K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?

hey, just giving an example of how some people don't see it as bad. I, personally, would never marry ANYONE in my family because that is how I was raised.

HEY, my comment was not directed towards you, so no need to get deffensive. :P

No need to assume it was defensive. I don't get upset easily.

I assume nothing, i call it as i see it :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?

hey, just giving an example of how some people don't see it as bad. I, personally, would never marry ANYONE in my family because that is how I was raised.

HEY, my comment was not directed towards you, so no need to get deffensive. :P
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?
Does no one care about insest anymore?? :blink:

its not good to breed with members of your own blood!! it be phsycally bad for a child who is born under this
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?

To some cultures it's not so ewww.

good for them, fortunatly im not in any of those cultures and its ewwwwww!!
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?
Any family memeber. if you called eachother family and your in the non-inlaw family area , its ewwwww.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is all i gotta say :blink:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get a waiver on clause 18 of form I-129F
I cant believe this is still worth arguing over :blink:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-10 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa

Sharon Austin, bad advice and now hiding the fact that you almost screwed up someones life so your going to crouch down and hide from it. geez

anyway, cant the OP get annulled and still do the k-1 interview??? if its annulled, its not a divorse and i dont remember them asking about annulled marriages, just divorses. it was a thought i had guys. i could be wrong.


I think the OP is got married in the Phillipines (I didn't scoll back to the first page, but I think PI is the country of the fiancee). I believe PI's laws regarding divorce and annulment are quite strict due to the country being overwhelmingly Catholic. An annulment may take as long as a divorce. I think I remember reading that in the PI annulment is almost unheard of, that is why most get a divorce which takes a long time to be granted. Maybe someone who has knowledge of annulment laws in the PI can give a better response.


oh ok, coolio! then scratch my thought OP :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-10 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa
Sharon Austin, bad advice and now hiding the fact that you almost screwed up someones life so your going to crouch down and hide from it. geez

anyway, cant the OP get annulled and still do the k-1 interview??? if its annulled, its not a divorse and i dont remember them asking about annulled marriages, just divorses. it was a thought i had guys. i could be wrong.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-10 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa

please consult your brain before you open your illiterate mouth!

Not only do you post very bad advice and breach the TOS for VJ but you also think it is ok to insult anyone who calls you out on your bad advice....

Not very helpful to the OP or the other members of this board....


:thumbs: :yes:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-09 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa

I NEVER said to commit fraud... I said EXPLAIN to them what was their reason. Maybe by being honest they find a "good" lady/gent that will accept the explanation as GOOD and VALID.

no one sd you sd anything about fraud, geez
but again read, and this time all of it, your assumption will not happen

They wont let him come to usa with that. they will say " woo hoo, go home, file the k3 and see ya at the next interview time." they will not let him/her come over on a k1 as a spouse, then they will stamp a denied stamp for k1 visa, and they will have to explain that at the k3 interview and it wont look too good

good lady or man or not, they dont care if your honest with them, if the k1 is made invalid by marrying before the approval at the interview date, therefore the wait starts over. regardless how wonderful a person they are

Edited by Ionescu, 09 May 2007 - 09:47 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-09 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa

If I were you... I would go to the interview, explain whatever reason you had to marry before the approval... and who knows... that might let your fiancé come to the US and have you do the AOS (adjustment Of Stattus) right away.

But NEVER lie!

They wont let him come to usa with that. they will say " woo hoo, go home, file the k3 and see ya at the next interview time." they will not let him/her come over on a k1 as a spouse, then they will stamp a denied stamp for k1 visa, and they will have to explain that at the k3 interview and it wont look too good

Edited by Ionescu, 09 May 2007 - 09:32 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-09 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP - I need to change my fiancee visa to spuse visa
OMG and i thought advice on this site couldnt get any worse.

-makes mental note never to take advice from Sharon Austin

oh and Sharon Austin id ADVICE you to go back thru the terms and conditions once again, might be in YOUR best interest

Edited by Ionescu, 09 May 2007 - 09:03 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-09 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do we start
1. Should we start the immigration process when I am in America (I am going over on the visa waver programme) or should we wait till I get back.

* you can start it when your there or when you get back, .....move on to next answer for cont:

2.Does the two year rule mean we have to wait two years to apply or can we apply after one year.

*It means you have had to of MET in person, face to face within the past 2 years. so anytime between 2005 and now if you have been together in person, then your fine.

3.He wants to get an expedited visa What does that mean also how does he go about getting one.

*unless hes in the military and being shipped out immediatly or he is dieing of something then its really really REALLY hard to get an expidite

4.Does he have to apply for the visa or can I do it.

* The US citizen applies for the visa

5.How many pictures are needed of the two of us.

*As many as you want or can provide. too many is never too much.

6.What sort of other things do they need to see that isn't stated on the forms.

* You can provide airline stubs, train tickets from the foriegn country, anything with proof that you were together at a period of time. Also it doesnt hurt to send phone records, chats, emails so on.

Good Luck
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-15 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould my South Korean fiancee and I cancel our K-1 visa application to use an F-1 student visa instead?
If you cancel your K1 now you will have to start ALL OVER again with the K3. I would suggest go on with the K1 since it was already approved, WAIT, get married here first since it is required within 90 days after the arrival of your fiance, then go back to korea and marry in her country.

Again its up to you, but your so close i wouldnt cancel the K1 right now. IMO
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-16 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI want this to be over soo soon
It happens. The stress, the arguments, being mad at fiance, fiance being mad at you. Just remember it will all be over soon, you will be together and the wait will be over.

I remember me and edi faught all the time. Not bc we did anything, but bc the stress was so bad we were taking it out on eachother.

USCIS is a long process, and its easier sd than done but if you can keep in mind your not alone in this it does make it easier.

Take it easy, breathe a couple deep breaths and make yourself at home here, this site will become your best friend.

My wait was over a year, and i had a baby in the process in which my husband watched on webcam, i swear if it werent for VJ i would have gone nuts. The info is plentiful and the friends you can make are even more.

Try not to argue with your fiance, if he argues with you, just be calm and go with it. the worst thing is to argue and fight from such a distance
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-15 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?

HAHAHA ok grandpa :lol: im giving put downs! i didnt tell you to stop giving yourself a pity party when you were in need of support.
Telling someone to stop having emotions while in a depressed state already over their situation is just cold. All she wanted was an answer to her problem, not a lecture on how to feel. Im sure once she gets the answer she needed she will calm down, but for now shes upset and worried, the results will come from the support that was given when she is ready to calm down, not when shes told to.
its called people skills, this is a forum for help and support.

This post violates the TOS.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?

The financial restrictions exist for valid reasons... if you cannot improve your income level and do not have a co-sponsor, you will not qualify. Your only other option would be to move to the UK.


SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?

Your right, i forgot VJ was about attacks and put downs rather than support and help.

she posts ONE time on her sistuation and shes given the answer shes needed, there no need to attack her for being emotional. this is an emotional period of her life, why tell her to stop and just let her get it out instead.

geez, the more i come on here, the more i notice ppl becoming more heartless by the day.

just bc we few have gone thru this process and are done or almost done, does not mean we cant understand what first timers are going thru. Lets not forget we have all been there, and have all been emotional, and have all had self pity parties once in awhile during the immigration process. just bc you dont need to go thru it anymore, doesnt mean you cant allow others to be emotional about their situations.

I assure you I was offering support in a fashion I believe will bring results. If you are offended, you own that. Petting a dog is soothing for the dog but if painful vetinary care is what is needed, you do the dog no favor by ignoring its real needs. You live your life and help your way. Please allow others the same privilege. All the put downs in this thread are coming from you and they are off topic.

HAHAHA ok grandpa :lol: im giving put downs! i didnt tell you to stop giving yourself a pity party when you were in need of support.
Telling someone to stop having emotions while in a depressed state already over their situation is just cold. All she wanted was an answer to her problem, not a lecture on how to feel. Im sure once she gets the answer she needed she will calm down, but for now shes upset and worried, the results will come from the support that was given when she is ready to calm down, not when shes told to.
its called people skills, this is a forum for help and support.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?
Your right, i forgot VJ was about attacks and put downs rather than support and help.

she posts ONE time on her sistuation and shes given the answer shes needed, there no need to attack her for being emotional. this is an emotional period of her life, why tell her to stop and just let her get it out instead.

geez, the more i come on here, the more i notice ppl becoming more heartless by the day.

just bc we few have gone thru this process and are done or almost done, does not mean we cant understand what first timers are going thru. Lets not forget we have all been there, and have all been emotional, and have all had self pity parties once in awhile during the immigration process. just bc you dont need to go thru it anymore, doesnt mean you cant allow others to be emotional about their situations.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?

My suggestion is don't get so down, where there is a will there is a way. You need so much as a job that pays $8 an hour to meet the financial requirement for one year. Set a goal for yourself if you truly want to be together and stick with it. It might take a year it might take two but at the end of the immigration process it is worth it.

It took my husband and I nearly two years to get over all of our hurdles, financial, divorces setting up a home etc. It wasn't easy but we did it for ourselves and we have now been living happily ever after together in the states for nine months.

My suggestion is that you get a second job. Work part time at a fast food restaurant if you have to. You don't have to make the money last year. You can annualize this year's income and back it up with current pay stubs at interview time.

Second, stop the pity party and get on with it. Nobody is forbidding you to marry. The issue is qualifying as a sponsor for a visa that allows you to live together in the same country.

That was pretty freakin rude!! :angry: The OP was asking for advice and explaining her feelings. The purpose of VJ is for just that. its a community to share your feelings and get SUPPORT! If you dont like reading ppl's feelings and worries, then by all means, by pass it and move on. a simple answer to the question would have been good enough, telling the OP to stop having a pity party was completely uncalled for. geez

Edited by Ionescu, 18 May 2007 - 09:15 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?
my bad, its 8am and i missed that part. please dont beat me john_and_marlene :cry:

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we can't meet financial requirements?
Neither me nor my husband met the criteria either, my mom co sponsored for us and we got the visa. Ask one of your family members or a close friend you know can trust you and will say yes.
Good Luck to you and remember, nothing is impossible, anything can be fixed :D
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-18 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we get married at our wedding? (i think we're too late on the whole visa process)
never EVER set a date or pay for a wedding BEFORE the visa is in hand. USCIS does not do things according to how we want them to go. and in the event there are delays or a denial, your screwed basically. if your parents have waited 6 years, then they can wait a lil longer, after you cant have the wedding without your fiance anyway. and yes, if you get married BEFORE your k1 visa is approved BY the consulate, then you may as well push your wedding father away as the k1 will no longer be good.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-14 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need help...
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-31 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Filing Requirement
I filed for divorse and as soon as i had a copy of it in my hot lil hands i filed the K1, ofcorse id been trying to divorse my ex husband for 10 yrs, so its not like Edi broke my marriage, but i did no revisit him after the divorse was final and before filing the K1 as i had just had our son. Either way i was approved. so im having a hard time understanding why the OP is being told to go revisit after the divorse papers are final

There are a variety of reasons why people don't get their final "divorce decree" immediately after seperation. In my case, I had a legal seperation from my ex-husband in 2000. We could not progress further with the divorce due to financial disagreements. We went back and forth between each other, then lawyers, set pre-trial dates etc. In the interim, I was dating my now husband Gene. I ended up getting a "divorce", and my "decree" in 2004. We ended up attending mediation, and in lieu of a trial, I cut my losses and agreed to a final financial agreement which was then filed with the court. Since this has occurred, in Saskatchewan anyway, you cannot get a divorce now until all your financial arrangments and dispersment of properties has been agreed to.

Anyway, on my applications to USCIS and my interviews thus far, I have always included in paperwork that my divorce was final in 2004 albeit property settlement, and that Gene and I began dating in 2002. I've never been questioned, or had eyebrows raised. It is ridiculous to believe that anyone would question the length of time seeing someone new, and the date of your divorce.

Carla (F)

Yes, I am in agreement with this.

However, you still cannot file the paperwork until you are both free to marry. Regardless of any other reasoning, you are not free to marry while a divorce is pending. So, the answer to the original question is, you have to wait till the divorce is official before you can file for the K-1.

and i agree with this statement 10000%!!!
Me and Edi were together as of May 2000 and my divorse was finally final on July 2005. I went back and forth as well between lawyers and getting the SOB to actually sign the papers. but i was never and edi was never questioned on this at all

Edited by Ionescu, 31 May 2007 - 12:45 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-31 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have enough evidence to file k-1 forms?
If you want to send extra stuff like proof of relationship and so on, go ahead, i did, and nothing bad happened, tho you will need to present that again at the interview. Other than that, send everything on the list that USCIS needs from you and you will be fine. good luck!!!
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-04 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with some questions

The only fee I'm aware of at this point is the $100 USD for the visa at the interview and the cost for the medical. The new fee increase takes effect July 30, 2007. As for the NOA2, I don't recall my husband taking his to the doctor for his medical...obviously if you have a letter for a medical you're petition has been approved. My husband paid for his visa to be sent to him after the interview...he brought a postage paid envelope with him to the interview. MTL doesn't do next day visas anymore, at least they weren't when my hubby went for his interview last year.

Correct Karen :)
If for any reason you are afraid of any hidden fees you may think of, your always welcome to call the embassy and ask them. You can also google the forms you have and they will give you a fee if there is one. But like Karen said, at this point the only fees likely are the 100.00 visa fee you pay at the interview and the medical fee. Good Luck with everything! :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-13 08:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax returns
I remember it being 3 yrs tax return for employee, atleast the instructions told me that
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-14 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Order to pay the $170?

I used a postal money order but didn't even bother trying to see if it was cashed. Isn't there something on the receipt with the order that gives you a phone number to call, I can't remember!

I used a money order as well, i wish i could remember if there was a number to verify cashing. B)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-20 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Order to pay the $170?
with a money order you can not check to see if its been cashed, you can with a personal check.
as far as tracking your progres,, once you recieve your NOA1, you can go to their site, start an acct and from there track your progress.

Edited by Ionescu, 20 June 2007 - 07:41 AM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-20 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I live outside of the US and still apply for a K1 -NEW ONE

Also her Mother is only green card holder and has had a petition for her in for years, would we have to cancel that before submitting the K1?

THAT, is a very good question. I don't know the answer but I wanted to call attention to it.

It's best to call the Embassy in Manila and ask what they require. They don't necessarily play by the same rules as all other Embassies.

Actually, this is a USCIS only question. The Embassy doesn't and will likely never have or deal with the I-130 filed by the LPR mother because it hasn't been approved yet.

Well he can still call the Embassy, they will answer his questions, he doesnt have to call USCIS only.

One would call the Embassy or Consulate about Department of State related portions of the visa process. This is a petition question. USCIS handles that end of the process, so the answer to this question needs to come from them.

Fine, but im saying the embassy can also answer petition questions. My point is, dont write off the embassy all together, they are capable of answering petition questions.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-22 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I live outside of the US and still apply for a K1 -NEW ONE

Also her Mother is only green card holder and has had a petition for her in for years, would we have to cancel that before submitting the K1?

THAT, is a very good question. I don't know the answer but I wanted to call attention to it.

It's best to call the Embassy in Manila and ask what they require. They don't necessarily play by the same rules as all other Embassies.

Actually, this is a USCIS only question. The Embassy doesn't and will likely never have or deal with the I-130 filed by the LPR mother because it hasn't been approved yet.

Well he can still call the Embassy, they will answer his questions, he doesnt have to call USCIS only.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-22 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal Cost
It is expensive in the long run, you dont ofcorse pay it all at one time, and it will be over $500. when you take in concideration the petition costs, medical, police record, visa, airline ticket, AOS and so on. But take it as it comes, be prepared and good luck with everything. :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-27 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal Cost

I am in the process of a petition and people are saying that it will cost 6 to 10 thousand dollars to bring my fiancee from the philippines to the united states is this true or can I tell them they are boang!


Whatever it cost me it was worth every penny!
If you have to worry about the cost you are off to a bad start!

Thats not fair to say, he/she may not have ALOT of money or willing to sell his house, car and stocks just yet. Just bc someone asks about the costs of this process, doesnt mean hes anyless commited than you.

Edited by Ionescu, 26 June 2007 - 02:34 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-26 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterent Relationships

edit: wrong thread! :blush:

OP, you need to meet your fiance.

:lol: :lol:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-03 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterent Relationships


First, I think people missed the fact that you are a student, and working. To me that screams of no time and no money to do this. Second, if you did somehow get the visa, how would you sponsor him? Or could you. I wonder also, beyond the child issue, which yes, is serious, but are you going to have a baby, need to go to school, and work....beyond that issue..why arent you waiting until you are more set, finished with school and able to support your SO while he acclimates to the USA?, gets a green card, and is ready to work. Marriage is always hard, but harder when you are both young (and you look young so if you arent...god is smiling on you LOL)....but when you are young and broke....thats really tough...After college you will have it so much easier. Just a thought.

No one missed the fact that shes in college and working, its stated clear in her post. A majority of us are in college and working, AND raising children already and went thru the process, including meeting our fiance's before filing for the visa. If you were implying that she may be able to use college and work as a reason to be exempt from the NUMBER 1 rule in k-1 visa which is meeting BEFORE filing, it will never happen.
as for the rest of what you said, i agree with

Edited by Ionescu, 03 May 2007 - 03:14 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-03 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need help!

Thank all of you. I think she can get it from US embassy in Romania. She has the Permis de Sedere of Romania. Anyway we should try it. The timing in China is for killing people.

If she is a resident of romania she should be able to get it in romania, if she is not a resident of romania she will prolly need to file in china. call the us embassy in bucharest, and ask them, but i am 100% sure of what i am telling you.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-26 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need help!
From what i understand, unless she is a Romanian resident, you will need to go thru China.
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-26 07:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious conviction

I would suggest calling congress man for your statte and ask for help...they would advice you who is best lawyer for your case...hope this helps and good luck

Do NOT call your congressman, they will not get involved at this time of your case. They usually get involved if the petition is taking too long, to find out any problems with the petition, and there are a few other things maybe other ppl can add.
And at this time in your case, you dont need a waiver for anything.

good luck on your journey!! :thumbs:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-06-28 07:56:00