IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A help for I-130
If you will soon be in America i would start the process with the address you will have on returning to America. The sooner you get things started the better. If you can wait the first part in England it will reduce the time apart that this process inevitably includes.

Good luck.
yabastaMale02006-06-26 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A help for I-130
For file number i believe you put NONE(unless you have one) and i believe the address would depend on the visa you want to do. How long is left on your visa for here? Have you looked into DCF?
yabastaMale02006-06-26 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQ22 DS-230 Last 10 years employment

:( Ok Q.22 Last 10 years employment. I had several part time jobs do I need to list them as well? I cant be sure of accurate dates from 10 years ago...

Also I worked for 4 days in Germany about 7 years ago through a temping agency.. I have no idea what the name of the company was.....

Is all this required ?.....

I agree with Yabasta.

That is a rare thing :lol:
yabastaMale02006-06-26 16:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQ22 DS-230 Last 10 years employment
I would do your best to include all your jobs but if you did something for a few days i would not worry too much. The main worry might be if you have a big gap they might wonder why it is there. I would say do your best to account for the time.
yabastaMale02006-06-26 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew I-864
Are you the only sponsor?
yabastaMale02006-06-26 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon before SS number is issued?


Do you have a job waiting? Know your employer?

No i don`t have an employer but i will have a sense of urgency in finding one even if i have to take a crappy job to begin with. Going weeks without an SS number is going to be tough going financially speaking aswell. Somebody said it doesn`t happen at the click of my fingers but i think it should be pretty much straight away. Number vacant number used. Not rocket science. Should not have expected anything to be easy though at this stage..
yabastaMale02006-06-27 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon before SS number is issued?

My situation is pretty tough because i will need to work as soon as possible after entering the U.S. I understand some people have had to wait and then reapply for a SS card. I wonder if you get a number straight away in such cases and if you can actually work with the number only in that case? Do employers usually want the actual card or will they understand that there is a process to go through?

I am after any information regarding this as i am doing the CR1 pretty much because i want to work straight away and i hope this does not cause problems for me. I know it will be financially tight to begin with but i need to earn asap.

thanks in advance
yabastaMale02006-06-26 17:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CR1 expire?

I was just wondering if some one knows the answer to this question. My file is in DHS hell and I have no idea when it will ever surface. So lets say that I have to resubmit the whole application again. When does it expire so I can begin the process again without the useless expensive lawyer. Thanks

Not sure what you mean but the CR1 is i bleive valid for 6 months after being issued so i assume if your visa has been issued then you have 6 months before you can resubmit an application. Not sure if this is what you mean but i figured i would try and help.
yabastaMale02006-06-26 05:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother DS-230 Question
Good Luck.
yabastaMale02006-06-26 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGuess what!!??!!
Congratulations on finally getting an interview date.
yabastaMale02006-07-01 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230

Thank you fellow VJ-ers for all your previous answers. Here is a couple more:

1) Does DS230 come to the agent of choice? (that's what I assume, but it still feels weird as it requires beneficiary's signature)

2) Do they accept UPS, FedEx or DHL at NVC, so that I mail the form directly and fast from my home country, instead of mailing to my husband in the US first?

3) The downloadable DS230 includes both parts I and II. If I would only need to fill out Part I, is the downloadable form same as I am going to recieve from NVC?

Thanks a lot!

the DS230 should go to the agent of choice. This was the case with us at least. I know it woul dmake more sense if sent to the beneficiary but that is why they have an agent of choice i guess. You can or at least could just send the agent of choice the downloaded form before they get it officially. You can even print out the bar code if you follow the shortcuts available on this site. We used the barcode sheet sent to my wife/agent but i sent her downloaded ds230. She sent off part 1 and i recently got part 2 which i have to take to the embassy to sign in front of an official. I think this might not always be the case but if they send you part 1 only then it is probably how they do it.

Not sure about DHL but i would imagine they would take it.
yabastaMale02006-07-02 05:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Approved and On It's Way to NVC
Part 2 of the ds230(which is the sort of stuff they ask on the visa waiver i.e. "are you a terrorist?") is used. It is required in my case at least at the embassy stage and i am required to sign it in front of a consular official.

Not sure about changes to the I864 but it might be an idea to get 3 years just in case the old rules still apply to your case.

A certified copy i believe is an official copy rather than a photocopy.

You shouldn`t need to prove your relationship as you are married but it would not hurt to be prepared just in case they are dubious. I would also get translations but that one is up to you i guess.

good luck.
yabastaMale02006-07-02 05:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused and distraught
Emailing can`t hurt can it? If i were you i would get onto your Senator aswell or whoever is important. Write to people and maybe they will pull their finger out and get you back on track. By the way the process is a lot of waiting. So much waiting that you might consider travellign during the process and not just before.
yabastaMale02006-07-15 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Processing Time... No Rhyme or Reason?
You`ve done your homework.

Our visa was straight forward with one minor RFE which we dealt with promptly and our visa took us 14 months. We did what we could to speed it up within reason. We could maybe have speeded it up some more but we went with the options we found most comfortable and didn`t print our barcodes or things of that nature. I got my po po certificate a lot sooner than it was required(so much so that it almost would have expired).

I think the trick is to just get into it and then start making general plans but i would not personally book a flight until you have the visa in your hands. The process does become more predictable towards the end but there can still be hold ups and it will seem to be taking forever. A lot of the end process was us not knowing rather than us having a date to work towards.

hope this helps
good luck
yabastaMale02006-07-22 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon`t open the envelope take the money
No i am not leaving the forum even if that would make some people happy. haha. Thanks to all of you and good luck. Those who await, your time will come.
yabastaMale02006-07-16 06:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon`t open the envelope take the money

A big congrats out to you!!!! :dance: :dance: Now just keep the sucker in a "holy" place until your flight.

Christine :luv:

I took my passport to the pub tonight to show people. :P
yabastaMale02006-07-15 18:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon`t open the envelope take the money
Yes today(well yesterday as it is gone midnight now) i got my visa. I can touch my future now. I have the grail known as the CR1.

I will soon be flying to be with my baby. My POE will be Atlanta.

I just thought i would continue to offer my support to those going throught the process. I think it is always helpful to see what you are chasing after. A little something to help you keep the faith.

I certainly don`t want this to come across as gloating or something.

So firstly i want to thank, once more, all the people who have helped me get here and keep us going. Long distance marriage is not easy despite the jokes that people make about it. It is hard going this marriage over distance stuff.

Anyway today the courier arrived eventually and checked my credit card name against her paperwork then made me sign and print. I was not expecting such a big package to be honest. So i opened it up like a kid opening nicely packaged christmas presents and my passport fell out. I looked my passport over and saw the new page(a sticker page). The new page was much fancier looking than my actual passport as these stickers are the best stickers on the market complete with American images and words.

I then looked over the envelope all ready to open it up.

Posted Image

great so now i have to resist the urge to open up the grail.


Anyway yeah it is great to have it. Being told i will get it and actually getting it is a big difference. The emotions escalate and the ultimate emotion will be in a few weeks time.

I can not wait.

I am going to be a legal Posted Image
yabastaMale02006-07-15 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTHAT DS-230 FORM
sorry. I was thinking of the g325. My apologies
yabastaMale02006-06-28 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTHAT DS-230 FORM
you won`t have an A number so just put NONE

If you mean visits t the States then i just put VWP (visa Waiver Programme)
yabastaMale02006-06-27 17:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTHAT DS-230 FORM
question 16 i would put unknown
question 21 would be NONE
question 22 it just says list employment so i would just list employment and not worry about gaps.
Question 23 i think they are mainly concerned with education that gave you any qualifications. I think i just put my secondary school and college.

Hope this helps but remember i am not an expert.
yabastaMale02006-06-24 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
yes my name is in the mailbox but with anything needing a signature or too big the post office bring it to the door and of course if we are not home they usually leave a "we called while you were out" note but sometimes they stick them in the door and other times in the mailbox. I have found them on the ground outside before so it is possible that it fell out the door. These apartments tend to walk around blowing air and trash around daily so it could be that (the note) got blown away.
yabastaMale02006-11-08 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
O.K. it must happen a lot as the automated number has the option for received letter but not card. I got through to an operator eventually who told me that it was returned ot the post office undelivered in September. They are redelivering it. I swear the mail system in these apartments sucks. I just have to hope it arrives before we move at the start of December. She did say 30 days maximum so hopefully it comes soon.

thanks again everybody and good luck to all current cases.

Edited by yabasta, 08 November 2006 - 10:17 AM.

yabastaMale02006-11-08 10:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
I am on the phone to the USCIS now. There is a 10 to 15 minute wait apparently. :(

Thanks everyone for your help i will keep you posted in case it helps anybody else.
yabastaMale02006-11-08 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
I have social security card and i have my learners permit and i have about five letters welcoming me to the usa. But none of those are a green card are they? Any idea how i go about getting one?
yabastaMale02006-11-07 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
Thanks everybody. I was satrting to think i had just been unlucky to come across somebody who didn`t know what they were talking about. I even told her that the stamp in my passport was my actual visa.

I got my learners permit o.k. and hopefully the driving test will be smooth sailing. Thanks again everybody. I don`t have a green card yet though. I have been here 3 months. Do i get a greencard after i change my status on my visa as it is based on my marriage being less than 2 years?

maybe i need to make a new topic.
yabastaMale02006-11-07 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshould i have been given my i94 with a cr1 visa?
I mentioned in another thread that i had trouble putting in for my road driving test because they asked me for my i94 which i was never given. It seems from the response that i should not have my I94 but i wanted to check. I had my I551(the actual vissa) but have not got a green card yet and they did give me a learners permit so i wonder if the woman i spok to just made a mistake in not allwoing me to take my test.

So i was just making a general topic here in the hospes of getting a reply.

thanks in advance and p.s. anybody hiring in Atlanta shout me a holler.
yabastaMale02006-11-07 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvise Please....
Yes it is my understanding that since you have filed both you can just see which one coems through first. Some people i think go on the i129f and then come back for their cr1 interview. We left the i129 too late and went with cr1 which s you probably know is a better visa but usually slower to get. Good luck.
yabastaMale02006-11-10 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshelp needed
Slow is the name of this game sadly. Hang in there and keep your heads up.
yabastaMale02006-11-13 08:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1/IR1
It took me about 14 months.
yabastaMale02007-05-06 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWould bankruptcy effect a visa?
Well the USC and possibly co sponsor are fine. We don`t need a co-sponsor really but thought it would be better to be safe. I just wondered where i stood if i fell down because times are hard. I am really trying to avoid bankruptcy of course but it is hard right now unless something happens. It is all my own fault of course but i fell into a trap and now i have to get out of the rut somehow.

thanks again everybody.
yabastaMale02006-02-05 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWould bankruptcy effect a visa?
I am guessing it would i am just having financial problems right now and although i have been trying to avoid it bankruptcy does cross my mind as a likely end to the problem. Of course i don`t want that to then cause me a new problem because the last thing i want is to be stranded away from my wife.

I just wonder if you know of any cases of this happening.

yabastaMale02006-02-05 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile moving on to London
With regards to your medical hopefully they don`t find naythign wrogn and hopefully if they do it is a blessing in disguise and you can get help.

Good luck.
yabastaMale02006-05-27 14:27:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
This is very helpful to give me a rough idea of what will happen and it might help me find the place. Thanks very much for the pictures too.

congratulations too.
yabastaMale02006-05-09 10:19:00
United KingdomMedical at Knightsbridge
Thanks for postign this. It is good to have an idea what to expect. Good luck on getting a swift interview etc.
yabastaMale02006-04-09 15:43:00
United Kingdomcalling from London to US
Well i use pennyphone when ity works. The last few days it has not been working which is hopefully just them busy over bank holiday. Penny phone is as you might guess 1p a minute and their number is 0844 721 4721 followed by the number you want to call and *. BT is like 5p a minute if you have the international option which is an extra £1 a month. We had a phonecard that my wife(USA) called me from and that was often a ####### line although it was cheap.
yabastaMale02006-04-17 14:59:00
United KingdomHi! Anyone still in England that's from Kent here?
It is a small world and it is funny to think some of us are only a train ride away. I have probably neglected my friends as it is though. ha.
yabastaMale02006-05-16 12:59:00
United KingdomHi! Anyone still in England that's from Kent here?
I have worked in Maidstone, Belvedere and Folkestone and currently live and work in Gravesend(lived there my whole life). I am currently in the U.S. visiting one last time before the Visa is issued. I am going to be working as much as possible before i get my Visa and any free time will be spent talkign to my wife in the US so a drink with a fellow visa waiter is sadly not too workable right now. Good luck though.
yabastaMale02006-05-09 10:29:00
United KingdomIs anybody waiting for a London Interview?

Or has anybody had one recently?

I looked at the interview thread in the CR1 section and it seems the last vj member to have a london interview had there case complete way back in February. I just wondered if anybody had more recent news.

Waiting is hopefully almost over but i am still anxious and impatient i`m afraid.

Any input will be appreciated.


Have a look at the london interviews 2006 thread. It updated regulary!


I did look at the interview thread and thought about adding myself or asking somebody to add me. The trouble is i don`t see any cr1`s with recent interview dates and even if there were i don`t see the date they got case complete.
yabastaMale02006-05-22 16:33:00
United KingdomIs anybody waiting for a London Interview?
Or has anybody had one recently?

I looked at the interview thread in the CR1 section and it seems the last vj member to have a london interview had there case complete way back in February. I just wondered if anybody had more recent news.

Waiting is hopefully almost over but i am still anxious and impatient i`m afraid.

Any input will be appreciated.

yabastaMale02006-05-19 09:47:00
United KingdomOn our way to London!
No medical yet. As i understand it i get told how to arrange the medical once i get the interview date. I have been told by London that they have my case and i can expect an interview date to be allocated in the next 6 weeks. I emailed them again and i am now waiting on a reply even if it is something like "i told you once now leave us alone".
yabastaMale02006-05-24 17:25:00