K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo adoption certificate?

You should be fine. This is the exact situation my (now) husband had. He was adopted by his step-father when he was little and had only a name deed change to prove it. It seems this is just the way it is done in England. 


Did you put your previous last name on the forms under the appropriate fields? I would say to just provide them a copy of the deed should be something they've seen before (at least they saw it with us!). 


We had a slight struggle when we went to get our marriage license (since his birth certificate and Passport didn't match.....but the deed poll showed why). It took them a bit to sort it out and decide it was a legitimate document, and everything worked out in the end, but this was the only place we have had any kind of issue. 

ChicagoSarahNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 - age difference
The gap in age might not be a red flag if you are like 60 years old and she's like 89years old. OP if you guys are around this age am very certain you will not be denied else it might look like the green card thing.
justojaiMaleNigeria2013-12-22 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScanned letter of support? Or do we need an original?

I know as an adult I should understand what notarization is, but I am still a bit foggy about it


Can anyone explain how the process works? Does the party that wrote it need to be present? Or could I vouch for them?  


I think, in light of how many letters we may receive and at the risk of asking people in Cambodia and HK who don't have much money to begin with paying a notarization fee, I may need to forgo this, but we'll see. (thanks for the advice everyone!)


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-17 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScanned letter of support? Or do we need an original?

Oh dear! They need to be notarized?  I told most of our friends just to send them to me. Also, I am not sure our friends from Cambodia have that kind of ability.  

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScanned letter of support? Or do we need an original?

Hello again; 


So, I know letters from friends aren't great proof of a relationship or an on-going relationship; but our friends are willing to write them, and I figure they must be better than no proof, right?


Here is my question:  Some of our friends are in faraway places like Hong Kong (one letter excellent letter we expect to receive is from the President of the Seminary in HK where we met). Thus it takes a very long time for an original copy of a letter to arrive.  


If they print, sign and scan a copy to me, is that okay??  (sorry, I know this is a REALLY elementary question, but I couldn't find it answered in other conversations)  


Thanks everyone!

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got a job!!!

OOO! Drat!! In most of our correspondence, he calls me "wife" because after the engagement in Cambodia, they typically just treat you like a married couple. It's part of the tradition and culture.  Dratitude.  Should I go through and edit it out a bit? I was going to write a note and sign it to include with our conversations.  


Actually, it will be more like 1000 pages per submission; 1000 pages for me for safe keeping, 1000 pages to submit and 1000 pages to the fiance for the interview. 


But if he calls me "wife" (as a term of endearment, like honey or sweetheart and not because we are married) maybe I should only submit the little pieces where he doesn't use that?  Eeek! I don't want them to think we're lying.  

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-17 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got a job!!!

Thanks so much Tina and Johan! I am so excited to teach again!! I have missed working with kids. :) 

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got a job!!!

I am not sure. I should probably inquire more as to their specific situation. I guess they were applying out of the Philippines, which I've heard may just beat Cambodia for difficulty.  Perhaps I'm just thinking too much.  :(  


BTW: TboneTX, thank you so much for your help these last few months.  My fiance and I are so, so grateful.  


For your visa, did you have to do any massive printing jobs?  My fiance and I followed your advice and were researching cases on the other S.E. Asian pages. We read about a couple that submitted 1000 pages of online messenger chat info, which really impressed the interviewer.  I think we could probably top that (we try to talk a lot when the electricity/internet situation permits)  but we're having trouble finding an affordable place to print a job of this size. Particularly because we've been making three copies of everything (one to keep, one for the fiance and one to submit) 3000 pages is a lot of ink. 


Blessings and peace to you and your family always!

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got a job!!!

Hello all!


So, I've been posting recently lamenting the fact due to my Masters work, I am unable to earn enough of a salary to qualify as a K-1 sponsor for my fiance. 


However, as of yesterday, I was just informed by a pre-K program in my area that I have been hired to teach! And I get to keep my scholarships for my Masters program as long as I am enrolled half-time.  I am more than willing to extend my program by a year or so as long as it means my fiance and I can finish this long journey together.  


However, I am a bit nervous because, as a new teacher I make about three grand over the poverty line.  One of my friends applying for a K-1 through the Philippines had some issues come interview time because she was a social worker, and I suspect she make closer to 30 grand or 28 grand.  Has anyone here heard of issues because the sponsor meets the income requirement, but isn't fantastically over the income requirement?  


Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-15 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough evidence for the K1-Visa

I totally know what you mean. When we first met, I had no idea how much evidence was needed, so I wasn't keeping all of our receipts. Thus, we have almost no evidence from our time together in HK other than pictures.  


Congratulations on getting engaged!!! What a beautiful proposal!!! 


I say scour your records for information, follow the VJ guides, and when you get everything printed and copied, take everything to a low-income charity immigration attorney, like Catholic Charities. (I say low-income because I am a student too, and I know how tough it can be to afford the big attorneys on a student budget; I've looked at their prices. yeesh) At least, that is what I hope to do.  


Either that or start researching other couples from Ghana online and how they did the process. That is how I found out about the plethora of Cambodia-American couples in my area and others who've been through very similar processes.  Just remember, you're not alone. :)  

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough evidence for the K1-Visa

I have heard the same terrifying stories.  I know one of the biggest pieces of evidence are passport stamps from your entry and exit into the country. 

Letters aren't great evidence, but at least they're some kind of proof, right? I know we're going to submit a letter from the pastor who will marry us; but the main thing is you submit letters from "officials" who've known you (At least from what I've read).  


For example, my fiance and I met while we were studying too, in Hong Kong.  Luckily the head of his program, the President of the school was also his advisor, so we asked him for a letter. We've also asked professors from the college in the States that sent me to HK and from other professors in HK.  Anyone who has an official title looks good, from what I've read, but again, letters are "secondary" evidence and not as good as boarding pass stubs and passport stamps. 


Do you have any receipts from hotels where you stayed?  Or restaurants you ate at?  Or even better; bank account transaction receipts (like from ATMs for example) while you were in her country?  Also, if you used a debit card to buy the ticket or to pay for things while you were in Ghana, you can print the bank account records to show this.  


One last question (and I hope this doesn't seem pushy): are you both engaged now/have you formally proposed?  In Cambodia, we got a letter from my fiance's village saying that district officials recognize and respect our engagement (Even though we got engaged "American" style) Now, that is by no means important; but what is important is how you proposed, when and where. :)  


Also, just wanted to say, you're in good company here on VJ. I'm fairly new to this process too, and this is an excellent community with an incredible amount of knowledge on all matters of this nature.  When I get overwhelmed by the money aspect of our situation or by the sheer amount of opposition and barriers standing in our way, I remind myself that 1000s of people have been through this, some with waaay tougher situations than ours.  You've got this! You can do it! :)  

Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-16 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLabeling Documents

Hi all, 


So I know this may be nitpicking, but I am DETERMINED not to get an RFE. 


I am sending documentation from all three of my trips to Cambodia.  


My two most recent trips aren't really document heavy, as we mostly traveled around Cambodia and stayed in the village (thus, we have receipts from hotels, restaurants and ATM transactions as well as pictures and letters from friends in those places) These I've all scanned and labeled by printing them neatly onto a word document which identifies what the receipt is and when we received it.  


My first trip, which we took while we were both still at the Seminary where we met in Hong Kong, had lots of documents attached to it. For example, we got letters from our advising professors approving our decision to use part of our summer vacation to visit Cambodia.  We also kept all of our boarding passes, travel insurance and formal receipts documenting our plane ticket purchases.  Each of these is a page, so I cannot label them by scanning them into a word document as I have the other proof from our more recent trips.  Should I use post its? Or make a table of contents detailing the order of this body of proof? (I am going to make an over-all table of contents to show the order of ALL documents, but maybe I should make one just for this part of our packet?)  



Gah. I just want it to be easy to read.  I've attached an example of one of the receipts I've scanned so you can see how I've been handling the previous two trips.  


Any experience or advice would be so appreciated.  



Tee and MeganFemaleCambodia2014-02-20 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter noa2

I think it depends where the interview will be.


On the Vancouver packet 3 list from the website (where I will interview eventually) it says "Applicants may submit a letter from the petitioner?s employer or evidence that they will be self supporting. The Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, may be required when the consular officer deems it useful", but I know other consulates have different requirements.  Most lists are available online (i just used google for the Vancouver one) if you are looking to plan ahead.  But of course, it never hurts to gather as much evidence as you can. 

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-02-21 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Photos

For the initial petition I had the Canadian sized passport photos and it was fine.  I didn't even realize they were different sizes until someone asked a similar question a while back.  However, if I were you I would do all photos the US passport size just to be safe.

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-02-26 10:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129-F Received via Express Mail....No Email or Text Yet

should take around two-three working days.


^ this

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-02-26 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE letter of intent to marry

If you recieved an RFE for not submitting an intent to marry letter from the beneficiary .... just send an intent to marry letter signed by the benefiary... in English. Use the example letter on these forums.  Ez pz

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-02-27 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeclaration of how you met

We added a supplement to our package describe how and when we met.  It was about a page ... not sure if necessary but I didn't want to forget anything! lol

SweetmelissaFemaleCanada2014-02-28 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax returns

I am in the same boat and wondering the same thing!! I was claimed as a dependent (I was an unemployed student) for the past few years and will only have one year of tax returns. I have read in some places that you only need one, but I've read in other places that they may request for up to three years. Fingers crossed.. 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-02-13 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Location Help!

You would put the address of where you are sending the 129F. I sent mine to the Texas Lockbox, so I used that address. If you are filing at the same location, the address is:


P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266


Although, I have read that including the address of filing location is not that important in the letter of intent. It's more about stating you both have intent to marry. Make sure you both fill one out and sign it. The original should be sent, not a copy. Hope this helps and good luck to you!!!! 

MichelleReneeFemaleWales2014-03-04 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 and more doubts :)


it is not unusual not to get hard copy of NOA1.. BUT it is a little strange that you got the sms more than a month ago but that it is not on the USCIS website yet... Also, no e-mail? Nothing to worry about, of course, but it'd be good to talk to someone from USCIS and make sure they have the right address and that you have the right case number so that you can check online.

I'm also from Spain and I'm almost in the last step (waiting for my interview date) so if you need more info send me a private message and I'll be happy to help you with any doubts you might have.

Best of luck with the process!

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-03 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with answering some K1 Petition Requirements and Questions


at a first glance, a couple things:

You do not have to pay all that now, as far as I know. The first check for USCIS is for the amount of 340 dollars for the fee. The Medical exam fee you have to pay at the clinic when your fiancee goes to have her medical and the last fee (240 dollars) is for the embassy, not for USCIS directly. Here it explains how to write the check so there are no mistakes:


You do not have to send the affidavit of support yet!! That's for your embassy, not for USCIS. So no form I-134 or attachments in this package, save that for later (you might have to do it again since it'll have to be dated much closer to your interview date)

Good luck with your process!


allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-03 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a return flight affect my Immigration process


it is not illegal to cancel a return leg. i have heard of airlines charging a no-show fee in some cases. in general if you cancel way ahead of time, there should be no penalties. check the terms and conditions of your ticket to be sure.


since you have a return ticket, be sure to cancel the return leg once you've arrived in the US as there have been cases where the airline forgets to update their flight manifest and the exit system records that someone has left the US when in fact they just didn't turn up for that flight. it can cause complications with AOS, so remember to cancel that return portion.



that's what this guy thought... http://www.visajourn...-but-i-did-not/


I had no idea! I was just going to book it and forget about it... I'll have to see what I do! Jeez... They make things so complicated!!! If you don't board I don't see how there can be any record of that. But better safe than sorry, I guess!

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-05 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a return flight affect my Immigration process

I plan to do the same than amolineux because it is a lot cheaper to buy a round trip (in my case, around 600? round trip and almost 3000? one-way) It is not the same having a ticket and actually boarding in the flight... I never thought of it as being a problem but if they ask me I'll say the same, that it was just cheaper and that I have no intention of actually using that return ticket. You can't be on any lists if you don't board that flight!!



allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-05 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing address causing headache on otherwise straight forward K1 petition

Someone else was asking about the passport thing because his fiancee doesn't have a passport yet. Most of the answers said you won't need that until later and some people said that their partners didn't even get a passport until later on during the process. So I guess you don't need it yet...

As for the address, it'd be great to use somebody else's stable address (someone you trust, of course, and that will let you or your fiancee know as soon as any letters arrive) The PO box seems like a good idea too! I used my parent's address because I wasn't sure where I'd be staying (since I had no idea how long the process would take)

I had the same "problem" with last names as my fiance and I were filling form I-139F. What I did was attach a post-it on top of the question and I wrote something like: "Please note that in my home country we have ONE first name and TWO last names. The first last name is the paternal one and the second one the maternal last name" And I signed it (I was visiting my fiance at that time so we did everything together) I did have to put my passport number but only because I was visiting him at that time. We didn't get any RFEs and so far everything is going ok. We'll see after we get married!! I want to keep my last names and I know that's always going to be a small problem in the States as you have only one last name... Like Tarumba said, I'll probably end up hyphenating it! 

Good luck with everything!

Edited by allende, 09 March 2014 - 01:44 PM.

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-09 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce I-129f is approved do you have to pay another fee with the I-160 for the interview?

Did u pay the 88$ for the affidavit support??? Those 240$ i think some they pay it on the nvc stage.


No, never heard of the $88... wacko.png I didn't know you had to pay for the affidavit of support for the K1 visa... My fiance just sent me the papers (to Spain) when our case was at the NVC (just to make sure we had enough time) and I sent them back to my embassy enclosed in the return "package 3". The only thing we've paid so far has been the $340 for the USCIS (with the I-219F package) And as soon as I get "package 4" with my interview date I'll pay the $240 online. That's it! Well, and the medical exam, of course, which here is 165? (I'm still mad about it; that price is outrageous!!!) 

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-09 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce I-129f is approved do you have to pay another fee with the I-160 for the interview?

I do have to pay another fee: $240. I'm currently waiting for a letter with my interview date (this procedure changes depending on the country) In my case I have to pay it after I receive my appointment date. I have already filled in the DS online form and sent the confirmation page and other documents to the embassy in Madrid but the system (Spanish US Embassy's webpage) doesn't allow you to pay until you have the interview date. I'm pretty sure everyone pays that, it's the when and how that changes depending on the country!

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-09 05:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTriple checking my I129F contents

When in doubt write both! I think they're asking for how you initially met (online, studying, etc.) I'd put that and then how and when you met in person if you want. Just keep it short! I might be wrong but I think this first question is to state how you met in the first place and the "proof of ongoing relationship" (in your case plane information, pictures, etc.) are proof that you have met in the past two years.

We didn't have the original plane tickets either so I did the same as you (e-mail confirmations highlighting the dates and times of flights, as well as origin and destination)

It certainly looks like you have everything covered! I didn't send any e-mails, logs, or things like that... But it can't hurt! We sent 5 pictures with an explanation in the back (we matched the pictures with trips taken together because we had the plane ticket e-mails as proof as well) and the mentioned plane ticket e-mails and we were approved in 24 days smile.png  

Best of luck in your process!


PS: http://www.visajourn...mmigration-fees

You probably already looked at this but just in case! Useful info on how to write the check correctly! 

allendeFemaleSpain2014-03-13 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresscreen shot of the conversation or all of it?

yes screenshots will do even if they're not that lengthy.  Just make sure it shows the date, as some of them are particular of the date especially the start of the relationship.  In my case, i just brought with me a few copies of our emails and the visa officer just browsed through them taking note of the dates.


good luck!


jayko0831FemalePhilippines2014-02-14 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I live abroad until the visa is granted?

That is my question.  Will a co-sponsor here in the US be enough if i decide to live abroad to be with him?  

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-13 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I live abroad until the visa is granted?

Hi everyone,


I am a masters student who will be graduating in June so I have no current income but my father is going to be a co-sponsor. My fiance is El Salvadoran. We mailed in the application January 3rd.  I'm worried that he won't have gotten the Visa by the time I graduate in June and was thinking of trying to find work in El Salvador and being with him for a couple months until the visa is approved, however, even with a co-sponsor, if I am not employed in the US and am living with him in El Salvador will that damage our chances when he goes in to the interview? 


Thank you! 

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-12 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes american citizen who is loan and food stamp can still apply for k-1?

I'm in the exact same situation, student on loans and food stamps.  I was sure that we would be fine with a co-sponsor but now I'm re-reading the forums and it seems to say that some embassies don't allow the co-sponsor.  We are applying in El Salvador.  Is there anyone who knows if that embassy will be ok with the fact that I am a student without income but have a co-sponsor that can support us?  I'm terrified that after all this they will reject us at the end.  

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-13 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStudent--Will we be ok with a Co-sponsor?

Hi guys,


So I'm a full time graduate student who will graduate in June, but we got the NOA2 so his interview in the embassy of El Salvador will probably be before that.  My dad is going to sign for Co-sponsor and he has plenty of income to qualify, but I'm scared they will reject us in El Salvador since I am not working yet.  It seems from the forums that some countries accept co-sponsors some don't.  Can I get some reassurance that we will be Ok?  I'm so scared.  


Thank you!

Edited by bmackin, 22 February 2014 - 09:22 AM.

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-22 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to start gathering documentation for interview

Hi everyone,


First thank you for being so helpful in this stressful time!  This forum has been really useful and I appreciate you all taking the time to answer.  


Our petition was approved and we received the NOA2 in the mail yesterday.  Now I'm wondering when to do the documents he will need for interview.  I would do them now but we have no idea when he's going to get the interview and I was worried that if the Affidavit of Support and the bank documents are dated far before the interview that that might look bad and if it would be better for us to wait until he actually receives something from the embassy so its more recent.  


Thank you!

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-24 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to fill out I-134 for co-sponsor



Wondering how to fill out question 11 on the I-134 in the case that my parents are co-sponsoring me.  Do they still put N.A. in that box or do they check "I intend" and  specifically say "room and board"  or "any expenses as needed" or an exact amount of money  or something?


 Also I remember reading somewhere that its sometimes helpful to have the co-sponsor write a letter saying that they intend to support the beneficiary.  Does anyone have an example of that kind of letter or what it should state.


Thank you so much!  

bmackinNot Telling02014-02-25 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarried Co-sponsor How to fill out I-134

Hi everyone,


I am a full time student so my father is being our co-sponsor.  He files taxes jointly with my mother.  Although my father has more than sufficient income, i thought it might have more weight if my mother who also has sufficient income to qualify also signs.  However i'm confused as to how to do this.  Does my mother just sign fill out another I-134?  Or does she fill out the I-864A   or will this all just confuse the immigration officer and it would be better if my dad just signs?  


Thank you very much for your help.

bmackinNot Telling02014-03-02 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for the Visa

My fiancee was approved on February 12 but had to go BACK to the consulate a week later to sign some documents they forgot to give her to sign.  This is so frustrating.  We're still waiting on the visa to be issued.  Just feel like venting....

Gocubsgo1986MaleVietnam2014-02-26 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDate Change help! Thanks everyone!
Hello everyone

I have a few questions... if someone can help me out I would be very grateful!

Today on the USCIS website when entering my fiances receipt number the date till yesterday was January 6 and now it was changed to February 13 with the same message that his alien registration number has changed. Does anyone know what the means?

Also, when recieving the envelope that we can not open, does that arrive on my home address ot his? Or do we get that in the embassy?

Thanks in advance everyone for all you help and input!


animsajFemaleSerbia2014-02-14 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support?

Hello Everyone,


I would like to let everyone know that my Fiances' status has been approved and now we are waiting for the hard of copy of NOA2!!! It is extremely exciting :)


My question is about the Affidavit of Support.


My father will be his sponsor because I am currently unemployed.  My father fulfills the requirements needed for sponsorship.  My question is, is it the same form that needs to be filled out (i-134) and is there anything in addition that needs to be filled out because the sponsor is not myself?


Thanks in advance for all your help!



animsajFemaleSerbia2014-03-10 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice clearance

So you mean, i'll have to wait until I receive my police clearance then thats the time I will schedule my interview?


That would be best.

baron555MaleRussia2014-01-17 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of support question

I was looking around the foroum to find an answer but i didnt find anything!

Is it important to have money on the bank? Like 10.000 20.000$?
Or no??

My fiance makes around 40.000$ per year but he doesnt have money on the bank!

Will be ok?


Annual income is key.  If they are over the guidelines for the new household size, then nothing else is required.

baron555MaleRussia2014-01-17 09:00:00