CanadaPOE @ Pearson
Have a great holiday and enjoy your new life in USA :)
I cannot wait to do move one day too hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-03-24 13:19:00
CanadaElectronic Processing
maybe they thought you had already started to sent in paperwork via mail, and were thinking you wanted to switch. odd but email them back and confirm that you want to do EP :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-03-25 08:07:00
CanadaCr1 Visa fee
As for what I was trying to ask back then,
what are the shipping costs that you pay at the interview as I see that you bring a xpresspost envelope along with the paperwork?
also do you just buy any kind of expresspost envelope?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-03-27 16:11:00
CanadaCr1 Visa fee
Ok let me see,
the nvc fees are when you first get to the nvc and roughly 2 months before interview maybe a bit less or more depending on where you are interviewing.
the NVC fees are 470 total.
The toronto medical is 275 for an adult but im not sure if the costs are different else where..
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-03-27 16:09:00
CanadaCr1 Visa fee
I haven't even received my Noa2 yet but I just started think about the upcoming costs and wanted to know forsure what the
fees when I get to the interview will be. Like to get the visa at montreal, I think i saw it was something like $130.
Please just let me know
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-02-03 13:58:00
Canadacourt records
stops doing a dance, back a square one. i was just told they will request paperwork but my paperwork may be unacceptable.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-06 15:39:00
Canadacourt records
"Does a little Dance"
Gone through hell and back to get the information needed to apply for the paperwork NVC wants.
Cannot wait to be back on track.
Will be requesting the proper Court records tomorrow morning, hoping to have them within the next 2 weeks.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-06 12:23:00
Canadacourt records
I don't know the date I was convicted, This was a long time ago. I was told my record has been purged and I will need to request paperwork from the archives. This is turning out to be horrible! The court person said well why don't you talk to immigration they know everything! i said they requested this information! Duh.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-06 08:12:00
Canadacourt records

I'll just add this in case they were not specific about what, exactly, they require:

Court Records

Applicants who have been convicted of a crime in Canada should obtain a certified copy of court records from the clerk or registrar of the court in which they were convicted. Court records should state the section of the Canadian Criminal Code under which the applicant was convicted, the disposition of the case, and the penalty imposed, if any. Court records must also indicate whether the case was handled as a summary or indictable offense.

Canadian pardons have no effect under U.S. law. Applicants who have been convicted of a crime in Canada that was subsequently pardoned must contact an RCMP office to obtain both a Certified Criminal Record Check and copies of their pardoned criminal record. See “Police Records” above.

In cases of controlled substance violations (such as drug possession, sales, or trafficking), court records should indicate the type and quantity of substance involved. If court records do not include this information, applicants should seek to obtain it from the records of the police service that investigated the case or the Crown prosecutor’s office that prosecuted it.

Thanks so much
I will be reading from this page when I call them on tuesday to make sure I get the correct paperwork. I am going to try to get them from outside of here but worst case I will have to go get them the day I get back. Thanks to both of you!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-03 15:42:00
Canadacourt records

Hey, sorry to hear that. Small bump in the road. Remember in Canada Easter Monday is a holiday for gov't including court's worth a shot calling but you may have to wait til Tuesday.

AWE ZEN, you just made me go "ughhhh serious"
Oh well whats one more day, Just hoping for the best here :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-03 08:20:00
Canadacourt records

i was in canada when i got my court records but all i did was call the courthouse where I had my court proceedings and they just asked me to send them a fax asking for a Certified Court Record. then they mailed it to me. i don't think it matters if you are outside of canada for court records but when you do the criminal record check, it's best to have this done in canada as it will take up to 120 days to get it done if you are outside of canada.

hope this helps!

Thank you,
I will give the courthouse a call on monday and ask if they can mail out court papers. I'm actually getting excited from ur post
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-02 18:21:00
Canadacourt records
Hey all
Trying to see if anyone has any advice or experience. I got an rfe today due to not having the proper or all of my court paperwork. I am currently visiting my hubby and will not be back till april 23. Anyone requested court documents from outside canada? Anyone have any experience? Any links? Any phone number? I'm so sad right now I thought I was going to be case complete then woke up to a rfe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-02 17:17:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
This is why i think depo-provera is a no no or at least from experience.

1. Loss of Bone Mineral Density

Use of Depo-Provera CI reduces serum estrogen levels and is associated with significant loss of bone mineral density (BMD) as bone metabolism accommodates to a lower estrogen level. This loss of BMD is of particular concern during adolescence and early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion. younger women will reduce peak bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporotic fracture in later life. In both adults and adolescents, the decrease in BMD appears to be at least partially reversible after Depo-Provera CI is discontinued and ovarian estrogen production increases. A study to assess the reversibility of loss of BMD in adolescents is ongoing.

4. Thromboembolic Disorders
The physician should be alert to the earliest manifestations of thrombotic disorders (thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular disorders, and retinal thrombosis). Should any of these occur or be suspected, the drug should not be readministered.

5. Ocular Disorders
Medication should not be readministered pending examination if there is a sudden partial or complete loss of vision or if there is a sudden onset of proptosis, diplopia, or migraine. If examination reveals papilledema or retinal vascular lesions, medication should not be readministered.

I would like to keep both my body, and eye sight hehe lol...

Having sex without getting pregnant you say, well... easy for some, hard for others. Different people use different methods, some people use nature and its wonderful ways, some people just risk the odds and don't worry. The odd few use every possible protection to man kind. Personally I am on the nature will do its own thing right now. If it happens it happens if it don't then screw it.

Most my friends had children by the time they were 16, some had 2 by that time. Two are still with the father. Two don't see the fathers. Except my best friend we somehow conceived around the same time while being "on the outs for almost a year", we actually didn't know either one was pregnant till i found Chinese food in the hospital fridge, and found her three doors down, we had our children 2 days apart. Great story lol

Edited by Canadiandggal, 18 April 2010 - 08:02 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-18 08:00:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
Ha ha ha
Lucky for me I have only been pregnant once since entering the lions den per say. Yes
I plan on getting my tubes tied after we have a second child. As I said I am not very fertile, when I say not very I mean border line infertile, as of right now I want a second bambino lol so I'm good. Now that you say that he can get the snip when the time comes, I get all the other pain. Lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-16 22:04:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean

I know.....;)
Lol....I was just wondering why this got off topic a bit....from birth control pills to condoms..
As I said before..

Same (as in they are both birth control options) but different (used differently, used by opposite genders)....Whatever works, nevertheless...;)

Ha ha

Well I'm totally screwed as my husband falls under afew of those and the main one he just doesn't want too. Then there is me, I have a blood disorder and I cannot use birth control due to the hormones, lucky I am not very fertile
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-04-16 21:21:00
CanadaElectronic Processing Question
I did the same.. I Put MTLxxxxxxxxxxx --"ds-230 package"
then in body I put Nvc package for "aos or ds230" then all the petitioners and Ben's information such as name,email address and date of birth.

Edited by Canadiandggal, 12 May 2010 - 11:06 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-05-12 11:05:00
CanadaJust moved
Haha Yeah, I am staying with some family In Oshawa till I get to go to the states..Crosses fingers. July 8th the hubby is driving down and flying back to the states so he can leave me the car for the trip to montreal. That should be fun. I hate all the paperwork it takes to change everything and Canada revenue doesn't seem to understand immigration very well but what can ya do. Thanks for the Information Ant :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-05-31 20:48:00
CanadaJust moved
Hey I Just moved a few days ago to a different city in canada but my case is already complete with NVC so who do I notify about my move. I am the ben. Do i have to change the I-864ez and The ds230 documents to reflect my change in address as well? I hate moving.
Thanks in advance
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-05-28 14:19:00
CanadaGood Luck ChrisCon, Fireray (and Firekari), Bwoo and Zenaxe!
woot firefly!! Congrats
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 14:55:00
CanadaGood Luck ChrisCon, Fireray (and Firekari), Bwoo and Zenaxe!
Good Luck Guys!! Im praying for all three of you, although I don't think you guys will need it :P Positive you all will be accepted :) Give us reviews :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 08:47:00
CanadaCanada fingerprinting police check
Ok Thank you! I was concerned because by the time i get an interview, my interview will prob not be till sept or oct so that would be 6 months
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 22:18:00
CanadaCanada fingerprinting police check
so if it was issued march 10th 2010 then they will accept it up to march 10th 2011?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 21:28:00
CanadaCanada fingerprinting police check
I have a quick question....I have a finger print police check from March 2010. Do Canadian police checks expire 6 months or 1 year? There is no expiration date on the check.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 20:14:00
CanadaInterview in MTL!!
I hope that your journey is not much longer. I understand whAt shewolf is feeling it is hard to have to wait so damn long, however things do work differently when your spouse is in the military. Think of it this way shewolf ( and no offense to sweetcheeks) sweet only gets limited time with her hubby even when she is finally at home with him, he will be deployed frequently. When you get to be at home with your hubby he will be at home with you every night. *however life is too damn short and we should all be with our loved ones and be forever happy. Also most my hubbys family is navy so I do get the expidite process. Ok said my piece.congrats again sweetcheeks
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-27 14:10:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought
ok I will try that. Thank you. worst case i will just be delayed a till i get his shots done.
I was told that he will give you paperwork stating what you need.
Thanks again
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 14:33:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought
I already showed him the paper of immunations needed from dr seidans site. he told me that dr seidan will give me a sheet saying whats missing and then he will give me any shots needed. He is a new doctor and i tried to agrue but he is the doctor lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 14:17:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought
oshawa ontario/toronto ontario.

im back and forth
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 14:06:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought
awesome you are very helpful. Would you know where to get my son a hep b shot? Our family doctor said he will not give him any shots till he gets a letter from dr seidan of what we still need. However i would like to get my son his hep b before hand. I did call a few travel clinics but never heard anything back.

should add he is 4 years old
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 13:52:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought
sorry to steal your question but it says you need a booster combo within the last ten years? I had one in 2002? but then someone said you need to have it done within 2 years? what is the correct timeline?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 12:26:00
Yeah I have yet to find a clinic that will do it. They just keep saying your family doctor who wont do it until he gets notification of what is needed. His words were "the doctor will tell you what is needed and then i can give you what you are missing"

maybe i can call dr seidans office and ask
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-29 14:57:00
I wrote about this yesterday in a topic but I would like to know anyone has had experience with going to the medical in toronto and missing a Immunizations. what happens? do they provide you with the shot or give you a slip saying what you need. My 4 year old son is missing a Hep B shot, his family doctor refuses to give him the shots without a letter from the immigration doctor stating what is needed, I did show him a print out of the needed shot but he still refused. I have tried a few travel clinics with no return answers however I was given some great information about a travel clinic in toronto called medisys. I called them yesterday and thought i was going to be able to get it done but i got a call back today stating that they do not provide 4 year olds with shots, please see your family doctor. So I am just going to accept that fact that my son is going to be missing a hep b shot and would just like to know what they do when someone is missing a shot. I mean will they give him a prescription to get his shot?
sorry if i am confusing.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-29 14:45:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
Not usually, Just be honest. Flight and car travel are not that much different. It really just depends on the Crossing person. I am not very good at the whole how long you can stay because different people say different things. But yeah I think you have up to 6 months. However if you say your are only going to stay a certain amount of time you should try to stick to it or close to it. My grand mother drove me through last Christmas and met my husband in PA, again just be honest.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-27 08:25:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
You could always try to go visit him again, just be honest and bring the nvc paperwork and ANYTHING you have as proof. I am a stay at home mom and am currently residing with my grandmother so I had NO ties really. I brought court papers for my son, the nvc documents, packed light, brought bank info, recent taxes but that was about it.Just be honest, getting denied for no proof cant hurt.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 22:27:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
where do you try to cross the border at? I have never had any problems with border. I am currently visiting the hubby in maryland, we cross through Fort erie usually but we crossed at cornwall area this time. Was asked a few questions, how long we were staying, what stage we were at and if my son was mine. I am only here for about 3 weeks till I hear something from NVC/montreal.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 22:23:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
Hehe ok 10 weeks, It is still possible to get sept interviews. I am truly crossing my fingers. It is possible that we may here something within the next week. Just keep your head up.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 21:27:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
I am 9 weeks now and recently called NVC, i was told at least 4 weeks more. They are sooo slow
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-26 20:12:00
CanadaSeptember CR-1 Interviews....Anyone???
nothing on september interviews yet still hoping to hear something soon
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-28 12:46:00
CanadaPolice Certificate
It is just for the ben. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-31 09:44:00
CanadaPolice Certificate
yes just then ben, unless they have asked for both.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-31 09:19:00
CanadaYou know you wanna be Canadian!
haha Awesome video!! Definitely made my day by seeing that video!!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-05 11:09:00