Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview
I used a 3 ring binder and albumn pages that had places beside to write captions. Your way looks more professional...maybe I should redo...but from what Mohammed has heard most times they do not really look at alot of additional evidence. My case would be the one time they wanted everything else though if I didnt send it.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 20:21:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview
Yeah.... it was one of those too good to be true things in my head, but I took alot of info with me so I had loooottttsss of proof, and then theres the fact that we've been here before and had everything done the only reason we were denied was that I had a stupid ### lawyer who told me we could get an exemption from meeting in person due to job and kid restrictions(and being afraid to fly lol) then screwed up the appeal when I did go there by sending it too late. So we were all but approved before..maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, for those of us going through Casa it cant be anything but good to get acquainted with out reps. From what Ive read chances are we will need them, and Id rather try to be preventing than fixing.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 19:56:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

I talk all the time with skype and with my home phone not really sending emails.

This is all so stressful with all this stuff.. People in love with Americans would never dream of all this drama.. I am so stressed out and I did not even get my a02 yet. Have you gotten yours? I filed 7 January and we were thinking of just going ahead and getting legally married on my next trip over but this all sounds like such a horrible mess with people stuck in limbo for years and years. Whats the deal with the Moroccan consulate? Why are they turning so many people down over there? Do they just have too many filers?

We have friends that just came back from Morocco, they filed a K3 and I basically said the same thing, that if they denied it for whatever reason I would go and we would get married. She said this is a major red flag. I dont know why, I will ask next time I talk to her. I spoke with my congressman on Thursday and he said that when my case goes there they will send a congressional inquiry on it requesting that it be approved. That is if I ever get my NOA2. I know pretty much everyone here says you dont need to talk to them unless you get denied, but I wanted to have a relationship going and them already have info just in made me feel like I was doing something proactive at least.


Never heard of anything like this before. Especially before the beneficiary has actually been interviewed. Wow.

My friend that just came back suggested I contact my reps. I didnt expect anything, and really it may come out to nothing, but even if all they do is send one little email to be attached to his case(which it seemed like me that is what they were saying theyd do, they even looked to make sure they had the email address for there) then at least the people at the interview know I am serious. I guess each state is different because the friends are in South Carolina, and they got a letter, but im in Ga. Ill be happy with an email though and like I said, paves the way in case I need them later!!!
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 19:40:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

I talk all the time with skype and with my home phone not really sending emails.

This is all so stressful with all this stuff.. People in love with Americans would never dream of all this drama.. I am so stressed out and I did not even get my a02 yet. Have you gotten yours? I filed 7 January and we were thinking of just going ahead and getting legally married on my next trip over but this all sounds like such a horrible mess with people stuck in limbo for years and years. Whats the deal with the Moroccan consulate? Why are they turning so many people down over there? Do they just have too many filers?

We have friends that just came back from Morocco, they filed a K3 and I basically said the same thing, that if they denied it for whatever reason I would go and we would get married. She said this is a major red flag. I dont know why, I will ask next time I talk to her. I spoke with my congressman on Thursday and he said that when my case goes there they will send a congressional inquiry on it requesting that it be approved. That is if I ever get my NOA2. I know pretty much everyone here says you dont need to talk to them unless you get denied, but I wanted to have a relationship going and them already have info just in made me feel like I was doing something proactive at least.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 18:58:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

After today i dont know what to suggest, he had everything and she wouldnt look at it, she asked few general questions that he had no prob knowing the answers and suggest as he spoke would u like to see ...and she always said no she ask about calling but she wont look at blls, she ask about his work but wont look at store and his tax papers so at this point i dont know what to suggest. I had sent him nice folder all sectioned out with my stuff (evidence) nice album all kinds pictures me with him and family, etc, engagement party, ring receipts all his stuff translated by certified person, letters from both friend, here and there..

I saw your post and that is what makes me wonder.....we have a lawyer.. I wonder if that helps any? Weve been together for 2 years and if it takes ten more we will be together... you are in our prayers.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 19:05:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

i am an organizer type of person. i even made a 'table of contents' for my folder.

This made me lol coz I'm an organizer type too. I even made a table of contents for my petition!

ahhhhhhhh...jeepers i did that too! for both petitions!!! (K 3 and I-130)


Screen shots??? I have pages upon pages of conversations..I mean we've been together 2 years now and out of that time probably only missed talking 5 or 6 nights so I have those out the wazoo...but Im not familiar with screen shots.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 18:54:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

Money exchanges is sticky for Casa, ESPECIALLY if you are unmarried. They don't take it well and see it as a sign of fraud, of being bought off or the Moroccan taking advantage. My husband is stil there and he also has a bank card from one of our accounts, but we have been married for more than two years, so everything is pretty much set up between as much as we can, as a married couple. I think they would expect that from us. Not so much from an unmarried couple. My humble opinion.

I'll be back to post interview tips.

MBP beat me to the Casa thread link. There's lots of good info there.

Thanks... I suppose Mohammed was right (although I do not believe I will tell him that lol) I guess I am not overly bright in alot of ways... it never crossed my mind that people would view it as me keeping him up. He and his family are my family . When he leaves the checkcard will stay there for his mom and sisters in case they need it. There isnt any mention of the card in our papers so I suppose this will be one of those dont ask dont tell things.
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 17:52:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

I was trying to be nice.

Ok I shall will show that you are supporting him. Better?

Lol I wish I had enough money to support him, Id be a happy woman. But alas he sends me money far more than I am giving it to him. But we ran into a situation last year where friends were wanting stuff from there and it cost me about 30 to send the money needed to get the stuff for my friends store here. Now if I need something from him he can get the money out there and we pay 5 for a withdrawl. Anyhoo not the point at itd be better to not mention that?

Edited by chasnik, 04 April 2007 - 05:33 PM.

chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 17:31:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview
Ok, from reading everything about Casa I am scared poopless. :o We haven't received our NOA2 yet, but judging by what I see we should be soon. I'm getting stuff together already for the interview because honestly it is something to keep the mind occupied. One of his friends told him for me to go ahead and get a letter from a senator...I assumed I would need their help only if he is denied. I have yahoo and skype conversations although we talk more than type and I have lists of where he calls me on my cell through yahoo. One thing we are arguing about is bank info. He has one of my check cards there. It is just easier this way than sending him money through money gram every time I need something from him or he needs cash. I get the feeling he thinks this will make him look like I am keeping him up...but to me it just proves that we are in a committed relationship. Other than those things I have cell phone bills(some of them 600.00 just from calling Morocco!!! :whistle: ) ticket stubs from my flight, pics obviously. So what does everyone think? Bank statements showing he takes out money there and senators letters or no???Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuranic quotations 2 help us thru the visajourney...

When I started this thread, I did not know our consulate would close because someone wanted to blow it up. Not all petitioners with a Moroccan SO convert to Islam or were Muslim to begin with. But even then, it wouldn't hurt to think about these quotes even if they swap in their own concept of God for the Islamic one.

I think this topic is even more important than it was two weeks ago. At least, it is for me?


So very true.... Who do we have to lean on now if not Allah...God, however you worship from him comes the only true peace!!!
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-24 13:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuranic quotations 2 help us thru the visajourney...
Ye shall certainly be tried and tested. In your posessions and in your personal selves. And ye shall certainly hear much that will greive you from those who received the book before you and from those who worship many Gods but if ye persevere patiently and guard against evil then that will be the determining factor in all affairs. (3:186)

Follow thou the inspiration sent unto thee and be patient and constant till God do decide for he is the best to decide (10:109)
chasnikFemaleMorocco2007-04-11 19:37:00