Middle East and North AfricaNo SUnday post??!
Hello everyone....

I think Doodle is on her way home today... I cant wait to hear about her trip :)

I am hoping to go to the Science Museum today.. But I dont know what my husbands mood will be once he gets out of bed :(

and the current status of me is... things are still the same.. there are some Good MOMENTS.. but that seems to be about it..

He has stopped about the work/ business ####### for the moment... i think from the talk from that Loan guy...

His moods are volatile..

My house is constantly TRASHED...... I've never had SOOO much food wasted and thrown away.. I am constantly exhaused trying to correct his moods... I wake up yawning...

edit : And his family constantly reminds me that they are waiting for a baby :blink:

Edited by deemabrouk, 29 July 2007 - 10:06 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-29 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbout AP/AR ? Does it always go to DOS, our case has never left the consulate 2+ months

I have called DOS twice but all they will tell me is that it is in adminstative processing in cairo, that they are doing the checks and it has never come to them. :(
I just feel so hopless and helpless today my dreams feel a million years away and life just feels on hold :crying:
It's just a hard day I pray I will gather some strength and feel hope again.

send an email to the embassy???

They were on a roll for a while... now it seems they have come to a stop. :(
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbout AP/AR ? Does it always go to DOS, our case has never left the consulate 2+ months
Have you call DOS and ask if they started the security checks.. ???

Edited by deemabrouk, 17 July 2007 - 01:41 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 13:41:00
Middle East and North Africainterview summary

My Moh didn't get a paper either.

I just asked him about the video that Usama said he saw there. Moh said he wasn't shown any type of video and there wasn't even a TV anywhere in the waiting area. This must be something new. Has anyone else's SO seen a video or anything?

mohamed never got a paper...... are you sure its not a 221g whatever ???? :unsure:

there was NO tv when I was there either... this must be a new thing
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:33:00
Middle East and North Africainterview summary
mohamed never got a paper...... are you sure its not a 221g whatever ???? :unsure:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 12:02:00
Middle East and North Africainterview summary
I'm always grilled.. Rome was the worse.. I'll never fly though there AGAIN!!!!!

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 11:18:00
Middle East and North Africainterview summary


I just got home and hour ago. Usama had his interview a few hours after he dropped me off at the airport so I haven't heard from him about it until just now. Here's what happened and I'm so pissed off it's not even funny.

1) LAST Sunday we both went together to the embassy and waited for ONE HOUR before they gave us a number. We were number one. After one MORE hour we asked what was happeneing and they said they forgot about us so they said wait here. We waited another hour (we're up to 3 hours now) and a woman called his name. She looked not too pleased with him and asked him for his papers. He gave them to her and then she said that she needed to look over his file. We sat back down and then after a few minutes she called us back up again. She told him to pay the DHL fee and then to sit down. We did and then after a few more minutes she called us up again and said the consular never showed up to work today and we'd have to come back another time to have the interview. She made it for the 29th at 8am.

I'll talk about the trip at another time since i'm fuming right now.

He went to the Embassy and was called after a little while. I don't have exact miniscule details that I want because the poor thing hasn't slept and has been crying since I left him so I got what I needed for info and then told him to go to bed.

He got a black guy who I guess hated Usama from the start. He asked him if he wanted to have the interview in English or in Arabic so he said English thinking it would look better. Then the guy apparently talked wicked fast and looked like he was annoyed at Usama for even being there for some reason.

He asked how we met.

He asked when we got married.

He asked WHEN WE FIRST HAD SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

####### IS THAT ALL ABOUT THAT IS NONE OF THIS LITTLE PUKE'S BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usama told him that I was there for the date the interview was SUPPOSED to happen but the guy could have given two shits. He gave him the paper telling him that he needed admin review and that he needs to bring in two more pictures. (he had already brought 4 extras and gave it to him but they wanted two more)

Then he said they'll be in touch in 1 to 2 months.

Never took his passport.

That was it. I'm pissed. I want to complain to someone but I don't wanna fk it up you know??????

plus i'm jet lagged and my ankles look like elephant woman and this post posted too soon so I had to edit all this in.

i hate my life right now.

I've heard about this black guy... I think he is notorious for his attitude
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 08:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning to say, may I speak to Ahmed is the easy part. Learning to understand the various responses isn't so easy. You never know what the response could be.

which is why a arab speaking girlfriend is a BIG HELP :P.. especially when they go off in a fast speed you cant understand :blink:

I would need to have someone speak to me as if I am special needs :whistle:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any update???

this SUCKSsssss...

to give him the benefit of a doubt.. i know how arab families are... and once the guy goes back.. they might keep him busy.. or you never know...

But at least you should learn a few arabic words to relay your thoughts to the sister in law.. I'd keep on calling if I were you.. NOt every second.. but maybe various times in the day...

Do you have any friends that speak arabic that could help you???
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Interview Survey

I think it is absolutely HORRIFYING that ONE person has so much control of the destiny of our lives!!!!

Especially if that person has an attitude and is mad at the world. I understand that they are trained to look for fraud, but some of these people I think really get off on their power trip. Don't ya think?

people like that should NOT have that job!

it's sad really that he acts like this with people
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Interview Survey
well... Note to everybody.. Go for the nice white guy... Run from the Black guy :blink:

can you request a certain officer?
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Interview Survey

I wonder if your Moh and mine had the same guy. Moh said he was young but not too young (read: in his late 30s early 40s). Moh was not asked a lot of questions either. The only thing that was asked was...where does your wife work? what does she do for work?

Wael had the black guy too.. he said the man was kinda mean... if i remember correctly

Mohamed had a young white guy... very nice and polite... and NOT alot of questions

yup sounds like the same guy.... how long was your AP?

Edited by deemabrouk, 30 July 2007 - 11:39 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 11:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Interview Survey
Wael had the black guy too.. he said the man was kinda mean... if i remember correctly

Mohamed had a young white guy... very nice and polite... and NOT alot of questions
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 10:11:00
Middle East and North Africawhen he said 1-2 months !

lastnight i was reading DOODLE topic telling us about her husband interview , while reading i have noticed that her husband interview was almost a copy of mine except the question about sex .. we both had the same consular ( the little black guy ) .. i have have been asked almost the same questions .. and by the end i have heared the same words ( 1-2 MONTHS )
and while me and my wife have been witing for over 2 months now , so let me tell you something about this 2 months thing ...

when he said 1-2 months .. we will call you
we have your name , we have your phone , and all you info
go and be sure .. it can take less .. it can't take more
there is no pain .. there is no hurt .. that won't be sore

maybe i was naive .. coz i did believe .. what he had to say
coz when we called the DOS .. to tell them about the 2 month .. they said there is no way
they said it usually takes .. up to 6 months .. we just need to pray
sure we had to ask .. why he said 2 months .. they said he likes to play
it's bad .. really sad .. it's shame
when somebody thinks it's a game
and for his game we pay
we pay in every tear .. we pay in every hurt .. we pay being apart .. we pay it every day

thousands of miles between us .. and all what remain is .. message , email , phone call
when i look at myself i see unavailable husband , out of service .. or call it whatever you call
FAIR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS .. that's all what i'm asking for
not a temporarily suspended husband for 6 months or even more

your good :thumbs:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA

That sounds like a good compromise. :thumbs:

Of course nothing is like Mom's home cooking but what can ya do? Does he like any "American" foods?

Hey Dee, how's your husband doing with the vegetarian diet or are you cooking meat now for him? I know some of these guys would go nuts without meat in their diet.

I;ve agreed I can cook him seafood - fish/ shrimp..(of course with out the heads attached :blink: :thumbs: )

I did take him to a Halal rest. last week.. but he didnt like it.. nothing compares to Mom's cooking :wacko:

i guess.. he is eatting the food I give him.. which is a good sign.. cause he wont even eat the food his Sisters cook..
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 15:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA

Hey Dee, how's your husband doing with the vegetarian diet or are you cooking meat now for him? I know some of these guys would go nuts without meat in their diet.

I;ve agreed I can cook him seafood - fish/ shrimp..(of course with out the heads attached :blink: :thumbs: )

I did take him to a Halal rest. last week.. but he didnt like it.. nothing compares to Mom's cooking :wacko:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 15:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA

omg $615 that is sooo cheap!!!!!! I have often thought of selling my home and using the profit as the kids' tuition and just renting but I can't find anything less than $3,000 where I am for a 3 bedroom that is halfway decent! And that is more than I pay for my mortgage so I guess I'll stay put.

$5,500 for all that furniture is a good deal!!!! Have you thought of moving away from Cali or at least in a cheaper part of it? It's a huge state and there are parts that are cheaper than others, right? I know my brother used to live there ages ago and he rented a house for real cheap but it was in the boonies somewhere. He's a wicked hippie so it probably didnt' even have indoor plumbing knowing him. lol.

OMG will this day ever end???!?!?!?!?! :wacko:

nope this day is dragging ONnnnnnnn and Onnnnn and ONnn

It way too hot to cook.. and I am starving... :blink: I'm gonna try and get take out from this Vegan Asian place "Grasshopper".. lets see how this goes with the hubby :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA

Yeah you have it kinda rough in Cali with the high prices for rent. Where I live (decent middle class neighborhood) I pay $615 a month for a nice sized 2 bedroom apt. (huge kitchen, huge master bed with walk in closet). Plus we have our own basement with our own washer and dryer (not the normal "cage" basements you find in apts.).

I want a new bedroom set and mattress set! Mine's like 11 yrs old now and looking shabby.

I just want a place to put it all! We can't find a place to live!!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: And I can't bring myself to pay 2K a month for an apartment that doesn't even have a freaking washer/dryer inside the unit!!!!!

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: $615??!! I think I'm moving to where YOU Live!!!!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA
I'm hungry :(
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 12:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA




text hubbie

more work

hubbie's new concern: who will do his hair the same as his barber does it now once he gets here. :)

haha.. Mohamed said the same thing

So has he found a good barber yet?

You know what I hate? I hate when I get a sammich at the cafeteria here, I ask for a pickle, I smell the pickle the whole way back to my desk and it's soggy. I can't eat soggy pickles. :crying:

I found this Lebanese barber guy near me that cut the kids Hair... I will send him there.. He speaks Arabic... he did a good job.. for a cheap price :thumbs:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday in MENA




text hubbie

more work

hubbie's new concern: who will do his hair the same as his barber does it now once he gets here. :)

haha.. Mohamed said the same thing
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 11:00:00
Middle East and North Africaupdate Help me day2 !!!!!!!!!!!
honestly.. take this as a blessing.. and learn from this..

You have your daughter to think about and care for...

this situation comletely sucks
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-01 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
still sniffing fumes ....... :whistle: :whistle:

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-02 12:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
sorry about your mom Tammy :( my prayers are with you guys

today they are painting in the office... I'm sitting here trying to take deep breaths :whistle: :whistle:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-02 10:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaYo! Happy Wednesday!!!!
:( my son freaked out when I left him at school... I heard him crying and screaming while I had to walk away... then I got into my work... Late.. and my boss said if I am having so many family issues maybe I should take a week off.... :( but I cant cause i have to support 4 people.. plus.. staying at home for a week.. would be pure H*LL :(

the doctor is up my A$$ today....

I wish I could run away
i feel like throwing up

Edited by deemabrouk, 01 August 2007 - 09:47 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-01 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaIM SO FRUSTRATED
the connection SUCKS over there !!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus my husband NEVER had reception when he was home.. Drove me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-31 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHumus and falafel
well THANK YOU Mena people... after this thread floated around for DAYS... I was FORCED! to buy and eat a falafel!!!.. The falafel sucked.. there was hardly ANY of their watery crappy sauce.. and now I have the hugest belly ache!!!!!!!

I blame all of you! thank god I held back during that whole doughnut fiasco!!! :ranting:

:crying: :crying: :crying:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-05 13:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHumus and falafel

falafel in israel was by far the best i've ever had. they have a bar set up with all kinds of condiments and sauces you can add to your falafel after it is freshly fried right there. i'll dream of the falafel i had there for a lifetime! lol

I will admit that there is a Israeli place in Boston that had the best Falafel's.. I loved the pickels they put in it.. BUT i stopped going to them 3 years ago.. I go to a halal lebanese place in Brookline now

Have you tried the halal Turkish restaurant on Comm Ave in Allston? It's right at the end of the BU campus. I hear they do it up right but I've never had it there. I did have some other food there but I don't even remember what it was called 'cause someone else ordered it for me. They bake their bread fresh daily.

yeah its called Ashoura.. or A something.. its across from the Star market.. shaws whatever.. I know where it is and havent eatten there yet
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-04 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHumus and falafel

falafel in israel was by far the best i've ever had. they have a bar set up with all kinds of condiments and sauces you can add to your falafel after it is freshly fried right there. i'll dream of the falafel i had there for a lifetime! lol

I will admit that there is a Israeli place in Boston that had the best Falafel's.. I loved the pickels they put in it.. BUT i stopped going to them 3 years ago.. I go to a halal lebanese place in Brookline now
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-04 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHumus and falafel
hahaa.. I was just eatting hummus with Pringles spicy guacamole Chips...

I tasted good at first.. but now I have a stomach ache!!!!! :blink: :wacko:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-02 12:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCongratulations Henia!!!
COngrats HENIA!!!!!!! :dance:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-08 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump day already?
well I just found out I might have to replace my clutch on my car... He said 500 bucks :blink:

on the sorta upside.. within the past 3 weeks... I've lost almost 10 pounds! :thumbs: :whistle:

I love peanut butter cookies.


a little to personal for the internet but it just HAD to be said.


Feeling better??

Edited by deemabrouk, 08 August 2007 - 12:44 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-08 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
hmm.. what did I miss??@@ :whistle:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-08 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
the only thing i didnt like was the staring when they heard me or my family speaking english... We were in Baskin Robbins once in Alex... this whole family was just turned starting at us... i kept on asking my husband what they were staring at.. I was about to get up and show them my "American" side.. but mohamed decided it was time to leave.. whatever
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-11 19:18:00
Middle East and North Africacan someone help me with a Arabic translation?

It means "I love you honey, no matter what happens you are always right and I will always worship the ground you walk on"


hahaa.. yeah.. i know that one :P:P:P
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-04-24 13:35:00
Middle East and North Africacan someone help me with a Arabic translation?
Can someone who is fluent with arabic help me explain something... preff egyptian
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-04-24 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLong distance relationship jealousy

ooooooh the whole "clearing pictures of the ex" thing! i forgot about that! last time i was in morocco i brought my laptop to show my fiance photos and burn music on his ipod. anyway, as he was browsing in my photo folders he came across an ex of mine and was kind of jealous about me still having those around! i hadn't even looked at those photos in quite a long time so to me it wasn't a big deal, but he must have thought i still look at them often and dream about the guy! lol

Yeah, I thought I did a good job getting rid of them, but apparently there was a cd left at my parents house with pictures on it. He all thought I was stashing the cd over there, so I could look at the pictures secretly. It's like, if I thought about my ex enough to go sneaking around to look at his picture, we wouldn't have broken up to begin with! (oh, and my ex is always referred to as "that person")

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-08 19:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaLong distance relationship jealousy
I can be jealous.. and so can he.

heres a story...

One time I call him.. I KNOW its in the middle of the night for him.. But I missed him and felt lonely.. anyways.. A woman picks up.. I asked where Mohamed is.. she said he was sleeping :blink: I said ok.. and hung up :blink: I didnt recognise the voice.. SO.. I didnt really sleep that good that night.. most of the night I tried to reason with myself.. and calm down - NO, i cant get on a plane that morning.. and go kick his A$$.. SO in the end I figured it was a family member... and that I HAVE TO have some trust for him.... :blink: So i bit my tongue.. for almost a week.. He set me off about something.. then it came out - Why is a woman answering your phone in the middle of the night?????? blablabla.. (it was his sister M)

in the end HE got mad at ME! not because I didnt trust him.. because I freaked out a week later.. and If I truely loved him.. I would of freaked out right away :blink: :blink: :blink:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-08 18:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaLighten up people
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-13 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaith, privacy and other OT discussions

From what I can see, no one here who **matters** and wants to help you and be an ear for you thinks you are bad---AT ALL. You are normal. What you are going through can happen to any of us, and no one who truly understands life and marriage would ever pass judgment on your choices.

And there is nothing wrong with discussing your feelings, not in Islam, not anywhere.

:) thanks..
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-08-13 11:19:00