those in power when it comes to raising issues (local, national and now he's clearly going into international political territory!). Mr Doghandler has been shocked at some stuff on this site, immigration fraud stories, dubious relationships etc and whist there is nothing that can be done about that, there is certainly something he can do in forcing a government department to address issues of unfair processing procedures when good honest people are made to wait in line and be treated like ###### by a system which is breaching its own policies and procedures - where does it say USCIC adjudicators can pick files at random, with no regard for the date when the person filed? He also thinks it's unacceptable for this government department not to have a complaint mechanism in place for this particular issue alone.

He will take this forward with his Congressman when he returns to the States late Feb. Whilst his actions obviously won't change things overnight, it will go some small way towards making those charged with the responsibilities of processing procedures at VSC address this particular issue and hopefully help people who come after us. I am also someone in my own country who takes on my own government's institutions to task when things are blatantly out of order. Me and Mr Doghandler are like dogs with bones when we get an issue between our teeth! We won't let go! When something is rotten, we will sniff it out and dig it out!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I saw the newest December too.
What a screwy system.
Doghandler, we may have to resort to vicious barking! :angry:


Now listen up good people. My USC fiance, whose occupation will remain anonymous, but just let's just he takes no prisoners when it comes to unfair play....he went totally MENTAL at the news that they've been in the December box again, I thought he was gonna have a heart attack! (and we're both 45, so a heart attack brought on by increased blood pressure is not out of the question!). As stressed before, we are people of integrity and want to play by the rules, who have no problem waiting in line, do not want to be put in front of anyone in front of us and would put up with waiting as long as it takes if things were being done fairly. But they are not.

He got on the phone to VSC, or the contracted company who they employ to read of scripts to fob people off. He got the person on the phone to admit he was reading off scripts and got the person to drop the bullshit straight off (the 5 month thing etc etc) - he got the guy to admit it was totally unfair and people in line have a right to complain and have their complaints looked into, and not be fobbed off when they have been waiting 90 plus days and others get approved in 34 days, for no good reason (i.e. not expediated cases) and therefore there was something far wrong with the system. My fiance insisted the reason for his call was to file an official complaint for this serious issue to be looked into. The guy actually agreed with him! He put him on hold for a bit, then came back on the line saying he tried to find a direct number for my fiance to call, but said there wasn't one and advised him to write a formal complaint. My finace said he wouldn't bother doing that, but would raise this issue with his Congressman instead. He stressed to the guy that he would not be asking the Congressman to expediate our case, but actually look into unfair practices with the system. The guy then took a note of his name and case number, which he had not done before in the conversation, and my fiance got the distinct feeling that the content of his call was going to be passed on, and the guy gave him a total admission that he agreed with all the points he was raising.

My fiance is actually coming to visit me in Scotland on Sunday. If he wasn't he'd be getting an appointment to see his Congressman this week. Regardless of whether we get our NOA2 today, tomorrow or next week, my fiance feels very strongly about this issue, as a USC he has the right to complain about a government department which is not operating as it should, and will be asking his Congressman to raise this with VSC when he returns to the the meantime, he could, of course end up hospitaliezd with high blood pressure instead if any more December cases come out!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers


I prefer that title to the more commonly used 'slightly obsessed with not enough work to do/too much time on her hands'!! ;)

The visa rage red mist has descended on me again.....grrrrr.....just logged on.....they've been in that December box again.....another December filer approved. Step away from the December box, VSC people.....I am emitting low, warning growls, like my dogs whilst typing this....
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Helloooo :)

Hopefully I can clear this up a bit!

I got the stats from:


It is a chart, but if you hover your mouse over the dots you get the numbers.

The cases pending is the number of I-129F cases awaiting a decision at VSC in November - so that is the total number.

Completions is the number of decisions made in November. Receipts is the number of applications received in November (so me and Megger and a whole load of other people are in that pile!)

Although the numbers are daunting I take small comfort from the fact that it just goes to show that us lot on Igor's list and VJ are a very, very small proportion of the cases being looked at. It's quite extraordinary really...overall for all case types USCIS has over 1,000,000 cases pending.

Miss Jess! We is honoured to have such an eminent professor of the statistics on our thread! x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I think those statistics actually mean how many applications they completed during the month of November, not those that were filed in November. While it's obviously NOT a fair process (I mean, December filers getting approved in 30-some days...), I don't think it's weighted against any of us specifically.... At least I hope not! I hope yours is coming in this next week, and then mine a week or two after...

Megger, you are the brains behind the operation! Clearly that is the overall figure, cos if it's not, it would mean around 10000 petitions were received in November alone, which would be ludicrous! Thanks for clearing that up!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Okay, so I did my check of the accounts before and after mine again and two or three of the ones right before me for the I-129F's haven't been completed. So it looks like they're still working on the week of the 22nd for the NOA2's.

Happy Sunday Octoberarians - I just found this (below, copied and pasted) on another thread (VSC November filers) the user who posted it is Miss Jess. See below. I still don't think it's fair that they absolutely do not do cases in date order. There's a whole bunch of October people still waiting whilst over 2000 November filers are done. Ain't nothing I can do about it except moan on here! Who said life was fair anyway! lol x

Here's the info from Miss Jess:

Pending: 7,323
Receipts: 1,835
Completions: 2,155

My point being - they are clearly working on them just maybe not on VJ cases?? Here's hoping....
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-24 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers


Totally! That girl has the calibre of spirit I would like to see in post as Director of VSC.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Holy freaking hell!!!! I got the NOA2!!!! Oh, my goodness. I thought it was an RFE about me checking the wrong box on the birth certificate section.

I might actually make it for the June wedding and not have my sister want to kill me for messing up her wedding plans. :P

Bacon! So happy and relieved for you! I was worried you were gonna storm VSC in person last few days! So that's your run of bad luck officially over. Do let us know if you got "touched" and if you got it by email or did it just turn up in the post?
Kabbatti, please now work your magic thoughts on mine, Laura's and the rest of the gang here. We would like it for next week please!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Well, I'm calling either way. And I'm going to look into contacting my congressman here. I'm sorry but completely bypassing two months is ridiculous.

If anyone else is interested in calling then my advise to you is to get to the case status check screen and when they ask you to enter in your code start pressing the wrong numbers. I accidentally did that and it's how I ended up talking to a human and not the recording.

Bacon, you go girl! I just spoke to my US finace on the phone. He wants to contact his congressman. Our point is, we do not mind waiting in line, no matter how long that line is, we do not want our case jumped up the line, we just want VSC to stick to the line! Which doesn't seem a lot to ask.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-21 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I tried calling them two weeks ago when the November guy got his. They said that some times requests take longer to verify than others. Apparently even if all of December, January and every other month gets processed before October then it's because our cases are "complicated" :P

As we all know - that is horse****. How would they know whether our cases are complicated when they haven't even looked at them? We've not been touched so we're still in the box. Are they telepathic? I guess there's no point in calling cos they just read off generalized scripts designed to get ya off the phone. So glad you are all here to sound off with. It is a great comfort.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-21 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Hmmm..I've been holding back the urge to call them, but I think I might give them a call today anyway. See if we can get some more information.
Maybe I'll demand waffles and pancakes while we're waiting! ;)

And a another December approval yesterday (Laura - I am only looking at Igor's list, 2 were posted yesterday, 1 Octoberarian...and ANOTHER December! What on earth are they doing? Yes, yes, government agency....they're running it like a lottery now! Do they go to where the files are, get blindfolded, spin round three times and pick one at random like a lucky dip?

Eggs, if you get on the phone and actually get any answers, tell them I'll fedex them all a year's supply of pancakes.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-21 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I'm interested in how the list is updated, if the said persons with NOA and data do not even have a profile, just curious where that data comes from

Me too. The mystery deepens. Can any of the clever people out there shed any light?
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-20 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

word for word?

There is a new NOA2 from VSC, today, the first since the 14th Jan - it's from a December filer? - yep, not October, or even November, - DECEMBER! Now, can anybody please tell me what's going on now? Anyone?

Am liking the bacon and egg combo on here now.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-20 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Last year this week, they put out about 20, the week of January 26th they put out nearly 50

Kabhatti - every time you pop onto this thread, you don't half lift the spirits! I am liking your research! Thanks!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-20 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Well before March! I still say it's any day for you.

Happy Monday comrades! - are we all ready for another nail biting week? Caveman Robot - hello and welcome to you, but you're a CSC person and if you find the October filers thread for CSC you'll get all the news from their members as to the next stage - but you're totally welcome to hang out with us VSC people on the edge of a nervous breakdown here too.

Today is Martin Luther King day in USA so it's a holiday for most and that will probably include our adjudicators at VSC. Not likely to see any action today then.

Bacon, I'm thinking of you...cos the people who got the only VJ approval last week, NOA1 date later than yours...we're all freaking out with ya. Try not to fret x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-18 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I'm really thinking that they passed off all of CSC's files to VSC to help them out. Only reason I can think of for why they're just shooting them out like no other while VSC has nothing at all coming out.

Yeh, looks like it, or as other people on here have speculated, they feel they've caught up sufficiently and are going back to work on other visas leaving the K1's for the full 5 month wait, which is the way things were some time back, apparently.

Or, you and I Bacon, with our joint bad luck, are the cause of the jinx! Only joking! You try and have a good weekend, recoup and relax to be fighting fit to face another week of waiting and stressing! x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-15 17:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusshould I order TWO originals of every document?
When I ordered my original documents I ordered 3 copies of everything. 1 for my interview documents, 1 to send to the OH for NVC Stage and a spare just in case I, the OH, NVC or the embassy lost a copy. I figure its better to be safe than sorry and it was also cheaper to get additional copy's at the same time as the main one.
lyndsaycribbsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-18 19:49:00
United KingdomSubject Access vs ACPO....
I have worked for 2 police forces in the UK and I am horrified at this. This is not supposed to happen (but can assure you, it does, sometimes, as does the opposite happen). Unless the conviction is for an extremely serious conviction like murder (am sure your man's is not! It will be some petty thing, cos we are all human sometimes) it is spent and any conviction is NOT supposed to show after being spent for 5 years on any Subject Access Report (unless you are applying for a job in the Police or law enforcement agency).

You can submit a formal complaint to the relevant Police Force regarding their Public Access Department not taking this out of the Subject Access, but I guess you don't want to be caught up getting sidelined with that which would take as long as the K1 process itself, and the damage has already been done. You just have to hope his visa will not be denied on that basis.

Just sending you my support. We are all criminalised in this day and age. Don't get paranoid. Best wishes x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-13 06:24:00
United KingdomOld forgotten bank account, and Student Loans Direct.
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Dec 11 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Martin&Nat @ Dec 10 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's very unlikely they'll charge you any penalties as long as you prove you were under the threshold. How long have you been in the US for? Have you filed a tax return here yet? If so, you can just send that as evidence of your income (or lack thereof).

I've been in the US for 6 months and haven't filed any taxes yet, so hopefully it will be OK.

Doghandler, I understand now. My dad had me all panicked. If we ever do move back to the UK, I would have to either pay the missing amount or work for an extra few years to get the State Pension.

Just wondering though, my SIL is 20 years old and has never worked or filed taxes. She is currently receiving Tax Credits because she had a baby when she couldn't afford it (planned). How is it that she is eligible? I thought if you didn't pay a certain amount of taxes, you weren't able to get anything like that (just like in the letter I recieved, even though I have paid taxes in the past).


I think I've inadvertently now become the resident UK tax and social security advisor on this site! Lol, glad to be of help. Your dad did get you panicked for nothing about the NI letter!. Paying shortfalls in National Insurance contributions during anyone's lifetime is totally optional. They let you know what your contributions gaps are from time to time. As a UK citizen, even if you pay no NI contributions your entire life everyone still gets a basic lower rate non-contributions based pension anyway (and then there's pension credits but we wont' go into that!).

As for you SIL, you don't want to be bored to death by the tax system. Tax and National Insurance are 2 different things altogether. Tax credits are nothing to do with NI contributions and NI contribution based benefits like JSA. Tax credits are only given to people on a low income who have children. Entitlement is not based on how much you've paid into the system, just having a child and earning below a certain threshold is the criteria.

Now, if there are any UK citizens who have recently got their visa and are now resident in the USA, I hope you all claimed back the tax you paid during this financial year (since 5 April 2009). If you were working and paying tax between 5 April till when you left the UK and you earned less than £6045, you will get all the tax you paid back, if you claim it. If you earned more and paid tax, depending on how much tax you paid, you may be entitled to some of it back. If anyone needs any particular advice on that, PM me.

Christine x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-12 07:18:00
United KingdomOld forgotten bank account, and Student Loans Direct.
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Dec 10 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Martin&Nat @ Dec 10 2009, 03:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Officially, you are supposed to notify the SLC within three months of leaving the UK by filling in the Overseas Income Assessment form - otherwise they are able to charge you the overseas repayment rate of £246 per month (from the date you departed!) in addition to a penalty of up to £150.

They happened to lose the form I sent them so I resent it around 18 months after leaving the UK - I was under the threshold since my departure so they didn't charge me any penalty. They simply confirmed I wasn't liable for any payments and that they would send me another assessment form in a year's time.

I hope this helps. Bottom line, file the assessment form with them to be safe - regardless of whether you are under the threshold or not. For the USA, the threshold is currently £12,000. More info at:

I hope this helps.

But the form is assessing your job and income, so when I looked at it, I just thought 'this is for people that are working overseas, so I'll contact them the moment I have a job". Am I to assume that they're going to charge me LOADS of money for not letting them know that I was moving?

Also.. my dad called me and told me that a letter came for me, asking why I hadn't been paying NI since leaving university. He then said they told him I owed them something like 250 pounds!

I'm very worried now..

Regarding the letter about National Insurance, you don't have to worry about it. Your National Insurance contributions are purely for entitlement to state benefits e.g Job Seekers Allowance/Employment Support Allowance (for sickness) and your State Pension. The letter is telling you what you need to pay to ensure you have a full contribution record for entitlement to Job Seekers Allowance/ESA and a full State Pension. You don't have to pay it, obviously you won't be worried about your entitlement to JSA/ESA as a USC and when you come to be eligible for the contributions based UK State Pension, you wouldn't have any entitlement. But I'm sure that's the last thing you could care less about.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-11 06:04:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate Help

Hey, for those of you who have completed Police Certificate, I have some questions (http://www.acpo.poli...ertificates.asp). I currently live in England, my fiance and I are currently doing the K-1 visa, for those of you who don't know. Now the questions:

- Should I put dialing codes on the application form for my contact details? (As I live in England I wouldn't know if this is applicable).
- For the "Postal Address for the return of your Police Certificate" - I'm not sure what (Please ensure you include c/o, Department or Case Reference Numbers when using this facility.

Thanks in advance.

I just received my Police Cert from ACPO. Didn't have any problems with it. It took about 3 weeks to arrive and that was including Christmas post. I didn't put any dialling codes on the application form. Address for return of the cert is just your current UK address, where you are living now, so they know where you to post it to. No case reference numbers required, trust me!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 16:10:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?

Dunno about clever >.> but as far as the ID question goes, Claire took a copy of my passport but was not asked for anything from me, the petitioner, aside from the affidavit of support and its supporting evidence (tax returns, wage slips, etc).

Hope this helps.

Total clarity! That's one question crossed off on my big list. Big thanks x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 05:55:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?

Thanks for keeping us informed about the briefcase Beatlesrebel! I think Im just gonna take a handbag and a shopper bag for my A4 folder. Mine also has the sections like someone suggested for finding things quickly. I'm a bit worried about getting in a tiz trying to find stuff.

Anyway, as I said before, many congratulations on your successful interview! :dance: I cant wait til were in the same position!

Can I just ask a silly question? Hope you dont mind... all this preparation plays tricks on your mind... You don't need the USC's proof of ID do you? I mean their passport of birth certificate. I don't even have a copy. Is that ok?

Telepathy at work. I've just asked the very same "silly" question in another forum. When they say originals, they don't specify that it's just the beneficiary's originals, and whilst it would be ludicrous to think they want the beneficiary to have the USC's original docs at interview, they are the masters of ludicrous, so I thought I'd just check too. We await clarity from the clever people.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 10:35:00
United KingdomK1 Visa Medical Exam In London HELP!!!

Thanks soooooo much! We havent scheduled the appointment yet because of the money is hard to come by at the moment once he has the money for flight and exam then we will schedule to which ever one they give us... Thanks for your help... We dont have any contacts in london to help us so we r stuck! =(

I lived in London for 22 years. 3 airports - Heathrow, Gatwick and City. If you get a taxi from any of the airports it WILL cost a fortune. Tubes and buses are the way to go, BUT these days you need an Oyster card. These are pre-paid cards which you swipe going through the tube barriers and getting on the bus. If you don't have one, the price of buying a tube ticket can be 3 times the price. Also, if getting on the tubes or overground trains AND buses before 9.30am, the prices are way higher as well cos it's rush hour. So try to get your medical scheduled at a time so you don't have to use the public transport before then.

Here is a link for the Oyster card.

doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-18 17:53:00
United KingdomQuestion about Police Certificate

When I filled out the places of residence for my fiance on our I-129F, I put down all of his student residences for the past five years. He was on the electoral register for some of the student residences, but we're not sure which. My fiance wants to know if he can say he was at his family house the whole time. After all, that's where he kept going back to, and received mail often, and was at holidays and summers. He believes it will be easier for the government to verify his family home. Would a discrepency between the I-129F and the police certificate matter?

Hi - whatever addresses you put on the Police Certificate application does not show on the actual Police Certificate you will receive and submit to the Embassy. I've just got my Police Certificate and it's only a certificate which verifies you have no criminal record etc for Immigration Purposes. It does not list the addresses you put on the application form for them to check, and which the Embassy does not see.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 18:07:00
United KingdomWhere are the Scots?
QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Dec 11 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Jill @ Dec 11 2009, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm looking to meet some of the other people here who have Scottish Fiances or Scots with American fiances! Let's get to know each other! Tell us about you!

Rob and I met online playing WoW. He came here for 3 weeks in October-November 2008 and I went there in July of 2009. We're about to file the I-29F. It would have been filed already, but somehow his photos didn't make it here, so he is sending them again.

How about you guys/gals?

My name is Bren and I am the USC and my fiance is from Scotland. The K-1 part of our visa journey is almost over as he has his interview on December 17 and we hope he can be here for Christmas. It has been a stressful journey and we have found some wonderful guidance here at VJ. We have a 2 month old son and I cannot wait for him to meet him for the first time at the airport. I went to visit him in Scotland for six months and had a wonderful time and he has been to the states a couple of times. The best advice I can give you is to keep the faith, be patient and understanding, and to take each step of the visa journey together supporting each other. If you need to talk or need some advice or guidance and support you can pm us anytime. Good Luck on your journey and may it go smoothly!!

ps - Your son is gorgeous. It's hard enough being separated from one's partner, never mind your child. That's well tough for all three of you. Good luck with your interview. I'll be sending you the vibes on the Wednesday!

doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-11 17:23:00
United KingdomWhere are the Scots?
QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Dec 11 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Jill @ Dec 11 2009, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm looking to meet some of the other people here who have Scottish Fiances or Scots with American fiances! Let's get to know each other! Tell us about you!

Rob and I met online playing WoW. He came here for 3 weeks in October-November 2008 and I went there in July of 2009. We're about to file the I-29F. It would have been filed already, but somehow his photos didn't make it here, so he is sending them again.

How about you guys/gals?

My name is Bren and I am the USC and my fiance is from Scotland. The K-1 part of our visa journey is almost over as he has his interview on December 17 and we hope he can be here for Christmas. It has been a stressful journey and we have found some wonderful guidance here at VJ. We have a 2 month old son and I cannot wait for him to meet him for the first time at the airport. I went to visit him in Scotland for six months and had a wonderful time and he has been to the states a couple of times. The best advice I can give you is to keep the faith, be patient and understanding, and to take each step of the visa journey together supporting each other. If you need to talk or need some advice or guidance and support you can pm us anytime. Good Luck on your journey and may it go smoothly!!


So I'm Scot Number 3 in this group! I'm Christine and the man Bobby is the USC. I'm the one who has been over to the States numerous times as you USC's get lousy holiday entitlement compared to us Brits! (and Bobby is also an awesome real deal single dad). However, he's coming over to Scotland for the first time on 30th January (7 weeks tomorrow, we are so counting down!) and I cannot wait to show him the sights of Scotland, the good, the bad and the hilarious!

Thanks Bren, for your kind words and offer of advice or guidance. This "dang" visa thing is the biggest mind bending, stressful nightmare to be going's a high price to pay for naively falling in love with a Yank! I got my NOA1 on 30 October so am now sweating it out for the NOA2. I've already sold my apartment in Edinburgh, my exit date is 30th June, so if that visa is not done and dusted by then, me and my 2 dogs (who are also emigrating at the cost of $7000) will be homeless!

And, I have to laugh, as I innocently put the US Consulate in Edinburgh as my Embassy on my I-129F instead of London! This Consulate is 2 streets away from my home, and I foolishly thought I would be interviewed there...but no, that would be too convenient, just send all Scots to London! We have no idea what they do in that Consulate.

Nice to hook up with you 2 couples. And likewise, if I can be of any support or assistance, just PM me, I sometimes struggle find my way around the threads and forums on this hope to find you both again.

love and licks (that's the dogs)
Christine x

doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-11 17:18:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental

Well, I dont know how much Continental actually charge as we've gone through the pet shipping company, PBS Freight, for Honeys booking. Part of the price also includes her kennel (which is also the biggest size available) but it was £1137.

So glad you've got your flights booked. I have to laugh that the dog's flight costs more than Russ's!
I'm looking at around £4000 for both of mine to fly from Edinburgh to Charlotte, SC. The price of dog love!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-03 09:29:00
United KingdomOfficial stuff that needs to be done before moving on K-1

Reminder to anyone who keeps a UK bank account open that will have over $10k in US dollars or multiple accounts that total over $10k--

There is an IRS form TD F 90-22.1 that must be filed each year with the Dept of Treasury disclosing your financial interest in a foreign bank account. Even if it's in someone else's name but you have signatory authority over the account you should report it. It's due each year in June (??). I don't remember the due date, and I'm too lazy to look it up. I've got one of the forms sitting here on my desk filled out, but it doesn't have the due date on it. It isn't mailed with the tax's a separate thing from taxes. You report the name/address of the bank and the maximum value of the account during the calendar year reported. You could flll out 2009 report now.

Edit: Ok, I got unlazy. The due date is June 30 and here's the form with instructions.

Big thanks for this info Nich-Nick. I did not know this, and do need to know this! Saved me a good few research man hours. Grateful.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 06:48:00
United KingdomOfficial stuff that needs to be done before moving on K-1

A P85 is 4 page form you fill in to reclaim your tax back for the financial year end, providing you are entitled to it that is.

Link can be found here guys - http://search2.hmrc.....jsp?formId=766

That's the one.
Additional advice: complete and return P85 along with all 3 parts of your P45 from your last job (and Part 1a of any other P45's if you have had more than one job this financial year (6 April 2009 to 5 April 2010). The most recent P45 is the most important, if you don't send it, they will write to you asking for it (a bit like an RFE!). Don't worry if you haven't kept any previous P45's, if you have them, your claim will go quicker.
Basically, you will only get a rebate if you have actually paid too much tax this year. If you think you may have paid too much tax during any previous tax year (you can ask for a review going back 6 years), then state than in an accompanying letter and ask for those years to be reviewed as well, but you will also be required to submit the previous years P60's. Always bear in mind that there may be some years where you have underpaid tax, if you have and the sum is under £50, HMRC will not ask you to repay that, if it is over £50, they will.
HMRC's processing times are, not unlike USCIS, totally random. You can wait a good few months.
If you haven't paid too much tax, still complete and return the P85 as it lets HMRC know you are now not liable to pay any UK tax, unless or until you return to the UK and inform them on a P86. If you don't send in a P85, computer generated letters will be sent to your old UK address periodically asking what you are doing. But that in itself is the least of anyone's worries if you can't be bothered with the P85. Nothing bad happens.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 06:44:00
United KingdomShipping from the UK

I'm looking into this too.

I have quite a bit, so DHL is going to work out too expensive.

I found a thread on here in the search about various removal companies.
A lot of people have used excess baggage or PSS international.

I got 2 quotes from hem...with a huge difference.
The first quote came in at just over £500 then the second over £900....I was told I should never have been given the first quote as it would never be that cheap.
The first guy I spoke to also failed to tell me that it would be over £100 extra, just for delivery of boxes because I am outside of London, so wary of this.

So far, the cheapest company I have found is John Mason, who do all the packing for you...looks like I will probably use them.

Thanks for taking the time to post this, Think-Pink. It's really helpful. There is absolutely NO pleasure in this bit, quotes, removal firms...bleurgh!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-04 19:16:00
United KingdomShipping from the UK

So Im now starting to look into shipping my things over from here, I saw the topic on the parcelmonkey website and will probably be using that. To the people that have used the site....
Does anyone have any suggestions of where to get packaging from?
What happens in regard to filling out the customs forms? Do they provide them before, or do I have to get them from somewhere?
I have emailed them to ask these questions(as they dont have a phone number) and had no reply from them.

Any help appreciated :thumbs:


I was planning to use them too. I found this previous VJ thread where people who have used them have posted information about them. It appears Parcel Monkey are really DHL (in disguise, but half the price), so you just call DHL for the info.

http://www.visajourn...l=parcel monkey
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-28 15:28:00