United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Even though we are now at the last hurdle I'm finding this part the most frustrating as when I was in california earlier this year I found my dream wedding venue .once we received our noa 2 my fiance mum and sister put a deposit down to hold a certain date as a surprise .I only found out like a week lovely as this is they done it without realizing it isn't wise to make any wedding commitments til the Visa is now I have a wedding date set for Nov 23rd there is alot of excitement but I'm also getting in abit of a flap about everything being sorted in time .ideally I'd like to think I could  be in states by late September but now in abit of a panick having a set wedding date.I also didn't state the wedding date on my cover letter as I didn't find out the surprise untill I had sent it off

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 15:24:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Just curious but how do you find out they have received and logged your forms?I've been wondering about my own.did you phone them,or do they confirm it through the ceac status tracker site?

No its not that, many people do this. I already knew London had received the file and by the time they received the forms and logged them, I had received Packet 3.
Packet 3 is only a link to their website anyway.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 14:37:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

After looking at your timeline am I right in believing you sent off packet 3 before hearing from the embassy? Maybe this is why u have have waited longer as they state you not to send anything untill they tell u so .

It's a month today since they received my medical results, no interview yet. :/ Although I do seem to have been forgotten, everyone else around me has a date.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 13:41:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Gosh I really hope I don't have to wait months ,I was under the impression it would be a matter of weeks once they have my medical results

With that being said it's hard to judge by looking at the time difference between others noa 2  and interview everyone is different.some may take longer to send their forms and book Medicals after receiving their noa 2. So that's why im more curious in knowing once the embassy has everything how long is it til they contact you.

Edited by jola83, 12 August 2013 - 01:30 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 13:25:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

sent all of my forms off last week,also had my medical late last week,so I'm expecting the embassy to receive my results around Wednesday.I've learnt during this process  there is no real time line for anything,but on average once the embassy have the medical results how long is it before they mail you with the interview date?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 12:54:00
United KingdomAnyone ever have an afternoon appointment for K-1 visa?

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I remember reading on the embassy website the interviews only take place in the morning,

Which is a pain I know I don't live as far as u but I'll be taking the train to London and I definitely don't trust trains to ever run on time without delays so I'll probably just stay in London overnight

Edited by jola83, 18 September 2013 - 01:44 AM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-18 01:41:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

Nich Nick thanks for your help ..... patience is the key I guess


Jola sorry for pinching your space on here, if I hear anything I will keep you informed. My son is hoping to study in Colorado next year during his 3rd term so if I am out that way I will buy you both a big fat drink and some lunch.


Nich Nick I am sure I will be passing by you some day soon too

Awww how kind :-)  and I don't mind you pinching space we all in the same boat here :)

So this whole journey is such a rollercoaster,as I said earlier I called dos and they informed me my forms have been fiance just told me he had called dos also before he knew id called and he said the lady said our forms hadn't been logged ,so once he saw my text he called them back to ask again as we had both just been told completely different things .the second lady told him the forms have been received but no interview date yet,so he  asked  does the fact they have been received mean they have been logged onto my file ?and she said well yes it says here that they have received your finances forms.

So now we are thinking are dos telling us my forms have been received as they can see that the embassy confirmed to me almost two weeks ago by email that they had received my forms or can they see my forms logged onto my file? Kind of confused if the fact the embassy said they received my forms means they are in fact logged or they still waiting to be logged.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 14:34:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

Well I got an email from them around 2 weeks ago but there was no update on CEAC that time. Today however, there was. So more than likely it's the email that caused the update. But sometimes DoS give confusing information (like the first update information).

Did the email you received today confirm anything about the logging of your forms? ,dos can be confusing sometimes though I know what you mean :-/ like u said it is just a waiting game

Well I got an email from them around 2 weeks ago but there was no update on CEAC that time. Today however, there was. So more than likely it's the email that caused the update. But sometimes DoS give confusing information (like the first update information).

Did the email you received today confirm anything about the logging of your forms? ,dos can be confusing sometimes though I know what you mean :-/ like u said it is just a waiting game

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 12:02:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

Sadly I really don't think paying today will help speed anything up,but it won't hurt either as long as you have paid before you have your actual interview and have proof you paid,I really don't think it matters when you do it


My medical was 3rd Sept Doctors advised me the Embassy had recieved them on Friday 6th September 2013.


I was under the impression as you have said that a letter would land on my doorstep sometime with instructions and an interview date.


I was worried for a minute that the payment I made today might not have been legit but the link you supplied has a further link which took me to the same place I was advised to go to today and register. Paying now before I get instructions will hopefully not be a problem just another thing crossed off I made copies of the receipts to take with me.  


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 11:58:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

Jola I received an update on 20th and called DoS and was told it was my forms logged. I received another update today... Called and was told it was my forms being logged and that the first update was an 'internal note' lol so I called back and spoke to a different person who told me today's update was their reply to my email.

I honestly don't think they know what's going on. It's just a waiting game. :/

O there goes that internal note thing again lol ,did u receive a reply to your email the day you got a update?.as that probably is what it was ,I received a update on the date of every email they have sent me but I don't think it shows up on the dos system as an update all the time .as I called one time and the guy said he had no update on his system but he then typed my case number into ceac and said he could see I had received an update that day.after a little bit of searching around on his system he read out the email the embassy had sent me and said that was what the update more than likely was and apologized saying the information they have is limited.but I asked the lady Like 3 tines today to make sure they defitenly had my forms she laughed and said yes ,I said sorry for being a pain and she said she understands they get alot of calls from I do have faith they have logged both our forms.dos just don't seem to know what the less important updates are such as emails

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 11:41:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

I am SURE it is the non-immigrant, ie. tourist visa line. I doubted the post above so just now called the number. (We have a UK phone line and number here in the US). So I went through the steps as stated above untiI got a person. I quizzed him quite a bit. I learned--
They are not UK specific or part of any embassy.
They are an appointment scheduling service.
He was vague what a K1 visa was...asked if it was immigrant or non-immigrant. I told him it is considered immigrant for processing and interview purposes.
He said, "No we definitely do not schedule immigrant visa interviews. Those are handled by the individual embassies."

I think stephen&kimmy may have a tourist visa appointment promised to them, not one with the IV Unit.

Thanks  you for that,your info is helpful as always.   :)


So I just got off the phone  to dos my forms are logged but no interview set yet.I received


No  ceac update to confirm the logging




















jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 11:16:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?



Finally found out today by calling this number 020 3608 6998 go through options press 1 listen then 3 listen then 6 wait for an operator


You have to go online and register pay your fees and they will email you an interview date


I am so annoyed no one has ever contacted me after my letter to tell me to do this meanwhile my forms and medical are all sat at the embassy. In addition there was much confusion as they have another person with my name on there files awaiting a non-immigrant application.


If you want any help you can ring me my number is 07887 515287 they have told me an interview date will be emailed to me VERY SOON

Hi! Are u sure this isn't the process for tourist visa? As I've never seen anyone mention this processes before

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 10:46:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

They haven't lost my forms they emailed two weeks ago confirming they had received my forms and they were currently being processed so I know they have my forms but it shouldn't take them this long to log them

I was in the same boat as you, I've been reading the forums all day and I keep seeing you pop so I've followed your story.


  • I sent my Packet 3 on Aug 15th, I didn't send it signed for.
  • I had my Medical on Sep 2nd
  • The CEAC website updated on Sep 5th, that was my medical results being logged
  • Two weeks after my medical I still hadn't heard anything so I got Krissy to call the DoS and they said the Embassy was waiting for my Packet 3
  • She called back a couple of times and spoke to different people, just in case one was wrong, definitely no Packet 3
  • So I sent Packet 3 again, I updated the cover letter to explain this was a resubmission from the 14th Aug
  • The Packet was received yesterday morning
  • This morning the date had changed on the CEAC website
  • Krissy called again and they said the status update was logging my Packet 3.

You need to get your partner to call the DoS, they've probably lost your paperwork. 



jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 10:44:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?
As some of you know I have been waiting 7 weeks now for my forms to be logged almost two weeks ago the embassy confirmed to me my forms are currently being processed and I should recieve a interview date shortly.almost two weeks has passed and my forms are still not logged never mind me having a interview date. I feelso frustrated as there is no number to call , its just pot luck them responding to a email.I dont understand what the hold up is .what makes it worse is they know my fiance is in the air force and due to deploy shortly after our set wedding date , so it isnt like we can re arrange everything so easily .my heart breaks a little more everyday that I dont hear and I feel like this process has stolen the excitement that I should be feeling right now.I was wondering if anyone knew what the proccess is of them proccessing my forms and is it normal for it to take 2 weeks.I sent my forms the start of august I really wasn't expecting to be waiting so long :(
jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 08:27:00
United KingdomFeeling nervous!!

You Will both be just fine :-) can't wait to hear how it all went .

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-01 23:55:00
United KingdomWait Time for Appointment Letter (London Embassy)

Just out of curiosity,did you state a wedding date ? 

Here is our timeline:


Aug. 27 sent Packet 3 forms

Aug. 29 forms received by embassy

Sep. 3 medical 

Sep. 6 medical results logged

Oct. 1 Packet 3 forms finally logged

Oct. 2 received interview date for Oct. 10


I'm not sure why but it took nearly a month for the Packet 3 forms to be logged after they were received. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for how long the process takes once they receive all of the forms and medical results. Some people have theirs logged almost immediately, and some have been waiting for months. I just hope it all works out in your favor! Good luck!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-03 15:24:00
United KingdomOMG how long will it take

and how do i find if they have been logged ????

this is getting too much now 

plus knowing i will prob be denied just want to get there to find out the answer 

You can call department of state on 001 202 485 7600  and then press 1,then 0 once you come to the will need your case number and can simply ask them if the embassy has received all  required documents,

As far as being sure you're going to get denied ,I truly believe going with a positive attitude is your best option none of  us know for sure so everyone in the same of luck

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-04 16:32:00
United KingdomOMG how long will it take

Do you know if your forms have been logged the embassy? Some are lucky to have them logged 1-2weeks after sending them whilst others wait longer,mine took 5 weeks and the embassy emailed me today to expect to receive a interview date approximately five weeks after the date they were logged,my forms were logged Sept 9th so I'm not expecting to receive a interview date til around October 14th give or take

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-04 15:49:00
United KingdomPassport condition

One of the members on here got turned away at her interview because of her passport condition,it may pay  you to get a replacement if possible to be on the safe side

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-01 13:00:00
United Kingdomfor all those waiting for a interview date

I can only go from the info they told me I guess ,they confirmed my forms were received 9th September and I can expect to receive a interview date approx five weeks from that date,I don't know if they included the time in which the letter gets printed and sent out in the mail when they said 5 weeks(that could explain as to why I was told a week more than you was) but they did say approx so I'm definitely not expecting it to be dead on the date the five weeks Is up

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-06 06:31:00
United Kingdomfor all those waiting for a interview date

I've posted this in a few threads but thought I'd start a new thread incase anyone misses it 

The embassy emailed me today to inform me to wait approximately five weeks from the date my forms were logged to receiving a interview date

My forms were logged 9th September so I can expect to hear something around October 14th

As people seem to be waiting a long time to have their forms logged,you could be in for a long wait

I waited five weeks  to have my forms logged and now I've been told its approximately five weeks from the logging,so be prepared for a longer wait than you may have anticipated.I definitely started this stage of the process off on the wrong foot and have been frantically  worrying that my forms are lost,I've been forgotten etc where in reality I should off been taking the time to appreciate this last bit of time with friends and family

I just wanted to inform people of the email as I see many people asking the same In short the  five week countdown starts from the logging of the ds forms or medical(countdown from which ever was logged last)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-04 16:26:00
United KingdomMedical tomorrow, i think im screwed

I gave them uk size photos and that was fine (don't know if that was the issue here in not being able to get any US size ones done )

I know u sorted now but for further reference try calling 0800 612 7706 .they can tell u where the nearest"photo me"

Photo booth is that have the visa style photo option.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-09 00:33:00
United Kingdomso excited i could scream!!!!

Here's my custom map. You can move it, zoom in and out to see bus's stops and Tube stations, but it's better on a PC than mobile device. Embassy, Gould's, hotels marked. See the symbol key. http://www.click2map.../Embassy_London

Thank you ,helpful as always :) 

Thanks everybody :)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 15:44:00
United Kingdomso excited i could scream!!!!

As some of you know it  seems  forever that I have been waiting for a interview date.finally today I got word from department of state that my interview date is October  22nd!.so  Happy.a big thank you to my vj friends for keeping me sane!! Especially ejjett  !

Now two  questions could someone give me the link with instructions to pay the visa fee.I know packet  4 will arrive shortly but I want to go ahead and  pay.also is the pharmacy  where I can leave my stuff  easy to find? I'm really not great with directions and don't want to be wandering around aimlessly trying to find it lol
























jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-10 14:55:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

My experience is slightly different to many I suspect. I've known my partner for 30 years. We had a relationship at college and all my close friends are actually from that time and have continued to see me and my partner over that entire period so she is not some unknown to them. Makes the wedding guest list a lot easier !


With the exception of the reaction I mentioned in the original post - everyone has been very pleased for us (and for those people they were still pleased for us but took some time to get used to it). I have genuinely not had a negative comment. The most regret I have is leaving my elderly and infirm mother. She has always wanted me to marry my partner (even when she was still married!) and was and remains pleased for us both. Sadly in a way I suspect her deteriorating condition will take her mind of my absence. I could not have made this move if it wasn't for the fact that my sister who lives close to her manages her care and looks after her. One thing I will owe to my sister at some point in the future is an all-in holiday in California.


I have to say friends who express jealousy and make negative comments are either not handling it themselves well or are not really the friends we thought they were. I would say though that while we are swept up in the excitement of the move we would do well  to recognise what this can mean for family and friends. As we adjust to the the new norm so will they.

How nice for your mum to get what she wanted in you marrying the person she always wanted you to,so of course you are going to feel guilty at least you can also find some comfort in her being happy for you

I go through awful stages of guilt leaving my family .I spend every lunch break at my nans house and I know if breaks the day up for her so I know she is going to be feeling abit lost once I go 

But I also look at how excited she is to be going on this American adventure and comming over for the wedding.I'm just grateful she is still in good health to do so.she may as well.put a double page spread in our local newspaper to inform everyone she is going to America for my wedding as she will already tell anyone who is willing to listen haha .and my mum is just happy I've found someone good who will take care of me .of course she will miss me but she knows this is what I want .

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-08 14:11:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

I'd definitely say there are more opportunities in the states than England I mean neither country is in the greatest condition right now that's for sure .but I'd say the opportunities in states overweigh the ones in England.

Like azsara mentioned though I would hope that we are all moving to be with someone and people seem to overlook that reason  and just see the moving to America thing.

I don't know about anybody else but I'd be more than happy to have not had to go through all this visa ####### and still be with my fiance .my fiance is in the air force and I always knew his time in England was limited  so was already willing to move where ever to be with him.we was actually all set to be moving to Germany but they changed his next base to back in the states .it didn't make a blind bit of difference  Germany,America,Japan etc but I'd be curious to know if certain people would have still reacted the same had it not been America.

But eejet I think maybe your right on my work place and the embassy joining forces haha

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-08 13:49:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

I've found quite a few people tried to put doubt in my mind and try and make me feel guilty but I've put that down to jealousy as the ones doing that are people I'm not particularly close to .

As for my friends my inner circle mainly consists of Americans anyway based over here in the air force who worked along side my fiance before he left so of course they think it's great I'm going to live in their country haha .

I have a real small family being a only child plus an only grandchild and I can't help but feel guilty for leaving but they both love my fiance and are happy for me .

I did want to keep things quiet about me leaving and just tell a select few as every day at work I get the " are u still here?!?!" "Have you not left yet" "thought u were leaving " sarcastic comments every day thanks to my boss who  thought he would inform the whole built of my news when I told him 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-07 23:31:00
United KingdomA week today since London received my new passport and birth certificate....

O wow congratulations!!! So happy for u!!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 00:24:00
United KingdomAnyone else waited more than 6 weeks for an interview?

Lemon maybe re send  ds 2001 as that happened to someone else on here even though the  form was signed for it was never logged and then they re sent it and got a interview date shortly after .you could put a cover letter explaining why you are re sending it. Maybe it will help.

So sorry you guys are still waiting I know how it feels .your time is comming,I know it doesn't feel like it but it will all fall into place .it wouldn't hurt to contact the embassy though.

The waiting game sucks but it's worth it  in the end

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-15 23:07:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?


Congratulations!!so happy for u,did they mention the mistake they made?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-18 13:35:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

Not sure if this is good news but on the CEAC it says Case Updated 11th Oct 2013 not getting to excited as it has been updated with new dates three times in under two weeks.

Gosh I forgot you was still waiting,I seriously hope they pull their socks up and have a big apology and a interview date soon!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 15:47:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

I still can't quite believe how this was allowed to happen,I work in  the office for a company that sells car parts and the people who work in the factory check the part number is correct 3 times by 3 different people before it's sent out the door.this is just car parts for heavens sake,you would think  they would of had the same kind of method so any mistakes could be spotted



jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-04 16:49:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

Is there a contact phone number for London so I can ring them in the morning ?

I know if u phone the embassy switchboard number and go through the options you can speak to a this is a pretty serious matter maybe they would be able to put you through to the visa unit or have someone call may be a long shot but everything worth a try

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-02 14:36:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

Hi Jola, my sympathies go out to you, I know you are currently waiting too. If nothing else (and giving me some comfort at present) is this thought,


'what a great advert for this site' 

Hey!! Yep still hanging in there waiting it's all I can do but more to the point ,I would think after this huge mistake the embassy should be willing to meet your needs, it's getting in contact with them that is the frustrating part and emergencies like this why it's so senseless there is no phone number to call for the visa unit.

Best of luck to all of u involved ,I hope everything gets sorted asap

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-02 14:32:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

What are the odds of both people being on here wow!! 

Kind of worrying what a stupid mistake they have made though

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-02 13:45:00
United Kingdomgoulds pharmacy

Thank you guys,the bad reviews were on some website from when I googled the pharmacy.I have a friend who is kind enough to hang out in Starbucks close by whilst I have my interview ,so I don't need to use the pharmacy after all anyways

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-21 11:03:00
United Kingdomgoulds pharmacy

Hey! Does anyone know what time the pharmacy opens in the morning?and was wondering if anyone ever had a bad experience leaving your belongings here? I've read a few reviews where people have said they got their phone back with data removed :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-20 04:56:00
United KingdomCalling London to speed up interview


Well i phoned them, on a different number than above, went through the non-immigrant route and managed to blag details and helpful info. Led me going to the website to pay my courier and visa fee already, despite no instructions to yet, as its valid for 1 year, and have done so obviously. Tried phoning again after doing this to see if it auto put me for an interview and if i could change it, but with no luck. 

During my second call though Errin rang DoS in America, and they said packet 3 had all been logged and packet 4 was due to be sent out. Her exact words were that ''packet 4 was being issued but not updated as sent out yet'' Not bad really as im completely fobbing my way through this and getting way ahead of myself with what I'm doing. Those who dare...... wink.png




Well NN, not quite as simple as that, she unfortunately is still in Illinois and I am there will be no NHS. However her job covers her and family full medical, and she has an over the top plan on top of that too. So we're good.....i just need to get back!

Well that's good at least your forms have been logged now it's just a case of waiting .maybe or hopfully should I say they will understand the situation and hurry things along abit.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-23 14:10:00
United KingdomCalling London to speed up interview

Yes, unfortunately i know this. But as she's now 28 weeks pregnant with our son, and an incompetent cervix.....i HAVE to try, and keep trying. 

Have written them a very thorough and complete email, sent to the available address, and i'll be mailing it too.

Fingers crossed time!

Oh gosh well hopfully in that Cass they will be more helpful.

Good luck!!!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-23 12:41:00
United KingdomCalling London to speed up interview

You're welcome just a heads up ,it isn't easy and probably unlikely to be able to speed up getting a interview date pretty much is "wait your turn we will give you a date when we are good and ready "

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-23 11:48:00