CanadaDesperate Housewives
OMG !!!!!! Things on tv aren't really how they are in real life????
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-12 09:17:00
CanadaDisney & Florida

It's usually a place owned by a group of people and you are alloted a certain amount of time to go use it .. some have a week per year some are more depending on what you get into .... it's almost like paying for a hotel for life ... but can only go there when it's your timeframe .. otherwise another family will be in there .. theres some more to it than that but thats the jist of it

Edited by RYCK, 19 May 2009 - 07:08 AM.

RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-19 07:08:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
I talked to Donna last Wed. she really wasn't any help .. she told me that K-1 is a work visa and to put work eligible on my cards .. but your always left in someone elses hands that will approve it or not.. I assume i'll be waiting at least another month or so to find out if they will pay me or not. and if they tell me i need an EAD then i'll get the EAD to them when it comes can only do what they ask of you ... but i'm sure it will be like a social security number .. some will get it some won't ...
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-13 10:13:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
EI is so dam slow to do anything that perhaps by the the time you hear anything you may already have your EAD ....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-13 09:32:00
CanadaProud To Be Canadian...
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 20 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ May 20 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was so anxious to get here i didn't have time to miss Canada ... Maybe some friends and family but hasn't been long enough for that really .. and i must be the only person that thinks Tim Hortons should roll itself up and move on ..... would be ok but i hate being treated with bad service and the coffee isn't good enough to make up for crappy service and people who dont know how to STIR .. i'm getting a take out coffee i don't walk around ( or drive) with a spoon in my pocket. Maybe one day it will hit me but i know one thing ... come winter i will be happy i am here in florida and not canada i had enough of the cold and snow

Hey I don't like tim horton's coffee either, but I really like their sandwiches and doughnuts.

Oh and get back to us around September, after you have experienced a Florida summer laughing.gif

I did that last year ... but somehow still found it better than having to spend 5 minutes putting tons of stuff on to keep warm and go outside and still shiver your butt off.. but i came straight from a florida summer to spending the winter in canada ... was quite a contrast

Edited by RYCK, 20 May 2009 - 10:44 AM.

RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-20 10:44:00
CanadaProud To Be Canadian...
I was so anxious to get here i didn't have time to miss Canada ... Maybe some friends and family but hasn't been long enough for that really .. and i must be the only person that thinks Tim Hortons should roll itself up and move on ..... would be ok but i hate being treated with bad service and the coffee isn't good enough to make up for crappy service and people who dont know how to STIR .. i'm getting a take out coffee i don't walk around ( or drive) with a spoon in my pocket. Maybe one day it will hit me but i know one thing ... come winter i will be happy i am here in florida and not canada i had enough of the cold and snow
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-20 09:34:00
CanadaPotato Chips in Sandwiches
QUOTE (chadlaure @ May 22 2009, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 22 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would call pringles a mashed potato snack... rather than a chip. laughing.gif They mash the chips, and then bake them. That's why nothing tastes like a pringle.

Really??? Is this how Pringles are made?
It is a baked mashed potato layer?


thats how they get them to be all the same shape and size
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-22 12:15:00
CanadaWhy would you Canucks pay one cent to hear these clowns?!
1 cent ?? i think that's a fair price to see them.
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-28 07:55:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I had to wait 1 month because of a deal me and my boss agreed to about how much notice to give them .. my fiance wasn't happy she wanted me to just pack up and go as soon as i got it .. but i wanted to be fair and make a few extra bucks before coming here
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-28 07:53:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
It's kinda like a child when you say "Don't touch that it's hot!" what happens .. THEY TOUCH IT then they learn. If your friend comes to you and asks then dismisses what you say ... well .. let her learn !!!! Like you said enough immigration stuff of your own to worry about ... AND thanks to dumb dumbs doing nothing but believing what they see on TV they have their own ideas about "how easy" it is ... People didn't believe me about all the paperwork and stuff I had to do until i showed them. I'd say let them learn and if they are dumb enough to LIE at the poe then they are dumb enough to take any punishments if they come and who knows she may get lucky ... but then as i type this out... seems also maybe that she is not too serious about it or she would act more serious about doing it !! ok I'm done
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-28 07:51:00
CanadaHurricane Season starts
QUOTE (warlord @ Jun 2 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 2 2009, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lois sounds so much better.

Wait for the year Hurricane Seymour comes to town...

Hurricane Zelda is gonna kick everyones behind !!!
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-02 12:48:00
CanadaHurricane Season starts
its like being on a plane ... when your on a plane and the stewardesses start to panick ya better hold on tight and make your peace.... i figure if the locals panick ... i'll take my #### north for a few days.... anything can hit anywhere . i'll be careful .. just wont over panick and look like a fool to the locals hahaha ... but do have our hurricane kit .. we are about a 15 minute drive from the atlantic coast .. so not that far inland

QUOTE (Krikit @ May 29 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 29 2009, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada operates a Registry of Canadians Abroad (ROCA) service for Canadians travelling or residing abroad. The ROCA registry allows the Department to contact Canadians to offer urgent advice during a natural disaster, civil unrest, or to inform them of a family emergency at home. Registration is voluntary, and personal information provided on the registration form is used in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act.

You may register online at:

That's interesting. Has anyone ever registered?

Maybe have to look into that .....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-29 14:31:00
CanadaHurricane Season starts
Well being as this will be my first hurricane season and seeing as I am in Florida should be interesting .... altho i don't expect anything major to happen where i am in north east florida .. and considering only 1 hurricane has ever directly hit my area .. it will be a very educational experience. Maybe a little nerve wracking while we are tracking storms ... but if some winds kick up i will deffinately go out just to feel em
RYCKMaleAruba2009-05-29 14:15:00
CanadaI give up!!!
You will get your mail you'll be fine ....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-02 12:40:00
Canadaits alredy wedsday
Did you just call me GAY ?????
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-03 10:02:00
CanadaPOE Windsor/Detroit, Ambassador Bridge
My Poe was at pearson and couldn't have been any easier .. there was NOONE in front of me and NOONE even in secondary and not one question even asked to me thedy just did what they had to going thru my paperwork put the I-94 in my passport put the entry stamps in there and she handed my passport back ... i just stood there waiting for her to say something like ask questions or something but nope just said go that way to security... most they said to me was "place your finger on the scanner ok look here"
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-02 12:52:00
CanadaBorder guards won't turn away passport-less Canadians
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jun 2 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
About that digital tv thing..
Again, maybe I'm a TOTAL #######, but if you are still using bunny ears....eeeek.

At first I thought they meant every one had to have a digital box, I didn't realize they meant every one just have to have basic cable..

I mean I'm not putting any one down because I know not every one is a tv watcher...but if you have bunny ears you probably aren't a tv watcher so what's the big deal any way? You just won't get tv any more. I don't see how that really inconveniences people who didn't really want tv in the first place.

Well theres my parents ... they watch tv everyday on an antenna on their house they have all the money they would ever need and a HUGE multi-million dollar home but too dam cheap to pay for cable or get a dish .. "how much a month? oh thats too much we get what we want for free" only to watch tv there and trying to squint thru all the fuzzy snow at least they went and got themselfs a new dtv ready tv
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-02 08:32:00
CanadaBorder guards won't turn away passport-less Canadians
Should make em go back and get a passport ... people are so stupid these days ... it's not like the info hasn't been out there for months let alone over a year .. and the date was already pushed back and also at the border crossings the first thing they asked for anyways in all the times i crossed was your passport and then told people it was coming .. it's this type of crud that makes everyone trying to do things the right way run around in circles and pay out there #### for stuff only to find out cause a few people were too friggen lazy to do it get their way. It's the same with that digital TV nonsense .. they pushed back the dates because people "weren't ready and didnt know" It's like posted on commercials and on banners across the screen a billion times a day on every channel. MAKE THOSE CHEAP BASTARDS GO GET ONE .... there's not that long of a delay to get one and if you need one in a hurry then pay a little extra to have one rushed to you.

like little kids .. "don't touch that it's hot"... few seconds later ' OWWWWW I BURNED MY FINGERS" .... you feel kinda bad but who's fault is it ..not yours you told them
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-02 07:35:00
CanadaTourist Ideas?
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jun 4 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jun 4 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's against the law to hate on Anne of Green Gables. We should imprison you with a term of 5 years. I'm going to pretend to be Mathew and someone else will pretend to be marilla and we tell you over and over again that we wanted you to be a boy.

How could you not like Gilbert Blythe? sad.gif

Oh you guys have no idea what it's like to be an Islander and have a million Anne "fans" overtake your beautiful province, rubber neck and otherwise be a nuisance.. not to mention how MANY of those people want to "see the house where Anne lived".. blink.gif she didn't LIVE anywhere... she's a piece of LM's IMAGINATION!!!

now mind you, I cashed in royally as a teen on tourist dollars.. at the pizza joint where I worked I'd make over $100.00 a night on tips.. but seriously.. getting married on the front lawn of Green Gables??? A LITTLE over the top don't ya think? headbonk.gif

Maybe .. but it would have been cool to have my reception at the ruby then fill up at corner gas and then drive down here
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 09:34:00
CanadaTourist Ideas?
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jun 4 2009, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 4 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some people have hate for places though. I have a deep rooted hate for North Bay and there are many people who wouldn't agree with me about that and there are many people who would say that it's beautiful there and I just can't agree.

I must admit to having a hate on for Anne of Green Gables... but most people understand why blush.gif

But it's so wholesome ..... hahahahaha
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 07:46:00
CanadaTourist Ideas?
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jun 3 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RYCK @ Jun 3 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
and dunno why it quoted all these just wanted to grab the dumpy comment by treble

Really blink.gif man.. I think Hamilton's probably glad you left RYCK..

Ease up there a bit your just upset I didn't agree with your idea. but there are some good ones in the thread. Sorry i called your precious hamilton (my home for over 20 years) smoggy and smelly. We'll pretend thats not there ....
RYCKMaleAruba2009-06-04 07:15:00