Middle East and North AfricaThe hijab is a symbol of oppression, sexism and perversion - Agree or disagree?
AJ your a troll now? whistling.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-11-23 00:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething positive for MENA people
QUOTE (bridget @ Nov 26 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm not getting the connection between the OP and the Wizard of Oz. unsure.gif

I did laughing.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-11-26 18:35:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 15 2008, 05:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Dec 15 2008, 05:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 15 2008, 04:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Dec 15 2008, 05:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 15 2008, 04:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Dec 15 2008, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you concidered seeking professional help? after reading all your threads and posts, i think it would be wise.

About your husband, let go, like someone else sd, it takes time, but the sooner you let go the better.

I think considering what has happened. I am doing fine... Not enough going on in the Romanian forum I guess so you have to lurk over here:pop:

i think tara (sinergy) has a valid point - given all i've seen about this subject, professional counseling may well be a good idea.

Already getting it once a week... have since the fall. But you dont have to come on our forum from outside forums and say it. I already am

i don't believe what she posted was meant in a malicious manner. sometimes someone from the outside will say something that is necessary that others closer to you won't say. rose.gif
Well considering I dont even know them and if they did,,, they would know I was already getting it as well as medication, I dont think she meant well at all. She doesnt know me and if she did, she wouldnt say it like that. She was just being trite. I am already getting it as well as taking medicine and I have considering things .dealt with things the best I could. Professional help isnt something you joke about. I have dealt with things that cripple some people into not functioning and I am still hanging in there. I dont need someone tritely dropping into our forum who i dont know tritely saying anything to me...

I honestly meant it in a sympathetic manner. I dont need to be from MENA to post on here and give advice. Im not one of those members afraid to venture out of "romania threads". You only took offense bc im not from MENA, i dont need to KNOW you to give you advice. like i sd, ive lost a child, and in the meantime beaten on a daily basis by my ex husband, its not like im giving you advise without any knowledge as to why i am, and i was giving you the advise that was given to me and helped. If you want to take offence to it, by all means, have at it. But it will not keep me from posting or praying for you.

Edited by Sinergy, 16 December 2008 - 11:44 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-16 11:42:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
QUOTE (charles! @ Dec 15 2008, 05:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 15 2008, 04:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Dec 15 2008, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you concidered seeking professional help? after reading all your threads and posts, i think it would be wise.

About your husband, let go, like someone else sd, it takes time, but the sooner you let go the better.

I think considering what has happened. I am doing fine... Not enough going on in the Romanian forum I guess so you have to lurk over here:pop:

i think tara (sinergy) has a valid point - given all i've seen about this subject, professional counseling may well be a good idea.

I agree, post after post its a depressing story about her feelings thoughts and life, we are not professionals, and i think the sooner she gets professional help the better off she will be.
I have lost a child, and had i not gotten professional help afterwards, i would still be a basketcase as well. But since im not muslim i guess im not allowed to post... whistling.gif

Edited by Sinergy, 16 December 2008 - 11:43 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-16 11:39:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
Have you concidered seeking professional help? after reading all your threads and posts, i think it would be wise.

About your husband, let go, like someone else sd, it takes time, but the sooner you let go the better.
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-15 02:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdolilah Got our Visa!!
Thats WONDERFUL news!!! kicking.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-16 22:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 24 2008, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Dec 24 2008, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 24 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd like the see the law, in writing, that says you have to take off a religious covering from your head. Since the chief of police released her, I'm guessing they didn't have anything solid to hold her on. Still, I'd like to see the written law for that little town in Georgia.

It has nothing to do with it being religious or not, ITS A HEAD COVER, and you take off any headcovering in any government building. it doesnt matter, youll continue to argue it one can be right but you smile.gif however, just shows how little you know about the law and policies. And you wouldnt be this upset or argumenative about it if it was a nun and not a muslim. Im outta here, its christmas eve, Im gonna spend it with my husband and kids, not on here arguing with you smile.gif
have a wonderful christmas!! biggrin.gif

Good riddance!!!

I asked for the written law. I would also get mad if they made a nun take off her habit! That habit is not JUST A HEAD COVER to a nun either.

You say I know little about the laws and policies...well why don't you bring out the law in writing then genius???

awwww your too sweet smile.gif
And i had alot written here...but your just not worth it smile.gif
IM gonna go spend more time with my hubby...biggrin.gif

Edited by Sinergy, 25 December 2008 - 12:06 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 23:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 24 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd like the see the law, in writing, that says you have to take off a religious covering from your head. Since the chief of police released her, I'm guessing they didn't have anything solid to hold her on. Still, I'd like to see the written law for that little town in Georgia.

It has nothing to do with it being religious or not, ITS A HEAD COVER, and you take off any headcovering in any government building. it doesnt matter, youll continue to argue it one can be right but you smile.gif however, just shows how little you know about the law and policies. And you wouldnt be this upset or argumenative about it if it was a nun and not a muslim. Im outta here, its christmas eve, Im gonna spend it with my husband and kids, not on here arguing with you smile.gif
have a wonderful christmas!! biggrin.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 14:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 24 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karamella @ Dec 24 2008, 01:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Dec 23 2008, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The difference between wearing a hijab which covers your head and wearing a shirt that covers your boobs is just that. If they asked a man to take off his hat to make sure hes not hiding anything in it, should be seen as asking a muslim to take off her hijab for 2 seconds to check if anything is hidden under it. You cant be too careful these days. I know not many weapons can be hidden in a hijab, but a small razor blade could, and certain drugs could, so i see where she was asked to take if off was not to be offending or insulting. And sometimes IMO, the "im not taking it off bc its my religious belief" is taken way too far. In court, or even in government buildings it is disrespectful to wear anything on your head, a hat, a scarf, a hoodie, a yes, in court, she couldve taken off her hijab...shes in america now, and it wouldnt hurt to be respectful when its expected.

You could hide a razor blade or drugs in your bra too! So why not take off your shirt and bra and let them check there too! Oh come on it's just 2 seconds to make sure you don't have something in there... we have to be careful these days... Oh and yes, guys, we need to check your underwear too... so drop your drawers... you could be hiding something in there...


Most women in this culture feel "exposed" when they are topless... same for Hijabi's who are told to take off their hijab. If you visited a place where women went topless would you immediately start going topless and expect to be harassed if you didn't?

I know of NO Government building in my state where you are required to be strip searched to enter. And none that disrespect hijabi's either... And whenever I've been searched at airports I'm always taken to a private room with a woman security agent, but I'm not required to remove ANYTHING to board the plane! So if it's safe enough to have a hijabi on a plane, I'm thinking it's safe enough ANYWHERE!

BTW, I believe this woman was born and raised in the USA, and may have never stepped foot outside of the USA so you're statement that she's "in America now" makes little to NO sense. And I know of NO ONE who believes that a religious headcovering is a sign of disrespect to any one! I've never heard a nun referred to as disrespectful for wearing a habit...
Where on EARTH is common sense and respect for beliefs and cultures different from one's own.... obviously not here amoung a group of people involved with people from different cultures and beliefs than their own... Who would have guessed...


Even worse, since shes AMERICAN, she knows the policies and law when walking in a court house, she has no reason to complain smile.gif
i hope everyone has a merry christmas...!! smile.gif

SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (childress_london @ Dec 24 2008, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Dec 24 2008, 12:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The difference between wearing a hijab which covers your head and wearing a shirt that covers your boobs is just that. If they asked a man to take off his hat to make sure hes not hiding anything in it, should be seen as asking a muslim to take off her hijab for 2 seconds to check if anything is hidden under it. You cant be too careful these days. I know not many weapons can be hidden in a hijab, but a small razor blade could, and certain drugs could, so i see where she was asked to take if off was not to be offending or insulting. And sometimes IMO, the "im not taking it off bc its my religious belief" is taken way too far. In court, or even in government buildings it is disrespectful to wear anything on your head, a hat, a scarf, a hoodie, a yes, in court, she couldve taken off her hijab...shes in america now, and it wouldnt hurt to be respectful when its expected.

Just because something is law, does not mean it is right. I am not saying that people should break the law if they disagree with it, but in this country we can change the law if we disagree with it. We don't have to sit back and say "well that's the law so she should just put up with it". At one time, black people were segregated from white people. Does this mean it was right because it was law? NO. Did this law change? YES. Why? Because people didn't sit quietly and let this wrongful behavior continue. If we continue to discriminate against women who wear the hijab, and make it illegal to be worn in certain circumstances, then this not only violates the right of that individual, it violates everyone's religious rights. In order to be "fair", this country is going from religious freedom to a country that prohibits any religious expression at all. This scares me and it's very dangerous. The time to stop it is now, and I think the hijab issue is a great place to start. And no, I'm not Muslim and I don't wear the hijab.

The law is not going to change. When you walk into a government courthouse, it clearly states to remove headgear. there are no exceptions.
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 14:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (charles! @ Dec 24 2008, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karamella @ Dec 24 2008, 01:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You could hide a razor blade or drugs in your bra too! So why not take off your shirt and bra and let them check there too!

i fully support this measure good.gif

and they do, but a woman officer would do so.
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 09:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
The difference between wearing a hijab which covers your head and wearing a shirt that covers your boobs is just that. If they asked a man to take off his hat to make sure hes not hiding anything in it, should be seen as asking a muslim to take off her hijab for 2 seconds to check if anything is hidden under it. You cant be too careful these days. I know not many weapons can be hidden in a hijab, but a small razor blade could, and certain drugs could, so i see where she was asked to take if off was not to be offending or insulting. And sometimes IMO, the "im not taking it off bc its my religious belief" is taken way too far. In court, or even in government buildings it is disrespectful to wear anything on your head, a hat, a scarf, a hoodie, a yes, in court, she couldve taken off her hijab...shes in america now, and it wouldnt hurt to be respectful when its expected.

Edited by Sinergy, 24 December 2008 - 01:29 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-24 01:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Rumors/Stereotypes Did your MENA SO hear about American Spouses from MENA Friends, Family, etc?
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 5 2009, 11:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nawal @ Jan 5 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Y_habibitk @ Jan 5 2009, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cindishah @ Jan 5 2009, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The homies tell them that america is sex oriented society, women here cant get enough want it all the time, and perversions that thier women do not provide Ie oral and vibrators and all that oil monkey slapping sex time. They tell them to laugh and to scare him. and He usually say Im the man i will tame her ..whatever. lol


I was still laughing myself. whistling.gif

blink.gif oil monkey slapping sex time! huh?

add that one to your book tongue.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-05 22:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Rumors/Stereotypes Did your MENA SO hear about American Spouses from MENA Friends, Family, etc?
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 29 2008, 12:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Dec 28 2008, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
'm Muslim, and wouldn't deny my husband another wife.

Just curious you would be ok with your husband taking another wife? I would let my husband, but, I get a new husband too. devil.gif

Some men (and it seems to be a trend with Muslim men) want sex every single day and several times a day. I agree with the poster that said she would allow her husband another wife. Sometimes I tell my husband to go get another wife because I can't keep up with getting a second husband, definitely OUT of the question!!!!! And my husband is already 40. I guess I shouldn't be surprised when I look at my own father...after all, I do have an 8 year old brother. I can't imagine some people whose husbands are still in their 20's or 30's!!!! laughing.gif

As for stereotypes...when we got married, one of my brothers in law, who did not attend the wedding (was still back in the country) already knew that I was Muslim and all that. He did ask however, if people born and raised in America knew how to pray and memorize Quran, etc. the same way they do back home. It was almost as if he wondered if we learn differently here. I have also met several Arabs from gulf states, during my undergrad years in university talk about how our imams and "scholars" in the US were not good enough and were not "learned" and "not really scholars". They feel that only people from the middle east were worthy of teaching and preaching.

I certainly would like to know why thats funny? blink.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2008-12-29 16:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaPalestinians Will Never Forget
QUOTE (Nawal @ Jan 9 2009, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Jan 9 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Charles, do you have a stalker? laughing.gif

He's always been a hot commodity! tongue.gif

i know laughing.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaPalestinians Will Never Forget
Charles, do you have a stalker? laughing.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaTHREE WOMEN IN A SAUNA
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jan 9 2009, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm confused...who is old, fat, and ugly
??? (other than me??)

Just turn my computer off for a minute and you all can't stop talking about me. Ok my next question is this for real in this picture????????

I never seen male pattern baldness in a women this young, I know some of you seen this, but really I wonder if this is for real or a joke. Love happens and the above picture is proof. devil.gif

is this a VJ couple?????
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-10 01:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
I agree, amal is sweet...and i dont believe anyone has said anything nasty about amal rose.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 22:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Jan 9 2009, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just read this whole thread....and I want my 5 minutes back.

just jackie
just an organizer

SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 15:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 9 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so basically, what this thread boils down to is much ado about nothing.

SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (My Mohammed @ Jan 9 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jan 9 2009, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (My Mohammed @ Jan 9 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaL @ Jan 9 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This whole discussion about fabrication of proof of ongoing relationships seems strange to me, I have never seen in all the years of reading anecdotal evidence here a member reporting the CO suggested their proof was created/fabricated. Naturally I dont read all threads, every thread, but that is a heavy claim that would garner some attention.

Well, i'm not making up that I had read a thread saying their visa was denied, because the CO said, the Fiance had made up the proof of an ongoing relationship. I don't recall what thread it was, but as I said, I believe it wasn't concerning someone in MENA and I thought who better to ask, than MENA themselves if they had gone through it and if so, how did you deal with it. So, no need for it to seem strange as I didn't make it up. Someone I believe said, they saw it to, but it wasn't in MENA.

I do remember that. It was Martiniolive that suspected that the CO thought that her husband had made up their emails. That is the first and only time I have seen this issue on VJ.

I do think you are working yourself up a little too much however. Just take notes from those that have given you good advice. You have a strong case, you have been there to visit many times. That in and of itself is one of the best evidence you could provide. The fact that you don't have a ring should be discussed between you. Not that it will prove fraud, but if you are allergic (I think you said) then he should be prepared to answer that just in case.

From what I am seeing is that you are going through the normal stress that we all go through. The "what if" stress. It gets old on a daily basis thinking of ways to prove your relationship is valid. Just do the best you can, listen to the good advice, and take it one day at a time. One person gave me some very valid advice. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Do what you can to prepare, and then give your mind a break. I think it might take you over the edge if you keep stressing this bad. And I don't mean this as an insult, I mean this from personal experience.

I don't take what you said as an insult, trust me. Am I stressed out.. Heck yea, who wouldn't be. But, I know if I don't ask questions and get answers then I might as well kiss this whole thing goodbye. Am I worried about a ring? Heck no, dang I told him to get the one he wanted and if I had to, i'll go in there with my dang hand red, broke out and swelled so bad they'd call someone to cut the thing off. rofl.gif

Ladies, please those of you who are sincere, know that I am taking what you tell me and trying to learn from it. I have a book with everything I feel is good, honest, and correct information beside here. Also, I know who of you mean good and who doesn't.

This thread is from what has been said to me on VJ and what I read in other threads on VJ. I didn't know we couldn't mention another forum on here. Frankly, I could give a hoot what anyone writes about me on any forum, but what I do find disturbing is a VJ member keeping our pics in photobucket. LoL I knew to keep those pictures of mine private for a reason. Well, i'm outta here and on my way out to eat and to a movie with my daughter.

If there is indeed a thread from expats that you found offensive, and it was brought over here to VJ, then you need to report it. No threads or copy pastes of anything from expats is allowed to brought over here.
The reason expats was made i already stated, and believe it or not, since expats was created, there has been less problems on VJ...other than the few from MENA who go around expats and bring threads and issues back over here to VJ causing drama on VJ that shouldnt have been brought.
Again, if something was said over there and brought over here, report it, it shouldnt be brought here.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 9 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (My Mohammed @ Jan 9 2009, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 9 2009, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaL @ Jan 9 2009, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 9 2009, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
in short, if it's an expats issue, discuss it on expats. if vj, discuss it on vj. don't transfer the drama from one site to another.

I have not seen anything posted about this member on expats.

according to the op, there has been - last sentence of first paragraph.

"I know those of you who know i'm referring to you, will run off to your little group on.. and proceed to make fun and belittle me as you do others on VJ".

Charles, where did I say in that quote they had said anything about me? I said, I know they would do me as they do others, didn't I?

i took the "make fun and belittle me" to be that it's actually happened there.

QUOTE (My Mohammed @ Jan 9 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 9 2009, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaL @ Jan 9 2009, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Organizers are not mods.

unless she's saying mags/william/jenn/kim did something over there. unsure.gif

Uhhh. no i'm not saying any such thing. I didn't mean to say I think the most helpful person has been, Kim. Sorry I made another mistake, but I meant you, charles. I guess you're just an organizer, correct?

and what have i done to you?

JUST an organizer tongue.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
The fact that you made an entire thread about this is more immature than what we discuss over there.

Also using expats to cause drama and sling poo is reportable and a big NO NO with ewok.

keep that in mind for further thoughts on posting about it.
I also want to add...for those who still dont know....expats was created to allow ppl to let off steam in away we cant on VJ. To allow ppl to hash it out when it gets too outta hand on VJ, and you dont want a suspension. That is and always has been the purpose of that site.

Edited by Sinergy, 09 January 2009 - 12:02 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-09 12:00:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Jan 29 2009, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jan 28 2009, 10:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (askfruitcakelady @ Jan 28 2009, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Clarissa explains it all!! Bullseye Howd ya know. you must be my neighbor the one who never comes out the house and is peering behind curtain all day. WOW

Okay, who is Clarissa? blink.gif

Clarissa Explains It All was a Nickelodeon show with Melissa Joan Hart that I used to watch. wacko.gif

that was such a good show
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-30 09:20:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
QUOTE (Staashi @ Jan 5 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (childress_london @ Jan 5 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will share with all of you that I work for the police department and I can tell you that around 8PM every night, the calls start rolling in about men beating up on their wives. It happens every night, 7 days a week. Think about it. Every day there are American women being abused by their American husbands. EVERY DAY. And I'm sure it is even more than what I see at work, because many women will not call the police. They suffer in silence. It's easy to think from where you sit that this is not going on in the numbers it is actually happening, because you don't see it. If it's not in the newspaper or it doesn't happen to a neighbor or someone you know, you don't know it exists. So I'm telling you, it exists in greater numbers than you may think in AMERICA. I think it's just more politicized in the media when it involves the Middle East, because Americans like to read about the "evil countries" and their "evil ways". :-P I hate the media.

But I LOVE my MENA husband. He's the greatest thing since sliced bread. kicking.gif


P, I used to live on Treasure Island beach and our biggest crime was domestic violence. I used to hear my drunk neighbors who lived upstairs beat up on each other almost every night. I could especially tell when he would drop kick her in the bedroom. I used to call the police all the time, but she was an idiot and let him beat on her continually - and they weren't even married. But, for the record, domestic violence happens in MENA too. It just isn't really discussed and if the areas are like most I've witnessed in other countries - police help isn't always too quick to respond, nor even too concerned with a domestic violence call. The woman just accepts what happened to her, throws on her hijab and abaya and conceals any black eyes. Moreover, how often does one woman's family say to her, "you must have done something to deserve it."

Ive known of was an american woman and a MENA man, he beat her constantly...and the other was a MENA woman married to a MENA man, same thing.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-05 14:00:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jan 5 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Jan 5 2009, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Haole @ Jan 2 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bottomline is to enjoy life all you can. My first trip to the Philippines was to meet a lady I met online. After 2 weeks I discovered she was a complete scammer!
She was a lot younger than me and beautiful with a tight hard body. I had a GREAT time with her and she was worth EVERY penny I spent on her.
Bottomline is you older women with a younger trim man enjoy him all you can while it last. Who knows it may last a long time.
If not get as much as you can before he gets his GC!!

Take a break and then go get another!

Thats a bit rude....and ignorant. My husband is 8 yrs younger than i am, and i had a daughter before i met him, and we have been together for 6 years. I know alot of women on VJ who are like me, and they are all still with their men. Your statement was just plain ignorant wacko.gif

Indeed. Ignorant and offensive. But then again, what do you expect from someone who talks about women in terms of their "tight bodies"?

True true
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-05 13:58:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
QUOTE (Haole @ Jan 2 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bottomline is to enjoy life all you can. My first trip to the Philippines was to meet a lady I met online. After 2 weeks I discovered she was a complete scammer!
She was a lot younger than me and beautiful with a tight hard body. I had a GREAT time with her and she was worth EVERY penny I spent on her.
Bottomline is you older women with a younger trim man enjoy him all you can while it last. Who knows it may last a long time.
If not get as much as you can before he gets his GC!!

Take a break and then go get another!

Thats a bit rude....and ignorant. My husband is 8 yrs younger than i am, and i had a daughter before i met him, and we have been together for 6 years. I know alot of women on VJ who are like me, and they are all still with their men. Your statement was just plain ignorant wacko.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-05 13:33:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
I am so so sorry to hear about this....i hope you will be ok rose.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-02 23:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo no no no!!! He's being stationed in Gaza!!!
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jan 19 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sorry have to agree on this one charles, its not like it matters the exact wording of language for those not experienced, the idea was still there but in return i see no reason to enter nessa into this. It was just a mis understanding statement i dont think intentional, both prob owe each other a im sorry

olivia again as i said in the beginning, be proud of him, and we all wish his safety

Its just like ppl who constantly correct ppl on their spelling, he corrects on military information. Its a pet peeve, believe me, my dad being retired military does it all the time too. Nothing wrong with that, as much as i love Olivia, Nessa shouldnt have been brought into this in such a violent manner.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-19 13:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo no no no!!! He's being stationed in Gaza!!!
oh Olivia, i just saw this. sweets, if you need me, you know where to find me.
love ya
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-19 01:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the Members
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Jan 29 2009, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Beautiful_years.

Don't start packing yet. You have the right to Adjust Status and keep all September filers encouraged.

laughing.gif good.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-29 10:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the Members
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Jan 28 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hesham @ Jan 28 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, 1st thing is I really thank all the people who participate and share their experience and though. But like always nothing is perfect, i ll explain; my Wife and I have been married for 4 years and half, knowing each other for 2years before the marriage so its 6,5 years ,as every couple just start their life having their own problems mistakes... but thank God we always solve them before they grow. Lately all of what i hear from her 'my wife' that the moroccan people/middel east people are kind of wild and stupide also ###### up in their minde they dont respect their wives , why, because of what she is reading from some experience that they dont make no sence and i m sure other women are like her too, anyway she knew how the arabic, north africain people act and she respects them but some of ya making it hard and dark why because some of the wives are 68 and her husband is 22 she brouth him here after this he divorce her and she is wondring whyyyyy, ya tell me why!!!! and she write and ###### about him and everybody from his country,,,,, really i wonder why!!!!!! People must use brain stop making mistakes that ya gonna blame ur self for it.
I knew that some of ya will not like what i write but heyy wake up, age, though, open minde all of this do matter in the realtionship.
Last thing
share the truth not lies

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

funny but sadly true...there are quite a few on VJ with that age gap
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-28 23:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the Members
this site gets more bizarre everyday
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-28 22:52:00
Middle East and North Africaregarding previous post on the flip side
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Feb 10 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (oneder @ Feb 10 2009, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (crazyinEgypt @ Feb 10 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seems that I do know the whole story of the situation I was commenting about. When I have these people in my home and see how this woman treats him, I want to pull her hair out! So yeah, I know there are two sides to every story, but I happen to know the whole story. Seems odd you would make a post such as this when you yourself don't know both sides of the story I was mentioning. whistling.gif

you're odd, your name is odd enough to talk about such a topic whistling.gif

outta line there "oneder" - and wth kind of name is that anyway? pot, kettle?

one= self, single, alone der= derr, duh, d'oh

go figure......... whistling.gif

SinergyFemaleRomania2009-02-11 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
QUOTE (Y_habibitk @ Jan 30 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Jan 28 2009, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Jan 28 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Jan 28 2009, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's something to make you all think about getting scammed or not:

Do a search on the foreign will scare you.

I tried the link out of curiosity and can't get it to pull anything up.

Sorry, here it is - http://marriagepartn...p...&order=desc

I found that site a year or so ago and was like blink.gif wow!
THAT is a site for warnings and "be aware!"
THIS is a site for immigration support and assistance from others. These are ladies and gentleman who have already made their decisions.

so ya, come for support...maybe leave out the empty warnings. Thats why people ask many questions to OP's who come and say things like the OP did.
Im all for curiosity, its human nature..but attacks arent necessary for sure smile.gif

Lisa add, there is a forum on VJ for things like this....its Effects of Major Family Changes on Immigration Benefits.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-30 11:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jan 30 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (childress_london @ Jan 29 2009, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think why some people are attacking instead of offering support is because of the lack of details. It seems like anytime somebody screams green card fraud, that's all they say and nothing else, leaving the rest of us hanging wondering what the heck happened. It's very frustrating and does nobody any good. Please if you want to share your experience, at least be forthcoming with some information about your circumstances. rose.gif

I have a feeling that she is hurting, and not ready to open up. I hope that she can heal, and will come back at a later date, and let us know some details so we can all understand better how these things can happen.

Exactly, asking someone who is hurt to provide complete details is more hurtful if not ready to discuss it.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-30 09:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
QUOTE (charles! @ Jan 28 2009, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Jan 28 2009, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (askfruitcakelady @ Jan 28 2009, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok up the prozac k, hard to play green card fraud victim when you are married and living with the man for 5 yrs!!!!! the truth in broken relationship is usually in the middle and both are to blame.K!!! soo back off the barbie smacks!!

timeline added

attacking a member is against the TOS....
attacking someone in pain bc of their broken marriage, is tasteless
If you have nothing supportive to say, and your only planning to kick a person when they are this down, do the board a favor and dont say anything at all.
Also, a forum tip....if you dont like the topic, dont open it.

you were able to decode that? unsure.gif

Unfortunatly yes laughing.gif
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-28 23:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
QUOTE (askfruitcakelady @ Jan 28 2009, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok up the prozac k, hard to play green card fraud victim when you are married and living with the man for 5 yrs!!!!! the truth in broken relationship is usually in the middle and both are to blame.K!!! soo back off the barbie smacks!!

timeline added

attacking a member is against the TOS....
attacking someone in pain bc of their broken marriage, is tasteless
If you have nothing supportive to say, and your only planning to kick a person when they are this down, do the board a favor and dont say anything at all.
Also, a forum tip....if you dont like the topic, dont open it.
SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-28 22:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
to the sorry this happened. And it prolly was a scam, only God himself really knows the intentions of this man.
and dont worry what others have to say, the ones who attack you for posting this, will be the first ones to start a thread about their failed marriages as well....wanting support. it wouldnt be the first time.
I wouldnt however yell for others to watch out, ppl can be offended by that, especially if they do have a good marriage with a MENA man....we all know that it could happen to any of us....its good that you vented tho.

I hope things work out for you ...hugs!

Edited by Sinergy, 28 January 2009 - 04:15 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2009-01-28 16:12:00