IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponsor already filled in expired i-864
Can anyone please help me out? I really need to know the answer to this.
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-01-21 06:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponsor already filled in expired i-864
Also, Do I need a bar-code sheet to send in with it? Thanks
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-01-20 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponsor already filled in expired i-864
My Joint sponsor filled in the I-864 July 2010. I have had to wait to turn it in due to crazy circumstances and I have all her information from months ago (pay slips, and application). I'm about to send everything in and I noticed on the top of the I-864 form it says expired 10-31-2010. I looked at the new form and it is EXACT same thing, just with 10-31-2011 as the expiry date. So.... Will I have to have my co-sponsor re-fill in the information with the "new" form? Also, do you think I should get new pay slips or will her old ones work.

Thank you!
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-01-20 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponsor's Tax return
thank you !
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-01-24 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponsor's Tax return
hi, I just noticed that our joint sponsor has both her name and her husbands name on her tax return because they had a joint return, but she only filed out the I-864 with her information. Is this ok, or will I have problems? I want to send this in tomorrow, so any answers would really help thank you.
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-01-24 07:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures1-130, AOS & IV Package paperworks
I sent in all originals and didn't have any problems. I would suggest sending them in, and having another original copy for the interview.
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-02-27 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you need to be living and working in the USA to file the petition?
That's what we did too. I could not imagine living away from my husband for that long! good luck
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-04-02 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy interview is thursday..
Our interview is also on Thursday!! Good luck and maybe we'll see you there!
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-04-25 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBackground Checks
My husbands name is one of the most common in Ireland, and I think it's also on a "not so nice list" in America. We had no delays because of this, so don't worry.
IrishloverFemaleIreland2011-04-30 13:23:00

Was she conceived in wedlock?

See here: http://manila.usemba...itizenship.html and on the right there are 3 criteria listed:

1. Physical Presence/Residence in the United States (this is where you prove you've lived in the US long enough to pass it on)

2. Legitimation/Legal Relationship (explained here: http://manila.usemba...itimation4.html the child is "legitimated" by virtue of your marriage)

3. Blood Relationship (Filiation) (explained here: http://manila.usemba...lationship.html there is NOTHING that says "just because you're married we're going to assume the kid is yours).

I'm not trying to be offensive when I say, there is no proof your wife didn't get pregnant to someone else and you married her to get her child USC. Or that she didn't tel you she was pregnant and you just think the child is yours. They can accept proof that you were there at the time of conception (the dates matching), they can decide that it's a bit suspicious and instead ask for a DNA test. Being married only makes you married, and makes the child legally yours, it doesn't prove the child is biologically yours.

If it helps, it's rare (but not impossible) to see a child conceived and born in wedlock require a DNA test, but if the child was conceived out of wedlock your chances are higher for a DNA test. Not 100%, but higher. Depends on the CO and on your relationship.

yes she was born IN wedlock, i met my wife on xmas day, we got married on january 12th and my daughter was born september 26th. i was in the philippines for 3 months, from december to early march
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-01-28 20:49:00

Was she conceived in wedlock?

See here: http://manila.usemba...itizenship.html and on the right there are 3 criteria listed:

1. Physical Presence/Residence in the United States (this is where you prove you've lived in the US long enough to pass it on)

2. Legitimation/Legal Relationship (explained here: http://manila.usemba...itimation4.html the child is "legitimated" by virtue of your marriage)

3. Blood Relationship (Filiation) (explained here: http://manila.usemba...lationship.html there is NOTHING that says "just because you're married we're going to assume the kid is yours).

I'm not trying to be offensive when I say, there is no proof your wife didn't get pregnant to someone else and you married her to get her child USC. Or that she didn't tel you she was pregnant and you just think the child is yours. They can accept proof that you were there at the time of conception (the dates matching), they can decide that it's a bit suspicious and instead ask for a DNA test. Being married only makes you married, and makes the child legally yours, it doesn't prove the child is biologically yours.

If it helps, it's rare (but not impossible) to see a child conceived and born in wedlock require a DNA test, but if the child was conceived out of wedlock your chances are higher for a DNA test. Not 100%, but higher. Depends on the CO and on your relationship.

very helpful answer! ive sent her many things that proove where i was when we were married and that i was in the philippines a month b4 and a month after i got married, also to proove im a us citizen i sent a notarized copy of every page of my passport, drivers licence, birth certificate.
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-01-28 20:10:00

Sorry, but the wedlock is not a guarentee of no DNA test

Fingers crossed for you

good luck

where did you hear that it is not a guarantee? I dont understand how they could ever deny my daughter if my wife has her CR1 Spousal Visa already and our chld was born in wedlock
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-01-28 19:44:00
I live in America and my wife lives in the Philippines, i cannot be there for our babies Certificate of Birth Abroad appointment because i have work, so she will have to take our child alone. I was wondering, i asked something very similar to this, but id like to reiterate it for clarity, if our child was born in wedlock, will they waste our time with a DNA test? Also my wife Got her CR1 Visa in December of last year(2012), will that help avoid a very costly and lengthy process of DNA testing, i would like my wife here in march not a billion years from now. Anyone have any experience with a situation like this?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-01-28 19:06:00
PhilippinesWHY IS IT ALL SO VAGUE???
i would really like some help on any of these questions:)
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-01 05:14:00
PhilippinesWHY IS IT ALL SO VAGUE???
My wife will be going to are daughters CRBA appointment soon because im here in America Working(im the US citizen, shes a filipina) If they request a DNA test what happens. Can someone explain in simple step by step terms. Ive read many government sites on the topic but im not completely sure what to do.

For example, it says im suppose to find an accredited American Association of Blood Bank(AABB and set up an appointment, thats easy. but then it says im suppose to tell them to send the results to the US embassy in manila in a pre addressed, pre paid envelope.
Well how do i give them that envelope?
Who is it addressed to?
Do i bring an envelope with me to the appointment?
What do i include in that envelope?
How the US embassy in Manila know which case it goes with?
How long does it take to get there?

The government website says once they get it that they will schedule an appointment.
How long after they get the dna results is it till they schedule a appointment?
How do they know how to contact her?

Then the website says: "Before you or your family member’s appointment, payment for the sample collectionmust be arranged directly with the Embassy/Consulate local “panel” physician who will conduct the DNA sample collection. Upon payment, the panel physician will provide a receipt that must be presented at the appointmentt at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate."
How do i arrange to pay this man or woman before the appointment, where do i go, who do i contact?

Then it says after my wife/daughter is swabbed at her appointment, "the Embassy will use the pre-paid and pre-addressed envelope to send the test kit back to accredited lab testing site in the United States."
How long does that take to get back to the US?

Then the site says: "Once the analysis is complete, the AABB laboratory in the United States will send the results directly to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Once the Embassy or Consulate receives the results, the passport/CRBA applicant or his/her parents will be contacted in order to continue processing his or her passport/CRBA application to conclusion."
How long once they get it does it take for the results?
How long does it take for those results to be given to the US Embassy in Manila?
Once the US embassy gets the results how long before my wife can come back into the Embassy and finish her CRBA appointment?

Regan LMalePhilippines2013-01-31 23:43:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

Hey Regan...Do you have Pinoy roots? Does your kid look like a full-blooded Pinoy?

If you are puti, the consular officer is going to see that your kid is Fil-Am...and isn't going to require a DNA test.

My wife is the one taking my daughter to the interview, my daughter is quite white skinned for a filipino and her eyes are big and round

Hey Regan...Do you have Pinoy roots? Does your kid look like a full-blooded Pinoy?

If you are puti, the consular officer is going to see that your kid is Fil-Am...and isn't going to require a DNA test.

Im full american(german, scottish, and polish), my wife is filipino(half spanish half filipino)
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-05 16:28:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

*** two topics merged. Again. ***

thank you penguin!
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 17:26:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

Of course she's still a Filipino. She doesn't give that up just by getting a greencard. It does not make her American.

Really, awesome! hey, can you take a quick read through of this thread and tell me if you think my lil plan is good or not?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 16:57:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

she has 6 months , up to 6 months, to be out of the USA for ONE duration, after activating her status at the POE, before any problems.

Some people come through a POE, and leave the USA on a later plane, same day.

This activates the status, the green card is printed and mailed out to the address in the DS-230.

I suggest you study a calendar after the CRBA appointment, when you know of status on your child.

What exactly should i study about the calender? Im sorry i ask so many questions. Like i didnt understand what you mean by that, is there anywhere to get approx, wait times fro the whole dna testing part of my predicament?

she has 6 months , up to 6 months, to be out of the USA for ONE duration, after activating her status at the POE, before any problems.

Some people come through a POE, and leave the USA on a later plane, same day.

This activates the status, the green card is printed and mailed out to the address in the DS-230.

I suggest you study a calendar after the CRBA appointment, when you know of status on your child.

also can she go back to the philippinesand stay without getting kicked out? Is she still considered a filipino and allowed to stay in her home country?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 16:38:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

Ok would this be possible:

My wife is going for our daughters CRBA appointment alone this month, because i cannot since i am working I want to be prepared in the event she is asked to have a DNA test. The Consular officer in the Philippines says my wife needs a DNA Test, so i go to the dna testing center and pay the fees and have my dna tested. Then the results are sent to the US embassy in Manila, during that time i send my wife and her father(for protection) to Guam for a weeks stay, since it is owned by the United States and is in US Soil she will technically be in a US territory. I was thinking She will leave my daughter with her big brother for about a week. She does the Point of entry stuff in Guam with her dad and stays a week, gets the I-551 stamp, then goes back to the Philippines for like 3 or 4 months, gets the DNA TEST COMPLETED, Passes our daughters CRBA interview, and gets the CRBA for our daughter. Then i fly to the Philippines after she receives the CRBA and i pick her and our daughter up and bring her to America.

The reason i ask is because my wife has a CR1 visa and it is going to expire in april or may and it might take time for the dna test results to get from the US AABB Accredited DNA test site to the US embassy in manila. And i while she waits to be called to St. Lukes for her our childs DNA swab, i dont want her visa to expire and have to start the process all over again.
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 16:33:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

read a few POE reviews here, soonish, aye?

will my wife be allowed to stay in the philippines for like 4 months b4 she comes to america when i pick her up, after she stays in guam for a week
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 14:57:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

that sounds quite logical, si man !

Do you know what kind of stuff happens at the point of entry? LIke will she get a stamp for sure? Will the green card arrive at my house? so when i got to pick her up, everything will be completed?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 14:25:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

I have them, on occasion. Seems rare, this year, so far :(

Heck No ! No rules, regs or guidelines stating so.

darnell i typed you on your wall, please go read it.

I have them, on occasion. Seems rare, this year, so far :(

Heck No ! No rules, regs or guidelines stating so.

Ok would this be possible:
The Consular officer in the Philippines says my wife needs a DNA Test, so i go to the dna testing center and have my dna tested and sent to the embassy, during that time i send my wife and her father to guam. She will leave my daughter with her big brother. She does the POE stuff there without me there in guam and stays a week, gets the I-551 stamp, then goes back to the philippines for like 3 or 4 months, gets the DNA TEST COMPLETED, Passes her interview, gets the CRBA for our daughter, and i fly to the philippines and pick her up.
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 14:12:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

Yup, Guam is a US Territory.
She can fly into Guam on her visa, do the POE stuff there,
and her green card automagically shows up at your address.

Suggest she stay a week in Guam, then return to the PI.

very good idea thats right next to the philippines, i thought i have to be with her at the point of entry
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 13:47:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

she could also POE into Guam - don't forget that, aye?

what do you mean? Does the US own that? Explain please
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 13:40:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

would it make sense to go to the PI for the CRBA interview? IMO, it does, from a time and money persepctive.

I would but my wife already bought the plane tickets to fly to the interview and if i go all the way there and they still require it , i will have no money to try to fix the situation.

do you think i could bring my wife to america, get her residency stamp then fly her back when they request for the dna smapling, that way she gets a extra year without it expiring.
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 13:16:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

Moved to Philippines regional fourm per your request.

**Organizer hat off**

If the visa is not used before it expires, then you are back to Square One (i.e. yes, you have to go back to the start by filing a new petition).

could you hsow me where you found this fact?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 13:12:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

I posted a link about someone who went through DNA Testing for her daughter. It is a different case than yours for it was not a CRBA case but she highlighted how she was able to expedite the process. Took less than 2 months for the DNA Testing. check out the link: http://www.visajourn...up-the-process/

Maybe your worrying way too much about this. You might likely not be required to have DNA Testing. Clearly you have a lot of documentation proving she is your biological daughter. Think positive. Good luck. Posted Image

would you like me to message you all the requirments i have?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 13:05:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?
Wow i did not mean to post it here can someone move it for me to the Philippines thread?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 11:56:00
PhilippinesGOING CRAZY! Will i ever get to see my family?

My wife got her cr1 visa in December and it expires in may, my wife has a CRBA appointment for our child this month in Manila. She will be going alone and has lots of evidence, but on

the off chance she is requested to have a dna test, everything will be ruined. Im here in the US and if she is requested to have a dna test i will have to pay lots of money to get a dna

test shipped over there and wait for it to be shipped back and the results given to the embassy. Our relationship is legit and the baby is mine but my main worry is, that if they

request one, the results might not get back to the US embassy b4 her visa expires. If it did expire what would happen, would i have to start the I-130 process all over again and wait

another year b4 i see my Wife and daughter? My daughter is 4 months old and i havent got to see her yet. my and my wife met 2 years ago and i flew over there for xmas in 2011, we got

married early january 2012, and i lived with her till early march of 2012. then i left to start work and the Cr1 process, which took almost a year, and im soooo scared its all going to

be ruined because her visa will expire, huhuhuh i dont know what to do! I dont want to start the CR1 process all over again!
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-02 11:40:00
PhilippinesCRBA and Interview Requirments

Hi VJ!

since i will be having an interview and at the same time applying a CRBA and passport for my son and some requirements are almost the same just like the DIVORCE CERTIFICATE, EVIDENCE OF A GENUINE ENGAGEMENT, etc. my question is do we have to produce 2 copies of his divorce papers and the like or i can use the same for my son's CRBA Application? are they going to take all the papers that i will submit to them on my interview or they will return to me after my interview?

thanks in advance for your comments!

i would get 2 copies, they ask for 2 copies of everything else
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-07 19:08:00
PhilippinesCRBA and Interview Requirments

Hi VJ!

since i will be having an interview and at the same time applying a CRBA and passport for my son and some requirements are almost the same just like the DIVORCE CERTIFICATE, EVIDENCE OF A GENUINE ENGAGEMENT, etc. my question is do we have to produce 2 copies of his divorce papers and the like or i can use the same for my son's CRBA Application? are they going to take all the papers that i will submit to them on my interview or they will return to me after my interview?

thanks in advance for your comments!

i would get 2 copies, they ask for 2 copies of everything else
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-07 19:05:00
PhilippinesTicket to the Philippines?
ok if i want to go to the philippines, can i pay for a one way ticket there and since i dont know when i want to come back, pay for a one way ticket back? or will the philippines not allow that? Because i know The US will not allow some people to enter if they dont have proof they are going back, via a round trip ticket.
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-07 17:10:00
PhilippinesHelp PLEASE:) / YAY!

holy moly ! i'm so happy for you, Regan ! I'm super duper glad there wasn't any hassle.

Wow - can jump on plane soonish, aye?

i think pretty soon:) thank you!
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-08 20:57:00
PhilippinesHelp PLEASE:) / YAY!

No problem, have a good trip and do the SS when you get to the states.

thank you for your reply
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-08 19:14:00
PhilippinesHelp PLEASE:) / YAY!

Don't worry about the SSN for now, you can easily handle that when you are all state side.

you know this for sure?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-08 18:53:00
PhilippinesHelp PLEASE:) / YAY!
OUR CRBA WAS APPROVED! YAY! They say it will come in the mail soon along with our daughters passport. My question is, my wife says we forgot about the whole applying for my daughters social security number thing. Is that going to be a problem? Can my daughter leave the Philippines without a social security number if she has a Certificate of Birth Abroad and a Passport? BTW i am a US citizen and my wife has her CR1 visa, my daughter was born in the Philippines. Will they issue her one in America?

Edited by Regan L, 08 February 2013 - 05:54 PM.

Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-08 17:51:00

Good question. How long has your daughter had her passport? 1250PP plus 200PP per month since issue of passport

ok thank you! can my wife go to any burea of immigration office to get this exit permit instead of going to manila, does she need a appointment?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-26 20:40:00

More similar stuff.

thank you but we dont have time to wait for a filipino passport for our child, so how much are these fees in total?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-26 16:41:00

ECC. is an exit clearance for your baby, your wife`s identification or passport.bring your baby`s nso birth certificate, US passport 2x2 picture and specially the baby at the BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT located in INTRAMUROS MANILA.they will goin to get a finger print of your baby and they will goin to issue an ECC that you will need it at the airport.better do it 1 week before the flight the payment is 550 or 750 pesos..we did this before to our baby boy before we move to alaska. its very easy no problem..takes only 1/2 to 1 hr to get this thing done..have a nice day !

she lives in mindinao, so she cant go to manila to do it one week before. she can only do it 3 days before her flight. Will they give her the certificate the same dayas she goes in? Does she need a appointment for this?
Regan LMalePhilippines2013-02-25 16:22:00