K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe need your help..
Id deffinatly make sure his divorse was finalized.
Also make sure all forms were signed.
you werent denied, so dont stress about that.
unfortunatly the paperwork will prolly come back to your fiance, and sent again.

good luck
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-09-23 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficially 5 months
I know how you feel. I waited 6 months for my NOA2, and every bit of it was horrible. Give the senators some time, usually they will not do anything until a paper is filled out by the USC and sent back, giving them permission to investigate. It took me a week to get that paper, and 3 days for them to get it back from me. The day after my congressman got the signed paper from me, i had my NOA2. Hang on, its coming!!
If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to pm me.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-06-24 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPre-Mail Jitters!!
Good Luck on your process, may it be a speedy one. and deffinatly if you forgot something, USCIS will let you know!
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-01 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to the site
welcome to VJ

basically a run down:

Once you send back your RFE, you will wait for your NOA2 approval. Once you are notified of that, your case will then go to the NVC where it will undergo more security checks and stuff, usually sitting there a very short amount of time. Afterwards it will be forwarded to the consulate of the embassy in argentina. Once it is in Argentina your fiance will receive packet3 to fill out and do her medical. She will return that. I do not know if argentina sets an interview date already or if she will have to call in for one, thats something you will need to check on.
After packet3 is complete she will have her interview.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-04 06:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent
i recommend using it if you want to, it works is what i was saying
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-04 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent
As far as i know, the letter of intent is needed at the interview to prove ongoing relationship.
it doesnt hurt to supply it.
the example form from here on VJ is good enough on its own as well.
its what me and Ed used for the interview, for USCIS we wrote long letters.
good luck,
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-04 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone pls help us on this

Deffinatly do not hide or lie about anything. they will find out, even if they are sealed, they will find out. Its best to be completely open and honest about EVERYTHING. If your not, it will come back and bite you in the butt.
Good luck

A conviction does not disqualify anyone. The law only requires that if you go through a marriage broker then the marriage broker must notify the fiance of the offense.

I never said anything about being disqualified, atleast not that i can read, and i did write it. What i said was, do not hide or lie about anything, it will come back on you if you do, and it will cause problems if you do not openly tell them about ANY convictions, sealed or not. with or without the IMBRA law, you must be honest about your past convictions and such.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-04 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone pls help us on this
Deffinatly do not hide or lie about anything. they will find out, even if they are sealed, they will find out. Its best to be completely open and honest about EVERYTHING. If your not, it will come back and bite you in the butt.
Good luck
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-04 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the deal with CSC?
CSC is not only handleing CSC petitions but TSC and i THINK nebraska as well. CSC has been the slowest now for a long time. They will catch up, givem time.

And USCIS doesnt care about our frustrations. They get paid.

Edited by Ionescu, 14 July 2006 - 02:16 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-14 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 I129f Waiting for 9 months
Uhm i would deffinatly get ahold of your congressman/woman ASAP, 9 months is too long to wait for ANY service center. I know how you feel bout the not getting beyond the CSR when you call, its as far as i ever got as well, and none of them are helpful anyway. Your lawyer should have been contacting your state rep id say months ago, there is something wrong if youve waited this long.
The only other thing i can think of is you could be in AR, and AR can take this long, from what ive seen of other people going through AR. I would deffinatly try to find this out.
Good luck to ya
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-06-24 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Approved!!!
woooooooo hoooooooooo!! congrats :dance:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-07-14 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh~My God...I got approved.
Congrats!!! :dance:

The feeling is indeed one of the greatest feelings in this visa process. Enjoy that approval!!!! :star:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-09-19 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShe's here!!!
wooo hooo congrats!!! and i agree with you, the paperwork is EASY, the waiting is a pain in the #######!!!

again congrats!!
Tara, Edi and kids
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-10-18 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to do a k-1 and k-3 at the same time?
ennie meenie miny mo :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-10 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho can help me!!!

:yes: Thank you very much. We will be patient to wait. We know our future will be very good. It is really very hard right now. We will continue to follow up the case, and encourage each other. I see the pictures of your son. He is really very cute. Good luck for you and your family! (L)

Thank you for the sweet compliment on my son :)

The best place for you to be is VJ. there are many ppl in your situation who can relate and help you get thru it. even the ppl who are not in your situation are here to help you get thru it. we try to help keep you sane and try to help you get by day by day a bit quicker and pain free :) I know you will hear something soon, its just a matter of waiting for the retards who sit on their thumbs all day spinning thinking you have all the time in the world to wait. and even tho we have that time, we dont want it. just keep this in mind, everyday that passes, is a day closer to being with your fiance :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-11 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho can help me!!!
If you have made all the calls you can make, and even your congressman and senator tell you your in review then sweetie the only thing you can do is wait. i know its hard, and i know a girl on here who was in your situation a while back, it was hard to wait but she finally heard something. and no matter who she called, they contacted nvc and was told "the petition is in review". once in review theres not much your congressman and senator can do except wait as well. im sorry your in this situation and i hope to see good news from you soon.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-10 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho can help me!!!

ok first, your case was not sent to CSC bc of effects of a hurricane :P since i have been going thru this visa process, and having filed at TSC being sent to CSC, thats just how they have been doing it for awhile. They prolly came across a name hit on you or your fiance. thats what usually causes most cases to sit at the NVC for so long in investigation status. best advice i can give, sit tight, call often and pray for an answer soon.


just be patient...everything has a reason :)

Be patient??? Give me a break!! They have been waiting 17 months!! There is a time for patience and a time for action. Have your fiance call his congressman and both senators. Get an inquiry going.

YES be patient, you can call, you can call everyday, but nothing is going to get done til it gets done. i advise calling everyday and doing all he can, and indeed call your senator and congressman, no one sided against doing that at all. but this is a visa process, and sometimes there are situations where the process takes longer for some as it dont for others, and if you dont have patience you will run yourself insane. yes theyve been waiting in total 17 months. I waited almost 2 years to be with my husband, and i was raising our son alone until he got here finally, the only thing that helped me not want to run infront of the city bus was PATIENCE!

Edited by Ionescu, 09 November 2006 - 04:06 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-09 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho can help me!!!
ok first, your case was not sent to CSC bc of effects of a hurricane :P since i have been going thru this visa process, and having filed at TSC being sent to CSC, thats just how they have been doing it for awhile. They prolly came across a name hit on you or your fiance. thats what usually causes most cases to sit at the NVC for so long in investigation status. best advice i can give, sit tight, call often and pray for an answer soon.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-09 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do (in terms of immigration) when fiancee wants to go home?
Joe i am really sorry to hear she is going back. i was really hoping there was something you could to do change her mind. i hope things work out somehow and i hope she decides to come back soon and be with you. good luck.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-09 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do (in terms of immigration) when fiancee wants to go home?

I am with you, Meaux. I know you are not asking for marital advice Joe but maybe a little manipulation (inher best interests, of course) could buy you some time. Don't push her but maybe suggest that since she is here she might as well as enjoy her "vacation". And with a little time she might see that freaking out a pretty normal response to a pretty abnormal situation (a long seperation, leaving you home and then <<BOOM>> getting married). Taking the pressure off might be what she needs to see things for herself. I wouldn't suggest it because it would be really unethical but maybe an unethical person could even lie about the avaliablity of flights it being so close to Thanksgiving and all.

:no: :no: :no: The man didn't ask for any of our advice concering his relationship with this woman. He simply asked about immigration issues and that is all. It's none of our business what happened. If he had wanted all of us to know what happened, then he would've told us. Otherwise it's just people being nosy about something that is none of their concern. He didn't ask for an "armchair evaluation" of his situation nor did he seek anyone's opinions or thoughts about his personal life. He's going through something right now that's tough and heart-breaking. If he needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I'm sure he has friends and family that he can lean on. As for his fiance, she's an adult and she chose to come here to get married and now she's chosen to NOT go that route. For whatever reasons, she wants to go back to her home country. Whatever happened ain't none of our business. It's theirs only.

I am with you, Meaux. I know you are not asking for marital advice Joe but maybe a little manipulation (inher best interests, of course) could buy you some time. Don't push her but maybe suggest that since she is here she might as well as enjoy her "vacation". And with a little time she might see that freaking out a pretty normal response to a pretty abnormal situation (a long seperation, leaving you home and then <<BOOM>> getting married). Taking the pressure off might be what she needs to see things for herself. I wouldn't suggest it because it would be really unethical but maybe an unethical person could even lie about the avaliablity of flights it being so close to Thanksgiving and all.

:o What?? Why would you even make such suggestions? Lie? Be unethical? Vacation? The woman wants to go back to her home country. It's her choice. There's obviously alot here that none of us know about and Joe has already said that he's tired of "pushing this rope". And I don't remember reading anywhere in this thread where he asked any of us for our personal opinions and thoughts about HIS life.

The man doesnt have to ask for advice, we give it to people bc we care. And after going thru such a long and hard process its unhappy for anyone else to see someone else's relationship not working well. As human beings we reach out to those who are down or hurt or lost. She is prolly afraid and needs just a bit more time to adjust, i mean it has only been a few days. unless she has flat out told him "i dont love you i dont wanna be here" then YES i believe he should talk to her, find out whats going on, see if he can help in anyway to make her feel more comfy. but for someone who didnt want any advice on ANYTHING wouldnt have posted, he would have just sent her home. we are all nosey?? i dont think so, you post your life on here, your going to get responses. :rolleyes: dont want the response, dont post. thats not for the OP btw.

for the OP, I hope things work out for you, its a heartbreaking situation, i know my husband missed his fam back home, never wanted to go back, but the "need" to go back home will go away once she is settled in, if she allows herself the time to do so.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-09 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am back

I really wish you all the best, but do I understand correctly that you plan on filing for K-1 after meeting her just once ? Or have you met already and I missed it ?


Hmmmm if so I really think this is where some people's start.

Not to preach, but do you really need to rush ?

Good luck


if intentions a genuine, time is on their side. i myself don't understand how people can fall in love online and know he/she is the right one for them. i've been together with my finace ever since we met except for a couple of weeks or so. but whatever...

ntz ntz
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-10 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I start?????

How exactly is he your fiance if you have not met?

that was my question as well. :thumbs:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-16 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletter of awareness of the pregnancy
I was pregnant and gave birth to me and my husbands son while we were in the K-1 limbo, and weather i informed them of this or not they wouldnt have cared. just let it be and rejoice with your baby when your all together. a letter of anything will not do anything with your case, as far as i know it wont help it or hurt it.

Edited by Ionescu, 16 November 2006 - 12:26 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-16 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschange k1 visa

Aww, this is the sweetest fraud post ever.


HAHAHHHHHA indeed it is. this is one he can tell to the grandkids :lol:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-17 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIF I DONT MARRY AND GET BACK,

if you dont get married, cant you just explain to the consulate and they can reissue the k-1 for you to go back and try again? and why after so long of a wait to get the k1 would you NOT get married once here???

They will only reissue the K-1 for the original petitioner, if you wish to marry a different person than who originally filed for the K-1, then your new fiance needs to file a new petition for a new K-1 visa, no way to "reuse" the old one.

yes, and i noticed it wasnt for the same person and corrected myself :)



:lol: :lol:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-20 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIF I DONT MARRY AND GET BACK,

Why even worry about that right now?
You didnt even start the K-1 process yet and you already thinking about if you could possibly sign for a second k-1????????

with ANOTHER man, not the one she originally came on the k1 for.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-20 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIF I DONT MARRY AND GET BACK,
if you dont get married, cant you just explain to the consulate and they can reissue the k-1 for you to go back and try again? and why after so long of a wait to get the k1 would you NOT get married once here???

oh wait, i didnt read it all, you want to go back to your country and do the k1 with a man you didnt come over here on the k1 the FIRST TIME???

Edited by Ionescu, 20 November 2006 - 01:36 PM.

SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-20 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIF I DONT MARRY AND GET BACK,
OMG!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: hahahahahahaha
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-20 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone ever had any success filing an expidited fiance visa case?

I think our case may have been expedited, but not because of any specific request we made.

Your case wasn't expedited if you never requested it. But VSC is fast and you were clearly very lucky!!!

It may not have been expedited at VSC, but I'm pretty sure that it was expedited in Manila. We were told by the embassy in November 2004 that the interview would be scheduled for February 2005 at the earliest. Normally the embassy sets an interview date about a month ahead. In our case, one week after we visited the embassy to inquire, they scheduled the interview with less than a week's notice. My wife actually had to reschedule the interview because the notice didn't arrive in time. Even so, they were able to reschedule the interview 5 days after the one she missed.

The thing that really made me wonder is that the embassy sent me a personal email to let me know that they had approved her visa. How often does that happen?

it prolly wasnt expedited anywhere if you didnt ask for it to be expediated then its not going to be. you went thru VSC and it is always the fastest to go thru, it was luck and the joy of going thru VERMONT :)

and ive never heard of the embassy emailing anyone with the visa approval, they must of just really liked you and your wife! :yes:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-16 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrossing the border... Risky?

with some of the misguided information being thrown around lately, its a wonder people dont stop asking us and just research stuff themselves.

:yes: hence my siggie & that OT thread about inane replies!

hahahah INDEED, and which thread??? :D
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-30 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrossing the border... Risky?
NOBODY wants to be apart for a long period of time. i was without my husband for 17 months and it was horrible, but never once did i think of bringing him here illegally. this of it not just as a risk of being caught, but a risk of your fiance being banned from the USA all together. you can ask yourself 2 questions:

1. do i want this relationship and to have him here with me in the states

2. do i want to hurt my relationship bc we got caught smuggleing him into the states and now hes banned from coming here at all.

My fiance was planning on coming to the US from Japan last August using a student visa but was rejected under section 214-B. This is the section that says the she couldn't prove that she wasn't intending to immigrate.

We are now trying for a fiance visa but it is looking like it's gonna take something like 8 months for the whole procedure and we don't want to be apart for that long (I'm back in the US now, she's still in Japan).

Our plan was that she could come over in the middle and visit me for up to 90 days on the visa waiver program. We were thinking she could fly into Canada and we could try to cross together. Usually, if you've been rejected a visa then you are no longer eligible to use the VWP, however, people who were rejected under section 214-B are still eligible.

This leads me to my two questions:

1. I was told that if you have been barred entrance to the US twice, then you are banned automatically from entering for the next five years. If she gets rejected at the border, does this count as two strikes? The first time was at a consulate in Osaka, Japan. Would her getting turned away just once at the border be risky if she has never been turned away at the border before? (This is important!! Her getting banned from the US for five years would be HORRIBLE!)

2. Would getting turned away at the border after already being turned down for a student visa hurt our chances of getting a fiance visa?

I want to see my fiance but I don't want to do anything that could jeopardize our long-term chances. I would especially love to hear from anyone who was rejected under 214-B and their experiences but anyone who wants to chime in would also be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance!

She needs new passport to enter US.
When she is here under VWP marry her after 60 days, not sooner and don't bother with K1

That's just funny... you don't think that the governments do not link the old passport number with the new on on their database....


Now that's a recipe for a five year ban...

with some of the misguided information being thrown around lately, its a wonder people dont stop asking us and just research stuff themselves. im always happy to answer questions for ppl, i have to control my temper on some of these, but really, i cant believe some ppl tell ppl to just forget the visa and come over. since there was already a visa denial for the 214-B, the choices in my opnion are k-1 or go back to japan marry her and do the k-3. its a long process, but so well worth once they are here. and a sence of goodness they came LEGAL.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-11-30 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLets Help the Newbies
with an NOA2 it is your approval, you may get an RFE a request for further evidence before that though.
you will see either APPROVED or request for further evidence. (denial too but lets hope not)
in the MAIL which is also snail mail which is going to your house box, you will get original noa1 and noa2 or rfe.
you can also make an acct on to get the info faster online.
what excited you? your APPROVAL (noa2)
everything with immigration means SOMETHING
and a touch is when uscis has done something with your paperwork or it has moved.
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-04 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA Bit Worried -- what do you think???
I know its hard, and easier said than done, but just be patient. there are going to be people getting approved who sent in their files before you. your petition goes where it goes. i remember when everyone around me was getting approved and they sent in their petitions 2 months after me, i was so discouraged. but soon after we got our approval. there are many reasons why some ppl get approved faster, i just dont know them bc i dont work for uscis. when the approval comes, the wait will feel worth it. hang in there, i feel youll have yours soon. :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-13 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm nervous, my fiancee is coming in a week...
I dont think i really got nervous until i was at the airport waiting for him. it had been a year and a half since wed seen eachother and it was nervy. but i tell ya, after that initial glance, all nervousness goes away and excitment sets in. ;)
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-14 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelay this time of year?
I remember last year at this time i was waiting for me and eds NOA2, and knowing that ppl at USCIS were on holiday and stuff just made it worse bc i knew it would be longer. :) i was so selfish hahahahaha
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-15 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting to get jealous
Went thru CSC, im done with them for 2 yrs now, but omg, the memory of waiting almost 7 months for that NOA2 still gives me chills :wacko:
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-21 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmotional roller coaster
Merry Christmas and CONGRATS !!!! :P
SinergyFemaleRomania2006-12-22 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresso confusing!!!
Your proof of relationships is good. include passport stamps as well.
If you are unsure of your income or nervous about it, its ok to get a joint sponsor, but yes they still need your tax returns bc you are the initial sponsor of your fiance. Just bc the joint sponsor files out the affidavit of support dont mean you dont have to (i thought so at first teehee). I did and it didnt hurt at all.
good luck!! :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-01-04 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?

Sounds like they would fit nicely in West Virgina!!! :wacko:

Kentucky as well :lol:
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-09 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrelatives in love?

hey, just giving an example of how some people don't see it as bad. I, personally, would never marry ANYONE in my family because that is how I was raised.

HEY, my comment was not directed towards you, so no need to get deffensive. :P

No need to assume it was defensive. I don't get upset easily.

I assume nothing, i call it as i see it :)
SinergyFemaleRomania2007-05-08 12:51:00