United Kingdompolice report

I sent mine 20th May and my cheque was cashed today if that helps.they emailed me confirming they had received my application ten days after I sent it on May 30th,So you should hear something soon I would think


Could you keep us posted of when your cheque gets cashed/you hear something, as I'm about a week behind you on this step. Thanks! (This whole process really teaches you what patience is huh!....)


jola83FemaleEngland2013-06-03 12:47:00
United Kingdompolice report

they emailed me today to confirm they received my application ten days ago(20 th May).so I guess the process of them dealing with it will start from now? So don't worry too much if you only sent it off a week should hear something soon

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-30 15:46:00
United Kingdompolice report

Just wondering how long it normally takes to get anything back on the post?and should I received any kind of email notification that they got my package? I sent it away almost two weeks ago and have yet to hear anything

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-28 12:15:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Questions?

You have to also fill out a form and a cover letter confirming you have all the documents you need and would like to request a interview.from what I've been reading the interview will be around a month after

jola83FemaleEngland2013-06-08 10:23:00
United Kingdomnoa 2 yay!!

Hey guys !! Just got our noa2 yesterday, and I'm a little confused on what comes next  ,I know our file gets sent to nvc and then onto London ,but I was wondering how do I find out when the California send our file to nvc? Will everything still  be updated via uscis website? Also does our case  number get mailed to us?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-07-12 13:57:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

Thank u so much for the info ,does this mean I needed two copies of my police certificate?As I thought I had to take one to the interview also?

A normal London Timeline from all the cases I've followed recently goes something like this:


NVC receives the case and gets you a case number


within a few days (call it a week) they send the file to London


It usually takes about 1 week for the file to arrive in London and get logged in.   More cases than not it's right at one week exactly


Once logged in London mails your packet 3 instructions and you generally have them in less than a week (depending on your location in the UK and the mail service obviously this is an uncontrollable variable)


Medical appointments run about 2 weeks out from the time you call.  You can call at any point that you have your LND case number.  This is all they need to schedule it. Of course you need a copy of your police certificate and a passport photo before you go to the actual medical appointment.


For more information about the medical, here's the pdf as linked from the London Embassy website.   It includes all the contact information and even a copy of the questionnaire you must fill out.



jola83FemaleEngland2013-07-23 14:00:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

Ok nvc received my file yesterday and I have my case number ,does this mean I can now book my medical?if so where do I phone? Or must I wait for my file to reach London before I book it .I'm sure I can find this info if I look through the posts but there is so many posts I don't know where to start lol

jola83FemaleEngland2013-07-23 13:10:00
United Kingdomimmigrant or non immigrant

I was always under the impression the fiance visa was considered a non immigrant visa but whenever I go to the website to check the status of our file ,when I type in our case number etc under non immigrant visa it says it can't find our file then I type our case number using the immigrant visa option and that seems to work.confused :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-04 04:44:00
United Kingdomhow long will it take to receive packet 3 in the mail?

Yea mine says ready right now has done since last Thursday .ill keep that number in mind thank you:-).

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-05 15:59:00
United Kingdomhow long will it take to receive packet 3 in the mail?

hi jola -


My visa left NVC 7/22 and I believe it arrived 7/25...they are telling me that the Packet 3 letter was sent out 7/26 but we haven't received it yet. There are a few of us whose Packet 3 letter was sent out around the same date and none of us have received it yet...we're hoping it comes tomorrow. Hope that helps. smile.png

Hey!,how do you know that your packet 3 was sent out? Do you get that info from the ceac status tracker or by calling the embassy? 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-05 15:25:00
United Kingdomhow long will it take to receive packet 3 in the mail?

Hey guys I'm just curious what is the time frame upon the embassy recieving our  file from nvc,to me  being mailed the packet 3 instructions by post? The London embassy received our file  31st July,should I be receiving anything anytime soon by post?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-05 14:03:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

I notice that on the embassy website it states the birth certificate must have both parents  names on it......well my 

Father has never been part of my life and his name isn't on my birth certificate where it says fathers name there is just a line through it on my birth certificate.Will the embassy see this as an issue or with they appreciate the  fact I've been brought up in a single parent home never having no contact with my father.on all the forms that have been sent so far I've always wrote N/A where it asks for father's name and details

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-09 07:24:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

I've see people post that the younger people don't have that pink version. My husband's is pink like that.

To the OP. if you mean you ordered a new copy of your birth certificate from officials so it is certified official in some way, by the agency supplying it, then it is fine.

If you mean you only have a photocopy you made of the original, then no.

Mine isn't pink either but it is a full official certified copy.thanks for the help

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-01 15:13:00
United Kingdombirth certificate
Hi guys,I'm Just wondering if it matters that I don't have the original copy of my birth certificate?I lost the original years ago when moving I had to get a new copy in 2009.
jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-01 13:04:00
United Kingdomlondon interview

As far as I can tell from people posting on  here London  doesn't need that evidence from you,just the documents:)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-21 14:12:00
United Kingdomceac update

Just curious has anyone ever received a ceac update for replying to a email the embassy sent you,but not receiving a reply(well just the automatic reply)or maybe an update for someone at the embassy reading your email???

I'm slightly baffled.I got a ceac update yesterday and by calling dos I found out that my update was that the embassy had emailed me.I was kind of surprised as I didn't think I'd get a update for that.but ok fair enough the embassy did indeed email me yesterday.

I replied to their email at 8.30am this morning and received the automated message back  straight away.and then I received a update sometime this afternoon.

I called dos and the guy went on to tell me of my update yesterday I informed him I knew about that but I had received another update today.he Said that he didn't know about that as he couldn't see anything.

so I called back for a second time to be told the same about yesterday so I once again told them I received another update today.the guy told me to hold on a second,then come back and told me they received my medical results.I told him they received my medical results 13th August so it wasn't that.he then went kind of quiet  so I asked could if of been that I replied to their email and received a automated response.he then said oh yes that will probably be it  :-/

Is this normal to get a update for something so simple as a automated message or maybe them reading my email?as I'm not sure if the guy just agreed with me as he didn't know what else to say.

I don't understand why I'd get a update for that or why dos wouldn't really be sure what exactly my update was

Edited by jola83, 29 August 2013 - 03:35 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 15:32:00
United KingdomKi - Packet 4 - UK

I sent mine the the day before you and have no interview date yet either,if you don't hear once four weeks since u sent your forms/had medical ,you can contact the embassy

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 15:15:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

On the form of readiness it does ask you to state wedding date (if any) or any travel this  stage alot of people seem to have wedding dates.

Anyways someone on here said they had their medical 233rd August and received a update like 4 days  after and called dos and they told them it wasn't a update just a Internal note.but in my opinion it probably was the logging of their medical as around 4 days after is when they seemed to be logged.

I wouldn't panick yourself too much as maybe what dos is telling you isn't 100% accurate








Within the 90 days after you enter on the K1.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 10:16:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

I agree I'd definitely call back or I'd be more inclined to contact the embassy your ceac update still saying issued? As to me if it does it really makes no sense for it to be a error as if dos can see on their system it was a error,then the embassy must be able to see that also so you would think they would change your ceac update.

I wouldn't take what you're told over the phone as 100% nich-Nick said dos are not really there to update us .the ceac status tracker is however .so if anything you would think that information was more accurate than dos telling you something on the phone.

Hmm. I would be inclined to call again and get a second opinion, else try to contact the embassy direct. 


FYI, it's labor day weekend in the US this weekend, so I don't expect all their lines to work on Monday (just a guess).


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 04:31:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

That makes sense I guess as when I called to see what my update was a few days back,did told me that the embassy had emailed me to tell me to send my Ds forms but they hadn't ,they emailed me to say my forms hadn't been logged but give it four weeks and to inform them if it goes past the four week point and I still haven't heard anything.

It does kind of suck if it was an error though.

Embassy system=DOS system
If it is put into the system by somebody in London, Manila, or Paris--it is seen by DOS in the US.

Maybe the guys on the phone aren't so keen to give you the minute by minute story so don't look at every detail. That really isn't their job. That's why they did the online status thing. Maybe the system got a glitch. And maybe the visa is issued.

I called DOS (before they had an online status) because the computers were down on interview day. The interview guy said "tentatively" approved because he couldn't run the last security check until they got the computers back up. And the courier could not generate a receipt or give a proper number. So I called DOS a couple days later to find out if the computers were fixed and if the visa was approved or not. I was told "It says your fiancé was a no-show for his appointment. What happened, Hun? Why didn't he go to his interview?"
Huh??!? Just shows sometimes they don't tell you accurate stuff or maybe look up the wrong page.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 02:54:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

I've just read another person having the same problem as me that's three of us .either people are getting

Updates as a error or there is a glitch in the system and dos can't see the latest update the embassy has made.

I don't want to get your hopes up but maybe your visa was issued and it just isn't on the dos I received a update today and yesterday and dos can't even see it when they look.the last update they can see for me is 28th August

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-30 16:49:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

I'm sorry to hear this , I think there is either some issue with the ceac site right now or lack of communication between the embassy and the last two days I've received ceac updates and dos have pretty much told me they can't see them and informed me of the update I had before these last two updates.I'm having my emotions played with too.I keep getting my hopes up that my forms have been logged and I have a interview date to be disappointed when I call dos :(

I don't know what is going on either there is a issue and people are getting false updates or dos are not getting updated information from the embassy on their system 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-30 14:54:00
United KingdomWhere is my visa?

Congratulations !!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-03 13:27:00
United KingdomWhere is my visa?

Gosh I'm sorry to hear so many people are having such trouble getting their visa sent to would think it would be straight forward after the interview.quick question what kind of I.d do you need for the delivery people when they deliver your visa back ? Does it have to be photo I.d?


Wishing you both luck on the safe return of your visa this week xx

Edited by jola83, 02 September 2013 - 02:21 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-02 14:20:00
United Kingdomso frustrated

I think I've just about lost my last it of patience and I think loosing my marbles will be shortly to follow.

I've been waiting not so patiently but I've been waiting all the same for the embassy to log my forms and assign me a interview date,I received a update 29th&30th August via the ceac status I was really excited thinking this was the logging of my forms and my interview date assigned.I called dos to confirm this and the last update they can see for Me is a email the embassy sent me (this was the update I received before the other two) the lady from dos even read out the email the embassy sent me word for word.they said they can't see a further update then this . my ceac status updated twice since then,either that or this processes has sent me completely insane and I'm seeing things lol.I'm not sure if I should be happy and think dos for whatever reason aren't telling me of my last two updates(it wouldn't be the first time I've been told information that wasn't accurate during this process after all)and expect packet 4  to turn up within the next week days

Or if I should be pissed off that  my ceac updated for no reason what so ever.I guess I will find out which one of those I should feel within the next day or two but it's got to the point now where  every day seems like a week and every week seems like a month.




jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-03 13:57:00
United Kingdomis there need for me to be concerned?

Maybe it was your medical? As that happend to someone else recently ,they called dos back a few days later and they could then see the update and it was her medical

No, I haven't contacted the embassy in any way which was why I was hopeful it may at least be my packet 3 forms being logged. I just have to learn patience, sometimes I wish I didn't know about the CEAC website since I find myself checking it everyday several times a day!!!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-07 04:05:00