CanadaAnyone try traveling to the US while DCF is in process?

All US Citizens must enter the US as US Citizens as the US does not recognize the other citizenship. For small children (younger than 2 or 3) it may not be much of a deal, but if the children get any older, a CBP officer may go into a tizzy over it. The first time they'll probably give you a warning and tell you to get it. If you don't have it the second time, they probably won't let you in until you do it. Get the Consular Record of Birth done as fast as you can, preferably before you leave for the US. I'd hate to see you have to fly back home because of it. The child IS a US Citizen.. you just don't have the evidence that it is...

Ok... but if this is just a 10-day holiday, why would they not allow them in just as visitors, like any other Canadians who are there for vacation? Because their mom is a USC? There's no way we'll get the records of birth done before we leave - we may get to the Consulate to file, but I'm not sure what processing times are and we're leaving next Thursday.

And... another question... should we make it known that we've filed an I-130? Will this come up when they scan my passport? I want this to go as easily as possible... if there is anything I can say (or not say) to further that, I'd love to know it in advance.

They are US Citizens and must be admitted to the US as US Citizens.... They cannot be admitted as alien "visitors"... sorry, that's the way it works... You are either a US Citizen or an Alien. You cannot be both. If you're a USC, then you cannot be an alien and therefore be admitted to the US as such. Yes.. if their mom (or dad) is a USC, they will reasonably assume they are USC's. The processing time for a consular record of birth is pretty fast... they may do it for you when you're there, like the I-130 or have you pick it up later in the day...

Like I said, if the children are relatively young, they probably will be lenient on it and let you know that you do indeed need to file for it. If you don't do what they say the second time, there could be problems. But I'm of the opinion that if you have the ability to take care of a potential problem before hand, then you should take the steps to do it. If you have the necessary items to file for the Consular Report of Birth, you should do it before you leave.

They probably won't know about the I-130 because you did it through consular processing, unlike if you did it through USCIS where they would know. All you have to say is that you live with your USC spouse in Canada. That in itself will take away the Immigrant intent aspect of things. In addition, you should go through the CBP immigration checkpoint as a family. That is, your USC spouse should downgrade themselves to the Non-USC line and go through with you. If it does come up, just tell them that you're going through the Immigrant Visa process and are awaiting your interview in Montreal.

Edited by zyggy, 20 March 2006 - 04:12 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 16:08:00
CanadaAnyone try traveling to the US while DCF is in process?

The fact that you're coming with your husband who is a resident of Canada would probably deal with any difficulties. If your husband was a USC AND a resdient of the US, well that could set off some alarm bells in a CBP officers mind. But coming with a USC husband who is resident in Canada would not be a big deal...

However, the bigger problem is your children must enter the US as US Citizens. If you don't have the report of birth abroad, that could present some problems. You need to get those certificates before you try to enter the US...

Ok, now I'm really confused.

My husband is not the USC, I am (and am a landed immigrant in Canada as well). He is a Canadian citizen applying for his green card.

And about our kids... we've been traveling to and from the States from Canada since he was born, and only had his Canadian birth certificate with us (as he is a Canadian citizen, soon to be dual when I file). (As Canadian citizens, all they need to provide is a birth certificate, at least until 2007 when passports will be required.) We've never even been asked to show his birth certificate. So why would that be any different now? Why do they have to enter the US as citizens? Maybe I'm missing something glaringly obvious...?

Sorry... what I said about you and your husnad is the other way around. The easiest way to say it is if the USC spouse is resident in the alien's spouses country, it's not a problem.

All US Citizens must enter the US as US Citizens as the US does not recognize the other citizenship. For small children (younger than 2 or 3) it may not be much of a deal, but if the children get any older, a CBP officer may go into a tizzy over it. The first time they'll probably give you a warning and tell you to get it. If you don't have it the second time, they probably won't let you in until you do it. Get the Consular Record of Birth done as fast as you can, preferably before you leave for the US. I'd hate to see you have to fly back home because of it. The child IS a US Citizen.. you just don't have the evidence that it is...

Edited by zyggy, 20 March 2006 - 02:11 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 14:06:00
CanadaAnyone try traveling to the US while DCF is in process?

Your probably in the same boat as any one that is attempting to get a visa, your at the mercy of the POE officer. I travelled monthly to DC, never had a problem, but there have been others on here that have been denied. If the POE has any feeling you may stay in the USA, he may deny you entry!! Like I said though, many dont have a problem. Show ties to Canada(lease, letter from employer), in case they do ask. Only answer their questions, but dont add on to much! If you do a search, this sort of question (travel from canada to usa) comes up every week on VJ. Best of luck

The fact that you're coming with your husband who is a resident of Canada would probably deal with any difficulties. If your husband was a USC AND a resdient of the US, well that could set off some alarm bells in a CBP officers mind. But coming with a USC husband who is resident in Canada would not be a big deal...

However, the bigger problem is your children must enter the US as US Citizens. If you don't have the report of birth abroad, that could present some problems. You need to get those certificates before you try to enter the US...

Edited by zyggy, 20 March 2006 - 08:47 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 08:46:00
CanadaSSN help

can any one tell me in detail how should i obtain a SSN as fast as possible once i get my immigrantion visa? thanks a lot


Look for posts from mdyoung. He's the resident SSN guru...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 14:22:00
CanadaGetting nervous

Our interview is getting close to and now I'm starting to freak a little, getting nervous.

I never overstayed any visas in the USA because I have never had a visa, being from Canada.

I also never worked or applied for SSN or anything else to otherwise break the law.

BUT I did spend 18 consecutive months there. They did not stamp my passport upon entry (drove, not airport) but on our I-129F we were completely honest about where I had spent the last 10 years.

Are they going to ask me to file some kind of waiver?

Thanks everyone.



You did overstay as Canadians only have a 6 month period of stay. Depends when it happened... if it happened after 1997.. then yes, you have a 10 year ban on entering the US as you overstayed your 6 month period of stay as a visitor. A I-601 waiver will be required to get a visa...

Edited by zyggy, 21 March 2006 - 02:11 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 14:09:00
CanadaGetting nervous

I don't understand why I would need the I-601 though. I'm not an overstay and I don't have a criminal record. I entered on a visitor visa, and I never stayed for more than the 180 consecutive days allowed to Canadians. This is just so upsetting to me.
I can understand needing the I-212, but I was under the impression it wasn't a necessity...that it was sort of up to the immigration officer to decide if it was required.

Thanks again for replying to me.

The I-601 is required for those who are inadmissible. Since you have a 5 year bar, you are inadmissible. Anyone who is inadmissible is required to file an I-601, no matter what conditions made them inadmissible. Since you apparently were removed as well, you require the additional I-212.

Edited by zyggy, 21 March 2006 - 08:46 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 08:43:00
CanadaGetting nervous

Thanks for the replies. Yes the lawyer has prepared an I-212. Not the I-601 though. He seems to think it will all be fine and that they likely won't even want the I-212.
What are the reasonings behind thinking they will deny and ask for these two things? I know that the I-212 is to remove the bar. But what is the I-601 for ? Thank you.

If you have a bar, then a visa cannot be issued until a waiver of that bar is granted.

An I-601 is a waiver is for an alien is inadmissable, such as for an overstay, prior criminal record, medical issues, etc. An I-212 is a waiver that is used if the alien was deported or removed in the past. If an I-212 is required, then an I-601 is required as well as an individual who was deported is also inadmissible. The same materials get submitted with both, but it's basically an additional fee and an additional form.

Your attorney should be aware of this and should know that you would be denied. The fact that he doesn't gives me pause on his knowledge of these types of issues. You may want to look into retaining an attorney that is very familiar with waivers. An attorney named Lauren Scott is pretty well known in these circles and there have been people on this board that have used her in the past.

Edited by zyggy, 20 March 2006 - 10:36 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 10:34:00
CanadaGetting nervous

Hey all. I am getting extremely nervous. My interview is next week!!! For those of you not familiar with me or my case:

In november of 2004 I was given an expediated removal for lack of documentation while coming from Canada to the US. I had been living with my hubby in the states from April of 2003 until I was removed in November of 2004. I was married to my husband (USC) in July of 2003 and we have a daughter born in the U.S in May of 2004. The lack of documentation was pertaining to our marriage (we hadn't filed anything). We have a lawyer who has worked on the case, but can't come to the interview. My husband is going to attend with me. It is in Montreal.

I was given a 5 year bar.

You will be denied the visa and you will definitely have to file a I-601 waiver and probably an I-212 waiver. Has your attorney filled these out for you yet. It's good to have these done ahead of time so you can give it to the consular officer at the time of your denial.

Edited by zyggy, 20 March 2006 - 09:51 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 09:51:00
CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?


Your state police certificate from California must come from the California Dept of Justice.

Ahhh you did the Live Scan... Ok.. that's what you need..

Yeah, I kinda lucked out on that one, I had already written to DOJ to get the form for my husband back when I thought he needed it because he had stayed in california for a little over 6 months. So I had the blank in my hands and popped in to do that.

I have a Q Zyg, hypothetically if let's say, we're at 10 months (god forbid) and I've only got 2 months left for the med to be valid, could I at that time go and get another done, for the sake of getting it rolling so as not to add extra time at the end?

Generally after your initial submission, you should not do anything else until it is specifically requested. There is the very good chance if you do that it'll get lost in the shuffle or there may be a different procedure that the doctor has to do.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 12:42:00
CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?

Your state police certificate from California must come from the California Dept of Justice.

Ahhh you did the Live Scan... Ok.. that's what you need..

Edited by zyggy, 22 March 2006 - 09:21 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 09:19:00
CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?

your medical is good for up to 6 months, I think..... so you should be ok :thumbs:

It's good for a year... but unlike the USCIS where they still consider it valid if it has been more than year since the exam but the application is still in process.. for the CIC, if your visa isn't approved by the expiration date of the exam, you have to do a new one and wait for the time to get it reviewed by their doctors. To make it worse, the visa expires the same day as the medical. So you actually have to land in Married case by March 13, 2007.

Basically, she may just have wasted about a month that she may have needed. It may come to be that in her case, everything will be done in time... but it would suck if that month or so makes a difference...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 09:05:00
CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?

Do not get the immigration physical done until you have your police certificates in hand... Cancel that appointment now...

uh oh. :(

It appears that I am too late... Sigh.. Oh well... you now run the risk that your medical will be out of date by the time your visa application gets reviewed and you'll have to do it all over again with the wait for it to be reviewed by the doctors in Mississauga. It could add another 3 or 6 months to the time it will take to get your visa.

You now need to get you other paperwork that you need in order stat. Go and send your fingerprints for the FBI and State Police Certificates. Have your husband get all his sponsorship paperwork in order now (Option C Printout from CRA, Employer Letter, etc.) because the 1 year clock is now ticking for you...

Edited by zyggy, 21 March 2006 - 04:43 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 16:41:00
CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?

I have to go for my medical tomorrow (for the canadian immigration) and I wasn't expecting to have to pay cash. It is $200 and I also spent $50 today on the 9 passport photos I needed. Plus the $ I spent on fingerprints over the weekend. Yikes. I didn't plan for this and now I'm tapped until pay day!! :crying:

He banks with Bank of Montreal. Is there anything I can do online to transfer funds, or if anyone has a suggestion. Western Union? We've never had to dabble with transferring funds to/fro.

:blush: i'm embarrassed that I'm living this close to the edge.


Do not get the immigration physical done until you have your police certificates in hand... Cancel that appointment now...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 08:48:00
Canadastupid ds230

Hi all - first time poster
We have been very lucky speeding along with our app (sent the I129F to Vermont Feb 6 2006 and I am working on the DS230 from the Montreal Consulate now)
I would love some advice! The question on the DS230 about US Visits - ok how far back am I going to have to go?!! I lived in Vancouver for 6 years and crossed the border a few times for day visits that I can recall the dates, I have kept records of visiting my fiance and also my brother and his family who live in the States, but previous to August 2003 the best I can do is.. well when I was a kid in Winnipeg we went to Fargo for spring break.. uhhh...what did everyone else do? I feel like we are a bit of a special case since we can basically drive across the border to go shopping pretty any old time, and I don't know how many people keep track of that kind of thing. I don't think everytime I crossed with my grandfather at White Rock to buy gas and get clam chowder back in the 80's counts.
Also, what kind of visa did I get when I crossed? According to the filled in form posted here, they said Tourist Visa. Since no one ever gave me anything obviously, what do I put? Did a search here but got a lot of answers that are specific to other countries. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for all your help...

You can put Frequent Visits of no more than X days in duration. They do not expect Canadians to remember each and every day they visited the US.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 12:41:00
CanadaIt really finally got to me

Thanks for the replies..i called them once and was confused all to hell..maybe I'll give it another try..



You are a non-resident of Canada as of the date that you left Canada and entered the US on your K or CR-1 visa. For your leaving return, you file using the T1 of the province that you lived in when you left Canada.

All of your exemptions must be prorated as of that date

Edited by zyggy, 22 March 2006 - 12:20 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 12:18:00
CanadaThe Myth of Taxes

I can't believe someone would ask if you were taxed 75%...

The biggest difference is not in the tax rates, but in the deductions that the US allows you to take vs. the Canadian Government. You can have all the tax rates in the world, but if the taxable income is significantly lower...

Last year I had more than $15,000 in itemized deductions in addition to the personal exemption that each of us got... In Canada, that $15k wouldn't have been there, so in actuality, I would have had to pay signifiacntly more in taxes if I lived in Canada vs. the US...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-27 07:51:00
CanadaResident of the US but working in Canada...

I am in the same predicament. March 31st is my last day of work in Ottawa but I have been a US resident since February 10th. It will not affect EI from what I was told as you are still paying into the Canadian EI system. All I can say is MAN, will I ever mis my salary!!!

Carrie, when I crossed the border last Saturday, the customs officer at the booth wouldn't let me activate my visa!! He said I was still working in Canada and I can only activate it when I am all moved down there. What a bunch of bull. I'm so sick of them. He also asked me how I knew the right words to say, "Activate the visa".....and proceeded to say that most people don't know those words. Anyways, I went to visit my aunt but didn't activate my visa.

I have found a job in the states that has my name written all over it and I want to apply, but I'm concerned about not yet having my SSN number. Is it absolutely critical that I have an SSN number to begin work?

No.. you do not need a SSN to begin work... only a document that authorizes you to work in the US.. the CR-1 visa does that...

They just have to list you for tax purposes as single with no deductions until you get the SSN...

Actually that officer was totally wrong... he couldn't allow you entry as a visitor since you have an immigrant visa. If you have an immigrant visa, you cannot be admitted as a non-immigrant... Sigh... Probably a former Customs guy who doesn't know any better :)

Edited by zyggy, 28 March 2006 - 07:41 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-28 07:39:00
CanadaResident of the US but working in Canada...

Hi Pri,

I got both sets of documents required to bring my car across the border.

The issue was that I am required to pay off my car loan at Honda Acura Canada Fiance as they won't let me continue to make payments if I register my car in the states.

I want to keep my car. I like it, so I'll just pay off the loan once they request it from me, but I'm going to try and hold it off for as long as I possibly can.


My guess is that EI will put two and two together as you will be required to send them a copy of the visa when you apply... EIther call them for confirmation or I would wait the extra time..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-27 07:46:00
CanadaJ Treaty

I know this is the wrong site for this but thought someone might know something about J Treaty.

My kids are status Indian and I am being told they can move to the US using J or Jay Treaty. Wow would that be a money saver! But I can't find any info on it....I have been googling and nothing pertains.

Anyone have any info at all?

I found it.

Check out the Bureau of Indian Affairs website at the Dept. of Interior.

Actually it's down because of some litigation.... it may be best to call them at (202) 208-3710
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 09:00:00
Canadaabout TAX RETURN

:thumbs: :thumbs: oh, thank you very much for your quick response. the lady in tax center said: you can only apply for tax number if you are not eligible for SSN, if they find out my daughter is eligible after they go through our file, we will be in trouble,,,,,,now i have no idea about if she is or not eligible.........what do your guy's k2 do for your tax return?

thank you very much :thumbs: :thumbs:

you file a W-7 with your tax return and send it to Philly... That's what you do... She is not eligible for a SSN at this time and was not when you filed your return..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-04 14:16:00
Canadaabout TAX RETURN

:help: :help: Hi, friends

my daughter and i moved in US as k2 and k1, i got my SSN 2 months later, but the officer said she cannot get it unless she has EAD, but i did not apply that for her, if i start to apply now, that will take more than 3 months. our accountant said we can not include her in last years tax return if she has no SSN, and the tax center said she cannot just ask for an individule tax NO. if she is eligible for a SSN,,,,,so what can i do?

thank you very much. and why USCIS ask my daughter's medical examination and immunization again? ( for I 485) :help: :help:

Your tax people are dead wrong...

You have to file your tax return with a W-7 and then file it at the Service Center in Philadelphia. You absolutely can include her in last year's tax return, you just have to apply for a Tax ID Number by filling out a W-7.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-04 14:03:00
CanadaGetting a new Can. Passport

Umm.. passport office. There are lots in Toronto. They all have a lineup 500 miles long. Get there early. You hand the application in, pay your money, ask for expedited service and you have it in a week to 10 days tops.

Download the application now so you can get it filled out. Needs to be signed by a guarantor.

As for the medical. Go to your doctor, get the shots you need if any. Take your vaccination records to the panel doc and that will save you some money. Basically, Get the Canadian govt. to pay for your shots so you can leave the country :-)

Do they mail you the new passport or do you pick it up in person?

How do I know what shots I need to get? I doubt my doctor knows the requirements... :)

They mail you the passport by Expresspost.

The immunization requirements are at

But if you're between the ages of 19 and 50, you need Td, MMR and Chicken Pox.. However, the panel physicians will take an oral statement if you've had them before.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-04 07:43:00
CanadaDenied in Montreal

well sorry to hear about the denial, but i thght you were prepared as you knew there was a 5 yr ban on you. Also on yr previous post i believe zggyy or flames had mentioned that you be prepared as there might be a denial...

It's my pleasure to be of help... Best of luck to you in your processing of the waivers... They'll be processed at the VSC, so look to their timelines to get a feel for how long it will take..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-05 15:14:00
Canadanewly engaged

You should check out the guide and faq tabs at the top. There is lots of info to go through.

Check out our guides.. they are very helpful.. If after you read the guides, you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

Next, if the USC is not resident in Canada for a year, DCF is not an option.

And yes, your 17-year old son will require a visa.. but hurry.. there has been a gray area where if you son enters the US on his visa after he turns 18. There have been problems whith thos people adjusting at some district office due to differing interpretations on immigration law.

ok then DFC is not an option .....thanks ..he resides in the US

From what I have read ..... the K1 allows for children under 21 to accompany me without seperate visa if to attend school ......but then I guess he cannot work there. My reason for not wanting to go the K1 route is the whole " once I am there and marry I cannot leave the US until I get AOS is that so? and that can take up tp 2 yrs?

so I am back to thinking that K3 is our best choice then?

That's not exactly how it works...

1) Your son will get a K2 visa when you get a K1 visa. He can work in the US once he files for adjustment of status with you and receives an employment authorization document. You can both travel outside of the US once you get Advanced Parole which you apply for at the same time as you file for adjustment of status..

2) There is some ambiguity in the law in whether an individual who was 18 after the marriage was perfromed is eligible to adjust their status. There have been individuals who have posted on this board that have had problems with adjusting their child's status after the age of 18. You should file for AOS for your son before he turns age 18 if at all possible...

Keep on reading and keep on asking questions...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-07 15:12:00
Canadanewly engaged

You should check out the guide and faq tabs at the top. There is lots of info to go through.

Check out our guides.. they are very helpful.. If after you read the guides, you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

Next, if the USC is not resident in Canada for a year, DCF is not an option.

And yes, your 17-year old son will require a visa.. but hurry.. there has been a gray area where if you son enters the US on his visa after he turns 18. There have been problems whith thos people adjusting at some district office due to differing interpretations on immigration law.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-07 14:19:00
CanadaCase complete!

Our case was completed March 24. Looks like we'll have a late July interview. Should we get hubby another police check for the interview? The last one we got was in January or so. I'm not sure how long they're "good" for though. Anyone know?

They're good for 6 months... It's easy enough to get.. I would get another one...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-07 11:06:00

So when we are married in the US... How do I do this? County clerk? So if the wedding is in Washington state, and then we travel to LA where my fiance lives, do you know how I can do this?

You can usually fax a request to the county clerk of the county where you got the marriage license for the marriage certificate. But you'll have to contact their office. WHen you get the marriage license, ask them their procedure to order the marriage certificate and how long after the marriage has been performed that it can be requested.

So when we are married in the US... How do I do this? County clerk? So if the wedding is in Washington state, and then we travel to LA where my fiance lives, do you know how I can do this?

You can usually fax a request to the county clerk of the county where you got the marriage license for the marriage certificate. But you'll have to contact their office. WHen you get the marriage license, ask them their procedure to order the marriage certificate and how long after the marriage has been performed that it can be requested.

This is what is required in King County (the county Seattle is in)


Here is a listing of the outher counties in Washington
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-10 16:29:00

Can you tell me what MPP is? Hmm. This is something that I haven't thought of yet. What do you mean that you got your Marriage certificate in less then 4 days? I had just assumed that you get a copy of the signed marriage certificate given to you at the wedding. No?


You have to apply to get the marriage certificate after it has been recorded at the Registrar General's Office for Ontario or with the County Clerk in the US.

MPP= Member of Provincial Parliment
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-10 15:39:00
CanadaSurprising... ! using your Solemnization Record in application

Eep! I hate when I make mistakes like that! I will very often put someone's correct address, but will put down MY postal code. I did that a few months ago when I was mailing something using express post, and had to drive back to the damn post office and ask them for it back to redo it!

I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to get the notice from the NVC when you've decided to move to Canada instead. :( *HUGS*

Hopefully Canadian Immigration will go quickly and then you won't have to worry any more!

Go buy yourself a nice bottle of wine, I know that when immigration stuff makes me want to scream, a nice glass and a soak in the tub does wonders!

It made have made it past the USCIS, they're not experts on what constitutes a legal marriage certificate in Ontario.. but I guarantee you that it wouldn't have made it past the consulate in Montreal or the NVC for the CR-1 stuff (approvemedammit got an RFE from the NVC for just this reason)....
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-10 14:41:00
CanadaCanadian TV Stations?

wow, guess I'm lucky...we get CBC via Winnipeg...I thought they had way better Olympic coverage then the other stations here...and so glad I didn't have to break my typical Sunday morning Coronation Street tradition.

I find it interesting that you can get ExpressVu in Florida. The way the satellites are positioned, I was thinking that it would be too below the horizon by the time you got to Florida. People have told me that it starts fading out by about Tennessee or so.

But we have Expressvu in the US.. We just have the bill sent to our cottage address and use the phone number there. But you're right, as long as they get paid, they don't care. You can't get anything sent to a US address, so that story about the stuff showing up in Canada is probably an urban legend.

However, you won't be able to make any changes in programming or be able to even call to set it up as you can't call their number in the US. If you have problems in the signal, you can't do anything about it. So there are some difficulties in doing it.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 08:43:00
CanadaPolice Background Check

Doesn't have to be RCMP, it just has to use a certain type of search, a Canada-wide name-based search. The packet instructions say it only has to be RCMP if you have a criminal background. If not, then a local police search is perfectly fine. That's what I had, and I had no issues, plus I called and asked Montreal, and it's what it said on the instructions for packet three. :)

Chicken_Little is absolutely right. I as well simply went down to my local police HQ and got a police check. On the police check it stated that I had been checked against all Canada-wide police databases, with no fault against me. The important part is that ALL Canada-wide police databases had been checked.

There was no need to get the RCMP involved.

It cost me about $30 CAD and 10 minutes of my time. Piece of cake.

What everyone else said.. but make sure before you leave that it says explicitly that it was based on a CANADA WIDE SEARCH...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-12 10:31:00
CanadaAOS questions

Wow... that employment issue is confusing. It really does make it seem like K-1's have authorization automatically... but I'm sure if that were really the case then people here would know about it.

Anyone have more info on this? Or getting a better understanding from that reading? :D

Here's the deal..

The INA allows K1 holders to have Employment Authorization during the 90 days...

Unfortunately, the regulations that cover employers do not allow anyone to be hired unless they have explicit authorization of employment through an EAD document.. that being an EAD card or an Employment Authorized stamp on the I-94. So a K1 is eligible to be employed.. but cannot be hired because they do not have an Employment Authorization Document to prove that they have that status...

Welcome to the world of immigration.. where nothing makes sense..

In reality, the 90 days is worthless because virtually no one will hire anybody with only 90 days of employment authorization...

Edited by zyggy, 11 April 2006 - 03:02 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-11 15:01:00
CanadaNVC messed up and sent us to Montreal

It will be a different number. But you're right it will start with VAC. My husband called NVC to ask if we can be processed in Vancouver though I lived in Toronto and they sent our I-129 application to Vancouver.

But did you have a reason?...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-11 10:38:00
CanadaNVC messed up and sent us to Montreal

Come on guys and gals :)

I know I have read people that were transfered from Montreal to Vancouver ...

Yes.. but those people had a reason.. such as they were going to school in Alberta but used their parent's address on the I-129F. Asking "just because" it's your preference or because it could give you a cheaper flight doesn't work...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-11 09:02:00
CanadaWhy no interviews for K3 in Toronto?

There are only two consulates that deal with immigration visas for non-USCs -- Montreal for the eastern half of the country, Vancouver for the western half.

The other consulates/offices across Canada are primarily concerned with services for US citizens visiting/living in Canada.

Even though a K visa is technically a non-immigrant visa, K visas are processed by immigrant visa units since the end result is permanent resident status in the US. Montreal is the only immigrant visa post in Canada which is the reason why you have to go there for CR-1 and IR-1 visas no matter where you live in Canada.. However, Vancouver has been authorized to process K visas. They are the only non-immigrant visa post in the world that is authorized to do so...

Edited by zyggy, 19 April 2006 - 12:01 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-19 11:59:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes

Alright, so I worked in Canada in 2005 for about two weeks, brought in a HUGE $274.56. I'm thinking about filing my taxes in order to allow the Canadian goverment to know my current residency, however I am stuck on which forms to file and which schedules go with what. I figure that I am filing as a "deemed non-resident" as I still have a CAD bank account (so I could finish paying off my student loan, and i also have an RRSP, which i DID NOT contribute to in 2005). I have form T1 General 2005 (5013-R), but when asked to fill out Schedules, I have not been able to find them.

So can anyone lead me in the right direction? Should I even bother filing? We really aren't talking about a lot of money here, however they do not know my status. What's the best suggestion in this case? What have other's done to inform the government of their status change?

Thanks so much, only 6 days to go before my tax Deadline!!!!

BTW, my wife and I plan on moving back to canada in the next few years.

Did you file a leaving Canada return in 2004... if you didn't, you need to file for 2005 in order that you are classified as an emigrant.. You do this by placing the date that you left Canada on Page 1 of the T1 for the province that you lived in when you left Canada. You also have to file that return to the International Tax Services Office...

DId you get EI income during 2005.. if so you can file as a Partial Section 217 return..

Edited by zyggy, 24 April 2006 - 08:34 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-24 08:32:00
CanadaAfter You get your VISA

This might sound crazy, but this thought hadn't occured to me at all. We are getting married on the US side of the border, right near my home in BC.
After I get my VISA in my passport, does that mean that I can no longer cross the border to take care of wedding plans? I was hoping to still cross back and forth, and then use the K1 visa the day before the wedding, and stay in the US after that.
YIKES. Has anyone tried to cross the border with just your birth certificate? If you don't give them your passport will they let you in to the US still?

No.. if you have the visa.. then you must use it on your next visit. Once the visa is activated, you have 90 dys to get married and cannot leave the US until you receive Advanced Parole which you can only apply for AFTER you are married.

So sorry... once you cross... you cannot go back for as long as about 4 months or so. Afraid that in order to take care of your wedding plans, you have to enter the US some time before the wedding, or have your fiancee take care of everything until you cross. Those are your choices. Going back and forth across the border is not one of them...

If a Canadian was caught entering the US on a BC and a DL after a K visa had been issued and if it was found out while it was attempted or after the fact, it could be seen as gaining entry by making a material misrepresentation. In this case, the K visa would be cancelled and the alien would be inadmissible.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-06 16:28:00
CanadaAfter You get your VISA

This might sound crazy, but this thought hadn't occured to me at all. We are getting married on the US side of the border, right near my home in BC.
After I get my VISA in my passport, does that mean that I can no longer cross the border to take care of wedding plans? I was hoping to still cross back and forth, and then use the K1 visa the day before the wedding, and stay in the US after that.
YIKES. Has anyone tried to cross the border with just your birth certificate? If you don't give them your passport will they let you in to the US still?

No.. if you have the visa.. then you must use it on your next visit. Once the visa is activated, you have 90 dys to get married and cannot leave the US until you receive Advanced Parole which you can only apply for AFTER you are married.

So sorry... once you cross... you cannot go back for as long as about 4 months or so. Afraid that in order to take care of your wedding plans, you have to enter the US some time before the wedding, or have your fiancee take care of everything until you cross. Those are your choices. Going back and forth across the border is not one of them...

Edited by zyggy, 06 March 2006 - 03:51 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-06 15:49:00

For my cr-1 it just lists the doctors (which u can find on VJ) they dont give you any paperwork to atke with you to the Dr, except for that letter, the Dr has all the necesary forms. BUT some doctors require the letter, some do not! Best just to cal lthe DR in Calgary, explain the situation and see what he has to say. And ask how many passport pics they require. Best of luck

Yeah.. our doctor required the letter from Packet 3 when they did our medical... They will at least need the NVC Case number to be able to do anything. If you don't have Packet 3, you wont have the NVC case number and you won't be able to do the medical.
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-04-13 07:56:00
CanadaBorder Crossing

customs guys are complete Morons!

I take offense to that... last time I checked I am not a complete moron and at one time it may have been me inspecting you...

I know what happened to you Lily and believe me I regret what happened... but to paint all hard working, underpaid and overworked CBP officers in the same light is plain not fair... Walk a mile in their shoes and see if you will feel the same way..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-03-03 08:42:00