Canadavisa denied?

Alright, so you called DOS? What I would do is call this afternoon to see if you get a different answer. The visa being pending would mean AP (administrative processing). If the person you get next says the same thing, definitely get your congressman involved.
I think it is safe to say that whatever a DOS person tells you, don't blindly believe it. A couple weeks could mean a couple of months, considering they are not the most accurate most of the time...
The faster you get the congressman involved ( I know I'm repeating myself here) the faster you'll have an answer, and hopefully your visa in hand.
Don't stress out too much, even though that's easier said than done, but stay proactive and things will be ok. If you just wait around, that wouldn't be good for your stress level!

agreed again, man you people are smart! Ha ha .
Give Dos a call another 1-2 calls today just to get answers from more then One person. If you are in ap theres most likely no problem they are just holding it to fit their quota maybe :unsure:
I cant answer why some people (such as myself) have got it in 2 days and others end up waiting, I believe MSR still has not received her visa either and shes in ottawa, although her interview date was friday so its been 5 business days for her.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-28 07:58:00
Canadavisa denied?

You can go into AP after being 'approved' at the interview. Someone on the Canadian forum has had this happen recently, they received their visa about a month after their interview.

You should call Department of State at 202-663-1225, they can tell you what the latest is regarding your visa - if you're in AP, if it has been printed, sent, etc.

Agreed! Give DOS a call, a few times if you dont get a straight answer.
The problem may not be with DHL or it could be as I have said previously maybe the montreal/ottawa locations work differently. You may be in AP, if you are then they will print your visa on their time, but try not to worry too much, if you heard the words approved then you are approved...just taking them a while to get it to you.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-28 07:32:00
CanadaPassport photos for Mtl interview
I would try the suggusted, however worst case they have a photo booth at the montreal consulate :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-31 19:37:00
CanadaInterview Done No Passport/VISA yet

Just checked DHL it's coming , i should have it by either Monday or Tuesday, YIPPEEEEEE!!!! :dance::dance:

Maybe they do them in batches and just put some through yesterday

I am sure yours is on DHL too csmith, keep us posted.

does a little dance! Awesome news!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-30 22:49:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration

We would not try to immigrate to the US until much later. Not apply at the same time. We originally picked the US but it is just way too long of a wait. With looking at a hardship waiver it would be at least 18 months of immigration. So Canada did not win a race but rather it would be easier to immigrate me and the children which I have sole custody of. As it is now we have been waiting 9 months for a border waiver to travel to the U.S. since he submitted it to the U.S. border. So tacking on another 18 months would be too detrimental to the kids who he has been helping raise for three years.

My husband has been raising my son since we met so I know what you mean, time apart can be very disturbing to a childs emotional needs and stability.
Do whatever you feel is right, Canada is a wonderful place to live (there are bad parts in every country).
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-03 07:25:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration

After consulting with several attorneys we are giving up on US immigration and focusing on settling in Canada. Reasons being with a pardoned criminal history from 30 years ago it will take at least two years of immigration process and that is just not an option. I have young children who associate him as a parent and him being absent for that long would be detrimental. Also we can immigrate to Canada in under 8 months! So I think this will be our decision. Then if we want to immigrate him to the US we can do it while together in Canada and if he gets denied NO PRESSURE!
Are we crazy?

I guess it all depends on past criminal history. But no you are not crazy, It is hard whether there are problems or not but even harder when you know there are going to be problems. I am would do it a million times over but at the same time If it was going to take FOREVER I think he would have immigrated to Canada somehow.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-28 12:34:00
CanadaOctober K-1 interviews in Montréal!
Yeah mine took. 2 days to get here. Interview was on the 20th and dhl called this morning. I am sure MSR will be approved. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-22 09:36:00
CanadaOctober K-1 interviews in Montréal!
sending all you k-1's some good vibes!! good luck all! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-04 14:59:00
CanadaOctober K-1 interviews in Montréal!

All this confusion!!!!!!
9 more days until my interview (Sept 24) Should I assume since I am still scheduled the old way that I still pay & bring my xpress envelope to the interview as previously done? Maybe I should call to be sure? I'm thinking I would of gotten something in the mail if they changed it for me as well, but since they snuck this new process in without warning, you never know!

I am a cr-1 witha interview of Oct 20th . I signed up for the dhl mail thing today however I am confused as well so I am planning to bring the envelope along just in case :) I suggust you sign up for dhl and bring the envelope as well. better safe then sorry :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-16 20:03:00
CanadaMTL Embassy Interview Assignments backed up

Edited by Canadiandggal, 04 November 2010 - 10:41 AM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-04 10:40:00
COngrats, :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-03 07:19:00
CanadaWhat are the chances of getting visa the day of interview?
here we go I found who it was...It was philandjulie interviewed on the 27th of october here is a part that they say in their review...

"I also negotiated with my interviewer to pick my visa up the next day. Told him I had to be out of the apartment by the weekend. It's worth a shot if you have to move quickly. But don't go in expecting to get the visa in Montreal. The officer said he rarely gives out the clearance ticket to come back and pick it up."

This was a good reason :) It is possible!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 13:17:00
CanadaWhat are the chances of getting visa the day of interview?
I agree theres no harming in asking, I do think that someone recently did this and was able to pick it up. However it does not happen very often. Just smile :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 11:43:00
CanadaIs it still first come, first served?


On Wednesday they opened the door at 7:30 we were there at 6:30 and left as it was cold and dark and no one was there. We went and grabbed a coffee and croissant at the Green Cafe (a 3 minute walk) Was great food and coffee there and close.:thumbs:

We got back at 7:15 and were 2nd in line. The person who interviewed us said it was good to come early. We were done by 9 am first outta there!:dance:

All the best to you!:)

Hey MSR and I were thinking about you and wondering where the "I got approved" was. we were getting worried. Glad to see your ok :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 14:56:00
CanadaIs it still first come, first served?
Yes, It is still visit come visit serve. I showed up just before 7am and was second in line :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 14:26:00
CanadaNVC Stage

did you present the certified record check at the time of interview? or mail it to NVC.

I did EP so I just emailed it to them and brought the original with me to the interview. I would call nvc and clarify it. They may advise you to do the same thing, write a letter explaining that you are waiting on the paperwork but Would hate to be stuck on hold and will have it for the interview.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 16:16:00
CanadaNVC Stage
Hmmm, I got a rfe due to not having a court record so... BUT I was told that I could have sent a letter back stating I was in the process of getting it and they more than likely would have let me case complete and just show it at the interview. (however I wasnt told this till I had the damn paperwork)
Not sure exactly..
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-05 15:41:00
Canadaexpress post from Montreal
although I did dhl, I brought the express post envelope with me, I was told by Canada post up to 5 business days, But as said above it can take a few weeks if Montreal doesn't send it out right away.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-11-08 07:14:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Thanks Ant!

My October recipient should be getting a postcard soon - it is going out in today's mail.

I got a postcard today! Guess from who? hehe
Thank you very much :) I cannot wait to spend the fall in the states.

My postcard was sent out yesterday so it should be there in a week.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-09 15:23:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I believe that due to the change in "head person" we are not doing the exchange till October. Although I was prepared for Sept :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-09 21:02:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I know what ant is trying to say all about the people :), but I do get what the danu and coconut are saying. I am here to stay and the Guidelines per say have been said a few times now. Lets just let it be and continue on with our fun postcarding :) The Themes seem great. although My postacard is my dog so I will be doing my own theme this time hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-31 17:47:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ok great just wanted to make sure you received it, sent it almost two weeks ago I think :P replying to your pm in a second. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-22 12:39:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey chickaflick
Did you get my august postcard yet?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-22 11:50:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Thats Agent 87 to you my friend!! -creeps around the corner-
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-19 14:55:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I am not blaming anyone! :) Just saying its not hard to send a card :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-19 11:00:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
That is possible as well.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-19 09:49:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ant is not the only one concerned. I wouldn't want to be the person that did not get a postcard from lack of someone actually doing what they said they wanted to do, send me a card :) It is not fair. The above post really doesn't say or Imply much rules and regulations, I think that it makes sense to have some Guidelines of what to do, (sending a postcard should not be this Hard BTW) I mean write address, write letter on card, put stamp and send in mailbox. I am not entirely sure how postcards are getting forgotten but stuff does get lost frequently with the mail system. However in the case of something getting lost at least pipe up and let us know that it was sent out. I dont know! I would send everyone a card each month if I could. You really can not imagine how much i look forward to hear from someone other then a bill company. It is nice to read a postcard from somewhere other then here. Common guys lets just postcard it up :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-19 08:16:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I agree with everyone :)
I think that it stinks to be that person who never gets their postcard but I also see how having rules and regulations might make it less fun to others. I do it for fun and I get very excited waiting to send off my postcards each month. I too have a life though.. Children, hobbies, household stuff but I still have sometime to do vj ;)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-18 18:08:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
July is a great month... we were married july 10th 2009 but we did a 8th-12th vacation for our anniversary. I cannot wait to do it again next year and the next 50 after that :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-10 19:34:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hope this works .. the postcard I sent is below
Posted Image
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-08 10:54:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
August postcard sent out today. It is a picture that I turned into a postcard, The photo was taken July 11th 2010 well the hubby and I were celebrating our 1 year wedding Anniversary. We decided to have a weekend away at Niagara Falls Ontario, It was a blast and I got a million pictures.
Yay for August hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-07 16:23:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
How about I just send out a million postcards to everyone then Noone gets left out hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-06 08:11:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!,

I get my postcards so My address is up to date and you have it right
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-04 20:02:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
So since im visiting the hubby for a few weeks I tried to find a postcard shop today but found nothing. Instead i ordered online a few postcards and photos from Our anniversary trip to Niagara Falls ...Tourism :)Oh and a few cute ones of my dogs hehe, they will be here next week and then off to the lucky person :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-04 19:00:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ok, whens the aug draw and what is the theme or do we do themes seeing how i never send the right theme anyways hehe
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-03 14:14:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Haha yeah a bulldog...ignore the prior ramble hehe. :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-25 19:14:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey guys I thought I should mention that I got the postcard for this month thanks kathryn. As for the july card I sent to marilyn, I don't check the post card link to often and the pages are adding up so I just bought a bunch of cards, I usually have the card sent out before I know the theme of the month. Or maybe I was just thinking about a bull dog haha. On to august yay
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-25 14:18:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
sent mine out last week :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-14 07:33:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I am in for july!!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-07-01 17:33:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Got the postcard from ashenflowers, Very nice picture, I so want to visit there now haha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-06-24 21:36:00