United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I'm so confused.I got a ceac update yesterday thinking it was the logging of my forms.but it was the fact the embassy responded to my email.I had another update today again thinking it was the logging of my forms .I just called dos and he told me that my last update was them emailing me yesterday.I told him ive got another update today and he said he couldn't see if so couldn't tell me .the only thing I can think of is I responded to their email this morning ,I however haven't received a response,so could my update really be that I emailed  them ? :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 12:37:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

It took them two weeks to respond to my email so if it's only been four days they probably didn't see it yet.I thought the embassy was normally quite good in meeting peoples wedding date but you are like the third person this week I've seen have their wedding date couldn't hurt trying to have the interview brought forward though.
















I had a CEAC update yesterday and have just found out i have an interview date of Sept 24.


The timeline updates were thus:

7 Aug - medical completed

9 Aug - packet 3 received by Embassy (signed for)

13 Aug - medicals logged

16 Aug - packet 3 logged

27 Aug - Intervew scheduled

24 Sept - Interview


However! Last week on Thurs 22 Aug i emailed them via the Contact Form asking them for an interview in the week beginning Sept 9th as thats when our return tickets are currently booked to return for (we are in the US at the moment) and when my Fiance wanted to come with us to attend the interview, and because our wedding date was currently planned for 21 Sept. This seems to have gone unheard / unseen / ignored and I've not had a reply but its only been 4 business days. Is it worth, do you think, calling and trying to bring the appointment forward? Or should I just stick with what I've been given and change our plans around it.... It seems the Embassy can be helpful but I don't know if I've gotten the date I have because they never received my request for the earlier time or if they did get it and theres nothing earlier anyway...? I did also put on my packet 3 cover letter that our wedding date was planned for 21 Sept and this has been overlooked as well.


Edited by jola83, 28 August 2013 - 02:56 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-28 14:52:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

No, not logged but just signed for at the embassy via recorded mail. My CEAC status still shows as last updated 20th August which was when my packet 3 letter was dated an shows 01 02 and 03 as ready which I take as packets 1, 2 and 3?

You have to wait for them to log your forms sadly :-/a few of us sent our packet 3 almost 3 weeks ago and are still waiting for our forms to be logged


An update on me ,I received a response that I sent the embassy on Aug 14th today basically telling me it takes approximately 4 weeks to log forms.

I then got excited as I had a crack update today ,just to find out the update was that they emailed me.what  kind of stupid ####### is that??

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-28 12:48:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Thanks for the optimism smile.png I am just so impatient!!! I know I am not the only one in this boat, so I guess that makes it a little better!! I hope we know something this week!!

Hopfully we can both get off that boat this week huh :) I think we are just being impatient lol and everything will be can't help but worry though.I just can't wait for this to all be over

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-27 23:28:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Good luck to those of us still waiting this week.although it's an extra short week,with the embassy being closed today for bank holiday and then isn't it Labour day the end of the week also?*sigh*

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-26 03:39:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Mine is Nov 23rd but I also stated many reasons why I need to be in states by end of September/early October.I'm not sure if having later wedding dates would have anything to do with form leggings either.who knows how they run things!!! Good luck! I'm just trying to put it at the back of my mind as embassy closed til Tuesday now with it being bank holiday

Sounds like a plan!! I really hope to hear something soon!! Did you put a wedding date on your cover letter? I put October 12th.. I'm not sure if that would keep them from logging the papers, but who knows!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-24 03:23:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I'm hopeful that next week Will be our week.let's keep each other posted :)

Congratulations, everyone!! Jola, I'm in your boat! This Moday will be two weeks since the embassy signed for our DS forms, and they still haven't been logged. It's definitely frustrating!!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-23 22:52:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Well just got off the phone to dos and pretty much as I expected my forms haven't been logged's two  weeks today since they should of received them so I'm still in the four week's just frustrating that people on the same time line have interview dates.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-23 13:10:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

No nothing :(  .I think I may call Dos in abit though


Thanks so much Anna!


Thanks jola, have u had an update today on ceac? Also maybe worth calling DoS too ? x


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-23 12:43:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?


Another day, no mail came. So I called DoS and they told me packet 4 was sent out today and interview is September 24th at 9am goofy.gif dancin5hr.gif


YAY! So relieved!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-23 12:04:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Can you go into any social security office to get your Ssn number? Or does it have to be in the state your living? As I'm going to be in a different state as to the one I'm going to be living for a few weeks once I get over there

The most fool proof way to get a SSN is before the wedding and in the maiden name. Social security offices are so dumb about K1s sometimes and tell you K1 isn't eligible or you got married so now are a K3 which isn't eligible. That's all just wrong. They need to find your name in the S.A.V.E. database exactly as you entered at POE. So if you show up saying you are married and want to apply in a married name, they can get all messed up and say that name isn't in USCIS records. Your first K1 card will have written on it --valid for work only with DHS authorization. You will want that removed so go back after EAD or the greencard to show your new status and change the name at the same time. Some people hit the jackpot and get the name change with their first card, but I am telling you the easiest way to actually get a card with the least chance of screw up by an uninformed worker who may have never run across a K1 before. Walk in and say I am a K1 visa holder applying for a social security card. Here is my passport and I-94.

If you go past your 76th day in the US, your window closes until you get EAD or a greencard.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 23:18:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Doesn't make sense to me either but from what assuming it's kind of the same as getting your noa 2(the form logging) I guess they just end up in stacks on peoples desks and some log them quicker than others.why they can't set the interviews on the same day th have logged your forms I really don't know,a bunch of time wasting I think.but yes dos should be able to tell you ,once my forms are logged Ill probably be doing the same lol


Aw I hope so. I wish they would log your forms too it doesnt make sense the order in which they are prioritising people. From the impression I got from DoS they should be able to see as soon as i have an appointment date scheduled I.E before i receive the letter in the post presumably. So i may have to start calling them daily lol


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 15:07:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Aww hang in there,your one step ahead of me at least your forms have been logged*sigh*. It does seem they do seem to get your interview date out within four weeks,so with luck we will both have our date within next two weeks.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 14:47:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

At least you will be able to be together during that part of the process,that's the way I look at it :-). This part is just becoming more frustrating as the days go on.what should be the most exciting time for me really isn't because of all of this waiting

Amen to that. sad.png although something tells me this AOS process is no picnic either..already conflicting info from our attorney vs what I've read here..i can't even process all that until he gets his visa and is in route. this waiting is getting old..scratch that, it's already old.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 14:28:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

To answer your question about how many updates til people receive packet 4. From what I've  been seeing its  hard to tell,some people seem to have just had updates of the logging of their medical and forms,with packet 4 just showing up with out no update.where as others seem to have the medical and form loggings,plus a update of when they set a interview date for you.I guess it just depends on the person working on your file.hence why some peoples process seem to be moving quicker than others

Edited by jola83, 22 August 2013 - 01:37 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 13:35:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

All I can say is ill be so glad when this visa process is over


Amen to that!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 13:03:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I know huh.I see people who sent their forms same day as me got them logged 20th but no such luck for me :-/. I guess it's the same process as the noa 2 see people with the same time Line as you get their approval and you start to panick you have been forgotten. I don't know if it's just a coincidence but from looking on here over the last few weeks alot of people seem to be getting updates on Friday and Tuesday so I'm hopeful for tommorow or tuesday

Me too, my status was updated 13th and 16th but no news so far, very strange system they work.


Edited by jola83, 22 August 2013 - 12:40 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-22 12:38:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Congratulations to all.:) .....I'm feeling all left behind with my forms still

 Not logged 



jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-21 12:11:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Keep us updated :) I called DOS around a hour ago and got through straight away no waiting on hold or anything.that's a first lol.I was hoping my forms may have been logged but just hadn't shown  up on my  ceac update.but still no sign of them :-/ as I said hopfully ill get some kind of up date this week


Okie doke thanks, I may try calling them just to clarify but it does make sense for it to be the forms


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 17:42:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

You could call DOS they will tell u exactly what it is but from just going form reading other peoples posts my guess would be the logging of your forms.I could of course be wrong .the embassy can take awhile to log them once they receive them.this is of course just my humble opinion as I said DOS can tell u :)


U think its just a form logging? Darn that sucks its been almost 2 weeks since they signed for them, we were hoping it was packet 4 sent out


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 17:03:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

That's sure to be your forms logged .hopfully ill get a up date within next day or two

Just to keep everyone up to date myself and R & j received a status update today xx


O really? Maybe we can't go by these ceac updates as much as we think we can,who knows :-/


Sounds like a good idea.  Just to be clear, the CEAC website has not updated for our case since August 8th. 


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 15:28:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Congrats !!! Glad you got the interview in September like u wanted and didn't  have to wait the four weeks either:).but yea let's all keep each other updated with either ceac updates for loggings of forms etc plus the interview date,as there seems to be a few of us with similar time lines

Update to say she got her interview letter in the mail today. She had her medical on July 30 and her DS-2001 was at the Embassy on July 31.  They logged the medical on August 5th and they logged the Readiness form on August 8th.  Her interview date is set for September 17th at 8:00 am.  


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 13:59:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

It does say on the embassy website it can take approximately 4 weeks from receiving them to register them so probably no need for me to panick.although it doesn't make me feel much better.with my fiance being in the air force and more than likely to be deployed early next year I just want this all over already :(

They took 3 weeks to log my DS 2001 :/ I think it got lost behind a filing cabinet or something.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 02:32:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Stupidly of me no I didn't .I sent them off at the time thinking they would be fine and get there safe .I'm sure they have done and I'm just being paranoid.just slightly concerned since my fiance sent me the forms I need from him to take to my interview they got delivered to me by parcel force worldwide,well I say delivered.when intact a old lady knocked on my door saying she had found them in the middle of the road ten minutes away having fell out the parcel force van

I had my mdecial on 7 Aug and sent my DS forms etc off on 6th, they were received on 7th. CEAC updated on 13th and then 15th which I assume to be medical results and forms logged in. My Fiancee (USC) called DoS and they confirmed everything was there so now waiting for interview letter.

Did you send forms by special delivery so you can check they were received?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 02:22:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Just out of curiosity how long did it take everyone to get a ceac update of the logging of your forms once u sent them? The embassy should of received mine 9th August and still they are not logged .my medical results are but no forms yet.just wondering if this is normal :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-20 00:32:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Hang in there,I know how you feel though this is without a doubt the most frustrated I've felt during this whole have already waited all th those months to being so close and having to wait some more.I really didn't want a interview date any later than mid September but with my medical not having been til 8th August and them already giving out interviews for 18th September.I'm really not holding my breath.but at least we all know it's a matter of weeks instead of months now.



Thanks, yes patience is definitely an important virtue in this process.  I had been doing pretty good, but now that the time is getting closer, she's wanting to plan the wedding and it's no fun having to tell her we can't commit to anything yet.  It's both one of the most frustrating and exciting times all rolled into one.  



Well...some good news today..WE GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!! September 18th biggrin.pngdancin5hr.gifjest.giftongue.pngenergy.giflaughing.gif


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-19 23:05:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Have u contacted the embassy?  If it goes past the four week Mark start emailing them as that's the time frame the embassy suggests you should wait to hear


Thank you! biggrin.png Tuesday will be 4 week since my fiance had his medical hope some good news come soon


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-19 01:18:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

well guys a new week starts tomorrow wishing you all a speedy journey  heres hoping this new week brings us all luck

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-18 14:01:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Congrats Laura that's great.glad it worked out in the end

Ahhh interview tomorrow!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-15 12:33:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

My August 13th update was the embassy received my medical forms haven't  been logged yet though.I sent them 7th August.if you call DOS  they will tell you what your ceac update was.but my guess it was your medical results like mine

Seems like there are few on similar timelines. had my medical on 7 Aug, sent all DS forms etc off the day before. CEAC site showed update on 13 Aug so I reckon that must be forms and medical result in.


Paid fee and set up home delivery yesterday 14 Aug, now back to waiting.......


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-15 05:13:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

wishing you luck that you hear soon Laura  .I only had my medical a week ago today and they haven't logged my forms yet so I expect to be waiting a little while as yet :(

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-15 01:22:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I've been on the phone on and off all day .in short the call centre are clueless and after going back  and forth with a  lady who couldn't give me a straight answer she admitted she "wasn't sure" when I had to pay.another lady told me to email the embassy as she didn't know.I ended up calling DOS  .who told me  every embassy is different but not to panick as the embassy would mail out clear instructions of when to pay .so all in all I don't think anything has changed you don't have to pay for them before  they schedule a interview.the helpful man also told me my medical was logged into the system but my forms haven't been but told me not to panicked as the embassy more than likely have them but haven't logged them yet

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-14 12:42:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

UK-USA and Laura ,update us if and when you have any luck with your phone calls. I was so excited once my medical was over and I'd sent my forms off thinking everything was straight forward from here,but with this and reading about the problems with the new payment system,I think I was wrong.I'd started off thinking there could of been a small possibility I could of been in states by end off August,then I decided September was more realistic.with that being said I wouldn't be surprised it will be October  by reading others time lines over the last few days

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-14 01:32:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I agree   I'd definitely try  and find out From here what number to call.5 weeks   is a long time especially after the wait through uscis.and Sept 2nd is right around the corner.


I've sent a couple of emails which haven't had replies yet. And yesterday I sent a new DS 2001 & Cover letter reminding them that I'm still waiting and expect to be in the US for Sept 2nd.


I think I may have to step it up now and start calling, although I'd have no idea what number to ring after all the changes they've made lately...


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-13 15:18:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I'm a  little over a week behind you medical wise so here's hoping a speedy journey for  both of us.its more the not knowing I hate .even if I had to wait til October for a interview.I'd be happier just knowing my interview date already's the not knowing  that I find the most  frustrating


I was reading the most recent web chat log with the q&a and someone asked a question about the length of wait for an interview and the answer given was similar to your timeline.  They said up to 4 weeks after the medical you would be scheduled an interview date.  On the website it says that the interview date is usually set approximately 4 weeks after the date they set it, so it does seem like they are looking at closer to 2 months.  Of course these are time estimates given by the embassy, and historically we've seen that time estimates in this process that they give as standard answers are maximums not minimums, so with that, I'd assume that anywhere from 5-9 weeks after the medical is the safe guesstimate for an interview date right now.  


I called today and checked and they still don't have an interview date in the system for us and we are at 2 weeks since medical.  


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-13 14:57:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Did your ceac status update update today since receiving your forms? Mine updated today but I'm not sure if it was them logging my forms ,or my medical.maybe even both .either way it's more of a good thing then bad 


I sent my packet 3 last week as signed for, and Royal Mail show they signed for it this morning at 10.30 by "Dan" unsure.png  but my CEAC status hasnt updated


Edited by jola83, 13 August 2013 - 01:40 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-13 13:39:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Thanks for the info :)

This is our timeline from recording of medical to issuing of interview date.


Medical was recorded and case was complete on July 12, 2013

On August 6, 2013 (almost 4 weeks since case was complete) DOS told me the interview date and time September 9. 2013. (Interview will be 8 weeks and 1 day from the date the case was complete)

August 9, 2013 Phil actually received the Appointment letter 


DOS US phone number 202-663-1225 press 1 then 0. You will need the case number, for London it will start off LND. They will also ask for the beneficiary name and birth date. They will update you on the case. I called daily. LOL


I hope this helps.




jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-13 13:36:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Good idea also I will definitely keep that in mind as I know the embassy will try and fit you in before any set dates you have when possible.

We are getting married in long beach california :-)



You can try emailing or writing a new letter to the embassy to inform them that you now have set a wedding date and would appreciate having an interview before then.  


I think you're still on fine course to be done and over there well before November though, so although I know it's hard to do, I wouldn't worry too much.  


They'll be finishing up on the student visas soon enough since the new school semester starts very soon, and that's what'll have been keeping them very busy over July/August.


Also, that's very sweet of your mum-in-almost-law and sister-in-almost-law to do!  Where in California are you getting married?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 15:39:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Yes this is a good idea , I think I'll give it a week or so and just see how things pan out .but I'll definitely keep that in mind.


Honestly Novemebr 23rd is pretty far away, unless something unusual happens I think you will make it well in time for this. I would contact the venue if I were you and explain the situation to them and that they may have to be flexible with you as you are going through a unique process.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 15:36:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Even though we are now at the last hurdle I'm finding this part the most frustrating as when I was in california earlier this year I found my dream wedding venue .once we received our noa 2 my fiance mum and sister put a deposit down to hold a certain date as a surprise .I only found out like a week lovely as this is they done it without realizing it isn't wise to make any wedding commitments til the Visa is now I have a wedding date set for Nov 23rd there is alot of excitement but I'm also getting in abit of a flap about everything being sorted in time .ideally I'd like to think I could  be in states by late September but now in abit of a panick having a set wedding date.I also didn't state the wedding date on my cover letter as I didn't find out the surprise untill I had sent it off

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-12 15:24:00