Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow long does USCIS keep our files?
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-03-25 15:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTSC I-751 relocated to District Office
Sounds like an interview to me... and it probably won't be a Stokes interview. My guess is that it is a quality control interview.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-11-01 16:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 interview in Pittsburgh
Congratulations... sounds like you convinced the adjudicator that you are a legitimate couple under the stress of a Stokes Interview. You passed through the rough ride with flying colors...

Edited by zyggy, 16 November 2007 - 01:18 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-11-16 13:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 interview in Pittsburgh
No actually you need to understand what the job of the adjudicator is.. it's to find out the facts and make decisions regarding those facts.

The truth of the matter is people lie inorder to get the benefits that the USCIS conveys. It's a known fact that when under pressure, if people are lying, then they typically will get their stories mixed up with the truth because they don't have the time or peace of mind to keep up their lie.

Sorry if the interview was a little intensive, but this is what is required to see if one is telling the truth and is truly eligible for the benefits that they are entitled to.

A USCIS's officer's job is to protect the US by only allowing those people who are entitled the benefits to receive them. If they have to make it a little hard on people to determine the truth in order to do their jobs, then they are more than willing to do that. THeir priority is not to make you feel happy and confortable during the interview... their priority is to determine the facts...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-11-14 13:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 interview in Pittsburgh
Agreed.. if you didn't get an RFE there is a good change that your were randomly selected for a quality control interview.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-06-12 15:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew process
QUOTE (noone @ Apr 25 2008, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is very interesting, this year I've been hearing a lot about this 'mistake' on the forums, from friends, friend of a friend etc. I always advise everybody to follow the rules and still apply for the removal of conditions, but I'm starting to question: Why the USCIS is doing this repeatedly?!

This is basically a data entry error... if 1% had this happen to them, that would result in a statistically significant amount of people...

Edited by zyggy, 25 April 2008 - 04:03 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-25 16:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew process
THis is a case of penny wise and pound foolish...

What is cheaper and easier... spending the $450 or so on the I-751 at the proper time with the chance that they kick it back to you and you're safe (and what you were fully expecting to do in the first place)... or do nothing with the risk of spending thousands of dollars on legal fees and spending countless hours in court fighting a removal order....

Don't think this doesn't happen... check out posts on BritishExpats from a pretty well known immigration lawyer, Stuart Folinsky who posts as folinskyinla. He has defended several people who got themselves in this very situation...usually when USCIS finds their mistake during Naturalization or GC renewal...

The choice is yours...

Edited by zyggy, 25 April 2008 - 04:02 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-25 15:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew process
QUOTE (gemini23nj @ Apr 24 2008, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kmineo @ Apr 24 2008, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would have to disagree with zyggy, but only based purely on my opinion so take my opinion for what it is worth. If it is a 10year GC then you don't have to file to remove conditions b/c the GC doesn't have any conditions on it. It is highly unusual that they did that though. I like to use the old monopoly saying "bank err in your favour collect 100".

Well, if USCIS makes an error, it is up to the applicant to spend money, send proof and wait for the USCIS to correct their mistake. Their error or not, it would never stand up in court. If they granted the 10 year GC, how could they possibly put the responsibility on the applicant. They never provided the information on removing conditions as the final decision and date was not give at the interview.

I am going to tell my friend to at least make an appointment with a Immigration lawyer, but I would be the farm that they will be just fine!

1) There was no decision made at our interview, yet we were repeatedly told about the requirement and signed a form acknowledging the requirement.

2) There is a Supreme Court decision that shoots your logic down. THe Supreme Court has ruled that a government mistake is no defense against not following the law.

WHy take the risk.. what are you really saving.. because I guarantee you that they will find their mistake eventually and they're not the one who is going to suffer the consequences.

Edited by zyggy, 25 April 2008 - 11:40 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-25 11:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew process
Sorry.. the law is clear... and you have a responsibility to obey the law... no matter if USCIS screwed up or not...

If USCIS made an error against you, you would want things to be right... it works the other way around.

The law states that all those who were granted PR status before their two year anniversary must file for removal of conditions before the 2-year anniversary of their PR status. If you do not obey the law, USCIS has the right to deport you. Their error is not considered an acceptable defense especially in light of the possibility of their having a signed statement recognizing the requirement signed at the time of his interview.

It would be folly to not protect everything that you have worked toward.. You must file for removal of conditions at the proper time with an explanation of their error. If they reject it, then you can safely say that you made an attempt to comply with the law.

Edited by zyggy, 24 April 2008 - 05:59 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 17:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew process
Ummmm.. no...

USCIS made an error.. this does not relieve him of the requirement of fileing for removal of conditions. He has to file two years after his approval of PR.

If he files the I-751 and they kick it back, then he has evidence that he attempted to comply with the requirement.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 17:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage/closing documents
The deed and the mortgage at the least... including the promissory note would also be appropriate. Be sure to include all pages of the document.

Edited by zyggy, 30 April 2008 - 01:40 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-30 13:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPotential Employer Refused NOA1
ALso.. you can't call... your husband has to call since it was him who was discriminated against.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-28 15:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPotential Employer Refused NOA1
QUOTE (katand7 @ Feb 28 2008, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I did mention the I-9 part that you said and all she said was that they can ask for any documents they want. The I-9 has nothing to do with it. (sorry my rant was so long before I can't believe I left anything out!!!)

And this is a person whose job it is to deal with "human resources" - unbelievable!!!!! (well unfortunately it is not unbelievable, just scary!!)


Actually the INA says otherwise...

The following is from The USCIS Handbook for Employers

General Provisions
The anti-discrimination provision of the Act, as amended, prohibits four types of unlawful conduct: (1) citizenship or immigration status discrimination; (2) national origin discrimination; (3) unfair documentary practices during the Form I-9 process (document abuse); and (4) retaliation. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), part of the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, enforces the anti-discrimination provision of the INA. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, also prohibits national origin discrimination, among other types of conduct. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII.

As discussed further below, OSC and EEOC share jurisdiction over national origin discrimination charges. Generally, the EEOC has jurisdiction over larger employers with 15 or more employees, whereas OSC has jurisdiction over smaller employers with between 4 and 14 employees. OSC’s jurisdiction over national origin discrimination claims is limited to intentional acts of discrimination with respect to hiring, firing, and recruitment or referral for a fee, but the EEOC’s jurisdiction is broader. Title VII covers both intentional and unintentional acts of discrimination in the workplace, including discrimination in hiring, firing, recruitment, promotion, assignment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment. OSC has exclusive jurisdiction over citizenship or immigration status discrimination claims against all employers with four or more employees. Similarly, OSC has jurisdiction over all document abuse claims against employers with four or more employees.

Types of Employment Discrimination Prohibited Under the INA

Document Abuse
Discriminatory documentary practices related to verifying the employment eligibility of employees and the Form I-9 process are called document abuse. Document abuse occurs when employers treat individuals differently on the basis of national origin or citizenship status in the Form I-9 process. Document abuse can be broadly categorized into four types of conduct: 1) improperly requesting that employees produce more documents than are required by the Form I-9 to establish the employee’s identity and work authorization; 2) improperly requesting that employees produce a particular document, such as a “green card,” to establish identity or work eligibility; 3) improperly rejecting documents that reasonably appear to be genuine and belong to the employee presenting them; 4) improperly treating groups of applicants differently when completing the Form I-9, such as requiring certain groups of employees that look or sound “foreign” to produce particular documents the employer does not require other employees to produce. These practices may constitute unlawful document abuse and should be avoided when verifying employment eligibility. All work authorized individuals are protected against this type of discrimination. The INA’s prohibition against document abuse covers employers with 4 or more employees.

Citizenship Status Discrimination
Citizenship or immigration status discrimination occurs when an employer treats employees differently based on their citizenship or immigration status in regard to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee. U.S. citizens, recent permanent residents, temporary residents under the IRCA legalization program, asylees, and refugees are protected. An employer must treat all of these groups the same. Subject to limited exceptions, the INA’s prohibition against citizenship or immigration status discrimination covers employers with 4 or more employees.

National Origin Discrimination
This form of discrimination occurs when an employer treats employees differently based on their national origin in regard to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee. An employee’s national origin relates to the employee’s place of birth, country of origin, ancestry, native language, accent, or because he or she is perceived as looking or sounding “foreign.” All work-authorized individuals are protected from national origin discrimination. The INA’s prohibition against intentional national origin discrimination generally covers employers with 4 to 14 employees.

Retaliation occurs when an employer or other covered entity intimidates, threatens, coerces, or otherwise retaliates against an individual because the individual has filed an immigration-related employment discrimination charge or complaint; has testified or participated in any immigration-related employment discrimination investigation, proceeding, or hearing; or otherwise asserts his or her rights under the INA’s anti-discrimination provision.

You need to call the USCIS Office of Special Counsel at 1-800-255-7688 and get them to call this lady up and set her straight. I have a feeling a call from them will put the fear of God into her.

And a link to the USCIS Handbook for Employers

Edited by zyggy, 28 February 2008 - 03:47 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-28 15:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPotential Employer Refused NOA1
QUOTE (katand7 @ Feb 28 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband and I got married in May of 2005. He got his greencard that same year in October and began working. No problem. He now has two jobs, one at a warehouse and one at the local Best Buy store. Living on Cape Cod year round is tough in the off season because once Christmas is over business tanks and my husband, who usually will work 4-5 nights a week, is lucky to get one night a week. So another store in the mall, Sears, actually approached him and offered him a job in their electronics department. They pay commission and Best Buy doesn't so we thought that maybe this would be a good move. Especially as Best Buy cuts their staff down a couple of times a year and Sears seems to be more consistent with their staffing plans. (This was in December). So Gavin filled out all the online information and went to an interview. About a month or so later he got called for a second interview. At this interview they basically hired him and sent him for a pre-employment drug screening and physical. The next day he calls the human resources manager and she tells him that the papers he gave them showing he is allowed to work (he gave them a copy of his greencard and also a copy of NOA1 and even copy of biometrics) were not enough. Unless he has a "valid" greencard they won't hire him.

I am totally outraged right now. I don't think the NOA1 could state more clearly that it extends his right to work and travel for one year. Date of NOA1 is early November 2007. Does anyone have any ideas of what we can do? He just recently travelled outside the US and has his passport and all to show that he was let back in the country. (Not to mention he's physically here and he wouldn't be had they denied him!) IF they had another reason for not hiring him then whatever. But they actually told him the whole reason was that he can't prove that he can legally work in the US.

I almost want to contact a lawyer because he is being discriminated against. We have done everything appropriately and legally and this is what we get? It sucks.

Not to mention that based on our filing dates and going through VSC I still think we are looking at June or July before he gets his new card.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If this thread should be posted somewhere else, please tell me. I just didn't know where to go but here.


Tell the EEOC and the Business Liasion of the Department of Justice would love to speak with him on his discriminating against legal workers. If that doesn't work, then report the employer.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-28 13:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce -- left the US
She can give up her permanent resient status at the local US consulate or embassy...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-12 13:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
Just to let everyone know, we got the card yesterday... So a week from notice to card receipt.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-13 10:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
UserName.............Date of I-751.....Date on NOA...Biometrics.....Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc.
onur ................06/26/06..........03/15/07......04/13/07.......--/--/-- ....
MDZJ.................01/21/07..........01/25/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/26/08, I-551stamp,senator
danutuke.............01/29/07..........01/31/07......03/06/07.......--/--/--.....I-551stamp,Service Request,N-400
Peter T..............01/27/07..........02/01/07......03/09/07.......04/07/08....
MonicaT..............02/08/07..........02/14/07......03/10/07.......--/--/--.....I-551 stamp for 12 months
SamFam...............03/13/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/14/08
haggischamper........03/20/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......04/17/08....verbal approval -email on 05/02/08
Lyuba................--/--/--..........04/17/07......05/07/07.......04/18/08....verbal approval at the office
Frances..............04/02/07..........05/05/07......05/24/07.......--/--/-- ....
Kearinne.............04/09/07..........04/30/07......06/02/07.......04/18/08.....verbal approval at the office, email on 05/08/08
zyggy ...............04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/01/07.......04/24/08....verbal approval -email on 05/05/08
charlie & yeng.......04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/02/07......05/09/08.....RFE 5/1/08, >CSC 4/1/08
nfytoknow ...........04/29/07......... 05/03/07......05/31/07.......05/09/08.....
ladybird216..........05/29/07..........06/01/07......06/21/07.......--/--/--.....NSC > CSC
DazzaInTheUS.........06/05/07..........06/11/07......07/12/07.......--/--/--.....NSC > CSC
pkmk.................06/18/07..........07/02/07......07/13/07.......05/09/08.....NSC > CSC 4/11/08
wifiman..............06/29/07..........08/05/07......08/15/07.......08/25/07....NSC > CSC

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-12 15:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
UserName.............Date of I-751.....Date on NOA...Biometrics.....Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc.
onur ................06/26/06..........03/15/07......04/13/07.......--/--/-- ....
MDZJ.................01/21/07..........01/25/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/26/08, I-551stamp,senator
danutuke.............01/29/07..........01/31/07......03/06/07.......--/--/--.....I-551stamp,Service Request,N-400
Peter T..............01/27/07..........02/01/07......03/09/07.......04/07/08....
MonicaT..............02/08/07..........02/14/07......03/10/07.......--/--/--.....I-551 stamp for 12 months
SamFam...............03/13/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/14/08
haggischamper........03/20/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......04/17/08....verbal approval -email on 05/02/08
Lyuba................--/--/--..........04/17/07......05/07/07.......04/18/08....verbal approval at the office
Frances..............04/02/07..........05/05/07......05/24/07.......--/--/-- ....
Kearinne.............04/09/07..........04/30/07......06/02/07.......04/18/08.....verbal approval at the office, email on 05/08/08
zyggy ...............04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/01/07.......04/24/08....verbal approval -email on 05/05/08
charlie & yeng.......04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/02/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 5/1/08, >CSC 4/1/08
nfytoknow ...........04/29/07......... 05/03/07......05/31/07.......--/--/--.....
ladybird216..........05/29/07..........06/01/07......06/21/07.......--/--/--.....NSC > CSC
DazzaInTheUS.........06/05/07..........06/11/07......07/12/07.......--/--/--.....NSC > CSC
wifiman..............06/29/07..........08/05/07......08/15/07.......08/25/07....NSC > CSC

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-09 15:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (seaflower @ May 5 2008, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quick question for the ones that got approved do you guys see that when you enter yor case number and check it online, i know you received emails but i was wondering if you see the approval when you only enter your case number online and hit search

Yes.. the status online has changed as well.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-05 12:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
Got the email for Card production today... Our Senator verbally told us we were approved on April 24th...

Added card production email to timeline

UserName.............Date of I-751.....Date on NOA...Biometrics.....Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc.
onur ................06/26/06..........03/15/07......04/13/07.......--/--/-- ....
MDZJ.................01/21/07..........01/25/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/26/08, I-551stamp,senator
danutuke.............01/29/07..........01/31/07......03/06/07.......--/--/--.....I-551stamp,Service Request,N-400
Peter T..............01/27/07..........02/01/07......03/09/07.......04/07/08....
SamFam...............03/13/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......--/--/--.....RFE 4/14/08
haggischamper........03/20/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07.......04/17/08....verbal approval -email on 05/02/08
Lyuba................--/--/--..........04/17/07......05/07/07.......04/18/08....verbal approval at the office
Frances..............04/02/07..........05/05/07......05/24/07.......--/--/-- ....
Kearinne.............04/09/07..........04/30/07......06/02/07.......04/18/08.....verbal approval at the office

zyggy ...............04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/01/07.......04/24/08....verbal approval -email on 05/05/08

charlie & yeng.......04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/02/07.......--/--/--.....
nfytoknow ...........04/29/07......... 05/03/07......05/31/07.......--/--/--.....
DazzaInTheUS.........06/05/07..........06/11/07......07/12/07.......--/--/--.....NSC > CSC
wifiman..............06/29/07..........08/05/07......08/15/07.......08/25/07....NSC > CSC

Edited by zyggy, 05 May 2008 - 07:07 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-05-05 11:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (coloradogirl @ Apr 28 2008, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Illinois @ Apr 25 2008, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Illinois @ Apr 25 2008, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seaflower @ Apr 25 2008, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WHY DID THEY STOP APPROVING US??? What is wrong with CSC ????

Seaflower, I would not start worrying yet. The approvals now coming out of CSC were of those filed in late March 2007. Did you file around June 2007? If so, I am sure there are many folks waiting for approvals in between March/April and June.
It is hard to wait all this time - I should know because it took 14 months for the approval. But, at least it seems with most of the transferred cases, they are going by the NOA dates at NSC.

I meant to say ..... The approvals now coming out of CSC were of those filed in late February/early March 2007."

Edit time clocked out blink.gif

Well, as you can see, we filed end of Dec. 2006. And still nothing. It's hard not to believe it's nothing prejudicial anymore..... At this point we wouldn't even care if they notified us for an interview, at least it would be giving us some kind of attention!

It's high time for you to get your Congessman and both Senators involved... Have you contacted them yet?
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-28 13:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?

I would assume that your I-751 has been packaged with your N-400 and will be adjudicated at your local DO with the N-400. I wouldn't expect to hear anything from CSC.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-25 15:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (nfytoknow @ Apr 24 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2long @ Apr 24 2008, 05:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (zyggy @ Apr 24 2008, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Will do...

I did everthing voluntarily including sending in the additional evidence... Getting your Senator involved works. You just have to hope yours has a great constituent services rep like mine does. We faxed the stuff to her on Tuesday and got an answer today...

Zyggy How you can approach senator regarding this.Can you share your experience regarding that.Our senetor is Barack Obama.Do We have to go to his office or something...........I'm complete ignorant regardning that

You got a high profile Senator. If his office inquires, you can expect answer from USCIS in couple of days.

I don't think whether a Senator is high profile or not makes any difference. They have special officers that respond to Congressional Inquiries. I think the bottleneck is more in line with which Senator has better and experienced constituent service reps. THe last time I did this (I lived somewhere else then), I sent requests to both my senators and congressman. It was my Congressman who got the answer the fastest and got the best information and the case was approved a few days later. One Senator got back to me in a week and got okay information.. the other Senator took a month and gave me #######... Later I found out my Congressman was legend on providing quick and reliable constituent services because he personally felt that was one of the most important things he did. The good Senator was also known for good constituent services. The other Senator as relatively new.

Suggest that you go to his website. also send a request to Senator Durbin and your Congressperson as well. You may want to do a google search on all three to see if anyone wrote anything on their constituent services.

But basically I faxed a letter requesting his assistance, a signed Privacy Act release form, the original recepit notice by NSC and the transfer notice from CSC to their local office. Do not send it to Washington. Constituent Service matters are handled by the local office.

It is important to just ask for a status update on your petition... you want to know at what point is it at at the CSC and request a timeframe for adjudication. Do NOT ask why you petition hasn't been odone yet or a request to ask USCIS to expedite your petition. Keep it simple.

I sent my I-751 on X date to NSC, It was received by NSC on this date (attached receipt notice), it was transferred to CSC on this date (attached transfer notice from CSC), and CSC is showing approvals from these types of petitions on X date as of X date. Therefore, my petition is more than 30 days out of published processing times. I would appreciate your assistance in determining the status of my petition at CSC and and determining an approximate timeline for adjudication.

Edited by zyggy, 24 April 2008 - 05:12 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 16:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
Will do...

I did everthing voluntarily including sending in the additional evidence... Getting your Senator involved works. You just have to hope yours has a great constituent services rep like mine does. We faxed the stuff to her on Tuesday and got an answer today...

Edited by zyggy, 24 April 2008 - 04:27 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 16:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
I just got a call from our Senator's office... our petition got approved today...

UserName...........Date of I-751.....Date on NOA...Biometrics......Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc.
jennybirgitta........01/13/07..........01/18/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp, service request, congressman, N-400
MDandZJ..............01/21/07..........01/25/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months, senator
danutuke.............01/29/07..........01/31/07......03/06/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp, Service Request, N-400
Peter T..............01/27/07..........02/01/07......03/09/07.......04/07/08....
drawbridgep..........01/11/07..........02/02/07......02/15/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
MonicaT..............02/08/07..........02/14/07......03/10/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
grenoble38...........02/01/07..........02/20/07......03/03/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
Illinois.............02/19/07..........02/23/07......04/18/07.......04/22/08......I-551 (12 mo); Elected officials; NSC>CSC on 04/01/08
haggischamper............03/20/07..........03/23/07......04/17/07............04/17/08......verbal approval at chicago office
zyggy ................04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/01/07......04/24/08.....
charlie & yeng.......04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/02/07.......--/--/--......
nfytoknow ............04/29/07..........05/03/07........05/31/07.....--/--/--......
wifiman..............06/29/07..........08/05/07......08/15/07.......08/25/07..........NSC > CSC

Edited by zyggy, 24 April 2008 - 04:12 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 16:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
We sent in a bundle of new papers yesterday to see if that would help push things along... We've also contacted both senators and our congressman... no response from them yet...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-24 11:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
UserName...........Date of I-751.....Date on NOA...Biometrics......Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc.
jennybirgitta........01/13/07..........01/18/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp, service request, congressman, N-400
MDandZJ..............01/21/07..........01/25/07......02/14/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months, senator
danutuke.............01/29/07..........01/31/07......03/06/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp, Service Request, N-400
Peter T..............01/27/07..........02/01/07......03/09/07.......04/07/08....
drawbridgep..........01/11/07..........02/02/07......02/15/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
MonicaT..............02/08/07..........02/14/07......03/10/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
grenoble38...........02/01/07..........02/20/07......03/03/07.......--/--/--...........I-551 stamp for 12 months
Illinois.............02/19/07..........02/23/07......04/18/07.......04/22/08......I-551 (12 mo); Elected officials; NSC>CSC on 04/01/08
onur ................06/26/06..........03/15/07......04/13/07.......--/--/--.....
haggischamper............03/20/07..........03/23/07......0417/07............04/17/08......verbal approval at chicago office
NickD................03/27/07..........04/--/07......05/01/07.......04/17/08...........I-751 Battle is History!!
charlie & yeng.......04/27/07..........05/01/07......06/02/07.......--/--/--......
nfytoknow ............04/29/07..........05/03/07........05/31/07.....--/--/--......
wifiman..............06/29/07..........08/05/07......08/15/07.......08/25/07..........NSC > CSC
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-22 14:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
Their system typically gets updated only once a day, so today's approvals should show up tonight....

Also please feel free to add me to the list..

I-751 date 4/28/2007 - NOA date 5/1/2007, Biometrics 6/7/2007
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-04-10 18:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (NickD @ Mar 14 2008, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That makes sense for making infopass appointments with a two week limit, each new day should open another new day at the end of that two week period. So in this case, the early bird gets the worm.

Are we limited to the field offices we can go to? At my location, St. Paul and Milwaukee are within ten miles of each other, Chicago with a different route is another hour away, so that give us three choices of field offices. We were assigned to St. Paul for our initial interview with a first trip for biometrics and Milwaukee for the I-751 biometrics. Prefer St. Paul because it's out in the sticks where Milwaukee is close to downtown, and you never know what kind of traffic jam you will run into. Chicago would be crazy and always is. I allowed an extra two hours to get to Milwaukee because you never know how traffic jams would be, but we recently had a huge increase in the price of gas right before then and the roads were empty.

It was cold, so I dropped my wife and daughter off at the door to find a place to park, they needed their PRC to get in, I just told the armed guard I wanted to join my family, he let me in. Wondered about all those armed guards standing around, is this a terrorist target? Did have the guts to ask one about that, he just said, you never know. Man, what a boring job, reminded my of my military days, lot's of boring days.

The seem to have a bug about cameras and cell phones, certainly nothing interest in there to want to take a picture of, wife and I left our cells in the car, daughter couldn't part with hers, so she had to check it in and get it back when finished, kids! Had to sit on folding chairs in an overcrowded room and wait and wait and wait. People coming in an hour later than us were being called in, was told we had an appointment with a specific interviewer and she was tied up, don't recall making an appointment with a specific interviewer, they just leave you in the dark. Getting use to that.

Ha, wife says I am terrible, if I make an appointment and forced to wait, will just get up and leave, but no choice here, these are those appointment types I am paying good money for, I still haven't learned how to deal with our government.

You have to go to the field office that has jurisdiction over your place of residence.. period. You can't pick and choose.

You used to be able to pick the ASC to go to and make an appointment yourself, but they've taken that away.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-03-14 12:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (zyggy @ Mar 13 2008, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peter T @ Mar 13 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (zyggy @ Mar 13 2008, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are essentially the people you can send your complaints to:
- Both of your US Senators
- The Chair and Ranking Member of the Immigration Subcommittee of each House of Congress
- The Secretary of DHS
- THe Director of USCIS
- Your Congressman
- The USCIS Ombudsman
- The Inspector General of DHS
These are the people who actually have the outside influence to do something and the people who need to know what is going on. If we do not let them know what is going on, they can't do anything about it.

The two senators and the representative are obvious contacts for complaints. I had never heard of the USCIS Ombudsman before, what is his/her influence? And what is the job and the influence of the Inspector General? (I don't believe that the Secretary or the Director would react to our complaints if they are not brought forward by the other contacts on the list.)

The USCIS Ombudsman

The Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CIS Ombudsman) provides recommendations for resolving individual and employer problems with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). As mandated by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 § 452, CISOMB is an independent DHS office that reports directly to the DHS Deputy Secretary. The CIS Ombudsman:

Assists individuals and employers in resolving problems with USCIS;
Identifies areas in which individuals and employers have problems in dealing with USCIS; and
Proposes changes to mitigate identified problems.

DHS Inspector General

The Inspector General is responsible for conducting and supervising audits, investigations, and inspections relating to the programs and operations of the Department. The OIG is to examine, evaluate and, where necessary, critique these operations and activities, recommending ways for the Department to carry out its responsibilities in the most effective, efficient, and economical manner possible.

To get any of those people to individually act on your application is most likely not possible due to the games CIS is playing. But it may help to make them aware of the fact that there are a large number applications sitting in limbo while others with the same types of applications who filed later are getting service. That may help..

This tack (addressing the overall problem without focusing on your individual needs) would be the best right now. What we really want is what those in TSC got.. our files being moved to CSC to be adjudicated. A rational argument outling the circumstances behind out situation, outling the situation for those who have filed ater July 2007 and outlining what was done with those in the same situation going through TSC and then noting why this has not been done for those who are waiting at NSC.

Edited by zyggy, 13 March 2008 - 01:50 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-03-13 13:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (Peter T @ Mar 13 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (zyggy @ Mar 13 2008, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are essentially the people you can send your complaints to:
- Both of your US Senators
- The Chair and Ranking Member of the Immigration Subcommittee of each House of Congress
- The Secretary of DHS
- THe Director of USCIS
- Your Congressman
- The USCIS Ombudsman
- The Inspector General of DHS
These are the people who actually have the outside influence to do something and the people who need to know what is going on. If we do not let them know what is going on, they can't do anything about it.

The two senators and the representative are obvious contacts for complaints. I had never heard of the USCIS Ombudsman before, what is his/her influence? And what is the job and the influence of the Inspector General? (I don't believe that the Secretary or the Director would react to our complaints if they are not brought forward by the other contacts on the list.)

The USCIS Ombudsman

The Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CIS Ombudsman) provides recommendations for resolving individual and employer problems with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). As mandated by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 § 452, CISOMB is an independent DHS office that reports directly to the DHS Deputy Secretary. The CIS Ombudsman:

Assists individuals and employers in resolving problems with USCIS;
Identifies areas in which individuals and employers have problems in dealing with USCIS; and
Proposes changes to mitigate identified problems.

DHS Inspector General

The Inspector General is responsible for conducting and supervising audits, investigations, and inspections relating to the programs and operations of the Department. The OIG is to examine, evaluate and, where necessary, critique these operations and activities, recommending ways for the Department to carry out its responsibilities in the most effective, efficient, and economical manner possible.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-03-13 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (drawbridgep @ Mar 13 2008, 05:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I noticed there is an email you can write to if you have a complaint about the USCIS. So I emailed it asking about the 6 month back track, about NSC not processing I-751 , about people who filed just a few months ago getting approved when a lot of us have been waiting well over a year, and a few other things. I got a reply back almost instantly!

You have emailed an inactive account.

If you are inquiring about the status of documentation you have filed with USCIS, or have a complaint relating generally to the nature of the customer service you have been provided by USCIS, please use our National Customer Service phone number 1-800-375-5283 or visit our website at

I wonder if there's an email address I can write to to complain about their complaint email address not working.

Anyway, I'm going for another infopass on tuesday, but don't really expect the officer there to have any idea what's going on. If I manage to get a 12-month stamp I'll consider it a successful trip.

There are essentially the people you can send your complaints to:

-Both of your US Senators
- The Chair and Ranking Member of the Immigration Subcommittee of each House of Congress
Senate - Chair - Ted Kennedy (MA), RM - John Cornyn (TX)
House - Chair - Zoe Lofgren (CA), RM - Steve King (IA)
- The Secretary of DHS, Michael Chertoff
- THe Director of USCIS, Emilio Gonzales
-Your Congressman
- The USCIS Ombudsman, Michael Dougherty
- The Inspector General of DHS, Richard Skinner

These are the people who actually have the outside influence to do something and the people who need to know what is going on. If we do not let them know what is going on, they can't do anything about it.

Edited by zyggy, 13 March 2008 - 01:35 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-03-13 13:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (burs @ Feb 12 2008, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
zyggy, i have always been facinated by the picture next to your nickname? is it young hitler or something? anyhow, folks are frustrated and calling them selfish is rhetoric deserving of national socialists in some respect. sure our loved ones are with us, but the dollars we spent on the I-751 to processed on time - aren't. believe it or not, these dollars are pretty scarce for some people and wasting them like this is... well if not comparable to not being with your spouse, then comparable to being without a meal. all i am trying to say - calling someone selfish for being frustrated isn't cool.

This is excatly what I am talking about... totally and completely inappropriate.... what if I told you that some my relatives were killed by that regime because they tried to defend the oppressed... how would you feel then... unbelieveable

I have had it...

Edited by zyggy, 12 February 2008 - 03:48 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-12 15:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (Sister Fracas @ Feb 12 2008, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for your insight Zyggy... I'd just like to respond by saying that VJ is also the place to share all of these frustrations that we have. Yes, we are together with our spouses, but it doesn't mean we can't be pi$$ed off that a service that we pay good money for is so f'd up. And since this is the second time my petition is getting caught in the time gap (more like a time warp) at NSC, it's extremely frustrating. Do we have this to look forward to when we send in the naturalization petition also? No one can say. I generally don't moan much about it because I figure the GC will come when it does, but that doesn't mean I can't occasionally feel like I want to stomp about it...and I'm glad there are people along with me stomping as well, because no one else in the outside world understands what this immigration nonsense is like. Every now and then we all just need to girlwerewolf2xn.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif

Agreed... but there is a difference between venting your frustrations (which has always been done, myself included) and attacking those who do not share ones viewpoint with nothing more than vitriol and the mob mentality that follows even when countered with clear evidence supporting one's position... this has been going on a lot more in the last year or so... the tone on this site has changed Frances and not for the better...

Edited by zyggy, 12 February 2008 - 03:19 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-12 15:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
I am going to speak one last time on this issue because it appears that some of you don't want to hear the truth about what is going on... and that is at your option...

Lily... I have always been fair to you and have tried to provide you with insight on the events in your past in order to help you and others who may have found themselves in your stuation. I find you continued vitriol towards me to be extremely dissapointing and counterproductive. I thought we had moved beyond this childishness.

It is growing number of people like you and iansig who increasingly don't want to hear the truth about what is happening on the inside that has cause me to post less and less here and to share my knowledge and perspective with those who have the desire to learn the reasns for what is going on with their journeyat other places. The fact of the matter is that there is a priority order on how and which petitions are processed and which times based on the differing needs of the service. The fact of that matter is that I-751's are one of the lowest priority petitions, especially at Nebraska which processes a lot of what are considered high priority petitions such as employment petitions and asylum petitions.

It is also a fact that I-751's used to take in excess of two to three years to process until very recently. When I first started my journey, it used to be common knowledge that filing an N-400 was the only way to expedite a I-751 since granting of citizenship is a rather high priority for the service.

What we're going through is a reorganization on how petitions are processed. At the begining of our journey, petitions were adjudicated on a entirely geographic based system. All petitions were processed at a center based on where you lived. In the past 18 months or so, the service has been slowly moving toward a system where centain service centers process certain classes of petitions. For instance, CSC has been moving toward processing all family types of petitions. Which is why in in June or so, family types of peittions such as I-485's, I-129F's and also I-751 have been transferred to CSC. We have been caught in the gap of this transition... It would have been better for NSC to transfer all of our petitions at the same time that started transferring new ones to CSC... but for some odd reason they didn't. They chose to keep them for some reason, but there's nothing we can do about that other than let some people know what is going on. We have written letters to our congressman, our senators, and USCIS ombudsman and the DHS Inspector General, and the chair and ranking members of the Immigration Subcommittees of both Houses of Congress alerting them to the point of the inequity in approval of our types of petitions. Obviously nothing has been done about it yet nor do I expect it to, but at least I said something about it and feel better for doing so.

ANd for information, the reason I have been posting here is because we are in the same boat as all of you. My wife filed her I-751 peititon in April 2007 in Nebraska and we are still waiting and are just as frustrated as the rest of you are. But at least we are together and are living our dream... We for one are more that willing to give up our place in the perceived adjudication line so that those who are still waiting to be with their loved one can finally be together, or can fianlly feel safe for probably the first time in years because they have been granted asylum, or have been granted to chance to start their own American dream by being given approval to get employment in the US. If the rest of you are so selfish to wail about keeping your perceived "first come first served" precious place in line... well, more power to you. But the fact is, you're not going to get what you want and you might as well be resolved to the fact that all the complaining and stomping in the world is not going to change the reality.

That is all I am going to say on this topic... VJ used to be a place where hearing different perspectives and reasoning on immigration topics were welcomed and discussed in a civil and reasonable way. Now it is a place where you either preach to the choir or be shouted down and attacked. It is truly sad...

Edited by zyggy, 12 February 2008 - 12:11 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-02-12 11:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (coloradogirl @ Jan 31 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regarding drawbridgep's infopass appt. I don't know why they would tell you to buy your ticket then come back. You don't have to prove your going anywhere as far as I understand to get the stamp. You would need the stamp anyway if your NOA and gc expire and you're wanting to get another job. That's how it's worked for my husband. He jumped the gun a little bit by making an infopass appt. last July (his NOA letter just expired this past Jan. 4th, and gc expired March '07) but he was worried the letter and expired gc wouldn't be enough to travel and we were getting ready to leave for Morocco. So we went in and he just told them he wanted a stamp, they looked at his letter and gave him his stamp without a word. Of course, wayyyy back in July tongue.gif we were ever so hopeful he'd be approved by NOW! Anyway, the stamp proved quite useful when he applied for a new job, since his other documents were expired. We forgot to have the restriction removed from his social security card when he got his 2 yr gc, so that still isn't good enough on it's own (I'm still kicking myself over that one...). Now, unless he's feeling really ready to file for naturalization I would guess we make another infopass appt. to get a new stamp near the expiration of the current one?? Barring of course a miracle our I-751 is approved by then, which seems very unlikely. dry.gif



You can apply to have the restriction removed on the SS card now... He's still a PR...

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-01-31 18:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
The USCIS can't just flip a switch and have adjudicators just appear out of thin air... it takes a year or two to get an adjudicator trained and fully fuctional. There is only a limited amount of adjudicators to go around with double the caseload... the management of NSC has decided to place those resources to places they feel are the highest priority. I-751's aren't it... and honestly shouldn't be ... we can still lives our lives here with minimal disruption...

Edited by zyggy, 31 January 2008 - 05:42 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-01-31 17:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (tafeagans @ Jan 31 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I saw this update on the USCIS Website today. This may shed some light to why we are seeing the delays, but seems like more excuses to good management and making adjustments to better manage the process.

This was taken directly from their site at :

Q : When can I expect USCIS to process my case?

USCIS processes applications in the order they are received by application type. Due to the significant increase in the number of applications filed, processing times have been affected. As a result, average processing times for certain application types filed after June 1, 2007, may become longer. For example:

Naturalization applications may take approximately 16-18 months to process;
Family-based adjustment of status applications may take 10-12 months; and
Immigrant petitions for relatives and workers may take 9-10 months.
Application processing times are accessible from the homepage. Processing times are an estimate of how long it will take to complete your case. Each case is different, and some cases may take longer to process than others. You can use your receipt (I-797) to check the status of your case using Case Status Online. Please note that USCIS will only process requests for case status information if it is beyond posted processing times. We encourage you to check processing times, which are updated monthly, before inquiring about your case.

Seems poor management and planning given what they already knew was coming but I do understand there are struggles everyone faces, including the Governement. So, the question becomes is this a management and planning issue that could of been addressed or truly something different.

Right... and the USCIS's priority is to push through theose petitions where people are somewhere else waiting for benefits. Ergo, their resources are going towards processing N-400's, I-485's etc. FOr those with I-751... we're really just in limbo... we really aren't suffering... it's a pain, yes.. frustrating.. yes, but at the end of it.. we still have our status and we're here and our lives don't stop by the USCIS's inaction. We just have to do a little annoying housekeeping..

Those of us waiting in Nebraska need to get used to the fact that processing on our petitions has pretty much stopped so that resources can be placed elsewhere. For most of us, our I-751's will be adjudicated the same time our N-400's are.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-01-31 12:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (mew5280 @ Jan 3 2008, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, I am so glad to find this topic! My husband filed for removal of conditions with an I751 of 1/16/2007 and we have heard of others who filed THIS summer and already have their renewed GC (NOT at the NSC though). He is going through the ceiling with disbelief at how this could take so long.

Feel free to add him to the list as CAPG. I751 Notice Date: 1/16/2007, biometrics 2/15/2007

Here's what we have done so far. A few weeks ago we called the NSC and found that the Customer Service Reps knew less than we did, they just read from some sheet of paper exactly what we could already read on the web and on our paper form. Called again about a week later, same exact experience. This person did express surprise that the online status had passed the 1/16/07 date and we hadn't heard anything.

Then he made an InfoPass appointment, we went there last week. There were less helpful there. They did give him the stamp in his passport so he could travel but got testy when asked why it was taking so long, she had NO information as to why or what or anything.

My husband also contacted an immigration attorney he told me to wait until 30 days past the receipt date, I doubt an attorney will be able to do anything.

As for the person who said the online status is the date the apps are put on someone's desk, that is not correct according to the website: The easiest way to monitor our processing time is on our website, where we post the filing dates of cases that we are now completing. We list this information for each kind of case and for every USCIS office and service center. This lets you project how long it will be before your case is completed.

So as the Orig Poster stated, they are being less than honest.

Correct... they state the word "completing" not completed... note the difference.... Taking a file off the shelf and placing it on an adjudicators desk is what is termed "in the process of completing"... It does not say "We have completed to this date".. A big difference...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-01-04 09:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew processing times - is the USCIS lying?
QUOTE (Peter T @ Dec 28 2007, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The new processing date of the I-751 at the Nebraska service center is Feb 9, 2007, as of Dec 14, 2007 . As far as I understand, that means that at Dec 14, the oldest non-processed I-751 application should be from Feb 9, 2007, or am I wrong? There are many of us who have a NOA with a date before Feb 9 who haven't heard anything from the USCIS until Dec 14, and there seems to be none that has been approved or received a RFE after September this year. What is going on? I can understand that a few applications can be missed when counting, after all, not counting but processing is their job. There are, however, too many "missed" application now. I have read on their website that they have been overwhelmed this summer with new applications, especially naturalizations. So, why don't they admit that they can't make progress with old less-urgent application like ours now? Why are they lying instead?

Below are the data from some applicants out of the status thread, many of them having a NOA before 02/09/07. Please add yourself or give your data, if you fall into this time window.

UserName............Serv. Ctr.....Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved
haozi101........... NSC...........11/27/06..........12/06/06........01/03/07........09/14/07
Peter T.............NSC...........01/27/07..........02/01/07........03/09/07........--/--/--
charlie & yeng......NSC...........04/19/07..........05/01/07........06/02/07........--/--/-- (re-submitted 4/27/07)

Actually the February 6th date means that this is the date when the applications have been taken off the shelf and placed on an adjudicators desk... it does not mean they were approved by this date... Depending on their workload, it could be another 2 to 6 weeks before anything gets approved...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2008-01-02 14:04:00