K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Passport style photos
I got mine from Jessops, not sure if you have one over the water but thought I would chuck it in there just in case
lyndsaycribbsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-02 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLifetime Ban From Entering the U.S.?
If they ask you at the medical "have you ever used drugs?" and you say yes, I'm sure they will ask "what drugs have you taken and when?" and not just write down a yes. When your OH answers " Paracetamol for a headache" she is in the clear
lyndsaycribbsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-26 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried before entering on K-1
if I was to get married in the UK and not hand in the wedding certificate to the registrars office, does that mean I'm not married? Erm NO it doesn't!!

Because I got married in the USA and cant hand in my marriage certificate to the UK government to be registered does that mean I'm not technically married in the UK? Nope still legally married here in the UK as well as USA.

The way I see it you have 2 choices, carry on with the K1 and get married in the USA after you have received the visa and then go to her home country and have another wedding.


Cancel the K1 and go to her home country, get married and file for a CR1.

No one on here is going to/should encourage you to break or bend the law. It's on your own head if you lie about things but you and your future spouse has to be prepared for the consequences of your actions.
lyndsaycribbsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-09 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I said in my post that I may be taking it out of context and that I was sorry if I was. You obviously didn't mean it the way I took it so, again, I am sorry.

I understand perfectly how all of you feel. Just because I have my NOA2 doesn't mean the waiting is over. All of us still have a long way to go before it's all over and behind us.

Now I have a whole new set of nerves to ponder on and drive myself insane with. Will I meet the 100% income requirement?, if not can I get a sponsor. Will we pass the interview? How long is it going to take for all the appointments and interviews and paperwork going to take.

I think we just all want our spouses home safe and in our arms where they belong, and we are going to end up making ourselves sick with worry and anxiety until they are.

As far as the UK's getting their petitions approved first, I don't know about that. Did you mean the petitioner from UK or the beneficiary from the UK? In my case ,me (the petitioner), is from the US and he (the beneficiary) is from the UK.

Don't listen to my speculating and trying to make sense of any of the randomness of what goes on. I thought adjudicators may only do certain countries, the ones they may be experienced at knowing what certain documents looks like (e.g I wouldn't know what a birth cert or a divorce document looks like from certain countries so I wouldn't be able to tell if they were fake etc...just thought that would be a logical assumption...I do a UK government job here and we have to work along those lines for the sake of identity fraud etc...) but reading the interview with the ex-adjudicator, it seems not. All we know is CSC October people on VJ have had 15 approvals in the past 4 days and VSC - NONE. So, for whatever reason VSC have come to a grinding halt and we are all stuck in limbo land and we've clearly all gone insane with the stress.
And you're now into the next bit, which is no less stressful or anxiety ridden. Please keep letting us know how it's all going for you so we know what we're in for next! I'm cheering you and your Essex boy on! From what I've read, the UK interview seems to be the easiest part of the whole thing (apart from waiting hours in the embassy on the day).
Wishing all my fellow comrades a good weekend x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-15 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Below is the link for you. :) It's a bit of an eye-opener there.

From what the guy says then I'm thinking that I'm stuck with an adjudicator that went on vacation. My NOA1 date is the 22nd and the days of the 19th to the 22nd haven't been approved while the dates before and after have. So....I was two days off. :P I have terrible, terrible luck.

Thanks Laura and Bacon for that link, I do find this site incredibly challenging to find things. That was a right depressing read!
My NOA1 is the 30th and I haven't been approved either. I am the Queen of bad luck. Believe me. It's probably my presence that has doomed the entire box, so apologies if you are in the same box as me.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-14 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

First and foremost, my post was not about imposing guilt on anyone!
You have nothing to feel guilty about - especially since the applications seem to be processed in a random pattern and are completely out of our control.
Of course we are happy for anyone who is moving through the process because maybe we will be next!
Sorry if it came out sounding like resentment; that's not the case.
It's all part of the roller coaster I referred know that kind of intimidating one at the park that is only 30 seconds long but seems like hours when you're on it and you sometimes feel like you're going to barf?

Now don't you start beating yourself up, Laura! So far this week, we've all had chronic anxiety, misplaced guilt, arguing with our menfolk and barfing. We're all in the same boat, but at least it's not the Titanic. Come on girls, we can get through this.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-14 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

You don't have to feel guilty; you had to wait, too. Emotions are running high for everyone in this process, that's just the way it goes. Those of us who are still waiting for approval will try not to take anyone else's approvals personally as long as those who've been approved don't take our anxiousness and feeling a wee bit sorry for ourselves as a slight directed at them. Deal?
We're all in this together, here to support each other in whatever ways we can.

Nicely said, Megger. No one is to feel guilty!
Now, another UK person just got their NOA2. Do all countries have their own adjudicators? Cos the last 2 out of 3 approvals have been UK. Maybe it's just the UK adjudicator working on his/her K1's and every one else's adjudicator working on other visas? I'm just speculating and obviously haven't a clue how they work things, but just trying to make everyone feel better. And I still ain't got mine, and I'm UK, so I'm probably talking horse s***, but maybe that is the case.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-13 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Hey, so for those who got their NOA2 and are doing the packet 3 stuff. Are you really sending originals of everything? I'm just wondering if I really have to send my passport to my fiance.

Hi Bacon - I got answer to this on another forum. The answer is no. Someone took a copy of passport of USC just in case, but it wasn't required.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Hey, so for those who got their NOA2 and are doing the packet 3 stuff. Are you really sending originals of everything? I'm just wondering if I really have to send my passport to my fiance.

Bacon, I was wondering this too. When it says original documents, do they mean from the USC too? Do we need our USC's original birth certs etc etc for packet 3? Surely not, surely it's just the beneficiary's originals they want to see at interview (that's if me and you Bacon, aren't still waiting our NOA2 this time next year!).
Thanks in advance for answer x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

I just wonder how I got mine today and it seems that 174 people before me haven't got theirs yet. Not that I'm complaining.. I just want ALL of us to get our NOA2 :D

You are really sweet saying that. I'm UK and NOA1 date before yours, so there seems to be no rhyme reason or sense to how they go about things...or maybe my USC finance is on some America's most wanted FBI list or something! Anyway, back to you two, you are the pride of Essex tonight! Enjoy the moment x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-07 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Good for you!


Happy for you! And we know there are signs of life again at VSC! I hope they all get snowed in and can't get home and have to keep pumping them out! x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-07 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers

Oh man, won't we all??? As for that other list... I think I have enough addictions. :lol:

Bravo! And I'll see you all at the addictions and anxiety treatment centre! I'm gonna fail my medical at this rate, if I ever get that far......for high blood pressure and a full blown anxiety disorder if VSC doesn't get back to our October pile pronto!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-07 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kabhatti @ Dec 30 2009, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For us Octoberians and rest of the VJ Family feeling down, here's a video from The Office wedding that is sure to put a smile on your faces. I'm sure many of you may have already seen this but what the heck, I love it to death.

Kabhatti You are fast becoming the moral booster of our Octoberian troops!

A Scottish New Year greeting to my fellow comrades -

May visas be granted to all you good men
And may your RFE's be as few as there's teeth in a hen!

doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-31 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kabhatti @ Dec 30 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did sign up but got no email, just checked the USCIS website and saw it was updated.....

Kabhatti, you got me cliffhanging now! I'm just a few days behind you on the waitlist. Got everything crossed for ya. Keep us all posted! x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-30 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

You don't need a US Drivers license to drive in America. In most states you can drive using your French drivers license for up to 1 year. South Carolina allows 5 years...

"(6) A citizen of a foreign jurisdiction whose licensing procedure is at least as strict as South Carolina's, as determined by the Department of Motor Vehicles, who is at least eighteen years of age, who is employed in South Carolina, and who has a valid driver's license issued by that jurisdiction may drive in this State for five years if the foreign jurisdiction provides a reciprocal arrangement for South Carolina residents. The provisions of this item also shall apply to the dependents of foreign nationals who qualify under this section."

So go ahead and have fun driving your car around.

Oh what a helpful, knowledgeable young man you are! THANK YOU! You are more knowledgeable than the people who work at SC Dept of Motor Vehicles!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-21 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I wish >< . Drue told the lady he could get me a translator certificate in 24 hours via the web, so I could certify my own translation :devil: , but the lady was smart, and said I they wouldn't accept that :angry:

I cannot stand hearing this! The driving place told me that we have to take a test to get a licence in SC, but said they weren't sure and to call the "international office in Rock Hill, SC, whose phone service just tells you to leave a message and they will call you back. Well, 7 days have passed and I'm still waiting for the call back! Can't stand it!

I went to get my SSN number last week. Went into the place, was told it would be a 2 hour wait, at least, no seat free! Couldn't face it, so I left! I live 30 miles from this SSN office, will have to steel myself to try again next week. And Mr Dog has to take the day off work to drive me, cos I can't drive myself as no licence, and it's $120 for a taxi there and back, no buses. Aargh!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-17 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Miss Jess (glad to see you survived Glastonbury, that place is not for the faint hearted!) - shipping

I used John Mason as I had furniture - and I wish I hadn't. They are one of the top companies and are not cheap, but as I was travelling the day before my removals because of my dogs and I had to have a friend stay over night at my flat and do the removals for me, I didn't want any hassle for her and I didn't want any cheap cowboys being a total nightmare. £2,400 for the contents of my whole flat, including packing it all.....but that's not what happened.

John Mason contracted out the job without telling me. If they had, I would not have paid so much. So, I was waiting in line at immigration when my phone rang and it was the contracted company asking me how much stuff did I have, cos John Mason hadn't bothered telling them! My friend told me 3 elderly men from Blackpool (still cowboys!) turned up to do the job but had been told they wouldn't have to pack anything! Scathing, emails of complaint being fired off by me to John Mason as we speak.

Naddy - good luck on the driving licence, let me know what happens there. At least you are used to driving on the same side of the road! I am not and am terrified of taking to the roads, and also of getting lost as I live way out in the country, but the sooner I get driving the better as I will be a prisoner in my own home and small town! Not good!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-12 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers


That is great news heisable. Was thinking about you. We know you were dealing with one of the toughest embassies in the world.

Just Crissie left (I think) from our gang now to get through! Happy Sunday everyone x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-11 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Tony - your girl will be with you now so am sure you're dancing in the street!

Mrs Dog is leaving Scotland in a few hours time and heading your way AT LONG LAST! - so won't be on here for a couple of weeks.

Heisable - hope you're not still waiting.

When I come back on here, I hope we've heard from our Mr HandA. He's missing in action in Egypt and I've been missing him.

Lots of luv to all our November crew x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Kids...the motherload has landed. Passport was delivered to work today :dance: :dance: :dance:

arwilson, GOOD LUCK tomorrow. You'll do great!!

Hallelujah! Now, Miss Jess, apart from the obvious concerns over your dad's health, you have no more worries! It's finally OVER! Enjoy.

arwilson - ditto. The boredom of the wait is the worst of what is in store for you tomorrow.

I have 12 more sleeps till I leave the UK! And what with the World Cup and Big Brother dominating my TV, that's reason enough to go! Talking about family dramas, my step-daughter to be has chosen now to go off the rails on a teenage rampage! Looks like I'll be spending my first few weeks in the States supervising that "you are grounded, lady" thing!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

No kidding...J's plane ticket to come over for it cost me £730 :blink: Stupid bloody August. Thank god I found out I got a raise on Friday. Obviously he is worth it ;) but I can't help seeing it as a good few weeks' worth of unemployment survival...

My dad was agreeable to Plan B but reserved the right to come over in October, but my step-mum has taken my inch and turned it into a mile and is now saying that in her book there is no way he will travel. I'm inclined to agree but I felt absolutely awful trying to tell him what to do which is also basically impossible. Now I'm under massive pressure, cos I know my step-family will be furious with me if he does decide to travel, but I don't want to force my dad to miss his one chance to give his daughter away. Gah. Family politics are exhausting! :help:

OK, rant over :whistle:

I hear ya. It comes down to the "rights and risks" debate around older people with health concerns. Ultimately, it IS up to him. No one should be furious with you. You haven't done anything. Family politics, yada, yada....
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Miss Jess

Bloody marvelous news. It's DONE. All in all, it "only" took 7 months and 2 spontaneous combustions. And you look like Cheryl Cole. And you are far to gorgeous to be slumming it in a HOSTEL!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-11 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Girls, I phoned NYC this morning ( we are getting married there ) and the woman said all I need is the valid passport and a translated birth certificate, no SSN for NYC ( in case somebody else is getting married there ) . So we are all set and good to go ! :)

And thanks for your help !

Sanity prevails in NYC!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

hang on...YOUR divorce certificate?

I only have the copy of jason's certificate that's in the i129-f...oh boy. Is that gonna be a problem?

I thought the interview was all about me...they've done the bit that's all about him, havent they? *panic*

Calm down Miss Jess! It is all about you. Don't know what they are doing in Dublin (bad luck swimmingupstream, but it's only a slight delay, as soon as you send them the cert, your visa will be sent out). Mr Dog has been married before and I took his original divorce certificate just in case (but it hadn't been certified), but they did not want it to see it at all.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

:help: Where did you get this information ? I still didn' t apply for my SSN, we decided we' ll wait until we' re married so we don' t have to go through it twice. How do I make sure I need or don' t need a SSN for getting a marriage license ?

Each county is different, but many counties require a SSN for the license. York County in SC, which is where I'll be living requires SSN, so we have to get the license from another county. Check the requirements of your local county, if they require SSN, check neighbouring counties as they all have different requirements. But when you've got the license, you can get married anywhere you like, in any county.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Thanks guys for the best wishes. I love you all (L)

Today's schedule : Filling the AoS Documents :devil: . I'm getting ready for half a day of headache :diablo:

Depends the reason, why? is there something wrong?

Naddy - did you get your SS number before you got married? In some counties in SC you need your SS to get the marriage license. Or, are you in a county with no SS requirement for license? What county are you in? Also, are you gonna do the civil surgeon transcription for immunizations, or not (see our Nov filers AOS thread for details)?

Heisable - you know we are here if you want to talk x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Congrats to all who have had interviews and passed!!!
So nervous!! our interview is tomorrow!!!!! wish us luck....:)

Nought to be nervous about Joseph! You'll come out high as a kite. Will be thinking about ya x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Hello again everyone! Congratulations to all of those who have gotten their visas, gotten married, just gotten here or are just happy to know their Interview dates. I'm truly happy for all of you. By the way...Naddy you look beautiful! I don't think I've posted since those sad days of my leaving Florida. I've been super busy trying to work every second I can to make up for those hellish six months of unemployment. I went to the beautiful state of Arkansas for about a week before having to come here to Pennsylvania :blink: to work on helicopters. It's all worth it though! I have the money to attend Leidy's interview next Thursday and to return to accompany her to her new home here in America a week later. Whooo Hooo! I so cannot wait to see my baby! I might even be able to pull off being her sole sponsor too! We'll fly into Florida so she can see where home should be and maybe one day will be. Then we'll move to South Carolina....I'm beginning to feel like some kind of immigrant myself :wacko:! We have tentative plans for a small beach wedding in September. All of this beginning Tuesday when I head to Bogotá and get out of this hotel in BFE Pennsylvania. As most of you already know the excitement level is incredible. Our new life together will actually really truly honestly be beginning soon......Wow!!!! :wow:. Hope all goes well at our interview..... Again, to all of you happy couples who have helped us through this.....May God and the love you have for each other always be with you.


Tony, Tony! (Always makes me think of West Side Story!)

Great to hear you. Yes, the excitement is incredible and don't we all love it! We've got approvals by the bucket load, K1 visas in hand and 2 weddings already!

Your lady's interview is in 4 days, but don't lose any sleep, not one of us on this thread has any problems so we're not about to start now!
Hope you get your lovely beach wedding without any oil slick.

Will be sending thoughts to you on the 10th. Keep us posted!

And, as they say in West Side Story - ONLY DEATH CAN PART US NOW! xxx
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-06 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Our Naddy is now a MARRIED WOMAN. Gorgeous cake! As I'm sure you were. There's a thunderstorm in SC right now. I am thinking about you x

Anwesha - I'm sitting on my sofa sorting through my old photos to pack up. Came across photos of when I spent a year in India (Tamil Nadu) working in an orphanage (when I was a mere slip of girl) and thought of you...

Also a thought to our Mr HandA, hoping he isn't causing any storms in Egypt!

November 09 K1 filers - our very own global village x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-05 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

yeah, poor Drue, he's gonna be stuck with me forever :devil::diablo::devil:

LOL! We will all be at your wedding tomorrow in spirit!

In response to your previous questions about name change, the one about the passport - I've read on VJ you don't need to change your name on that immediately, if at all, when you travel, you just ensure you also carry your marriage cert with your passport. That's all I know!

But don't want to spoil your SPECIAL day with any thoughts of immigration paperwork! Bless your wedding day, lovely Naddy & Drue x (L)
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Hey lovely people,
Hope everyone's making progress and inching closer to closing chapter 1 of this process.I wish everyone great luck.

Naddy it is awesome that you can work right away,and I wish you good luck in finding just the perfect job to go with it :thumbs: and yaay for your wedding ring too :blush:

I am getting so impatient, its the last few days and they are just crawling.Baah! I keep having these weird dreams,crazy.Like today I saw John giving me a bunch of yummy candies from inside the pedigree dog food packet :blink: .Okay no one should even try and interpret them.
I was telling him the other day,seeing everything after a gap of 10 months will be very surreal and emotional and he better put up with my Miss Priss side :whistle: .We Indians like the drama ,trust me !

Well good wishes everybody.

Not having seen your John for 10 months. That is something. Drama? I would have thrown all my toys out my pram ages ago!

Therefore, when you do set eyes on each other - drama? - I expect no less than a full-on Bollywood singing and dancing routine at Charlotte airport, complete with fireworks!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
And another 2 past the finishing line! Justar and Douglas - don't it feel good! :dance: I can feel your radiance from Scotland!

Mrs Megger and Ewan - you two are the new Marie and Pierre Curie, partners in love AND science! Atom splitting fascinating. Did you meet in a lab?

Mr Dog appears to have the cheek of the devil in him tonight. He just told me that he is so excited at the fact that there is now only 26 days left where he has to cook his own dinner and iron his own shirt. He then went on to claim he has booked the local prostitutes motel for our honeymoon. They have recently expanded and you can now rent a trailer for an hour in their car park!
In case any of you fancy this classy joint for your own honeymoon, it's called The H&B Motel, but the cops call it The Hump and Bump. There's romance for ya!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-02 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

28 June? ;)

If you have developed time travel though i've love to hear about it. I'd go back a few years and start this all earlier. :D

Yep, 28th June. My visa was delivered this morning. It's like holding the Holy Grail when you finally get it in your hands.

2 weeks still to go till your interview and you're gonna get stung on the visa price hike due to the fault of NCV by sending your file to Dublin by mistake. Doesn't that make you mad?
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-02 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Fingers are still crossed waiting for Juliana's interview approval...

Naddy, I know it has been raining all week in SC, and we thought we were leaving the rain behind in France and Scotland. What jobs you in the market for in SC?

I get my visa in hand tomorrow, according to the embassy courier site! Flights all booked for 28 May! Starting to get really, really excited now. 3 and a half weeks to go!

I have a really, really nasty neighbour here in my street, who has made my life a misery. A monstrous woman, who goes by the name of "Big Evelyn", (she's big and she's also an ignorant bully and totally belongs on the Jerry Springer show). I am currently enjoying plotting (and salivating) at how exactly I am going to say goodbye to her on the morning I leave my home for the last time (at 5.30 in the morning).....snigger...:devil:.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-01 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Yeah, from what I can tell, you can get a card after you've been in the US two weeks. Then, after the marriage, go back with the marriage certificate to get a new card (same number) in your married name. THEN, after EAD, you go get ANOTHER one that doesn't have the "Valid for work with DHS approval" restriction on it. By the end of this nonsense, the SSA people know you by name, I suppose!

From what I can tell, after we do the biometrics (June 10, the same day our lovely Miss Jess has her interview!) we can expect the EAD and AP within 4-6 weeks. Many K-1 AOS people are approved for the green card without an interview (I suppose because you prove the validity of your relationship at the visa interview) so hopefully that will happen to us, but honestly, I'm expecting an RFE for for proof of my citizenship, and the vaccinations (there is much debate about what to send for this, as the mystery POE envelopes have a way of not reuniting with the files at USCIS, and they are not super clear about whether the DS-3025 is sufficient proof of vaccinations, etc. Hopefully I'll be a guinea pig for this; I'll def. let you all know what happens). :bonk: Hopefully it's smooth and quick, because I'm getting a little jealous of my sweetie staying home to listen to cricket all day while I go off to be the breadwinner!

You are well on top of this AOS business.
You are right - the biggest confusion, and the subject of many, many posts where people have been driven nuts - is the vaccination nonsense. Going to a civil surgeon for transcription, and some refuse to do the transcription, want to give you the shots again, charging a fortune etc. and if that's not enough, there is mass confusion about the ones which are age inappropriate where it states on the DS-3025 that you have file a waiver. This applies to me and I have no clue yet as to what waiver. So, yes, you can be our guinea pig, then I'm relying on our Naddy to hunt down the cheapest civil surgeon in SC, and one who knows the process.

Honestly, you would think we were all riddled with the plague and could unleash a pandemic of foot and mouth disease throughout America if those vaccinations are not transcribed properly! It is absolute nonsense, especially for people from countries which have vaccination requirements for all citizens from birth anyway!

And we hope Ewan has at least done the laundry and cleaned the house when his hunter/gatherer wife returns home at night!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-28 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Oh you will miss Mrs D by a whisker!! Too bad for ya'all but good new for the airlines industry 'cause you two would've burn that sucka down!!! :help:

For me, Lady HnddA, who's not be confussed with Lady Gaga and who's not blessed with a lot of sense of humma, has some lose ends to tie in Cario so I may have to make a trip over there within the next 10 days to help here out... So, being a ture Africa-American warrior(born in Africa but raised in America), I am getting ready to invade the Egytian Empire and whisk my queen out in a Tojan Horse (F) The quencequence if I get caught in the battle as a POW, I know I will be subjected to one hundred Shisha puffs and a gallon of raw camel milk (off a camel's breast :o ) :P , because these are not covered by the Genve Convention :bonk: . But I am ready to do ANHYTHING for my queen... (L) (L) (L)

Wish me luck and I will check with the family periodically. Finally, welcome you all to AMERICA!!!


Mr HandA - You are wild as the hills! :rofl: Our spiritual leader - We will miss you! Don't get on the wrong side of the camels! Mrs HandA and her loose ends. I know the feeling. I've got more loose ends than I've got rope to tie them.

Anwesha - Finally, you have the visa in your hand! I'm still waiting for mine. As always, London is the slowest donkey at everything. I will look out for you at CLT. And for all of us still to travel - is that Icelandic volcano finished spewing its guts yet? I hate to think any of us could be scuppered if it's still "active". Last I heard it could be erupting for 3 years, and even last week all flights from Scotland were cancelled again for a couple of days cos of it. Does anyone know the latest?
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-27 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Damn! That is exactly my flight itinerary Mrs.D! POEing at NEwark and then off to Charlotte. :blink:
Are we by any chance flying the same airways too?Wow !We will be too much to handle at the customs together :whistle:

OMG Anwesha, I hope we are! I'm on Continental Airlines which arrives at Charlotte 4.35pm. What flight are you on?
Customs won't like me, I'll have the contraband dog food in my hand luggage which Kisk almost got arrested for when she brought her dog. Being in possession of dog food is some major customs violation by the sounds of the problems she had.

How funny, me, you and Naddy all ending up in the same state. Poor South Carolina! What did that state do to deserve the 3 of us moving in!

megger - you so made me laugh with the suggestion of writing Louis Vuitton on my cheap luggage with a marker pen! I'll also be rumbled for a being a fake rich person in first class by the fact I'll be sporting my $5 sunglasses from Walmart!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Right Miss Jess - your interview

First of all, don't waste any time or money on photocopying and don't lose any sleep on that interview. It is nothing to be worried about.
All they wanted was the affidavit of support, Mr Dogs letter from employer confirming his salary, 1 tax return (09) and my birth cert and 1 copy. NOTHING ELSE! I offered W2's, pay stubs, tax transcripts etc and she so didn't want any of it.
The CO who did the interview was lovely and I wouldn't call it an interview. It's more like being at the counter at the post office! So, stop stressing. Just be prepared for a long wait in a stuffy room with hundreds of people. That is all.

And the price increase on the visa fee you got hit with is outrageous. You have everyone's sympathies.
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
HandA - Lady HandA/Gagga has got her visa in hand! Fantastic! :dance: She's got her work cut out keeping you under control! She must have the same sense of humour as you - much laughter in your home. You'd better get your place cleaned up for her arrival. Your wild bachelor days are now officially OVER.

Naddy - You made it. :thumbs: It must feel awesome. Get stuck into the big portions like a true American - the dogs will keep you fit! Is there a dog park where you live? There isn't enough of them in SC and a leash policy in all parks.

I'll be joining you in SC on 28th June. Just booked my flights. My dogs are only allowed on certain flights and I can only travel on the 28th, so my pet relocator booked them on the ones he could, so I then tried to book myself on the same flights...and get this...there was no room for me! Economy was sold out!!! So, I had NO CHOICE but to book a FIRST CLASS seat. The price induced chest pains! But am now trying to block the thought out, am trying to pretend it hasn't happened and haven't told Mr Dog yet (he'll go mental). My POE is Newark, which is why the flight was full, holiday time and everyone going to NYC.

Mrs Dog in First Class! I'll sure be lowering the tone in there and the only one in there who hasn't got Louis Vuitton luggage! But thankfully, I'm back in cattle class Newark to Charlotte, where I belong!
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I hope I can find " the one " as I' m so picky ! :rofl:

:ot: You guys are awesome and thank you for adopting me as I' m originally from CSC ! :P

Shutup! - we love you - we are known for head hunting and abducting the best people from other threads into our A Team! HandA man is our Mr T!

Happy dress shopping! It sure beats visa shopping x
doghandlerFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-24 15:46:00