Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Got Our Noa's today. Noa date Aug 28th. could someone please update for me.

I do not like how I got a normal NOA1 and my son who was included only got a page saying he was included in my petition. I hope we have no problems traveling.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-09-01 12:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
I want my NOA1, It looks like a few of got yours already that sent it after me..BOO lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-31 12:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

7-17-2012 Notification to remove conditions received
8-11-2012 Mailed I-751 packet (Vermont Service Center)
8-13-2012 Package received by VSC
8-18-2012 Notice of Action I-797 received- letter states fees received and to wait for biometric appointment
NOA Receipt Date : 8-13-2012
ASC Appointment Notice Date: 8-20-2012
ASC Appointment: 5 Sept, 2012

Hi!!!!! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-29 09:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Edited by Canadiandggal, 20 August 2012 - 03:13 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-20 15:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Mark me down as sent as of this morning
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-20 14:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Thanks now I have two more if you guys know the answer.

We are applying for myself and my son. He will be on my i751 as he came at the same time. Do I write one check for 675? (505 for form then 85x2) or do I write two checks? (one for the 590 and then one for 85)

How did you attach the checks or what did you do to ensure they say put?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-17 10:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Hi Guys and Gals.

I have a few questions for you guys as I prepare to send out out i751 packet next friday.

Cover letter ??
1) On the cover letter did you put your address?

2) At the bottom did you both sign and put your A number as well.

3) did you put how many pages there were for each evidence

For Evidence How many pictures did you include??

and what did you use to send your package?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2012-08-17 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews

We need a new thread.



Yup! We sure do!

A & CFemaleCanada2013-05-02 17:20:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I feel really bad for both the cats. Roulette (who is the not shy one who we actually see) will whine when his box is not clean enough for him, which is great because at least he doesn't go elsewhere, just annoys the roomy to clean it, but it shouldnt get to the point that the poor things don't want to use it. This brand has a storage container thingy but I really don't think its cleaned often enough, and I'm not sure that the type of litter he is using holds up well to 2 cats (it looks kind of dark and wet to me most times). I wish I could make him clean it more often, but the only time he seems really on top of it is if theres company...maybe I just need to keep inviting people over? I dunno. Hes really thick. This same guy soaks the dishes he feeds the wet cat food on in my pots, which I have REPEATEDLY asked him to stop. *cringes*

On the plus side, I had a phone interview yesterday so hopefully something good comes of that.

You need to invite a cute gal pal over everyday! lol maybe that will make him clean the litter more often...poor kitties>:(
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-06 15:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

One can only hope that eventually they wake up and let him crash. Its unfortunate that they haven't yet, because until they do he won't care at all. I had a friend whose parents shelled out for his university and college...he switched majors 5 times and never actually finished one of them. He also dropped out of our program 3 months before he was going to graduate (and it was a 2 year program).

My vent: Today I had a shower. Thats not the vent, I like showers, however it brings up another complaint that I've had before. I cant stand the smell of the litter box in there. Walking in today was like being hit in the face full force with ammonia. It literally felt like it was burning my nose. The roomy got a rotating litter box to try to help with the litter situation, but all thats done is that now instead of cleaning the box every 3-4 days its like a week or more before he does because the box scoops up the poop. That really doesnt help the situation because its the smell of the urin that has always been the issue, not the poop. I don't know how he can stand the smell, it makes me want to be sick. I however REFUSE to clean up after HIS cats because I already do his damn dishes. I really can't wait till I get a job so we can move out of this situation. I've had lots of friends with multiple indoor cats and none of their places ever smelled as bad as this apartment does. Its kind of funny because you walk through the main part of the apartment that stinks and then get to our room and its all like fresh and smells like apples. Thank goodness I have one space thats not horrible.

Sounds nice and smelly. I have actually know quite a few people that have had the same Type of smell throughout there house and at one point I stopped visiting these people. There is not too much you can do about it, just speak up again and see if he can maybe CLEAN it more often.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-06 07:54:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

my rant: people who let their dog or cat run loose because we're in "the county" and there are no leash laws. nevermind that fido or fluffy is on a road with a 50 mph speed limit. :ranting:

I hate that too, I almost hit a dog today although I was going pretty slow as I was leaving the complex damn guy had both his beagle and lab off leash both the dogs were standing in the middle of the damn road. Why they were randomly standing in the road while their owner was across the street ? who knows .Although we do have a field where we let our dogs off the leash! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-03 19:08:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Exactly!!! Being mean is probably the most non-religious thing one can do ever... I totally support church groups that give back to the needy, we need more of those...
Have you guys ever heard of the farting preacher? It was this preacher who ended in jail when they realized he was taking money from people (duh)... Check it out on Youtube, it's the funniest thing in the world!

Hahaha! Never even thought of that before, but it's pretty obvious now!


Edited by Canadiandggal, 16 December 2010 - 05:19 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-16 17:17:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

haha vero! i try not to read such statuses because i don't want to get pissed but it's almost like they think god is reading their status updates going 'oh gee, so and so gave me a shout out on their vj status, i think its time for them to be blessed with an noa2! zap! - in the mailbox'

its that same line of thinking that has sprouted up all these $$$$ driven churches, like - give every thing to god (i.e. preacher/church) and god will know you're genuine and he will bless you with a bmw, a mansion, a boat..


I try to ignore these peoples status as well, but some are not too bad..still makes your blood boil a bit.
Yeah i wrote a very long response to you guys but then changed my mind as I do not want to offend any religious people. All I will say Is that I believe in god but do not believe he can give and take stuff away . If that were the case I would have a damn mustang and the local cracker jack would not have 4 children. I do however believe that almost everything happens for a reason...almost everything lol.

Those churches are ridicious, the churches that say that kinda of ####### and you end up with a rich minister lol(behind closed doors he is laughing at all the money people are giving him, in turn he has the newest 2011 Bmw).
My grandmother goes to church all the time, shes a member of the church management group. She gives the church money all the time However this church does Wednesday night dinner for low income families, they put on entertainment for these families as well, the buy supplies for low income "mothers" such as formula. They are a really good group..

Edited by Canadiandggal, 15 December 2010 - 10:04 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-15 10:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I have a wonderful cold, thanks to my FIL. I'm a bit pissed, I do not do well with colds my asthma gets very sensitive and I can go through alot of my puffers to keep it under control. I've told him he was getting a cold but he wants to blame his medication. What is it with ppl, if your sneezing, coughing have a runny/stuffy nose, sore throat you got a cold. Come on ppl stop coughing all over me. Wash your dang hands or just stay away from me. I just hope this cold doesn't stick around too long, cause I know someone will bring me another one.

awe, I know how you feel in that department. My whole family always denies that they have caught something until its too late. My Gran got Us all sick the weekend of our poe and the damn thing stuck around for 3 weeks. It was horrible. However I myself will stay in bed or at least in my house the entire time I am sick.

I hope you get better soon and drink lots of fluids :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-09 13:43:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Ok My vent although small..

I opened two savings accounts two weeks ago when I opened them I was told I would receive Debit cards in the mail within 10 days. Today i contacted the bank and was told they only give out debit card with the visa logo therefor you need to have a checkings account with them. SO i said No that would be a checkcard I have one of those for my Checkings account, I want a debit card one that I can access my funds with whenever have to. SO I got sent from one person to the next and finally to another agent who said you have to request it..well first of all I was told I would get it automatically within 10 days, second of all when you go to sign up online (I went in but had looked it up before) It says debit cards are free and well If you look at there website on there users fee and services it says you get a damn debit card when you open the account errr..
So I get stuck talking to multiple people and wasting my time ...Ok Im done :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-01 12:13:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

OMG, the people living above us are driving me insane!!! It doesn't matter what time of day there is some sort of stomping/banging going on up there. It is getting very annoying. To top it all off, the building is a bit older so the floor above us squeaks in a few places and that makes it just that much worse. They are college students and pretty big guys as well, so they definitely are not light on their feet. I am trying to bank some sleep before baby gets here, and these guys are making it near impossible. I sooooo can't wait to get into our own house again.

Complain to the landlord.
In this apartment building although they are only 3-4 years old/new, the floors make it impossible to not hear everything. Plus it is fake hardwood.
When we first moved in we had 10 complaints about my son running around the house and my dogs nails clicking on the floor. (although I think both of these complaints are absolutely stupid as dogs have to walk and children play)
We went out and bought a large area rug for our living room to help with the noise and we stopped getting complaints.
BTW Our landlord was the one that suggested an area rug, I still think stupid complaints...

You on the other hand are pregnant and need your sleep! Tell the Big college guys to keep it down or they will be dealing with the wrath of a scorned pregnant woman and one day a crying baby. (seriously if it keeps up, the first time your child wakes to their noises I would march up and say what are you going to do to help make her fall back asleep seeing how YOU woke her up.)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-23 07:38:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Vent I need to get off my chest...

In teacher's college, there are a LOT of group projects, which for most intelligent people, are h-e-double-hockey sticks (J - that's for you, haha) on earth. For the lazy bums who choose to slide through life, they are wonderful.
Now, said group projects wouldn't be AS bad if you at least got to choose your group... but ooohhhh no. No such luck. And somehow I got placed with 2 identical groups in 2 different classes. The other 4 people in my group go home every weekend and we start going back to classes tomorrow after we have just been teaching for a month.... and now, we have gotten nowhere on our projects because I am stuck with a bunch of people who don't really care.
I care a LOT. and I want A's. So, I end up doing most of the work so I know we are at least submitting something decent. I have now finished most of the 2 projects due this week because I refuse to throw something together at the last minute and get a ####### grade.
And it's not like I haven't talked to them - I have initiated MANY group meetings, but there's always excuses - I'm going home, I'm busy, I'm really swamped with other work. I finally sent them an email earlier outlining exactly what they needed to do, and that we weren't leaving it to the last minute.

I don't understand the point of going away to university when you go home every single stinking weekend!!!

And I don't like when people say to me that they're busy..... well, let's see... we're in ALL the same classes, plus I work part time, plus I have immigration stuff to tend to, plus I'm planning a wedding. It's called prioritizing, people!!!

Phew, okay, end rant.

Different people do things different. Seems like you will go far in life within a few years and they will be following behind at a snail pace. I am sorry for you to have to deal with people like that but they are everywhere:)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-21 20:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Ok heres my vent and I have seen this before....

what the heck is up with childcare rates in United states, I am looking into a sitter job full time, 7am-530pm Monday to Friday.Now I don't mind the hours and I even can deal with the pay 100-150 week, but let me just calculate this for 100 a week thats 1.90 an hour, at 150 a week that is 2.85 an hour....IN Canada you are paid 5-10 an hour sometimes more.

I will say that it is not just this couple, when I got here I called around looking for a childcare/preschool for my son in the case that I got a part-time day job at a mall or something. The daycare prices were 100-200 a week or 25 a day.

Now I really only want a job this is not about money, My husband makes enough to cover our bills and to live, But I want to bring in some income to help out and to put in a savings account for next year when we look into buying a home.

So If you are a parent with a child thats not a bad price to have to pay but when you are the caretaker it seems a bit too little. anyways.

Yay that I found a potential Job, at least its money.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-17 14:08:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Oh, c'mon, you guys don't think Megan Fox is hot? I mean, huge tits, plump lips, doe eyes, tight a**... And a brain the size of a peanut... I loathe her, if anything, just because she's good-looking. I pretty much hate everyone that's good looking though...
Best I've heard: Jessica Biel -Justin Timberlake's fiance- said in an interview that she does not get a lot of roles in Hollywood because she is too pretty. :rofl:

But I think I've read enough about this On the Road cast from hell... I'm too scared of being disapointed now... I have a clear image of how everyone looks in that book, and so far, nobody is even close to what they are 'supposed' to look like... I think James Franco would have been a better choice...

Ok jessica biel will always be 7th heaven to me, although I just saw a bunch of movies she was in and didnt even realize it was her. I read a biography on her and she states "There is so much pressure to look a certain way in this town. But it's nice to have a little meat on you". what meat is she talking about all the pictures I see she is quite skinny..

I think I will see this movie just to see it, Maybe the good actors will over ride the bad :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-16 08:12:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I do think Natalie has a bit more talent than Megan though for sure. Natalie bugs me a teeny bit for some reason, but Megan annoys the ####### out of me, and she has toe thumbs.

I have to agree, I still dont like meagan against almost everybody...Mind you I dont like many actors/actresses lately
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-15 21:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Megan Fox is a once in a generation actress. Her talent knows no bounds. Thats as far as I could get before falling down laughing. She's lucky, from the interviews i've read, she is quite nescient. She actually wasn't bad in Jonah Hex though. I'm just saying :whistle:

I had to bring up a trailer of jonah hex as I haven't seen it., I found the trailer on youtube sure enough right under is a whole bunch of people saying, meagan fox is hot as ######, she could ride me like a pony haha. Movie looks good still dont see her as an actress , but hey Im just one person :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-15 18:59:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

If the exec really thinks that, he doesn't understand that most of the twitards liked it for the "hot" guys in it :lol: Somehow this reminds me of that chick... shia leboufs gf in transformers? yeah I don't even remember her name, but I know her movie after that (Jennifer's body?) tanked. Hopefully the rest of the people in the movie make it not terrible.

THAT ...... meagan fox...I cannot stand her..but every man seems to like her
I dont see the "specialness" of her nor do I think she has a drop of talent

Edited by Canadiandggal, 15 November 2010 - 06:08 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-15 18:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Who is she? The girl from the Twilight movie?

yes.. although I didnt even relize it was her till I gogled her name .. see how much I like her :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-15 17:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Oh hell yeah! That's such a good book! Hopefully she won't ruin the entire movie... But she might... Who plays Dean?

Yeah that totally ruins the movie :(
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-15 13:06:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

That was painful to watch :( Thanks for letting us know!

Yeah I agree I ended up on youtube seeing more like this. I dont have my cats here but I will inform my mom and My dogs will never use any of there products. :( that is soo SAd :crying:
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-11 14:34:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

So last year my cousin married this semi-crazy girl - they had a baby about two years prior so I guess he figured he might as well seal the deal. Well it turns out two weeks ago he left her, with their daughter. Apparently she drinks too much and parties too much. Which is true, seems every night is "Girlz Nite" (her spelling, not mine) at her place. But I am her friend on fb and she hasn't mentioned anything at all. In fact she's still having "Girlz Nite" and posting about getting wasted.

She hasn't seen her daughter in two freaking weeks. She doesn't even seem concerned - though I am sure she is but I think she has a serious problem with alcohol so I don't think she can even feel what she is supposed to feel right now. Anyways my cousin is going to go for full custody and I am pretty sure she'll just give it to him. Who knows.

Crazy though - I sort of feel cheated because I went to their wedding and gave them $250.00 and then they go do that a year later. :P

Yeah that has to suck , but at least your cousin will have good reasoning and probably get custody without any problems :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-10 09:13:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Grrr - I really dislike US Health care insurance!. We just got our new plan for the coming year. - a BCBS PPO. Co-pays for doctors visit increase from $20 to $30; specialists increase from $40 to $60 - and of course my endocrinologist is considered a specialist even though he is the standard doctor for diabetes. Due to the new health legislation preventative medical care and treatment is now covered at 100% with no co-pays, and approved tests (which are fewer) are only covered at 60% - we pay the other 40%. All other treatment we pay 100% of the cost until we meet the deductible of $1000 each and then 40% of the cost until we reach the $2500 additional deductible cap when they will then pay 100%. Since my medication does not have a generic and their 'preferred' medication does not work effectively for me, I now must go with their non-preferred prescription coverage which means they will only cover 40% of the cost - last year it was 50% . The dental and vision plan remain the same - the vision plan is actually pretty good but the dental is again only $1000 a year and between 50% to 80% coverage of treatments except for 2 annual checkups/cleaning which are covered 100% after the $25 deductible and a $15 co pay. At least emergency hospitalization care is covered 100% after $125 co-pay ( although above coverage percentages apply once you are admitted to hospital and no longer in emergency). All this for nearly $400 a month in premiums.

I am so with you, My husband called in today try to find a way to get my son and I on his insurance before the 12th as this is when enrollment ends. I do not Have my ssn yet due to just coming on the 31st. (I cannot get my SSN for a least another week, Only been here 5 business days hehe)
Anyways he somehow gets the lady to add us and she urges us to contact her the moment we get our numbers as she isn't suppose to add dependents without numbers, at the end of the call she tells my husband that the costs are going up as of next month from 180 to 220 dollars bi-weekly, as well as co payments etc, its not that much of a increase but still!! YAY I HAVE INSURANCE NOW!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 10:14:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I have been reading this thread for a while now, but have waited to contribute until I had a true gripe....

So, about a month ago, a new girl moved into my apartment. I'm in teacher's college, and I live in a university owned apartment with 3 (now 4) other women. It was PERFECT until about a month ago. We never saw each other, went about our own lives, and kept to ourselves. Perfect for university, because it's hectic, and busy. Then new girl gets placed here..... we're all in our mid-twenties, and she's 18. And she's only in 1 "real" lecture class, and 2 online classes, so she is a part time student. This mean she chooses to stay up all night...... don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less what time anyone goes to bed. However, she YELLS ALL NIGHT ON THE PHONE! And plays music, and has her TV on. Seriously. She's still awake when I get up at 6.
The hallway light shines into my bedroom, so I shut it off when I go to bed, since it serves no real purpose anyway (the only things in the hallway are the 2 bathrooms and they're directly across the way.... not going to get lost on the way!!) and she ALWAYS turns it back on. And I turn it back off.
And she leaves hair and nastiness all over the bathroom.
The best part - her mother comes and stays here A LOT. And has the nerve to ask when we are going to clean (only me and another roommate clean because the rest are too lazy or don't care).... and I just about freaked. I wanted to say, "when I get a chance to later, because SOME of us get up at 6 am every day and teacher 30 kids all day and plan lessons all night and other projects... while your daughter DOES NOTHING!".... however, I'm just a bi*ch internally, so I said nothing.

Phew. End rant. Sorry, this is probably the longest, most annoying vent on this thread, but it definitely felt good.

haha, thanks for letting me vent :)

Awe, That would definitely have me ranting unfortunately you guys cannot pick your roommates. I would talk to the other gals and maybe say something politely. Im sorry :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-04 07:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Now if only doing that would suddenly make the newbs read the guides and use the search function instead of posting a new thread about every question that pops into their head.

Hey now, I use the guides and the search function but still come up with newb questions, then again i also answer the newb questions and research other peoples questions to help I am a newb helper newber! :whistle:
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-27 21:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre



How about processed? Lol I was just thinking how do i say it,.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-22 18:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My cousin just moved outside of L.A. to a city called Calabasas. It's still a suburban city, but it is in the foothills, so there are precautions you have to take if you have pets, or small children. My cousin has 2 cats, both of whom were outside cats before the move. My cousin cleared all the brush away from her backyard, and kept her cats indoors during the evening. The two cats were just diagnosed with feline leukemia. Turns out they didn't need to worry so much about mountain lions or coyotes so much as feral cats :angry: I hope they euthenize the feral cats. :angry:

OMG thats horrible! Im sorry for your cousin and their kitties :(
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-12 15:56:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Agreed! my father in law is like that! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-04 20:14:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I would like to have a second vent for today. why are my doctors such buttheads?First he refuses to give my son the hep B shot till after the medical then when I call today to schedule a appt with him so I can get my son the shot asap after the upcoming I get told to call after the medical well NO WAY!! you give me a damn appt now, I am not waiting till the medical day to then hear that hes booked for the next two weeks. So I made her give me a date! I was like listen lady, I know he needs the shot, and yet the doctor refuses so fine, i will get the paperwork he wants and I will come get the shot ok? ok fine i have a open time at 10am on the 29th. Thats more like it lady! haha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-16 13:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

ooooh, its a dhl site? jeez. what #######. do they have a help line?

Not that i can find, There is a contact us link but it just gives you an email to contact. I tend to like real people as noone can explain this in a email. If its not one thing its another lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-16 10:50:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I have a vent!! The new damn dhl site that you have to sign up for now instead of bringing a evenvelope is majorly confusing. It wants me to book a interview date but I have a date already. soooo confusing, its hurting my head! grrrr
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-16 10:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Ok a somewhat vent, but funny at the end. I get up this morning at 330am to help my husband get ready for work, make him tuna salad,snacks, a protein shake and coffee. My husband meanwhile gets dressed,packs up his gym clothing and packs his "work" stuff up, during this time he realizes he cannot find his work Vehicle keys and begins to search the usual places and house.He clearly remembers putting them on top of our dogs kennel,and yet they grew legs and walked away. He searches the usual spots and then begins to search the "no frigging way they are here" spots, this goes on for an hour and I join in searching odd places that don't make much sense. We tear the house apart, I am beginning to go insane and he moves on to thinking our son dylan must have moved them so In we go to our sons room and check his toy box, then back in a few minutes later to ask my poor little tired man if he has seen or moved daddys keys. Moments later my son is wide awake and helping with the search, and being amusingly cute with his HMMmmm look. My sons room still gets torn apart, clothing everywhere,toys all over the floor, closet torn apart and yet NO keys. My husband finally gives up with his search and decides he will take my car to work and figure it out later(although he really was driving my insane and this was far too early for this type of brain activity) SO I am sitting on my bed folding clothing and racking my brain and my husband says to our son, If you find daddies keys I will get you a treat.I give up! I am going to finish up in the kitchen as I refuse to search anymore. My husband begins to laugh and comes out of our room with his keys in his hand "they just appeared out of no where!" What! huh? They appeared right here? so I look, "oh, they were under your bag, Hahaha", Oh thats what he meant. He was standing there and dylan said daddy your boots, so he said yes those are my boots. Well My husband had got up this morning grabbed his gym bag and threw it on our dresser then when he went searching he looked inside the bag but he never looked under the bag, when he moved the bag he put his boots right on top of his keys and my son saw them because he was at the right height. So first of all I told my husband that memory can be a tricky thing aNd I said "I told you he didn't touch em". Then we are in the kitchen right before he walks out the door and I say "you better bring dylan back a treat, he did find your keys ya know." So Its 630 now and I am wide awake watching cartoons and laughing at my husband But at 330 in the morning I was frustrated,irritated, angry and thought my husband was a completed butt head. Now I am all good. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-07 05:30:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Because so many people speak before thinking and then the worst part is they don't even see where they are wrong. Sorry that she constantly says things like that :(
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-06 19:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
My First VENT! We were invited to MY Father in law's/step mom for a labour day get together today. My sil went down last night to my FIL's house to spend some time with them and brought her dog with her. We woke up this morning, packed up the family including our two dogs stopped along the way to get a "tie out" for the dogs while we were there so they could be out in the fresh air at some point and to avoid any "complications". We got there 2.5 hours later, what a drive haha. First I get to meet my SIL's new Hubby, and their somewhat new dog, small friendly thing. My dogs ofcourse are like "ohhh look a dog lets play"! So they sniff and sniff , then off they go no biggy. A fewer minutes later my "little dog" decides he must sniff again, then somemore haha. Then again off they go meanwhile their dog sits there. "no biggy" My dogs decide the Pup is nothing too interesting and occasionally come back for a few sniffs and a lick. However the dog is their Prince so they begin to "complain" that our dogs are too Hyper. So we put the tie out up and put our dogs on their leads. Now they have about 50 feet to run around and relax and yet to leave the dog alone. Meanwhile the dog still runs free, No problem, next Their dog eats some of our dogs Food (we dont care its dog food) but we pass it along to make sure its ok. The New hubby says sure as long as you dont mind, the sil comes out, he is not allowed to eat their food because he will get sick. Ok fine. So our dogs are tied up and have their space, the other dog wants to play and my dogs dont really care to do much of anything at the moment. So we go inside for a minute to get a drink and our dogs whine as they "aren't alone much" My MIL says that this wont do and we must bring them inside as she doesn't want to bother the neighbors. Of course my SIL says loud enough for me to hear "Oh great now the dogs will torment my "charlie". ERRRR, but whatever. Next Her darling charlie Bites my son, I let it go as he is still young and simply say its no biggy. The dogs come in the house but I am upset by now so they end up back outside with me. Of course the other dog comes out shortly after and they play some more, then he runs off and eats some more of my dogs food. Meanwhile Im not paying attention to the tiny dog running around so Then I get In "###### " for letting him eat the dogs food again. NICE! Then my darling FIL begins to tell my brother in law of how my dogs aren't neutered thats why we are having problems. Problems? what problems? well my dogs are still young and at the very moment I cannot have them neatured as It costs a far share but they will be in a few months.(and yes I have called spca etc but my hubby makes over the Low income limit) Now I know my dogs need to be neatured but up until this point I didn't see too many problems going on here. After that I hear some more chit chat about "my son" and how we got married. people really need to be quiet as they speak. But it does not end their, my sil comes over and starts asking why we are "in the zone" and cannot understand why we are upset. So much has happened in a matter of less then an hour that my head begins to pound and my past memories have start to come back. Everytime we visit his dads house I always feel Judged and unwelcomed. SO a few more minutes pass and the talk continues as if we are not sitting right there, everything is said and thats it we cannot take anymore so we pack up and say we are leaving. It was a bad idea and we are going home. My husband has some words with my FIL and we leave. Now I must explain that my husband Is The Middle child, he is the one who is the black sheep he has done wrong in the past and they always treat him like it. Of course both his siblings have done wrong but they will never admit that their other children could be in the wrong. Nor do the call or make contact, it is all my husband who does that. I am so fed up with the way they treat people as if we are nothing and they are everything. Noone should every think they are better then anyone, cause guess what? their not. We are all human and we are all suppose to get along. err.. Ok I am done. I take it I rambled and I am sure half the people reading this will think I am crazy but It was a long drive 5 hours all together for a visit of 2 hours max. Just to listen to bitching,whining and back talking. Ok doen haha sorry :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-05 14:53:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
haha! :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-02 15:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I want a job at Blizzard :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-01 16:47:00