K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

Wow really?? What date in Feb.?

There is a sighting of an NOA2 for a February filer on Igor's list today. Go February! 


jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-16 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinfo needed on fiance visa please

As the first response said, be prepared for a 7 month wait before hearing back from California and another 2-3 months for the UK embassy stuff to process. So, estimate about 10 months from filing to getting your visa in hand. 


If he's active military, look into requesting an expedite for your case!

he is active duty and about to be based back in states after being based in would we go about doing that and what is the process?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-02 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinfo needed on fiance visa please

thank you for the replies we are just finding it very difficult being apart after living together in England and me just comming back from sspending a month in states.i would like to plan another visit soon but we are not rich and my fiance is worried if say i visit him in june.its not going to be to long before everything is sorted and we wont have had enough time in between to save to fly back once my visa is sorted.neither of us has been married before or has kids . I've been told this can help the processing  being  quicker although i  dont know if thats true

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-02 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinfo needed on fiance visa please

hi guys  i am new to this forum,i was wondering if any of you could help me.i am a  female living in england my american fiance is in the air force and was based in England but is now based back stateside since last month.we started the whole visa process in February.i know every case is different but  i was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the time line of how long it takes.we have the receipt number where we can check back to the website.our case currently says its  in review which it seems to have said for awhile and not moving on to the next stage.can anyone give me a rough Time frame or give me any links with up to date blogs so i can read other peoples experiences many thanks

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-02 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificates

You need one for every country you have lived in for more than 6 months

jola83FemaleEngland2013-05-30 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - I129F Request for primary evidence of meeting in person

We got a rfe online yesterday so no hard copy.I'm really thinking that our rfe is going to be the same as we sent pictures but they where just print outs from Facebook.the only evidence that I guess is

Dated officially  is our flight details to Spain



I had the same RFE, but I was fortunate to have passport stamps, which I submitted along with plane ticket receipts. These pieces of evidence helped me gain an approval.


Here's the exact wording on my RFE that may or may not be the same with yours:

  • Last Personal Meeting - The petitioner and the beneficiary must meet in person between October 31, 2010 and November 01, 2012. Submit evidence of meeting the beneficiary in person within the two-year period preceding the filing of the petition. Primary evidence may include airline ticket stubs and receipts (that indicate month, day, and year); copies of passport pages that show the identification page and admission stamps, military order(s), letter from Commanding Officer, or any evidence that will help the USCIS to determine that the petitioner has met the beneficiary within the last two years. Secondary evidence may include film-dated photographs of the petitioner and beneficiary together. The following DOES NOT constitute evidence of meeting: disc, videos, emails, letters, phone bills, and greeting cards.

I agree with the other person saying to write a letter explaining that you drive across the border instead of flying, therefore you don't have passport stamps. When submitting evidence for your RFE, highlight all the names and dates. Focus on submitting evidence that shows you were at the beneficiary's home country, with the emphasis on dates, which credit card bank statements and receipts of your gas bills sound fine if they show that you made those transactions in the beneficiary's home country and within the 2 year period USCIS is asking for. Good luck!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-06-06 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

I don't really post alot on here other than to ask questions myself but I see so many red flags and not to be rude but my advice is run for the hills!!!

No one in their right frame of mind would forget they were married .if it was a bad marriage  it would be even harder to forget.and you say if he was lying or trying to hide something he would of lied about his daughter.hmm well not really if he's daughter is in his life then there is no way of hiding it .a ex wife is easier to hide.and forgetting you was married untill he found his ex wife on not only stupid but insulting to your intelligence to think you

Would believe such nonsense

I'm not one to get involved in people's life but speaking from experience of in the past being with someone  for 3 years who was leading a double life...wait scratch that a triple life  having a wife and kids hidden .really think about what you are doing sweetie.maybe take abit more Time getting to know each's always going to be in the back of your head that he kept it from you ,I would think.just be sure he is marrying you for the right reasons before you go that route as it could lead to a whole heap of problems

From your picture I can see your a beautiful women who deserves better than to be lied to or be with someone who is mentally not quite right as that's the only reason anyone would forget they are of luck xx


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to set a wedding date (during a K-1 process)?

You could always find a few venues of choice and explain your situation and ask if they would be ok with you changing the date if need be,the venue we are getting married at was fine with it as long as we put a deposit finances family had booked the venue as a surprise for me and actually changed the date  twice before I even knew about it ,it was once our file reached London we started making other plans regarding the wedding such as hair and make up ,invites etc .many people go with the courthouse wedding and then if you want the big ceremony you could always book that for a latter date so that you have plenty of time to plan it,your friends and family have enough warning to be there and you know you will definitely make it on time.

Even though things have worked out for me the end and it looks like I'll make it in time for my wedding has been very stressful as up til a few weeks ago I thought I was going to have to inform everyone who I'd invited there would be a change in date ,I really don't recommend making wedding plans for a big ceremony before you have your visa.if I was to do it all again I'd of booked my wedding ceremony for later next year and just had a courthouses wedding for when I arrived

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-25 15:09:00
United Kingdomis there need for me to be concerned?

Just to say I also have an update on the CEAC website today, I phoned the DoS to see whether it was the logging of my forms (signed for on Aug 21st) or medical notes (Sept 4th) - they also had NO record of an update before August 19th which was the mailing of my packet 3.  Must be a glitch somewhere between the 2 - wonder if it is due to the relocation today?


Good luck...

Yea I know a few people been having the same thing happen,I guess it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one.not sure if it's the relocation,or due to the fact dos just can't see everything on your file .the guy I spoke to yesterday even said they can only see limited stuff on peoples they can probably only see important stuff like blogging of medical/forms etc.he said my updates for the 29th,30th,6th didn't show anything up on his system.but he said from going onto the ceac update page(the same one we are checking) he can see my last update was the 6th but doesn't know what it is.have u emailed/contacted the embassy at all?as nich Nick mentioned it could be that


I honestly wish I knew the answer for u. All I can say is I sympathise with your situation I cant believe its been 4 weeks since your medical. I know each day feels like a week and now the dreaded weekend has arrived. You can do it heart.gif good.gif I know you can

Thank you xx ,I know I used to wish the week away wanting it to be the weekend and now u find myself doing the opposite lol 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-06 23:47:00
United Kingdomis there need for me to be concerned?

Maybe if you emailed or called the embassy, it made a "hit" on your file because they looked at it. Do the dates correlate with contacts to the embassy?

I really don't think you can put a ton of worth Into CEAC and what each date means. Nobody really knows for sure and all the experiences people have posted do not line up to an exact science that you could depend on.

One of the updates could possibly be as you said me emailing the embassy,the others I'm not too sure on.but I'm actually done with checking for updates for at least a week as they all lead to disapointment lol

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-06 23:36:00
United Kingdomis there need for me to be concerned?

I'm getting sick of talking about this,but as  some of you know I've been concerned having sent my Ds forms four weeks ago and not having them logged .I received ceac updates on 29th&30th August.I was really excited thinking these were the logging of my forms and interview date.when I called dos they couldn't even see these updates on their system even though I could see them on the ceac status update.I wasn't too worried at  first as a few people had been getting information that wasn't accurate from dos at the same time as me.but with a week having past almost and no sniff of packet 4 turning up.I figured it was just wishful thinking that my forms were logged etc ,and still being clueless what those updates were I took nich nicks advice and re-sent my forms today I received another ceac update .I called dos and once again in clueless what the update is.the guy told me my forms haven't been logged etc as they are not saved on the system but he couldn't really tell what the update was as the information they can see is limited.I can understand getting one  random update for no reason but three within the space of a week just seems rather odd???.sorry for another post on this but just looking for peoples opinion/ advice .do you think these updates for nothing are reason for me to be concerned ?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-06 13:18:00
United KingdomVisa's in hand!!!

Congratulations so happy it worked out in the end .have an amazing wedding and wishing u all the happiness for the future xx

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-05 13:43:00
United KingdomChanging interview date with new system

I thought this too but ,I think they will reply if the answer isn't already on the website(like they state)

Good luck,the embassy In my opinion seems real slack ,I actually thought this from when I was sent packet 3 and it had a piece of sticky tape on the back on the envelope.I know it's only a envelope but working for a office that sends out thousandsof letters/parcels on a weekly basis.I found it really unprofessional and just wouldn't happen where I work .and I work for a far less important place than the embassy.

Thanks. They never reply to messages sent on the contact form though... at least not to me. I wrote "13 September - 21 September" on the email so I don't think that is the confusion.



jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-10 13:32:00
United KingdomContact Us embassy London? (split)

Anything is worth a shot :-) and it can't hurt to try .just contact them stating when u had  your medical and sent your forms and that you still have no interview date.and maybe say your getting concerned as your plans have now changed and say you have plans to get married such and such day.I'd actually say a date a little before December 4th personally ,maybe mid November?. I mean tell the embassy mid November btw,I'm not telling you when to actually get married lol.

But my advice would be don't book anything til you at least get your interview date.unless u can get a wedding venue willing to let u change the date if need be.

If I had my way I wouldn't of booked anything as its made everything far more stressful but my fiance is in the air force and his window for deployment actually starts we have left the date as to  pretty much as late as we could as far as setting it before being within his window for deployment.

Don't forget to state your case number when contacting them also :)


That would suck if that was it because I totally could have booked something :-p

Oh well, it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one waiting. Perhaps if I contact the embassy and state that I have booked a date (we want to have it on December 4th) they may hurry it along a bit? Haha there's nothing like wishfull thinking ay?!


Edited by jola83, 09 September 2013 - 04:46 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-09 16:44:00
United KingdomContact Us embassy London? (split)

Of course it won't go against you in anyway that you didn't state a wedding date so don't worry:)

I only asked as I could be wrong but from what I can make out all the people on the same time line as me who have received their interview date mainly all stated they had september or early October wedding I'm wondering if the embassy are making sure those people are seen to first before me for example who stated a wedding date for end of in their eyes maybe it's More important for them to make sure those people are dealt with first.

This is just me speculating and I don't think anyone of us really know for sure what their  system is.but the point is ,you don't have nothing to worry about.I'm sure it will work out fine .maybe  try contacting the embassy via the contact form on the embassy website.if it makes you feel better?


hey there,

Well I keep ringing them and they say that I have sent all the required documents and I just need to wait. So I'm guessing that means they have been logged. I also paid the MRV fee online on the 4th September, as I didn't know if that was holding it up? (I wasn't sure if they issued an interview date before paying or after... it was all a bit hazy) So heck, I just paid it. 

But still nothing :-(

I didn't state any wedding plans in my forms. I'm scared to book anything because I have no idea when I'll be allowed to go?! I hope that doesn't make my case look dodgy or anything... I just don't see how I can book anything yet unsure.png


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-09 15:54:00
United KingdomContact Us embassy London? (split)

I sent my forms a week before you and I still have no interview date also :( did you state a wedding date when sending your forms? Do you know if your forms have been logged?

Still no interview date set yet cray5ol.gif

Is anyone else in a similiar predicament?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-09 14:06:00
United KingdomLondon People- Anyone else in my shoes?

Although this site is great for alot of things ,it can also send paranoia into overdrive,almost everyone on my time line had their papers logged and interviews scheduled within 3 weeks.I've even seen many people who sent theirs after mine have more progress than me.this made me get paranoid my forms were lost  and sent me into a panicked frenzy.I re sent my forms at the 4 week Mark stating "if my previous forms have since  Been registered,please disregard these forms that I'm re sending due to fear my previous set  are lost as its been four weeks and I haven't heard anything" yesterday exactly 5 weeks from when I sent my first set of forms I received a email stating my forms have been received and currently being processed and to expect a interview date shortly.I'm assuming it was my first set of forms they are processing as it seems a little too early for them to have my others in their hand .so basically what in trying to tell you is they seem a little behind schedule,some people are lucky and make it through within four weeks some seem to have to wait longer .once they saw my email stating it had gone four weeks,it really seems progress was made on their end ,so I'm sure you will be fine.I also don't think re sending your forms can harm or delay anything if you explain why you are sending least that way if for whatever reason your forms have been misplaced,you have another set already in the helped put my mind at ease alot by re sending them


Yes, the medical results have barely been in but the forms were sent in almost 4 weeks ago. I emailed them on Monday and see what their response is. What drives me nuts is that people who had their medical after and sent their forms after me are all logged up and waiting to get an interview assigned! 


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-12 23:59:00
United KingdomLondon People- Anyone else in my shoes?

I don't know what the hell is going on with the embassy right now .I've seen so many people have problems in some shape or form .it would be a good idea to send the form again with a cover letter explaining you know I'm now in my 5th week since sending my forms and still being told my forms haven't been logged ,so I'm really glad I took peoples advice on here to re send them as I told u before the embassy email to me was completely useless.

It upsets me to see so many people having such a hard time at this stage!!.I thought this was  supposed to be the easy part

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-12 02:11:00
United KingdomCEAC Creation date changed to today's date? What does this mean?

Looks like it's good news for you ! :)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-05 03:43:00
United KingdomWhat constitutes a CEAC status update change or general status change

To both of you ceac will continue to say ready til after your interview and your visa is issued then it should change from ready to issued and as for your forms it takes approximately four weeks from the date you send them to when they are logged into your file ,so therefore dos wouldn't be able to tell you if your forms had been received untill the embassy has logged them .you could continue to check with dos every once in awhile if your forms have been logged,and if it goes past four weeks since you sent them and you have heard  nothing then contact the embassy via the contact form on their website,but as for now you both have nothing to worry about :-) 

Edit Steve and Krissy I just re read your post it's gone the four weeks since you sent your forms,go onto the London American embassy website and contact them via the contact form on there state to them the date you sent your forms and you still haven't heard .try not to worry I've been waiting 6 weeks but they informed me by email last week that my forms are currently being processed.definitely contact them though

Edited by jola83, 21 September 2013 - 04:32 AM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-21 04:27:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

E-mail the embassy stating what date you sent them inform they were signed for .also it wouldn't hurt to re send them with a cover letter explaining why your sending's exactly 5 weeks today since I sent my forms,although I re sent them once I made the four week Mark.good luck!!


Edit*** I've just noticed you're already married,so I don't know if there is any difference in the time scale  or  the process.but it really wouldn't hurt at all to re send the forms with either way

Edited by jola83, 12 September 2013 - 04:22 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-12 16:15:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Well I think it depends alot of people on my timeline received theirs within 3weeks.I guess I'm just unlucky that I got left behind lol.

I'm still unsure of what those updates were  :-/

Wow so it's looking like 5 weeks is the time frame :/ glad u got it sorted somewhat smile.png

Did u get to the bottom of the CEAC updates?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-12 15:37:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Finally 5 weeks on from sending my forms,today the embassy emailed me to say they have  received my forms and they are currently being processed and I should expect a interview date relieved!!!!!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-12 15:05:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Just a update on me ,today I received not one but two emails from the embassy,lucky me huh?.I had sent them an email last week saying it had been four weeks since sending my forms ,no interview date etc.since sending the email I had actually gave up on my first set of forms and sent another set on Thursday in fear the previous set had been hidden by the mail room evil anyway today I received a email asking what  date did I submit my forms.I replied telling them and wasn't expecting a response for at least 3 days.however two hours later I received a reply telling Me to be assured as soon as my forms have been registered ill be scheduled a interview date and that they understand that I plan to marry in November.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but you would think as its gone past the four weeks and my forms haven't been logged if they wasn't sure my forms had made it to them they would be suggesting to me to re send them.also I didn't mention in the email  that I plan to marry in November.only on the forms did I state it leads me to believe that maybe they have ny forms and are just not logging them yet due to not getting married til late November.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-09 13:45:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I had my medical 3 weeks ago (I sent in all the Packet 3 forms well before that) and still haven't been assigned an interview date. This is getting very tedious...

Do u know if your forms have been logged?. Its comming up for five weeks for me.I received a email reply from the embassy today asking what date I sent my forms, tedious indeed
jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-09 07:34:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?
I hope so too, nothing today i guess there is still tommorow
jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-05 11:34:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

does seem to be around 5-7 days from when it is assigned to getting the letter. I would not rely on the CEAC site update meaning anything, I have my appt letter dated 23 Aug but my case on CEAC has not updated since 15 Aug and I think that was receipt of docs and medical.

Yea I've heard of people not getting updated for certain things but I got two random updates which dos can't even see for some reason.the same thing happened to someone else on here and it turns out it was the logging of their medical

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-05 02:55:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Hmm my last update was 30th August.if the  theory  that dos don't know what they are talking about

Is   right that would be the day they assigned it




jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-04 14:13:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Nope nothing :-/ 


How long after you got assigned a interview date was it that they sent packet 4 out to u?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-04 13:51:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

So is it quicker to just have the visa sent to one of those stated places instead of a home address?.I know from looking at the  options on website there is a place as the next town from me but I'd rather take that drive when the time comes if it means me getting my visa quicker

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-04 13:10:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I had my medical 8th August and sent my forms off on the same day and I'm still waiting for a interview date.some people on the same time line as me have already been giving their interview date,so I think it depends on luck.the embassy say it can take approx four weeks from sending your forms to get assigned a interview date.

Yes the embassy closed on Monday.keep us updated if you have any more updates :)

Yeah sounds good. I'm waiting on my interview date! How long u think they'll take for that? And is the embassy closed on Monday?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-01 01:54:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

They should do yes but a few people myself included have been having issues with dos and ceac update s so I'm starting to wonder if their information they are giving us over the phone is accurate.your time line does fit the time of a medical being's just my opinion though

But wouldn't they just tell me that when I called?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 11:55:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

In my opinion it was probably the logging of your medical,if you hadn't already had an update for that  as it only takes them around 4-5 days after the medical to log it

Lol that's what I'm confused about... I've had my medical on 23rd aug... Forms signed for on 28th aug... Nothing has been logged yet as far as I've been told


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 10:08:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

:-/  I still don't see why a internal note would show up as an update on a site which Is there for you to check the progress of your visa.what stages are you at? Do you have your forms logged ,medical etc?

I did send them an email but that was a week ago and received no reply... And they did say there was an update but just that it was an internal note lol (not really an update!)


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-31 02:16:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Had you emailed the embassy at all?or have they emailed you recently?your the second person I've read who's had issues with ceac/dos today...well 3 people if you count me. But they pretty much did tell me the same they couldn't see it.I don't see why a internal note would show up as an seems to me there is a error in  the system and people are getting false updates when they shouldn't be.or dos are not getting updated information from the embassy.

If it was a internal note ,you would think they would of know that straight away and not said they couldn't see it

Hey I just had an update on the CEAC website and I called to ask what it was and first the lady said she doesn't see it and then she said its an internal note :/ and didn't tell what exactly it was.

Maybe urs is the same?


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-30 16:20:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Another day another update for dos to tell me .the last update was they emailed me but I've had two updates since  they emailed me.I feel like crying :( dos tells me still no logged forms

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-30 12:27:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

When you emailed them was you responding to an email they had sent you or just emailing them through the contact form on the website? I don't know if it makes a difference but I was responding to an actual email I received from does all seem a little odd to me as I'm still non the wiser what my update was today after calling dos twice .they didn't seem all too certain either.but I would think if my forms had of been logged they would be able to tell me straight does just seem very stupid to update my case today because I replied to their I emailed them this morning and my update wasn't til this afternoon.but then I guess everyone is different some people receive updates when their interview is set and some don't .so maybe I was one of the extra lucky ones for receiving a update for something so stupid as that ,:-/....I'd love to think my interview was on the way but for the past two days I was so happy when I got a update thinking my forms were logged to have been told by dos that wasn't my update at all.

I know as far as yesterday goes my forms were not logged I'm  100% certain of that as the embassy told me so in the all seems rather odd all together .as I'm not outside the four week Mark so I wasn't expecting them to email me back to be honest

Hmm that whole emailing updating your CEAC really seems strange to me! How come I never got an update when I emailed them?! Seems there is a pattern with updates equalling productive activity. Then again, I'm no expert :/


Edited by jola83, 29 August 2013 - 05:01 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 16:53:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I'd love that to be the case but as of yesterday dos were telling me my forms still hadn't been logged :(.my update yesterday was that they had emailed me to tell me this,.that's what dos tell me my update was anyway.however dos telling me today's update was me replying to their email and receiving a automated reply seems kind of senseless


Dont want to give you false hope but when I had 2 consecutive updates it was my interview date being assigned. I imagine you will be assigned an interview date tomorrow


jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 16:02:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I just really don't understand at all,can dos see what the update is automatically as soon as its updated? As my case was no doubt updated today but dos said my last update was they emailed me yesterday 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 12:56:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I'm so confused.I got a ceac update yesterday thinking it was the logging of my forms.but it was the fact the embassy responded to my email.I had another update today again thinking it was the logging of my forms .I just called dos and he told me that my last update was them emailing me yesterday.I told him ive got another update today and he said he couldn't see if so couldn't tell me .the only thing I can think of is I responded to their email this morning ,I however haven't received a response,so could my update really be that I emailed  them ? :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-08-29 12:37:00