CanadaMontreal Interview questions..
I was asked, how did we met, when was our first visit, how many trips have I made as well as how many did he make,when was my last trip, what he did for a living (i had to explain his job in detail), a question about my sons Biological dude (the "sperm donor" haha). A few questions about my past criminal record and that was it.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-17 14:40:00
CanadaHappy Holidays
Have a happy safe trip... Enjoy the holidays :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-22 08:48:00
CanadaMoving Beforehand

Hey All,

We just got our K-1 Visa approved last Friday at the Montreal Consulate and now have it in hand. My fiance is here with me in Canada right now for the holidays, and will be going back to the U.S. while I pack and get ready to move. My question is can she take some of my stuff across the border with her in her car before I go through the POE. Since I can only go through once without having to file more paper work and wait to return to Canada, we thought it might be easier if she can take some stuff over early. If so, what would the procedure be?


Really I am unsure as It is your personal effects but I would think she would be able to bring a bunch with her. I would write a list of everything just in case she gets pulled into secondary and PHOTOCOPY your Visa so IF they ask she can show them that you have a visa but have not used it yet.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-23 17:38:00
CanadaReceipts for Gifts?
I agree the husband Brought a trunk full of Gifts 2 years ago and had no problems. Some were wrapped, but the larger items were not. He never showed receipts just told them what he was bringing and approx cost of all the items.
We as a couple brought back some presents for my mom and nana a few months ago as well. It was my last stay in Canada for the interview so I wanted everyone to have something from us we didnt know when we would be back....March 2011 :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-24 15:56:00
CanadaImmunizations for Medical Exam (Canada)


I followed that sheet without any problems, however if you cannot get something then the medical doctor will write you a ltter to get it done.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-27 08:35:00
CanadaGot Green Card. Cancel Canada Residency?

If you have no Canadian income for 2010 then you don't file a return. Did you collect any Unemployment Insurance in 2010?


Nope no unemployment insurance. No income. no job. no welfare(social services).

I did receive child tax and gst, everyone has been informed of my move and the date I left.

Edited by Canadiandggal, 30 December 2010 - 12:49 PM.

CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-30 12:48:00
CanadaGot Green Card. Cancel Canada Residency?

I'd call CRA just to be sure - just my advice, I'd hate that you were supposed to file and didn't

They were always very helpful with me
Good luck

Very true...
Thanks, Ill give them a call
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-29 08:46:00
CanadaGot Green Card. Cancel Canada Residency?

I assume you mean 2010 :) If you only entered the US in OCT'10 - were you working for the first part of the year in Canada? You would need to file a 2010 tax return if you worked in Canada at all during 2010.

Nope I haven't worked since sept 2009 :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-29 08:30:00
CanadaGot Green Card. Cancel Canada Residency?
Pretty sure I do not have to file YAY..

You must file a return for 2009 if any of the following situations apply:

* You have to pay tax for 2009.
* We sent you a request to file a return.
* You and your spouse or common-law partner elected to split pension income for 2009. For more information, see lines 115, 116, 129 and 210.
* You received Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB) advance payments in 2009, and you want to apply for WITB advance payments for 2010.
* You disposed of capital property in 2009 (for example, if you sold real estate or shares) or you realized a taxable capital gain (for example, if a mutual fund or trust attributed amounts to you, or you are reporting a capital gains reserve you claimed on your 2008 return).
* You have to repay any of your Old Age Security or Employment Insurance benefits. For more information, see line 235.
* You have not repaid all amounts withdrawn from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under the Home Buyers' Plan or the Lifelong Learning Plan. For more information, see Guide RC4135, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP), or Guide RC4112, Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP).
* You have to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). This can apply if, for 2009, the total of your net self-employment income and pensionable employment income is more than $3,500. For more information, see line 222.

Even if none of these requirements apply, you may want to file a return if any of the following situations apply:

* You want to claim a refund.
* You want to claim the WITB for 2009.
* You want to apply for the GST/HST credit (including any related provincial credit). For example, you may be eligible if you turn 19 before April 2011.
* You or your spouse or common-law partner want to begin or continue receiving Canada Child Tax Benefit payments.
* You have incurred a non-capital loss (see line 236) in 2009 that you want to be able to apply in other years.
* You want to carry forward or transfer the unused part of your tuition, education, and textbook amounts (see line 323).
* You want to report income for which you could contribute to an RRSP, in order to keep your RRSP deduction limit for future years up to date.
* You want to carry forward the unused investment tax credit on expenditures you incurred during the current year (see line 412).

Since I do not have any of these I should be fine without filing...i think...
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-29 04:10:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?

yesterday they had no clue what was going on. so this morning i checked... nothing.

late in the afternoon right before i go back to LA my fiancee checks dhl and it arrived this morning. wth?

so i left for LA with our son and she'll be leaving tomorrow.

2 weeksand 3 days after the interview.

It was the holidays, but still a long time. Glad it arrived and good luck.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-31 09:37:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?

Aww... I hope so. My boyfriend booked us a flight on the 30th. This whole thing is nerve-wrecking! So, when I call DHL I should give them my reference numbers right?

Tell them that DOS has told you that your visa has been printed and should be at the dhl location but you haven't heard anything from the DHL location and the sites are not showing anything .. It is critical that you get this information as you are worried you will miss your upcoming flight and are becoming extremely scared that this will be the case. Tell them you can give them any information they want. If they will not give you any information ask them what you can do as You have been sitting in limbo and no one seems to be able to answer your questions or concerns.

And that is that lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-23 18:34:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?

I called this number: Toronto 647-955 3736. I am registered at the DHL markham location.

I picked up at the markham location.... Nice guy there although he can be hard to understand and he WILL call you the moment they get it in or at least he did when ours came in (maybe I was wait I know I am special...In the head lol.)
Mine took 2 business days from interview to being at that dhl location. He did however tell me my sons was there and not mine, then called back 10 minutes later to tell me mine was there (but didn't realize who I was, that was funny in itself). He looked for mine using my last name not any number although he did give me the number to pick it up with.

Call them back and tell them you want some answers and you want them now :devil:
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-23 17:44:00
CanadaChanging Interview Appointment?

Is it still impossible to change interview appointments reasonably? My wife is scheduled to have her CR-1 interview in Montreal on Feb 7, but is also scheduled to give a presentation at an Information Sciences Conference in Seattle on Feb 9.

Anyway this could happeb?

You can easily change the date by using the http://www.usvisa-in...country_welcome site but she could be in for a mighty long wait .Maybe a few months of waiting, I know there have been a few people who have done it a few months ago but I do not remember how long of a wait they had think 8 weeks or so. I would call one of the numbers below and see what they say.
Applicants can pay their visa application fee, arrange for courier service, get information, and make an appointment through this service.

Applicants can access this service by logging into this Web site or by calling our local numbers in Canada:

Calgary - 403.800.1194
Halifax - 902.982.2191
Montreal - 514.400.2591
Ottawa - 613.800.0917
Toronto - 647.955.3736
Vancouver - 604.800.2794
Quebec City - 418.800.1751
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-12-31 17:17:00
CanadaDHL Sign-up

Is there anyone that can help me with this? The redirecting issue is gone now. However, I can't get to choosing a DHL location without first selecting an interview date first.

The instructions I found on the same website specifically say NOT to schedule an interview if you already have one, but from the way the system works, it looks like you have to pick the interview first and then you can choose your DHL location.

The first available date was January 19th, which is well beyond our interview date.


I know that people have had the same thing happened a few times over the past month usually after a few days you can log in and it will randomly appear with the DHL locations.

I would give one of these numbers a call and tell them that there site is acting up and you need to set up your dhl location as your interview is coming up.

Applicants can pay their visa application fee, arrange for courier service, get information, and make an appointment through this service.

Applicants can access this service by logging into this Web site or by calling our local numbers in Canada:

Calgary - 403.800.1194
Halifax - 902.982.2191
Montreal - 514.400.2591
Ottawa - 613.800.0917
Toronto - 647.955.3736
Vancouver - 604.800.2794
Quebec City - 418.800.1751

If you are calling from outside the local area, dial the toll-free number 877.341.2441. If you are calling from within the United States, please dial 877.341.2441.

Hope that helps... and good luck with the interview.. You will do great! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-03 19:13:00
CanadaUSC'S Attendance at interview
Have to agree with the above people.Most the people I saw the day of my interview were alone, Such as birdnerd,haga and another lady. My husband thought that a 18 hour drive round trip to the interview was too much when he was coming to get me 12 days later, not to mention he had just started a new job and was unsure whether he could get it off.

I was not asked anything to do with him being there or not. Just the regular questions, Montreal seems to have great staff :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-04 07:57:00
CanadaBooking Flights on Interview Day


On a serious note, to my knowledge and prior experence only Governemt/Birth certificate (if a child) is needed to travel within Canada.
I believe the United States does the same process.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-05 18:22:00
CanadaBooking Flights on Interview Day

Can use any picture ID within Canada. I never used a passport to fly from Ottawa to Nova Scotia any of the times I had gone to see my family.

edit sry lemme re-say that GOVERNMENT picture ID lol.. So Driver License, Health Card. Not a picture drawn with crayons with your name on it lol.

Thanks for ruining that for me....
My son and I were In the middle of drawing Id's with crayons... His says dylan and has a stickman with blue eyes.... lol
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-05 17:59:00
CanadaBooking Flights on Interview Day

Great, thank you so much. Still probably going to play it safe and book the flight for after 5pm, but we might risk it with an earlier flight.

I had a train back to Oshawa , we booked it for 3pm and we were there by 1pm.

We were out of the embassy by 1030ish.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-05 11:57:00
CanadaCanadian Christmas Presents?

I got Ketchup Chips!

oH ...i want some ketchup chips...
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2011-01-01 12:49:00
CanadaDr seidens Medical Review
OH forgot to say we got out of the medical office at 8am :)pretty quick I think
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-28 12:16:00
CanadaDr seidens Medical Review
I figure I should share my experience.
I woke up this morning at 430am jumped in the shower, dressed everybody and ran out the house. We jumped on the subway and traveled down to Union station, walked for 7-10 mins and arrived at the Medical office at 635am.
We were second in the line up and within 2 minutes someone open up the doors for us, we sat for all of 10 minutes and two more couples arrived. I talked to both the couples and a nice man who wanted to know more as he was kinda lost in the process.I was called to talk to the admin to give all my paperwork,pictures etc, she was a very nice lady (however she never asked whether I wanted to have the results mailed or not). That process took all of 5 minutes. I was sent to x-ray, sat again for 10 minutes again talking with the same people, called in to x-ray (took a matter of 1 minute). Then was sent to sit to wait for blood work again I waited approx 5 minutes, A very nice blood technician asked me a few questions about fianting or dizziness (which I get when blood is taken, as I have vein issues haha) I was then told to lay down, she found a vein poked me and to her surprise I was NOT lying, my vein collosped and she had to bandage me up and try the other arm (5 pokes later and we hit the right spot). I would like to say that she was still an nice lady, just my veins didnt like her. I was put in a doctors room and was told to grab my son (who was playing in the waiting room with my mom) I had my blood pressure taken then we both had our height and weight done. My son was sent back out and I was told to undress, the doctor took about 10-15 minutes to come in. He asked me all the question containing to both my son and myself, wrote down the immunatizions etc. Then he listened to my heart, lungs, felt my throat,felt my tummy, looked in my mouth, then told me the nurse would be in for my breast exam. The nurse came into the room seconds later, she did a breast exam and then looked below. I got dressed and got my son back into the room. we waited a few moments and the doctor returned checked my sons lungs,heart,mouth,ears,tummy,and pelvic area. He told me that everything looked great and to bring the two small white sheets to the front desk. We stopped at the front desk and were asked if the doctor needed anything from us, I said no he said we were good. she handed me a sheet saying what day we could pick up our medical results and that was it.

I would like to say that well I was there the guy I talked to was doing a cr-1 visa and he was sent a sheet 2 weeks ago saying he was now able to book his interview and he could go online to book it.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-28 12:10:00
I do agree with you, I am sorry you are going through that. I have one child and went through a miscarriage just over a year ago. It is hard when you want children and cannot have them or more(although i have one)I have been to the doctors and due to a mix of things I may never actually get to have any more. I still hope but it is a cloudy road.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-18 20:53:00
I am the mother of one and I do have times where i wish I would have done more before I had my son but i never regret having a child. I look forward to more children as well however the hubby uses the "money Factor" on occasion and although I can relate and tell you that kids will always cost money. I can also tell you that finacially noone is ever ready for children...never. Most the time saying the "money factor" is more of a excuse then a reason. ( I am not saying this is you) Also some people truly just don't want to have children and love their life they way it is, children do take alot of time, care, love and money. Not everyone wants to take the bad with the good. My step grandmother never had children because of money,time and her lifestyle (she never regrets her choice) All i can suggest is weigh the pros and cons of children and what you feel is best for you guys. Your wife and you could decide to see what happens in the next fews years and go from there, complications do increase with age but its not like it use to be. If your wife is happy and healthy , the risks will probably be minimum and there are tons of tests now to make sure her body and a baby will handle it. I truly wish you the best in life and hope that you make this decision together just use your heart and you will never regret it.
Good luck :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-17 16:11:00
Canadamontreal consulate and paper clips/staples
ok, I have one staple in my sons court record but i have always had one in there so I am not removing. But I avoided most of the paperclips, think I have all of 4-6 paperclips through the whole thing hehe I used "paper covers" for most of my documents. Thanks everyone who answered :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-29 20:29:00
Canadamontreal consulate and paper clips/staples
Ok guys, I am actually putting together all my paperwork today. Once I start I just cannot stop so I would love to know id having staples in my paperwork or paperclips will be bad? I mean are they allowed? any problems in the past?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-29 12:03:00
CanadaNext batch of K1's waiting for interview in MTL
As i have said before i am going to pro-create a football team of children and raise them to be border patrol and Montreal Interview employees just so No one has to go through this timeline haha, Anyone care to join me in my procreating plan? 3 women at 10 kids Is 30 Officers! Woot! haha, damn i shall gain a lot of weight in the process but it will be worth it!
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-01 13:11:00
CanadaNext batch of K1's waiting for interview in MTL
wow, k-1's may actually be ahead of the game. sorry looked at your timeline and got discouaged. Well atleast people are starting to get dates even if its not us mtlgato. Now to nvc, ill take my interview date any day now :P
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-14 20:43:00
CanadaNext batch of K1's waiting for interview in MTL
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-08-14 20:40:00
CanadaDS 230 Cover Sheet
i did a cover sheet for myself and my son.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-30 14:26:00
CanadaAnyone brought their kids with them to the interview in Montreal?
To my knowledge any US Citizen is allowed in the consulate so it shouldn't be a problem at all, I am also sure you will not be the first person to bring their children along.If you have huge concerns you could email the montreal consulate and just ask(however they will prob take forever to answer back). However that gives me a question as to if we can bring any childrens books or toys along as my son is going to be going crazy. I wish you luck on your interview and only hope the best.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-29 07:37:00
CanadaWant Credit?
I have the electric bill in my name, has been in my name since he moved to a different area and wanted me to do it for him, instead i ended up having it put in my name but they never asked for SSN just my passport.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-30 18:21:00
CanadaWant Credit?
Could you please tell us what accounts your were added to? the companies?
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-30 14:32:00
CanadaWant Credit?
I have to say that i am on all three of my husbands credit cards as a Authorized User and was told that I would not gain any credit from "his Cards". I will have to check into it some more but I have been on his accounts for over a year now.

Forgot to add CONGRATS and happy hunting :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-09-30 12:27:00
CanadaWhat's the best bank?
we have had wachocia, M&t and Usaa, I happen to love m&t so far, wachovia we have had problems with but they have always been easy to solve and wachocia will be the first person to say they screwed up. They have great customer service and willl do anything to keep you will them.
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-01 11:27:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate
I have to say that I have asked some dumb questions before, to find out moments later that the answer is right under my nose. I am also a very nervous person so i tend to confirm everything. although I tried not to ask too many stupid questions. haha
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-03 13:54:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate

I think we all feel distressed after a long wait, not meaning to jump on anyone. Hopes and dreams are on hold. Nothing out of the ordinary has held up our file. Bad timing, wrong persons desk where it was buried under files. The cost emotionally and monetarily rises with each passing month. In the biggerpicture of life and problems itsan inconvenience. I'm sorry if you felt jumped on with your question. Hopefully things will speed up and actually most here are good people who are supportive and have a sense of humor.that's how you survive this process- eh everyone! Sorry, excuse us eh! Lol

You are right Jewel about everything! Such a smart lady lol. Yes I believe most of us here have a good sense of humor but we all go through bad days. Most of us were/are waiting quite some time to finally be at the stage where we can go "HOME". I am 18 days away from my interview and yet I am still scared that I could get ap or something, imagine having to wait even longer? BOO!

Jewel Hang in there, its the beginning of the month and they should start to hand out interviews soon! Although most people are now being able to do it online (why didn't we get to?) You should have a date for November I think and im sure you will feel so much better for it to be almost over. Keep in touch and lets us know when you get a date, seems like they schedule when they want, I found out on sept 15th. Good luck all!! :)
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-02 07:17:00
CanadaA Place to Get Passport Photo Taken?
I had them done at multiple places, for the I130 I got mine done at blacks and my sons at sears, I got the phones for nvc done at Shoppers and the ones for the medical done at walmart. so 4 good places but please tell them they are needed for US as they will make them the right cut for you....except for sears in the states They gave me a large print out and the lady at the interview is going to have to cut them out (as i might screw it up )
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-03 13:51:00
CanadaIV Immignrant Visa Fee Bill
we paid via my husbands US account so I think you guys are right. As well it takes a few days to process the payment then the barcode sheet can be printed and you can go forward with sending in the ds230
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-04 19:17:00
CanadaMedical Exam
Yes i got a copy for my sons and mine, although its confusing to read lol as there is a box that says completed and he never checked it
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-06 16:30:00
CanadaMedical Exam
are you sure that there was two in toronto ever? I mean I called a place in toronto in regards to getting some shots that were needed and i believe the place was called medisys and they do vaccinations. (They also do immigration medicals but for people immigrating to CANADA) Just curious lol
Seidens is the way to go though
CanadiandggalFemaleCanada2010-10-05 15:01:00