CanadaHow to go about getting the Immigration Physical?

Thanks everyone for your replies so far. Sorry that I forgot to mention what I was doing! AOS is what I am doing (I came here in August, got married in December, and now am in the painful process of everything). I didn't know you could do that, about finding out what vaccinations I've already received. I'll have to call them and see how much they charge for it, as it would make everything that much better. Unfortunately, they also want all my original medical reports, so they know what my medical condition has been like for the past ___ years. Worse comes to worse, I guess I can get the vaccinations over with, and try to talk to them at the appointment about everything else (though they said that they want everything first before we have an appointment). Ugh, out of the millions of people in Canada, I have to fall in love with one from another country. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly; been together for almost 5 years (!) but damn it's hard!

Did you have the same family doctor for a long time? If so you could call them and see if they send you out a note stating what you medical history has been like and what it was the last time they saw you.

I had a note like this.. My doctor sent it to me through the mail.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-17 13:00:00
CanadaHow to go about getting the Immigration Physical?

You will need to go to one of the 4 Panel Physicians in Canada for your medical, since you will be dealing with a consulate in Canada. It can't be done in the US. There are 2 in Montreal, 1 in Toronto and 1 in Vancouver (if you look through the Canada fourm you will find thread with reviews for all of them). Many people wait until they have their interview scheduled, then call and make their medical appt. You need about 2 days before you get your results so plan to head to Montreal a few days in advance of your appt.

As for your vaccination records, if you do not have them, go to your family doctor and as to have titre tests done for the vaccinations that you require. You will get a report from the lab stating your immunity levels...if you are not showing immunity, then you haven't had that vaccination and will need to get that.

I am actually wondering if she is doing AOS and not a cr-1 visa.

I am actually wondering if she is doing AOS and not a cr-1 visa.

As for transferring medical records... I signed a release form at my New doctors office.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-17 12:00:00
CanadaSending back GST payments
Thats awesome to know as I have to pay them back as well. As they deposited the Jan 5th gst check into my account.
Even though I talked to them 3 times now, hey if they want to continue to pay me thats there choice but I refuse to receive money for nothing lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-12 12:06:00

Hi everyone--

Well, I made it: I was approved today for my CR-1 visa. I'm not sure I have time to write a full review (as some of you know, I have a 3-month-old baby), but I'll try to cover a few key points.

1) I'm happy to report that the new online scheduling system worked for me. I remember it seemed to good to be true when I first discovered its existence, but it is for real and YES you can successfully reschedule interviews. I was originally assigned a date of October 8, 2010 by NVC, but it was totally unworkable because I was due to give birth around October 3, and live all the way in Vancouver. In the event, I didn't acutally give birth till October 17, but certainly couldn't be flying on October 8 (too late in the pregnancy). Anyway, I first used the rescheduling online system to book a new date of October 28, but then even THAT date didn't work out, because I ended up with a c-section on the 17th and missed my scheduled medical (which was supposed to be October 20th). So I had to re-book AGAIN, this time for January 19th, 2011. I was certainly apprehensive about rebooking twice...but turns out it's perfectly fine if you do it right. I was duly on the list today and they had my whole file with nothing missing. They were expecting me and I had a totally normal interview. Thank goodness for this new booking system! Back not so very long ago someone like me would be stuck in limbo indefinitely!!!

Congrats, about time you come home :) I knew you would pass

Take care

more's crying

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-19 21:40:00
CanadaYet Another Tax Dummy!

I suppose I should rephrase the question. I know that MFS or MFJ is not really a problem either way, but what I'm trying to figure out is IF we should/need to file married at all, considering the circumstances!

pretty sure you have to file married as you are married, I mean your not single and they don't have a "your significant other is patiently waiting for the us embassy to give her a damn visa" filing status :) So I would think you would file married.. I would call H&R block, they will answer your question right over the phone in most cases.

Edited by Canadiandggal, 19 January 2011 - 12:40 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-19 12:39:00
CanadaYet Another Tax Dummy!

We have a pending I-130 case for my wife (Canadian) to bring her here. She of course still lives and works in Canada but we were married last tax season. Should we/Do we legally need to file as MFS or MFJ? I would like to take advantage of the additional exemptions but if I understand what's been posted here courtesy of others, then it's a whole lot of additional paperwork. Not having completed the CR-1 process, she has neither an ITIN nor SSN as of yet.

Of course we want to keep things above board, so I ask you, VJ members, for your advice. We'd like to figure out what our obligations are in this situation so that we can file accordingly. Considering in the eyes of USCIS she isn't a "relative" yet, I'm not sure we can even file married. I may end up going to an accountant, but aside from this small detail, both of our taxes are very straightforward. Thanks!

You can file either way.. Some people file Married filing seperate and then amend it later on, while others such as my husband filed married filing Jointly However I was In the States visiting when he did his taxes so it was easy to go to The IRS building to hand in the taxes,the w-7 form (for the ITIN) and a copy of my foreign passport (If you bring it to the IRS there is no need for notarized).

Its really up to you.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-19 09:12:00
CanadaTravelling with baby

I always wondered what do you tell the Canadian border for citizenship of the kids that are dual, before or after you have it all registered with Canada. Do they get picky on telling them one over the other??

I was curious how one would cross the border if the child was born in Canada. The hubby and I are trying and have talked about giving birth in Canada but then we would be stuck there for 12 weeks? till we got the bc and birth aboard right?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-20 11:26:00
CanadaMontreal processing times

one of my friends asked to provide further evidence during her GC interview. She sent them all required documents(delivery confirmed) but hasn't heard anything from them for almost 3 months. She sent couple emails to Montreal's visa section but didn't get any real reply just automated generic email which says you have to wait 6-8 weeks to hear from us which obviously passed.As far as I heard there is no other way to contact them other than email and my friend is very frustrated. Anyone with same experience here?Any comment will be appreciated...Thanks

Tell them to call dos 2026631225 press 1 then 0 then 0
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-13 21:02:00
CanadaCanadian Timelines

Can anyone who had a fiance come over from Canada to the USpost their timeline. I'm just looking to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks!

At the moment 7-11 Months, thats if things do not slow down again,
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-20 10:56:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

We leave for our super scheduled trip to Williamsburg with my in-laws this afternoon.

My MIL has everything scheduled down to times we open presents. She did put some "free time" in tomorrow, so I asked how far away we were from stuff 'cause my husband and I were thinking of doing lunch just us 2... she said she has lunch planned for everyone, during our "free time".

Then I would not consider that "free time" lol.. Bite your tongue and enjoy not having to make any decisions for the next 24 hours. lol Good luck :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-23 11:31:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Yes, in-laws can be rough. Mine is up to her old tricks again. She called me at work to tell me to come and address her christmas cards on monday. I was like "Uh, can you do it? Im at work" She said no so I asked if I could come over after works because I was busy, and she said "No, I want them sent out today, before mail cut off". So I left for an early lunch and spent almost my whole lunch hour addressing her xmas cards.


I am not going to be rude but I would definately have told her where to go and how to get there. You were not put on this earth to get walked all over from a demanding bull :whistle: .
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-23 10:10:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

This website has saved my sanity: I don't know if someone posted it in this thread but I did get it from VJ so if I've reposted I apologise.

My in-laws are bad but I really truly feel for some of these people. My saving grace is Tony is on my side. He said he's pretty sure I can handle most of the bull myself but if he felt I couldn't that he would step in. No-one has ever confronted ME head-on. Could be they realise I've got a whole bunch of bottled-up crazy inside.. but really they ALWAYS go to Tony. Tell him stuff. It's always very passive aggressive.

I tell Tony everything. Even if I think I made the mistake of talking out of turn to someone about something or to one of his family members I make sure that I tell him first so that he doesn't have to say "oh I didn't know that" but instead they realise I tell him everything and he doesn't care that I said/did it.

Perfect example. My MIL is the ###### from hell. She's a passive aggressive undiagnosed narcissist with possible borderline personality. Tony's paternal grandmother was throwing a Thanksgiving thing. She knew Tony couldn't come because of work and I thought it was polite if I told her I wasn't going to be attending either. We were at her house so Tony could mow the law and install some new vertical blinds for her. I said to her "I know you know Tony's not coming to thanksgiving but thought I should tell you that I won't be coming either. I just don't want to try and deal with the whole "MIL" situation without Tony there". (thought I said MIL's name). She said she understood completely, and I knew Tony had told her the latest "mama-drama". In the car on the way back to our place I told tony what I had told her... good thing too because the next day he got a call/text from his dad about it. And also his sister. Apparently GMIL had decided to approach MIL about our strained relationship and that pissed off MIL who then yelled at FIL who told Tony that I was permitted to feel how I feel and that he understands but could I please not discuss the situation with family members because they gossip. WTH?? I know they gossip. I didn't expect this GMIL to gossip but you're actually telling me that it's okay for her to treat us bad but I'm supposed to shut up about it? Ugh.

Anyway. Without a supportive spouse you're screwed. If tony didn't support me after everything his mothers done I would not be here. Love is supposed to conquer all but I have no ability to love when I feel so downtrodden and emotionally drained/abused.

Thats sounds more like my FIL,step MIL and SIL, they always have things to say but Never say it to my face always to my husband , who then eventually passes it down to me. Crazy people now a days, I am just glad My xmas this year is just us.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-10 07:32:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Lol.. I just got off the phone with her.. shes already driving me nuts! "I want you to book a doctors appointment for me first thing in the morning, and appointment for my Jag to be winterized, make sure my nail and hair appointments are to my liking, oh, and please dont put those god-aweful sheets on my bed again, the colour made me dizzy last time... bla bla bla bla".

The freakin woman has a phone, I dont know why I have to do all her phoning around for her!

I say find the most god awful shirts and put them on the bed, if she doesnt like them she can go buy her own . I am so sorry for you :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-09 20:30:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

All I can say is that if someone...anyone...MIL or otherwise told me to 'shut-up' I would take a strip off them. Don't ever be afraid to put someone in their place who is rude. The issue is usually that no one ever has.

Mind you - I'm always up for a good fight if needed :D I actually don;t like to fight or have conflict, but sometimes people are stupid.

:bonk: :thumbs: Cat fight ....Oh ya, I want this video taped :) ha ha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-09 19:45:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
My Husband family is like that, They always go out of there way to tell you there opinion and they are ALWAYS RIGHT.However we are not talking to his family since labor day weekend so We do not have anything to worry about this year. I do suggest that you try to think of her in a clown outfit while she is talking and bit your tongue as much as possible but If she is seriously upsetting you then something should be said.I third the suggestion to maybe tell her how you feel when she speaks unkind about your life or house. She is visiting in YOUR home ;) I would definitely stab myself with a spork or two If I had to deal with a In law, a month is a long time ha ha . I wish you luck.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-08 18:27:00
Canadadaughter born in US Now what?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-23 09:29:00
CanadaThread on VJ and IRS website didn't help...

Good morning,
Sorry to bother everyone with yet ANOTHER tax question, but I'm on the verge of moving back home because this is too complicated for me. We had our first marital fight, and it wasn't a good one. So if anyone feel like helping, this is the time!
Sorry again for those of you who will think I should have 'read the guides', done my research and what not. But I have. I've called the IRS, browsed the IRS website with no happy ending, and looked through the tax thread on VJ, and I'm STILL confused.

I'll try to make this as simple as possible, this way if you can only answer one question you can do so, and if there's a tax genius out there, please HELP!

This is our situation. Our income put together, including my canadian income, is in the 35,000 - 45,000$ range.

1- Is it more profitable to file married seperately or jointly? From experience?
2- If we do file JOINTLY, do I have to wait for my T4s?
3- Is there a form we need to attach/send apart from the normal forms we fill online? (my husband files his taxes online, without using TurboTax or another program like that)
4- Will it take longer for the IRS to process the return?
5- (Last one) If we do go the joint way, is it relatively easy or should I go get a refill of my anxiety medication? (joking)
6- What is form 2555, tax exemption? Do I need to fill that in? Will it make us save money? What's its purpose???

When I called the IRS, the man (who was not having a good day apparently), was telling me that if we decide to fill JOINTLY I will be considered a resident for the tax year, but that I need to type and sign a letter stating that I "take the election to be treated as a resident"... #######?

Sorry again for bothering everyone, I've had my share of stupid questions that could have been answered by reading the guides, but I swear I can't find what I'm looking for and am about to go insane! :crying:

I appreciate the helps, thanks again!

awe You will be just fine, try to relax and remember the reason you love your husband. I have had the moments as well.

I will try to answer as many questions as I can by experience from last year (I had not immigrated yet).

1) There have been a ton of people on here including myself that have got quite a lot more back from filing married jointly.

2) I used my t-4's but My mom just read me them over the phone as they came to my house in Canada.

3) I am not too sure about this one as you are AOSing so I am not sure what they consider you :)

4) I do not think it will take any longer as you have your ssn number there shouldn't really be any delay... When My husband and I applied last year (I was still living in Canada) I had to get a ITIN number so we could file jointly and we still had money deposited into our bank with 6 weeks.

5) can I have some? lol

6)No clue :)

HAng in there. Why not go to HRblock and see if they can answer these questions in more detail...

I should be a promoter seems I am always advising people to see them lol

Good luck
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-24 08:50:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.

Um, her birth certificate was mailed to NVC a month ago with her IV package. It will be returned at the interview I suppose. In the meantime, I could order another birth certificate and get a Nexus card for her since the Nexus card includes a photo.

I should have said that differently, meant to say that if you sent in her birth certificate, they will give it to you at the interview and you could use that as Id for the flight home.( I would make sure to remind them at the interview as sometimes they send it in the poe packet if they forget to give it on the interview day) No need to order a new one unless you want to.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-11 19:42:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.

how about a birth certificate/SIN card/provincial health card??

If she is moving as well. she would have a birth certificate :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-11 10:04:00
CanadaHow and when to request passport same day as interview.
Also DHL has been fast in some you never know.

There have been a few people that have been able to pick there passports up the next day , they had valid reasons and explained the situation.

I wish you luck :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-10 09:27:00
Canadaname change dilemma!

Hi fellow Canadians!

So it looks like I'll need to get a new Canadian passport using my married name however it looks like theres some catch-22 I'm seeing here. According to the Passport Canada website and an email reply I got from them, they require an official document/ID in my married name, something like a SIN card or a health card. see here I have these in my maiden name, and upon looking at Service Canada's site on how to change your name on a SIN card, they ALSO require a document in your new name. So where do you freakin start?! :P I don't have a driver's license so that's a no go. Also, I could apply for a new Quebec Health Card, but as I understand it, Quebec doesn't even recognize married names and use maiden names only.

Please help! I'd like to send my DS-230 and checklist asap, but this issue is holding me up :)

I used my drivers license and my marriage certificate and when I changed my health card I used my marriage certificate. There has to be a way around it
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-31 13:26:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England

Feel free to send pictures so all the old married people can live vicariously through you! Enjoy

Feel free to sen pictures for the young married parent people as well lol :) I want to live vicariously too
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-30 14:57:00
CanadaWhen will I receive my passport with visa.

We had our interview on Friday 21st of January in Montreal. We are wondering when we will receive our passport. We live in Toronto. Please if anyone can shed some light on this, I will greatly appreciate it.

I cannot tell you exactly when you will receive it but 2-10 days is usually a good estimate. I picked mine up in Brampton two days after my interview.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-24 11:21:00
CanadaWhat in the world!?!

I guess I'm still lost then. I will not be receiving my immigrant visa the day of the interview. This I understand. So this service that I just signed up for is the shipping of that immigration visa to me correct? I have done all the steps I was supposed to do for the website. Do I still then need the DHL envelope the day of? If so how do I go about getting this envelope (the closest branch is an hour away which I can drive to)

Here is what I've done 'before' my interview. Please advise if I am missing anything.

1. Booked Medical
2. Ensured all of the necessary shots are up to date. I have my official Ontario Vaccination records which I will bring to the medical. Along with passport photos, and proper identification.
3. Booked hotel room for Interview.
4. Went to the website mentioned above for the DHL put in all my information. When I logged back in the interview date was no longer there and instead says "Next available date is May."

This is all I have done if I'm missing something please let me know. Really sorry if this seems like 'should know' stuff.

Dhl is a free shipping thing you do not need to buy an envelope.when I signed up for DHL is was VERY new for Montreal and I was quite confused up until the interview due to the whole "next available date" and they say that children do not need their own dhl login but I made one for my son. I was quite concerned that his visa would get lost or not able to be picked up due to lack of id for him. It turned out just fine :)
You seem to be good to go, I cannot think of anything else needed at this time. I would still call someone to just clarfiy that your date is still the same although I think you are fine.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-05 12:39:00
CanadaWhat in the world!?!

I am completely lost when it comes to . This is the first I'm hearing about this site and I'm completely lost as to what it's for. Can someone please dumb it down for me. I went through and put in all my info but I'll admit what in the heck is it for. More over what worries me is that it says Appointment scheduled for May 18th. What the heck does this mean?

Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do?!?

My interview is the 23rd of Feb and my Medical is the 14th of Feb. All I thought I had to do was call in for my interview and make sure all of my shots are up to date. I'm worried that I've drastically missed something.

Someone please help. is the site used to set up the DHL Location. It can be a bit confusing when going through the steps on that site. Does it say scheduled for or does it say Next available date. I would definately get a hold of DOS and even call one of the numbers from the site
Applicants can pay their visa application fee, arrange for courier service, get information, and make an appointment through this service.

Applicants can access this service by logging into this Web site or by calling our local numbers in Canada:

Calgary - 403.800.1194
Halifax - 902.982.2191
Montreal - 514.400.2591
Ottawa - 613.800.0917
Toronto - 647.955.3736
Vancouver - 604.800.2794
Quebec City - 418.800.1751

If you are calling from outside the local area, dial the toll-free number 877.341.2441. If you are calling from within the United States, please dial 877.341.2441
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-04 12:23:00
CanadaCanadian police checks..

The other time you need the fingerprint version of the criminal record check is if you live outside of Canada. I'm Canadian and lived in Canada for a long time but was living in Bermuda when I immigrated so the name check was not sufficient for me.

~ Catherine

Or IF you are outside of Canada at the time of submitting the information... Although I would have needed a fingerprint one
anyways. I was visiting my husband for as long as possible and did not want to return to Canada to have it all done in Canada so
I stayed and got a local place In PA to do my prints and sent them away. The rcmp fingerprint time line for me was just over 60
days to receive the police certificate.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-05 11:43:00
CanadaCanadian police checks..

Do you know how long the results are valid for?

Most are good for 1 year, I think you should be ok. If it gets close to a year then just go get another one done.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-27 11:08:00
CanadaJob Interview

I would call and ask how the hiring process is going as you haven't heard back. Do you all work in Canada or are these jobs for where you are moving? I have too been applying for months and now the calls start coming. Had one interview, are phoning today to set up second, then I have one today. The worse part is I can't tell them I am married to am American and moving to the USA. Our case could be complete within the next three months. then I will have to ask for a week off to go to Montreal (medical and interview), I don't think a company will allow that - so will probably have to quit for Montreal and hope like hell we get accepted. What to do.

Oh you mentioned credit report. From what I understand the two major credit bureaus are connected so they can check your credit rating from the USA. Hope this helps.

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/

Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
Feb 3, 2011 - IV Bill Invoiced - $404.00

This is all of us looking for work here in the States.. I am hoping that people will start calling me soon :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-04 15:45:00
CanadaJob Interview

During my interview they had a code red and i watched a dog die infront of me with the techs trying to keep it alive. It is not easy to see that or to watch them put a dog down.

I'm curious as to why they did not use super glue and kept trying to stitch our dog shut... iv only ever seen them use super glue to close neuters because it heals faster and cant be licked apart! Also hurts less during healing for the animal.

Yeah, I Think In my case it would depend on the "reason" and situation. If A dog is 14 and is in constant pain, The owner feels that the pet is in too much pain. I would understand and be able to deal with the situation with more strength but I do not know how I could deal with seeing a "over Populated kennel" dog be put down.. I would probably bring it home lol .

So I want a No kill shelter if I work in a shelter.

they did use it after his neuter, They used stitches in the inside and glue on the outer incision.. But he found a way around it. When I brought him back they put stitches on the outside as well to try to stop him but as I said he "found a way". Worst part was he is not the licker , my jackabee is the one I was worried about as he licks constantly. Oh well They are both nicely healed now and It never has to happen again lol.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 13:46:00
CanadaJob Interview

If you don't do too well with dogs being cut open infront of you or eye balls hanging out of sockets etc then Assistant is the one you want hehe. You mostly see them after the surgery is done already and are making sure they are clean and compfy.

Yeah I have discussed that with the hubby over the past few months but I seem to always be the one that deals with everything. My cat when I was 14 got hit by a car and I had to hold his arm together as we drove him to the vet. In December My dogs got neutered and one of them ripped open his incision (I mean the whole thing, It was gross) I Had to hold him down as she put more stitches in him. When we got home he somehow took them out again (he had a dome on so who knows) and This time I had to put "butterflies" everyday for 10 days and a herbal cream on his "ouchie" 3 times daily.
So blood and all that does not seem to bother me, at least not pet blood. Human blood well that is a different story .

However I do not know how well I would deal with a dog being put down.

Not to mention I really do not think I want to go to college for 4 years.

Edited by Canadiandggal, 03 February 2011 - 01:30 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 13:30:00
CanadaJob Interview

If i'm going to vatterott, its only 2 years AAS for vet tech. The only school close by here is vatterott unless I want to move out of my house and go to a specialty school for vets and techs, which im not willing to move away from my husband! Our state only does national registration exam as well.. we don't have a state registration exam and I hear the National one is deadly...

yeah there is only one school in Maryland http://www.ccbcmd.ed.../vet/index.html

And you need 70 credits.


SO i figure assistant First then Technician . :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 13:03:00
CanadaJob Interview

Sometimes if not enough people sign up they don't end up running the class/program =( I almost ran into that when I was trying to get into the Vet assistant program at algonquin college in Canada.
I hope you get in tho because I really enjoyed the assistant program I took in Canada. I could almost be an un-registered vet tech with all the training I got.

After a few months of working i'm going to go with my husband to the base finance office and see how much of his GI bill I can get to go to school for vet tech. At some point I would like to be able to work as a tech and get in more on helping in surgerys and stuff like that. So even tho I really really don't want to go back to school, I may be going back for another two years for vet tech program. lol

I hope so, Their are 26 spots and when I signed up almost three months ago they were full but I was the first on a waiting list.
4 years of college here to become a vet Tech. first two years are just for college classes you need before you can take the Vet tech class. But hey it may be worth it
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 12:30:00
CanadaJob Interview

If you are interested in a position like this, maybe volunteering at the local animal shelter might help you. You will get some experience dealing with the animals and most likely all the other tasks as well. I would love to volunteer at the animal shelter, but I know that our apt would soon be over run with animals. The commercials on tv put me in tears and make me want to take every one of the animals home!

LOL I am suppose to start college for Veterarian Assistant in Just a few weeks but Have yet to hear whether I got in or not. Was On a waiting list but only the first person so I figured I would get in..

I volunteer at the Humane Society Once a week Since a few weeks ago.

Yes I know I have been looking for entry level around here but they dont seem to like people without a Certificate or degreee.

Thats awesome INKY, you have my dream Job lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 12:16:00
CanadaJob Interview


After 1 year of job hunting, my FIRST interview I got. All that waiting! I got a call today and got the job =)

My first training day is Feb 14th. Going to get all the paper work done and my finger print taken for the clock-in machine and get a drug test thing etc. After my training days are over I have my shift 7am to 1pm and Sunday mornings to feed the dogs.

I get to buy some new scrubs! excited and cant wait!

Want to treat myself to something for not giving up but not sure if I should wait till my training is over lol.

Scrubs and feeding dogs? sounds like my kind of job? what exactly did you get hired as or for? Tell them I want in ha ha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-03 05:47:00
CanadaJob Interview
So as I said On Sunday I applied at multiple places at my local mall...Most of which were "taking applications" but not hiring at this time. My darling husband seems to think that I should be calling all 20+ places to ask them if they have looked over my application, he says that In the US thats the only way you get hired. I hate calling people in the first place but at the same time I feel as though I will be bugging these people.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-01 15:16:00
CanadaJob Interview

I was talking about reception or salon retail..anything specialized in a salon or spa is licensed everywhere i would hope! :thumbs: oh well just trying to help! :yes: good luck in your job hunting!

I have to agree with the ladies above... All the salons around here do not have a receptionist, all the hairdressers share the Front desk or schedule their own appointments. Was still great advice.. I even applied at some gyms thinking I could do reception or sales but around
the sales people are the trainers so I would have to be a certified trainer... There went that idea lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-30 14:55:00
CanadaJob Interview
We should make a work from home company and hire all the ladies on VJ that are having trouble finding work lol

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-29 19:49:00
CanadaJob Interview

I ran into the same thing, I found that some of the smaller shops in my area would accept it but a lot of the larger shops or company type places only accepted online apps and also said DO NOT CALL US WE WILL CALL YOU.

It was really discouraging and shitty feeling when they never called, it took me a year to get a phone interview and a second interview with the place in person.. I ended up passing out around 30 in person and doing 40-50 online applications or emailing resumes from job sites.

I didn't ever think it would be so hard to get an interview let alone a job or even retail job. Canada is not THAT different!... I kind of think it has to do with the green card =/

I had a hard time finding a job in Canada too but i did after 8 it is now 3 months of actively looking and I too believe it has to do with the greencard as I know that interviewers are always nice but When I interviewed at CVS the lady basically told me I Had
Job then she asked why I had Canada on my resume and I told her I moved her from Canada, she then told me she has never had any employee on a visa so she had no clue about what the process for having a job was... She never called and when I called back she never return my call.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-29 19:08:00
CanadaJob Interview
Ok heres a question... why in the world does noone take in person applications/resumes anymore? I decided that maybe applying
in person would give me a leg up on the competion out there as I have not had many interviews even with my daily applying. I
checked my local malls website and wrote down all the shops taking applications grabbed some resume and got dressed to impress
but when I got to the stores only one of them did in person applications the rest told me to apply online...err lol
Still no word from my interview from wednesday but she said she would be in touch next week
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-29 18:30:00
CanadaJob Interview
I had another interview today, was horrible timing as we had some pretty bad snow here, I hope I got a A+ for driving in as 7 people canceled on the lady

Grats inky, I wish you luck and hope to see you got that Job
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-26 20:08:00