K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKnightsbridge Docs!
Awww thanks! I'm shocked but thinks its quiet common....won't panic just yet regarding my health but worried this could really hold things up. The distance feels even bigger now between myself and my old man! Ooh well. Honestly, more concearned about the smell of this bus I'm traveling home on! That's never been right! X
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKnightsbridge Docs!
Yes I will! Thanks! Will just have to wait and see. Booooooo!!!!!! :( oh well.....all is not lost! Must push on and see what tomorrow brings! Thanks again. Xx
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKnightsbridge Docs!
I don't mind sharing I just don't want to over react just yet. The Doctor found a lump is wasn't aware of on my thyroid gland. Hoping its just nothing but go's without saying I'm alarmed! I guess they need a second opp before they go further?
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKnightsbridge Docs!
Had my medical today! For anyone waiting go.....they are brilliant! Very efficiant and professional. I was super impressed!!! However, V.J's I need a little advice. Something rather alarming was flagged that I was unaware of. Hopefully its all harmless and my G.P can put minds at rest tomorrow. It has obviously put my application on hold until I get more info. Has anyone else had this happen? Is it now a "how long is a piece of string" situation until I could move forward? Could this seriously hold my applcation up? Very worried about the whole thing? Thanks guys. X
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplication for Fiance Visa denied!
You will do it guys. All right behind you. Tough times but what you say is true, it makes you much stronger. Sending you all thw love in the world! X
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplication for Fiance Visa denied!
Oh we are praying for you to get this sorted quick!!! So sorry its happening to you guys! Keep us posted! X
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage certificate needed for previous marriage?
This might sound very stupid but its only the divorce/death certs for the beneficiary that have to be provided at interview right? I'm the benificiary but my fiance has been married before. So do I need to provided his for interview to as the certs were sent off to USCIS when we bagan this whole thing? Thanks.
mr&mrscNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 02:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I130 form questions

Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Europe & Eurasia regional forum; multiple posts in language other than English.  If you wish to use a language other than English, please do so in the regional forums only.

           I can translate what I wrote above for the people who need the same information: I completed  on the form what USCIS recommended us:   additional sheet: " Form 325A Supplement. Applicant's em....(this was all I could write in that space) , on the additional sheet I wrote : The Name  of the person for who was filled the form , next row: " Form  325A Supplement. Question: Applicant's employment last five years.Full name and address of Employer'' , and then the address.  (of course this was an example from other form but the rule is applying to all forms)

          If you can't prove that you were employed then write: ''unemployed''

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-28 20:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I130 form questions

Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Europe & Eurasia regional forum; multiple posts in language other than English.  If you wish to use a language other than English, please do so in the regional forums only.

         Ok. Thank you. I just wanted to make myself more clear in our native language.

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-28 19:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I130 form questions

Mersi florentina. Si crezi ca ei verifica itm?

                   Eu din cate am auzit Ambasada are acces la foarte multe informatii, chiar si secrete, cel putin pentru americani au acces si la informatiile de la FBI, CIA si altele, si  verifica ''background-ul'' petitionarilor in America , nu m-as mira sa verifice si pe beneficiari. Oricum...mare grija! Consulii incearca oricum sa te prinda cu minciuna sau daca ai ceva de ascuns si atunci esti pe prune.... Eu am fost odata la ambasada anul asta pentru viza de vizitator, si nu mi-au dat viza, pt ca m-am eschivat la niste raspunsuri la care nu m-am asteptat, chiar referitor la : din ce bani supravietuiesti? (nu aveam loc de munca de ceva vreme , asa ca m-am angajat, sa nu mai am probleme cand voi aplica pt K1) 

                Eu sa fiu in locul tau nu m-as risca, dar tu faci cum crezi. Aaaaa! vezi ca undeva pe formulare scrie : ''Penalties: Severe penalties are provided by law of knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact.'' 

             Good luck!

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-28 13:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I130 form questions

Hi, we re trying to complete the I130 form and we need some help from vj:

1. My wife was previously married And theres not enough space to write her full name used in her previous marriage and her full maiden name.

2. She has to write my adress in Romania, again no space to write full adress, because here we have what we call sectors (districts) and apt. Builiding number - do they matter or just the street name and number plus zip code are enough

3. Ive been employed for almost 6 years same place. Huge problem is i dont have a contract. (But i get payed)
What do we have to write - unemployed? And if i want to write my employers adress again not enough space.


              M-am uitat la formularul 130. Iti cere : Strada si numarul, numarul apartamentului, orasul, tara, si codul postal. Completezi doar ce ti se cere. Daca ar spune: Full address, atunci da, faci o hartie aditionala.

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-28 10:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I130 form questions

                    Dupa cum inteleg esti roman, asa ca iti scriu in romana, e mai usor pentru amandoi, si mai sigura ca intelegi.

                    Eu am scris pe formular cum ni s-a recomandat de la USCIS:   additional sheet: " Form 325A Supplement. Applicant's em....   (asta e tot ce mi-a incaput pe formular) , iar pe hartia aditionala am scris: Numele celui pentru care este completat formularul, urmatorul rand: " Form  325A Supplement. Question: Applicant's employment last five years.Full name and address of Employer'' iar apoi adresa.  (desigur acesta e un exemplu de la alt formular, dar regula se aplica)

                  Cat despre a fi angajat, cei de la ambasada isi cam fac o parere nasoala dak nu esti angajat, poate nu te afecteaza cu nimic ce imagine isi fac ei despre tine , dar daca nu poti obtine o hartie cum ca esti angajat, asta este....scrii ''unemployed''

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-28 10:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate requirements for K1 interview in Romania



I have a question about the Affidavit of Support and supporting documentation (letters from employers, tax returns etc). Does my American have to send me all this by mail so that I have the originals with me on the interview date or is it ok if he just scans everything and emails it to me and I print it out?


Please advise and Merry Christmas everyone!


       as I know the TAX Return must be original, but the rest of them I don't know. I will use scan documents, I hope it will be fine....

flori32FemaleRomania2014-01-12 16:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhats wrong with USCIS?

Hello All!!!!


I don't know if its just me or someone else is going through same BS from USCIS! We've filed an i130 petition in March and still no NOA2! Isn't that just crazy? I noticed people who filed in August though for a K1 get approval within 2 months! What da hell is wrong with those guys giving priority to people who aren't married while keep those legally married apart for long?


Just doesn't make any sense to me!


Hi, I knew about this since years ago , that's why I chosen K1 instead of marry before. Probably they think that people would use this (get married before) as advantage .  

flori32FemaleRomania2013-10-31 04:07:00
CanadaCPIC Runaround
Thank you for your reply. I just looked up the nearest detachment on the RCMP site and it looks like its a couple hours away. I'll have him call there tomorrow as well and atleast try to get the fingerprints process started.

A little worried because below the map I was looking at was the following public notice:

"Please note that in the province of Ontario, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police no longer issues police certificates or provides fingerprinting or criminal record check services to the public and private sector. "

I found a list of accredited places on their site that do fingerprinting so that will be another on the call list tomorrow :P
NightsRequiemFemaleCanada2013-04-24 21:22:00
CanadaCPIC Runaround
Hello all. I have a question that I was hoping someone here could answer. We're at the end of our rope :(

Sorry for the long background...its been quite an ordeal...

My Canadian fiance was referred to the nearest police station in the next town over to get the forms filled out for a police check. He lives in a very small town in northern Ontario and the secretary there didn't know what he was talking about. She wasn't sure she could do it, so he had left empty handed. We did some calling around and while the other police stations knew what it was he needed, none would help him as it apparently needed to be done at his local station.

He went back again a few weeks later after we did some further research and the lady wasn't there. Her sub said she couldn't help him either. He went back again a week later and she was back and stated that she could do it now but needed to see a utility bill to prove his address. He didn't have one on him at the moment so he had to leave yet again. He was able to get back in on Monday this week, with the utility bill in hand, and filled out all of the paperwork and paid the fee. She said it would arrive within a few weeks. We thought we were all set.

Unfortunately, she called him a few hours after he got home and told him that she forgot to have him fill out one last form. Ugh. Turns out this last form she needed is a form where he has to list all of his charges that he's had. Apparently, he had some charges from when he was a minor. He hasn't had a charge since he was a teenager about 10 years ago. She told him they were showing on his record because he had violated probation when he was younger. (thankfully he grew out of that :P)

He couldn't remember what the charges exactly were, so she said she couldn't help him and couldn't send it in. He asked if she could just tell him what they were for the form since she could see them on her computer, but that was a no go. Soo...after about five trips to the next town, he's got nothing but a receipt and they still have his fee.

Now that we know his minor charges are showing, we're also worried that he might have to get finger prints now. From what I was reading its 120 days and we've already had to push his interview in Montreal from March 26th to June 3rd because of all this :(

Does anyone have suggestions for who he can call to get this all sorted out? He's going to be calling around tomorrow and I was hoping against hope that someone else had perhaps been in this strange situation before. Thank you for any help you can provide!
NightsRequiemFemaleCanada2013-04-24 20:50:00