IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is this mean?
Oops my question should read: What does this mean? Im so sorry I put what is this mean!!
thanks for answering my question!!

Sounds like you need to focus on the "or the joint sponsor's W2s".

thanks pushbrk!! I told my mother to send me copies of her W2s and to sign them on the bottom, thats the only thing i could think of, i have never really seen anyone sign their W2s, have you?
thanks so much, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-06-25 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is this mean?
Hello, my husband just has to submit new forms, but I dont understand this last form they want. It says to submit the Affidavit of Support I864, but at the last thing on the list it says to submit the I864A for the sponsors spouse or the joint sponsors W2s. I have a joint sponsor who has no spouse. It says to submit this with original signatures.
Does anyone understand what they are asking for?
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-06-20 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

You seem to have the patience of a saint, pushbrk.

OP, the above is correct.

The income "requirement" is something that your sponsor MUST meet at least, but just because they meet it, it doesn't mean that they will qualify as the sponsor.

Thanks bsd for your help! So no one is safe even if they meet the requirements. Everyone has to sit back and pray, thank god they are in the same situation as me.
thanks so much
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-03 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

You meet the minimum requirement BUT meeting the minimum requirement does not ASSURE the Consular Officer will make the judgment call you desire. It's not a goal line, that when crossed, you score. It's just a line you need to cross BEFORE a judgment call can be made. Getting past the NVC does NOT mean you're past the Consular Officer. If you've disclosed assets, those will be considered according to their guidelines and the documentation you provided. They will "consider" everything and then make a judgment call on the public charge issue.

I don't pretend to know what that call will be.

Thanks anyways for trying, i appreciate your answering each time. Sorry if i got stressed out, this process is stressing me out. I will let you know what happens. I will just submit the papers and see what they say, and pray to god so hard.
thanks again
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-02 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

I don't know how I can be more clear but I'll try. There is a minimum required income. Meeting that minimum requirement does NOT assure that a Consular Officer will conclude that the intending immigrant is sufficiently sponsored. It's a judgment call. In making that call, the Consular Officer considers the totality of circumstances.

When income is NOT up to the minimum requirement and there are no assets to make up the difference, the Consular Officer usually doesn't even see the affidavit because you never get past NVC.

NVC does not make the "positive" decision on an affidavit of support but they CAN make a negative decision.

And how many times do i have to tell you that our income is up to the requirement!! The requirement is 18,912 and my mom makes 19,200! How much more clear can I be? So now tell me again how we dont meet the requirement??
And yes we also have assets, you dont even know me or all the details. We are already past the NVC.
Thank you anyways, you are very very kind!
Thanks so much for all your help, Im so glad you are there to help us visa journey people!
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-02 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

They will look at EVERYTHING but her "current income" must meet the minimum for her household size plus the intending immigrant. "Enough" to meet the minimum requirement is no guarantee the affidavit will pass muster at the Consulate. Not meeting it, DOES guarantee it won't be enough though.

Thank you pushbrk for your positive words, I already said her current income is 19200 for a household of two, so it does meet the requirements of current income, so i dont know what you are talking about when are current income is okay.
thanks for your help and helping me to calm down
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-02 08:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

I believe that they will only look at her current job/salary. As someone pointed out before, I don't think that last year's salary will matter. They care about current job & income. Like Jay Kay said, if your mom doesn't claim any dependents then her income should be enough.

Thanks Paul and Vha, thanks so much for your help and answering so quick! Thanks everyone for always helping and answering, now i can sleep tonight. Im glad there is visa journey!
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-01 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?

Thanks everyone for your help, I think and hope we will be okay. Im trying to find a back up but not going good.
But I was looking at my mothers W2 and it says she made 16,848 as net, but when i looked at the gross it says 18,512. So do you think this helps our chances better, that before taxes she actually brought in the required amount as it is only her and my husband on the household size. But the other thing is it is unemployment compensation. But thank god she has her new job, so hopefully the employment letter will help. I am submitting everything this week, please pray for us!!
thanks everyone, sweetcitywife
praying so hard

Please someone answer my question! Ana Can Mout
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-01 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?
Thanks everyone for your help, I think and hope we will be okay. Im trying to find a back up but not going good.
But I was looking at my mothers W2 and it says she made 16,848 as net, but when i looked at the gross it says 18,512. So do you think this helps our chances better, that before taxes she actually brought in the required amount as it is only her and my husband on the household size. But the other thing is it is unemployment compensation. But thank god she has her new job, so hopefully the employment letter will help. I am submitting everything this week, please pray for us!!
thanks everyone, sweetcitywife
praying so hard
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-01 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?
Hello, my mother is my sponsor and she made 16000 last year, but im including her employment letter of her present job that she makes 19200 at, and has been working since April of this year. Do you think they will still allow her to be the sponsor with this letter? I pray to God so hard as we want this so bad. What do you think?
thanks and so worried, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-06-26 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCant find a sponsor
Hello, they wouldnt allow my mother to be the sponsor as her 2011 income is only 16848, 1600 below the level for 2 in a household, even though her current income is 19200 a year. So now we are desperately searching for a sponsor, if anyone knows of anyone please let us know. We are so sad. If we bought assets or my mother bought assets what do we have to do? Lets say she buys land, how much assets does she have to show? Her income is 16848, is the amount of assets needed 10,320? And if you have any ideas how someone can find a sponsor please let me know.
Thanks so much, and so sad
Me and my husband both work, but when i convert my dirhams into dollars it is not a lot, but in Morocco i make a great amount.
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-12 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan you use a camper as an asset?

Ya know what....last year, I had all these old gold rings, broken necklaces, etc. that I had for many years just sitting around in a jewelry box. After my mom passed away, she had had some jewelry boxes with things of mine when I was in my 20's which now I wouldn't get caught dead wearing, what the heck was I thinking back then lol. Anyways, when gold was at a high rate, I decided to take in a whole baggie full and gosh I got 3100.00 for it all. Geez Louise I about lost my cookies when he said that. I took the offer of course and thought I have so much more at home but it was my moms and I just can't bare to part with it, as I often find myself sometimes looking inside and remembering some of the pieces she so adored and always wanted me to have. So in time, I will pass them down to my daughter, as money cannot replace beautiful memories of a mother.

Now lolPosted Image as I got off tract sorry OP.

Thanks everyone for all your help, your the best and so positive!!!
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-14 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan you use a camper as an asset?
Hello again forever waiting, to answer your questin it is a RV that you pull. My next question is, if someone uses assets, do you have to add it to their income, or do you have to do the little equation they give you, 5 times the difference? They said my mothers income was not enough, so do i add the assets to her income? I dont understand totally. Can you also use other things of value like jewelry, if i did all the paperwork like you said?
Thanks again for helping and answering
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-13 07:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan you use a camper as an asset?

The above post is spot on. Why didn't you do your homework before you filed or while you were dating to see what kind of income you would of needed. Maybe get a better job or even two jobs to cover the income part of your visa process. I knew I would have to be 125% above the poverty level for a family of 6. No way in hell would I've got involved with my now wife if I couldn't sponsor her. Sorry to sound judgmental but it strikes a nerve when you get this far in the process and the petitioner doesn't have the income requirements. By the looks of your timeline you had almost 4 years to get it figured out.

I hope it all works out in the end and you can get your husband over here, hopefully he can land a good job. Best wishes.

Saya, thank you for your kind words. I do have a great job and i get paid really good, but I live and work in Morocco and when you convert dirhams, its not very much in dollars. I cant really believe you are telling a stranger that i should of never dated or married my husband, im sorry but i dont speak like that to strangers. For your information we had my mother as the sponsor when we filed and she made 33000. So you cannot make comments when you dont know people's history, as I would never make comments to you as I am very respectful of people.
Thank you anyways, and no problem,
thanks, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-13 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan you use a camper as an asset?

Okay this is he second post I have responded to about your camper, did you happen to even read what we all said to you including myself in detail about this asset and camper issue in your June posts? Look back under my contents on your profile page.
I used 99.9% in assets and a part time job with only one pay stub to show for his interview and the affidavit. I had two cars and a camper paid off, but i couldnt just say oh its worth what i paid for them years ago. I had to get both cars appraised on letterhead, took my camper to dealership and got written appraisal which ended up being thousands of dollars way less than I paid for it, as campers lose the value as cars do once you take it off the dealership lot.
Is this a pop up camper, a class A recreational vehicle, a fifth wheel camper, a pull behind camper???? Any of these sound like your moms camper? Was it new when purchased or did she buy it used? You said its worth 8000.00 so assuming its one of the above listed for sure. Your mother will need to have an appraisal done on the camper and on company letterhead. The consulate of morocco will not be satisfied with any handwritten letter from any family member, or just a guess of what you think it is worth. If you are having your mother use assets then you better make sure it's documented truthfully and show where every dollar comes from. I had to also send two years of bank transcripts showing deposits and transfers and anything else in between. Since I used assets, I thoroughly read all the requirements and asked many questions to some long time members here who were very helpful.
Remember one thing and one thing only, YOU CANNOT just throw in a number when using assets to make your income bigger, you need actual proof of all numbers for assets and bank letterhead wih a mangers signature and a business card attached.
Good luck..

Thank you forever waiting, your the best! You answered all of my questions!! I would never submit anything unless i thought it was perfect and correct! And when i filed my mother was also my sponsor and she made 33000 a year,but because of the economny she lost her job, and now has a new one making 19200. But they only look at the 2011 tax return as I called them and asked them, they dont care about present income they told me. Thanks again so much for your help, im sorry that i didnt re read your post before, please forgive me as im a teacher and i travel each day and it makes you really tired.
Please pray we get a sponsor as I want to see my family so bad again, but i wont leave my husband, so i live in Morocco with my husband until we get our visa.
thanks again, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-13 07:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan you use a camper as an asset?
Hello, can my mother use an asset of her camper worth of 8000 and 2000 in savings, to meet the requirements to sponsor my husband? She has to show assets of 10,320, so the camper and savings would be good, or they dont accept campers?
Thanks so much for your help, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2012-07-12 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed ITIN for wife even though "Married, filing separately"?
Hello, i dont know if this will help you, but i tried to use turbo tax also and i ran into the same problem with no ssn for my husband. So i just forgot about using turbo tax and printed out some tax forms, federal and state and filled them out by hand and just filed married filing seperately and then wrote in my husbands name where they ask you when your filing seperately and then i put doesnt have one my husband is not a citizen in the ssn box. I sent it in and already got a transcript mailed and everything was fine. It got filed and everything is good. Maybe this will help you. Maybe if your using the paid version of turbo tax you can get more help or go to h and r block and maybe they know how to file when your spouse doesnt have a ssn, instead of going through all that hassel for the special number.
Take care, sweetcitywife


QUOTE (shogimatt @ Aug 19 2009, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just now filing my taxes, and I was stuck in TurboTax when it asks for my wife's SSN. She of course doesn't have an SSN because our I-130 is still pending approval.

I did some research and discovered the W-7 form for getting an ITIN. It was my impression that we needed an ITIN for my wife even if we are filing separately, but the following text appears on the W-7:

e. Spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident alien. This category includes:

?A nonresident alien husband or wife who is not filing a U.S. tax
return (including a joint return) and who is not eligible to obtain an
SSN but who, as a spouse, is claimed as an exemption, and

?A nonresident alien electing to file a U.S. tax return jointly with a
spouse who is a U.S. citizen or resident alien.

I'm not interested in claiming her as an exemption (although TurboTax might have done this for me automatically). I'm more interested in avoiding another long (10 weeks?) stage of paperwork just to get this number. According to the wording on this document, it seems that the W-7 does not apply to spouses who are not claimed as exemptions and are filing separately.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Thank you, as always, for your help!

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-19 01:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Jun 1 2009, 12:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sweetcity u can click that link and select "edit/add my timeline"
and fill out the respective fields

Thanks for the help! Do you know how to see on the USCIS site how your case has been touched? I cant see this, i look all over.
Thanks, sweetcitywife
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-05-31 19:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ May 31 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
capt ewok fixed it!

Hello everyone, can i join the timelines? I filed my husbands stand alone I-130 on April 2nd, got the NOA1 on April 16th, now just waiting for the approval letter. Ours went to the California Service Center.
How does everyone see that their case is touched? I registered online and i dont see any dates, only the date of the day it is at the bottom of the page. How do you find that they touched it? And where do you see the processing dates have jumped. I always look and only see it says six months, it always says that. I am getting so excited, i cant wait for the approval notice. Do you think it is coming soon?
Thanks, sweetcitywife

4/2/09 I-130 mailed to CLB
4/16/09 Received NOA

Edited by sweetcitywife1, 31 May 2009 - 07:07 PM.

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-05-31 19:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChoice of Address and Agent
Hello Simps, how do you keep getting your case touched by the uscis? Mine hasnt been touched since April 14 when they sent the noa1. I keep checking it and there are no updates after i log in. I filed a stand alone I-130 petition and we filed in the chicago lock box and it was sent to the CSC. Do we have the same kind of case. We filed on 4/2/09. Is your case similar to mine? My husband is Moroccan.
Thanks in advance for you info, sweetcitywife


QUOTE (simps @ Jun 10 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah you can be the agent.. good luck

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-10 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Petition question please
Hello dimanuni, thank you for the info and helping me out. Do you know how what we have to do to get the carte de sejour? Where we have to go for it and what do we ask? Youve been a big help. That does make me worry a little at my husbands interview if they see my passport stamped Jan 11 but dont see the every three month stamp. Maybe they will think we dont obey country laws and that could be bad for us. Im going to tell my husband or sister n law when they get home from work to get on this procedure. I keep bugging my husband everyday to do the process to get us married in Morocco so i can get my residency card. We tried to get our marriage certificate from the US accepted in Morocco but they wont accept it so thats why i dont have my residency card and thats why i didnt file in the embassy. I know it is so much quicker then filing in the US, but the court wont accept our marriage in Morocco.
Anyways, if you could help us to know how i get the carte de sejour that would be so helpful and i would appreciate it so much. Do you live in Morocco also? Your husband is Moroccan also? We will live in Ohio when we move back and you?
Maybe we are close to each other and we can have lunch. If not maybe the men can speak on the computer.
Okay, thanks for the info and take care and good luck on your process to be quick!


QUOTE (dimanuni @ Jun 16 2009, 02:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's fine to put the US address. It's only a mailing address. You may want to show evidence at the interview of living together, although if you were in Morocco for more than 3 months, I think you're illegal there, right? You're required to get a carte de sejour? Not that I think the US consulate cares particularly, but just be aware of that.

if you were in Morocco for more than 6 months and had a residency card, it would be good to file directly through the consulate. A friend of mine did that and the whole process was less than 3 months.

and I don't think you were supposed to mail it to the lock box anymore. You're supposed to send it to either California or Vermont Visa Center, depending on your home address in the US.

good luck

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-16 07:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Petition question please
Hello, I have an important question about the I-130 i filed for my husband at the CSC. We are both living together in my husbands home country of Morocco. But because i dont have a Residency card i couldnt file for him at the embassy in Morocco, so we filed at the chicago lock box using the address we will live at when we move back to America when his visa is approved. Is it okay that we filed using a US address even though we are living in Morocco? Should we tell them that we are living together? The lady who filled out our I-130 petition wouldnt put both addresses so they dont know we are living together.
Does anyone have any experience with this? I just want to make sure im doing everything correct. I get nervous sometimes about this.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks, sweetcitywife


Edited by sweetcitywife1, 15 June 2009 - 09:30 AM.

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-15 09:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresResidence question for I-864
Thank you lilies and Kenza for your replies and answers, you are a big help to me. I feel more relaxed and confident now. I didnt know i had to do any of this till i started to get the I-864 ready after approval notice. Yes, getting ready early like you said Kenza is a good idea. I have my mom who is the sponsor getting her documents ready and im getting mine ready and filling out the forms and making copies. Its better to be ready to mail the same day you get the notice than waiting for another day, makes the case go faster, just from all the timelines i read on this vj site.
Thanks for all your help, you guys and gals are great!
Take care, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (Kenza @ Jun 24 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No problem inshallah. You can find everything online-don't wait for them to send you something.

Edited by sweetcitywife1, 24 June 2009 - 08:51 AM.

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-24 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresResidence question for I-864
Hello, im preparing to fill out the I-864 when it arrives, and i looked over the form online. It says to list your mailing address and your place of residence. Well, i have a US mailing address but im temporarily living with my husband in his country of Morocco. They ask you for proof that your main domicile is the US. Well, i have all the proof, so do you think this causes a problem? Has anyone ever had this experience? Do they accept the proof and believe that your main residence is the US? Plus, i have no income so i need to have a joint sponsor which is not a problem, but i have no income cause im a homemaker in my husbands country. Does this cause a problem also that i have no income and i have a joint sponsor?
Thanks in advance for any info, sweetcitywife
Just wanting to be prepared
sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-24 03:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDOCUMENT CHECK LIST OF I-864
Hello, i filed my federal for 2008 but i only made 510.00, and none of the companys sent me w2 forms, and i called them and they said when you only made so little with us, we are not required to send one. Do think it is okay that im just sending the copy of my 2008 tax return but with no w2s? Also, i dont think im required to send the police record for me or my husband as we are doing the stand alone I-130 and my spouse is not in the country and neither am i, i live with him in his country, so i think that AOS people have different documents to submit, is this correct? I just get confused when i see the documents people are submitting. Why do they need the marriage certificate again?
Im sending my birth certificate, my tax returns and transcripts and my proof of US domicile, my bank statement, my address proof, and my tax return. My mom the joint sponsor her tax transcripts for three years, thats all it asks for. I read the entire instructions of the I-864 online and looked over all the questions.
Thanks in advance for your help, sweetcitywife
Just trying to be prepared and fast after the NOA2 comes, please come this week.

quote name='kevinbui86' post='2854110' date='Apr 20 2009, 07:27 AM']if its a joint tax return and income from YOUR W-2 and 1099 arent enough, then you will need to submit a I-864A also[/quote]
oh really?i didn't know that.. thanks..
yes its a joint return..

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-24 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary sends the DS-230 directly

So my mom can just print out the form for me and my husband, and then mail it in for my husband? He doesnt need to sign it?
And what do you mean by cover letter, are we supposed to use one?
thanks, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (no_where_man @ Jun 23 2009, 02:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (indy_benji @ Jun 22 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would like to ask whether it is just fine if I (the beneficiary) send my DS-230 packet directly to NVC instead of my husband sending it. Cause my husband now is having vacation to his hometown in Montana but in a week he will be back to Hawaii where his base is. For the barcoded cover sheet for the DS-230, I am going to have my husband e-mail it to me or I just open the site and print it myself. I am going to send it by DHL. I need your opinion on this. Thank you so much for the help.

yes u can send directly to the NVC
and YES u can go download the docment cover sheet ..print it and include it as instructed
Good Luck .............

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-24 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmoroccan embassy
Congrats Eclispe, and best wishes! Can you post your timeline and what they asked her at the embassy in morocco?
Congrats again, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (eclipse19 @ Jun 25 2009, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
by do way my wife got her visa . very happy for both of us and ths to all of you guys for all of your support . abed afer i send them e mail they e mail me back with ( your wife`s visa is ready to pick up.........) so good luck to you all .....

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-25 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmoroccan embassy
Hello everyone, could you please post your timelines, i tried to look at both of yours but you dont have any. I filed for my Moroccan husband on April 13 and i just want to compare your dates and see if there are any patterns to give me some hope. Im scared about my husbands interview, i think people have told me Morocco is hard. I live in Morocco with my husband and coudnt even file DCF cause i cant get the residency card. So we used a US address.
Just wondering your timelines, and waiting patiently for the NOA2. Dear Allah, please send our NOA2 soon, Ameen.
Salam Allykum, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (eclipse19 @ Jun 21 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ths abed and i`ll let you know as soon as i find out

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-24 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespeople waiting for the noa2
Im waiting also since April. I keep looking all day everyday for a touch and nothing. But it has to be coming this month or next, i just know it. Also, since we only have to wait till September, which is better than next year i guess, cause they say it only takes 5 months for the processing of our petition. I think you are right about the work visas. Hopefully they are finished. I should check out that processing date.
Good luck everyone, sweetcitywife

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-07-13 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespeople waiting for the noa2
Thank you.

QUOTE (sweetcitywife1 @ Jun 10 2009, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I join the list? I am still waiting also for my NOA2. The wait is slow and hard. Just want to get to the next step.
How do i see my number on Igors list?
Take care and good luck everyone, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (Daniel and Rianne @ Jun 8 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are waiting too!
NOA1 April 23
Hopefully they pick up to the family based visa soon after they worked at the work based visa! That is such a pain!

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-10 11:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespeople waiting for the noa2

Can I join the list? I am still waiting also for my NOA2. The wait is slow and hard. Just want to get to the next step.
How do i see my number on Igors list?
Take care and good luck everyone, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (Daniel and Rianne @ Jun 8 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are waiting too!
NOA1 April 23
Hopefully they pick up to the family based visa soon after they worked at the work based visa! That is such a pain!

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-06-10 10:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Thanks everyone, were going to do both.

QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Aug 10 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
send both ways

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-10 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Hello, i have another question about the 864 form. Do i and my mom need to send our certified birth certificates with our 864 form and our tax forms?
Or is that just my husband who needs his birth certificate for the NVC?
Thanks so much for all your help!

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-10 00:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Thanks for your help trailmix.
Thanks, sweetcitywife

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-10 00:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?

Thanks abby n sheryl for the info, i will do that.
Another question, i dont work, and dont have enough income so my mom is my joint sponsor. I wont have an employment letter or pay stubs, is this okay that i dont have these to send in with my 864 form? But my mom does.
Thanks in advance for the info, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (AbbynSheryl @ Aug 10 2009, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i email both one for me one for my wife
it is faster and no signature required in email
good luck
abby n sheryl

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-09 21:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Thanks so much for the info and quick reply.
Thanks again, sweetcitywife
Good luck to you also.


QUOTE (IT_1 @ Aug 10 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sweetcitywife1 @ Aug 9 2009, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im so confused reading the James shortcuts. Is it better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Please someone help me to understand.
Thanks in advance, sweetcitywife


I don’t have personal experience, according to other member’s posts. They send DS3032 via email and they have no problem. But you can do both email and Mail. Goodluck good.gif

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-09 21:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Im so confused reading the James shortcuts. Is it better to mail the DS3032 or email it?
Please someone help me to understand.
Thanks in advance, sweetcitywife

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-09 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparation for interview
Thanks for explaining to me. I read alot of different topics and posts to make sure i know everything for my husbands case. We dont have a lot of pics either, more of our wedding receptions. So im glad to hear others dont either. To us, it just means we were busy and just didnt have time or forgot the camera at home. We know we love each other. Do i need to send my birth certificate and my moms to NVC with our 864 forms,or is the birth certificate just for my husband to send as he is the beneficiary. This NVC stuff is very confusing and makes me nervous i do it right.
Thanks in advance, sweetcitywife
Good luck to you all!


QUOTE (eklondon @ Aug 10 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Aug 10 2009, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The expresspost envelope only applies in Canada.


You won't need email logs.

How long have you guys been married? We have been married for 9 years, my Husband took 1 photo of us together, they didn't ask for it.

Over 11 grueling long years (jk). I will be calling IRS today to see if they can fax the tax transcripts to me and I will send them to my wife, just in case.

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-10 14:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparation for interview
Hello, what is the Expresspost envelope? Thanks in advance.

QUOTE (canadian_wife @ Aug 10 2009, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had an entire copy of our whole petition with me - taxes included as well as recent paystubs from my husband (yes, they asked for those from us). We also brought some additional evidence of our relationship but it wasn't needed. They only required an up-to-date police check from me as mine was closing in on the 1 year expiration.

You'll need the Expresspost evenlope as well, her passport (and of the kids too if needed), the additional passport photos, the medical, and anything else I think I've forgotton that someone will help me with.

Good luck.

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-10 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree of Petitioner needed for NVC

Thanks for helping us to be unconfused.
I was getting scared with the marriage certificate thing.
Thanks, sweetcitywife

QUOTE (lgg @ Aug 18 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think this is a regular beneficiary/petitioner form. First. Is it the AOS or is it the IV forms?

If it is AOS, none of the items mentioned are needed.

If it is the IV package, all things relevant to the beneficiary only are needed. All things. Nothing at all from the Petitioner. This is normal mandate.

What the OP has queried is either an irregular case OR a co-sponsors case or some such thing.

Please. Just read the forms that you've received in regard to YOUR case and follow those guides. Its' way too easy to get baffled.

What we need is more info from Anja. This does NOT sound like any NVC package we filled out. Anja, if you're around, what package are you at? What are the from numbers?

Then people will be able to help you. Now we've just succeeded in confusing ourselves! smile.gif

sweetcitywife1FemaleMorocco2009-08-18 11:07:00