CanadaBringing belongings to the US

You'll have to give him CBP Form 3299 and a copy of your I-94 for him to be able to cross over with your belongings duty free...

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-18 08:27:00
CanadaWorking back in Canada temporarily while having US Green Card

I am happily married to my American husband (married February 13, 2005) and this coming year I will be applying for a change of status to get my 10 year Green Card. I presently have my 2 year green card. I did work for 6 months earlier this year but have been having a tough time finding employment in my field since that contract ended (Washington DC/northern Virginia area).

I may be offered a very good job back in Canada in January from people who have known my work in the past and wondered if I could take it for a year. I would keep the US as my permanent home and live in an apartment in Canada coming back every 4-5 weeks to see my husband. Our eventual retirement plans in 2-3 years are to have one home in US and another in Canada and spend 6 months in each country (snowbirds).

Has anyone ever heard of this before? Is it possible? I do not want to give up my green card, I just want to temporarily work in Canada. I would retain bank accounts in the US and home phone number and house with husband in the US. Thanks for any thoughts or input.

This goes back to the definition of abandonment.... it does not appear on its face to look like you are abandoning your primary residence in the US... of course, the devil is in the details and an immigration judge may feel differently depending on what you do...

This is worth a consultation with an immigration attorney about this... If it were me, I wouldn't do it until after I was a USC...

Edited by zyggy, 18 December 2006 - 03:18 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-18 15:18:00
Canadahotel in montreal

hi guys

has anyone stay Le Square Philips hotel before (any comment)? it seems so closed to the U.S. Consulate.

or other any suggestions? Hyatt Regency?

thanks in advance

Didn't stay there, but we stayed at La Tour Centre-Ville directly across the street from the consulate and it was clean, but relatively spartan...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-18 10:47:00
CanadaCanadian consulates

It is a shame Calgary doesn't do the Fiancee or Spousal Visas. I am in Edmonton and that would be so great, it is a 3 hour drive and I have an Aunt in Calgary who I could have stayed with. sigh.

Also, Calgary (which has both in numbers and percentage the highest US-origin population of any Canadian city) would have been in general much more logical to locate ALL (including Immigrant and fiance(e)/spousal) than Montreal (located in a province which has so often raised a threat of separation).

Still haven't figured out whose twisted idea it was to locate these in Montreal instead.

Becuase they've been doing it in Montreal since the 1950's when Montreal was the population and financial center of Canada... They've just never moved it...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-31 15:53:00
CanadaUS Income Tax Question

I was wondering if anyone can answer this question regarding US income taxes and foreign spousal/child support.

I am Canadian (divorced) and currently pay spousal and child support to my ex-wife who also lives in Canada.

If I have moved to the US on a K3 option and then file a US income tax, is this foreign spousal or child support tax deductable?

Child Support is not tax deductable in the US...

You can deduct the alimony paid to your foreign ex-spouse, but will have to withhold and pay a 30% non-resident alien tax to the IRS...

From IRS Publication 504

Withholding on nonresident aliens. If you are a U.S. citizen or resident and you pay alimony to a nonresident alien spouse, you may have to withhold income tax at a rate of 30% (or lower treaty rate) on each payment. For more information, see Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities.

What this means is that you would have to withold 30% tax on her US source Income from you, but she would get a foreign tax credit on 30% tax you witheld on the alimony on her Canadian Tax return due to the US/Canada Tax Treaty...

I suggest that you consult with a cross border tax professional to set up the witholding of taxes from her alimony from you and assist her with how to report it on her T4...

Edited by zyggy, 04 January 2007 - 10:40 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-04 10:34:00
CanadaCanadian Vaccination form

I am trying to figure out the vaccination record for the AOS. My hubby has a orange foldable card with a record of his vaccinations done in Canada. Can this form be used for the AOS? Does anyone know the card I am speaking of? It says "Immunization record" on the cover. I am thinking of having my hubby call the civil surgeon and mail a copy of his physical to the US.

A Civil Surgeon will have to transcribe the information from the orange card onto the USCIS Vaccination supplement... That's all you should need..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-04 10:05:00
CanadaDecoding stuff from the Canada Revenue Agency!

Thank you both! Do you have to pay the bill via cheques (I have no Canadian cheques left), or can it be done by credit card or even bank transfers?

Has to be done by cheque... Get someone you know in Canada to write it for you... or get an international money order...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-05 08:19:00
CanadaDecoding stuff from the Canada Revenue Agency!

I moved here to the U.S. a few months ago and this will be my first time filling out my tax return without the help of my dad :(

I've just started to take a peek at the CRA guide for emigrants here: http://www.cra-arc.g...56/t4056-e.html and this blurb caught my eyes:

Are you receiving the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit?
As an emigrant, you are not entitled to the GST/HST credit. If either you or your spouse or common-law partner receives the GST/HST credit, it is important that you tell us your date of emigration as soon as possible. If you receive a GST/HST credit payment after you emigrate, you should notify us at once.

Checking my bank records, I see that I did indeed receive a GST credit payment one month after I left Canada.

Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do and what happened?

If I contact them, do I lose all of my tax credit? And if I don't contact them, will the secret police hunt me down and clobber me in my sleep?!

Thanks in advance! I'll probably have more questions as I continue to read the guide and fill out my tax return in the upcoming months...

Once you file your leaving Canada return, they will send you a bill for the GST Refund that they gave you since you left Canada... Hope you didn't spend it all in one place... Keep the rest of the payments that they give you in a seperate account so that you don't spend it when the bill comes calling...

Edited by zyggy, 04 January 2007 - 08:29 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-04 08:28:00
CanadaPearson or JFK as a POE?
Yep.. that's what we're saying.... all major airports in Canada mow have pre-clearance centers...

Oh and Bermuda has one too BTW... and the Bahamas and Aruba... Pretty much every major airport in the Carribean has one...

Sorry to say that unless you want to go to Mexico or Europe (minus Ireland).. no JFK for you...

Edited by zyggy, 05 January 2007 - 08:29 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-05 08:27:00
CanadaPearson or JFK as a POE?
And you're eligible for EI once you get here... even better...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-04 10:03:00
CanadaPearson or JFK as a POE?

Not sure, but don't you need a boarding pass to get into the international terminal from any of the domestic terminals as you would when you first get to the airport? I seem to recall something like that and maybe that's why it can't easily be done.

Guess you could always ask upon arrival. But couldn't they just go get an INFOPASS and get the EAD at the local office? Shouldn't take that long to setup an appointment if all else fails...

My idea was flying from Ottawa to JFK then on to Wichita and then drive home rather than ottawa to Atlanta.

That way I believe I would be going through the International Terminal and it would be a second point of entry POE

Well, I’m not sure either, just putting out an idea.

I was thinking of just getting to the terminal and then seek assistance from that point and perhaps there would be a kind heart there that would act as an escort to the proper area and once there ask for the stamp. I know it wouldn’t be easy and negotiating skills would definitely come into play through out that process.

Asking doesn’t hurt unless you the cost to you is more than you need or want. I’m not sure if an INFOPASS would be available at the airport but if I were to stay in New York area it would be something to look into, but I doubt it would be fruitful meaning I don’t think they would issue the stamp.

Ottawa has a PFI... you wouldn't be going to the international termnal at JFK... Now that Halifax has a PFI, there isn't a major airport in Canada that does not have a PFI...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-04 08:26:00
CanadaPearson or JFK as a POE?

hmmmm.. maybe I'll fly through Halifax - geez the thought of not working for even longer is killing me.

You can always fly to Mexico DF and then to JFK.... :D

Or to London and then to JFK... If you're going to spend the extra money, you might as well really go for broke...

Edited by zyggy, 02 January 2007 - 09:40 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-02 09:39:00
CanadaWhat do you say when crossing the border?
The answer is easy.. tell the truth and be honest... it's the best policy...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-11 11:31:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal

Can I have it couriered to the hotel I will be staying at? And how long is it going to take?

They won't courier it to the hotel... they will courier it to your residence... Based on other tales from around the world.. it takes about a week or so...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-18 15:45:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
This isn't any different from any other consulate in the world...People from Montreal were spoiled in a way.. probably trying to standardize everything around the world...

My guess is you wn't need that extra vacation.. they aren't going to let anyone pick up a visa in person anymore...They'll just courier the visa to everyone...

Edited by zyggy, 18 December 2006 - 03:16 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2006-12-18 15:15:00
CanadaMurphy's Immigration Laws

I -LEFT- all that kinda stuff in the US for exactly that reason! I wouldn't worry too much though I'm sure they've seen much worse!

Believe me we have... I remember one time I had a car full of drunk kids came up and when I asked them what their ctizenship was, a guy in the back seat gave me the vulcan sign with a Brador beer bottle cap in their palm and stated quite loudly "BRADOR!"

I sent them to secondary to let them sober up...

A friend of mine who worked at the airport had a lady who had a whole suitcase full of sex toys and other such implements... She stated that they were for her boyfriend... she figured it was because she was "working" and they proceeded to send her back home...

Edited by zyggy, 09 January 2007 - 09:52 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-09 09:49:00
CanadaCanadian passport

Hi there...

Just wondering if anyone has tried to obtain a passport while living in the US because of their new surname after marriage...I'm not sure if I am supposed to add the new surname for the fee of $12 and send in my current passport, or should I try and get a new passport altogether? Thanks in advance...

We got the passport endorsement... You can't get a new passport until you have less than 6 months left on your old one... So if you have more than 6 months left, then send in for the endorsement... However, you still have to have the ticket in your maiden name for any international travel...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-16 08:49:00

Typical idiocy and incompetency. The USCIS quite obviously puts the bottom-feeders on border duty.

Your continued arrogance with respect to the CBP astounds me... You have no idea what goes on there or what the CBP has to go through every day... At a busy POE like the Peace Bridge, you are a minor insignificant piece of what goes on there...

Are you saying that I'm the bottom of the pack.. that I am insignificant.... I probably have more college degrees than you do... hell.. they guy who processed your paperwork may have had a law degree... there's lots of those people on the line...

Save your snide comments to yourself...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-15 14:04:00
WHen you pull up to primary inspection tell the officer that you need to activate a K3 and he'll send you to secondary...

Once in secondary, you give your passport and the brown envelope to the officer. They'll ask you a few questions and process the paperwork... Make sure they give you an I-94, you mayhave to pay $8.00 for the I-94 (although a lot of the time the officer waives the fee)...

That's it.. you're on your way... It's a pretty easy process..
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-15 09:19:00
CanadaMontreal consulate website - where is K1/K2???
Yeah.. the visa information on the Montreal site are those visas handled by the Non-Immigrant Visa Unit.. K visas are handled by the Immigrant Visa Unit and they have virtually no information on the website...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-16 08:51:00
Canadatax returns
Get tax transcripts... Call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040....
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 09:13:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question

I was told by an accountant who did cross-border taxes that once a Canadian moves to the US to reside, declaring bankruptcy on Canadian debt is not an option.

This website has forums where you can search and/or ask questions that might get you more qualified answers than this forum.

That is correct.. Canadain courts would no longer have jurisdiction over you since your residence is in the US... Who has control of the bankruptcy proceedings is not dictated by where the creditors are located, but by where the debtor is located...

Edited by zyggy, 17 January 2007 - 08:54 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 08:54:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question

A better plan is to get a good job and systematically get rid of the loans.

That's my plan! I'm keeping my one bank account open here until I can pay off my credit cards, which I can do online thankfully. When I finally can get a job, I'll periodically send up a money order, or moneygram to my parents who can deposit the money in my bank account for me and I can do the rest down here.
I just hope it won't take me too long to pay them off :D

You don't need to send anything to your parents.. just set up a trading account at customhouse to transfer funds from your US bank account to your canadian bank account

The good news is that you may have a better chance of finding a high paying job in the U.S., given the size of the economy and population base. There's also less unemployment.

That depends on the area you live in too. We live in an area close to Atlanta, but Joel has NOT found a job yet. He has a degree in IT, loads of experience, but so far that's done him no good at all.

And IT is bad everywhere since a good majority of those jobs are going overseas... might be a good time to look into another line of work...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-15 09:15:00

zyggy: She said she's the USC. Her mom's probably a USC too.

Nope I'm in the US he is in Canada my mom is in the US. We have thought about stopping the process but then we are at the point of no return. We just didn't think my husband would have to quit his job and we would have had no problems paying on and even off our bills but everything went to hell in a handbag. We thought of debt help places, bankrupty, and have even made some calls to try to settle with creditors without luck there. We have nothing at all. We live with family and use their tv, cable, internet etc. I guess you learn from your huge mistakes and we will be digging out of this one for years to come not matter what happens.

Your mom is in the US? Is she a CItizen... Was she born in the US... How long did she live in the US...

Depending on your answers, you may be a US CItizen and not have to go through Immigration..

I (USC) lived in Canada for the last few years we filed DCF and I came back to the US to get a job and what not for domicle. .... My husband had to get a new job because his job required him to cross the border daily and when we talked to the POE they told us they would refuse him entry and ban him if he kept that up during the process so he quit and took another job with a cut in pay over half.

Ah yes.. my bad... I switched the he with the she in my mind...

But the rest of it still applies...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 10:14:00

Nope I'm in the US he is in Canada my mom is in the US. We have thought about stopping the process but then we are at the point of no return. We just didn't think my husband would have to quit his job and we would have had no problems paying on and even off our bills but everything went to hell in a handbag. We thought of debt help places, bankrupty, and have even made some calls to try to settle with creditors without luck there. We have nothing at all. We live with family and use their tv, cable, internet etc. I guess you learn from your huge mistakes and we will be digging out of this one for years to come not matter what happens.

Your mom is in the US? Is she a CItizen... Was she born in the US... How long did she live in the US...

Depending on your answers, you may be a US CItizen and not have to go through Immigration..

Have you gone to a Credit Consuling Service... be sure to get a reputable one... they may be able to negotiate a debt retirement schedule from your creditors for you...

In reality, all the creditors want is their money back. They're usually willing to waive all sorts of fees, portions of interest, etc as long as they are fairly sure that they're going to get their money back... The last thing that they want is for you to go into bankruptcy and they get pennies on the dollar or even nothing...

Edited by zyggy, 17 January 2007 - 09:19 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 09:18:00
CanadaPOE with car - what do i need ??
Yeah.. US States will not title a car that has a foreign lein on it...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 09:42:00
CanadaPOE with car - what do i need ??

thanks everyone .. that does shed some light on the situation.

Yes ... Utah does do emissons tests (as you mentioned) which I will eventually have to deal with. My main concern was just getting through customs with the proper papers .... will give good ol'GM a call tomorrow.

thanks again :)

it won't be a problem. they didn't ask me anything about my car and as i didn't have all the information straight, i didn't get the paperwork at the border and had to go to the local customs office. i was informed there that it is our responsibility to tell the border guys that you require the HSA form (the number escapes me) which you require the import letter from the manufacturer for. apparently it happens all the time as well as these fellows did 2-3 vehicles per week! it was a PITA, but if you didn't get it done at your POE you don't need a land crossing, just a customs office (the closest major airport in most cases)






The nearest CBP Offices for you are as follows:

Manchester and Portland, NH

Bangor, Bar Harbor, Bath, Belfast, Bridgewater, Calais, Eastport, Fort Fairfield, Fort Kent, Houlton, Jackman, Limestone, Madawaska, Portland, Van Buren and Vanceboro, ME

Beecher Falls, Burlington, Derby Line, Highgate Prongs, Norton, Richford, and St. Albans, VT

Sorry, but you have to go to a CBP POE to be able to import your vehicle and therefore be able to register it...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 08:38:00
CanadaPOE with car - what do i need ??
Basically you need the compliance letter from the manufacturer as well as the title (registration in Canada)...

That's about it... be sure you make them do the peperwork.. you won't be able to register your car in the US without it... and Utah isn't very close to a land POE...

Make sure you tell them the lowest resale value you can ($2,000 or so).. you'll have to pay tax on that value when you register it in Utah...

I don't know if Utah has an emmissions test in order to register your car.. I think they do though...

They do...

Don't know what to say... if you have to fix it.. you have to fix it..

But fixing it is probably cheaper than getting a new car..

Edited by zyggy, 16 January 2007 - 08:47 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-16 08:37:00
CanadaPolice certificates - should list all names used?
Yep.. you need one with all the names that you have used...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-16 08:50:00
CanadaPrior notice of USC attendance at interview in Vancouver?

I just thought of something, do I need to the let the Vancouver Consulate know I'm (the USC) is attending the interview ahead of time?

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

Nope.. you just show up...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-18 13:47:00
CanadaKingston, ON Police Check - when to do it?
I would just wait until you get Packet 3 from the consulate unless you have a record that would require the fingerprint check...

Montreal is taking about 4 months to interview, so you should have plenty of time...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-22 08:55:00
CanadaBringing Money

Can she not get a cashiers check from her Canadian bank drawn in $US ???

Thanks for the tip about Comerce! We're going to look into the option of a $US check/money order from her bank.

How about you get a Custom House account and you can do an electronic funds transfer to get the money from your bank to hers with the exchange... NEVER, EVER exchange your money at an international border crossing if you can help it...

Edited by zyggy, 23 January 2007 - 08:33 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-23 08:33:00
CanadaChild Tax Credit (baby bonus)
Yeah.. you are not going to pull a fast one on CRA... if you get money from them for which you are not eligible to get, they will send you a bill to pay it back... better to try to cut the spigot at the beginning, but sometimes they don't get word of it... this is one reason why it is good to keep your Canadian bank account active until everything is settled in Canada including your tax situation...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-25 08:35:00
CanadaCanadian Passport and Name Change...

Hi Everyone,

I currently still have my Canadian passport that I came into the US with and has not yet expired, but it still has my former maiden last name on it. Eveyrhing else ID-wise and paperwork-wise here is in my new married last name (and yes, I like my new married last name better than my maiden last name). So, I was wondering if it was worth it to get a new Canadian passport with my married last name? If so, how do I get this done? Do I have to apply for a new passport all over again? Or should I just wait until I get US citizenship (oh, in about 3 years or so), and not bother with the Canadian passport?

Any other comments, ideas, thoughts, or questions on this would be much appreciated.



This question has been asked in the last month.. Use search and see what you find...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-26 12:40:00
CanadaCanada to US story

Our roads are easy to figure out if you live here (heh) :)

Zyggy .. I was wondering if this could be your home base. This POE was a lot different from other offices I have been in (Niagara crossing). Everyone who worked there seemed to be friends .. it was nice to see.

I forgot to add in my report that I paid the $6 as well for processing I guess.


Yes... Actually the tunnel was my base, but they're part of the same POE... and it was very friendly.. we were all friends.. In fact, I'm still friends with most of them today... On occassion, I get hauled into secondary just because one of them wants to see what's going on with us, or I talk with them in the booth for awhile.(chuckle)... The people behind me probably think I'm getting ripped a new one...

It's funny.. on one of my first dates with my wife, it was an officer who was new and didn't know me... my buddy who was a supervisor at the time told him to haul me in... We got pulled in, she was scared out of her mind... when we got in it was like a big reunion... everyone wanted to see who my date was :)'

So when we're in a hurry... we go the bridge... don't know as many people there and it's a lot bigger port...

Going to a Super Bowl Party with a few of them this weekend... and I'm standing in a wedding of one of them this year... I know them both...

I'd probably still be there if it wasn't for the hellish hours...

Edited by zyggy, 31 January 2007 - 08:39 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-31 08:29:00
CanadaCanada to US story

Ok - so with 2 full pages of new posts to read - first here is my 'Crossing Story'.

I picked up the 10ft. U-Haul truck on Friday night in the middle of a small snow storm. Note to self - when driving a big azz truck for the first time - don't pick it up in the middle of a snow storm. The 10ft. is the smallest I could get for a one-way rental, so it's what I went with. However, I was sadly mistaken when I thought it would be like driving my old Bronco. After cutting one guy off on Warden Ave and nearly sideswiping a parked car on McNicoll I made it home seriously doubting I would be able to drive the 13 hours requied to make it all the way back to Baltimore.

Saturday - no snow storm thank goodness. Drove up to Newmarket to get all of my stored belongings. Was seriously worried that it would take me 26 (as opposed to 13) hours to get home as I was only doing 50 in a 70km/hr zone. Realized later of course, that the truck is in miles and I was doing 50 miles an hour - oops! :blush: Packed truck up and said a prayer to the packing gods that my belongings in the poorly half-packed truck would not slide around too much.

Sunday - planned on leaving at 5 a.m. RIGHT!! Left at 10:30 a.m. (feeling considerably better about my driving abilities) and crossed over into the US at the Ambassador Bridge (Detroit/Windsor) crossing. Here I need to pause and say ....


It was definately worth the extra four hours because as promised, I got the EA stamp!!! Yayyy!!! :dance: :dance: I called Ambassador the week before to ask about it and they said that it is not normally given out but that I should ask for it and it should not be a problem. Peace Bridge, by the way, said 'no way'!

Parking at the Ambassador was a 'drive-through' set-up which was fantastic as I did not have to back the 10ft monster up. Went inside with my passport (visa enclosed), mystery envelope, and list of items I was taking down. Left the x-rays in the truck. Waited for a while (there were a very many people pulled aside in Secondary). After waiting a while (but not being ignored) I was called up. I was used to train a new CBP so that was cool. They took my passport and envelope and was told to have a seat. Was called up twice, once to ask when I was getting married because the CBP officer wanted to ensure that I knew I had 90 days, once to do fingerprints, take a photo and give my destination address. Nobody ever asked for my x-rays or list of goods. They wished me luck and sent me on my merry way. Yayy!! Stapled in my passport now, opposite the visa page, is a little square of folded paper with the 'Employment Authorized' stamp (valid for 3 months) with all of my info.

Detroit was a mess trying to figure out and the roads were very bumpy (remember my fears about all the things sliding around??). Got caught in another snow storm in Toledo (I don't think they have snow plows there) and finally pulled off for the night just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. I-80 was a breeze to drive, I-76 I will never attempt in a truck again (too much up and down hillside roads coupled with a billion 18 wheel trucks, for my liking) and finally made it back to Baltimore at shortly after 6 p.m.

All in all, the 13.5 hours quoted by mapquest took me about 15.5 hours driving time. Not bad considering my stops at the POE and to stretch etc.

So - I'm home now - boxes all sitting everywhere - realizing that we are going to need bookshelves in a hurry. I could not be happier.

Now to go aggravate David all over again with the AOS paperwork .....


Off to read the 2 pages of new posts!


Our roads are easy to figure out if you live here (heh) :)

Congratulations and good for you! Yeah, those roads in Detroit are nightmares - every Winter/Spring the radios have a contest to find the biggest potholes - some of them have been known to swallow cars! Heck, even the potholes have potholes. I used to drive the interstates in and around Detroit regularly when I lived in southwestern Ontario - worst roads I have ever driven on in my life:-). Enjoy your new life in Baltimore and good luck on the rest of your visa journey:-).

Truist me.. they've gotten a lot better since you've been here... most of them have been reconstructed by now... just a few lonely stretches left... but what do you want when you have the worst soil conditions to support roads and the most freeze thaw cycles than anywhere else on the planet...

Edited by zyggy, 30 January 2007 - 04:29 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-30 16:28:00
Canadasuggestions how to report (ex) landlord problem (in Ontario)??
That's probably why he isn't giving it back.. he knows you'd have to travel a relatively long distance to get it back and probably figures that you won't bother... Maybe you could get someone to represent you in Ontario in front of the Tribunal by giving them a power of attorney...

Edited by zyggy, 17 January 2007 - 09:23 AM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-17 09:21:00
CanadaCanadian ROE & EI Questions & POE Question

I understand Canadians can file and collect EI after moving on a K1 Visa to the US. I have talked to the payroll dept where I work in Calgary and they just told me to let them know what exactly it is they need to write in the comments section when they do up my ROE. They said they won't mark it as "quit"..... will mark it as "other" and then put an explanation in the comments section. My last day of work here will be Feb.28/07 and they have told me they will make sure I have my ROE with my last paycheque on the 28th. Any info on this subject greatly appreciated! I am leaving Canada on March 13/07.... so do I file before I leave and give them my ROE then...... I heard you file online after you are in the US you then mail your ROE???? Like I said....any info would be helpful.

I will be flying out on March 13/07 with Calgary International Airport being my POE. Anyone else out there with the same POE with any info to share? My flight is at 3:20 pm and I am wondering how much ealier I should arrive at the airport. They normally say 2 hours for an international flight but that is without surrendering a K1 Visa.

See the EI discussion pinned to this board...

Allow at least an hour at the POE for processing of your visa in addition to other time considerations...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-02-02 13:10:00
CanadaSuggested course of action w.r.t visa types?

BTW, this is the guy who was on a TN visa for a number of years, got married and adjusted status:

http://www.visajourn...?showuser=15576 (look at his signature)

And yes, consult an immigration attorney. :)

A TN status is much like a B status but with work and stay privileges... it is not a dual intent status like a H status.

Once you get married on a TN status, that status is cancelled... you cannot reenter the US with it because immigrant intent provisions apply... Also the provisions with regard to immigrant intent while adjusting your status is the same as it would be for a B visa. That is that you did not have immigrant intent at the time that you applied for the status... (which appears would be the case for you if you are renewing in April)

Once you are married to a USC, you can no longer renew the TN status as you now have immigrant intent...

So you can adjust your status while in the US on a TN status, but once you are married, you have to file for AOS and are subject to the same rules as a adjustment applicant with respect to work and reentry to the US... You technically are not work authorized unitl you get an EAD (but I doubt anyone would call you on that), and you are subject to the same travel restrictions (you need AP to reenter the US)...

Edited by zyggy, 05 February 2007 - 01:02 PM.

zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-02-05 13:01:00
CanadaMy last year filing taxes in Canada.

Hi Everyone,

What :angry: ? I'm supposed to tell the Canadian government that I left the country for good and ceased to be a resident there? I thought I could just "pick up my stuff and run/drive" and happily continue my life here in the USA? I guess not then, regarding the Canadian paperwork trail.

Like the original poster of this message thread,

I'm not sure what I do. I have no income to declare. Should I phone (or write or e-mail) and tell them that I am moving (moved) to the US? Is there a form I have to fill out? I've always used an Accountant in the past (and I am somewhat clueless about taxes).

I have nothing left in Canada (except for my cat that I had to leave behind with my so-called-ex-family, and I don't think she as a pet counts for taxes) and I still have a Canadian passport in my old name. I don't have any financial (I closed off my Canadian bank account) or property (I didn't own proprety there) ties to Canada either. However, I did attend school in while in Canada, and I think that I would get a T20A form for part of 2006.

So, what should I do? Should I fill out that NR-73 forms or other forms? Should I file my 2006 taxes (even though I don't owe them anything). Any comments, ideas, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


You have to file a Leaving Canada return, even if you have no income, because there are benefits that you have to pay back when you cease to be a resident of Canada and they want to make sure that none of those conditions apply or if they do, send you the bill for it...

The NR-73 is an optional form and personally I wouldn't file it unless I was asked to in writing from CRA...

Definitely send CRA a letter telling tham you have moved and your new address in the US and send it to your Tax Centre that has jurisdiction over your residence. It may or may not stop any benefits that are coming to you such as GST Rebate and Child Tax Rebate. If it doesn't, CRA will ask for the money they gave you while you were in the US back when you file your Leaving Canada return...
zyggyNot TellingCanada2007-01-30 10:03:00