K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresenvelope and usps

If you send it Priority Mail with tracking number (no signature necessary), then the PO Box address is fine. If, however, you send it in a way that needs a signature (Express Mail), then you need to send it to the address listed for Express Mail, since someone will be able to sign for it. Sending mail that needs a signature to a PO Box means that the USPS will leave a notice, which will delay things.

Rich and WenMaleChina2013-12-31 07:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)

I really don't get how people can complain about paperwork. Out of all the things we do in life, making the effort to bring our spouses home is the easiest! Sounds like there are just some lazy people. How many hours are spent in front of the that to how many hours it takes to do a little paperwork. Doesn't compare. I will do any amount of paperwork it takes to get my love home and so should those who love their spouses!


I totally agree with this.  It also amazes me how many petitioners leave it up to the beneficiary to compelete all the paper work.  I could never imagine leaving that up to my fiance to do.  Especially since English is not her first language, even though she knows it very well.  I will and have done anything I can to be with my Fiance and eventually bring her here to be with me.  I never once was too busy to do what was required.  What is a little sacrifice now for a lifetime of happiness?  Was it a hassle? Yes, and some things have taken longer than I liked, but I always did what was required.  I was even initially denied after waiting 5 months, so I started over and spent even more time researching, gathering info, double, and triple checking everything.  All I did was think how in the end it will all be worth the effort and compared to most trials in life, this is really not that big of a hassle or too much to ask of me to do.  If this process is too much for someone to do, then imagine what will happen when other bigger obstacales are encountered down the road in life.  Honestly, if this is too much for someone to do, then I have to question how important the relationship or person is to the petitioner.

M JMalePhilippines2014-01-10 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsoring, So Frustrated

Hello Megan,


Good post!!!!


1) Take a position as a waitress at a local bar / club. Some of those girls clear $ 200.00 to $ 300.00 / weekend night.


Add that up. 52 weeks x 2 nights / weekend x 200.00 / night = $ 20,800.00


That is enough to sponsor your fiance.


2) Talk to a CPA>  Your loans, grants, and scholarships could be classified as INCOME depending on how they are structured. If they are classifed as income, boom, that adds to your bottom line.


3) Are you getting child support from a parent, yes, I know that shounds funny, but some devorce decrees are set up where a child will receive child support if they continue trhough college / university. Boom, adds to the bottom line.


Hope this helps.

Thank you all so much for the encouragement! Altonbebe,  do you know anything more about the structure of the loans, grants and scholarships? I have quite a number of those, totaling over the $20,000 required (thanks for correcting me about that too, guys(what would I do without VJ? :)  ).   If only those would count, that would be so wonderful. Any idea how to find out more about this?

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2013-12-30 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsoring, So Frustrated

My fiance and I have been engaged for almost two years now; in during that time, we've been oscillating whether we should apply for a K-1 visa or a CR-1 visa. (neither of us have been married before, so we figure both options are open to us, depending on where we want to marry)  Now, we're set on a K-1 visa, as it's the one we know the most about and seems to be somewhat faster than the CR-1 visa. However, we've filed no paperwork at this time. We've simply downloaded the forms and extensively researched the process.   However, at this point, after two years of research, browsing VJ and working through other life goals, we are still stuck; for one core reason; we cannot figure out how to fulfill the Affidavit of Support.


In the two years we've been together, we've been stuck because I am still in graduate school (we met during my studies)  I won't graduate for another three years.  (and I am sure all of us on VJ know how long a year can feel when so far from the one you love.)  

Since I won't graduate for three years, that also means I am unable to have a full-time job as well and unable to meet the income requirements listed for the Affidavit of Support. (though in my student job I do believe I make enough to support us, as personal expenses during my graduate program aren't high)  


After visiting him in Cambodia twice and after nearly 11 months of separation in between visits, my fiance and I are both out of energy.  We cannot continue to pay the money to visit each other during my studies, and we cannot continue to suffer the stress and worry that comes with not knowing when we'll see each other again.  


I've talked with all my close family members, and none of them feel comfortable enough to co-sponsor our application (he's never been to the U.S. so they've never met him, though of course they've gotten to know him via phone to some extent over the last two years) 


Does anyone have any encouragement for us, or words of wisdom? Honestly, anything at this point would be so appreciated.  


I've listed our timeline thus far below.



January 2012:  Fiance and I met in Hong Kong during my undergraduate and his graduate studies.  


May 2012: We visited Cambodia and his family together for the first time and got engaged. 


June 2012-May 2013: 11 months of agonizing separation where we saved for my next trip to visit him and called each other as often as possible.  (Skype too, when he had access to electricity)


May 2013-June 2013: I visit Cambodia and see him for the first time in almost a year!! Life is sweet!


June 2013-Dec. 2013:  Separated, as I start graduate school and move to Chicago. 


Dec. 2013- January 2013: We're together in Cambodia again! (trying to plan, save and complete more research to end this agonizing process)  



At this point, I am thinking my only option is to drop down to half-time school and try to find a full-time job to make the $16,000 income requirement for the K-1 visa.  This would extend my graduate program, and would be pretty tough, but it can't be any tougher than being apart for the one I love, right?  


Thanks so much for your support and advice guys.  Please, any words of encouragement or advice are so appreciated. 


Love, Holiday blessings


Megan and Tee

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2013-12-29 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting the K-1 Application, a few questions

Thanks so much!!

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-05 05:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting the K-1 Application, a few questions

Thank you all again!


Bear with me for a few more questions?


What would you all say about "describing the circumstances under which you met?" Should I put in lots of details, i.e. we met while he was fixing my computer during the Chinese New Year or just give the location and date?  


And do we need to provide a summary of all our meetings to date at any point? We've been saving EVERYTHING during our two visits (I came to visit him in Cambodia) since we met; and are wondering if they will want a summary of our two subsequent trips in writing at some point. Or should we include this in the aforementioned section?  Gah! Sorry for the long questions; just a bit nervous. I keep having small nightmares about getting an RFE; want to do everything right the first time. 

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-05 02:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting the K-1 Application, a few questions

OOO! One more question; as I said, my fiance lives in Cambodia, so the postal system is pretty crappy and untrustworthy.  Does anyone know if it is okay if I put down my mailing address as his mailing address? Couldn't they just send all the documents to me?

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-05 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting the K-1 Application, a few questions

Thanks so much everyone!!


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-02 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting the K-1 Application, a few questions

Hi all!!


So, my fiance and I (the USC) have been researching and gathering our evidence for the K-1 practically since before we got engaged.  We're still not sure exactly when we're applying, as we still have sponsorship stuff to figure out, but we would like to have all the evidence and documents prepared as we hope to send them in soon.  


As we go through the forms and the VJ K-1 checklist, we've been keeping a record of our questions. Would anyone be willing to help us answer a few?  


1. Perhaps the trickiest for us is this:  I recently graduated from my undergraduate program in May 2013. Since beginning college in 2009, I have moved to college and then back home every summer, including the summer after I graduated. My jobs have also switched as I move to college and back home.  I know we're supposed to extremely thorough; but do I have to put a change in address each time I moved back to college and then back home? Or could I just put my home address, and how long we've lived there, and then my college address, even if the dates over lap?  OR since I was technically living at home the entire time (claimed as a dependent)  should I forgo putting down my college address at all? (sorry that was a complicated question)


          Along with that; I had steady work on campus during the time school was in session, but a regular summer job back home when classes were out.  Do I need to put each time I stopped one job and started another?



2. Should our dates overlap? For example, if I moved to graduate school mid-August, should I put that I lived at home in August  and then again, that I lived on campus for August as well? (gah, these are simply maddening to me. I had no idea my life would be so complicated :)  )



3.  When my fiance was in graduate school, he did not have a job. Should we simple put he was unemployed for that time period or should we put that he was  a "student" and then give the address of the graduate school?


4.  Okay, I've heard horror stories of people getting RFE's for the blank spaced on a form. For example, if you put N/A instead of none and get all the forms sent back.  Does this actually happen? For example, neither my fiance nor myself have been married before, nor do we have children, so in all the spaces where one can provide information about prior spouses and children, should we just put None at the top of the section and move on, or do we need to put None in each space. Same question about things like middle names. My fiance doesn't have a middle name, so should I just put N/A? Nor does he have a SSN, but it won't let us type in the form "None," so can we leave that blank?


6.  If I am a USC by birth do I need to submit a "Certificate of Citizenship?" I assume that is for those who have been naturalized already? Or just my birth certificate? 


7. For my parents, do I need to include the state in which they were born, and if so, is it okay to abbreviate it?  The form just says "city and country" but I wanted to be sure. 



Thank you all SO much for putting up with these questions. I know there are sample forms and wonderful instructions on VJ, but I wasn't sure there would be answers to these specific questions. Thank you for helping this newbie out.  We don't know what we'd do without VJ to get us through this process.


Happy New Year!!!


Megan and Tee

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-02 02:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetters from friends for evidenciary support

Thanks all.  


We were going to have them sign and print them once they'd written them. We have lots of friends from the school we met (including the President, numerous pastors and teachers) and also from around Cambodia. We just weren't sure if the friends should include a date when they sign and print them, or simply leave the date off.  


Also, I know this may be a really stupid question; but can I list some of our primary evidence (I've tried to save EVERYTHING) and see what you guys think?


Receipts from hotels, shopping malls, restaurants and grocery stores with dates on them (but they're in Khmer, should I have them translated)


Plane ticket stubs and itinerary from Korean Air and Delta 


History of my flights on Delta and Korean


Over 400 pictures of us in front of things like the "Phnom Penh International Airport," the "2012 Hong Kong Flower Festival" and the "Siem Reap Intercultural Center" and others with family and friends from both Hong Kong and Cambodia.  


Engagement photos at the beach in Sihanoukville


Nearly two years of phone conversations recorded on Rebtel. com


Facebook conversation records


Gchat records and emails



What do you guys think so far? I'm not sure how to organize it all, but that is what we have so far. 


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-05 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetters from friends for evidenciary support

Happy New Year everyone!


My fiance and I have a question that's been puzzling us for the nearly two years since we first started researching the K-1 process.



We  fortunately have lots of friends who can write us letters to show evidence of our relationship, be since we aren't sure when we're applying for the visa, would it be unwise to get the letters if the date on them may be older than the month when the packet is submitted?


As I am in Cambodia now,  it would be really easy for us to get letters from our friends; but we may not apply until the spring or summer when I have all my job stuff ironed out. Would anyone advise not putting dates on the letters? Or maybe put dates on the letters and not worry about it?


Thanks everyone!!!


Megan and Tee

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-05 05:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

Thank you TBoneTX! Does that include "declaration of meeting?" Or will that be evident in our passport stamps? I read on another post we are supposed to provide a "declaration of meeting."


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-08 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

Thank you all so much! I feel much better now.  The Proof of Relationship is what I was the most worried about. Have you had experience copying facebook chats? it seems so difficult. It won't let me just print them. 


Anyway, thank you all so, so much.  

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-08 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

So ya'll wouldn't recommend including a "Statement" of sorts detailing our relationship since we met?  


Our main proof is receipts from our trips and my plane tickets (As well as phone call logs, facebook conversations and Skype)  But many of the receipts are in Khmer. Would any of you guys recommend translating them into English before submitting them? Many are quite clearly grocery receipts, but the hotel receipts are Khmer.  


Also, if we need to translate them, do we have to hire a translator or could my fiance or one of his family members just translate them and sign at the bottom of the page of translation to state it is correct?

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-07 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

Did you submit a summary of the history of your relationship in the letter of intent or on the I-129f when asked to "describe the circumstances under which you met?"  


I have visited my fiance twice in Cambodia since we got engaged; I was trying to figure out where to offer details as to what we did together during these visits.  Any thoughts?


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-06 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

Also, do we have to put a date on this form (we're not sure when we are going to submit all our documents, still waiting for my job to straighten out a bit)?

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-06 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

Hello everyone,


I've been searching around on VJ for information about how to construct  a "Letter of Intent." Do most people use the sample provided on VJ?


This may be a silly question, but I have to be sure; on my letter of intent, do I put my mailing address in the U.S. and on the Fiance's letter of intent do we put his mailing address? Are addresses necessary?


How can we find our filing location? Is it just the Dallas Lockbox? I will be filing this from Chicago.  


Thanks so much, everyone! Happy Cambodian Independence Day! 


Megan and Tee 

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-06 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEek!Small panic attack! Please help?
This may be a bit silly, but I only have around two weeks left in Cambodia with the fiance and we''re trying to get all our forms together before I leave. The silly part is that, as we were preparing to sign the forms, I suddenly remembered I may or may not have read on VJ you''re not supposed to sign! Is that true? Also, are we supposed to print our names in the box at the bottom of our respective G 325s? Even if we don't have an alien registration number? Thanks so much!
Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-01-14 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does the "Proof of Relationship" section actually LOOK like?

If the evidence from our first few meetings is kind of weak (because obv I was NOT thinking long term at that time and saving ######) - so I just not mention it?  Or make a note "met during this time period, heres a random picture, but did not save any paper work" etc?

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2013-12-18 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does the "Proof of Relationship" section actually LOOK like?


Wait ... so I only need to submit proof of ONE meeting?  Or just go into detail for one, but also include other proof?

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2013-12-18 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does the "Proof of Relationship" section actually LOOK like?

I understand what should be in it, etc in terms of primary and secondary evidence. 


My question is, what should that part of the visa application actually PHYSICALLY look like?  My fiance and I have met ~12 times in the last two years, and we have all sorts of airline/hotel ticket stubs, email confirmations, pictures, confirmation emails, ticket reciepts for events attended, etc. 


Do I just put everything in order and staple it together?  Should all the same types of evidence be grouped together?  Do I highlight names/dates? 

OR should I use a file folder for each meeting time and put in the appripriate evidence?  Should pictures go in plastic ziplock bags and stapled to something?


HELP (lol)!   We want to do this right the first time.


Thank you <3



SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2013-12-18 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLittle Question - K1 VISA package RE: Staples

ty everyone :) mailed out our package today .... eeeee :D


mk nervous now lol <3

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-04 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLittle Question - K1 VISA package RE: Staples

Just a little technical question here ...


Should appropriate sections be stapled together in the initial K1 VISA package? 

Example 1: the actual I-129f form stapled together (6 pages)

Example 2: a copy of a flight itinery stapled together within the "proof of relationship" section




Is everything clipped together in a big package of single papers.




Should the different section be clipped together, but not stapled ...




Does it actually matter??


Thank you for the help, we are hoping to mail out our package this weekend. biggrin.png


<3 Melissa

Edited by Sweetmelicious, 02 January 2014 - 07:04 PM.

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-02 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about K-1 Visa application Process

Good luck <3

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-04 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A - outdated form :(

PHEW! Thank you for the quick reply, I had a little moment of panic.




SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A - outdated form :(

I just realized that we submitted an expired form in our package.  Well mine says expired 2012 at the top and my fiance's says expired 2015 at the top (not sure how we managed this... must have had both downloaded from a while back).  They are exactly identical, every line and space.  I just happened to be looking through a copy of our package and noticed this.


Do you think our petition will get sent back?

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 , I-129F form

We sent in a copy of my (beneficiary) birth certificate and the bio-page of my passport, even though it didn't say we needed to. I figured: why give them a reason for an RFE if we could so easily avoid it?


I sent in a copy of my Canadian passport, but mostly as evidence to support the "meeting in the last two years" requirement.  I made reference to the specific passport pages within that section and attached it to the end.

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visits while paper in process


No issue filing the I-129F petition while she's visiting you. There are fields in the I-129F form specifically for you to state that she's in the US with you currently (Part 2, Qns 15a-h). She will have to return to Canada for her medical exam, interview, etc once the petition has been approved.


I don't know why but I assumed that part of the I-129F was if the finance was living in the United States.  We just sent our package away a few weeks ago while I was visiting, but we left that blank because I left the next day (I am back in Canada).  Is that going to cause problems??

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPart 2, Question 15 a.-h. (I-129F)

That section is (like you said) for fiancee who is already in US. 

If the beneficiary fiancee lives in Canada, then it should be left blank like you said. 


I don't get what you are confused about?


I don't know lol ... I think I am just over thinking everything at the moment as we finally just sent away our application.  (time for deep breaths!) 


Thanks you for the replies!

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPart 2, Question 15 a.-h. (I-129F)

Ugh ... I don't know why but I assumed that Part 2, Question 15 a.-h. of the I-129F was if the finance was living in the United States... or in the US for a long period of time.   


We just sent our package away a few weeks ago while I was visiting, but we left that section blank because I left the next day (I am back in Canada).  Is this going to cause problems?? 



SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-10 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoto evidence of meeting for I-129F - can I print several on paper?

Good luck <3

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-14 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEek!Small panic attack! Please help?

yes, definately sign and date everything!  Better safe than sorry!

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-01-14 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes and K-Visa

Thank you for your response. I guess my main question is, when filing, do they require a recent tax return? Or just bank statements/pay stubs? 



As stated, you will file the I-134 affidavit of support with the P3 packet at the Consulate, so you have time.  Sending your fathers return means nothing. They want to establish YOU have the financial resources to support your new spouse.


I see no reason to delay filing. It will be well past tax day before your 129 is approved. Then you can submit your 2013 transcript, pay stubs, 1099, bank statements etc.


If you have any concerns if you meet the financial requirements, you should start looking for a sponsor / co-signer now.


MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-04 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes and K-Visa

I think that the IRS considers nannies as being self-employed for whatever reason. We want to file as soon as possible but I want to make sure we have all the necessary information first. I was also looking into a co-sponsor if not having my tax return was a problem, but didn't find much on it. Thanks for your help and good luck to you!! biggrin.png


I forgot: Only if you are self employed you will need the tax return. So I don't know if that applies to your case as you work as a nanny? But still, it will take months until you actually have to send these documents for your fiance.

And you can also have a co-sponsor, in case you don't make enough money yet to support him.

I personally wouldn't wait until I have all documents until I file the K1 visa. I can't wait to finally be together for good ater 2 years now, so it depends smile.png


MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-04 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes and K-Visa

Hey there, 

I'm somewhat new to the whole K-Visa process, my fiancé is from the UK and we will be filing soon but have some questions that I have not been able to find answers to regarding tax forms when submitting. 


My father claimed me as a dependent last year on his taxes, however this year I will be filing on my own. I am a nanny and currently trying to sort out my taxes but I was wondering- how strict are they about having current tax returns? I know I am supposed to show that I can financially support him when he is here, but I am worried that I will have to wait to file the I-129f until I get my most recent tax returns back. Does anyone know if I could submit the I-129f using the tax forms (where I was claimed as a dependent) from last year, even though they are not technically mine? Do I even need to submit tax information? I was checking over the I-129f form and did not see anything about it anywhere. 


Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried to do a search but couldn't find anything. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!! 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-04 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate copy for K-Visa

Thanks everyone!! I just wanted to make sure a regular copy was okay and there was no official seal needed. What would I do without this forum.. 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-09 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate copy for K-Visa

Hey guys, me again! Just a quick question involving birth certificate copies that I did not see the answer to anywhere.. 


When filing the I-129f form, I know you're supposed to include a copy of your birth certificate. I was just wondering if a regular copy would do, or if it needs to be a certified copy with the official seal? I know you are also supposed to make copies of everything and hold onto them.. does the second copy need the seal as well? I'd hate to send the wrong version either way. 


Seems as though the instructions are always vague and there aren't many places with answers. This website is the best thing I've ever come across!! Thanks everyone! 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-09 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent Question

Thank you!! The example form on this site seems more formal and states the following so I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget any information. Thanks again! :)





United States Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


or when submitting for interview

United States Department of State
United States Consulate,
[name of country where Embassy is located]
[Embassy Address]


(Date mm-dd-yyyy)

Dear Sir or Madam:


I, (applicant?s or beneficiary?s name), do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry (petitioner?s or beneficiary?s name), and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the US using the K-1 visa."


Addresses on the letters of intent are not a requirement. They are just a formality of letter writing. A statement is all that is needed.


These samples work perfectly >


(Date Here)


To Whom It May Concern,


I, (USC petitioner?s name), do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry (foreign fiance(e)?s name), and intend to so within 90 days of (his/her) entrance into the US by way of a K-1 visa.


(Sign Here)

(Print Name Here)




(Date Here)


To Whom It May Concern,


I, (foreign fiance(e)?s name), do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry (USC petitioner?s name), and intend to so within 90 days of my entrance into the US by way of a K-1 visa.


(Sign Here)

(Print Name Here)




~ Moved from K-1 Progress Reports to K-1 Process ~


MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-16 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent Question

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of filing the I-129f and had another quick question. Both my fiance and I are supposed to fill out a Letter of Intent. He is from the UK, I am from the US. We are supposed to list the Consulate address and my question is, would we both put down the London address? 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-01-16 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow important are tax returns? (I-134)

I have my interview this Wednesday (1-15) in Guayaquil. I am submitting my pay stubs, letter from my employer, and proof of enrollment in a graduate program. I am a nurse and make enough money but I only worked a few months in 2012 while I studied so my tax return is well below the poverty line. I really do not want to submit that tax return and raise any alerts.


Are tax returns required? It is just listed as an example of proof you can provide in the instructions.


My mother is also co-sponsoring us, she provided a letter from her employer and 2012 tax return which is well above the poverty line. She prefers I do not share the tax return unless it is required.


What do you think? Should I wait for them to ask for tax returns or just assume they are necessary and submit them without prompting.


I may be over-thinking this. Any advice will be appreciated.

Milagros11MaleEcuador2014-01-10 13:14:00