CanadaJust for fun...when is the next time you're going "home" to Canada?
Im going may 5th for a weekend it will be a good 6 months since I poed. I have to go show off the belly then We will not go back till next year :(
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-04-07 14:09:00
CanadaImmigrating TO Canada
We are thinking of moving back after We get our US citizenship etc
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-06 17:17:00
CanadaUS School System

Has anyone had any experience yet with the US schools and EIP and IP plans? My son is on both EIP and IP and I'm wondering how receptive schools in the US are to accomadating? I have a psychoed assessment on my son that lists him as having a learning disability with one area that suggests he use a computer in the classroom as well as a number of other accommodations, and supports. He'll be going into grade 7 this year, and we'll be moving in the fall to his new school. I'd like to have as little change for him academic wise as possible, and was hoping someone could let me know if they have programs in the US similar to the ones we have here?

Yes they have EIP programs here just like Canada . My son is starting Kindergarden this year and he will have out of class speech therapy along with a "special ed" twice a week to catch up on what hes missing. (he didnt talk till 3ish so he is behind in abcs,numbers etc.)
They are very good I must say or atleast the ones I have dealt with so far. Another momon this site has a daughter who has an EIP and she told me that her daughter has been allowed to advance more and has better High school classes. Which is a A+.
As soon as you get here get on the phone with your local school board and see what they say. I called the board directly and met with the EIP team to make on a plan for my son but I know that in your case its already been done you are just trying to have as "little" disruption as possible. I am sure it will be fine :)

Oh I should add that on my EIP paperwork it has a section for epuipment to be used Ie a laptop etc. SO I do not see why they would not let him use a computer.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-22 12:11:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

Made it through POE !!!!! said everyone was nice. I will have an updated review later,
Thank God, thank everyone on VJ! You are all very helpful and thank you everyone for sharing your expriences because we learned alot. :star: :star: :star: :star: (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv:

I have dreamed of this moment for a longgg time. Faith is very important ! I better go get ready I have to drive 2hrs to SFO.
Take care everyone and have a happy 4th of July! God Bless :star: (L) :luv:

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-04 10:47:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

So my hubby had his interview on May 3rd , I was there with him, and we are soo happy he got his visa! The last thing to get through for now is his POE and he lives in Toronto so he’s going from YYZ to SFO. He already picked up his sealed envelope and visa couple weeks ago! So my hubby does have a criminal background he has a withdrawn charge for possession of controlled substance and a theft under $5k which he was given a conditional discharge, it was a summary conviction. And a possession of stolen property which was also withdrawn…this was branched off from the theft under $5k. What is also weird is that his theft under $5k was at Pearson 13yrs ago, and he’s going to do his POE there.
We are pretty nervous about the POE, scared that they won’t let him through. My family and friends tell me to stop worrying and have faith in God and everything will be okay. If he’s already gotten his visa then it will all be just fine. I have also heard of one other vj’er “codybanks” who got approved disclosed all his criminal background at the time of the interview, but they told him he needed a waiver at his POE for his K-1 visa. My hubbys is for a CR-1 visa…….I’m starting to think that with the CR-1 visa maybe the CBP are less likely to refuse the visa instead of the K-1 visa. I haven’t really read stories about CR-1 visas being denied at POE. I also heard that a CR-1 visa means that my hubby is already considered a legal permanent resident….so there shouldn’t be a problem? And therefore he wouldn’t have to fill out an I-94, but I know the info will be in his sealed envelope. I wish I was there with him for this POE.
Do you guys think that my hubby will run into trouble? Makes me really nervous, I’ve dreamed of the moment I can finally pick him up from SFO. And this feels like the last thing in my way!

any update??
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-23 19:12:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

This is what it says on the USCIS site:

The Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility, is used by applicants for immigrant visas, non-immigrant fiancé visas, V visas, and adjustment of status to request a waiver of the following grounds of inadmissibility in the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA):

Section 212(a)(1) – health-related grounds;
Section 212(a)(2) – criminal and related grounds,
Section 212(a)(3)(D) - immigrant membership in a totalitarian party;
Section 212(a)(6)© – misrepresentation in immigration matters;
Section 212(a)(6)(E) - smugglers;
Section 212(a)(6)(F) - subject to civil penalty;
Section 212(a)(9)(B) – unlawful presence in the U.S. for at least 180 days, beginning on or after April 1, 1997, followed by departure from the U.S.

Form I-601 is also used to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility when an applicant is seeking immigration benefits under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA), the Haitian Refugee Immigrant Fairness Act of 1998 (HRIFA), and under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) program. Because officers at international USCIS offices are not likely to encounter these types of waiver applications, this SOP will only briefly address them.

Wouldnt let me reply to your other post.... so

Great I am here now so thats one of the best parts, 1.5 years till revomal of conditions 2.5 until citizenship I hope. All settled in, no friends yet but Im working on it... Oh and 5 months pregnant..we work fast lol

Glad to here things are moving along for you.. keep us updated :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-29 15:32:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

This is what it says on the USCIS site:

The Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility, is used by applicants for immigrant visas, non-immigrant fiancé visas, V visas, and adjustment of status to request a waiver of the following grounds of inadmissibility in the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA):

Section 212(a)(1) – health-related grounds;
Section 212(a)(2) – criminal and related grounds,
Section 212(a)(3)(D) - immigrant membership in a totalitarian party;
Section 212(a)(6)© – misrepresentation in immigration matters;
Section 212(a)(6)(E) - smugglers;
Section 212(a)(6)(F) - subject to civil penalty;
Section 212(a)(9)(B) – unlawful presence in the U.S. for at least 180 days, beginning on or after April 1, 1997, followed by departure from the U.S.

Form I-601 is also used to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility when an applicant is seeking immigration benefits under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA), the Haitian Refugee Immigrant Fairness Act of 1998 (HRIFA), and under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) program. Because officers at international USCIS offices are not likely to encounter these types of waiver applications, this SOP will only briefly address them.

Hey you, hows the journey going?
Hope all is starting to work out
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-29 08:00:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

I did not POE through Pearson (my POE was Edmonton) and they (the CBP officers) wouldn't let me activate my visa until I was actually crossing. I had to fill in a customs declaration form, was sent to secondary and it took probably 45 mins for them to finish up all the paperwork. Not one time did they bring up my past criminal issue BUT every time I had crossed into the US I went thru Edmonton so they already had my file there.

Also, I never, EVER had to file any type of waiver to visit the US (not even as a non-immigrant) so my criminal past was never any type of issue for me. The only time it was an issue was during the final stage of my CR-1 process because the interviewing officer had misinterpreted the "petty theft" exclusion rules.

Good luck with everything, I'm sure your hubby will be fine. Truly, it's ultimately up to the POE officer but try not to stress too much.

Glad to see you are still around :)

I also agree with this, I had no problems until the interview and when I poed they never mentioned my "past". The only question they asked was if the address was correct :)

What do you mean you went through Edmonton so they had your file you have been to that airport and traveled in and out before? My hubby has been through Pearson a bunch of more than 5 or 6. So they would have his file? So your DS-230 had yes under the "have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted" and the people had to have seen it on your DS-230 in the airport and they didn't mention anything about it. I remember you saying you went to the airport to speak to the customs guy didn't you? I called them the other day and spoke to them.
The only thing that bugs me is during the interview time in Montreal the 1st person we saw apart from the lady who interviewd us, it was a man he was cool, but whipped out my hubbys DS-230 and said okay lets go through this together and marked with a pen like a little line on everything he went through....the address, my address, where he wrks, our #'s and then he asked a question about the being arrested stuff in the past then circled the # of that arrested question then jumped to another question.....but the interview lady did ask about it. But it's feels weird the fact that he circled it I feel like the CBP are gonna notice it even more now rather than the number not being circled. But when I talked to the man he was more concered about if we told the consulate, and the fact that we did and they gave he said we wouldn't have a problem, and they just want to know if he was convicted or not, and when I told him 3 of the charges were withdrawn he was fine with it.
so i dunno anymore.

The lady I got circled and went through everything with me to, they cannot circle the "record part" as the interviewer needs to go over it. It did not make the POE look at my stuff anymore than anyone else.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-28 08:12:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport
toronto Preclearance
Lester B. Pearson International Airport
P.O. Box 115
Toronto AMF
Toronto, Ontario, Canada L5P 1A2
Port Director
Phone: (905) 676-2606
Not sure if this is right
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-26 13:30:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

OMG this is so stressful......I was reading that link for the waiver, I thought you were talking about the I-601 waiver this is another difft one? This is #######, why do they approve him at the embassy then make it a deal at the airport. These people need to get on the same page. My happy bubble is burst! That waiver that I just read about keeps talking about an non-immigrant visa inadmissble with charges........he freaking already got the immigrant visa. this sucks.

whoops .....double post

Edited by Canadiandggal, 26 May 2011 - 01:23 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-26 13:22:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

OMG this is so stressful......I was reading that link for the waiver, I thought you were talking about the I-601 waiver this is another difft one? This is #######, why do they approve him at the embassy then make it a deal at the airport. These people need to get on the same page. My happy bubble is burst! That waiver that I just read about keeps talking about an non-immigrant visa inadmissble with charges........he freaking already got the immigrant visa. this sucks.

Oh no... Bring the happy bubble back. Its not a definite, tons of people with past criminal records have gotten through the process and Poe. Have you thought about calling Pearson airport or having him go in to Pearson to talk to a POE person. I believe that sweetcheeks Or someone like that had gone to see if there was any problems with her past record and getting across at her upcoming poe.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-26 13:08:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

So my hubby had his interview on May 3rd , I was there with him, and we are soo happy he got his visa! The last thing to get through for now is his POE and he lives in Toronto so he’s going from YYZ to SFO. He already picked up his sealed envelope and visa couple weeks ago! So my hubby does have a criminal background he has a withdrawn charge for possession of controlled substance and a theft under $5k which he was given a conditional discharge, it was a summary conviction. And a possession of stolen property which was also withdrawn…this was branched off from the theft under $5k. What is also weird is that his theft under $5k was at Pearson 13yrs ago, and he’s going to do his POE there.
We are pretty nervous about the POE, scared that they won’t let him through. My family and friends tell me to stop worrying and have faith in God and everything will be okay. If he’s already gotten his visa then it will all be just fine. I have also heard of one other vj’er “codybanks” who got approved disclosed all his criminal background at the time of the interview, but they told him he needed a waiver at his POE for his K-1 visa. My hubbys is for a CR-1 visa…….I’m starting to think that with the CR-1 visa maybe the CBP are less likely to refuse the visa instead of the K-1 visa. I haven’t really read stories about CR-1 visas being denied at POE. I also heard that a CR-1 visa means that my hubby is already considered a legal permanent resident….so there shouldn’t be a problem? And therefore he wouldn’t have to fill out an I-94, but I know the info will be in his sealed envelope. I wish I was there with him for this POE.
Do you guys think that my hubby will run into trouble? Makes me really nervous, I’ve dreamed of the moment I can finally pick him up from SFO. And this feels like the last thing in my way!

I know that you were approved at the interview so I do truly hope that you get through, I too was concerned that at poe they would turn me around and cancel my visa due to my Juvy record. However your husband did have a more "problematic" offense. The Poe Officer has the right to deny him entry if they see fit, however at this point im not sure if there is anything you can do but hope for the best.
He will probably be alright and get through without a hitch but knowing that there could be another outcome is always good to know. Just try to relax and take it how it is, stressing out will not help the cause.
I wish you the best of luck and let us know what happens. (PS...when you think that you are not going to get through and then you do..YOU FEEL AMAZING)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-26 07:02:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson International Airport

Please tell me he applied for, and received, the waiver for his criminal inadmissibility. :(

CBP FAQ - Canadian With Criminal Record

No I dont think they did since i remember some posts in the past.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-26 06:57:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report

Our trees look like the pic in my signature! Looking forward to seeing how much we end up getting. I am beginning to think there is a connection between the snow and my husband's business trips. <_<

I took a few pictures of the trees last night and they do look like the picture in your signature.. I think the hubby said we got
12 inches

Edited by Canadiandggal, 27 January 2011 - 10:02 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-27 10:02:00
Canadainsruance covered medical?
I would think that would be true in the case of maybe a work visa..the company might pay for it but most if not all of us had to pay out of pocket for our medicals. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-30 08:55:00
CanadaBackground checks!

Yes, if there is a criminal record there must be a finger print done. But honestly, if the bene has a criminal record already, odds of them recieving a visa are slim to none.
If no criminal record then the police report is good, they do Canada wide. I was also told, that my police records would take weeks, so when I went to the RCMP and they asked why I was getting a report done, I told them for immigration purposes. They told me, that the US consulate wants the RCMP one anyways, not the police one.

Just wanted to say that people with past criminal records get visas all the time. Just depends on the charge/charges.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-07 09:01:00
CanadaInterview Pre.

Ok so we have our interview in one week, next friday.

I am in final preparations mode.

I have documents ready I think. Original Passports, Birth Certificates, Police Check, Death certificate for childrens father, vaccine info for Medical, passport photos.

I also have my AOS support info, need to double check that but I for sure have tax transcripts packed, and copies of everything I sent in electronically. Most of it was all sent online and there are no true "originals" for paystubs, w2's, etc. Should be ok.

Medical is on Monday, vacation till Friday and have interview followed by celebration at Harry Potter finale with all the dressed up weirdos!

One big question, do you dress up for the interview? Or is our standard shorts, t-shirts, and sandals good enough?

I wore a nice knitted shirt and a pair of jeans with nice shoes. my son wore a button up shirt and a pair of jeans ..nothing special
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-08 11:33:00
CanadaDivorce and Custody of American Child?

If the Cdn is a good parent - why would he not have a chance of getting joint custody in some form? I believe there are international laws or agreements between the US and Canada which allow parents to be prosecuted if they try and flee and take their children or do not adhere to a custody agreement and flee. Nothing says he can't stay in the US either and co parent here. As long as the marriage was entered into in good faith, he could very well continue on to citizenship eventually on his own.

She may wish to google international child custody laws between the US and Canada. Theoretically if both are good parents,and they can come to any sort of agreement amicably and have it written into the divorce agreement if it is consentual and follows the laws. Obviously the farther apart they live from one anotehr, the harder joint custody is to achieve.

They need to have a custody agreement in place to protect everyone involved. The US/state family court won't automatically rule that the US parent should have the child - there is no solid reasoning.

Yeah that is a tricky one and will lead them to going to court. You cannot legally leave with said child without the permission of the other parent. I do not know what state laws there are where they are or even the international laws expect that they are strict on children crossing the border. It would all depend on parenting,best for the child,distance and what the parents think. Childs age will also come into play.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-14 15:11:00
CanadaPassport in Married Name

Hi Everyone,

I wasn't too worried about this until I just got my NOA2 today in only 88 days! I have sent off for my new drivers license in my married name way back at the beginning of June but with Canada Post being locked out, its lost in the mail and I can't apply for my new passport in my married name until I receive it. I went to the registry office to send off for it again but they have extended the temporary licenses that were issued in June to 60 days so I'm still waiting for my driver's license.

So I have a couple of questions and I'm hoping that someone here could help me with them.

1. Can I apply for my passport with just the piece of paper that I got from the registry office or must it be the actual card itself?

2. If I can't do that, when I send off my things to NVC can I use my current passport in my maiden name that doesn't expire until January 2012 and then at my interview they will just adjust it in their system and take my new passport?

Any help is appreciated. :)

I changed my passport while I was waiting for my interview date. I used all my maiden name id for the nvc stage. I had no problems
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-13 18:43:00
CanadaMoving to Canada after being a US citizen my whole life??


I would love to talk to you about your story... I am also in Reno NV and wanting to move to Oshawa ON to be with a woman I met and have fallen madly in love with. if you have time.


Dont move to OSHAWA!!!

other than that good luck and I hope you move to Canada soon. I miss it!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-14 15:05:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

3 of my wifes co-workers kept saying--CHECK UR GARBAGE BINS!!!!!! As like you said, they don't look and will just pack it. Rather not say which country, as its a small world,lol And I just keep things private online. Got me 5 huge packs of costco Toilet paper,lol Most of the stuff bought was just your normal household goods, nothing all that exciting. Did get me a new portable external hard drive for my laptop and Ooma--VOIP telephone. Hopefully it works out well. Hoping packing only takes 2 days! We are trying to be as organized as possible and have things sorted out, so easier for the packers. The biggest pain in the butt is that we may bot get our stuff for a few months!! So trying to mail the important stuff to ourselves. Good times!!

hehe I read the beginning of that all wrong! I read 3 of my wifes...You have three wifes? heck how are you managing that? my hubby can barely handle one of me, that could have to do with the raging hormones and the giant tummy.LOL

Just take care where ever you may end up :thumbs:
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-15 12:40:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

I'll be moving to Annapolis in September!

I find that on my visits to Annapolis (haven't been since January, but still) to be quite welcoming. Perhaps it is a more welcoming area than DC. I have become acquaintances with the office ladies at my fiance's work and often join them for lunch when I am in town. Also one of his neighbours is very friendly with me and I have actually run into her at the grocery store a few times. It is kinda nice to bump into a familiar face! Maybe once I get there it may be a bit different.

I have talked to a few locals there, specifically those who see my getting in or out of my car at the mall/grocery store or wherever I may be. They see an Ontario license plate and I always get asked about it. This one guy who works at the Starbucks near my fiance's apartment remembers me. We were chatting one day while he made my drink and since then, he calls me Canada Girl. He always remembers me when I walk in, and that makes me feel welcome :)

when I met my husband he was living in Annapolis... I absolutely loved the area that he lived in but it was a tad too pricey. The people were very friendly around there. :)

Yay! This is going to be fun! We could do an early Canadian Thanksgiving :) Just don't do it in the middle of September, I'll be traveling for work :P
We live in Ft Washington and I work in Alexandria..

Canadiangal - you can totally join!
Flames - you will be missed from the DC area!

Just don't do it while I'm in labor, :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-14 09:54:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

I would love a DC get together! I think that'd be fun! I'm in.

Yes, I had a Zehrs in my small town, but we did have the highest amount of Tim Hortons per capita. It was a bit ridiculous actually.
I used to always want to live in the big city, now that I do, it's not as fun as I thought! Thankfully we bought a house outside of the craziness, and birds wake me up, I have a quiet neighbourhood, and overall it's peaceful in comparison to where I work.

Krikit - Hope everything works out for you! Take a deep breath (if that'll help...) :star:

I may not live in DC but I want included in this get together dammit!!! lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-13 13:40:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

It has been hard for me. With my EAD taking forever and getting it when I was 7.5 months pregnant, I wasn't even able to start working. Now that I have the LO I am on mat leave until the end of July and I need to start looking for a job. As much as I hate to send my LO to daycare I think I need to get out working and interacting with other adults again for my own sanity. My situation has made it very diffucult to meet friends, and most of the other moms I have met with LO's the age of mine are usually about 15yrs younger and there is a big generation gap. I have always met and made good friends through playing sports and I have not been able to do that since I have been here. I am hoping things turn around a bit. We are starting to plan moving back to Canada tho. We have a few legal issues to figure out first then we will be on our way. I did want to wait until I had citizenship, but I know that it would kill my family to wait that long!

Awe. See I am sorta in that same position. I have my cr-1 but I didnt find anything job wise within the first few months of be being here and bammmm Im pregnant (we work fast lol) So I am hoping that once the baby is here I will find a job and put him in daycare (although I will hate it). From there I hope to find some friends but we will see. Most people around here are much older than me , Not that its that big of a deal but there children are much older or they have the ability to do what they want when they want. OR younger than me with no children and again dont really want a friend with children.

Its ok, Not having friends while pregnant could be a good thing as I wont hurt anyone's feelings over the course of this pregnancy, (not that I have ever been a very hormonal person but better safe than sorry)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-09 12:33:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

I like it more and I'm still a nobody. lol

lol I dont mind being a nobody per say but I have absolutely zero people to talk to around me... My husbands family and my husband are on the outs so no talking to them. I talk to my dogs a lot, sounds crazy but it works ha ha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-01 10:09:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I think I will like it more when I have friends and a Job... Im still a nobody.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-01 09:25:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

It's ok Laura - putting it 'out there' always works best :) There's the rub eh? Part of us loves being here with our spouse and we get more entrenched day by day, but then part of us has such a huge longing to go back home.

Driving across the border, it just always feels like I'm home, I feel for you. I think it's ok for you to want to move back home sometime, after all you did move down here for your husband and at the time that was a good decision for you both.

I have only been here 7 months and I am already counting down the months till I will be able to apply for citizenship then we will be moving to Canada. Of course we will have to get my husband a canadian visa but its in our future. You moved for the right reasons and now you will move back for great reasons too. We are feel homesick at times lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-31 20:39:00
CanadaVisting Canada on One Way Ticket

Sorry I wasn't clear! I am a USC with a one way ticket to Canada.

Canada does seem to be more carefree but I would suggest getting a return ticket and just make sure to pay the extra bit to have it refundable/able to change dates.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-14 17:45:00
CanadaPOE - Driving over with parents and hubby, so three seperate vehicles

oops! I meant the Peace Bridge...not really sure why I wrote Rainbow since I never cross there! lol

Right on! I was just about to say.. I agree with all the above people No to rainbow bridge. :)

Good luck :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-19 14:56:00
CanadaMontreal Process Recap

It wasn't your timeline that I was referring too...look at the thread that I responded to....When I did the replies to your post and their post it went in the same box...If you look though it shows that I was responding to their timeline.

The person going to the Toronto Interview is probably doing DCF and I am pretty sure its Not the "real Interview" its just for paperwork etc. Then they will have there Cr-1/ir-1 visa interview in montreal.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:33:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal

Staying at the Hotel Gouverneur Place Dupuis. Booked through Priceline ($100/night, but I messed up, probably could have gotten it cheaper). Was a bit wary after reading reviews, but the place is awesome! It's very clean, nice view of the city. Maybe 15-20 minute walk to the consulate, but also right at Berri-UQAM metro station.

Be careful if you're walking around the city, there's lots of road construction, especially around Ste-Catherine - I broke the heel off my shoe walking back from the consulate. :rolleyes:

awe seriously? wow

I saw you walking on my way to the train station, I tried to grab your attention but you didnt hear me. so heres my wave goodbye "waves". On the train at the moment...boring ride ha ha

where are you moving to btw?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-20 16:09:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
Ok I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.
A++++++++ Hotel.

The outside is fairly boring but the inside is fantastic. We booked a room with 2 queen size beds and non smoking.
When I walked into the room my jaw dropped, this is more like a suite. There is a bedroom with two beds, a television, end tables and a open kitchenette area, microwave,fridge,coffee pot, a bar stool area. A sperate room office, with a television and desk, free internet. A Hugh bathroom, bigger then my own damn bathroom. Good shower. Lots of closet space. Ok view. French channels mostly but the do have pay per view. AWESOME customer service, valet guy hailed me a taxi in the morning.Oh and very good cold and hot breakfest. I give this place a 4.5/5.
The only missing is a resturant, but you are near the mall and there is a small pub like resturant 10 steps away calla allegos.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-20 10:07:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal

Thanks I'm checking that out. I booked my flight for the 2nd. and return on the 4th. I sure hope your baby makes a joyful entry soon! Please some explain where and how do you arrange the DHL?:bonk::bonk::bonk:


Here we go....
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-13 20:10:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
Hey guys, I actually booked a room at the holiday inn express down the street from the consulate. A friend of mine who occasionally has work meetings in montreal stays at the holiday inn and gave it fantastic reviews. However I will give a review the moment I am done in montreal. Going to bring my laptop along with me and hope to be able to get on within moments of my interview. Heres too praying :) Just trying to get all the paperwork in order now. I am sooo nervous already hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-21 08:04:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
To my knowledge I will be staying at the delta montreal, I am booking it over the weekend and the price is 209.00 with tax for one night, man i miss the days when you could stay a week for 200.00 lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-16 19:49:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
Ok delta Montreal it is haha! No bed bugs for me, bugs in general bug me. Now to find out the interview date so I can book it :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-02 15:15:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
Ok I am trying to decide which hotel I want to stay at, Im in between la tour centre ville or delta montreal, I really am just looking for low price and quick walk as I will have my 4 year old son dragging behind me at 6am haha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-02 07:17:00
CanadaMoving with a dog.

Excellent. Luckily his entire history is with the same vet so I'll be able to get a printout of everything fairly easy. Thanks :)

Another dog related question, when I POE ... my fiance will be with me as well as my dog. Will he be allowed to stay with my dog while I'm brought in to be processed?

when I was doing my Poe, there was a guy that came in right behind me and they made him bring the dog inside so they could search his car plus to show documentation for the dog. was a cute thing.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-22 09:07:00
CanadaLost Passport

Thanks. Its Senator McCain so we will see how good he really is so Ed can vote for him in next election. LOL

Ed told DOS while talking to them that "well someone had to have put "sent out july 7" into the computer somewhere!!!" they had no answer to that.

Dhl could have it... they dont tend to update their systems till its at its destination. Not to mention it was probably printed on july 7th and was probably given to dhl two days ago... they are slow people
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-19 14:59:00
CanadaMedisys medical review

How far is Medisys in Montreal from the US consulate? We are coming from Alberta for interview? It would be hard for us to go there for Medical and come back again for interview. I was wondering if we could be intervied the same week as the actual inteview date?

people sometimes do the medical 2-3 days before the interview. Montreal does 2 day service, say you do your medical on Monday you can pick it up Wednesday. Just realize that you will have to be in a hotel for at least 3 days.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 18:52:00