CanadaWeather & Road Report
No rain in northeast Florida ... high 90's and projected to be 100 for saturday and sunday .. HOT HOT HOT
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-19 12:35:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Sunday should be a dry day for north east florida smile.gif but rain today and tomorrow afternoon looks like
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 14:28:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jun 5 2009, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 5 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Wife and step-daughter are making fun of me calling me paranoid and stuff but hey thats ok ... just a covert operation for my secret
spaghetti-o's stash

My Husband bought Chef Boyardee Ravioli for the canned goods stash. Hmmm, then he ate it. Hmmm.

see then he would understand ... lmao
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 12:07:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 5 2009, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 5 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we have a trailer that we use to go camping with... so the generator will most likely be used there. But the hurricane kit was a good excuse to get it.

Oh gotcha. I was thinking you were planning on living in a trailer during a hurricane and I was thinking that wasn't such a good idea. laughing.gif blush.gif

HAHAHAHA I'm a crazy canuck not a stupid canuck !!!! altho if something with some good strong winds does get close ... i'm gonna take my camera and get some vid and pictures of me outside for all my canadian friends
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 08:24:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 5 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 5 2009, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the afternoon rainstorms can be nice .... a little cool down from the days heat !!! then goes back to muggy when they are done but last night not too bad more florida rain today

I like the afternoon rain also. The weather said we're supposed to get some pretty good storms with hail today. I guess I'd better go shopping this morning so I'm not out and about when they come.

QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 5 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
went out and got our hurricane kit all ready ... brand new generator (which will probably only be needed for the trailer) ... and lots of bottled water 6 cases should be enough lol (glad they had a sale) ... and a whole lotta canned food ( to which the step daughter asked " why are we buying it if we can't eat it?" ) will get more as i think about it ... and my first aid kit but i always have one of them around!!!!

Wow. You sure are prepared. And a brand new generator, to boot! kicking.gif I don't understand the trailer comment, though. unsure.gif

I don't really get too crazy with the preparedness. But that's mostly because I'll either head on home or go to my husband's place of business because they have an emergency facility for the families of the employees.

we have a trailer that we use to go camping with... so the generator will most likely be used there. But the hurricane kit was a good excuse to get it.
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 08:16:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
went out and got our hurricane kit all ready ... brand new generator (which will probably only be needed for the trailer) ... and lots of bottled water 6 cases should be enough lol (glad they had a sale) ... and a whole lotta canned food ( to which the step daughter asked " why are we buying it if we can't eat it?" ) will get more as i think about it ... and my first aid kit but i always have one of them around!!!!
My Wife and step-daughter are making fun of me calling me paranoid and stuff but hey thats ok ... just a covert operation for my secret
spaghetti-o's stash
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 07:32:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
the afternoon rainstorms can be nice .... a little cool down from the days heat !!! then goes back to muggy when they are done but last night not too bad more florida rain today
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-05 06:59:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 4 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 4 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What part of Florida are you in? I'm in clay county

I'm in Lake County. I had to google Clay. You guys obviously don't make the news much. laughing.gif

That to me is a good thing ....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 10:48:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 4 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 4 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's something about the thought of having to spend 5 or more minutes to bundle up just to go outside in the winter. My wife used to watch me on webcam as i just "ran to the corner store" and she would fnd it amazing how you had to put on a sweater and a big coat gloves and a hat just to go outside for 2 minutes ... I'm not sure if i will miss the winter or not i havn't been here long enough to know but after the summer heat and humidity here in florida i bet i'll be thinking hope winter gets here soon

Yeah. I TOTALLY don't miss not having to put on all that extra clothing. laughing.gif

QUOTE (trailmix @ Jun 4 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The same weather report? But they try to make is so exciting - I bet they would be disappointed if they heard you feel that way.

Here is Tom Terry from the Severe Weather Center!!

Every time I hear them say that I think "Oh! We're getting severe weather!" headbonk.gif Actually, I don't think that anymore. I've learned to ignore it. Which isn't a good thing when you live in Florida. laughing.gif

What part of Florida are you in? I'm in clay county
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 10:33:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 4 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 4 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I miss having seasonal weather changes. It gets kind of boring watching the same weather report every day.

Having said that, however..... watch us get some really exciting weather and I'll be terrified and eating my words. lol

Yeah I'm not sure if I'd like warm weather all year round.... I like the season change and love fall! I dislike heat and humidity so much. I wouldn't adjust to FL too well I don't think.

There's something about the thought of having to spend 5 or more minutes to bundle up just to go outside in the winter. My wife used to watch me on webcam as i just "ran to the corner store" and she would fnd it amazing how you had to put on a sweater and a big coat gloves and a hat just to go outside for 2 minutes ... I'm not sure if i will miss the winter or not i havn't been here long enough to know but after the summer heat and humidity here in florida i bet i'll be thinking hope winter gets here soon
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 09:55:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 26 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 26 2009, 08:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was on the phone with my mom ( cause she has esp and calls always at the worst times... like dinnertime..when i'm just heading to the washroom... or about to have some close intimate time) and I think she brought some to people saying ohhh ya gotta try this when i came back out and asked where it was she said oh it's gone ... good thing i had that little bit before i went to get the phone .. I said "Gone? I hadn't eaten yet" ... she says well theres salad and some potatoes there and told me she thought i ate ... i said nope .. and wandered over to the subway cause in my stubborness if i wasn't getting the part of dinner i wanted i didn't want any of it

Ohmygoodness, I would be so ticked off!!!!!!!

P.S. I think you and my husband have the same mother! laughing.gif Honestly, she was a nightmare. If he didn't pick up the landline, she'd be calling on the cell. Then back to the landline. Then back to the cell. I considered not marrying him because of her. She's not like that anymore, though. But she does have her moments.

It's cool am over it now ... and my mom .. well i love her and all i do ignore her calls alot so sometimes i need to answer hehehe
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-26 09:34:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I was on the phone with my mom ( cause she has esp and calls always at the worst times... like dinnertime..when i'm just heading to the washroom... or about to have some close intimate time) and I think she brought some to people saying ohhh ya gotta try this when i came back out and asked where it was she said oh it's gone ... good thing i had that little bit before i went to get the phone .. I said "Gone? I hadn't eaten yet" ... she says well theres salad and some potatoes there and told me she thought i ate ... i said nope .. and wandered over to the subway cause in my stubborness if i wasn't getting the part of dinner i wanted i didn't want any of it
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-26 07:45:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Ribs last night turned out so good .. but so ticked off cause i spent all those hours getting them ready and my wife just kept telling everyone around to try them i barley got any .. like half of a rib ( i didn't cook for hours to feed all the neighbors) i didn't even touch the rest of the stuff that was prepared i went to subway to get a sub .. she felt really bad after that .... hopefully she don't give my roast away tonight hahaha
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-26 06:57:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I'll let ya know the yumminess of it all .... hahaha
and ya if ya just slap it on the heat and let it sit there can go wrong ... will be alot of low heat .. mostly getting smoked .. and lots of liquid to keep the humidity up ... wink.gif havn't done it in a while but should be ok.. i like to cook smile.gif
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-25 08:34:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
ok got the wood fire grill going .. have a rack of ribs out there already on there smoking and slowly cooking .. i figure about 6 or 7 tonight they should be just a falling off the bone ... also have a pork shoulder roast out there slowly cooking up .. secret recipe surprises for the wife she's gonna love it (i hope) but tonight will have the ribs and maybe do up some corn cobs and taters and whatever else i find tomorrow some good ol pulled pork sandwiches ..... wife thought i was out of my mind starting the grill at 5 this morning but told her to trust me .. she thinks its gonna be way past burned and over cooked .. told her slow cook bbq is always awesome ..
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-25 07:58:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
hmm dinner ... what for dinner .... havn't decided yet but last night Texas Roadhouse was pretty good ... maybe i'll make something healthy tonight
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-24 08:25:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
smile.gif i feel so honoured .. i'd like to thank all the people who made this possible .. i like to thank god .. and i .. no wait sorry wrong speach .. tee hee
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-23 07:07:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
They stopped sending me cards when they told me i had to stop to wait for the EAD i called and askedif i should be getting them and they said no kinda seems like they don't wanna back pay me and just continue the weeks when i start again .. I asked that Donna on 2 different occasions how they handle that and got 2 different answers .. i should have my EAD very soon so will find out then
RYCKMaleAruba2009-07-14 13:31:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
OK here's my update for K-1's

This is how my claim went but no guarantee's for anyone else .. Basically as a K-1 in the eyes of EI i was work eligible up until the date i was married ... I made my claim the day after i moved and was married 1 month after .. so for the first 2 weeks i'll get nothing for the waiting period and the 2 following weeks i am recieving 2 checks for the time up until i got married.. and that stops until i get my EAD into them. So translation to me yes you can claim on a K-1 with no EAD but only until the date you get married .. ok hope this post is somewhat helpful to people
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-29 08:53:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Well from what i was told to me on the phone by the woman deciding on my claim ... is that "as soon as i got married" my visa was no longer valid so i had no work authorization. it seems to me that NOONE knows what the hell is going on .... some people get it some don't different rules for different people ... same with social security numbers ... some get it without an EAD and some do .. you can make phone call after phone call and get dfferent answers each time but yes one thing remains constant YOU MUST FILE FOR EI RIGHT AWAY NO MATTER WHAT. after that it's kind of a ####### shoot
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-28 07:39:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Your right ..altho idon't see many K-1 people applying for an EAD before getting married considering the cost and the fact will run out with your visa and you can no longer get a temp stamp at the POE ..i think your right i think they were fortunate in slipping through a little loophole that has been closed off recently.....because she did say under the new policies before she started to tell me i was not getting it
so from what i got from the experiece so far ... for a K-1 apply ASAP but expect to be turned down until you apply for AOS and get your EAD
then send that into them and you will then become eligible and they will send you a back payment from the day you apllied until the date on you EAD or your max allowed weeks if your EAD takes a long time to come
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 10:33:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (flames9 @ May 22 2009, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well what the scoop with a k1 ( i was a cr-1) do you or do u not need a EAD to be legally able to work??? Just because others got EI without the EAD doesn't make it right, just means they were lucky and that Cdn officials didn't know the regulations. I'm just asking. As i know way back in 2004 when I went through the process (for cr-1) that everyone (k1)wanted to go through JFK to get thier EAD as many POE's didnt hand them out, thus with no EAD, they could not work. And to collect EI, one has to be legally able to work. I'm just asking,lol. And if one can prove that you don't need an EAD to work, then provide that info to the EI people

From talking to whoever that was on the phone she didn't say her name ... her story was that as soon as i got married that my K-1 was no longer good for work .. and even stated the date i got married .. i musta put it there when i applied i can't remember.. i asked if i ill get a payout for the weeks before i got married when i was so called "eligible" and then she said no cause i needed a EAD .. so she had kind of a double story there and when i called her on it she just said a K-1 needed a EAD

Edited by RYCK, 22 May 2009 - 10:10 AM.

RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 10:09:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (JillA @ May 22 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ May 22 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok after a few calls EI now wants people on a K-1 to have an EAD before they will pay out. They told me because i got married that cancelled my K-1 but that is ####### and they know it .... i asked about the time before i got married then and wheres my payout for that.. and hen they changed tunes and said i need EAD to be work authorized so no payout

Just wanted to leave a heads up for the people who are waiting or are going to be applying

That is such BS.... Sorry Ryck. Just curious, did you talk to Donna? Because she seems to be the one who approves everyone and there is this other lady Marilyn that does not.

Yes talked to her a few times during the process not much she can do to help now tho... maybe i pushed to hard today for them to give me an answer and stop mkin me sit here and wait.... but it's all good wasn't expecting to collect it when i decided to move here .. but would have been nice to help pitch in here ... one things for sure i will be collecting something when i get my ead ... will get at last one check just for the spite of me paying into it all these years and getting a hard time when time to collect
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 10:03:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
ok after a few calls EI now wants people on a K-1 to have an EAD before they will pay out. They told me because i got married that cancelled my K-1 but that is ####### and they know it .... i asked about the time before i got married then and wheres my payout for that.. and hen they changed tunes and said i need EAD to be work authorized so no payout

Just wanted to leave a heads up for the people who are waiting or are going to be applying

Edited by RYCK, 22 May 2009 - 09:44 AM.

RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 09:43:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
WOW EI is just like any Insurance company out there you pay and you pay and you pay so your "covered" then when it's time to make your claim you get treated like dirt and left hanging in the wind until they decide they want to get around to you and decide what they are going to do ...too bad it's a mandatory thing or else i wouldn't have paid into it for the past 15+ years ... and then you have the jerks who only work just long enough to collect it an recieve payments without question over and over again ..... I hope they are enjoying all our hard earned money. ok will end my rant here just needed to vent it off while i sign yet another one of these dam cards because it's a must that i do it quickly while not even knowing if i can get a claim or not .... feel like i am waisting my time here
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 07:33:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
According to my phone conversation with EI on tuesday .. I am work authorized as far as they are concerned i am a K-1 but i believe that comes from the type of visa you have and not the I-94 card .. every visa type comes with an I-94 it is a departure record and used to mark the day you have entered the USA with your visa i could be wrong but that is my understanding from talking to different sources ... but you can also make 5 different phone calls to the same place get 5 different people and recieve 5 different answers .. like the 2 i made to social security and 1 said i had to have an EAD to get my number and the other said i didn't....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-07 10:24:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Thanks JillA
RYCKMaleAruba2009-04-28 13:01:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
ok tired of reading thru pages and pages and seeing the same thing answered over and over again ...... all i have is one question ...
how long does it take to hear from them after you have applied ... weather or not a k-1 can work or not is irrelevant to me i just wanna know how long till i can expect to just sit and wait for an answer .. thanks top anyone who can help me out here
RYCKMaleAruba2009-04-28 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPackage "touched"
We just recently got our NOA1 and on there is a link to the site and then you use your reciept number to check it
RYCKMaleAruba2008-06-19 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGive me a break!!
IT WILL COME ... but think about the thousands of applications from people who are not part of these forums who's timelines are not here too look at .. it's only been 4 months and trust me I KNOW how hard the wait is i waited longer ... yea it's frustrating to see the timelines a little out of order but four months isn't considered too long either
RYCKMaleAruba2009-07-27 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhat's up with the CSC???
And remember the THOUSANDS of applications from people that are not part of visa journey that are having their cases worked on that donot go into any timeline ..and all the different types of applications that need to be dealt with.. Can be tough to keep up the patience but it will come
RYCKMaleAruba2009-08-05 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions reguarding k-1 forms
Thank you lona ... i guess i was hoping to not have to goto montreal but looks as if i may have to
RYCKMaleAruba2008-01-05 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions reguarding k-1 forms
QUOTE (Jakey-Matey @ Jan 5 2008, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For the first part about her family name, you would put down her current family name, not her maiden name. The only time you would put down her maiden name, is if it was specified somewhere on a/the form.

And the second part I actually don't have a clue :/ I am sorry.

thank you for the reply smile.gif
RYCKMaleAruba2008-01-05 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions reguarding k-1 forms
i have been reading these forums for quite some time and they have been very helpfull but i have 2 questions .... my fiance is in the USA and she will be filing the k-1 papers but she has been divorced and is still using her married name .. so on the forms where it asks her family name will we be putting in her maiden name or the name she is going gy now and add her maiden name where it asks other names used? silly thing to be confused about but i dont want a mistake thats for both the
I-129f and the g-325a forms

My second question is reguarding this question on the I-129f
Your fiancé(e) will apply for a visa abroad at the American embassy or consulate at:
I am not sure what to put there i know there is a US consulate in Toronto Canada which is close to me but after reading there are apparently only 2 in canada that deals with k-1 visas montreal and vancouver ... so do i put one of those 2 that are close to me .. any help would be very much appreciated

Edited by RYCK, 05 January 2008 - 02:52 PM.

RYCKMaleAruba2008-01-05 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Much info to include...
Wow quick reply ..
I just put when and how we met and the 3 times of when and where we met up in person ... so according to your answer i should be good thanks smile.gif
RYCKMaleAruba2008-02-18 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Much info to include...
Hoping someone can help me here because i do not see an example for it .. but on the i-129f forms the question of describe the circumstanses of meeting in person... how much info should i include in that .. we have been together 3 times and have pictures plane tickets and hotel reciepts .. but do i just sum it up and say flew to USA stayed 2 weeks together in hotel or do i need to get more detailed into howwe met and what brought us to meet in person ? any help would be very appreciated thanks in advance
RYCKMaleAruba2008-02-18 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
Yu ..
thank you that was very helpful ..
RYCKMaleAruba2008-04-01 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Apr 1 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Apr 1 2008, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
actually from the links i read ... it would be taken into account ..if my assests are readily available .. cash fits that criteria .. and can be used against a shortfall .. like if she is a 1000.00 short than i have to make up that difference for a total of 5 years so 1000.00x 5 = 5000.00 i would have to have .... read that right here on visa journey
You will have to be stuffing her bank account, or show how the assets will be transfered to the US. ALSO: it is 3 years NOT 5, this is because you can file for citizenship 3 years after becoming LPR, based on continuous marriage and living with a US Citizen,

ok just going by that link read smile.gif ..
i'm just more curious if its a problem to do it that way ... she cleared it last year because it was only 21,400 .. now its 22,000 and she was just shy of that .. so with a few thousand in the bank as cash on hand ... transfers from Canada to the USA are a breeze .. i'm just wondering if thats enough .. or should i maybe advise her to get a part time job .. to fill out the extra she might miss
RYCKMaleAruba2008-04-01 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
as per this link here .....;page=support
RYCKMaleAruba2008-04-01 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
actually from the links i read ... it would be taken into account ..if my assests are readily available .. cash fits that criteria .. and can be used against a shortfall .. like if she is a 1000.00 short than i have to make up that difference for a total of 5 years so 1000.00x 5 = 5000.00 i would have to have .... read that right here on visa journey
RYCKMaleAruba2008-04-01 11:24:00