CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
See had already started the process so I guess my change of address process is a bit different.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-12-05 18:56:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Hi everyone! I'm getting my evidence ready, and just had a quick question: should I delay sending the forms in and wait for my tax transcript or can I send in my tax returns? The guide said it was preferable, but wanted to see what you guys had done.

Also, I sent in my address change notice about a month and a half ago. To this date, I haven't received any confirmation and neither has my sponsor. Should I include the copy of the forms and delivery confirmation from USPS in the package or not even bother with that?

Thank you for the help!

I did my change of address a month ago via ar11 and calling uscis . I called uscis back yesterday and they had no record of it. I changed my info again and was told to resend my ar11. Crappy i tell you
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-12-04 19:58:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Hi everyone

What a great group to be in company with :) I am just starting to get my stuff together to send in. My GC expires othe middle of December. I gather there is a long wait for this process too :( Any helpful hints from you out there. How much info to support the marriage do they REALLY want?Posted Image

This is what I sent...

Contents include the following documents, constituting a petition for the Removal of Conditions on the Residence of Devon and Dylan .
• Completed I-751 JOINT Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.
• I751 Attachment for explaination of Part 3 Question 7.
• Certified copies of Devon Court Records For I751 Part 3 Question 7.
• Check for $675 to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
• Photocopy of both sides of Devon Permanent Resident Card.
• Photocopy of both sides of Dylan Permanent Resident Card.

Enclosed also please find the following documents to verify the status of our marriage and ongoing relationship:
• Copy of our rental agreement for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.
• Copy of Our tax transcripts for 2010 and 2011.
• Copy of information from my work showing my wife and children as beneficiaries.
• Copies of Joint bank statements(first two pages), one for every three months.
• Copies of various USAA car insurance cards .
• Copy of the title of our car, showing joint ownership.
• Copy of Our Car loan Agreement showing joint.
• Copies of Our Car Loan statements,One for every three months.
• Copy of Our Drivers Licenses showing the same address.
• Copies of various electric bills In Devon's Name.
• Copies of Antietam Bills In Christopher's name.
• Copies of Explanation of Benefits Statement from Cigna .
• Copy of our health insurance cards showing a joint policy with the same group Number.
• A copy of our sons birth certificate
• Copies of Dylan's School meetings showing Chris at attendence.
• Family pictures of us.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-09-29 12:15:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
I just sent mine in last week and Im already going crazy waiting or really I just want Our BIO appt Letters so I can track my case and relax
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-09-01 22:02:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

now you made me paranoid lol...oh the joys of immigration..i can't wait til its over.

Ok heres what i have so far. I divided it up based on where we lived since we kinda moved 3 times.

First year of Marriage-at our apartment April 2010 - July 2011

various bank statements for checking and savings in both our names
lease in both our names
medical insurance in bothour names
apartment insurance in both out names
car insurance in both our names
USPS change of address showing we both did a change from / to same addresses
Various credit card bills showing same address, some in his name some in mine
Comed bill in both names
comcast bill in both names
other bills showing same address under either his or my name.
joint tax return 2010

2nd year of marriage-at his parents July 2011 - April 2012

USPS change of addy showing both our mail being redirected
tax statement from our bank in both our names 2011
joint tax return 2011
joint bank statements
Work profile statement, showing i'm the beneficiary of his life insurance and that im also on his health insurance
various credit card bills showing same addy in each others names
Geico policy in both our names
cell phone bill in his name showing same addy
(this part is the most thin thinking we may need affidavits)

2nd half of 2nd year of marriage-new house April 2012 to present

Home inspection report (first page only) showing our house and both our names
US Bank mortgage disclosure authorization form authorizing the bank to release information to me about our mortgage for the LIFE OF THE LOAN (this was as close as we could get to adding me to the loan) ie: i can deal with anything at all times now without him having to

deal with it.
allstate car insurance policy in both our names
copies of health insurance cards in both our names showing same plan #
bank statements in both our names
geico refund statement in both our names
dupage county voters card showing same address with husband's name
ING statement showing same address in husband's name
various credit card bills showing same address in either of our names
utility bills for garbage water etc showing same address in either of our names
usps change of addy showing we both had mail redirected to new house same address

extra stuff i have..not sure if i should send it as well:

copy of drivers licence showing same addy
copy of hubby's licence showing same addy
various walgreens prescriptions showing same addy
pay stubs showing same addy
Medical bills for bloodtests etc showing same address, and insurance provider.


check for $590
form i-751
copy of GC front and back

things i'm still waiting on:

updated items from Davids work showing me as beneficiary on life insurance, medical insurance, pension
updated house insurance showing both our names as insured not just David's

Am I missing anything? lol. its at least another 1.5 inch book at this point.

Good I am now paranoid that I didnt send enough, I sent mine out on monday. Heres what I sent

Contents include the following documents, constituting a petition for the Removal of Conditions on the Residence of Devon and Dylan .
• Completed I-751 JOINT Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.
• I751 Attachment for explaination of Part 3 Question 7.
• Certified copies of Devon Court Records For I751 Part 3 Question 7.
• Check for $675 to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
• Photocopy of both sides of Devon Permanent Resident Card.
• Photocopy of both sides of Dylan Permanent Resident Card.

Enclosed also please find the following documents to verify the status of our marriage and ongoing relationship:
• Copy of our rental agreement for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.
• Copy of Our tax transcripts for 2010 and 2011.
• Copy of information from my work showing my wife and children as beneficiaries.
• Copies of Joint bank statements(first two pages), one for every three months.
• Copies of various USAA car insurance cards .
• Copy of the title of our car, showing joint ownership.
• Copy of Our Car loan Agreement showing joint.
• Copies of Our Car Loan statements,One for every three months.
• Copy of Our Drivers Licenses showing the same address.
• Copies of various electric bills In Devon's Name.
• Copies of Antietam Bills In Christopher's name.
• Copies of Explanation of Benefits Statement from Cigna .
• Copy of our health insurance cards showing a joint policy with the same group Number.
• A copy of our sons birth certificate
• Copies of Dylan's School meetings showing Chris at attendence.
• Family pictures of us.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-24 15:36:00
CanadaAdvise me- Changed my sons name

Dylan and I applied for our 10 year green cards in Aug 2012, I applied to change Dylans name a few months back and received Our greencards In July. Yesterday the Court order came in the mail for his change of name (YAY). However now I am in the predicament of figuring out what I need to change etc. (custody order and all )


So Do I send an I90 to change his greencard now? Or do I wait as I am going to apply for citizenship next month and then he would be a US citizen under me and not need a greencard? 


I mean do I have to change his greencard right at the moment?  I wont have his Canadian passport or Birth certificate in the "correct" name for at least a few months. 


One headache goes a way and it seems the next is here.


Any advice? or Ideas? or experience

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2013-08-30 13:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Ewww Flames, no... :lol: I can't stand it.

Milk of magnesia works OK, but I didn't realize they make it in pill form. I'll look for that, thanks Ontarkie!

Usually I can fight through the heartburn, so its not that bad. I think the hardest part of sleeping is waking up every 2 hours to pee...

I'm only just halfway- 20 weeks. Its not THAT bad, but its not really fun either. I just think I have the right to be bitchy without having to explain myself. I'm usually pretty good, but I have my moments... just let me have them. And then if I decide I was to mean I cry after because I feel bad. What the heck is that all about?! Its weird because I'm not an emotional person in my normal form...

little story... I am great at not being overly hormonal when pregnant except during labor then the gloves come off... However With Levi at 36 weeks when I was all big and swollen, I was eating a banana in our kitchen when My husband walked in and I looked at him and started to ball. He asked me what was wrong and I replied with "you dont like me anymore!, you just dont like me". He hugged me covered in banana and tears.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-05-12 18:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My first vent in a couple of years! I have missed this forum.

I need a certified copy of my probation record for my ROC. NO ONE is capable of getting this for me. I keep getting told it has to come from my probation officer. Yeah, hey, who do you think I called FIRST? :bonk: She can't get it to me because I am in Houston, and something to do with paying for it. Apparently money from a person currently living in the US is no good there. ARGH! So, I have no idea what I am going to do.

OK, end rant. Other than that, everything is going swimmingly! Oh, except drivers in the left lane on the freeways here seem to be scared of the gas pedal. The fast lane is the middle lane. Stupid.

Probration record???? I hope I won't need that, my probation officer retired years ago. Will court records not work for you?? I hate tracking down paperwork, it's a pita .

Drivers here are just as scared or they fly like they are race car drivers. I tend to get stuck behind gramma
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-05-10 21:38:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
[quote name='Kimbear' timestamp='1316189237' post='4904261']
why are men so bad with money? i have been pulling my hair out living with his parents so we can get ahouse and somehow last month we spent more than he made :ranting: and actually ate into our savings...:crying:

i dont get come i'm the only one that cannot spend a single dime??? even the guys i dated in canada never blew money on stupid amazon newegg #######. sigh.

I soooo know what you mean....

My husband decided to build a computer last month... 2800 dollars on newegg #######! there goes most our savings,
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-09-16 12:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Why is having a baby so expensive in the US? I'm not pregnant yet, but we would like to have a baby in the next year or two... our insurance has a $4,000 deductible ... free pre-natal care, but a $4,000 delivery. I know it's not THAT much in the grand scheme of things, but I would rather save the money for the baby's education fund. Or mass amounts of Ketchup chips next time I go back to Canada. Whichever....

LOL I was sitting here thinking about that the other day.... Our insurance covers 80 percent. so we really will only pay 20 percent of the hospital bills but it will end up being pretty damn high. Of course I will also owe my damn Ob as well, she is not allowed to bill my insurance till the ending... Our family deductible is something like 1500 but Our OUT of pocket expense is something like 3000-6000 thousand. Are you sure its not your out of pocket your talking about?

I cannot believe that i want to do this at least one or two more times,,,,,what is wrong with me lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-07-22 09:12:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

We have USAA insurance. But any insurance company can offer u stand alone policy for jewelry.

I love my USAA ACCOUNTS... they rule!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-06-28 12:19:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Oooh. That's lucky to find a Canadian who understands your confusion. It's not that hard but I get confused too. One of the things that messed me up is going for an annual physical, which I always did in Canada. First my GP was a little confused as to why I was asking for an annual physical. When I got out of my appointment I realized they hadn't done a pap or breast exam. I think I've figured it out that women go to their gyno's once a year for an annual check up and then you just go to your doctor if you have a problem. Anyway, that's how it seems to work in this neck of the woods. Though, it's possible that I still may be confused.

That is the same in my area. When i got here I couldnt find a doctor due to living in a small town , all the doctors were full so it took a few months of waiting to see a GP/family doctor. In Canada I did have a GYN but only because I was having some problems but My GP usually did all my annual physicals including the girl bits. Here I got blood work and some questions NO physical and when I found out I was pregnant (same visit) I was automatically told to find an OB.. Can you not use a GP for pregnancy here? Not that I would but I thought I could see him till I got into the OB...I was wrong lol.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-05-01 11:05:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

OMG, tell me about it. I started physio a few weeks ago. They wanted me to sign off on some form which describes the type of coverage I have and that if it's wrong blah blah blah legal bs blah blah blah. So I said "I have no idea what kind of coverage I have so I can't sign this form." They told me to call the insurance carrier. *blink* Okay. So I call them and go into automated message hell. Five minutes later I hung up and said "I can't get through to a live person." They said "Did you press 0 to speak to an attendant?" I"m like..... "No. They didn't give me an option to do that." They're like..... "You always press 0 whenever you get into that kind of situation." I'm thinking..... "Well, thanks for that. I TOLD you I'd never had to call an insurance carrier before." Grrr. I think they thought I was lying. lol. So they say "Would you like to call them back?" I'm like..... "GAWD, no. Give me the form. I'll sign it." :lol:

Stupid American system. :angry:

My experience with the stupid system and insurance has been a crappy one and Ive only been here 6 months. First there was my blood work where they processed it without my insurance sending me a lovely 500 dollar bill (of course I called and straighten it out), then my son had a Speech therapy assessment which I got billed 240 dollars for and yet I signed a sheet of paper that said it was 120 a session. After a few phone calls and 3 weeks I finally got it reprocessed. They cover the initial appointment to find out if there is a problem then your on your own lol. Now I have a lovely 700 dollar bill for my ultrasound as well as a bill for the radiologist, which I am stuck with due to our annual deductible. The great thing is my baby is due October so I will not have to do the deductible again till Jan, however They only pay 80%, thats a few thousand dollars in hospital bills I will see in October.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-04-29 10:46:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

:lol: Oh yeah, and how many times have you been called 'hon' or 'honey' by complete strangers?

everyone around here always calls me Hun,honey,sweeetie. Thanks hun,have a nice day hun, what can i get you hun, thanks for coming hun, how you doing today hun. When did I become your hun? It actually creeps me out at times. The way I see it the only one that should call me these names are my Husband but thats just me.

:lol: Oh yeah, and how many times have you been called 'hon' or 'honey' by complete strangers?

everyone around here always calls me Hun,honey,sweeetie. Thanks hun,have a nice day hun, what can i get you hun, thanks for coming hun, how you doing today hun. When did I become your hun? It actually creeps me out at times. The way I see it the only one that should call me these names are my Husband but thats just me.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-04-07 02:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Oh I really should do that cause I seem to get it a lots, and yes always worse at night. Tums at least give me calcium I need. :thumbs:

I remember with my son eating tums like they were tic tacs, my heartburn was really bad . The tums seemed to help after a few hours but I was in pain for quite some time, I should have asked my doctor for something.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-28 07:54:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

we just got the bill for 60 bucks from the doctor my husband went to see a few weeks ago at UCLA so I decided to check our insurance site online to check if they got it right when I saw the separate charge for the cat-scan, the cost to us was almost 400 dollars, we haven't got the bill for that yet though..

I knew we would have to pay for the cat-scan but I was thinking it would be around $75 or so as that is what mine cost last year, I had it done at the local hospital here.. so I wondered why the price difference when I noticed that the local hospital here gets a higher negotiated discount, the billed amount for the cat-scan was around $2500 and the discount was around $1500.. the discount for the cat scan at UCLA was only around $500

I know How you feel we have a few bills from last month when My husband was tested for a "lump" just below his neck above his
chest. We got a 65 dollar bill from a specialist, a 50 bill for blood work and a 250 dollar bill for his MRI. I do not really mind
the doctor bills as I understand but the mri one sucks..
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-02-05 12:27:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I thought maybe it was bad timing to as I started to look pretty much the week I got here so that was the beginning of November so "xmas time" and I know that people hire seasonal help for xmas. However I am on craigslist,snagajob and indeed daily and there are tons of Jobs, Just none that want me it seems lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-18 12:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Alright, well after two weeks of looking for a job, I have found nothing, nada, rien, niet... I'm not trying to have a pity party here, but #######? I feel like a complete failure, trying to find a job here, when I could be making good money back home... Oh wait, dont' people at Burger King make good money :bonk: ?
Something's gotta give soon, right? AND, to top it off, I applied for a job on Craig's List (yeah I know...) and almost got scammed because they wanted my credit score before they interviewed me... I feel like there's no hope here! :crying: Gosh!

Oh, and can Sarah Palin have a hunting accident already?

I am right there with you. I have been looking for a Job since November...I apply daily to everything I see, I have handed out resumes to all the local malls, I have even applied at McDonald etc. Its been like 8 weeks. I feel like a complete failure too, like seriously what is wrong with me?

Edited by Canadiandggal, 18 January 2011 - 11:36 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-18 11:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
You sound like MSR, who refuses to come onto Visa Journey at the moment because she is soo Mad that people think they know everything. lol

I do agree that people everywhere seem to think they know everything about other places.

My moms husband once told my Husband about the States ....It didnt go to well as My Husband has lived here his entire life and My moms Hubby has never even been to the States. Sure he can read, listen and watch stuff going on in the states but you can not exactly KNOW everything.


Edited by Canadiandggal, 10 January 2011 - 09:30 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-10 09:30:00
So...after months of preparing and gathering and filling out papers... Hubby officially mailed away our I-130 and supporting documents today!!! You think I would be super extremely excited to finally get the show on the road, but instead I am nervous beyond belief... so much so that I feel like I may get sick! Don't get me wrong I am excited as well, but my nerves are winning over excitement at this point :wacko: :unsure:

A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-04 13:55:00
CanadaRe-Newing Canadian Passport
Hello Everyone,

I have a quick question regarding re-newing my passport... Not sure if anyone will know and if not I will just call Passport Canada. I am wondering if when I re-new my passport to show my married name if I am required to send in our marriage certificate? I know we have to send in our original birth certificate and not a copy, I'm just not sure about the marriage one. And I absolutely HATE sending originals... Its annoying and stressful. Any help on this matter would be great! I want to get it done soon so we are all prepared when we get our NOA2 (which won't be for God only knows how long :( ).

A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-18 13:53:00
Thanks for the replies! It's so annoying being from the Island and having to travel on the ferry. But oh well such is life! It's worth it if it means I will one day get to be with my Husband in person rather than living on Skype. At least I have lots of family over on the mainland!

PS- I hate that for the IR-1/CR-1 they don't do interviews in Vancouver... I wish they would get with the program... I mean I am sure there are tons of people filing from the Western provinces.... It makes me sad :(

A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-23 14:52:00
Hi All,

I know I am along way yet from the Medical part of the visa process, but I am just curious as to whether there is an approved list of Doctors that do the medical for the visa? I am just wondering if I will have to travel somewhere when we get to that point in the process as I am from Vancouver Island...

A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-23 10:26:00
CanadaUSPS is *insert word here*
Okay all is good... It got delivered today! I just checked, they must just not have updated the usps website when I was looking earlier! Now the waiting game truly begins!
A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-07 18:45:00
CanadaUSPS is *insert word here*
So we sent away our package on Friday to the Chicago lockbox via express mail. The lady said we could chose to have it delivered there on Monday as it would probably be closed on Saturday (which it is), so we said YES please deliver it on Monday, with signature and all that jazz.... So i'm not sure if they are blind or have their own prerogative but they tried delivering it Saturday, which means they left a notice.... Will it be sent back to us now because of course no one was there to accept it. Or do they have people that go and pick up deliveries from the post office when they aren't there... This is really starting to STRESS me out.... Thoughts, help, advice?

A & CFemaleCanada2013-01-07 16:02:00
CanadaCanada Student Loan
Okay thanks! Just wanted to make sure....
A & CFemaleCanada2013-02-13 18:58:00
CanadaCanada Student Loan
I currently have a Canadian National Student Loan that I am in the midst of paying back. Will this (seeing as it is considered debt) be an issue during our Visa process or when I finally move to the US to be with Hubby? Just curious if anyone knows!

A & CFemaleCanada2013-02-13 18:34:00
Hello VJ'ers

So we have been approved! YAY! Even though I was hoping for it to happen fast, it caught me off guard as we are still getting our ####### together for NVC. I am going today to get my Criminal Record check done. But I have a few questions about the vaccines that I have to have done. I have a read a few different links that people have posted on the forums and some say different things. So these are the vaccines I have had and I am wondering what I still need.

Mumps- When I was tested back in 2009 to see if I was still immune it came back as 'partially' does this mean I should go ahead and get a booster done for it?

I have had the Chickenpox back in 1987 when I was 2.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Tetanus and Diphtheria- But not pertussis so I have made an appt for March 11th to go and have that done.
Influenza- Done every year as I am a health care worker

I also get tested for TB on a regular basis being a health care worker, but regardless of that I know I have to go for a chest xray anyway when I go for the medical.

NOT DONE: and curious if they are necessary...

Any insight as to whether this is all I need or if there is still more that I have not listed here.


A & CFemaleCanada2013-03-04 12:54:00
CanadaInterview Montreal Consulate

Yeah I picked mine up today! biggrin.png woot! 


Yay! :D 

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-04 20:38:00
CanadaInterview Montreal Consulate


Could you also let us know how long it takes your visa to make it to you? BC I assume smile.png


It took my Visa just overnight to get to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.  I go and pick it up tomorrow!

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-04 19:10:00
CanadaInterview Montreal Consulate
Went for my interview this morning and was APPROVED! Just can't wait to have my visa in hand! I will feel even better then!!! I will post a detailed review later when all the travelling is over and I catch up on sleep! A huge thank you to NikiR and Saylin! Couldn't have done it without y'all!
A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-03 11:33:00
CanadaMoving companies

I am going with ABF Upack.  I am moving from Vancouver Island to Louisville.  So sadly I have to rent a uhaul as well, to get my stuff from Vancouver Island over to Surrey.  Upack quoted me 1262, which isn't to horrible, and the uhaul will probably be at least 200.  We figured going with Upack would  be a little less cheaper then renting a uhaul and driving all the way from VI to Louisville, with gas and ferry costs etc.

A & CFemaleCanada2013-05-30 11:12:00
CanadaMedical Exam In Surrey

Not long at all.  I emailed them on May 1st and had my appointment booked for the following week May 8th.  They had originally booked me for May 7th, but that date did not work for me as I was coming from Vancouver Island, so I emailed them back and asked for the 8th and it wasn't a problem to change the date.

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-23 15:00:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

Then it will be FUN instead of OMFG I HATE THIS FERRY!!  biggrin.png


EXACTLY!  And BC Ferries is becoming super ridiculous... Last night on the news there was a story about a 20 yr old girl who was 10 CENTS short paying for her ticket off the Island.  So they wouldn't let her on and she had to stay the night in Nanaimo.... 

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-25 07:20:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

WHOA! Another Nanaimoite!? I thought I was the only one! O.O
Okay, now that I'm settled... :) U-Pack is a great company, I definitely recommend it. Sorry about the crappy ferry fare, though!

Well I am an hour North of Nanaimo in Port Alberni. Yeah the ferry sucks. But such is life... At least I only have to take it when I come home to visit once or twice a year after I move.

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-24 15:05:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

Well I called CBP this morning and the lady on the phone said that I can do my POE and come directly back to Canada for a 'short time'.  That way my belongings are able be shipped before I move by 6 days.  I feel relieved, but at the same time worried, because what if the lady was wrong wacko.png So now my POE will be July 12 and I will fly home the following week on July 18!

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-24 07:44:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US


What company are you using?



We are using U-Pack.

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-22 19:26:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

Arent there US CBP people at the ferry terminal that goes to WA and at the Victoria Airport?
Im almost sure we had to present our passports to get off Island on one of our trips.

I am going from Nanaimo to Vancouver. Dropping my stuff off in Surrey where they then ship it to Kentucky. And I am flying from Vancouver the following week.
A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-22 16:47:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

If you can go to the border before hand that would definitely be the easiest route to take.  Just explain that you have your CR-1 visa and will be moving to the US on July 18th, but that you need to ship out your belongings the week before so would like to activate the CR-1 visa at this time so the  moving company can ship out your things while you finish up all of the details involved with the move.  Your actual 'landing date' will be the date you activate the CR-1 at the border.  They will place an I-551 stamp in your passport which will allow you to come and go across the border without  a problem.  The I-551 stamp is the same thing as the green card - it is the proof of your Permanent Residency in the US.  Others have done this before without a problem.  Then you would provide the shipping company with a copy of the I-551 stamp as well that shows you are legally entitled to live in the US.  They should have no problems at the border with that in hand.

Thanks. I think this is what I will do. But I think I may call on Monday to see if I can forsure do this.  Or if I have to figure something else out. Sometimes I hate living on this blasted Island :(  If I didn't have to rent a uhaul to get my stuff to the location it is being shipped from this would be SO much easier.


I would suggest bringing a copy of your intended permanent leave flight confirmation.

I believe I saw someone recently get denied trying to just activate the visa and go back.

It seems to be the rarity, but better safe than sorry.

Yeah I was planning on taking my flight details and such with me, if this is the route I take.  I agree, better to be safe than sorry.

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-22 15:34:00
CanadaQuestion- Shipping Belongings to the US

Well the shipping company needs a photo copy of my visa that is in my passport.  They never stated whether it had to be activated or not.  And yes I could make a trip through the border before my stuff is shipped down and before I fly.  But won't they wonder why I am just going through just to activate my Visa?  Or could I just say that I am activating it now so that my stuff can be shipped out and show them my plane ticket for when I am actually moving?

A & CFemaleCanada2013-06-22 13:00:00