Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

I was hoping the same... but for some reason he says he doesnt like buses..... or trains.... He wants a car asap.. but I just dont know how we can swing that right now.. and as of now.. I only have one parking slot.. I do have another.. but it is where i have my "garden" and my mom bought us a patio set so we can dine outside like a nice family :(

my mom bought him a map when he first came here.. he hasnt look at it yet

Did he drive in Alex? Usama doesn't even know how to drive (thank God since I'd have to undo all of the bad driving skills from Egypt!!! :blink: ) so he's always taken the subway/busses/mini vans, etc.

no he doesnt... maybe 10+ years ago he had a car.... I dont know if its a language issue.. He was like well where do I put the money... how do I know where I am going...

I told him to tell the driver.. and they would tell him when they reached the spot

and then again he stated he doesnt like buses :blink:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
I was hoping the same... but for some reason he says he doesnt like buses..... or trains.... He wants a car asap.. but I just dont know how we can swing that right now.. and as of now.. I only have one parking slot.. I do have another.. but it is where i have my "garden" and my mom bought us a patio set so we can dine outside like a nice family :(

my mom bought him a map when he first came here.. he hasnt look at it yet

Edited by deemabrouk, 30 July 2007 - 01:27 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-30 13:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

well the phone call when GOOD!!!.. I think that Finally did the trick... AND I got him to tell me "You were RIGHT!!"
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 13:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

OOO! The play-by-play! But maybe this will really help things? And honestly, helping your husband learn the reality of life here and how to make his dream come true is actually the most supportive thing you could be doing IMO!

I know I should know this.. but what is IMO?

Oooooooooo.. he is getting a SECOND piece of paper.. and still LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
he's laughing.. taking notes.. Its been 15 minutes.. and he keeps making hand gestures to stop typing so
:dance: :lol:

*the play by play* :P
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 11:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
as I type this.. I have him on the phone with a loan agent that speaks arabic... Inshallah this will do the trick.. I told the man to please explain to my SO what it will take for him to get a loan... starting from getting a SSN..

We found this guy out a Islamic Arabic News paper


LOL.. I know he is talking about me :P but what I dont know :lol:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 11:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Has anyone's SO's threatened to go back home due to not working here right away? That is what I'm worried about.

Why would they threaten to go home for that? Is that the woman's fault? If you're worried about that then you need to talk to him before he gets here.

No, I know it is not the woman's fault. But with all the talk of gold falling from trees, his expectations are high. I've tried to set him straight, but unfortunately the neighbor (arab guy) knows that most MENA men feel that way and he was feeding his brain with a bunch of brainwash while he was here before....contradicting everything I said!:( ANd like Dee, my guy si bound determined to finda job as soon as he gets off the plane:) I'm already getting butterflies just thinking about and he's not even out of USCIS custody yet!! But it makes me feel a tad bit better to know that my husband is not acting out of the norm. I just hope I can debrainwash him:)

well I cant offer you any relief on this one.. I'm gonna PM you..
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 10:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
Not directly... but he was saying how he(ur Moh) hasnt worked since he came... and that he said he should try to be happy (which is the TRUTH!)

Then I get the.. How can I be happy??? He hasnt worked in blabla months.. He said I cant work in until i get the papers (which I have told him one million time.. It WILL be hard finding work without the papers!!!!!!!!) How can I talk to my family... how can I just sit here in these wall... Bla Bla blaaaaaaaaaaaahhh :blink:

and when I tried to explain to him he SHOULD try to be happy.. Cause him always being stressed helps NOTHING.. and it stresses out me and the kids.. (can of worms... now opening..)

Uh oh :unsure: Please tell me it's nothing to do with my motormouth husband. :unsure:

Deema - It sounds like things are going better today...and I'm glad.


well.. after my last phone call I'm not too sure :unsure: :unsure:

anything I try to do to help... just blows up in my face

Edited by deemabrouk, 25 July 2007 - 03:30 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Deema - It sounds like things are going better today...and I'm glad.


well.. after my last phone call I'm not too sure :unsure: :unsure:

anything I try to do to help... just blows up in my face
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 15:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

I have to agree with those who have said that it helps to have your husband talk to others who are in the same boat. My husband found it hard to believe how expensive insurance, taxes, etc. would be, and thought we should have more money. The condo we were renting was "ok but sooo small" and not really conducive to having people over. That all changed when he met a good friend at the mosque. Once he went to his friend's condo and saw it was smaller than ours, he suddenly really liked where we lived and wanted to invite friends over.

He still has ideas about starting a business, etc., but he's a lot more realistic about it. Now that he's gotten involved at the mosque, he knows a lot of recent immigrants and sees that everyone's not rolling in money fresh off of the plane.

Also, a lot of the stress went away as Amed got used to living here. When he first got here, he made me look at all of the ads in the paper, and made me make the initial inquiries about jobs. He was self-conscious about his English, and didn't know how things worked here. I ended up getting him his first job through some acquaintances, and now that he's been there a year, he is a LOT more confident about his capabilities. He's keeping his eyes and ears open for better opportunities, and no longer asks me to do it .

I know it's very stressful at first, once he's been here a while and gets used to things, he should become a bit more realistic and a bit easier to deal with.

I am taking my husband to a new mosque this friday.. Last friday I came out to see him standing off to the side.. with a look on his face.. I asked him whats wrong.. He said No one said "Salaam Aleikum" to me.. :blink: but knowing Him.. he wasnt outgoing saying Salaam to other people too..

SO i called the Imam of another masjid and had a chat (he knows me and my kids) I will introduce them and he can see another masjid too... Inshallah this will help
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

My husband is the Egyptian Tony Robbins. :lol: This guy is great at pep talks and motivation. You could always say that my husband would like to have someone to talk to about adapting here and since they're from the same area (Alex) maybe they would have more in common. Somethin' like that.

Can you blame it on the other VJ hubbies? Moody? Do you think your husband would accept responsibility for supposedly wanting to "talk" with another Egyptian just about "stuff"? (and then just throw in his explanation of the situation!). You figure yeah you don't want him to know you're talking about it and you don't want him to become more frustrated either.. it just needs to be low pressure and general IMO.

When did your husband come here?? how long?
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Dee! I hope things continue on this upswing!!

Me too...

And I will some how ask Mohamed if he wants to chat with the other VJ hubbies.. But I gotta find good wording :P

And Jenn.. if anything does come about with that job.. let us know..

I again thank EVERYONE for all their help.. "listening" eyes.. and supportive words :)

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deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Isn't it something like 90% of small business ventures fail within five years? I'm misremembering the percentages, but not by much. Not the sort of thing I'd co-sign on behalf of a immigrant who doesn't yet have his green card.

There's being supportive and there's being supportive. If he wants to open a garage, have him do the sort of homework he'd need to convince a bank to do a loan. What's his expected return? Where will he be located? What's the sort of licensing requirements that he will need?

I totally agree, I don't mind my husband chasing his dreams as long as he doesn't expect me to make them happen. What I have learned is that when you want something bad enough you will make it happen, so if they want it and believe in it then they will find a way to do it.

I agree with this 100%.. he can DEFINATLY have his dreams.. BUT he needs to do the work!! my plate is piled FULL right now... I HAVE sat down with him and had him look over things online.. ie. bank loans.. the costs of gas stations.. dollar stores.. And I have drove him around showing him spots near the house he can introduce himself too and inquire about Work.. I have drove him to arabic shops/ restaraunts so he can get an better idea of whats around for businesses ..

BUT.. he needs to do some of the work.. the "No YOU call and the No YOU do it" attitude just isnt working with me right now..

Alhamdulillah.. things were alittle better when i got out of work...
And inshallah he will walk around Today..

I really thought the Visa Process was hard??!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :no:


this takes the cake...

but.. inshallah.. What Doesnt Kill You Will Make You Stronger! :whistle: :thumbs:

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-25 09:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

I don't see him saying any of this is for YOUR future together, it's all about him and what you will do for him. Sure, having a fit at him doesn't solve anything, but he needs to change his attitude quick.

I'm not sure this is true about her husband, but this is the risk of venting on a public forum. You can make your situation sound like something its not.

On a random tangent - at least from my experience, a lot of ME/NA men (heck, probably all men in general) don't like having their marital issues aired out online. While it can be helpful to vent, don't forget that we can't go back and erase our words here on VJ without Ewok intervention.

I'm not trying to bash anyone... especially my husband... I love him... and the really dirty laundry as Not even been aired...

But with all these work issues.. and his mentality.. I just dont get how to solve it
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 15:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

I don't see how spending money (that you don't have) to make money (if you are lucky) on your wife's credit (#######!) the minute you get here when there are kids and a wife and debt is anything more than harebrained. And selfish.

honestly I agree with you
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 15:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Would pointing out that loans have excessive riba be helpful at all? Maybe an it's haraam line would work :innocent:

If everybody's doing it, tell him lots of ME/NA husbands of VJ posters take ESL classes. Peer pressure.

Actually this is Another issue... Cause Some Grand Sheik in Egypt Declared that Loans and Morgages are NOT HARAAM :blink: so now this is another issue..
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
HOnestly.. I know he was HEAVILY catered to by the people in his family.. and is a GIANT momma's boy..

and I have told him for the past One and a half years.. I am NOT a egyptian woman.. I was not raised in that culture.. YOU married an Italian- American woman that has 2 young kids.. I yell... I dont have alot of patience.. and I am complete Nut BAG.. :whistle: :blink: :wacko:

He seems to get Pissed at Everything I say... sometimes he stops and appologises.. But this is normally when I am taken to the BRINK for loosing all my self control and feel I am a hair away from just cracking..

I honestly dont think I can survive living like this..

everyone says it will get better....... but.. *deep breath*

In his own element I could handle him... but now.. him being out of his norm.. it is out of control...
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Sorry, but I just have to :lol:

It will get better, I promise! (F)

Ever seen the Honeymooners movie with Cedric the Entertainer? I think you should watch it now, you'll get a kick out of it.

I agree Dee. I know it's trying on your patience. I think many of the guys come here with these grand ideas. Omar did the same thing, talked about various business ventures. I just let him talk out his ideas, asking details about he thought his shop might look like or how he would set it up. IT made good converstion. Seems they are like kids in a candy store. If nothing else it gives you something to talk about and a tool to get to know him more, if you look beyond the wild words. He will settle down after awhile, I think.

I can let him talk about EVERYTHING...

but what is getting me right now.. is he doesnt want to TALK... he expects me to stop what I am doing and go inquire about a business loan... DO NOT go home and cook dinner for the kids - no.. I have to drive him around to places for him to ask about a job.. After I work 9-5 and get the kids at 6pm..

He is getting pissed off cause I wont cater to every stupid thought he has At that VERY MOMENT!!!!!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
all he talks about it what EVERYBODY ELSE DOES!!!!!!!!!!! what this person did... what That person did...
so and so in Italy rents a garage and make tons of money.. Ayman came here (remind you 7 - 10 years ago) and bought a car (without licence, without work papers) started working at a supermarket delivering... blablablaa..

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

I tell him.. he needs to learn the American way better... the legal system.. he need to talk to more Brothers... and NO his wife cant come with him to ask about Jobs!!!!

"Thank you Dee.. Thank you SO much!!!! " :blink:

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deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

This also brings up a point to add to the "what to discuss with your SO before he gets here" thread. It seems like goals for the future need to be discussed in lots of detail rather than just "get a job."

everything HAS BEEN discussed a million Times.. about what the future will entail..


all of those talks apparently were a waste of my time!!!!!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Mine is applying for the PhD in the fall. But he has two goals here-- money and education. (ETA: we had discussed these things before but I think the reality of the situation is totally different than what he had come to grasp from over there.)

Dee-- somehow he needs to learn he has to do it himself and be an adult. My husband wants me to do everything for him as well. But I just don't do it. I tell him he has to learn it and if he has problems-- sure! I'll help. But I'm not going to apply for jobs for him or anything! Anyway, he wouldn't get hired if his wife (read "mommy") was doing everything for him.

ive explained all of this to him sooo many times!

and then again today he said.. "After you pick up the kids.. you can bring me there" :blink:

so now ME and THE KIDS will be in the car!!!!!!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Deema - would he be open to taking some English classes? Perhaps that way he would get out of your hair for awhile. :)

Do you have a local community college that he could go to? Their classes can be pretty inexpensive.

yup i tried that too...

Why do I need English classes?? you think my english is no good? How can I go to classes when I have to work?! Fine.. I'll go to classes cause you have No patience teaching me! :blink:


Edited by deemabrouk, 24 July 2007 - 12:00 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 12:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Oh! I see he's picking fights with you. Mine told me he was "dissappointed in [me]" in one of his frustrated moments. Then I cried a lot and finally after a few days it was forgiven on both sides. But he was amazed at how much he was grating on my nerves and how I wasn't hiding it! All of our fights have been over him wanting to do somehting I see as assinine, and me not wanting to go along with it. it may not really be assinine either. It could be my fault. I'm just saying we're not in agreement!

well now.. I dont love him or care for his dreams or future... And even thought I am at my job now trying to work.. and not get it TROUBLE... He has been IMing NON stop!!!!!!!!!!! and when I tell him I have to work.. he freaks out cause I dont care about him working.. or his dreams..

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

he wants ME to do all the work.. even though now I work. have two kids.. and a husband.. and he wants everything in my name

Edited by deemabrouk, 24 July 2007 - 11:58 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 11:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
he wants ME to call for everything... NOT HIM... I tell him walk down to talk to people.. he says No you drive me... I tell him.. go ask the lebanese guy at the end of the street about work.. No i cant just walk up to a man i dont know.. no no no no

how can I get a business loan? I dont know.. go ask them... No you ask them

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Edited by deemabrouk, 24 July 2007 - 11:46 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 11:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
all the time he picks fight........ Even NOW... he wants me to rent in MY NAME (my credit is BAD) some space a HOUR away.. he has No idea where it is.. to rent it to park cars... I tell him its a bad Idea.. Now he is freaking out.. tell me I dont wanna help him in anything

I told him .. go walk around and ask about work.. Introduce your self... He says No he cant do that.. there are several gas stations around me with muslims... Go talk to them.. No I hate the smell of Gas

i am serioulsy biting my tongue so I just dont start bawling at my desk.......

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i am sooo overwhlemed.. I'd drive home to take a Zanax.. but he is there and I dont wanna deal with him :cry:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
i think I am going to loose my mind.. patience.. and everything else

he never shuts up about work.. and making money.. mean while he has NO idea about the American legal system.. he has NO SSN... NO working permit.. No credit history

he wants to rent a space to make it a garage to park cars..

he wants to buy a car and resell it

he want to buy clothes on a discount.. and resell it full price

he wants to open a dollar store

he wants to buy a gas station

he wants to rent a small shop for Koshari

I want to FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!.. HE WANTS ALL THIS TO HAPPEN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this very fcuking SECOND!!!!!!

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deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-24 11:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday

what I freaking day...
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-09-11 13:08:00
Middle East and North Africahello everyone
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Sep 12 2007, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mybackpages @ Sep 12 2007, 05:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Sep 11 2007, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mybackpages @ Sep 11 2007, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Sep 11 2007, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (deemabrouk @ Sep 11 2007, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes.. I left with the kids.. cat AND the fish.. lol blink.gif

Why do you have to be the one to leave? Why can't he leave? Afterall it is your house and you have kids! I would think that he would be noble enough to recognize that and offer to leave. blink.gif

In a situation like this where the decision to divorce is not mutual, it is difficult to make him unerstand he needs to leave. Dee left for her own wellbeing until its worked out. I am sure once he understands that this is over, he will leave willingly. )If I understood Dee u to this point this is the way I understand it)

The affidavit of support only goes into effect for him if the aos is approved.

Sorry MBP but thats just a crock of bull. Its her house, he didnt contribute a damn thing to that house. Nothing in that home belongs to him. It doesn't need to be mutual for him to leave, she is unhappy and her kids are suffering. He is a guest and he should leave immediatly. She has children for gods sake. No matter how difficult it is for him to understand, he needs to be kicked to the curb instead of her own children suffering.

He is not a guest, he is her husband. This is his legal residence too. But that is not what I meant by it not being easy.

Idont care how much a husband and wife are fighting, try telling him to pack up his bags an leave. If he hasnt come to the conclusion that the marriage is over, his thinking is probably why should i leave my home?

Now there is no way I am defending him and the right thing for him to do is to allow Dee and the boys to stay in their own home, but we have all see here this story unfold. You think this is a good reasonable man who is putting the needs of his wife the the cildren first? His view of the situation is very different from ours and right or wrong he has this view.

Besides telling Dee that her leaving is wrong and he should be the one kicked to the curb is just not fair to Dee. She is struggling everyday (and I bet it is a lot worse than what we read here) and I think she did the right thing by rermoving herself froma terrible situation- even if it meant leaving her home.

Dee, like any woman going through this, is trying to best cope under extremely difficult circumstances. I would hate to even hint that somehow her decision to get away is a mistake. With his recent immigration, the abuse, the dynamics in that house over the last few weeks, it is not as easy as it sounds watching fromthe sidelines.

The most important thing here is that Dee and her boys are safe....everythign else will get resolved in due time.

Don't turn this around on me as if I am putting Dee down for leaving. I never put her down for it and that is not at all what I meant. However as a USC she does have some rights and maybe she doesn't know what they are. He IS a guest and it is NOT his home. I also never said any of this was easy but Dee also needs support in making her stronger throughout this ordeal. She is clearly suffering and unhappy and being back in her home will definitly take the edge off.

I don't see anything wrong at all with trying to give Dee the strength to kick him out. You are putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it. My post was made in support and caring of Dee not in any other way.

thanks everyone for your support......

He is starting to go in Stalker mode... sad.gif so at this point.. everything is leaning towards getting the law involve sad.gif

He pulled a few stunts at my job today that has got me freaked out.......

when I am not at work I can try to call a DV number and see what they have to say...

BUT sadly, I've been down this path before.. and I already know my options sad.gif

I've given him EVERY opportunity to leave before things got sticky... and he just doesnt get it.... sad.gif
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-09-12 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaHellooooo Monday
Did Jen show up?? :unsure:

[quote name='moody' post='1007024' date='Jun 25 2007, 01:34 PM']Yemenslove was disabled because the user was a troll not an actual member. Hence the joke.

[quote name='i adore you' post='1006996' date='Jun 25 2007, 01:24 PM'][quote name='mybackpages' post='1006695' date='Jun 25 2007, 10:44 AM'][quote name='i adore you' post='1006409' date='Jun 25 2007, 08:49 AM'][quote name='doodlebug' post='1006396' date='Jun 25 2007, 08:44 AM'][quote name='i adore you' post='1006391' date='Jun 25 2007, 09:42 AM'][quote name='mybackpages' post='1006270' date='Jun 25 2007, 07:39 AM'][quote name='i adore you' post='1006251' date='Jun 25 2007, 07:28 AM'][quote name='sarah and hicham' post='1005980' date='Jun 25 2007, 12:07 AM']Hello out there,

We know you're legit. :lol:


'OH DEAR' reported

Happy Monday Everyone! Good luck Jen!

Off to seek out a civil surgeon to transcribe.

You've got to be kidding me. :help:

Kidding-NO. I reported it because I did not think it was funny especially regarding the nature of her comments regarding validity of relationships or not coming from her all the time on this board.

I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I believe her comment was made because this was Jen's second interview. :unsure:

and like i said due to the nature of her comments i chose to make a mountain out of a the comment on a happy b'day thread the other day when she wished a woman happy b'day who was turninng 72 and then made a funny comment about her so from morocco being 20 or 30 or something like that...the thread was was not funny either...

Yemenslove is NOT 72. Long standing joke on VJ.

Wonder what the long standing joke could be-naw not really, because it has to be something cruel and unusual or about older women and younger man. Yemenslove has a profile that says she was born in 1935 and that his/her b'day was on the exact same day that the thread was started. His/her account is disabled.

Anyhoo...continue on ladies with your jokes. :thumbs:

:lol: :lol: :lol: .. hahaa this explains why the Capt'n didnt pop up to this "reported" thread :lol:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-06-25 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaHellooooo Monday
today was ok.. woke up VERY early.. BUT then I come into the Office.. and then it is pure H*LL..

I NEED A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!

:ranting: :cry:

Edited by deemabrouk, 25 June 2007 - 11:59 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-06-25 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaExpressions...

i think abdou has watched too many music videos because i had to explain to him that the "N word" wasn't something people normally say other than black people to each other!!!

hahaa.. I had to stop my husband from saying that the other day.. He didnt know it was a bad word. And of course we are driving around Dudley(bostons peoples) when he starts saying it - of course with the windows down :blink:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaExpressions...
the expression "Whatever" makes him nuts.. he always like.. This whatever.. I hate this Whatever.. What is this..

hahaa.. too bad.. its DEEPLY embedded growing up in the 80's :whistle:

"so hungry I could eat a horse" - does NOT mean I eat horse.

"wicked" - good, but not just good, wicked good. lol

"shut up" - you don't say!

hahaa.. I have no problem telling my husband "Oskote!!!" he's like.. "eh? shut uP (with a heavy P) huh? Mesh."

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaExpressions...
well I think it is funny trying to explain American or whatever expressions to your Foreign SO.. My husband is always like.. "What is this??!" :blink:

We've actually started a notebook :P

SO far I've had to explain....

"Knock it off"

"Getting Ripped off"

"Stop being fresh! " I actually had a hard time explain what "Fresh" means

Edited by deemabrouk, 17 July 2007 - 02:06 PM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!!!!!
Yup this is how it happens.. :) then before you know it... this will all be a memory :thumbs:


Sending good vibes your way for a speedy reunion...((((vibes)))) I know how rough it is. The closer it gets to the "end" the more you wanna just give up. That's how I felt. We had a 4 month and 1 week AP/AR. Just out of the blue one day he gets a SMS (from TNT) saying the visa is on it's way. Here's hoping you'll get your "out of the blue" surprise soon. (F)

Awww i am sure Boo and Bella will do just fine. I see you finally chosen some wonderful names for your cats Jenn! very cute names. I just got a cat too on Monday she is adorable I named her Princess she is 9 weeks old and she is do her shots soon too.

Moody have fun with your friend in town! Make sure you do alot of exciting things!!

I would really appreciate it if you all could keep me, and my fiance in your prayers (F) we have not seen each other in 18 months, and we are now on 4 1/2 months on A/P i really miss him and the wait is getting to me so much! You know how it is i am sure. Thanks for your prayers in advance i just hope he gets his visa soon! I hope you all have a blessed day! :)

:dead: :sleepy: My neighbors cat was in heat until 4 am. Lucky for me all her suitors were lined up outside my bedroom window.

that SUCKS!! :lol:
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-26 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo confusion
I wouldnt under estimiate the stupidness of the Cairo Embassy... They said they didnt mail out the packet 3 cause they didnt have his "correct" address... which was complete BS... cause then I emailed them the SAME address on ALL of our papers.. and again we never recieved the Packet 3..

To be one the safe side... I would Def. email the embassy with your concern.. Full Address with the apart of the city in BOLD letters...
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-29 09:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaANYONE HEAR FROM DOODLEBUG ??
thats ridiculous........

i dont think she will be here then... wasnt she only going for a week???
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-23 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaANYONE HEAR FROM DOODLEBUG ??
Here is Doodles text to me

"We waited 730 to 1130 they had him pay DHL and said come the 29th cause the counsular never showed the chopfks i hate them"

are they that mentally compromised?? that they would mail out a packet 4... with a interview date on a holiday??!!
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-23 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaANYONE HEAR FROM DOODLEBUG ??

Her interview was Sunday. It's a holiday today and I'm sure the offices are probably closed.
And she was supposed to text Deemabrook with how it went.

yeah.. sorry.. she DID text me.. Ive been having alot of drama lately and wasnt able to log on...

ANYWAYS.. bridget said they showed up... and the office was closed. I think it got rescheduled for next week? Maybe the 29th???
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-23 08:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo SUnday post??!

Posted Image hiya deemabrouk and allousa.

Good morning Charles
deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-29 10:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo SUnday post??!
Hello everyone....

I think Doodle is on her way home today... I cant wait to hear about her trip :)

I am hoping to go to the Science Museum today.. But I dont know what my husbands mood will be once he gets out of bed :(

and the current status of me is... things are still the same.. there are some Good MOMENTS.. but that seems to be about it..

He has stopped about the work/ business ####### for the moment... i think from the talk from that Loan guy...

His moods are volatile..

My house is constantly TRASHED...... I've never had SOOO much food wasted and thrown away.. I am constantly exhaused trying to correct his moods... I wake up yawning...

edit : And his family constantly reminds me that they are waiting for a baby :blink:

Edited by deemabrouk, 29 July 2007 - 10:06 AM.

deemabroukFemaleEgypt2007-07-29 10:02:00